The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)

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Junior Chimp
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« Reply #200 on: August 26, 2022, 07:46:35 PM »

Treaty of Varna (1935)

The Kingdom of Romania and the Tsardom of Bulgaria hereby agree to the following:

1. The Kingdom of Romania and the Tsardom of Bulgaria declare their mutual intent to adopt policies of non-aggression towards each other. Neither party to this treaty will initiate war against the other for the next 10 years.

2. The Kingdom of Romania and the Tsardom of Bulgaria recognize their current shared border as legitimate, and renounce all territorial claims that conflict with this border. In addition, the parties to this treaty agree to recognize the right of the other to maintain a full standing army.

3. The Kingdom of Romania and the Tsardom of Bulgaria agree to forgo tariff increases on domestic goods produced and exported by the other. Furthermore, the parties to this treaty agree in principle to negotiate tariff reductions and further trade deals following the conclusion of the current conflict in the Balkans.

x Tsar Boris III, Bulgaria
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« Reply #201 on: August 26, 2022, 08:32:41 PM »


Germany reoccupies the Rhineland!
Citing French occupation of the Saar, Hugenberg escalates crisis,
Several Reichswehr divisions enter the region, crowds cheer,
Capital flight in Paris and Berlin due to growing fears of war


The Franco-German diplomatic crisis started last year as a result of the return of German military conscription and the French occupation of the Saar has escalated yet again in a dramatic set of events, signaling Chancellor Alfred Hugenberg's determination not to back down following the collapse of the planned Saar Referendum. With Paris having the advantage despite the enormous financial costs of the occupation and the local resistance to it, the German Chancellor choose to escalate in a dramatic fashion, ordering several Reichswehr divisions mobilized and deployed into the Rhineland region, demilitarized - up to 50 miles from the border - as a result of the Treaty of Versailles and later confirmed by the terms of the Locarno Treaties. Facing no occupying troops and a most enthusiastic reception, the reoccupation was swift, with the Reichswehr taking positions across the French and Saar border within a few hours.

Inhabitants of the region - particularly in large cities like Cologne - have begun celebrating upon the sight of German troops, and foreign journalists report that the ongoing general fear of war across the German Reich may have been tempered by a wave of joy, as well as a temporary approval for Chancellor Hugenberg and the Kaiser. Local inhabitants on the Saar have celebrated as well, reigniting protests against the presence of French troops. On the other side of the border, and with the French Republic in the middle of a tense and polarized run-up to an election, newspapers and public opinion have been quick to condemn German actions, describing it as "a dangerous provocation". In spite of this, most have called for sanctions on Berlin while stopping short of war, a possibility that seems to bring much concern across the nation.

Speaking before the Imperial Diet, Hugenberg has defended the move by portraying it as a calculated response to the occupation of the Saar, promising that, upon a French withdrawal and the holding of a referendum, the Reichswehr would withdraw from the Rhineland. The immediate response abroad remains to be seen, but nations and personalities which have commented thus far have shown a split between those favoring the preservation of Versailles and Locarno, and those defending Germany over a perceived restoration of it sovereignty. Perhaps the quickest to react have been bankers and investors - rather than diplomats -, as near unprecedented amounts of capital flight have been reported in both France and Germany, delivering immediate damage and increasing uncertainty to their respective economies, and pushing the Franc and the Reichsmark into the risk of devaluation.


Macedonia rises in revolt!
Ivan Mihailov and IMRO stage full-scale uprising,
Yugoslav Army weakened by attrition, Italian air raids,
Much of the region falls to rebels, Mihailov marches on Skopje


Already crumbling under the combined pressure of both their internal (Croatian and Bosnian) and external (Hungary) fronts, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia has been further rocked by internal dissent in the past few days, with its southernmost province - the Vardar Banovina - exploding into a full-scale uprising staged by Macedonian nationalists. In recent years, intense terrorist activity by the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO) resulted both in a harsh policy of "Serbianisation" targeted at the local population and the military occupation of much of the province, with up to 50,000 men battling the IMRO and its friendly militias. By the start of the Third Balkan War, such efforts had successfully pushed the IMRO back into Bulgarian territory, and its new leader Ivan Mihailov into exile. However, the intense pressure experienced by the Yugoslav Army forced Belgrade to weaken its hold over the province, with dramatic results.

