The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29670 times)
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« on: July 18, 2022, 05:00:38 PM »

German Polish Non Agression Pact

The German Republic and the Republic of Poland agree on the following:
1) To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement
2) To work with each others to stop any attempt from foreign countries to overthrow the rightful government of Germany and Poland
3) To end this so called "trade and customs" war by reducing tariffs back to those of 1922

X War Minister Koc

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany
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Posts: 2,077
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2022, 05:22:23 PM »

Hugenberg calls for the people to fight to protect the German nation

My fellow Germans,

In the past year, since I was elected Chancellor, I have been trying to fix our country which was damaged by years of instability, chaos and destruction. To help the German nation to heal from despair and rise back, stronger than ever. I am proud with what I have done and I trust that I have done my best to improve the life of each and every one of you.

However, in my way stood 3 parties. All 3 of them were led by demagogues, by people who tricked well-meaning Germans who failed into desperation that they would save them and fix the problems of our nation. They had no intention of doing so, not least because they had no idea how to do it. All they cared about was their personal power. For a year, they have allied, despite claiming to hate each other, and blocked me from getting my agenda through, an agenda, which would have save the German economy and restored our national pride.

When I cracked down on their paramilitaries and refused to allow them to wreck havoc over the cities of the country I was in charge of, they understood that I am not the one to allow them to get power bloodlessly. So what did they do? The NSDAP burned the Reichstag down, then they attempted to take over Berlin. I hold no ill will towards people who voted for this party, I truly do not. I understand why they felt our country to be humiliated, why they thought radical solutions were necessary. However, Herr Hitler and his dubious clique were not the ones who could get it done. All Hitler cared about was his personal power. I plan to be a different type of Chancellor, one who will never let our country down, who will have it rise back from its ashes, and I hope you will join me in this struggle.

Now, our nation faces the ultimate test. The Bolsheviks, those who seek to take over your private property, who wants to get rid of our culture and hand it over to Moscow, have decided to revolt because the Reichswehr would not let them lynch citizens! Together with them are also the cowardly Social Democrats, who only cared about democracy as long as it suited their interests! If they win, Germany loses! If they win, Bolshevism will be imposed over Germany! That must never happen!

I call on all patriotic forces, on all Germans. Join me in my fight for a stronger Germany! I call on all people, no matter their ideological beliefs, who want to take down Bolshevism for good, to join me! I call on Zentrum, who know now first hand what these out-of-control fanatics are capable of. Join me,  for stability and safety! For I will always respect your rights! I call on farmers, workers! Join me, for I will make sure your life gets better and you do not end up on a collective farm or in a government-controlled factory with no wage! I call on all patriots! The ranks of Der Stahlhelm are now open to everyone who wants to make a difference, to support the vanguard against Bolshevism! Join me, and you will be hailed as veterans! This is our chance to save Germany and it might be the only one.

Thank you for your attention,
Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany
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« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2022, 08:16:19 PM »

Alfred Hugenberg: "The legitimate government of the German Reich would ask the governments of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania to stop their invasion, but we know that would be pointless, as their obsessive desire to break Hungarian national spirit runs too deep, beyond any appeals to sanity. However, we call for the people of Hungary to stay strong and resist through these tough times. Do not give up your country and your national pride to attackers! We would also like to congratulate Regent Miklos Horthy for the admirable job he has been doing as the protector of his people, and urge him to hold on."
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« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2022, 04:09:00 PM »

The German Reich declares its full support for the legitimate Spanish government and hopes for the revolt to be put down quickly and at minimum cost.
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« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2022, 08:23:52 PM »

Special address by Chancellor Alfred Hugenberg

My fellow Germans,

During the past months, worrying reports of famine have reached the Western world, coming from the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In light of this, Germany has considered that swift international action is necessary in order to prevent the Bolsheviks from covering a genocide. Far from being open to investigation, like any state which has done nothing wrong would be, Stalin's government has vehemently opposed any kind of oversight and got the French to block said motion. I trust this proves the folly of the Bolshevik system for all to see, they can not feed their own citizens but refuse international help out of the fear of tarnishing their image. This shall be a lesson for those who thought Germany would be better off under Stalin's puppets.

I wanted to believe, despite my prior reservations, that the League of Nations could be a force of good and help make the world a better place, which is why I submitted this motion. However, it has proven itself to be worthless, infiltrated by Bolsheviks and Socialists, unable to lift a finger in support of the suppressed Ukrainian people. My government will not allow Germany to legitimize this charade of an organisation any longer. This is why I am announcing the German withdrawal from the League of Nations, effective immediately. This decision does not mean that Germany is no longer open to international cooperation, on the contrary. It firmly believes in the necessity of an Europe united in goals, especially in face of the Soviet threat. We just refuse to work on the terms of the Bolsheviks and their Western enablers any longer. Soon, we will announce the formation of an anti-Comintern Pact, and invite nations from around the world to join it. This organisation will seek to serve as a vanguard against Communism, that my government has already tried to be.

To end tonight's address, I would like to extend my prayers to the people of Ukraine and urge you too to pray for them and for the Lord to make them surpass these dark times, and to also pray that this fate never engulfs Germany or the rest of Europe.

