The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)

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Atlas Politician
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« Reply #400 on: March 08, 2023, 04:45:26 PM »
« edited: March 08, 2023, 04:48:38 PM by Chief Justice windjammer »

The Polish government would like to reiterate General Gadja is a well known personal friend of the Poles and we request his liberation and his supporters'.

Furthermore, we are in direct dialog with the polish minority and we are closely monitoring the situation.
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« Reply #401 on: March 08, 2023, 05:30:38 PM »

Statement of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Kingdom of Italy

The Kingdom of Italy and Il Duce are disturbed by the military coup in the Republic of Czechoslovakia and the disruption of normal government practice. As a creditor to the Republic and a neighbor, the Kingdom is seriously concerned by any instability and will suspend any payments for the economy recovery of the Czechoslovak state until order is restored.


We are further dismayed by the arrest of General Radola Gajda, a sincere friend of the Italian people. The arrest of Mr. Gadja should concern the civilized world, especially at a time of renewed threat of Marxist terror against Europe. The Italian government demands the immediate release of General Gadja and the conclusion of general peace between the Prague government and the National Fascist Community.


The Kingdom of Italy remains neutral in the internal affairs of Czechoslovakia, and the general dispute between the governments of Germany, France, Britain, and Czechoslovakia. It is not in the interest of the Italian government to intervene in an international dispute over the old hinterlands of the Marcomanni. The Kingdom hopes that the violence will be avoided from all parties.  

Il Duce is said to have commented that this is a "blonde people affair"
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« Reply #402 on: March 08, 2023, 05:41:43 PM »

Mikhail Tukhachevsky on the Czechoslovakian coup d'état

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics categorically condemns the bloody putsch which has taken place in Czechoslovakia. We express our solidarity with the people living in Czechoslovakia who are courageously resisting the new filthy bourgeois dictatorship.
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« Reply #403 on: March 08, 2023, 06:08:31 PM »

The German Reich has decided, effective immediately, to end all commercial relations with the Czechoslovak Republic and issue a full embargo on it until the usurper Jan Syrovy resigns and elections are allowed to go forward.
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« Reply #404 on: March 08, 2023, 06:20:54 PM »


Hungary invades Czechoslovakia!
King Otto II delivers historic statement, cites need to protect Hungarians,
Royal Hungarian Army breaches demilitarized zone, storms Czech border,
High casualties on both sides, Hungarian Czechs welcome invading force


Events are moving fast in Czechoslovakia as the recent coup d'etat takes form, with General Syrovy quickly attaining Anglo-French recognition whilst the battered Communists and Fascists try to regroup. However, the most dramatic and recent development has not come from the cities in which the coup is being fought - against or in support of - but from across the border. Having only narrowly survived as a nation after having had their capital captured by the Czechs only three years ago, the Kingdom of Hungary had seemingly waited with patience for its opportunity, and they had found it. Stunning and stirring the nation by speaking against what he called the "ongoing persecution and oppression of Hungarian minorities by the Czechoslovak dictatorship", and citing a failed assassination attempt on his person by a Czech nationalist, Otto outlined the Hungarian intent to liberate their brethren.

As he spoke, several divisions of the Royal Hungarian Army breached the Treaty of Paris, entering the demilitarized zone forced upon them. Due to the distance to be covered, Czechoslovakian border forces were able to organize some degree of resistance, forcing the Hungarians to lead frontal assault on their positions. After a few hours, the Hungarian forces broke through the overstretched Czech lines - who had redeployed several units to fight the Slovak and Hungarian uprisings - in spite of heavy casualties. Though outnumbered and at moments isolated due to partisan action, the Czech forces have regrouped and halted the Hungarian advance close to rebel-held Bratislava, taking advantage of far superior weaponry to continue to inflict significant losses on the invaders. For their part, the Hungarian forces have established a link to rebel leader Jaross, and have reportedly been triumphantly received by ethnic Hungarian communities.
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« Reply #405 on: March 08, 2023, 11:02:58 PM »

Mikhail Tukhachevsky on the Hungarian invasion of Czechoslovakia

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics condemns the Hungarian invasion of Czechoslovakia as a violation of the principles of international law and an act of aggression. We share the sorrow of the Czechoslovak people who have been subjected to such a heavy trial.

