The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29657 times)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #325 on: September 23, 2022, 12:48:59 PM »

The Tsardom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia hereby agree to a one month humanitarian ceasefire to allow for the peaceful evacuation of Bosnian refugees to Bulgarian territory. The parties to this agreement forswear offensive action against the other for the duration of this ceasefire.

i) Current front lines will be maintained during the ceasefire.

ii) Bulgaria will allow the delivery of humanitarian shipments to the city of Skopje, however, military shipments will not be permitted to enter the city. Bulgarian customs officials will reserve the right to inspect shipments to ensure compliance. Yugoslavian officials in Skopje will also pledge to protect the wellbeing of the civilians of Skopje, and will ensure humanitarian shipments designated for civilian use are appropriated correctly.

iii) The city of Dimitrovgrad, and Nova Bardo on the Bulgarian side will serve as the primary transfer point for Bosnian refugees out of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavian, Bulgarian, and Turkish customs officials will work in tandem to process these refugees, and Bulgaria will assume responsibility for travel once they cross into Bulgarian-held territory.

x Tsar Boris III

x Milan Nedic, Regent of Yugoslavia
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« Reply #326 on: September 23, 2022, 12:53:17 PM »
« Edited: September 23, 2022, 03:45:20 PM by Devout Centrist »

Propaganda Leaflet Dropped in Nanking (1937)

Men of China! Heed the words of this urgent message!

The people of Japan have no quarrel with the proud Han people nor with your Republic. Indeed, up until the very last moment, our representatives were negotiating a settlement that would have seen the withdrawal of all Japanese forces from Shanghai and would have guaranteed the return of rightful Han majority territories in Liaoning.

Who, then, bears responsibility for this catastrophe between our two people? The blame firmly lies at the feet of bloodthirsty warlords and bandits who, at the consultation of the moneyed and feudal landlords, undertook a campaign to subjugate and conscript all the men of China. These warlords, enriched by the landed gentry, have no regard for your personal safety or security. The recent bloodshed in Liaoning only confirms that they are willing to sacrifice millions of you and your brethern for little to no material gain. It is their actions, in conjunction with the landlords in the countryside, that aim to condemn you to a most wretched fate.

Let us turn back the clock. A century ago, both of our lands faced occupation from foreign, European powers. Let us not forget that it was these powers, and the degenerate Manchu aristocracy, who humiliated the Han people for a century. They plundered and looted freely. They sought nothing less than the total enslavement of the Han and Yamato people underneath their jackboot.

It was under these circumstances that our late fathers and grandfathers struggled. Indeed, we worked together to viciously oppose the tentacles of foreign interference and economic immiseration. You should know that his eminence, the late Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, resided in Japan during his exile. It was at this time that he developed the Three Principles of the People and, with the support of the Empire of Japan, conceived of a Pan Asian alliance that would liberate all the peoples of the East from Manchu and European domination, once and for all.

Men of China, do not turn your arms against us! Turn your guns against the landlords, the bandits, and the bureaucrats who have heretofore enslaved you and your families. It was them who denied you the right to vote and the right to peacefully assemble. It was them who, when faced with the prospect of land reform and liberation, brought the might of tyranny down upon your people.

Hear this, men of China! All who lay down their arms will be allowed to return home! The people of Japan do not seek your anhiliation or subjugation. Rather, it is our prayer that your nation may be liberated and that the vipers of European oppression, penury, and banditry will be extinguished from the whole of China.
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« Reply #327 on: September 23, 2022, 02:18:11 PM »
« Edited: September 23, 2022, 06:25:23 PM by RGM2609 »

German-Lithuanian Treaty

- A referendum will be held in 1937 regarding the status of the territory of Memel and whether it should stay as a part of Lithuania or rejoin Germany.
- The independence of Lithuania is guaranteed by Germany.
- Lithuania will be financially compensated and allowed to use the port duty free should Memel vote to rejoin Germany.
- Lithuania will be helped to train, modernize and expand its army by Germany.

