The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29719 times)
Devout Centrist
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« on: July 02, 2022, 06:51:21 PM »
« edited: July 02, 2022, 06:54:44 PM by Devout Centrist »

Telegram to Washington, DC

Date: March 5th, 1933

His Imperial Majesty wishes to extend his most sincere congratulations to President Franklin Roosevelt on his inauguration this past Saturday. It is His Majesty's hope that the United States and the Empire of Japan may grow closer during this time of global economic and political strife. His Majesty sends his best wishes to the President, the First Lady, and the American people.
This telegram bears the Grand Seal of the Empire, affixed at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, this fifth day of the 3rd month of the 8th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 2,593rd year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu.

Emperor Shōwa
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2022, 09:59:54 PM »

Franco-Japanese Trade Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:


A. The Empire of Japan shall lower tariffs on the following imports sourced from the French Republic:

1. To zero base percentage points, processed and cleaned coal.
2. To three base percentage points, electronic components, miscellaneous
3. To zero base percentage points, manufactured aircraft components
4. To five base percentage points, electronic components, radio or automotive
5. To zero base percentage points, whole cow and goat cheese
6. To five base percentage points, all other animal products
7. To zero base percentage points, grapes and fermented grape products, including wine and champagne.
8. To zero base percentage points, all unprocessed metal ores.
9. To zero base percentage points, pig iron ingots.
10. To zero base percentage points, finished steel, bessemer process or otherwise
11. To zero base percentage points, mechanical and machine parts for use in the production of manufactured goods.
12. To zero base percentage points, vulcanized rubber
13. To zero base percentage points, tree saps and other plant extracts
14. To zero base percentage points, Madagascar vanilla

B. The French Republic shall lower tariffs on the following imports sourced from the Empire of Japan:

1. To zero base percentage points, rice.
2. To zero base percentage points, barley, millet, and sorghum.
3. To five base percentage points, all other whole corn or grain
4. To zero base percentage points, fish and marine animal products
5. To five base percentage points, milled flour.
6. To five base percentage points, baked or preserved foodstuffs, including bread, hardtack, and biscuits.
7. To zero base percentage points, soybeans and oilseed.
8. To zero base percentage points, processed textiles of cotton and silk.
9. To zero base percentage points, teas.
10. To zero base percentage points, porcelain and ceramics.
11. To five base percentage points, finished steel.
12. To zero base percentage points, all other clothing and fitted goods.
13. To five base percentage points, electronic and manufacturing components, miscellaneous
14. To five base percentage points, all unprocessed metal ores.

C. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to share technical expertise through mutual industrial assistance and collaboration.

D. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to coordinate on the construction of infrastructure designed to facilitate trade and economic cooperation.

E. This agreement shall be retroactively effective as of February 1, 1933.
X Harukazu Nagaoka, Japanese Ambassador to the French Republic and duly appointed representative of the Empire of Japan
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2022, 11:25:22 PM »

Italo-Japanese Trade Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:


A. The Empire of Japan shall lower tariffs on the following imports sourced from the Kingdom of Italy:

1. To zero base percentage points, processed and cleaned coal.
2. To three base percentage points, electronic components, miscellaneous
3. To zero base percentage points, manufactured aircraft components
4. To five base percentage points, electronic components, radio or automotive
5. To zero base percentage points, whole cow and goat cheese, including parmesan, mozzarella, and pecorino romano
6. To five base percentage points, all other animal products
7. To zero base percentage points, grapes and fermented grape products, including wine and champagne.
8. To zero base percentage points, all unprocessed metal ores.
9. To zero base percentage points, pig iron ingots.
10. To zero base percentage points, finished steel, bessemer process or otherwise
11. To zero base percentage points, mechanical and machine parts for use in the production of manufactured goods.
12. To zero base percentage points, processed aluminium
13. To zero base percentage points, durum semolina flour and other wheat based products

B. The Kingdom of Italy shall lower tariffs on the following imports sourced from the Empire of Japan:

1. To zero base percentage points, rice.
2. To zero base percentage points, barley, millet, and sorghum.
3. To five base percentage points, all other whole corn or grain
4. To zero base percentage points, fish and marine animal products
5. To five base percentage points, milled flour.
6. To five base percentage points, baked or preserved foodstuffs, including bread, hardtack, and biscuits.
7. To zero base percentage points, soybeans and oilseed.
8. To zero base percentage points, processed textiles of cotton and silk.
9. To zero base percentage points, teas.
10. To zero base percentage points, porcelain and ceramics.
11. To five base percentage points, finished steel.
12. To zero base percentage points, all other clothing and fitted goods.
13. To five base percentage points, electronic and manufacturing components, miscellaneous
14. To five base percentage points, all unprocessed metal ores.