We call on all states to take action to prevent such developments, which could lead to further aggression and destabilization in Europe undermining the foundations of international security
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« Reply #406 on: March 09, 2023, 02:00:15 AM »

Daladier Condemns Habsburg Invasion in Address to the National Assembly

“Yesterday evening, the Hungarian government, in violation of the terms of the Treaty of Paris, and in an unprovoked and unannounced act of aggression, invaded the sovereign territory of a French treaty ally. This is an act which the French government condemns. The French Republic demands an immediate end to hostilities and the withdrawal of all Habsburg forces from Czechoslovak territory. If such an end to hostilities is not effected within the next 48 hours, the French Republic will be forced to consider extra-diplomatic efforts in line with its obligations under the Little Entente and the Pact of Organization.

I wish to share with all of you what we are doing now. As of midnight tonight the Hungarian ambassador in Paris and his staff are declared persona non grata and must immediately depart. The French ambassador in Budapest has been withdrawn. All Hungarian assets in French financial institutions are hereby frozen. As we speak, our government is in close contact with our allies in Prague, and our partners throughout Europe, discussing all possible and practical measures which can be undertaken to afford aid to the Czechoslovak Republic.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité is more than a motto; it is an expression of French virtue, and we shall not abandon that virtue in the face of hardship. As we meet tonight the flame of Czechoslovak liberty is burning brightly against the threat of a renewed Habsburg tyranny which threatens to spread its sclerotic and medieval wings across the breadth of Central Europe. France shall not abandon her ally in the face of such a threat.”
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« Reply #407 on: March 09, 2023, 06:46:10 AM »
« Edited: March 09, 2023, 07:28:38 AM by RGM2609 »

German-Polish Treaty on the status of the Free City of Danzig

Preamble: Overcoming past diplomatic issues and acknowledging the efforts by both the President of Poland and the Reichskanzler to seek a better understanding between nations, efforts which have resulted in reconciliation between tje two states, the signatories are adopting this Treaty in order to settle the last point of division and move past all hostilities.

Article 1: From now on, the Free City of Danzig will be an autonomous free city under the joint administration of the German Reich and the Republic of Poland.

Article 2: The Republic of Poland and the German Reich recognize the current government of Danzig and will each send a representative to serve in government as Secretary of Polish Relations and Secretary of German Relations respectively, which will be full members of the Cabinet and the Administration.

Article 3: The German and Polish ambassadors, together with a representative of the Danzig government, will form a Joint Council tasked to promote trade between the three governments, improve the infrastructure connecting them and organise the legislative elections stipulated through this Treaty.

Article 4: Citizens of the Free City of Danzig will be able to send representatives to either the Reichstag or the Polish Diet. However, they will have to make a choice by registering on either German or Polish lists.

Article 5: The Republic of Poland keeps its current rights regarding Danzig while the German Reich will obtain those same rights.

Article 6: Both the German Reich and the Republic of Poland guarantee the protection of the Free City of Danzig in front of foreign aggression, however in the lack of a clear threat, the governments won't send additional troops within the city.

Article 7: All citizens of the Free City of Danzig will be able to send their children in a school of their choice, have the same opportunities irrespective of ethnicity or national affiliation and freely decide without interference for which legislature they wish to vote, if any at all.

Article 8: The German Reich and the Republic of Poland recommit to their previously announced Non-Aggression Pact, respect this Treaty and refrain from any subversive activities against each other.

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of the German Reich
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #408 on: March 09, 2023, 07:53:10 AM »

German-Polish Treaty on the status of the Free City of Danzig

Preamble: Overcoming past diplomatic issues and acknowledging the efforts by both the President of Poland and the Reichskanzler to seek a better understanding between nations, efforts which have resulted in reconciliation between tje two states, the signatories are adopting this Treaty in order to settle the last point of division and move past all hostilities.

Article 1: From now on, the Free City of Danzig will be an autonomous free city under the joint administration of the German Reich and the Republic of Poland.

Article 2: The Republic of Poland and the German Reich recognize the current government of Danzig and will each send a representative to serve in government as Secretary of Polish Relations and Secretary of German Relations respectively, which will be full members of the Cabinet and the Administration.