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany
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« Reply #328 on: September 23, 2022, 02:45:04 PM »

Anti-Bolshevik Pact

The Government of the Kingdom of Italy and the Spanish Republic, recognizing that the aim of the Bolshevik ideology, known as well as Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, communism, is to disintegrate and subdue existing States by all means at its command; convinced that the toleration of interference by the Bolshevik menace in the internal affairs of the nations not only endangers their internal peace and social well being, but is also a menace to the peace of the world; desirous of cooperating in the defense against Communist subversion; have agreed as follows

Article 1: The High Contracting States agree to inform one another of the activities of Bolshevik factions, to consult with one another on the necessary preventive measures and to carry these through in close collaboration.

Article 2: The High Contracting Parties will jointly invite third States whose internal peace is threatened by the subversive activities of the Bolshevists to adopt defensive measures in the spirit of this agreement or to take part in the present agreement.

Article 3: The High Contracting Parties recognize that the USSR is the headquarters of the international Bolshevik menace, which directs and commands communist organizations worldwide, and that it is the premier threat to civilized nations.

Spain is proud to join other civilized nations in recognizing Articles 1-3 of this pact.

x Alejandro Lerroux, Prime Minister of the Spanish Republic
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« Reply #329 on: September 23, 2022, 03:09:40 PM »

The Conservative campaign will boil down to the slogan “Better Schools, Safer Cities, More Jobs”. This phrase will be emphasized in candidate talking points and posters. Candidates will be encouraged to tie themselves directly to the Prime Minister and his policy record: the absorption of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Social Security Act, and the School Lunch Act. Candidate are also encouraged to disparage the National Conservative Rebels and the Social Credit Party for causing the election by denying the people the government they mandated just a few years ago.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #330 on: September 23, 2022, 08:48:38 PM »

The German government addresses the latest developments concerning the Austrian referendum:

"The musings by foreign powers who wiew Austria as nothing more than a puppet state and a buffer about the referendum should and will be ignored. The position of the German government is as follows: if the Austrian people vote to join us we will welcome them as brothers. Should they vote to stay independent, we will respect that decision. But should anyone, no matter who, try to stop them from casting their votes, they will be met with fire and fury from this government as well as the Austrian people."

Our concerns are that the referendum will not be legitimate. That it will be subjected to fraud and interference from certain interests. I understand Germany has little regard for international law, but any referendum must be held with League of Nations observers, otherwise the United kingdom will consider it illegitimate.
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« Reply #331 on: September 24, 2022, 02:44:09 AM »

The German government addresses the latest developments concerning the Austrian referendum:

"The musings by foreign powers who wiew Austria as nothing more than a puppet state and a buffer about the referendum should and will be ignored. The position of the German government is as follows: if the Austrian people vote to join us we will welcome them as brothers. Should they vote to stay independent, we will respect that decision. But should anyone, no matter who, try to stop them from casting their votes, they will be met with fire and fury from this government as well as the Austrian people."

Our concerns are that the referendum will not be legitimate. That it will be subjected to fraud and interference from certain interests. I understand Germany has little regard for international law, but any referendum must be held with League of Nations observers, otherwise the United kingdom will consider it illegitimate.
In a previous statement, which I see you walked back, you said you "wouldn't allow an union". Well sadly no one asked! The Austrian people are the only masters of their destinies.
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« Reply #332 on: September 24, 2022, 02:28:20 PM »

Speech in Nanking (1937)

China Heritage Quarterly

The Century of Humiliation is over. No longer shall our proud nation be ruled by imperialist foreigners. We have made great progress since the darkest days of recent memory. The decadent emperors are gone from power, the treacherous communists have been vanquished, and the livelihood of the average citizen has never been better. But our work is far from done. Our northern brethren remain under the yoke of foreign tyranny. After years of attempts at negotiation, our adversary has proven incapable of acting in good faith. De cun, jin chi. (Give them an inch, and they take a mile.) The Japanese profess to want only peace and prosperity as their soldiers plunder and slaughter in Manchuria. No amount of diplomacy will stop the despicable crimes of their army. Make no mistake, this war is purely the result of Japanese greed and duplicity. They have become that which they claim to oppose, no better than the western colonialists of generations past. But they will not win. Our unbreakable spirit shall overcome the invading barbarians who seek to destroy us, as our forefathers have proven countless times. With perseverance and discipline, our people shall soon live in harmony under one flag once again.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #333 on: September 25, 2022, 03:21:43 AM »

Prime Minister Chamberlain seems to think that the Treaty of Versailles can still be enforced, despite recent actions taken by the German and Austrian Governments. If he wants to go there, then he should ask his Parliament for a declaration of war against Germany. They are ones pulling the strings here, and the ones clearly violating the treaty.

