The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29690 times)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #300 on: September 21, 2022, 04:16:11 PM »

Minutes of the Grand Council of Fascism
To be published in the press...

  • Economic course of national reconstruction and rejuvenation has been a spectacular success. Tremendous strides in all industrial fields and total elimination of unemployment imminent. Total success of the fascist economic policy.
  • Successful adoption of the Transalpine Economic Community with members Slovenia and Croatia, adoption of policy to unite common regional aligned peoples into an economic bloc led by Rome.
  • The success of the direct intervention and spending policy to stimulate industrial growth and employment, Il Duce applauds such a policy as the only national policy for the Italy of Fascism.
  • With an eye to the question of preventing a rise in prices and debt, there will strategic slowdown in new developments until there is a sufficient period of recharge and stability.
  • There will be an emphasis on improving the efficiency and modernity of existing military-industrial projects, as opposed to constructing new projects.
  • Many thanks to Poland for their praise on our successful economic program, Poland is a valued ally of the Kingdom.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #301 on: September 21, 2022, 07:09:31 PM »


War in the Far East!
Chiang and Zhang reach accord, declare war on Japan,
KMT invades Shanghai and Manchuria, meets initial success,
Carnage in all fronts, Japanese preparations prevent debacle


Years upon years of disagreements between Generalissimo Chiang and the Nationalist warlords, themselves a direct result of the controversial Sino-Japanese Treaty, appeared to have no end in sight. At least that's what American journalists reported back to a world which, in spite of some heightened interest following the revelations of the Kwantung Army and the failed coup in Japan, did not pay much attention to the whole affair. It was therefore understandable that new meetings went unnoticed, as foreign observers essentially missed what became a historic rapprochement between Chiang and Zhang Xueliang, the Young Marshal. Although the terms and context of this understanding remain a mystery, it soon became evident that Zhang had been rehabilitated by the KMT, and that the warlords had dropped most of their outward hostility towards Chiang. The reasons became clear soon enough.

Despite having set up a screen of aerial reconnaissance across the Manchukuo border, the Kwantung Army originally thought that advancing forces were another futile movement by Zhang loyalist militias, realizing - almost too late - that it was the Northern Coalition standing forces, supported by several divisions of the Kuomintang's National Revolutionary Army. Having already been preparing defensive positions for a while, General Hideki Tojo immediately sought to concentrate his forces, with several elements spread across Manchukuo to fight militia or bandit attacks. Outnumbered, yet vastly better supplied than the opposition, the Japanese Army blunted the joint Chinese offensive in the south and turned it into a debacle, a so-called slaughterhouse as hundreds - thousands - of invading troops were viciously gunned down or bombarded to oblivion having only gained a few kilometers.

In the north, however, the Chinese were able to use Jehol Province - and the Great Wall - as far more useful staging point, penetrating the Japanese lines in a far more successful dash towards inner Manchuria. Although this northern offensive has placed the Chinese in a position to deliver a potentially significant blow, the breakthough has taken place in a region outside all the main lines of transport and communication, with the Greater Khingan Range - alongside other obstacles - standing in the way. Far down south, the other key battleground proved to be the city of Shanghai, in which a large KMT force stormed into the supposedly demilitarized zone to strike at the Japanese garrison. In this the Japanese forces also benefited from extensive preparations, having boosted the garrison with well-equipped forces.  It was a fortuitous choice, as in spite of clear superiority in training and weapons, Chinese morale proved to be sky high, which coupled with an enormous superiority in numbers overran the initial Japanese positions and pushed them deep into their own area of influence.

Although the local KMT commander dared to dream of an early victory, pushing the enemy to the sea, initial successes soon turned into butchery when the small Japanese naval squadron - led by the cruiser Izumo - provided naval gunfire, destroying scores of advancing platoons. From there, a combination of aerial and naval bombardment has brought the Chinese advance to a temporary end, narrowly preventing a disaster for the Japanese. Much of the city has been rocked by gunfire and aerial combat, with both the French and International Settlements becoming involved and suffering hundreds of civilian casualties, including a few dozen international citizens. In the aftermath of these bloody offensives into Manchuria and Shanghai, the Republic of China delivered a formal declaration of war to the Empire of Japan, citing "the atrocities committed by the Kwantung Army and Japan's refusal to withdraw from rightfully Chinese territory".

Whilst initial anti-Chinese protests have begun to erupt in Tokyo, an apparent surge of patriotism and national morale appears to be taken place in major Chinese cities, even in the now bombed, hollowed-out Shanghai. Although it is too early to tell how the war will develop and how Chinese morale might be impacted by it given thus far astounding casualties, it is clear that the Chiang-Zhang alliance has, for now, captured the mood of the nation.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #302 on: September 21, 2022, 09:49:01 PM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 09:54:04 PM by Devout Centrist »

The Jewel Voice Broadcast (1937)

Credit to
Citizens, soldiers and sailors, to all Imperial subjects, I address you today under the most solemn and sacred of terms.