C. The Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Japan agree to share technical expertise through mutual industrial assistance and collaboration.

D. The Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Japan agree to coordinate on the construction of infrastructure designed to facilitate trade and economic cooperation.

E. This agreement shall be retroactively effective as of February 1, 1933.
X Shigeru Yoshida, Japanese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Italy, duly appointed representative of the Empire of Japan
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2022, 04:03:49 PM »
« Edited: July 04, 2022, 11:08:47 AM by Devout Centrist »

Imperial Rescript to the Soldiers and Sailors (1933)

Credit to
Soldiers and Sailors, I address you today as your Emperor and your Commander-in-Chief. With this letter, I wish to express my pride for your dedication and service to the Empire.  Additionally, I aim to add new instruction and wisdom that will guide you during your mission, whether at home or abroad. In times of joy, we shall share the fruits of victory in co-equal harmony; in times of sorrow, we shall share responsibility for defeat without accusations or acrimony. You have my full faith in your ability and your dedication to serve our Empire.  With that in mind, let me begin:

1. Loyalty remains a paramount virtue among soldiers and sailors. This includes loyalty to the Kokutai, loyalty to the nation, and loyalty to the Chrysanthemum Throne. In this respect, I am very pleased with the dedication of servicemembers to the virtue of loyalty. You have shown utmost loyalty to our Empire and to your commission as soldiers and sailors of the Emperor.

At this time, I must issue additional instructions to you soldiers and sailors on this virtue: it is explicitly against the will of the Chrysanthemum Throne that any extra-legal order, incident, or other action be taken against a foreign administration or against the Constitution of Japan without direct approval from the Throne or from the Prime Minister. The Throne will not tolerate political activity taken on behalf of the General Staff or the Officer Corps without prior approval from either the Prime Minister or under direct order from the Emperor himself. The realm of politics is firmly occupied by the Government of HRM. It is the Throne’s prerogative to intervene in the affairs of state when necessary, and only then under extraordinary circumstances. Soldiers and sailors must not undercut their loyalty to the Kokutai through dishonorable action in the political arena.

2. Respect ought to be shown to superiors. As your Commander-in-Chief, I am greatly pleased with the respect shown by you soldiers and sailors for your commanding officers. You have followed their orders honorably and without rancor. For this, you have much to take pride in.

In this regard, I have additional instructions for officers and the General Staff: it is the will of the Chrysanthemum Throne that you treat your subordinates with respect and with appropriate dignity in recognition of their service. Reprimand those who are deserving. Show patience and virtue when guiding those under your command, in much the same fashion as a father shows patience to his children. It is paramount to avoid recrimination and punitive measures wherever possible. It is my fear that a culture of grievance builds in the absence of proper respect and patience for our soldiers and sailors. It is critical for such squabbles to be avoided.
3. True valor comes from integrity and dedication to duty; I commend you soldiers and sailors for performing admirably in all your activities. The day-to-day drudgery and toil is valor all its own, and I call on the current government to recognize your valiant service through better merit opportunities and better compensation. Additionally, I ask that commanding officers respect the dignity of work that comes with Imperial service, and provide mentorship to those soldiers and sailors who have just begun service to the Empire.

In these words, I hope you soldiers and sailors find guidance and counsel. You represent the very best of our warrior tradition and you are heirs to a prestigious lineage that has existed in our lands since time immemorial. I have complete confidence in your mission and in your ability to protect our Empire. You are, in every respect, equal and beloved sons of the Emperor. Execute your duty to our nation faithfully and honorably.

This rescript bears the Grand Seal of the Empire, affixed at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, this twenty-third day of the 3rd month of the 8th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 2,593rd year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu.

Emperor Shōwa
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2022, 12:01:21 AM »

National Radio Broadcast on the Emperor’s Birthday (April 29, 1933)
Distributed via Tokyo Broadcasting Station (TBS) and made available for broadcast internationally

Credit to
Loyal citizens and subjects, to all listeners at home and abroad:

It is my great privilege to address you on the eve of the 8th Tenchōsetsu of the Shōwa era. With today’s message, I wish to extend a message of gratitude and pride to the entire Imperial family of the Dai Nippon Teikoku.

