The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29705 times)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #275 on: September 18, 2022, 12:48:10 PM »
« edited: September 18, 2022, 05:45:58 PM by Lumine »

Empire of Japan

Your Majesty,

The election has been held, and in spite of a few isolated incidents, it was conducted successfully. It did not, however, result in an immediate return to fully civilian rule, partly due to Minseito’s inability to win an outright parliamentary majority despite a crushing defeat for the Seiyukai. Prince Higashikuni is thus Prime Minister as per your instructions, but there are questions to be unanswered as to the fate of the government. There are those who support a new election in the hopes either Seiyukai or Minseito can win an actual majority, opposed by those – particularly at court and within the military – who prefer the Prince continue governing and postponing the notion of a civilian Premier until the next election. And, among those still bitter by the deadlock caused by the results, grumblings have started to grow regarding the Shakai Taishuto and the Kokumin Domei, the new parties whose surprising surge might demand some reaction – with some officers going as far as suggesting a ban -. How should the political situation be handled?

With Japanese domestic security seemingly consolidated – save for the occasional ritual suicide or attack by a disgruntled radical -, the Toseiha-aligned leadership of the military is starting to wield pressure for the Empire to take on a more aggressive foreign policy, citing both China and the Soviet Union as areas ripe for “intervention”. Regarding the former, the need to end the threat posed to Manchukuo by the Northern Coalition is cited, alongside the prospect of expansion in Northern China, the destruction of any remaining loyalists to Zhang Xueliang, and even the dream of Chinese economic vassalage. In terms of the latter, the succession struggle caused by Stalin’s disappearance is seen by the new leadership of the Kwantung Army – as well as by the sizable White Russian community in Manchukuo - as an opportunity to counter previously rising Soviet influence and power in the Far East. What will your approach be to these expansionist aspirations?

Republic of China


With a year to go until the promised local and municipal elections, reforms continue to take place as ordered back in 1935, with particular emphasis on infrastructure, education, and potential land reform. Some positive results can certainly be perceived and are indeed championed by local KMT officers as proof Nanjing can indeed govern, and govern well. However, the first clear obstacles have emerged both in terms of landowner resistance to land seizures – which has grown serious enough for local officers to fear potential uprisings by wealthy landowners -, and perhaps more worryingly, by the dismal state of the Chinese economy, which – having to fund and maintain the enormous National Revolutionary Army – struggles to fund the necessary investments for planned reforms to be expanded and enacted. Due to this, many have argued for the need to increase revenue drastically, with proposals ranging from foreign loans, to appeals to France – as the French have thus far helped train the NRA -, to more ruthless means. What should be done about this?

Despite your best efforts, it has proved impossible to restore unity to the nation, as the much heralded conference with the warlords fell apart amidst apparent distrust and/or rejection of promises made by Nanjing as insufficient. Perhaps the conference might have been more successful were it not for apparent provocations from Tokyo, with a missive threatening the warlords sparking mass outrage and anti-Japanese riots, protests and boycotts, all of which are – as of yet – not sanctioned by Nanjing. With Hu Hanmin weakened by his health, and the young marshal Zhang rapidly emerging as the most prominent warlords, the KMT government stands at the crossroads. Should Japan – which is yet to leave Shanghai – be dealt with aggressively once and for war? Should another attempt at reconciliation be made with the warlords? Or should either the Northern or Southern coalitions be struck with all of your might?

Polish Republic

Mr. President,

Economic data released by the government confirms – to the likely relief of Sanation – what many had dared to dream about: the Polish economy has recovered from the Depression and is now seemingly roaring ahead, the controversial economic strategy being seemingly vindicated. This comes at a fortuitous time, as the apparent collapse of the Czech economy threatens to drag down the economies of Central Europe. Strictly speaking, the Polish economy now appears strong enough to weather the storm without collapsing, but many wonder if the focus should be on preserving the hard-won gains – particularly now that there’s a noteworthy drain of foreign currency – or on assisting the Czechs. Some of the more hawkish members within Sanation, of course, also see further opportunities in expanding economic influence to make Prague more subservient, or even to seize the opportunity to occupy and annex territories Poland has previously claimed. What will you do?

Although movement has been limited, officers at the new border fortifications in the East report an increased influx of exiles or refugees from the Soviet Union, seemingly fleeing what appears to be a most uncertain state of affairs. Despite the amount of emigres not yet placing any strains on the state, the seemingly weakened state of the Soviets raises some interesting questions as to whether the Polish Republic, ever threatened by Moscow’s rampant ambition, should seek to profit from it. Alternatives range from assisting dissident groups, to a partial mobilization in case the succession struggle turns violent, to even war, with several officers enthusiastic enough about current reforms to believe Poland would stand a much better chance than many would think. What should be done about the situation in the East?