Article 3: The German and Polish ambassadors, together with a representative of the Danzig government, will form a Joint Council tasked to promote trade between the three governments, improve the infrastructure connecting them and organise the legislative elections stipulated through this Treaty.

Article 4: Citizens of the Free City of Danzig will be able to send representatives to either the Reichstag or the Polish Diet. However, they will have to make a choice by registering on either German or Polish lists.

Article 5: The Republic of Poland keeps its current rights regarding Danzig while the German Reich will obtain those same rights.

Article 6: Both the German Reich and the Republic of Poland guarantee the protection of the Free City of Danzig in front of foreign aggression, however in the lack of a clear threat, the governments won't send additional troops within the city.

Article 7: All citizens of the Free City of Danzig will be able to send their children in a school of their choice, have the same opportunities irrespective of ethnicity or national affiliation and freely decide without interference for which legislature they wish to vote, if any at all.

Article 8: The German Reich and the Republic of Poland recommit to their previously announced Non-Aggression Pact, respect this Treaty and refrain from any subversive activities against each other.

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of the German Reich

X President Koc
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« Reply #409 on: March 09, 2023, 01:25:02 PM »


USSR invades Romania, Red Army marches westward!
Following assassination of local Communist leader, Moscow issues ultimatum,
Before Romania can respond, Marshal Blyukher storms Bessarabia with 500,000 men,
Romanian navy beaten, airforce forced to fall back, initial Soviet offensive delayed


In spite of previously mediocre results, and being banned from standing for office, the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) had seen a major upsurge in growth after the economic crash and mounting collapse, with scores of workers and a few prominent trade unionists joining the ranks of the party. This, in turn, materialized itself in early 1938 with the start of strikes in Bucharest and other prominent cities. And while the size of the strikes and/or marches was always limited as opposed to having mass appeal, it seemed to observers as if the unemployed crowds were listening more and more, particularly when it came to criticism of the King. Still, it would have been surprising for most if this development had led to anything significant in the short and even long term, until it suddenly did.

Matters escalated significantly when, after a chaotic evening in Bucharest, PCR General Secretary Boris Stefanov was shot dead in his office, an attack repeated across the city as a number of prominent Romanian communists were murdered. Soon after an ultimatum was delivered to the Romanian government by Moscow, denouncing the prosecution of the Communist Party at the hands of the monarchic regime. Before the Romanian government had time to respond and/or react, reports arrived from the Romanian-Soviet border that a large number of Red Army formations were dashing towards the border. Over the next week it became clear that the Soviet Union was staging a major effort to occupy Romania, involving more than 500,000 men under the command of Marshal Vasily Blyukher.

Across the air, the Red Air Force quickly establish local air superiority over Bessarabia and Moldova, with the Romanian Air Force being forced to withdraw its forces to the south of the country. The Soviet Black Sea fleet was also quick to strike at the much smaller Romanian Navy, inflicting crippling casualties on enemy vessels and successfully starting a landing in the city of Constanta which, as of today, is still being bitterly resisted by the local garrison. Across the western part of the new theatre of operations, an infantry heavy force overwhelmed the border posts to storm into Bessarabia. A delaying action by the local commander prevented an encirclement that would have opened up the entire region to immediate occupation, at the cost of the city of Chisinau being given up.

Disappointingly for the Red Army, Blyukher’s armor-heavy dash towards Cahul was delayed by effective resistance, supply issues and poor coordination, but his armored columns are nonetheless approaching the key city. In the meantime, as the Romanian government is forced to scramble to coordinate its response, the PCR – now led by Stefanov’s unexpected successor, Lucretiu Patrascanu – has called on workers to arise and fight the monarchy.

Atlas Politician
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« Reply #410 on: March 09, 2023, 02:27:14 PM »

President Koc is pleased to announce he's now allied with Italy and part of his anti Kommintern alliance!

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #411 on: March 09, 2023, 02:28:46 PM »

President Koc is pleased to announce he's now allied with Italy and part of his anti Kommintern alliance!


Il Duce agrees to the conclusive of a defensive alliance treaty with Poland to defend the other in case of attack

Arson Plus
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« Reply #412 on: March 09, 2023, 03:10:27 PM »

The government of South Africa will formally establish a Department of Immigration - Harry Lawrence shall be appointed Minister of Immigration. The department shall recommend a 1% or more increase in annual population per year via immigration - 120,000 or more immigrants coming to South Africa every year along with what the government has done before on immigration.