Recent events on the Asian mainland have challenged the strength and character of the Japanese nations. These developments have come in the form of an open aggresion on our civilization, one that seeks to undermine the resolve of the Yamato people. These difficulties are by no means recent, but due to the nature and character of these actions, they command our attention.

When our forebearers first anchored themselves to this land, they faced by all manner of foe: earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis that tested their character and their fortitude. Indeed, it was their faith and devotion to duty which dispatched the Mongol invader with courage and grace. It was their tranquility that established seven generations of peace and amity among our united people. Against all manner of negative and mischevious circumstances, they arose the victor. I have full and complete confidence that our fighting men will do the same in this modern age.

Citizens, your devotion to our Imperial Ancestors and faith in the Empire is tantamount to our success. Through your upstanding character and your ironclad spirit, you have demonstrated yourselves to be the vanguard of the nation. It is my belief that you will serve in your duty and diligence with distinction over the coming months and years. It is you, dear citizens and subjects, who through your patriotism and sacrifice for the common good, have proven yourselves fully able to meet any difficulty that you may encounter.

Soldiers and sailors, you are called by ancient custom and bound by ancestral obligation to protect the Yamato people. Your tireless work and boundless fidelity to the Empire will secure our people a prosperous and peaceful future. Your actions in the field today will inspire a new generation and deliver a final victory over the obstacles that have thus far impeded your mission. We recognize your honorable sacrifice to the nation today, and shall do our utmost to do well by your sacred promise.

Together, loyal citizens and subjects, we shall defend home and hearth. The spirits of our ancestors shall behold us in this paramount hour and our forefathers will stand side by side with us as we secure a solemn peace that will withstand the test of time.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set Our hand and caused the Grand Seal of the Empire to be affixed at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, this tenth day of the 5th month of the 11th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 2,598th year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu.

Emperor Shōwa
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« Reply #303 on: September 22, 2022, 01:32:48 PM »

We are pleased to announce an agreement has been reached to save Central Europe from collapse:
Krakow conference
1) An independent organization will be created, called "European monetary fund". Its goal will be borrow a loan on the markets and to then propose the loan to the tchecoslovaquian republic.
2) The solvability of this agency will be guaranteed jointly by France, the UK, Italy and Poland, proportionnally on their current GDP. The economic gains made by this organization will be proportionnally redistributed to each participant based on their GDP as well.
3) Each participant will appoint one member. And each participant will jointly appoint the President of this organization. The president of this organization will closely monitor how the money being loaned to the tchecoslovaquia government is going to be spent so that this follows the current way of Poland, the UK, Italy and France of managing their respective economy

x President Koc
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« Reply #304 on: September 22, 2022, 01:37:57 PM »

We are pleased to announce an agreement has been reached to save Central Europe from collapse:
Krakow conference
1) An independent organization will be created, called "European monetary fund". Its goal will be borrow a loan on the markets and to then propose the loan to the tchecoslovaquian republic.
2) The solvability of this agency will be guaranteed jointly by France, the UK, Italy and Poland, proportionnally on their current GDP. The economic gains made by this organization will be proportionnally redistributed to each participant based on their GDP as well.
3) Each participant will appoint one member. And each participant will jointly appoint the President of this organization. The president of this organization will closely monitor how the money being loaned to the tchecoslovaquia government is going to be spent so that this follows the current way of Poland, the UK, Italy and France of managing their respective economy

x President Koc
xÉdouard Daladier
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« Reply #305 on: September 22, 2022, 01:52:05 PM »

Some weeks ago, we presented the British Government with a perfectly fair proposal addressing the issues facing us. Unfortunately, His Majesty's government has elected to ignore us, rather than even attempt to negotiate with us. This is not right, and if this is how His Majesty's government wishes to do business, then they have brought whatever comes next upon themselves.

Eamon de Valera, President of the Council, Ireland
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« Reply #306 on: September 22, 2022, 02:49:31 PM »

Hours ago, I warned the United Kingdom of the consequences of ignoring the generous offer I laid out to them. Let me make clear. That offer is still on the table. We wish to negotiate, and we wish nothing more than a deal. But if His Majesty's Government elects to ignore us, they will pay the price.

You know where to find us to talk.

Eamon De Valera, President of the Council, Irish Free State.
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« Reply #307 on: September 22, 2022, 04:06:17 PM »

Recommitment to Austrian Sovereignty

The undersigned governments redouble our commitments to....