Republic of Turkey

In spite of your age (56), your lifestyle appears to have finally caught up with you, your health having visibly resented itself in the past few months. Regardless of what the doctors do or say about it, this raises the question of political succession and the future of Kemalist reforms, as well as the eventual fate and destination of the CHP. Aside from long term questions about how to best bind the party and society to maintain and preserve your reforms, you must also consider whether appointing a successor is desirable. Many look towards Prime Minister Ismet Inonü as the likelier choice, but it is undeniable that Field Marshal Fevzi Cakmak has impressed many with his performance against the Kurdish malcontents, and is viewed by some as an alternate successor. What will your approach be to these matters?

Thus far, Turkey has done an admirable job of expanding its foreign influence, both through the Eurasian Alliance and through bilateral relations, including a positive relationship with the new Venizelist – supported by the Communists – government in Greece. However, the first signs of pushback may be starting to emerge, particularly fueled by British interests in the region and their appeal to Prime Minister Chamberlain to take action. Recent tension involving the oil industry in Iraq and Iran, the ongoing uprisings in the Mandate for Palestine, the status of Turkish Cypriots in the British-occupied Cyprus, the succession struggle in the Soviet Union, and even the struggle between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia all make for interesting challenges and opportunities for Turkey. How will you handle them, as well as the prospect of a British rivalry?

Kingdom of Romania

Your Majesty,

After finishing up its four-year session, Parliament is to be dissolved in order to have a General Election for the 1937-1941 term. Last time, the centrist National Liberals (PNL) won almost three quarters of the seats by surpassing over 50% of the vote, obliterating the opposition and almost wiping out the – also centrist – competition in the National Peasant Party (PNT). Thus far, the PNL has proved a more or less subservient party, supporting your initiatives and being more or less open to expanding the King’s political power. Despite victory in the war, a weak economy and much publicized scandals have weakened the PNL, sparking fears of a PNT victory – which would strengthen liberal democracy and reduce your influence – as well as good performances by the fascist Iron Guard and even the usually irrelevant Communists. How will you handle the election? Will you intervene at all?

The war is over, and its end comes at a necessary point due to the weakness of the Romanian economy, eroded by the costs of the war, the now removed US sanctions and embargo, and a lack of a clear economic direction. Despite Romania’s significant advantage in terms of its oil resources, it is undeniable that the country is struggling, with very realistic fears that the Czech crash could hit Romania particularly hard due to the strong economic ties between both nations promoted by the Little Entente, at a time in which funds are scarce. Manoilescu continues to lobby hard for autarky and protectionism as the necessary response, turning Romania into a “fortress” that is less vulnerable to the events in Prague, while others push to seek foreign investment, loans or aid to prevent the economy from deteriorating further. What should be done?

Spanish Republic

Prime Minister,

The elections are over, signaling what can only be considered a very awkward moment for the PRR. Despite a strong performance, the fallout from the Straperlo scandal and other factors fueled a worrying rise by the CEDA, making it by far the strongest force in the Cortes despite its apparent inability – though not by much – to form a government on its own. Although the President resents and distrusts you – leading some to name him as a prime suspect for scandal being leaked -, he certainly loathes the CEDA far more, putting you in a very curious position as a government must now be formed. Unless a new election is sought, you must now decide how broad or how narrow a coalition you desire for the next government, as well as how much the CEDA – emboldened and increasingly baying for blood against revolutionaries – should be appeased. What kind of government will you seek to form?

Leaving aside the parliamentary arithmetic of the Cortes Generales, it will also be necessary to make decisions on how to best handle the Straperlo scandal, the Cabinet ministers seemingly involved, and how to restore the PRR’s image. Aside from this, other issues demanding decisions include the exiled Companys, currently flouting his death sentence by residing in Paris; the CEDA’s demand to systematically apply the death penalty to those tried for involvement in the Revolution; growing demands by the Catholic Church for greater autonomy and privileges, hoping to recover what was lost in the first few years of the new Republic; and, of course, the economic outlook, which remains concerning despite some progress being made in terms of stimulating the agricultural sector.