Eamon de Valera
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« Reply #334 on: September 25, 2022, 06:05:39 AM »

Alfred Hugenberg: "The Irish motion to the League of Nations is a disgrace and reveals the existance of an international alliance of countries wishing to fulfill their inane plan of killing off German sovereignity for good, using Ireland as their trojan horse.This motion is a threat to the world peace. We would also wish to once again reiterate our principle of allowing Austria to decide its own future and any attempt by the so-called democrats to push a fist down the people's throat will result in a swift and drastic response."
Atlas Star
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« Reply #335 on: September 25, 2022, 06:20:14 AM »

Hasn't reuniting Austria and Germany been a goal for Germans for generations now? I only wish to enforce the treaty of Versailles, which I recall that almost everyone in Europe agreed to.

Your refusal to abide by it is what will do you in.

Eamon de Valera
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« Reply #336 on: September 25, 2022, 12:23:11 PM »

The German government kindly recommends Eamon de Valera not to get involved in issues beyond his depth and competence.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #337 on: September 25, 2022, 12:44:14 PM »
« Edited: September 25, 2022, 02:13:23 PM by KaiserDave »

Triumph in Albania

Another military victory for the fatherland has been celebrated with public celebrations in Rome and other major cities of the nation. A military parade in Rome was accompanied by non-stop playing of fascist music from public loudspeakers, a dozen of the newly designed Carro Armato M11/39 medium tank, the only models in the country, parading in the streets, thousands of soldiers, Blackshirts, veterans of the Albania campaign, banners, a memorial to the martyrs of the Pola, and Albanian banners and prisoners of war who were thrown before the feet of Il Duce and the commanders, a common sight in today's Italy of Fascism. Il Duce invited the King, newly announced as King of the Albanians (alongside a fascist collaboration government), and the Crown Prince to join him on the balcony, where he was also joined by Italo Balbo and Galeazzo Ciano. Il Duce spoke in which he proclaimed that all enemies of the Italian people, all those who attempt to frustrate their destiny, would be totally destroyed.

The events across the country had somewhat of a nervous atmosphere however, as so many worry about the threat of war with Germany, and the ongoing crisis in Austria. That said, the mood of the population was jubilant, and the praise heaped upon Il Duce by the adoring crowd immense. Celebrations persisted deep into the night as groups of drunken Italians, civilian and soldier belted out Giovinezza and Saluto al Duce into the night. The image of Il Duce is everywhere in the New Italy, extolling the glory and virtues of fascism. Banners hang from lines above the streets and from windows, they can be seen flying in the countryside, and in social places everyone is discussing the victories of Italy.

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #338 on: September 25, 2022, 02:25:12 PM »

German-Lithuanian Treaty

- A referendum will be held in 1937 regarding the status of the territory of Memel and whether it should stay as a part of Lithuania or rejoin Germany.
- The independence of Lithuania is guaranteed by Germany.
- Lithuania will be financially compensated and allowed to use the port duty free should Memel vote to rejoin Germany.
- Lithuania will be helped to train, modernize and expand its army by Germany.

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany

x Antanas Smetona, President of Lithuania
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« Reply #339 on: September 25, 2022, 02:51:58 PM »

Franco-Japanese Famine Relief Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:

A. Both powers shall contribute financial resources to a famine relief program for the people of China.

B. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic shall jointly undertake distribution of food aid to the Chinese people.
i. Aid convoys shall originate from either the State of Manchukuo or via ports on the Chinese coast.
ii. Aid convoys shall bear the mark of the Red Cross.
iii. Representatives of the Red Cross shall be invited to inspect shipments and distribution of food to the Chinese people.
iv. Food shipments to China shall bear the mark of both the French Republic and the Empire of Japan.