Suddenly well-armed and resupplied, the IMRO staged several rural uprisings during the start of April, successfully re-establishing a foothold with substantial support from the local population. Immediate attempts by the Yugoslavian military to crush the uprising were foiled by intense aerial activity by the Regia Aeronautica, which successfully bombed several key targets. Having thus gained the necessary breathing room, the IMRO cause was given a further boost by the reappearance of Mihailov, who was able to smuggle himself back into the Vardar Banovina through as of yet undetermined means. Over the course of the next few days severe attrition through guerrilla warfare forced the Yugoslavian forces to fall back to the industrial city of Skopje, at the northern portion of Macedonia.

Having thus liberated most of the region, Mihailov has declared the foundation of the "Macedonian state", requested international recognition and support, and, according to observers, has planned to march on Skopje for a decisive battle. In the meantime, Belgrade has once again urged its allies and the international community to intervene, with Montenegro and Serbia the sole areas as of yet free of nationalist uprisings. With the Macedonian uprising the Yugoslav route to Greece has been cut off, leaving Romania and/or Bulgaria as the last remaining supply lifelines to Belgrade.
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« Reply #202 on: August 26, 2022, 11:46:41 PM »

Cabinet of Prime Minister Benito Mussolini

The Duce, Benito Mussolini has seen fit to re-organize the cabinet in accordance with the necessities of the modern political situation. In the fascist society, such actions must be taken with supreme decisiveness and without concern for sentimentality. The inarguable objectives of the nation are totally paramount. To that end, the Cabinet of the Kingdom of Italy has been re-shuffled thusly.

Head of Government and Prime Minister: Benito Mussolini
Foreign Minister: Galeazzo Ciano
Interior Minister: Benito Mussolini
War Minister: Benito Mussolini
Finance Minister: Guido Jung
Public Works Minister: Guido Jung
Corporations Minister: Guido Jung
Air Force Minister: Italo Balbo
PNF Party Minister: Italo Balbo
Justice Minister: Dino Grandi
Colonies Minister: Luigi Razza
Press and Propoganda Minister: Dino Alfieri
National Education Minister: Cesare Maria De Vecchi
Chief of the Police: Arturo Bocchini

Among others...

Duce and Prime Minister Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini

Foreign press and fascism watchers comment on the promotion of Italo Balbo to several key positions, and supremacy over the other Quadrumvirs of the Grand Council of Fascism, perhaps as an indication of Mussolini's preference for German-skeptical politics. Guido Jung is given unprecedented control of the economy to push forward his Keynesian economic program. Galeazzo Ciano has been granted the post of Foreign Minister, testing the son in law of the Duce. Many see an emerging triumvirate of Mussolini's lieutenants, Jung, Balbo, and Ciano. However, the Duce has refused to relinquish several key positions.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #203 on: August 27, 2022, 03:53:15 PM »

President Roosevelt announces that since America's work in intervening in the Chaco War is done, all American troops will be leaving South America, effective immediately.
Deep Dixieland Senator, Muad'dib (OSR MSR)
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« Reply #204 on: August 27, 2022, 11:01:56 PM »

Treaty of Varna (1935)

The Kingdom of Romania and the Tsardom of Bulgaria hereby agree to the following:

1. The Kingdom of Romania and the Tsardom of Bulgaria declare their mutual intent to adopt policies of non-aggression towards each other. Neither party to this treaty will initiate war against the other for the next 10 years.

2. The Kingdom of Romania and the Tsardom of Bulgaria recognize their current shared border as legitimate, and renounce all territorial claims that conflict with this border. In addition, the parties to this treaty agree to recognize the right of the other to maintain a full standing army.