The changing nature of the modern world has brought us many wondrous inventions that can be used to bring the people and their sovereign closer together. In the past, the institution of the Emperor was kept secluded from his Imperial subjects. Such a division was thought to strengthen the dignity and stature of the Imperial Kokutai. These sentiments were once true, during the time when it was not possible for the Emperor to address the entire nation at once. In the modern age, however, it is possible for the voice of the Throne to reach across the sea and speak directly to all citizens and subjects of the Empire. With this speech today, I hope to begin a new tradition–an annual speech from the Emperor to his loyal subjects on the eve of the Tenchōsetsu.

(in English)

To our international guests, brothers and sisters, I welcome you to this address tonight. It is my hope that the people of all nations may listen to this broadcast and may engage together with the people of Japan in joyous celebration on this great occasion. I wish you a bounty of blessings this year, and a prosperity of hope during this time of global austerity.

(in Japanese)

Now I turn my address back to my Imperial subjects. Many of you have endured much austerity and deprivation during these past few years. We owe much to you for your shared sacrifice in support of our Imperial Brotherhood. I can report to you today that we are seeing the coming of better tides; already our subjects are benefitting from budding prosperity, buoyed by a rising sun of good fortune across our Empire. I have every confidence that this year will bear witness to a new blossoming of harmonious peace for our nation.

For you, my subjects, I ask that you exercise patience and good judgment this year. Stability is the fountainhead of many good graces, and it is my solemn desire that we may work together to strengthen our Empire’s future. This is only possible through the cooperation and approval of our Imperial subjects. In this manner, we may all share in the co-equal blessings of peace and tranquility.

Together, as one Empire, we confront the promise and challenges of the modern age. It is a duty that every citizen and subject of Dai Nippon Teikoku shall strive to meet.

The Imperial family wishes you all a joyous celebration today.

With heavenly tranquility,

Emperor Shōwa
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2022, 07:53:49 PM »

Sino-Japanese Treaty of Understanding

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the Republic of China (KMT) and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:

The Manchuria Question

A. The Republic of China agrees to recognize the State of Manchukuo as a sovereign, independent state

B. The Republic of China agrees to recognize Japanese economic interests and rights within Greater Manchuria, including rights to mineral extraction, industrial development, trade, and all other areas of commerce.

C. The Empire of Japan agrees to share profits gained via industrial activity in Manchuria with the Republic of China.

D. The Republic of China and the State of Manchukuo shall establish a 75 km demilitarized zone from the Bohai Sea to the internationally recognized border with Mongolia.
a. Any military expedition must be declared prior to crossing into the demilitarized zone.

E. The Republic of China agrees to restrain forces loyal to the warlord known as Zhang Xueliang and shall undertake all necessary activities to prevent men loyal to his banner from undertaking banditry, raiding, or other anti-social activities in Manchukuo. Failure to restrain anti-social activities by men loyal to Zhang Xueliang shall be considered grounds for violation of this treaty.

F. The Empire of Japan agrees to establish a direct line of communication to the National Government in Nanking to avert future diplomatic incidents.

G. The Empire of Japan agrees to reduce its troop commitment in Shanghai to zero within three years.

H. The Empire of Japan and the Republic of China shall establish formal diplomatic missions in Nanking and Tokyo, respectively.

I. This agreement shall come into effect on May 1, 1933.

X General Hayao Tada
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2022, 08:39:59 PM »
« Edited: July 07, 2022, 09:14:36 PM by Devout Centrist »

American-Japanese Joint Trade Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the United States of America and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:


A. The Empire of Japan shall lower tariffs on the following imports sourced from the United States:

1. To zero base percentage points, processed and cleaned coal.
2. To three base percentage points, electronic components, miscellaneous
3. To zero base percentage points, manufactured aircraft components
4. To five base percentage points, electronic components, radio or automotive
5. To zero base percentage points, whole cow and goat cheese, including parmesan, mozzarella, and pecorino romano
6. To five base percentage points, beef, pork, and chicken products
7. To zero base percentage points, grapes and fermented grape products, including wine and champagne.
8. To zero base percentage points, all unprocessed metal ores.
9. To zero base percentage points, pig iron ingots.
10. To zero base percentage points, finished steel, bessemer process or otherwise
11. To zero base percentage points, mechanical and machine parts for use in the production of manufactured goods.
12. To zero base percentage points, processed aluminium
13. To zero base percentage points, vulcanized rubber and other derivatives
14. To zero base percentage points, processed and unprocessed crude oil
15. To zero base percentage points, gasoline and other such gas derivatives
16. To zero base percentage points, automobile and other such industrial components

