The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29709 times)
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« on: July 16, 2022, 06:08:10 PM »

Franco-Polish Alliance of 1934
THE Polish Government and the French Government, both desirous of safeguarding, by the maintenance of the treaties which both have signed or which may in future be recognized by both parties, the peace of Europe, the security of their territories, and their common political and economic interests, have agreed as follows:

1. In order to coordinate their endeavours towards peace the two Governments undertake to consult each other on all questions of foreign policy which concern both States, so far as those questions affect the settlement of international relations in the spirit of the treaties and in accordance with the Covenant of the League of Nations.

2. If, notwithstanding the sincerely peaceful views and intentions of the two contracting States, either or both of them should be attacked without giving provocation, the two Governments shall take concerted measures for the defence of their territory and the protection of their legitimate interests within the limits specified in the preamble.

3. The two Governments undertake to consult each other before concluding new agreements which will affect their policy in Central and Eastern Europe.
X Prime Minister Daladier
X Joseph Paul-Boncour, Foreign Minister

X Adam Cox
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2022, 04:14:28 PM »

German Polish Non Agression Pact

The German Republic and the Republic of Poland agree on the following:
1) To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement
2) To work with each others to stop any attempt from foreign countries to overthrow the rightful government of Germany and Poland
3) To end this so called "trade and customs" war by reducing tariffs back to those of 1922

X War Minister Koc

We are pleased to announce a new era in our relations with Germany, an era of appeasement and cooperation.

Chancellor Hugenberg has proven to be a worthy foreign partner by eliminating Adolf Hitler and his clique whose bellicist and anti polish views were very much well known. We present to the Zentrum Party and to Germany our condoleances for the assassination of the mayor of Koln, Konrad Adenauer.

We pray, as a christian nation, for the end of this so called " german civil war" as soon as possible/
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2022, 05:58:44 PM »

For Non Aggression and Cooperation

The Polish Republic and the Kingdom of Italy agree,

To swear against belligerency and conflict with any signatories of this agreement

To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement

To swear off any acts of aggression or direct provocation towards any signatory of this agreement

To cooperate in the diplomatic, economic, and security spheres for the benefit of both nations

To work together to advance peace and anti-communism in Europe

This Treaty shall be known as the "Polish-Italian Non Aggression and Cooperation Treaty"

Duce and Prime Minister Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini

X War Minister Koc
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2022, 07:04:57 AM »

On the recent conflicts in the balkan.

The Republic of Poland intends to remain neutral in the current conflict. This simply doesn't concern us.
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2022, 04:02:31 AM »

The Republic of Poland condamns the recent uprisings happening in Spain against the legitimate and democratic government.

Prime Minister Leroux has Poland's total support against the foreign plotted insurrection.
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2022, 01:41:54 PM »

Poland will support Quebec's bid for the Olympic games. Europe isn't a place to Host it as of now let's be honest
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2022, 05:54:48 AM »

Poland maintains its neutrality in the current yugoslavian -hungarian conflict and is willing to Host peace talks between the belligerants if they wish to do so. Poland IS however well aware that this is probably not what they want for the time being.
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2022, 06:02:32 PM »

President Koc plans to attend the Olympic Games as well
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2022, 11:50:48 AM »

Treaty of Warsaw

The Tsardom of Bulgaria and the Republic of Poland hereby agree to the following:

1. The Tsardom of Bulgaria and the Republic of Poland agree to sharply reduce tariffs on trade between our two nations in order to fight against inflation and to promote growth to both of our nations.

Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2022, 11:51:18 AM »

Treaty of Warsaw

The Republic of Tchecoslovaquia and the Republic of Poland hereby agree to the following:

1. The Republic of Tchecoslovaquia and the Republic of Poland agree to sharply reduce tariffs on trade between our two nations in order to fight against inflation and to promote growth to both of our nations.

Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2022, 11:46:17 AM »

Treaty of Warsaw

The Kingdom of Romania and the Republic of Poland hereby agree to the following:

1. The Kingdom of Romania and the Republic of Poland agree to sharply reduce tariffs on trade between our two nations in order to fight against inflation and to promote growth to both of our nations.

X President Koc
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2022, 01:30:43 PM »

The Polish government would like to reassure its citizens and the polish companies that we will not let the banking sector and other key industry to collapse. We're ready to intervene although we believe it won't even be necessary
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2022, 04:12:10 PM »

On Italy
Poland would like to express its sincere congratulations to Benito Mussolini on how he's handling the italian economy. His innovative policies are clearly creating growth and Poland is going to be inspired by his economic program.
Poland has however no statement to make on foreign policy, we're neither supportive nor hostile as we fundamentally believe it is up to Italians to make their foreign policy choices.
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2022, 01:32:48 PM »

We are pleased to announce an agreement has been reached to save Central Europe from collapse:
Krakow conference
1) An independent organization will be created, called "European monetary fund". Its goal will be borrow a loan on the markets and to then propose the loan to the tchecoslovaquian republic.
2) The solvability of this agency will be guaranteed jointly by France, the UK, Italy and Poland, proportionnally on their current GDP. The economic gains made by this organization will be proportionnally redistributed to each participant based on their GDP as well.
3) Each participant will appoint one member. And each participant will jointly appoint the President of this organization. The president of this organization will closely monitor how the money being loaned to the tchecoslovaquia government is going to be spent so that this follows the current way of Poland, the UK, Italy and France of managing their respective economy

x President Koc
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2022, 04:25:02 PM »

While I'm no fan of the Monarchy across the Irish Sea, or the Anglican Church, it is my belief that an individual has a right to marry whoever they wish, no matter how distasteful it may be to the rest of us.