The Ministry will advertise South Africa as a "land of opportunity" - and in areas experiencing war like Romania and Czechoslovakia and Hungary - South Africa will be presented as a place to start anew to live a prosperous life. The navy fleet shall be used to transport immigrants from various ports across Europe to the various major ports of South Africa.  This shall be used as a propaganda boost to further South Africa's reputation abroad in addition to increasing the white population in South Africa.

In addition - the Republic will fund advertising campaigns toward the White populations in Rhodesia, Bechuanaland Protectorate - fearmongering about a takeover by black radicals who would strip them of their land and property unless South Africa takes over. As for South West Africa, the South West Africa Affairs Act shall be amended to give them representation in both the House of Assembly and the Senate.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #413 on: March 09, 2023, 04:07:30 PM »

In the immediate hours after the breaking of news of the USSR's invasion of Bessarabia, Il Duce was seen reviewing soldiers of the 7th Infantry Division "Lupi di Toscana" in Lombardy, and inspecting warplanes of the Regia Aeronautica, especially the most modern fighter plane models. He was also in meetings with Achille Starace, Chief of Staff of the Blackshirts. He then returned to Rome to conduct important diplomatic discussions with Poland, Bulgaria, and others. He delivered this speech over Italian Radio in the evening of that same day, to be broadcasted to all homes and in public squares, and to the international press, as well as to Italians living abroad all over the world.


Vincere! Vincere! Vincere! E Vinceremo in terra, cielo e mare!
è la parola d'ordine d'una suprema volontà
Vincere! Vincere! Vincere!
Ad ogni costo, nessun ci fermerà!
I cuori esultano, son pronti a obbedir, son pronti lo giurano: o vincere o morir!


Men and women of Italy. It is your Duce. I speak to all Italians, in the homeland, and abroad in this perilous hour. I speak also to all of Europe, as I understand it, translated broadcasts of this address will be delivered across the world. I understand there has been great fear in Europe today, with the news that 500,000 red soldiers of Marshal Tuchachevsky have crossed the frontier into Bessarabia with the goal of absorbing the whole of the Latin Romanians into their bloody dominion. Right now, the Romanian front soldiers are courageously holding back the horde of reds to the last man, with the blood of the Romans in their veins, they fight with the strength of 10 men, but their situation is very dangerous, with the overwhelming Asiatic maw of Bolshevik Russia directed towards them. Casualties are very high on both sides.

I have spoken many times on the existential threat that Bolshevism, and Bolshevik Russia poses to European civilization, and to Italy. Today, what I have been saying for years is vindicated. Soviet Russia is commanded by a savage madman who only understands conquest and bloodshed in service of his Marxist idolatry. First he deployed his forces against the Chinese race, now he does against the Latin race, and the European race. The victory of the Bolsheviks in Romania would mean the destruction of Latin civilization in that region, thousands of dead innocents, and another staging ground for the Bolsheviks to strike at the heart of Europe itself, our great Italian super-civilization. The Bolsheviks are most villainous, vile, violent creatures, who have destroyed civilization in Russia, and aim to destroy civilization in all of Europe. They will not settle in Romania, the goal of all Marxists, and of the Soviet Bolsheviks, is the Bolshevization of all of Europe. They want you dead, your women enslaved, and your children indoctrinated, and they are coming for all of us. We face an inescapable choice between the Bolshevization of Italy and the destruction of civilization and all that makes life beautiful, and victory over Bolshevik Russia and their armies of barbarism! Like our Roman ancestors, we face an army of Barbarians from the endless hinterlands of the east, they come to destroy us, and to break our will, but Italians, Europeans, we stand united, more than ever, against them, and like the Romans we will stand victorious, civilization WILL prevail over barbarism!

Italians, we are armed with the immortal ideology of fascism. With fascism, we reversed the crimes of the mutilated victory, with fascism, we conquered Dalmatia and Albania, with fascism, we conquered the Adriatic for ourselves, with fascism we conquered the international economic crisis, and with fascism we will conquer Bolshevism! I, your Duce will lead us to victory, or to the death, but I will only accept victory, in all my life it has been the pursuit of victory.  