3. The Kingdom of Romania and the Tsardom of Bulgaria agree to forgo tariff increases on domestic goods produced and exported by the other. Furthermore, the parties to this treaty agree in principle to negotiate tariff reductions and further trade deals following the conclusion of the current conflict in the Balkans.

x Tsar Boris III, Bulgaria
  X King Carol II of Rumania
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« Reply #205 on: August 28, 2022, 12:43:21 AM »


Convention Season in the US
Democrats nominate Wallace as FDR’s heir, Huey Long leads revolt,
Borah seizes Republican nomination in dramatic stampede, GOP turns isolationist,
Long and “Alfalfa Bill” join forces in “Share Our Wealth” third party challenge


An eventful term for incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt has seemingly reached its culmination point as the Convention season is about to end, rocked by the President’s unexpected decision not to run for a second term. Speculation on his motives aside, Treasury Secretary Henry Wallace was quick to pick up the mantle for the New Deal, mobilizing the bulk of the President’s supporters to take on primary rivals Huey Long and Harry Byrd. Over the course of fourteen primary contest – which, ought to be noted, only selected a minority of delegates – Wallace bested Long repeatedly, delivering a key blow to the bombastic Louisiana Senator at the California Primary while Senator Byrd, adopting more of a favorite son status, only entered – and won – the West Virginia primary contest. Ultimately, all three candidates entered the convention with a handful of declared candidates, with larger rivals expecting them there.

Having recently changed the party rules to require a majority instead of two-thirds to choose a nominee – the reason for the excessive balloting of previous years -, it soon became clear Long had an immovable body of supporters, and had been able to cajole several delegations to his side. Following the first two ballots, Secretary Wallace’s inability to win a majority – fueled by spite from Vice President Garner – led to a wide array of anti-Long candidates rising and falling, ultimately unable to obtain the necessary support. Former nominee Al Smith led the third and fourth ballots, only to be sunk by staunch opposition from the South. Vice President Garner led the fifth one, only to flop as delegated rejected his conservative economic views. Indiana Governor McNutt tried then, coming close to the nomination before losing momentum.

Having bided its time, and with his flanks covered with the support of individuals as disparate as Governor Sinclair and War Secretary Kennedy, Secretary Wallace relaunched his bid on the course of the eight to the tenth ballot, finally clinching a majority. Ultimately, and in spite of his more internationalist views, delegate support for the New Deal was seemingly best represented by the Secretary, contrasting with more isolationist yet economically conservative alternatives. Wallace will thus get the chance of winning another term for the Democrats, a task for which he will need to choose a Vice Presidential nominee and choose a strategy with which to confront both the Republican ticket and Huey Long, who stormed off the convention and vowed to press on to November on his own.

The Republicans, having viewed 36’s as a lost cause after the midterms failed to yield much gains, were revitalized by Roosevelt’s withdrawal from the race and the aftermath of the Chaco War intervention, sensing the success that had eluded them on economics could be found on foreign policy. With a number of prospective candidates ruling out a run or biding their time until the convention, it fell to progressive and conservative firebrands William Borah and Arthur Vandenberg to battle it out for the soul of the Republican Party, both men championing a staunchly isolationist approach but greatly differing on economics. Fresh behind them came Kansas Governor Alf Landon, whose bid was derailed after a debacle at the Illinois Primary, and former Vice President Dawes, drafted into the race by party bosses afraid of a split as a potential unity candidate. In this case, the insurgent was to best the establishment at the primaries, enabling Borah – a known maverick - to enter the convention with momentum but few delegates.

The Republicans took almost as long as the Democrats to choose a nominee – seven ballots -, partly fueled by unsuccessful late bids by publisher Frank Knox and former President Hoover, which deadlocked the convention at first. Then Vice President Dawes faltered, his lack of enthusiasm showing through in a particularly unfortunate speech. Despite wide expectations that the chosen man could well be Vandenberg, it was Borah who captured the nomination following a series of fiery speech chastising Roosevelt, whipping the convention into a frenzy and causing a stampede. Having thus won an unexpected triumph, Borah was forced to compromise with party bosses too afraid of the Senator’s potential to become a “loose cannon”. To add geographical variety – and perhaps to further spite FDR -, former Governor Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was persuaded to accepted the Vice Presidential nod.

For his part, Huey Long gathered his followers and announced what he may have been planning all along: a third party bid for the Presidency. Despite being seemingly undercut by Borah’s surprise nomination, as both men appeared to share an inclination for isolationism and progressive economics, Long was quick to pronounce both main parties as offering “more of the same” in November. Claiming that his “Share our Wealth” program – famously derided by FDR as “communistic” and “fascist” was “the only way to save America”, Long nonetheless struggled to find a running mate, most Democratic and Republican progressives standing firmly behind Wallace and Borah. In the end, the Senator was forced to seek a more conservative running mate to add balance, choosing longtime ally – and hugely popular – former Oklahoma Governor “Alfalfa Bill” Murray, known for his populist conservatism.