B. The United States shall lower tariffs on the following imports sourced from the Empire of Japan:

1. To zero base percentage points, rice.
2. To zero base percentage points, barley, millet, and sorghum.
3. To five base percentage points, all other whole corn or grain
4. To zero base percentage points, fish and marine animal products
5. To five base percentage points, milled flour.
6. To five base percentage points, baked or preserved foodstuffs, including bread, hardtack, and biscuits.
7. To zero base percentage points, soybeans and oilseed.
8. To zero base percentage points, processed textiles of cotton and silk.
9. To zero base percentage points, teas.
10. To zero base percentage points, porcelain and ceramics.
11. To five base percentage points, finished steel.
12. To zero base percentage points, all other clothing and fitted goods.
13. To five base percentage points, electronic and manufacturing components, miscellaneous
14. To five base percentage points, all unprocessed metal ores.
15. To zero base percentage points, finished automobiles and such similar goods
16. To zero base percentage points, merchant vessels
17. To zero base percentage points, manufactured goods for use in fishing and other marine commercial enterprises

C. The United States and the Empire of Japan agree to share technical expertise through mutual industrial assistance and collaboration.

D. The United States and the Empire of Japan agree to coordinate on the construction of infrastructure designed to facilitate trade and economic cooperation.

E. The United States and The Empire of Japan shall establish a joint investment bank for purposes of allocating capital investment and industrial development. Each nation shall contribute national investments into this institution for mutual development.

F. The United States of America recognizes Manchukuo as a sovereign, independent state.

G. This agreement shall take effect on June 1, 1933.

X Katsuji Debuchi, Japanese Ambassador to the United States, duly appointed representative of the Empire of Japan
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2022, 09:09:02 PM »

President Roosevelt announces that the United States will extend diplomatic recognition to the new government in Manchukuo, and will nominate to the United States Senate, Senator William Borah as the first United States Ambassador in Manchukuo.
Telegram to Washington, DC

Date: June 1, 1933

To President Franklin Roosevelt:

In my capacity as Prime Minister of Japan, on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor, I humbly accept your nation's recognition of the State of Manchukuo

The recognition of the State of Manchukuo by the United States of America is great triumph of diplomacy and skillful negotiation. The people of Japan graciously accept the support of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; our diplomatic representatives shall work with our brothers in the State of Manchukuo to send an ambassador to Washington as soon as possible.

The Empire of Japan shall always seek to work with the free nations of the world to produce peace and tranquility. The people of Japan will do their utmost to live in harmony with the people of other nations.

With gratitude,

Makoto Saitō
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2022, 02:12:56 AM »

Matsudaira-MacDonald Agreement

I. The Empire of Japan shall reduce tariffs on all British manufactured and agricultural goods by 15%.
II. The Empire of Japan shall reduce tariffs on all British coal by 15%.
III. The Empire of Japan shall reduce tariffs on all British iron, steel, and their associated products by 15%
IV. The United Kingdom shall reduce tariffs on all Japanese goods and services by 15%.
X Tsuneo Matsudaira, Japanese Ambassador to the United Kingdom and duly appointed representative of the Empire of Japan
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2022, 07:27:59 PM »

American-Japanese Industrial Development and Investment Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the United States of America and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:


A. The United States of America, through public and private channels, shall invest $100 million in capital equipment for Japanese industrial development.

B. The Empire of Japan agrees to prioritize the importation of American finished goods, including but not limited to cars, radios, aircraft components, and other such similar goods.

C. The Empire of Japan shall make similar investments in American port facilities in Los Angeles, Long Beach, and San Francisco.

D. The United States agrees to prioritize the importation of Japanese cloth, soybeans, and rice.

E. This agreement shall take effect on February 1st, 1934.
X Katsuji Debuchi, Japanese Ambassador to the United States, duly appointed representative of the Empire of Japan
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2022, 10:33:57 PM »
« Edited: July 16, 2022, 10:37:36 PM by Devout Centrist »

Diplomatic Communique to the League of Nations

Date January 15th, 1934

The Empire of Japan views recent developments in Central and Eastern Europe with considerable apprehension. The current conflict in Hungary has the potential to spiral out of control into an all out conflagration that threatens the peace and stability of the whole European continent. My government urges all belligerents to negotiate a peaceful and expeditious settlement to this conflict. The Empire of Japan is willing to send intermediaries to aid in armistice negotiations.