C. The Empire of Japan shall not restrict or interfere with the shipment of food aid to the Republic of China.
i. Food aid shipments to China shall be clearly marked and shall be made available to inspection by duly authorized Japanese naval personnel.
X Naotake Satō, representative of the Empire of Japan
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« Reply #340 on: September 25, 2022, 02:53:28 PM »

Franco-Japanese Famine Relief Treaty

With the power vested in our duly appointed representatives, the French Republic and the Empire of Japan agree to the following:

A. Both powers shall contribute financial resources to a famine relief program for the people of China.

B. The Empire of Japan and the French Republic shall jointly undertake distribution of food aid to the Chinese people.
i. Aid convoys shall originate from either the State of Manchukuo or via ports on the Chinese coast.
ii. Aid convoys shall bear the mark of the Red Cross.
iii. Representatives of the Red Cross shall be invited to inspect shipments and distribution of food to the Chinese people.
iv. Food shipments to China shall bear the mark of both the French Republic and the Empire of Japan.

C. The Empire of Japan shall not restrict or interfere with the shipment of food aid to the Republic of China.
i. Food aid shipments to China shall be clearly marked and shall be made available to inspection by duly authorized Japanese naval personnel.
X Naotake Satō, representative of the Empire of Japan
xEdouard Daladier
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« Reply #341 on: September 25, 2022, 03:47:05 PM »


Royal drama deepens in the UK!
US newspapers leak supposed British plans for forced abdication,
Pro-King press in the UK attacks Chamberlain, Tories close ranks,
Edward VIII remains silent, Parliament debates marriage issue


Although the drama surrounding King Edward VIII's intention to marry American socialité Wallis Warfield - formerly Simpson - had seemingly lost some urgency due to the 1936 General Election taking on a temporarily larger role, the issue was by no means solved. No longer having a sympathetic PM in place with MacDonald's defeat - and the former PM's ill-health preventing him from serving as Leader of the Opposition -, the King maintain a stoic silence over the first half of the year, reportedly only making it clear that his intention to marry Ms. Warfield remained steadfast. Suspicions that the marriage - which is still bitterly opposed by the Church of England and a large part of the nation - issue was being debated at the highest level in Cabinet and within the Commonwealth were proven right by an explosive series of news stories from the Hearst Press in the United Stated.

According to undisclosed sources, the Hearst Press has claimed that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is determined to force King Edward to abdicate his throne, and has been trying to influence the Commonwealth in that direction. On the opposite side, so the source alleges, stand both the Union of South Africa and the Dominion of Canada, which are believed to have been trying to push for a compromise solution that respects the monarch's wishes. If these revelations were already highly read in America, they proved to be truly explosive on the other side of the Atlantic, with the British press rapidly echoing the claims made by Hearst and taking firm sides on the dispute. And whereas pro-establishment newspapers including The Times and The Daily Telegraph have rapidly come out in defense of Mr. Chamberlain, the most popular newspapers, the Daily Express and the Daily Mail - led by Lords Beaverbrook and Rothemere -, have attacked the Prime Minister and expressed their firm support for the monarch.

As a result, the so-called "marriage crisis" has now turned into an "abdication crisis", sparking an intense debate on whether Mr. Chamberlain's alleged actions are in the right. Whereas the bulk of the Conservative Party has closed ranks behind the PM, Mr. Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and Duff Cooper, the War Secretary, are said to be considering resignation should Chamberlain attempt to topple the King. In Parliament, only the Labour Party has taken a firm stand against the King's marriage, with the Progressives, the Communists and the British Union of Fascists all expressing various levels of support. However the issue develops, it is clear that Britain is in for a tense resolution to what is now a political crisis.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #342 on: September 25, 2022, 03:52:37 PM »
« Edited: September 25, 2022, 04:22:04 PM by GM Team Member NewYorkExpress »

While I'm no fan of the Monarchy across the Irish Sea, or the Anglican Church, it is my belief that an individual has a right to marry whoever they wish, no matter how distasteful it may be to the rest of us.