Dominion of Canada

Prime Minister,

The loss of the government’s parliamentary majority comes at a strange time in many ways. With the defection of Lawson and his “National Party”, you are now four seats short, but the government’s apparent popularity – fueled by the School Lunch Act and the completion of the so-called “Keynesian shift” – makes it unlikely that the opposition would dare attempt a vote of no confidence. Ultimately, you must now decide – aside of which new policies to enact – how you will react to this political setback. Some proposed alternatives include trying to deal with Lawson or the Social Credit grouping, to seek a new mandate in an early, snap general election, or simply moving ahead with a minority government, daring the opposition to vote down an agenda that, aside from some minor exceptions, has been well received. What will you do?

Union of South Africa

Prime Minister,

Over the past few years, and in spite of the painful setback of South West Africa – with now several European nations joining Germany in blocking your intentions -, it is undeniable that the South African Party has consolidated power. The National Party sinks into irrelevance as its more moderate MP’s defect to you, and the first batches of European immigrants start to arrive in Cape Town, a flow that could drastically increase if the fears of another European economic crisis materialize. Having achieved this, many wonder what lies ahead, and what your ultimate goals might be. What will be your vision for the future of South Africa? And what policies should be implemented to achieve this vision?

Commonwealth of Australia

Prime Minister,

After three controversial years in office, the time has come to seek another mandate from the electorate. The election comes at a sensitive moment, with economic recovery and the popularity of the National Health Service pilot being compromised by a lack of activity over the past couple of years. The slender government majority is also cause for concern, sparking fears that the UAP could achieve a comeback and return to government without too much difficulty. Ultimately, the election could well depend on your ability to persuade the public to trust Labor again, as well as the agenda that the party puts forward, and how you handle outstanding crises, including the ever present threat of the High Court, the controversial marriage plans of King Edward VIII, and the issue of Australia’s place and influence in the region. How will you fight this election?

Kingdom of Hungary


You have returned to a Budapest left in utter ruin, the clearest sign of the major struggle the nation has undergone over the past few years. Although the Treaty of Paris is not without controversy, as many view it as humiliating on its demands, there is a clear sense of relief that the nation has managed to survive, a prospect that appeared to be impossible. Now, an equally difficult task begins. With the country wounded, in debt, and even threatened by the crash in neighboring Prague, you must find a way to reconstruct the Kingdom to avoid losing this hard earned peace. Moreover, you must also decide what to do with the Archduke, and with the previously suspended parliamentary elections, particularly now that Prime Minister Gombos has passed away due to ill health. It is an unenviable position to be in given the challenges ahead, but much can still be achieved and there is a wide array of alternatives to follow. What will you do?

Kingdom of Bulgaria

Your Majesty,

The Bulgarian Army had previously and successfully swarmed most of Yugoslavian Macedonia with assistance from Mihailov and the IMRO, coming close to besieging and capturing Skopje before the Yugoslavian Royal Army was able to react. Still, the end of the Third Balkan War has allowed the new military government to refocus, rejecting peace overtures and successfully relieving Skopje. The Yugoslavs are undoubtedly superior in terms of manpower, but the strain and attrition of several years of war have gone a long way in establishing some sense of parity within the Macedonian battlefields. Short of – somehow – getting Belgrade to accept a negotiated settlement, you must now decide how to prosecute this conflict. Should the Bulgarian Army play defense, or should it seek to win the main prize by capturing Skopje? Will you seek foreign assistance of any kind?

Chinese Northern Coalition

Field Marshal,

Over the past few years, and following you bitter exile from your father’s territories in Manchuria, you’ve been able to rebuild something of a powerbase with the assistance of Feng Yuxiang and Yan Yishan. Thus, the so-called “Northern Coalition” of warlords has successfully resisted Generalissimo Chiang and, despite its inability to liberate Manchuria thus far, it has undoubtedly caused trouble for Tokyo as bands of your loyalists continue to resist within the region. With overtures from Chiang proving unsuccessful thus far, and as Hu Hanmin recedes into the background, your closest advisors – including your American friend – sense an opportunity for you to cement your power not only within the Northern warlords, but perhaps also with the South. Many decisions must be made, including how to handle Chiang and the Japanese, whether to seek foreign assistance, and ultimately, what your goals are for the future.