Thank you for your attention,
Alfred Hugenberg
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« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2022, 12:18:13 AM »

The German Reich officially recognizes and establishes diplomatic relations with the Republic of Croatia.
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« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2022, 06:32:10 AM »

The German Reich recognizes and establishes diplomatic relations with the State of Manchukuo.
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« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2022, 03:15:22 PM »

The German Reich and the Empire of Japan have agreed to a reduction of tarrifs on all products produced in the other country by 10%, effective immediately.
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« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2022, 09:38:13 PM »

Decree on raising defense capabilities

On the basis of Article 48 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the German Reich, the following is ordered in order to raise the defense capabilities of the Reich:
That service in the defensive force takes place upon the basis of universal military service
That German peace army consists of 12 corps commands and 36 divisions
That Der Stahlhelm and its members are to be incorporated into the Reichswehr
That the Reich's Defense Minister is authorized to come up with supplementary laws to put this in practice
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« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2022, 07:14:31 PM »

Alfred Hugenberg reacts to the recent developments in the Saar:

"My fellow Germans,

Once again, the French have shown their true face, by dropping all pretense of international cooperation and breaking their own accursed Treaty, which they dictated to us back in 1918. They do so in the hope that we will cave, that our spirit will be broken, that Germany will return to being their puppet as it was before the national government took power. To them, I say: no, never! Now, I may tell you a little secret: they are so interested in the Saar because of the coal mines there filling their pockets! So let's let them work in the mines themselves, shall we!

I am calling on every man, woman and child who wishes to be a proud citizen of the Reich! Let's show those French that we won't lie under yoke anymore! I am calling on every man, woman and child in the Saar: cross the border! They won't let you decide what country you want to live in, so make that choice yourself! The German government pledges, I myself pledge, to every citizen crossing the border into the Reich we will provide you with good housing and a good job! No matter your income level or your level of qualification. We will also give you a grant of the value of your property in the Saar, to allow you to rebuild your life here, in the Reich, with your fellow citizens. We welcome everyone, man, woman or child, no matter your political orientations! We are all Germans, we won't inquire loyal citizens who risk everything to be in their Fatherland.

Cross the border, leave the French with nothing but land, for we won't be slaves anymore!"
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« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2022, 08:27:11 PM »

The United States has agreed to forgive all war debts of Germany in exchange for no further rearming.
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« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2022, 08:45:24 PM »

The German government strongly denounces the illegal actions on the French government and declares that, without a formal decision of the League of Nations, it will consider the referendum planned for October 20th as still ongoing, urging people still in the Saar to set up polling stations and express their votes.
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« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2022, 06:36:35 PM »

Alfred Hugenberg: "After the illegal occupation of the Saar by the French Republic, Germany has once again decided to take the high road, enter negotiations with the French and try to reach a compromise in the name of international peace, despite us being the ones wronged. During these negotiations, undertaken under the mediation of Poland, the German Reich was willing to compromise, accepting to push the referendum back until 1940 and let Saar continue to be a French mandate until then. Given that the referendum should have taken place this year and more than likely Saar would have become German, this was a big concession made in the name of preserving peace and in the hope that us, free Europeans, would finally put aside differences and unite against the Bolshevik threat. Unfortunately, France proved that it has no desire for peace. It has rejected to fully withdraw its divisions, which are there illegally, from the Saar, and refused to guarantee a referendum taking place at the set date. It was planning to occupy the Saar again in 1940 and prevent the referendum! In these conditions, it is clear that there is no possibility to solve this crisis together. Thus, the German Reich withdraws from the negotiations."
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« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2022, 02:19:41 AM »

The German government offers its most deepest condoleances to Yugoslavia and its people for the death of King Alexander and hopes for justice to be served. It also reiterates its calls for peace in the region and offers itself as a mediator between Yugoslavia and its foes should they desire one.
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« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2022, 01:43:00 AM »

Alfred Hugenberg's speech in the opening of the Olympic Games

My fellow Germans and much esteemed guests,

Today, Germany is proud to be the host of this very important event, one which is meant to promote international peace and cooperation above all, one which is meant to show that we may be competitors and adversaries in the sport fields, but at the end of the day, we are all humans and we are in this together! That we must all, no matter our ethnicity, gender or beliefs, work to build each other up, not tear each other down, in the name of a better future for all of us! The German people have always been steadfast in their deep desire for peace, for mutual understanding, for creating a better life for everyone across the world, and I look here today, and I with great joy can see that many people from numerous continents share that desire. All we can hope is that the events today and in the following days can grant wisdom to those who wish to see more strife, and get more to rally behind the cause of peace.

I look here today, to the ones about whom the games are really about, the great athletes who are the pride of their nations and of all of us. You have proven throughout your life that you are hard working, perseverant, tough but fair and above all, good sportsman. Your talent has impressed many, and I am looking forward to see more of it in the coming days. I hope you will fight hard for every victory, but above all, remember what these games are all about: brotherhood. I know you will   accept both victory and defeat and by doing that, prove your outstanding moral quality. You, the youth, are our future, and looking at you today, I can see that the future looks bright. I hope we can all enjoy the Olympics, I hope that Berlin will prove itself to be welcoming of all of our guests, and I hope that no matter the results, we can all go home afterwards with a renewed hope in the future of humanity.