The total independence of the Federal State of Austria, in sovereignty and freedom from foreign inference in its domestic politics.

Unified opposition to any action from a foreign power that might threaten Austrian independence.

A violation of these principles will result in immediate consultations between the undersigned powers to determine appropriate measures.

Benito Mussolini, Duce of Italy and Head of Government

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« Reply #308 on: September 22, 2022, 04:07:22 PM »

Recommitment to Austrian Sovereignty

The undersigned governments redouble our commitments to....

The total independence of the Federal State of Austria, in sovereignty and freedom from foreign inference in its domestic politics.

Unified opposition to any action from a foreign power that might threaten Austrian independence.

A violation of these principles will result in immediate consultations between the undersigned powers to determine appropriate measures.

Benito Mussolini, Duce of Italy and Head of Government

xEdouard Daladier
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« Reply #309 on: September 22, 2022, 04:40:19 PM »

We are pleased to announce an agreement has been reached to save Central Europe from collapse:
Krakow conference
1) An independent organization will be created, called "European monetary fund". Its goal will be borrow a loan on the markets and to then propose the loan to the tchecoslovaquian republic.
2) The solvability of this agency will be guaranteed jointly by France, the UK, Italy and Poland, proportionnally on their current GDP. The economic gains made by this organization will be proportionnally redistributed to each participant based on their GDP as well.
3) Each participant will appoint one member. And each participant will jointly appoint the President of this organization. The president of this organization will closely monitor how the money being loaned to the tchecoslovaquia government is going to be spent so that this follows the current way of Poland, the UK, Italy and France of managing their respective economy

x President Koc
xÉdouard Daladier

Benito Mussolini, Duce of Italy and Head of Government
Deep Dixieland Senator, Muad'dib (OSR MSR)
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« Reply #310 on: September 22, 2022, 08:16:31 PM »

Eurasian Alliance Treaty

Be it resolved:

1. This treaty is conducted between the following founding member states: the Republic of Turkey, the Imperial State of Iran, the Kingdom of Iraq, and the Kingdom of Afghanistan. The entity that shall be created as a result of this treaty is henceforth referred to as the Eurasian Alliance.

2. The Eurasian Alliance is a binding organization with the objective of instituting peaceful relations and economic prosperity among nations spanning Europe and Asia.

3. Upon membership to the Alliance, signatories agree that access to trade channels shall undergo liberalization. Tariff rates for nonessential commodities shall have a cap of fifteen percent; for items considered essential or pertaining to national security, tariffs shall be no more than twenty-five percent.

4. Member states agree that an additional three percent of their budgets over the next ten fiscal years upon ratification shall be devoted to transportation for interorganizational commerce. These funds will be allocated to the development, expansion, and maintenance of infrastructure including but not limited to roads, highways, railroads, airport terminals, railways, pipelines, and maritime systems. Following ten years, members agree for a permanent one percent increase in transportation budgets going forward. This continual project shall be known as the New Silk Road.

5. This treaty forms a mutual defense pact between all signatories wherein they agree to provide military assistance to one another in any instance where a member state is severely threatened, attacked, or in imminent range of being attacked by another nation. States under the Alliance will devote an additional one percent annually to their defense budgets for bearing increased responsibilities.

6. Militaries of each member state shall undergo greater integration to aim for close cooperation during times of war or strenuous geopolitical events. This shall be achieved through the formation of the Eurasian Affairs Council, comprising of defense ministers, leading generals, or other specially appointed representatives from each member state. The Council shall establish permanent residence in Ankara and possesses authority in military and intelligence affairs during times when the Eurasian Alliance's full capabilities are deemed necessary. Council members from each nation are of equal representation and approve decisions by majority vote. Heads of state possess veto power for decisions made by the Council that pertain to their nation's territory or nearby vicinity.

7. Under direction of the Eurasian Affairs Council, the armed forces for each member state shall receive specialized cross-training with forces from other countries to both enhance cultural understanding and better work in conjunction during operations.

8. Subsequent nations which ratify this treaty and join the Eurasian Alliance are subject to the same terms outlined earlier. Members possess veto power for future applicants that are deemed undesirable or otherwise unqualified for membership.

  X King Carol II of Rumania
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« Reply #311 on: September 22, 2022, 08:43:52 PM »

MID YEAR NEWS - with Radio Crusader

"Divini Redemptoris: Pope Pius XI issues strident papal encyclical denouncing "atheistic Communism" and expressing concern at the "growth of marxism" across Western and Central Europe..."

"European stock enchanges show slight rebound after Czechoslovak Parliament narrowly approves motion in favor of the Krakow Conference. The situation, however, remains tense for the financial markets...."