Irish Free State

Mr. President,

Five years of government by Fianna Fáil - who possesses a small, but workable majority in the Oireachtas - have been both momentous and controversial, and are soon to face the verdict from the electorate in a General Election at the end of the year. In the run-up to said contest, many issues require decisions, most of which are related to the Free State's complex relationship with the United Kingdom. Although the Statue of Westminster granted long desired autonomy, it is no secret that you and your party desire to truly break free from London, a task in which you've made some headway. Still, Ireland remains a British dominion with a Governor General, the British military still controls the so-called "Treaty Ports", and Northern Ireland, of course, remains under the yoke of Protestant "unionists". Thus far, you've fought London for the past five years with a costly trade war, one which has ruined the Irish economy - and forced it into autarky - whilst inflicting lesser damage on the British. How will you handle the coming election, and should be done about the British?
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #276 on: September 18, 2022, 01:01:26 PM »
« Edited: September 18, 2022, 01:18:48 PM by Devout Centrist »

Franco-Japanese Friendship Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:

1. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic agree to a non-aggression pact.
a. This non-aggression shall remain in force for a period of no less than 5 (five) years following the signing of this agreement.

2. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic agree to recognize each other’s territorial sovereignty, including any relationships with colonial entities or mandates established by the League of Nations.

3. The Empire of Japan shall allow French nationals to remain in Japan without a visa for a period of 180 consecutive days.

4. The French Republic shall allow Japanese nationals to remain in Japan without a visa for a period of 180 consecutive days.

5. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to share military technical knowledge and to engage in cooperative military exercises.

6. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan both agree to nonintervention in conflicts where either power is a third party adversary.

7. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to share cultural knowledge and shall undertake a joint Franco-Japanese cultural exchange festival in Tokyo and Paris, respectively.

8. This agreement shall go into effect on March 1st, 1937.
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« Reply #277 on: September 18, 2022, 01:34:49 PM »

Franco-Japanese Friendship Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:

1. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic agree to a non-aggression pact.
a. This non-aggression shall remain in force for a period of no less than 5 (five) years following the signing of this agreement.

2. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic agree to recognize each other’s territorial sovereignty, including any relationships with colonial entities or mandates established by the League of Nations.

3. The Empire of Japan shall allow French nationals to remain in Japan without a visa for a period of 180 consecutive days.

4. The French Republic shall allow Japanese nationals to remain in Japan without a visa for a period of 180 consecutive days.

5. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to share military technical knowledge and to engage in cooperative military exercises.

6. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan both agree to nonintervention in conflicts where either power is a third party adversary.

7. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to share cultural knowledge and shall undertake a joint Franco-Japanese cultural exchange festival in Tokyo and Paris, respectively.

8. This agreement shall go into effect on March 1st, 1937.
xÉdouard Daladier
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« Reply #278 on: September 18, 2022, 04:56:55 PM »

A Call of Action for the Second United Force

Comrades, loyal patriots of the Chinese Nationalist Party, there is one goal that sears itself into our hearts: the expulsion of the imperialist Japanese menace from the rightful territory of China. Despite what the political agitators in Nanking may say, we have no real quarrel with our friends in the South, who are just as dedicated toward the emancipation of our lands as we in the North are.

It is only the small clique, the modern-day eunuchs of old, that gather around the Generalissimo, whispering into his ears slander that we are somehow bandits and warlords. How can this possibly be true? The party that makes up our coalition are loyal members of the Nationalist line. These are men of character who have served with distinction for the Party and China as long as if not longer than anyone in the South.

Would any right-thinking person dare call comrade Hu–once the Vice Generalissimo of Dr. Sun and later the president of the Legislative Yuan–a traitor to the nation he helped forge? No, of course not. It would be an assault on one’s conscience to brush him with such a disgusting label. He is a patriot to the end, a credit to his race, and the symbol of what our coalition represents.

I, myself, have forsworn the policy of resistance to the Three Principles of the People that my departed father had enacted. It was his cold-blooded murder by the militarists of Japan that shook me from my complacency. I realized that my youthful admiration of Dr. Sun would have to match my actions, that I could not act as a puppet for the Japanese in Northeast China. I joined the Generalissimo as a brother in the Party and I did all that I could to advance the interests of Nanking. I fought the enemies of the people, internal and external. I made the resources of the Northeast accessible to the rest of the country for her inevitable rejuvenation.

Now that we have dispelled the cruel fiction spread by lying dogs, we can ask ourselves how we can achieve the goal inside our hearts. I will say that civil war will only benefit the Japanese. The killing of Chinese by other Chinese has always been their preferred policy. They have only forcefully intervened when they realized the unity of our growing resistance. These warlords of Tokyo and their feudal Emperor bet that the North and South will engulf one another, allowing them to seize the ashes. But we are too smart for that!