With the stage thus set for November – other than Wallace’s VP selection -, many observers have been caught in the Republican wave of optimism, and have thus declared Borah the favorite to win. Indeed, a poll from readers of The Literary Digest has suggested the Republican nominee could win upwards of 60% of the vote, easily swamping Wallace and Long at the same time. Said poll has been oft quoted, but its conclusions are by no means unanimous. Advertising executive George Gallup, who has begun running a series of groundbreaking scientific polls in the US and the UK, has expressed the view that the election much closer than it is generally believed. Among other factors, Gallup argues Wallace retains sufficient strength in industrial states to have a serious chance against Borah, seen with distrust by many traditional Republicans. The question mark, however, is posed by Huey Long, whose actual appeal seems impossible to predict.



Yugoslavia under siege!
Bulgarian Army enters Macedonia after ultimatum,
Belgrade declares war on Sofia, King Alexander assassinated,
Regent Prince Paul blames Mussolini, Yugoslavian Army starts to collapse


The seemingly unending drama within Yugoslavia as a result of the Third Balkan War and Yugoslavian Civil War has taken yet another dramatic turn, with another foreign power joining the conflict and a sudden turn of events within the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade. After deploying the last remaining reserves to the new Macedonian front to drive back the IMRO, King Alexander and the Yugoslav government received a sudden ultimatum from the Kingdom of Bulgaria. Although the terms are not publically known, sources seem to include Sofia demanded a withdrawal from Macedonia lest they intervene, a demand that was quickly and harshly rejected by the King himself. Almost immediately afterwards, the Bulgarian Army – having recently shaken off the limitations of the Neuilly-Sur-Seine Treaty – crossed the border, starting what Bulgarian diplomats would describe as a limited, “special military operation”.

Neither King Alexander nor the government in Belgrade wasted time in comparing the Bulgarian intervention to the Italian one, describing it as an act of aggression and immediately declaring war on Bulgaria. With the Bulgarian intervention coinciding with the start of new offensives by the Italians, Croats and Hungarians, the Yugoslav Army – steadily deteriorated by battlefield losses, desertion, and logistical issues – continued to lose ground, with the General Staff reportedly telling the monarch – in a comment that reached the local diplomatic corps – that the Army stood on the brink of collapse.  Preparing to rally the Serbian populace to resist to the bitter end, the Yugoslav King restarted public appearances following last year’s failed assassination attempts, delivering a fiery, bitter speech that skewered the Italian Duce and the Bulgarian Tsar, and reiterated calls for international assistance before Yugoslavian efforts faltered.

In the subsequent car ride, the King was intercepted by well-coordinated machine gun crossfire, assassinated by what Serbian military officers described to the press as “professional killers”. With his successor, Prince Peter, only 13 years old – to come of age only in 1941 -, Alexander’s shell-shocked brother, Prince Paul, was made Regent of Yugoslavia. On his first speech to the nation, the Prince Regent blamed Italian Duce Benito Mussolini for the assassination, asserting that Italian envoys had attempted to contact his advisers behind the King’s back regarding the notion of a separate peace for Yugoslavia. Whilst vowing for Alexander to be avenged and calling for international, world-wide sanctions on Rome, Paul has also criticized Yugoslavia’s allies over a perceived inaction, and has asked for an armistice.
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« Reply #206 on: August 28, 2022, 12:44:03 AM »

MID YEAR NEWS - with Radio Crusader

"The Battle of the Decade! Boxing heavyweights Joe Louis (US) and Max Schmeling (Germany) fight in front of thousands at Yankee Stadium in New York. After an epic 12-round struggle, Schmeling was able to defeat Louis with a knockout blow…”

“King Fuad of Egypt dies in his sleep at the age of 68, his passing reported as having been caused by a heart attack. 16-year old Prince Farouk becomes the next King of Egypt, and is expected to return to Cairo from England soon. King Farouk, both enormously wealthy and hugely popular…”