As such, should Edward VIII decide to or be forced to abdicate, we in Ireland would be happy to welcome him and Ms. Simpson to live here.

Eamon De Valera
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« Reply #343 on: September 25, 2022, 04:09:13 PM »


Civil war and insurgency in Croatia!
Ustashe assassination attempt on Vladko Macek leads to civil war,
Italian forces sweep into Zagreb, arrest Macek and HSS leadership,
Weakened, HSS forces fall back and start anti-Italian, anti-Ustashe insurgency


On the surface, Italian efforts to expand its hold on the Balkans had been remarkably successful. Despite the escape of King Zog into Belgrade - with his entourage and Albania's gold reserves - and his subsequent flight to an undisclosed nation that offered permanent asylum, and the continued resistance of isolated militias in Albanian's mountains, the occupation of the country was swift. Against either indifference or only muted opposition, the pro-Italian Shefqet Verlaci became premier and Victor Emmanuel III was proclaimed King of Albania, further binding the nation into Italian control whilst most of Giovanni Messe's occupation force returned to the mainland. However, it was the already tense Croatia which flared up next. Although efforts to get opposing leaders Macek and Pavelic to agree to a meeting under compromise terms suggested by Rome made some progress, all hope of an arrangement was broken when Vladko Macek was shot while giving a speech in Zagreb, narrowly avoiding death.

The arrest of the would-be assassins revealed that they were members of the Ustashe, and the HSS supported government in Zagreb wasted no time in branding Pavelic a traitor to Croatia. Pavelic, for his part, openly blamed Belgrade - and then Macek himself - for staging a fake assassination attempt to blemish his reputation, a claim that was, for the most part, disbelieved in Croatia proper. Unable to arrest the heavily guarded Pavelic on his Dalmatian stronghold, the crisis rapidly degenerated into civil war as both men's armed forces and militias started fighting each other for control over the major cities and transport routes, resulting in heavy casualties for the HSS and the Ustashe, as well multiple casualties for the Italian garrison troops, often unwittingly attacked by both sides. For Rome, this was unacceptable. A few days after the breakout of hostilities, Italian armored columns swept into Zagreb and stormed the Presidential Palace, arresting Macek and most of his Cabinet.

With Italy formally charging Macek of collaboration with Belgrade, the stage appeared to be set for the elevation of Pavelic into power, with the Ustashe leader wasting no time in flying to Zagreb to - against what appeared to be hostile crowds - proclaim himself the sole legitimate leader of the new, Sovereign State of Croatia, promising to establish a fascist state in the Italian mold and "to face the Serbian threat". The arrest of Macek and the Italian intervention has undoubtedly crippled the HSS and prevented it from fighting a full-scale civil war as many of its leaders have advocated only non-violent or symbolic resistance, but HSS aligned militias have rapidly withdrawn back into rural areas and vowed to maintain the struggle. In a clandestine manifesto, surviving HSS minister Bozidar Magovac has denounced a supposed "Italian betrayal" and called Pavelic a "lifeless puppet", urging Croatia to resist to preserve its independence. Although such an insurgency remains young, there have accounts of multiple militia attacks against Ustashe and/or Italian forces outside the cities.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #344 on: September 25, 2022, 04:25:02 PM »

While I'm no fan of the Monarchy across the Irish Sea, or the Anglican Church, it is my belief that an individual has a right to marry whoever they wish, no matter how distasteful it may be to the rest of us.

As such, should Edward VIII decide to or be forced to abdicate, we in Ireland would be happy to welcome him and Ms. Simpson to live here.

Eamon De Valera
I didn't know Ireland was fine with divorce and granting asylum to the anglican head of the church!
Atlas Star
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« Reply #345 on: September 25, 2022, 04:30:59 PM »

While I'm no fan of the Monarchy across the Irish Sea, or the Anglican Church, it is my belief that an individual has a right to marry whoever they wish, no matter how distasteful it may be to the rest of us.