We demand the Generalissimo and his clique in Nanking to break whatever ties they possess with Japan and join us in a Second United Force to lead the War of Resistance. Let us mend the divide of the Party and secure a strong place for the patriots there. The quicker we can do this, the quicker we can end China’s tribulations and present humiliation. As always, I believe victory will be ours, eventually, and that a better existence can be created out of it.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #279 on: September 19, 2022, 05:47:52 PM »

General Secretary Kirov Announcement

   Comrades, It has come to my attention, that with the help of Trotskyist elements and the planning of traitors to the revolution and the work of enemy nations hellbent on the destruction of the revolution and standing opposed to the solidarity of men. I report the murder of my great friend Comrade Stalin. Those enemies of the state who are responsible for his murder, will be brought to justice. We have confirmed that among these foreign agents are, Nikolai Yezhov, Genrikh Yagoda, and Mikhail Tukhachevsky. Documents have been uncovered linking them to those in Germany and the United States who wish to see the fall of the glorious Soviet Union and our great people put into the chains and shackles of capitalism! I ask of you to take to the streets and demand that Nikolai Yezhov, Genrikh Yagoda, and Mikhail Tukhachevsky turn themselves over to the proper authorities surrendering themselves to face the justice of the revolution for their murder of Comrade Stalin and for the actions they have undertaken to attempt to put the people of the Soviet Union into the slavery of Capitalism.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #280 on: September 19, 2022, 06:32:16 PM »

Formation of the Chamberlain Ministry

Prime Minister: Neville Chamberlain

First Secretary of State: Stanley Baldwin

Lord Chancellor: The Viscount Caldecote

Lord President of the Council: Stanley Baldwin

Leader of the House of Lords: The Earl Stanhope

Lord Privy Seal: The Viscount Templewood

Chancellor of the Exchequer: Sir Kingsley Wood

Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury: David Margesson

Financial Secretary to the Treasury: Harry Crookshank

Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: The Viscount Halifax

Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: R.A. Butler

Secretary of State for the Home Department: Sir John Anderson

Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department: Osbert Peake

First Lord of the Admiralty: Winston Churchill

Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries: Sir Reginald Dernan-Smith

Secretary of State for Air: The Viscount Swinton

Under-Secretary of State for Air: Harold Balfour

Secretary of State for the Colonies: William Ormsby-Gore

Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies: The Marquess of Dufferin and Ava

Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs: Anthony Eden

Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs: The Duke of Devonshire

President of the Board of Education: Harold Ramsbotham

Minister of Health: Walter Elliott

Secretary of State for India and Burma: The Marquess of Zetland

Under-Secretary of State for India and Burma: Hon. St Hugh O'Neill

Minister of Labour: Ralps Assheton

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster: William Morrison

Paymaster-General: The Earl Winterton

Minister for Pensions: Sir Walter Womersly

Postmaster-General: George Tryon

Secretary of State for Scotland: John Colville

Under-Secretary of State for Scotland: John McEwen

President of the Board of Trade: Hon. Oliver Stanley

Minister of Transport: Euan Wallace

Secretary of State for War: Duff Cooper

Under-Secretary of State for War: The Viscount Cobham

First Commissioner of Works: Herwald Ramsbotham

Attorney General: Sir Donald Somervell

Solicitor General: Sir Terence O'Connor

Lord Advocate: Thomas Cooper

Solicitor General for Scotland: James Reid
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« Reply #281 on: September 20, 2022, 01:23:48 AM »

Bulgarian-Turkish Non-Aggression Treaty

The Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Bulgaria hereby agree to the following:

1. The Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Bulgaria declare their mutual intent to adopt policies of non-aggression towards each other. Neither party to this treaty will initiate war against the other for the next 10 years.

2. The Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Bulgaria recognize their current shared border as legitimate, and renounce all territorial claims that conflict with this border. In addition, the parties to this treaty agree to recognize the right of the other to maintain a full standing army.

X Kemal Atatürk, President of the Republic of Turkey
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« Reply #282 on: September 20, 2022, 09:00:11 AM »

Bulgarian-Turkish Non-Aggression Treaty

The Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Bulgaria hereby agree to the following:

1. The Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Bulgaria declare their mutual intent to adopt policies of non-aggression towards each other. Neither party to this treaty will initiate war against the other for the next 10 years.

2. The Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Bulgaria recognize their current shared border as legitimate, and renounce all territorial claims that conflict with this border. In addition, the parties to this treaty agree to recognize the right of the other to maintain a full standing army.