Italians, nobody in the history of Italy has stood for the rights of Italy, and the rightful destiny of Italy more than I. I will always stand for our rights, for our rights as Master of the Mediterranean, for our rights as the masters of our own destiny. Today I also ask you to consider yourself part of the European civilization, the Latin European civilization that our forefathers built stretches from Lisbon to Bessarabia. That civilization is now under threat, existentially. We must defend it, so today I am calling on all the national forces of Europe, and all the fascist forces, and all the nations who stand for civilization, to unite behind Italy! I am prepared to lead a great crusade into the black heart of Bolshevism! We live on the frontier of the battle for civilization, and I ask Europeans to move swiftly together for victory over the enemy! Italy extends her hand to the frontier nations in the struggle against the enemy, the Ukrainians, the Poles, the Baltic peoples, the Finns, and the Romanians, we offer our assistance. We extend a revolutionary and national salute to the Ukrainian people, a proud nation of warriors, who recently have reignited the glorious flame of their national-revolution against the Bolsheviks who despise them.

I further call upon the Christian peoples of Russia to immediately take up arms and rise up against the blood-drinker Tuchachevsky! He will drown what is left of the proud Russian nation in the fires of war and the blood of his Bolshevik policy! In a few short years, if he has his way, there will be no Russia, only the internationalist Marxist maw! Rise up now, or face the Chekist firing squad! Italy stands with you!

I have today, inspected the fighting capacity of our armed forces. They are ready and waiting to strike hard against the enemy if they approach. We have the strongest army, the most potent navy, the most able Air Force, and I have no doubt in their supreme fighting abilities. Then later today I concluded a defensive alliance with the Polish nation. They are on the frontline against the enemy, and they have defeated them before. In the finest hour of the Polish nation, with the intercession of Heaven, in 1920, the Polish people smashed the invading army of the Bolshevists. They proved with blood and valor their right to exist on this Earth, so the Italian nation extends the hand of friendship. Italy is only allied with the strong, and the Poles have proven their strength many times. I have also been in discussions with the Romanians, and I have offered them whatever assistance they may require. I have heard that there are Italians willing to take up arms to defend their Latin brothers.

Italians, Europeans! The Italy of Fascism is the defender of Europe! The legionnaire, poised with gladius in hand, to defend Europe's superior Latin civilization from the maw of the Bolshevik! Rally to the banner of Italy, and of fascism! Together, we can defend Europe! I extend my revolutionary and national salute to the soldiers of Romania in this hour of destiny, and I pray for their success. Italy is with them, and if needed, Italians will march in a Great Crusade to purge Europe of the Red Menace.

Long live Italy! Long live European Latin Civilization! Fortress Europe will defend itself, if armed with fascism, we can never be defeated! Hail, Italy of Fascism, ever-victorious!  

A Great Crusade?
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« Reply #414 on: March 09, 2023, 04:21:48 PM »

Newswire from Le Monde

….French General Staff seen rushing back to Paris…significant activity reported at French Intelligence and Defense Services…Quai d’Orsay reassures the public that all diplomatic efforts are being undertaken….
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« Reply #415 on: March 09, 2023, 04:43:16 PM »


Germany invades Czechoslovakia!
Hugenberg declares war on Prague, pledges to support Konrad Henlein,
Reichswehr crosses border, enthusiastically received by Sudeten Germans,
General Syrovy estabilizes government, but Czechoslovak Army is left in disarray


After scoring a major result in the 1935 General Election, Konrad Henlein, leader of the Czechoslovak branch of the German National Front, rose to become the near-undisputed spokesman for the German minority in the nation, which amounted to more than 20% of the total population of Czechoslovakia. Neither Henlein nor his comrades were caught unaware by the Syrovy coup in Prague, resulting in immediate uprisings by the Sudeten Germans, the defection of ethnic German officers and soldiers and the recruitment of militias that disrupted the previously solid Czechoslovak defences in the area. This, in turn, was followed by a constant stream of calls for assistance from Henlein to Berlin, which went initially unheeded even as the Royal Hungary Army crossed the border and launched an invasion of their own. It seems that, in the end, the pressure on the German Chancellor proved decisive.