Furthermore, we view Soviet manuevers and interference in Eastern Europe with increasing trepidation. The internationalist Bolshevik state has, in the past, sought to expand its boundaries beyond the Vistula and into Central Europe itself. They have threatened Poles, Germans, Romanians, and the Baltic peoples with subjugation under the banner of a foreign worker's dictatorship.

Soviet security guarantees may represent a first step towards newfound Bolshevik expansion in Europe. My government asks that the nations of Central and Eastern Europe reflect carefully on Soviet diplomatic advances, lest they fall into the internationalist sphere permanently and without the support of their citizenry.

Kōki Hirota
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2022, 06:40:07 PM »

Japanese-American Non-Aggression Pact
Article 1

--The High Contracting Parties recognise each other's special interest in international affairs and agree to preserve mutual respect for current territorial holdings.

Article 2

--Neither Party is required to join in an armed conflict if the conflict is initiated by a Party of this agreement.

Article 3

--Signatories promise not to enter into separate, secret agreements with other Powers to the that would compromise the mission of this treaty or provoke an attack on the other Power.

Article 4

--The signatories promise to communicate frankly and fully with each other when any of the interests affected by this treaty are in jeopardy.

Article 5

--Treaty to remain in force for five years and then at one years' notice, unless notice was given at the end of the fourth year.

X Katsuji Debuchi, Japanese Ambassador to the United States
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2022, 09:57:10 PM »
« Edited: August 06, 2022, 10:55:28 PM by Devout Centrist »

The Empire of Japan will nominate Tokyo as our candidate to host the 1940 Summer Olympics.

EDIT: The Empire of Japan withdraws its bid for the 1940 Olympics and will instead endorse the American bid.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2022, 04:15:46 PM »

Credit to Time Magazine

Foreign Minister Yōsuke Matsuoka Delivers Remarks in Tokyo
It is with no small amount of trepidation that I share my government’s views on recent developments in East Asia today. The news of Soviet arms and munitions shipments within territory that rightfully belongs to the Republic of China has caused much disquiet in Tokyo. It is the opinion of my government that any outside intervention by Moscow in this sphere represents an unacceptable incursion into the sovereignty of a free, Asian state.

This situation is made more dire by the internationalist intentions of the Bolshevik ideology, which, by its very nature, aims to destroy the traditional and integral ways of life that are central to the existence of the Japanese and Chinese people. If allowed to proceed unopposed, this subversive movement would annihilate five thousand years of civilization and replace it with colorless, inscrutable bureaucracy. Therefore, the Empire of Japan stands firmly against any and all Bolshevik attempts to expand their influence in East Asia.

To that end, my government has drafted the following plan for the peaceful enrichment and prosperity of all peoples in East Asia:

1. The Soviet Union shall agree to terms of nonintervention in the conflict in China and furthermore will cease arms shipments to all unrecognized governments contained therein.

2. No organization associated with the Comintern or any other group, committee, or body with other such similar associations, shall be recognized as a true co-belligerent in this conflict.

3. The regime in Nanking shall be recognized as the rightful government of Han China.

We await a reply from Foreign Minister Litvinov.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2022, 09:30:20 PM »

Press Release from the Foreign Ministry of Tokyo
The Empire of Japan condemns, in no uncertain terms, the allegations described in European news reports regarding the situation in Manchukuo. These heinous actions by rogue officers are contrary to the Imperial Rescript to the Soldiers and Sailors issued on January 4th, 1882 and reaffirmed on March 23rd, 1933. His Majesty's Government takes all credible accusations seriously and shall investigate them to the fullest extent that the law allows. All instances of dishonorable and Anti-Imperial behavior that are found to be credible will be punished accordingly.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2022, 11:58:46 PM »
« Edited: August 08, 2022, 12:01:49 AM by Devout Centrist »

Due to the repeated violations of the treaty terms and rampant human rights abuses by the Kwantung Army, and the failure of the Japanese government to control their own military, the Republic of China declares the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Understanding no longer valid and withdraws all diplomatic recognition for Manchukuo.
The Empire of Japan views this development with understanding and disappointment, in equal measure. The Empire of Japan pledges to uphold its past and present commitments to the Nanking government, in recognition of Generalissimo Kai-shek’s good faith and cooperation.