X Kemal Atatürk, President of the Republic of Turkey

X Tsar Boris III, Bulgaria
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« Reply #283 on: September 20, 2022, 08:04:21 PM »


Carnage in Yugoslavia
Royal Yugoslav Army crushes Bosniaks, "Rape of Sarajevo",
Bulgarian counteroffensive gains ground in Macedonia, Skopje surrounded,
Serbian nationalism on the rise, Belgrade sees talk of a "Greater Serbia"


Upon crossing the Hungarian and Croatian borders back into Yugoslavian territory, the battered units of the Royal Yugoslav Army - now in firm control over the remnants of the nation - geared up for new campaigns, having to face the threat of the Bosniak and Macedonian uprisings, the latter of which was now fully backed by the Bulgarian military. Efforts during the first few months of the year focused upon the Bosniak rebels, who had gained control over several Muslim-majority areas and were on the verge of establishing a provisional government in the captured regional capital of Sarajevo. Despite their exhaustion and attrition, the Yugoslav military proved to be far better armed and battle-hardened than their militia counterparts, resulting in defeat upon defeat for the Bosniak commanders. The campaign appeared to reach its culmination when the Yugoslav military reached the gates of Sarajevo. With the city captured, and with open acts of defiance and/or skirmishes in the streets, tragedy ensued.

Already embittered over defeat in the Third Balkan War and angry at a perceived foreign betrayal, the predominantly Serbian officer corps further blamed non-Serbian minorities for the outcome of the war. It had become common in Belgrade to hear talk of the martyr King Alexander and his Army having been stabbed in the back by Croats, Bosniaks and Macedonians, and the increasingly radicalized Serbians, unable to punish the Croats, at least had a chance to avenge defeat by occupying Sarajevo. And so they did. In what was officially described as the "liberation" of the city, unconfirmed reports - backed by Bosniak sources - allege that the city was subjected to an orgy of violence at the hands of the Royal Yugoslav Army, a week-long nightmare of looting, summary mass executions, and other unspeakable acts, resulting in thousands of civilian casualties. For their part, sources in Belgrade have dismissed such talk as the result of enemy propaganda.

Thus crushed on the field, Bosniak rebels have been forced to turn towards guerilla warfare and to move towards rural areas. Despite attempts to take refuge by crossing the Croatian borders, there are reports that the local Croatian forces - regardless of their allegiance to Macek or Pavelic - have firmly denied access to any Bosniak refugees, while at the same time destroying Muslim villages or militia units established within Croatia's new borders. The fall of Sarajevo has also threatened to cause an international incident, for the Regency Council in Belgrade stated that German weaponry and supplies had been found in the hands of Bosniak rebels. Immediately recalling its ambassador to Berlin and expelling his German counterpart from Belgrade, the Yugoslav government has threatened to sever diplomatic relations and demanded compensation.

Down south, it was Bulgaria's turn to strike following the most recent Yugoslav offensive. After undertaking significant moves to gear the nation towards war, as well as redeploying much of their armed forces, the Bulgarians - together with the IMRO Macedonian rebels - struck hard in a counteroffensive, breaking through the Yugoslav lines and recovering lost territory. Shortly after destroying isolated Yugoslav pockets of resistance, an assault on the regional capital of Skopje was repelled with heavy IMRO casualties. However, the Bulgarians were able to surround the city, forcing the local - and sizable - garrison into a siege with the rest of the Royal Yugoslav Army withdrew and regrouped. In Belgrade proper, Regent Milan Nedic has continued to reorganize the new military government, with a number of younger and junior officers quickly emerging as the driving force behind the new regime.

Among the many rumors associated with the military regime, one of the most dramatic point towards Colonel Draza Mihailovic - the new Minister of Defence - and his close associate Stevan Moljević - a government ideologue - as the leaders of a rising hardliner faction, thought to have recently endorsed a plan calling for a "Greater Serbia". According to this vision, defeat on the war and the separation of Slovenia and Croatia would warrant the replacement of the old Yugoslavia into a proper, ethnically pure, "Kingdom of Greater Serbia". With Serbia standing stable and Montenegro remaining loyal to Belgrade, the idea is believed to be gaining steam quickly - even across the public -, and may be seen as one of the causes of the harsh retribution imposed upon the Bosniaks. With further talk of ethnic cleansing on the rise, it appears the end of the Third Balkan War will not mean peace in the Balkans just yet.
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« Reply #284 on: September 20, 2022, 09:14:40 PM »

For Non Aggression and Cooperation

The Tsardom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Italy agree,

To swear against belligerency and conflict with any signatories of this agreement