In a sudden radio speech, Chancellor Hugenberg outlined the need to "protect the German minorities" from the Syrovy regime, and delivered a formal declaration of war against Prague. This, in turn, was followed by other announcements declaring a state of national emergency and fully mobilizing the Reichwehr for action. Across the Czech-German border, made substantially larger after the Anschluss, German units from almost three dozen divisions began pouring in, attacking the substantial fortifications system in the hopes of finding hopes or weak spots caused by the disruption of the enemy armed forces. Immediate attempts to force the fortifications would fail in Silesia and the western-most part of Czechoslovakia, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides. In contrast, Gerd von Rundstedt's armored column from Dresden punched through with help from German defectors, capturing Liberec and opening a route to Prague.

The largest German success came in the south, taking advantage of weaker Czech fortifications and greater disruption caused by the insurrection in Bratislava. Here, Fedor von Bock secured a major breakthrough, capturing the key city of Brno and threatening to cut Moravia in two. In the meantime, the Czechoslovak Air Force, previously at liberty to bombard rebel positions, was forced to fight toe to toe with the Luftwaffe, a vicious sky battle that soon devolved into the sort of attrition Prague can ill-afford. Not everything, however, was sour for General Syrovy and his government. A lack of major support had resulted in the virtual collapse of Fascist resistance, many of its members going into hiding and a handful accepting a negotiated surrender. Communist fighters proved tougher to dislodge, having seized three industrial cities in which to make themselves strong.

Having consolidated his hold over Prague, Syrovy can credibly claim there is no real threat of being overthrow by the Fascist and Communist movements. However, he must now contend with the threat of the Reichswehr, the Royal Hungarian Army, the Communist survivors, and the ethnic revolts.
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« Reply #416 on: March 09, 2023, 05:04:18 PM »

Newswire from Le Monde

….France declares general mobilization...Foreign Minister demands German withdrawal in 24 hours...
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« Reply #417 on: March 09, 2023, 05:10:34 PM »

The German Reich unequivocally rejects the French demands.
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« Reply #418 on: March 09, 2023, 05:59:45 PM »

His Majesty's Government is closely monitoring the rapidly developing situation on the continent. Due to the recent aggressive actions taken by the Kaiser, the Turks, and the Russians the government will introduce legislation to immediately reintroduce conscription and to triple the size of the Territorial Army.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #419 on: March 09, 2023, 07:31:51 PM »
« Edited: March 09, 2023, 07:40:55 PM by Devout Centrist »

Statement from the Foreign Ministry

The Empire of Japan commits itself to neutrality with respect to the current crisis in Europe.
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« Reply #420 on: March 09, 2023, 07:39:54 PM »

We will not get involved in the conflict tearing Europe apart, and humbly request the great powers of Europe to keep their drama out of Africa. If they cannot, then maybe it would be best to grant them their independence.

Haile Selassie, Emperor of Abyssinia.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #421 on: March 09, 2023, 07:59:16 PM »

The Union of South Africa will follow the directive of the United Kingdom on all matters relating to defense.
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« Reply #422 on: March 09, 2023, 09:17:32 PM »

The Commonwealth of Australia stands in solidarity with its European allies.

Mobilisation is hereby ordered.
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« Reply #423 on: March 10, 2023, 12:32:01 AM »

Effective immediately, the Republic of Turkey and the whole of the Eurasian Alliance shall implement a total embargo on the Soviet Union. Soviet aggression and interference with our dear partner Romania will never be tolerated, nor will their deception and treachery be tolerated any longer. All defensive measures required for ensuring the sanctity and well-being of our people are on the table.
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« Reply #424 on: March 10, 2023, 12:59:32 AM »

Response of Mikhail Tukhachevsky to the Turkish embargo

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is deeply disappointed but not surprised by the Turkish response. In response to Turkey, an embargo will be immediately implemented on the Republic of Turkey and countries within their alliance that follow suit. Turkish diplomats will hereby be expelled from the USSR.

Response of Mikhail Tukhachevsky to Italian and Polish threats

The Union of Sovjet Socialist Republics takes note of the fascist and capitalist Italian an Polish threats and responds with a total embargo and end of diplomatic relations with both of these nations for their threatening attitude to the millions of workers within the USSR and within foreign countries that we must protect.
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