The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29729 times)
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,408
United States
« on: July 09, 2022, 11:35:39 AM »

Reaffirmation of the Little Entente and the Declaration of the Pact of Organization
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia, with the support of their fraternal partner the French Republic, today reaffirm their commitment to, and membership in, the “Little Entente.” The members reaffirm their adherence to the tripartite treaty of alliance signed at Strbske Pleso in 1930 and the French Republic reaffirms its treaties of alliance and friendship signed with all three members.

Recognizing the benefit of mutual cooperation, formal instruments of collaboration shall be formed in the coming year, including:

-The Permanent Council, to consist of the ministers of foreign affairs of the three respective countries or of the special delegates appointed for that purpose. Decisions of the council are to be brought unanimously. The council is designed to meet at least three times per year. The meetings are to be held in each of the member states and in Geneva during the session of the League of Nations.

-The Secretariat of the Permanent Council, to perform the day-to-day routine operations of the Little Entente. In addition, a certain section of the secretariat to function permanently in the seat of the League of Nations.

-The Economic Council, by which the member states declared their will to co-ordinate its economic interests as well.

In addition, recognizing the importance of peace and security in Southern Europe, an invitation to the Little Entente shall be formally extended to the Kingdom of Greece.

X Edouard Daladier, Prime Minister
X Joseph Paul-Boncour, Foreign Minister

X President Tomáš Masaryk
X Foreign Minister Edvard Beneš
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,408
United States
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2022, 06:12:12 PM »

The Republic of Czechoslovakia will nominate Prague to host the 1940 olympics.
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,408
United States
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2022, 08:10:15 PM »

Treaty of Paris
I. The belligerent states of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Kingdom of Romania, Czechoslovak Republic, and the Kingdom of Hungary agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities and the terms below.
II. The belligerent states of the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities and the terms below.
III. All belligerent nations, as well as the French Republic and the Kingdom of Italy recognize the independence of the Republics of Slovenia and Croatia.
IV. All belligerent nations, as well as the French Republic and the Kingdom of Italy recognize the following as the new borders of the region:

III . The Kingdom of Hungary agrees to demilitarize the region within 50km of its border.
VI. The Kingdom of Hungary agrees to relinquish any and all claims on Transylvania.
VII. The Kingdom of Hungary agrees to pay reparations to the Czechoslovak Republic.
Edouard Daladier, Prime Minister
  X King Carol II of Rumania

x Paul Karadordevic, Prince Regent of Yugoslavia

x President Majarzyek
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,408
United States
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2022, 05:47:52 PM »

General Secretary Kirov Announcement

   Comrades, It has come to my attention, that with the help of Trotskyist elements and the planning of traitors to the revolution and the work of enemy nations hellbent on the destruction of the revolution and standing opposed to the solidarity of men. I report the murder of my great friend Comrade Stalin. Those enemies of the state who are responsible for his murder, will be brought to justice. We have confirmed that among these foreign agents are, Nikolai Yezhov, Genrikh Yagoda, and Mikhail Tukhachevsky. Documents have been uncovered linking them to those in Germany and the United States who wish to see the fall of the glorious Soviet Union and our great people put into the chains and shackles of capitalism! I ask of you to take to the streets and demand that Nikolai Yezhov, Genrikh Yagoda, and Mikhail Tukhachevsky turn themselves over to the proper authorities surrendering themselves to face the justice of the revolution for their murder of Comrade Stalin and for the actions they have undertaken to attempt to put the people of the Soviet Union into the slavery of Capitalism.

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