To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement

To swear off any acts of aggression or direct provocation towards any signatory of this agreement

To cooperate in the diplomatic, economic, and security spheres for the benefit of both nations

To work together to advance peace and anti-communism in Europe

To work together to contain the violent, outrageous, dangerous Serbian entity

This Treaty shall be known as the "Bulgarian-Italian Non Aggression and Cooperation Treaty"

Duce and Prime Minister Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini

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« Reply #285 on: September 20, 2022, 09:18:07 PM »

For Non Aggression and Cooperation

The Tsardom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Italy agree,

To swear against belligerency and conflict with any signatories of this agreement

To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement

To swear off any acts of aggression or direct provocation towards any signatory of this agreement

To cooperate in the diplomatic, economic, and security spheres for the benefit of both nations

To work together to advance peace and anti-communism in Europe

To work together to contain the violent, outrageous, dangerous Serbian entity

This Treaty shall be known as the "Bulgarian-Italian Non Aggression and Cooperation Treaty"

Duce and Prime Minister Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini

x Tsar Boris III, Bulgaria
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« Reply #286 on: September 20, 2022, 09:29:38 PM »

Anti-Bolshevik Pact

The Govemment of the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Hungary, recognizing that the aim of the Bolshevik ideology, known as well as Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, communism, is to disintegrate and subdue existing States by all means at its command; convinced that the toleration of interference by the Bolshevik menace in the internal affairs of the nations not only endangers their internal peace and social well being, but is also a menace to the peace of the world; desirous of cooperating in the defence against Communist subversion; have agreed as follows

Article 1: The High Contracting States agree to inform one another of the activities of Bolshevik factions, to consult with one another on the necessary preventive measures and to carry these through in close collaboration.

Article 2: The High Contracting Parties will jointly invite third States whose intemal peace is threatened by the subversive activities of the Bolshevists to adopt defensive measures in the spirit of this agreement or to take part in the present agreement.

Article 3: The High Contracting Parties recognize that the USSR is the headquarters of the international Bolshevik menace, which directs and commands communist organizations worldwide, and that it is the premier threat to civilized nations.

Article 4: The Italian as well as the Hungarian text of the present agreement is to be deemed the original text. It comes into force on the day of signature and shall remain in force for a period of five years. Before the expiry of this period the High Contracting Parties will come to an understanding over the further methods of their cooperation.

X Miklós Horthy
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« Reply #287 on: September 20, 2022, 09:31:56 PM »

The Kingdom of Italy sanctions additional signatories to the ANTI-BOLSHEVIK PACT, with the concurrence of our principal co-signatory, the Empire of Japan.
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« Reply #288 on: September 20, 2022, 11:48:50 PM »

Germany denounces the bloody, murderous Yugoslavian government as an abomination and will do anything to prevent it from implementing its radical, genocidial agenda.
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« Reply #289 on: September 21, 2022, 01:57:22 AM »

The Republic of Turkey is horrified at the reported developments in Sarajevo. A line has been crossed with the level of civilian harm deliberately inflicted from Yugoslav forces. Turkey shall lead the world in proudly accepting Bosniak refugees and supporting all possible avenues for refugees to survive. We call upon all of Europe and the global community to join Turkey on this moral calling. Now is the time to ensure the sanctity of life to the powerless.
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« Reply #290 on: September 21, 2022, 03:58:50 AM »

The German Reich calls for international sanctions up to a complete emargo on Yugoslavia and will accept all refugees who are minorities oppressed by the Belgrade government.
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« Reply #291 on: September 21, 2022, 05:48:13 AM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 03:13:23 PM by FT-02 Senator A.F.E. 🇺🇸🤝🇺🇦 »


His Serene Highness and Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary, Miklós Horthy, denounces the atrocities committed in Sarajevo by the rogue Yugoslavian state

"On behalf of the Hungarian people and with the unanimous approval of the Hungarian Diet, Regent Horthy, in the strongest possible terms, denounces and condemns the barbaric atrocities committed by the Yugoslav state in Sarajevo. Hungary calls for the international community to take action to thoroughly punish Belgrade for their brutality."