“A joint statement by the governments of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Chile has caused a stir at the League of Nations, with all four nations expressing frustration at the effectiveness of the organization. It is believed at least or two – perhaps all – might abandon the LON sooner rather than later…”

“New Japanese films open to mixed results domestically and abroad. “Battle of Tsushima” epic sparks anti-Japanese riots in screenings; Sessue Hayakawa’s “Snow Country” and Bing Crosby’s “The Road to Tokyo” polarize critics and audiences. California Governor Upton Sinclair, citing Japanese activities in Manchuria, has called for a nationwide boycott…”

“THE KING IN LOVE: Canadian press publishes unconfirmed rumors of love affair between King Edward VIII and American socialite Wallis Simpson. Due to Mrs. Simpson’s status as soon to be twice-divorced, the potential for a marriage to the King has caused quite a stir…”

“Public anger in China after press leaks Japanese diplomatic missive to local warlords, demanding they lay down their arms and stop hostilities against Nanjing and Tokyo. Subsequent riots lead to grassroots boycott of Japanese goods, and there are unconfirmed reports of troop movements near the Manchukuo border…”

“The Kingdom of Greece continues to undergo severe parliamentary deadlock following the most recent general election, in which Venizelist forces came up short of a majority. With the pro and anti-monarchist blocks lacking a majority due to a good performance by the Communist Party, many expect that…”

“In Canada, Prime Minister R. B. Bennett appears to be facing a significant internal revolt, as two cabinet ministers quit over economic policy differences. Almost a dozen Conservative MP’s follow Earl Lawson in voting down the School Lunch Act, which passes only with tepid support from Co-Operative Commonwealth MP’s…”

“With capital flight from Berlin and Paris ongoing, local stock exchanges place hope in Olympics as a chance to reduce tensions. Although London has been the most popular destination for fleeing investors, other increasingly popular destinations include Istanbul, Lisbon and Warsaw…”
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« Reply #207 on: August 28, 2022, 02:19:41 AM »

The German government offers its most deepest condoleances to Yugoslavia and its people for the death of King Alexander and hopes for justice to be served. It also reiterates its calls for peace in the region and offers itself as a mediator between Yugoslavia and its foes should they desire one.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #208 on: August 28, 2022, 02:48:02 AM »

The Tsar addresses the nation!

Quote from: Tsar Boris III
Greetings, Bulgarians.

For years now, we have watched the events unfolding on our western border with a mix of horror and outrage. The Yugoslavian experiment has dramatically failed, the multiethnic Frankenstein nation collapsing in on itself as Croatians, Bosnians, and Macedonians rise up against hamfisted Serb rule. Ever since the false peace of 1919, crafted by the imperialist West, these independent peoples have been neglected and subjugated by the Yugoslavian government, and the situation in Macedonia in particular has been a source of much pain for Bulgaria. Our brother people, forced to kneel to barbaric Serb rulers intent on destroying local culture and autonomy, intent on forcing the Macedonian people into a state of permanent servitude. Forced to languish under a hodgepodge government that cared not for her people! And, Macedonians have been forced to fight for their Serb oppressors and against their national interests in the costly Balkan wars. Forced to prop up a nation that is not theirs!

Bulgaria can no longer stand by.

That is why I have authorized a special military operation to aid our brothers in Macedonia in their fight for liberation from Serb tyranny. We offered the Serb government in Belgrade a chance to join us in recognizing a de-Serbified Macedonian state, yet they rejected our generous terms and spat in our face. Rather than make a grand gesture in favor of self-determination while also focusing on keeping their failing nation from complete collapse, they have chosen to seek the continued oppression of the Macedonian people - and to stand against the might of our great nation.

People of Bulgaria! The time for languishing under an unjust peace is over. Together, we will unite with our brothers in Macedonia and put down the rabid Yugoslav beast at last! Glory to Bulgaria!

Following this speech (aired across Bulgaria and distributed to international news outlets), Bulgarian diplomats released the following statement.