General Hayao Tada
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2022, 08:17:28 PM »

National Radio Broadcast on New Year's Day (January 1, 1936)
Distributed via Tokyo Broadcasting Station (TBS) and made available for broadcast internationally

Credit to
Citizens and loyal Imperial subjects, it is my great honor to address you at the dawn of a New Year. As our nation enters the year 1936, it is my prayer that prosperity and good fortunes settle upon all of your houses and hearths.

Much has transpired since the last address made by the Chrysanthemum Throne. This day, it is my desire to offer reassurance and hope to all subjects of the Empire. Let me be direct and clear in my words: there will be stability and safety this year, for all citizens and subjects of our Empire. The nursery shall be a place of joy for mother and child. The marketplace shall be open to the men of commerce. The streets shall be clear and safe to travel at night. Citizens, it is my solemn promise to you that each of shall be safe and secure in this coming year.

In order to promote safety and stability for this coming year, the Chrysanthemum Throne stands in full support of His Majesty’s Government. It is our hope that the Prime Minister, the offices of state, and the armed forces may work in concert with each other to bring about the rule of law and justice across the land.

Above all, my loyal subjects, take heart in the virtue of your work and the sanctity of our shared spirit. We are humbled by your duty and devotion to the Empire, and the Chrysanthemum Throne shall do everything in its power to reward your earnest support for the betterment of the whole nation. Let us go forth together, into the bright light of a secure and happy future.

The Imperial family wishes you all a joyous celebration today.

With heavenly tranquility,

Emperor Shōwa
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2022, 04:18:28 PM »
« Edited: August 28, 2022, 04:38:41 PM by Devout Centrist »

Speech for the Japanese Delegation at the Olympic Village (Recorded for later broadcast internationally and domestically)

Date: August 1st, 1936

It is my high honor to attend these Olympic Games today, both as sovereign to the honorable people of Japan and as an emissary of peace and felicity to all peoples of the world.

The proud tradition of the Olympics is one that unites all of humanity in celebration. In generations past, our people hosted such similar games of athleticism and skill, where feats of strength, daring, and chivalry were prized above all others. It is with that same spirit that the youth of our nation engage in the great Olympic Games, in recognition of our shared brotherhood and fraternity with young people all across the globe. We welcome fair international competition in the athletic arena, not necessarily as a means to boast about our own accomplishments, but as an end to itself: a grand display of the talents and ability of mankind.

It is my solemn hope that all who enter in these games today distinguish themselves through camarderie and chivalrous accomplishment. To the victors, I counsel that you be magnanimous in victory and courteous to those you have bested. To the defeated, do not become sullen in defeat. Hold your heads high with pride and congratulate the honorable victors in just accordance with their achievement.

With these words, my subjects and my friends, we shall each go forward to meet our own destiny.

Emperor Shōwa

The Emperor of Japan, along with his wife and his brothers Yasuhito, Nobuhito, and Takahito shall attend the Olympic Games on behalf of the Japanese people. The Emperor shall make himself available for diplomatic conversations with other sovereigns during the course of the Games.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2022, 10:44:14 PM »

Anti-Bolshevik Pact

The Govemment of the Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Japan, recognizing that the aim of the Bolshevik ideology, known as well as Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, communism, is to disintegrate and subdue existing States by all means at its command; convinced that the toleration of interference by the Bolshevik menace in the internal affairs of the nations not only endangers their internal peace and social well being, but is also a menace to the peace of the world; desirous of cooperating in the defence against Communist subversion; have agreed as follows

Article 1: The High Contracting States agree to inform one another of the activities of Bolshevik factions, to consult with one another on the necessary preventive measures and to carry these through in close collaboration.

Article 2: The High Contracting Parties will jointly invite third States whose intemal peace is threatened by the subversive activities of the Bolshevists to adopt defensive measures in the spirit of this agreement or to take part in the present agreement.

Article 3: The High Contracting Parties recognize that the USSR is the headquarters of the international Bolshevik menace, which directs and commands communist organizations worldwide, and that it is the premier threat to civilized nations.
The Empire of Japan agrees to Articles 1-3 of the Anti-Bolshevik Pact

X Toshio Shiratori, Japanese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Italy
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« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2022, 04:42:03 PM »

Telegram to Vienna, Austria

Date: August 16th, 1936

His Imperial Majesty sends his most heartfelt condolences to the family of President Dolfuss and to the people of Austria. The loss of a sovereign represents a devastating loss for the people of any nation, and the Imperial Family is no stranger to such loss. His Majesty hopes that swift and righteous judgement comes to those responsible for this heinous crime against civilization.
This telegram bears the Grand Seal of the Empire, affixed at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, this sixteenth day of the 8th month of the 10th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 2,596th year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu.