X His Serene Highness and Regent of Hungary, Miklós Horthy
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« Reply #292 on: September 21, 2022, 09:28:12 AM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 01:12:19 PM by KaiserDave »

Triumph in Illyricum

The Italian people have gone into a gleeful celebration over the military victory in the Third Balkan War for the Kingdom of Italy. As well as gleefully receiving Il Duce by the thousands at the Palazzo Venezia, they came out to attend a Triumph organized by the state to honor the victorious soldiers of the campaign. Thousands of people filled the streets as soldiers marched through Rome, including soldiers of the Alpini Battalion, Granatieri di Sardegna, 4th Infantry Division Littorio, and Blackshirt groups. A guest battalion of Croatian soldiers from the Ustaše marched as well. There was a flyover of the Regia Aeronautica. Other detachments as well marched, with some men on horseback, some tanks, and armed vehicles, and hundreds of banners were carried through the streets. Great big national flags were carried by the soldiers, as well as the black banner of fascism. Flags hung from arches in Rome, as well as from homes and windows. Military music was played, and captured Serbian banners were paraded in humiliation through the streets to be thrown before the feet of the commanders. A group of condemned Serbian prisoners, provocateurs, and saboteurs were also brought in chains like the Gauls of old through the street to be mocked and jeered by the population and thrown before the feet of Il Duce, who graciously permitted their release after they begged (prisoner exchange being part of the end of war anyhow, this was for show). Il Duce received the soldiers from the balcony, where he invited the King and the Crown Prince to join him. Il Duce was acclaimed as the Overlord of Illyricum and Conqueror of Dalmazia. Il Duce received continuous applause lasting for several minutes, and delivered brief remarks where he praised the superior Italian soldier, and the accomplishment of Italian destiny on the Adriatic. He also threatened the new Serbian state, condemned their carnival of barbarism in Sarajevo, and proclaimed the indomitability of the Italian nation.
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« Reply #293 on: September 21, 2022, 11:13:34 AM »

Bulgaria denounces the horrific acts committed by the rogue Serb government in Sarajevo. While the Tsar will address the nation on the matter shortly, he has declared an immediate general amnesty for Bosnian refugees and other minorities under the Serb jackboot, who will be welcomed into Bulgaria and liberated Macedonia with open arms.
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« Reply #294 on: September 21, 2022, 12:35:29 PM »

The Prime Minister will announce that Canadians will head to the polls as soon as is legally possible. The Prime Minister will argue that the selfish actions of a rogue band of parliamentarians have denied the people of Canada their voice and their government, forcing the election. The Prime Minister will commit to continuing his Conservatism with Compassion movement in a new government, promising to enact legislation to continue to improve Canada’s economic situation. The Prime Minister will specifically commit to introducing legislation to build new highways and houses, increase rural electrification, and expand educational access for all Canadians. The Prime Minister will also propose an electoral reform package that will include recall elections for MPs and MLAs. The Prime Minister will also emphasize his standing on the world stage at a critical time, highlighting his close professional relationships with both Berlin and Rome, and his increasingly senior standing in the Empire.
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« Reply #295 on: September 21, 2022, 12:54:56 PM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 01:16:49 PM by RGM2609 »

The German Reich offers 10 million dollars over the next 3 years in aid to the Kingdom of Hungary in order for it to recover after the damage inflicted by the Third Balkan War. It will also sent military aid in advisors and technology to ensure the modernization of its military.
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« Reply #296 on: September 21, 2022, 01:30:43 PM »

The Polish government would like to reassure its citizens and the polish companies that we will not let the banking sector and other key industry to collapse. We're ready to intervene although we believe it won't even be necessary
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« Reply #297 on: September 21, 2022, 03:13:50 PM »

The German Reich and Kingdom of Hungary agree to the following:

- Completely free trade between the two nations
- Encouragment by both governments for companies to form joint German-Hungarian partnership
- The usage of either German or Hungarian production in the reconstruction process except for when a certain required good is not produced in either country
- The urgent signing of contracts between German private companies and the Hungarian government related to the reconstruction process

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany
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« Reply #298 on: September 21, 2022, 03:14:54 PM »

The German Reich and Kingdom of Hungary agree to the following:

- Completely free trade between the two nations
- Encouragment by both governments for companies to form joint German-Hungarian partnership
- The usage of either German or Hungarian production in the reconstruction process except for when a certain required good is not produced in either country
- The urgent signing of contracts between German private companies and the Hungarian government related to the reconstruction process

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany

x Miklós Horthy, Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary
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« Reply #299 on: September 21, 2022, 04:12:10 PM »

On Italy
Poland would like to express its sincere congratulations to Benito Mussolini on how he's handling the italian economy. His innovative policies are clearly creating growth and Poland is going to be inspired by his economic program.
Poland has however no statement to make on foreign policy, we're neither supportive nor hostile as we fundamentally believe it is up to Italians to make their foreign policy choices.
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