As such, should Edward VIII decide to or be forced to abdicate, we in Ireland would be happy to welcome him and Ms. Simpson to live here.

Eamon De Valera
I didn't know Ireland was fine with divorce and granting asylum to the anglican head of the church!
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2022, 02:19:48 PM »

We are pleased to announce an agreement has been reached with the Republic of Turkey and the tsardom of Bulgaria:
The Republic of Turkey, the republic of Poland and the Tsardom of Bulgaria agree on the followings:

1) A full custom union on industrial goods between our respective nations.
2) Cooperation to build, to improve railways or other infrastructures to connect Warsaw, Bucarest, Sofia and Istanbul. Each national industry will be tasked to build the railways on their territory regarding this international infrastructure project.
3) A full review of the impact on the economy of all participants will be held every two years. The goal is to help each participant to grow its industry and the treaty can be renegotiated with that goal in mind.
4) The Kingdom of Romania can join this treaty by just signing it

x President Koc
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2022, 02:22:05 PM »

Treaty of Warsaw

The Republic of Poland and the Empire of Japan hereby agree to the following:

1. The Republic of Poland  and the Empire of Japan  agree to sharply reduce tariffs on trade between our two nations in order to fight against inflation and to promote growth to both of our nations.

xPresident Koc
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2022, 02:23:11 PM »

Treaty of Warsaw

The Republic of Poland and the Republic Ireland hereby agree to the following:

1.  Republic of Poland and the Republic Ireland agree to sharply reduce tariffs on trade between our two nations in order to fight against inflation and to promote growth to both of our nations.

xPresident Koc
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2023, 01:55:13 AM »

President Koc is pleased to announce an agreement has been reached between Poland and the United States:

Agreements between the United States of America and the Republic of Poland

1) It shall be known that our greats nations are being led by two presidents sharing the same ideology that could be summed in three words: pacifism, capitalism and christianity.

2) For this reason, in order to promote peace and prosperity, the United States of America and the Polish Republic have come to the following decision:
- The United States of America will grant a loan to the Polish Republic so it can continue to  develop its country in a capitalist way.
- The Republic of Poland pledges to look primarily at the United States when they have to import various stuff regarding the defense industry. A delegation of polish industrials led by the current Polish Secretary of State  Walery Sławek shall visit the USA, so shall a decision of American industrials visit Poland.
-A joint institution shall be created to promote trade between Poland and the USA notably regarding the import of american goods for the polish defense industry.

3) the loan will be paid back within 15 years at the appropriate interest for this kind of things


We deeply thank the United States for their support. Nation that we consider as friend.

Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2023, 04:45:26 PM »
« Edited: March 08, 2023, 04:48:38 PM by Chief Justice windjammer »

The Polish government would like to reiterate General Gadja is a well known personal friend of the Poles and we request his liberation and his supporters'.

Furthermore, we are in direct dialog with the polish minority and we are closely monitoring the situation.
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2023, 07:53:10 AM »

German-Polish Treaty on the status of the Free City of Danzig

Preamble: Overcoming past diplomatic issues and acknowledging the efforts by both the President of Poland and the Reichskanzler to seek a better understanding between nations, efforts which have resulted in reconciliation between tje two states, the signatories are adopting this Treaty in order to settle the last point of division and move past all hostilities.

Article 1: From now on, the Free City of Danzig will be an autonomous free city under the joint administration of the German Reich and the Republic of Poland.

Article 2: The Republic of Poland and the German Reich recognize the current government of Danzig and will each send a representative to serve in government as Secretary of Polish Relations and Secretary of German Relations respectively, which will be full members of the Cabinet and the Administration.

Article 3: The German and Polish ambassadors, together with a representative of the Danzig government, will form a Joint Council tasked to promote trade between the three governments, improve the infrastructure connecting them and organise the legislative elections stipulated through this Treaty.

Article 4: Citizens of the Free City of Danzig will be able to send representatives to either the Reichstag or the Polish Diet. However, they will have to make a choice by registering on either German or Polish lists.

Article 5: The Republic of Poland keeps its current rights regarding Danzig while the German Reich will obtain those same rights.

Article 6: Both the German Reich and the Republic of Poland guarantee the protection of the Free City of Danzig in front of foreign aggression, however in the lack of a clear threat, the governments won't send additional troops within the city.

Article 7: All citizens of the Free City of Danzig will be able to send their children in a school of their choice, have the same opportunities irrespective of ethnicity or national affiliation and freely decide without interference for which legislature they wish to vote, if any at all.

Article 8: The German Reich and the Republic of Poland recommit to their previously announced Non-Aggression Pact, respect this Treaty and refrain from any subversive activities against each other.

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of the German Reich

X President Koc
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2023, 02:27:14 PM »

President Koc is pleased to announce he's now allied with Italy and part of his anti Kommintern alliance!

Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,574

« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2023, 11:19:04 AM »

Treaty between the german Empire and Poland

1) Poland cedes Mehmel to the German Empire
2) The German Empire cedes Zaolzie to Poland (OOC the little territory Poland got After the IrL Munich agreement in tchecoslovaquia)

X President Koc
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