Emperor Shōwa
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« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2022, 01:01:26 PM »
« Edited: September 18, 2022, 01:18:48 PM by Devout Centrist »

Franco-Japanese Friendship Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:

1. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic agree to a non-aggression pact.
a. This non-aggression shall remain in force for a period of no less than 5 (five) years following the signing of this agreement.

2. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic agree to recognize each other’s territorial sovereignty, including any relationships with colonial entities or mandates established by the League of Nations.

3. The Empire of Japan shall allow French nationals to remain in Japan without a visa for a period of 180 consecutive days.

4. The French Republic shall allow Japanese nationals to remain in Japan without a visa for a period of 180 consecutive days.

5. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to share military technical knowledge and to engage in cooperative military exercises.

6. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan both agree to nonintervention in conflicts where either power is a third party adversary.

7. The French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to share cultural knowledge and shall undertake a joint Franco-Japanese cultural exchange festival in Tokyo and Paris, respectively.

8. This agreement shall go into effect on March 1st, 1937.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2022, 09:49:01 PM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 09:54:04 PM by Devout Centrist »

The Jewel Voice Broadcast (1937)

Credit to
Citizens, soldiers and sailors, to all Imperial subjects, I address you today under the most solemn and sacred of terms.

Recent events on the Asian mainland have challenged the strength and character of the Japanese nations. These developments have come in the form of an open aggresion on our civilization, one that seeks to undermine the resolve of the Yamato people. These difficulties are by no means recent, but due to the nature and character of these actions, they command our attention.

When our forebearers first anchored themselves to this land, they faced by all manner of foe: earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis that tested their character and their fortitude. Indeed, it was their faith and devotion to duty which dispatched the Mongol invader with courage and grace. It was their tranquility that established seven generations of peace and amity among our united people. Against all manner of negative and mischevious circumstances, they arose the victor. I have full and complete confidence that our fighting men will do the same in this modern age.

Citizens, your devotion to our Imperial Ancestors and faith in the Empire is tantamount to our success. Through your upstanding character and your ironclad spirit, you have demonstrated yourselves to be the vanguard of the nation. It is my belief that you will serve in your duty and diligence with distinction over the coming months and years. It is you, dear citizens and subjects, who through your patriotism and sacrifice for the common good, have proven yourselves fully able to meet any difficulty that you may encounter.

Soldiers and sailors, you are called by ancient custom and bound by ancestral obligation to protect the Yamato people. Your tireless work and boundless fidelity to the Empire will secure our people a prosperous and peaceful future. Your actions in the field today will inspire a new generation and deliver a final victory over the obstacles that have thus far impeded your mission. We recognize your honorable sacrifice to the nation today, and shall do our utmost to do well by your sacred promise.

Together, loyal citizens and subjects, we shall defend home and hearth. The spirits of our ancestors shall behold us in this paramount hour and our forefathers will stand side by side with us as we secure a solemn peace that will withstand the test of time.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set Our hand and caused the Grand Seal of the Empire to be affixed at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, this tenth day of the 5th month of the 11th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 2,598th year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu.

Emperor Shōwa
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« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2022, 09:00:07 PM »
« Edited: September 22, 2022, 09:09:21 PM by Devout Centrist »

Declaration of War on the Nanking Govt. (1937)

Credit to Wikimedia
Mr. President. Mr. Speaker. Members of the House of Representatives and the House of Peers:

Our nation, our Empire, and our people are at war. Yesterday, the armed forces of the Republic of China, and their warlord allies, launched a sudden and unprovoked attack on our ally Manchukuo and on the Japanese quarter of Shanghai.

Our Empire was at peace with China. At the behest of Mr. Kai-shek, our studious diplomats were in the process of negotiating a favorable settlement that would ensure a generation of amity and peace between our people. Instead, the Republic of China and their warlord allies attacked our forces without any declaration of war between our two nations. It was only two hours after the initial attack by Chinese forces on Shanghai that a declaration of war was formally delivered by their representatives to Tokyo.

This unprovoked attack damaged a great many of our armed forces and our naval installations across East Asia. It is with sorrow that I report that we have already lost dozens of brave and courageous soldiers on the field of battle. Additionally, the Chinese advance, which occured without warning, took the lives of hundreds of Japanese and foreign civilians who were swept up in an onslaught of bullets and gunfire.