The Tsardom of Bulgaria seeks to assist the IMRO in freeing Macedonia from the oppressive, collapsing Yugoslav state, and also seeks to liberate integral parts of Bulgaria forcibly annexed into Yugoslavia by the false peace of 1919. Bulgarian troops have strict orders to limit their operations to these regions, and Bulgaria will take no action against Serbia proper unless provoked. Bulgaria calls on Yugoslavia to peacefully vacate these regions, illegitimately forced under their rule, and prioritize their rapidly deteriorating domestic affairs.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #209 on: August 28, 2022, 06:31:19 AM »

Secretary Wallace's shortlist for VP is:

California Governor Upton Sinclair
Senator Harry Truman
Former Minister to Austria George Howard Earle III
Secretary of State Cordell Hull
Atlas Star
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« Reply #210 on: August 28, 2022, 02:22:18 PM »

Secretary Wallace announces his choice for his running mate is California Governor Upton Sinclair.
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« Reply #211 on: August 28, 2022, 03:21:32 PM »


1936 Summer Olympics set to open in Berlin


Following of extensive preparations - and, it is rumored, large investments to rebuild Berlin after the German Civil War - the 1936 Summer Olympics are to open this week, in a large, luxurious ceremony featuring a flyover by the airship Hindenburg, and, it is rumored, high-profile speeches by Kaiser Wilhelm III and Chancellor Alfred Hugenberg. Athletes and tourists that have already arrived at the German capital were met by a changed city that contrasted with the rubble filled streets of last years, although the signs of struggle and strife - if one knows where to look - can still be found. Around fifty nations are expected to take part, with the Kingdom of Afghanistan, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Republics of Bolivia and Costa Rica and the Bermuda overseas territory participating for the first time. In what is expected to be a major boost for the international prestige of the restored German monarchy, foreigners have been allowed substantial access across Berlin, and heads of state or government have been invited to attend as well.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #212 on: August 28, 2022, 03:27:32 PM »

Citing the impending overturning of the veto of the neutrality acts, there will be no delegation for the U.S at the 1936 Olympics.

President Roosevelt has stated that should the veto not be overriden as he expects, all U.S ambassadors around the world will be recalled, all foreign ambassadors to the United States will be expelled,the United States will withdraw from all treaties it is involved in and the United States army, already a volunteer force will be eliminated.
YaBB God
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« Reply #213 on: August 28, 2022, 04:00:14 PM »

Following the successful passage of the School Lunch Act, the Prime Minister will undertake a European tour, with stops planned in London, Paris, Rome, and Berlin. While in London, the Prime Minister intends to have a reception with King Edward VIII and, while in Berlin, to attend the Olympic Games.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #214 on: August 28, 2022, 04:18:28 PM »
« Edited: August 28, 2022, 04:38:41 PM by Devout Centrist »

Speech for the Japanese Delegation at the Olympic Village (Recorded for later broadcast internationally and domestically)

Date: August 1st, 1936

It is my high honor to attend these Olympic Games today, both as sovereign to the honorable people of Japan and as an emissary of peace and felicity to all peoples of the world.

The proud tradition of the Olympics is one that unites all of humanity in celebration. In generations past, our people hosted such similar games of athleticism and skill, where feats of strength, daring, and chivalry were prized above all others. It is with that same spirit that the youth of our nation engage in the great Olympic Games, in recognition of our shared brotherhood and fraternity with young people all across the globe. We welcome fair international competition in the athletic arena, not necessarily as a means to boast about our own accomplishments, but as an end to itself: a grand display of the talents and ability of mankind.

It is my solemn hope that all who enter in these games today distinguish themselves through camarderie and chivalrous accomplishment. To the victors, I counsel that you be magnanimous in victory and courteous to those you have bested. To the defeated, do not become sullen in defeat. Hold your heads high with pride and congratulate the honorable victors in just accordance with their achievement.

With these words, my subjects and my friends, we shall each go forward to meet our own destiny.

Emperor Shōwa

The Emperor of Japan, along with his wife and his brothers Yasuhito, Nobuhito, and Takahito shall attend the Olympic Games on behalf of the Japanese people. The Emperor shall make himself available for diplomatic conversations with other sovereigns during the course of the Games.
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« Reply #215 on: August 28, 2022, 06:02:32 PM »

President Koc plans to attend the Olympic Games as well
Arson Plus
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« Reply #216 on: August 28, 2022, 06:56:37 PM »

The South Africa team will boycott the Olympic Games.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #217 on: August 28, 2022, 07:15:43 PM »

Prime Minister Jan Smuts, seeing the potential of immigrants from Europe and the Middle East, decided to introduce a bill to virtually eliminate all immigration requirements for Europeans and to provide incentives, and start advertising South Africa to Europeans (those being those of European and Middle Eastern descent) with no criminal record or/and membership of any Communist party to move to South Africa.