As such, should Edward VIII decide to or be forced to abdicate, we in Ireland would be happy to welcome him and Ms. Simpson to live here.

Eamon De Valera
I didn't know Ireland was fine with divorce and granting asylum to the anglican head of the church!

Don't put words in my mouth. I believe a person has a right to marry whoever they wish. Just because they wish to marry a divorcee whose been married twice means nothing if that is what they truly want. We shouldn't stand in their way, even if they are bringing God's wrath upon them.

As for granting asylum to the head of the Anglican Church, he wouldn't be head of the church if he abdicated, if my memory is correct.

Eamon De Valera
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« Reply #346 on: September 25, 2022, 04:39:01 PM »

The German government sees itself forced to strongly reiterate its earlier recommandation to the Irish leader.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #347 on: September 25, 2022, 04:40:29 PM »


Iraq and Iran nationalize oil industries!
Defying Britain, Teheran and Baghdad nationalize AIOC and IPC,
Failed ultimatum leads to aerial and land battles in Iraq, British forces under siege,
Chamberlain under pressure to intervene and declare war on Eurasian Alliance


Despite recent agreements being signed between Iraq, Iran and Britain, including the 1930 Anglo-Iraqi Treaty - which retained British military access to Iraq - and a renegotiation of terms for oil exploitation in Iran - which retained British control over its oil industry -, dissatisfaction with British influence and/or rule was clear for Reza Shah and King Faisal. Both men, who were nonetheless usually cautious when it came to dealing with London, found their respective hands greatly strengthened following the growth and rise of the Ankara-led Eurasian Alliance, enabling them to better prepare to curb British control over the Middle East whilst the Empire remained busy elsewhere. Years and months of preparations thus came to a climax during the latter half of 1937, in a distinctly explosive fashion. Having previously demanded a greater participation in the oil industry, Iran and Iraq saw multiple, large-scale anti-British protests across the year, demanding outright nationalization of the oil companies, an escalation which British businessmen alleged was directly spearheaded by Faisal and Reza.

And then they struck. Both the Iranian and Iraqi parliaments quickly introduced bills nationalizing the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC) and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), passing them unanimously and with barely any debate. And whilst their respective armed forces - backed by ecstatic, nationalist crowds - mobilized to take control of the drilling sites by force if needed, Faisal and the Iraqi government delivered a swift ultimatum to Air Vice Marshal Courtney, head of the British Forces in Iraq. Describing the Anglo-Iraqi treaty "null and void" due to a need to secure Iraqi sovereignty, Courtney was told to evacuate Iraq and withdraw back to Palestine, for which he was offered safe passage. Proudly refusing the offer, Courtney rapidly saw him facing a war situation as the Iraqi army moved against RAF Habbaniya and RAF Station Shaibah, the two British military bases in the region. Attempts to storm them were brushed aside by the local garrisons against high Iraqi casualties, resulting in both being besieged.

Attempts by the RAF to fly sorties to crush the invading forces witnessed, to their surprise, the intervention of the Turkish Air Force - the largest in the region - in support of Iraq, leading to large-scale aerial battles in the skies of Baghdad. Though the Turkish pilots acquitted themselves well, the British won the first few skirmishes, having to back down to the sheer inferiority in numbers. In the aftermath, Air Vice Marshal Courtney has immediately and urgently asked London for reinforcements. Despite the relative success of Iranian and Iraqi efforts in taking control over the oil supply, similar efforts to lobby businessmen to help de-escalate the crisis backfired severely, resulting in the same businessmen passionately lobby London to declare war and mobilize its forces to reoccupy the oil fields, so as to no lose their enormous investments in both nations. In Britain itself, though distracted by the "abdication crisis", newspapers have started baying for blood, targeting Turkish President Atatürk directly and calling for war against Ankara.