Thank you, and I proudly declare open the Olympics Games of Berlin!
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« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2022, 12:12:47 AM »

Alfred Hugenberg: "Stalin once again shows his true colors and psychopatic nature by engaging in the diplomacy of threats! Europe must stand united against this mad man, as my government has been saying for years!"
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« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2022, 12:41:45 AM »

Alfred Hugenberg: "Stalin once again shows his true colors and psychopatic nature by engaging in the diplomacy of threats! Europe must stand united against this mad man, as my government has been saying for years!"

We have not marched into a demilitarised zone in defiance of a treaty that we signed. We did not withdraw from a place of international diplomacy.

If you wish to see the man most responsible for the troubles, look in the mirror.
Alfred Hugenberg: "All Germany did was to respond to an illegal action by another country which by the way broke that same treaty. And my government is happy not to take advice from you, given that you starved your own citizens! This is what Bolshevism means: oppression, starvation and unhinged provocations!"
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« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2022, 01:40:41 AM »

Now we see what Stalin's threat to "take any and all measures needed to remedy this situation" meant! It meant assassinations! The German government sends its most deepest condoleances to the Austrian people for the death of Engelbert Dolfuss, a man of high moral virtue and unquestionable patriotism and both Kaiser Wilhelm III and Chancellor Hugenberg will personally attend the funeral. It also calls for all Europeans to take a stance against the murderous regime in Moscow.
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« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2022, 02:57:22 AM »

Now we see what Stalin's threat to "take any and all measures needed to remedy this situation" meant! It meant assassinations! The German government sends its most deepest condoleances to the Austrian people for the death of Engelbert Dolfuss, a man of high moral virtue and unquestionable patriotism and both Kaiser Wilhelm III and Chancellor Hugenberg will personally attend the funeral. It also calls for all Europeans to take a stance against the murderous regime in Moscow.

The Soviet Union counsels Hugenberg to watch his words and observe the League of Nations vote on this matter.
Alfred Hugenberg: "The Comrade General Secretary must think I am one of the millions living under his opressive yoke, telling me when to shut up! The Germans are free people, so tough luck. Your fanatics killed Chancellor Dolfuss! You are the moral author even if you weren't directly involved, which I don't buy for a second."
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« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2022, 02:44:28 AM »

Hugenberg's address at the funeral of President Dolfuss

These are dark times. Times in which heads of state can perish, killed by vigillantes. Times in which there is no certainty on what comes tomorrow. Times in which an insidious enemy, coming from the tundras of the Far East, descending upon us through vile, terrorist acts, an enemy which wants to end our way of life, is let off roaming free by infighting among us, Europeans. If the death of President Dolfuss, an extraordinary man with a boundless love for his country and people, a man who has given it all for Austria, can teach us anything, is that when facing this enemy, the price of strife is much too high. These are dark times.

But we can make them better, each and everyone of us, through our actions. I call on the people of Austria. Honor President Dolfuss's memory. Give it all for your country, just like this great man ascending today to the heavens did. Think not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Never forget because of whom today is a funeral, instead of a happy celebration of the many accomplishments of President Dolfuss.

It will be hard. But Austria owes it to him to stand up and fight back. Germany is ready to stand up for Austria, as I am sure many other countries are, and help it secure a prosperous and secure future for itself. We are not enemies. We are brothers. We are all Sons of the same God. And when we fight for common goals together, we are stronger.

Today, we weep for him. Tommorrow, we must continue to fight back, in his memory.
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« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2022, 11:48:50 PM »

Germany denounces the bloody, murderous Yugoslavian government as an abomination and will do anything to prevent it from implementing its radical, genocidial agenda.
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« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2022, 03:58:50 AM »

The German Reich calls for international sanctions up to a complete emargo on Yugoslavia and will accept all refugees who are minorities oppressed by the Belgrade government.
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« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2022, 12:54:56 PM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 01:16:49 PM by RGM2609 »

The German Reich offers 10 million dollars over the next 3 years in aid to the Kingdom of Hungary in order for it to recover after the damage inflicted by the Third Balkan War. It will also sent military aid in advisors and technology to ensure the modernization of its military.
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« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2022, 03:13:50 PM »

The German Reich and Kingdom of Hungary agree to the following:

- Completely free trade between the two nations
- Encouragment by both governments for companies to form joint German-Hungarian partnership
- The usage of either German or Hungarian production in the reconstruction process except for when a certain required good is not produced in either country
- The urgent signing of contracts between German private companies and the Hungarian government related to the reconstruction process

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany
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Posts: 2,077
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2022, 12:32:22 AM »

Alfred Hugenberg: "We congratulate President Fey for his decision to allow a referendum. It has always been the policy of my government to let the people of Austria themselves to decide the future of their nation. We hope for a free and fair referendum, so that the results will settle the issue once and for all. No matter what, in any and all circumstances, Germany will respect and implement the decision of the people of Austria."
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