In addition, he will meet with more moderate-minded National MPs about the possibility of defection to the South African Party.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #218 on: August 28, 2022, 08:11:55 PM »

Due to the ongoing Balkan crisis, Tsar Boris III will unfortunately be unable to attend the Olympics. However, Prime Minister Mushanov and other high-ranking dignitaries will lead the Bulgarian delegation to Berlin.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #219 on: August 28, 2022, 08:17:24 PM »

President Roosevelt wishes to clarify a misconception surrounding United States participation in the Olympics.

United States athletes will still be participating in the Olympics, however, in line with the Neutrality Acts, there will be no politicians or government officials in the United States delegation.
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« Reply #220 on: August 28, 2022, 10:08:13 PM »

In light of the ongoing diplomatic crisis, French officials will boycott the Berlin Olympics. The French team will attend the competition.
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« Reply #221 on: August 29, 2022, 01:43:00 AM »

Alfred Hugenberg's speech in the opening of the Olympic Games

My fellow Germans and much esteemed guests,

Today, Germany is proud to be the host of this very important event, one which is meant to promote international peace and cooperation above all, one which is meant to show that we may be competitors and adversaries in the sport fields, but at the end of the day, we are all humans and we are in this together! That we must all, no matter our ethnicity, gender or beliefs, work to build each other up, not tear each other down, in the name of a better future for all of us! The German people have always been steadfast in their deep desire for peace, for mutual understanding, for creating a better life for everyone across the world, and I look here today, and I with great joy can see that many people from numerous continents share that desire. All we can hope is that the events today and in the following days can grant wisdom to those who wish to see more strife, and get more to rally behind the cause of peace.

I look here today, to the ones about whom the games are really about, the great athletes who are the pride of their nations and of all of us. You have proven throughout your life that you are hard working, perseverant, tough but fair and above all, good sportsman. Your talent has impressed many, and I am looking forward to see more of it in the coming days. I hope you will fight hard for every victory, but above all, remember what these games are all about: brotherhood. I know you will   accept both victory and defeat and by doing that, prove your outstanding moral quality. You, the youth, are our future, and looking at you today, I can see that the future looks bright. I hope we can all enjoy the Olympics, I hope that Berlin will prove itself to be welcoming of all of our guests, and I hope that no matter the results, we can all go home afterwards with a renewed hope in the future of humanity.

Thank you, and I proudly declare open the Olympics Games of Berlin!
Atlas Star
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« Reply #222 on: August 29, 2022, 03:48:00 AM »

Secretary Wallace on the campaign trail told reporters, that while President Roosevelt's decisions to withdraw ambassadors and abolish the army were regrettable, he is doing what he believes the Neutrality Acts will require. Wallace stated that the Neutrality Acts were the problem here, for forcing this over broad action.

Wallace also pointed out that in any event, his focus would be on the economy, not foreign policy in his Presidency, something Republicans were atrocious at, as their economic caused the Great Depression, and their trade policy made it worse.
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« Reply #223 on: August 29, 2022, 09:45:55 AM »

Due to the uncertainty of the political situation at home, Chiang Kai-shek will remain in China for the duration of the Olympic Games. President Lin Sen will lead the Chinese diplomatic delegation at the Olympics. Generalissimo Chiang personally congratulates the Chinese Olympic team and wishes them success at the games.
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« Reply #224 on: August 29, 2022, 11:45:41 AM »

Duce Mussolini will lead an Italian Delegation (consisting of Italo Balbo, Emilio de Bono, Galeazzo Ciano, and Crown Prince Umberto among others) to the Opening of the Games of the XI Olympiad and will speak to the entire Italian Olympic Team and make himself available for discussions with other world leaders. Once the games begin, Balbo, Ciano, and the Crown Prince will rotate visits to the games to support Team Italy.
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