The news come at a particularly tense moment in the region, with Palestine still rocked by pro-Arab riots, Egypt have demanded renegotiation of its treaties with the UK, and Syria having just gained independence from the France.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #348 on: September 25, 2022, 05:01:12 PM »

Effective immediately, the Eurasian Alliance is implementing a total embargo against the United Kingdom on all oil and petroleum products from the Middle East. This shall be effective until Britain recognizes our basic sovereignty in economic destiny and withdraws forces from our territory for a peaceful resolution. As we have attempted numerous times prior, we always seek peace first and foremost but we shall be unafraid to defend our people.
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« Reply #349 on: September 25, 2022, 05:27:45 PM »


Crisis in Austria!
Starhemberg launches coup in Vienna, fails to arrest President,
Citing an "international conspiracy", Fey invites German troops,
Reichswehr crosses the border, Starhemberg arrested, Schuschnigg flees to Italy


The announcement of the referendum on a potential union with the German Reich, rather than lower tensions across the Federal State of Austria, further polarized the nation. Whereas normally the public opposition consisted on those in favor or against the Dollfuss regime, and the private one on Austria's potential foreign alignment, the notion of a referendum - and unity with Berlin - shifted the public debate into independence or unification, with interesting consequences. President Fey was perceived to have immediately lost standing within the Fatherland Front itself, only for him to gain popularity with Austrians who, regardless of their stance on Dollfuss, supported unification either to end the uncertainty for good or out of sincere belief in the so-called Anschluss. The government, foreign diplomats and international experts would reach no consensus in the following weeks regarding the result of a referendum - depending on whether it would be reasonably fair -,with disparate claims ranging from astonishing majorities either against or in favor of it.

Further muddling the waters were international warnings or outright threats as well as a passionate speech by Benito Mussolini, all of which appeared to have an effect (the former seemingly increasing support for Fey's actions, the latter decreasing it). And though the President was yet to formally express support for the Anschluss on the eve of the campaign starting, enough of his rivals had decided their "accidental leader" was too beholden to Berlin, and had to go. The following morning, only a few days before the referendum was scheduled to be held, intense movement was detected in Vienna and all the other main Austrian towns, with Heimwehr militias - thus far reduced to police work after being integrated in the Fatherland Front - taking the lead in trying to secure streets, buildings and arrest key members of the government. A coup was in place, as an undelivered radio broadcast by the would-be new President, Prince Starhemberg, was to have confirmed.

Why the Starhemberg putsch failed remains a matter of intense speculation given the limited information available. Some believe the coup was delayed too much due to Kurt Schuschnigg's alleged stalling, taking weeks before deciding to join the effort on the last minute and thus disrupting already existing planning with his own demands. Others believe that Starhemberg relied excessively on the Heimwehr instead of the Army, or that he did not realize that he was just as polarizing - if not more - than Fey on account of his behavior. For others, it was just plain bad luck. Whichever the case, success at capturing several key buildings in Vienna failed to yield the arrest of President Fey or the capture of the radio stations, enabling the government to call for support. By the end of day, the Austrian armed forces, led by the new Chief of the General Staff, General Franz Böhme, stormed Vienna and crushed the Heimwehr after fierce infighting, resulting in hundreds of casualties.

With the capital secured but the coup not fully put down, President Fey delivered a speech by radio, blaming the seemingly failed coup on a so-called "international conspiracy" for trying to disrupt "Austrian sovereignty" and prevent the referendum. Citing fears over future "foreign intervention" and further attempts to topple the government, Fey formally requested the entry of German troops into Austria to protect the country and enable the referendum to take place on schedule. Immediately after, German divisions stationed on the Austrian border entered the country, sparking instant domestic reactions. Anecdotal evidence suggests the Reichswehr's expeditionary corps immediate entry has been well received and/or cheered by pro-German crowds, coupled with reports of isolated acts of defiance or disapproval, and attempts at resistance by pro-Starhemberg militias.

Though the situation remains very much fluid, Kurt Schuschnigg has been seen crossing the Italian border seeking refuge, and Prince Starhemberg is said to have been arrested in Vienna. General Graziani, head of the Italian forces stationed in the capital, has allegedly returned to barracks rather than risk a gunfight with the motorized German units that have entered the city, cementing the coup's apparent failure. With the international reaction yet to be seen, the referendum, should it still be held in light of the German entry into Vienna, remains formally scheduled to take place in less than two weeks.
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