In the weeks leading up to this attack, the government of the Republic of China delibrately misled our negotiators. Representatives of Mr. Kai-shek insisted, on multiple occasions, that they were open to peaceful terms and were willing to accept our offer of a withdrawal from Shanghai and indeed, possible concessions to the Han majority in Manchukuo. It was during this time that the Nanking government delibrately planned an attack on Japanese armed forces and civilians within the City.

Never before in the history of our Empire has the resolve of the Yamato people been so tested. Never before has such a heinous and barbarous attack befallen our nation. But while the Chinese attack may have briefly disrupted our armed forces, it has backfired in a spectacular manner.

The will and resolve of the Japanese people has never been stronger. The entire nation, from the youngest child to the Emperor himself, stands prepared to answer the call of duty. Even now, our men are mobilizing to take part in a great crusade to bring justice and peace to the whole of East Asia.

The road ahead is beset on all sides by every manner of foe. Final victory may remain elusive for years to come. Yet, I know that these are obstacles we shall surmount. It is through our force of will, our indomitable spirit, our righteous anger, and our bountiful patience that the Japanese people shall emerge victorious against this most unholy betrayal. The forces of darkness and corruption shall tremble before our combined might.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2022, 12:53:17 PM »
« Edited: September 23, 2022, 03:45:20 PM by Devout Centrist »

Propaganda Leaflet Dropped in Nanking (1937)

Men of China! Heed the words of this urgent message!

The people of Japan have no quarrel with the proud Han people nor with your Republic. Indeed, up until the very last moment, our representatives were negotiating a settlement that would have seen the withdrawal of all Japanese forces from Shanghai and would have guaranteed the return of rightful Han majority territories in Liaoning.

Who, then, bears responsibility for this catastrophe between our two people? The blame firmly lies at the feet of bloodthirsty warlords and bandits who, at the consultation of the moneyed and feudal landlords, undertook a campaign to subjugate and conscript all the men of China. These warlords, enriched by the landed gentry, have no regard for your personal safety or security. The recent bloodshed in Liaoning only confirms that they are willing to sacrifice millions of you and your brethern for little to no material gain. It is their actions, in conjunction with the landlords in the countryside, that aim to condemn you to a most wretched fate.

Let us turn back the clock. A century ago, both of our lands faced occupation from foreign, European powers. Let us not forget that it was these powers, and the degenerate Manchu aristocracy, who humiliated the Han people for a century. They plundered and looted freely. They sought nothing less than the total enslavement of the Han and Yamato people underneath their jackboot.

It was under these circumstances that our late fathers and grandfathers struggled. Indeed, we worked together to viciously oppose the tentacles of foreign interference and economic immiseration. You should know that his eminence, the late Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, resided in Japan during his exile. It was at this time that he developed the Three Principles of the People and, with the support of the Empire of Japan, conceived of a Pan Asian alliance that would liberate all the peoples of the East from Manchu and European domination, once and for all.

Men of China, do not turn your arms against us! Turn your guns against the landlords, the bandits, and the bureaucrats who have heretofore enslaved you and your families. It was them who denied you the right to vote and the right to peacefully assemble. It was them who, when faced with the prospect of land reform and liberation, brought the might of tyranny down upon your people.

Hear this, men of China! All who lay down their arms will be allowed to return home! The people of Japan do not seek your anhiliation or subjugation. Rather, it is our prayer that your nation may be liberated and that the vipers of European oppression, penury, and banditry will be extinguished from the whole of China.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2022, 02:51:58 PM »

Franco-Japanese Famine Relief Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:

A. Both powers shall contribute financial resources to a famine relief program for the people of China.

B. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic shall jointly undertake distribution of food aid to the Chinese people.
i. Aid convoys shall originate from either the State of Manchukuo or via ports on the Chinese coast.
ii. Aid convoys shall bear the mark of the Red Cross.
iii. Representatives of the Red Cross shall be invited to inspect shipments and distribution of food to the Chinese people.
iv. Food shipments to China shall bear the mark of both the French Republic and the Empire of Japan.

C. The Empire of Japan shall not restrict or interfere with the shipment of food aid to the Republic of China.
i. Food aid shipments to China shall be clearly marked and shall be made available to inspection by duly authorized Japanese naval personnel.
X Naotake Satō, representative of the Empire of Japan
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