"Aviator Amelia Earhart successfully completes a circumnavigational flight of the globe after landing at Lae Airfield, becoming the first woman to do so. Mrs. Earhart, by her own admission, risked death many times while flying over the Pacific Ocean..."

"Whilst the Japanese economy mobilizes into a war footing, China wakes up to a full naval blockade from the Imperial Japanese Navy, preventing any war material from reaching either Nanjing or the local warlords..."

"Following bitter denounciation by Sergei Kirov, NKVD Deputy Chief Nikolai Yezhov was been shot dead while resisting an improvised arrest by what is assumed to be Kirov loyalists in the Red Army. There are reports of tanks in the streets of Moscow..."

"Embarrassed by Justo-Roosevelt affair, the Argentinian government is forced to acknowledge defeat on the most recent Presidential Election, won by opposition candidate - and former President - Alvear. Despite the concessions, fears of a military coup dominate Buenos Aires..."
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #312 on: September 22, 2022, 09:00:07 PM »
« Edited: September 22, 2022, 09:09:21 PM by Devout Centrist »

Declaration of War on the Nanking Govt. (1937)

Credit to Wikimedia
Mr. President. Mr. Speaker. Members of the House of Representatives and the House of Peers:

Our nation, our Empire, and our people are at war. Yesterday, the armed forces of the Republic of China, and their warlord allies, launched a sudden and unprovoked attack on our ally Manchukuo and on the Japanese quarter of Shanghai.

Our Empire was at peace with China. At the behest of Mr. Kai-shek, our studious diplomats were in the process of negotiating a favorable settlement that would ensure a generation of amity and peace between our people. Instead, the Republic of China and their warlord allies attacked our forces without any declaration of war between our two nations. It was only two hours after the initial attack by Chinese forces on Shanghai that a declaration of war was formally delivered by their representatives to Tokyo.

This unprovoked attack damaged a great many of our armed forces and our naval installations across East Asia. It is with sorrow that I report that we have already lost dozens of brave and courageous soldiers on the field of battle. Additionally, the Chinese advance, which occured without warning, took the lives of hundreds of Japanese and foreign civilians who were swept up in an onslaught of bullets and gunfire.

In the weeks leading up to this attack, the government of the Republic of China delibrately misled our negotiators. Representatives of Mr. Kai-shek insisted, on multiple occasions, that they were open to peaceful terms and were willing to accept our offer of a withdrawal from Shanghai and indeed, possible concessions to the Han majority in Manchukuo. It was during this time that the Nanking government delibrately planned an attack on Japanese armed forces and civilians within the City.

Never before in the history of our Empire has the resolve of the Yamato people been so tested. Never before has such a heinous and barbarous attack befallen our nation. But while the Chinese attack may have briefly disrupted our armed forces, it has backfired in a spectacular manner.

The will and resolve of the Japanese people has never been stronger. The entire nation, from the youngest child to the Emperor himself, stands prepared to answer the call of duty. Even now, our men are mobilizing to take part in a great crusade to bring justice and peace to the whole of East Asia.

The road ahead is beset on all sides by every manner of foe. Final victory may remain elusive for years to come. Yet, I know that these are obstacles we shall surmount. It is through our force of will, our indomitable spirit, our righteous anger, and our bountiful patience that the Japanese people shall emerge victorious against this most unholy betrayal. The forces of darkness and corruption shall tremble before our combined might.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #313 on: September 22, 2022, 09:13:53 PM »


Turnmoil in the Balkans
Italy invades and occupies Albania, Zog flees into exile,
Military coup in Greece, PM Venizelos caught off guard while in Ankara


The larger conflict may have been over, but the Balkans themselves were neither peaceful nor likely to be in the short term. And while this alone could have been proved merely by glancing at the fall of Sarajevo and the siege of Skopje, further events have added greater uncertainty to the mix as war and revolution take place. In Albania, tension had been rising since Rome blamed King Zog's government for mistreating local Italian residents and showing defiance against Italian forces established in the country, which led to an ultimatum. The King, unwilling to lose political autonomy, chose to defy it. The response was swift. Within a few days, the Regia Marina showed up across the coastline and outside the main port of Durres, bringing over 20,000 men under the command of General Giovanni Messe. Having expected an easy landing and in spite of wisely undermining Albanian resistance through intrigue, a nasty surprise was found when the Regia Marina came under attack from newly installed coastal artillery, covertly procured by Zog to try and buy time.

This, in turn, delayed the Italian landings and caused a significant setback when the heavy cruiser Pola was sunk by an artillery barrage, killing hundreds of sailors. In the end, however, such efforts came too late and proved to be too limited due to the need to maintain secrecy, with further shelling being prevented after the batteries that had managed to be installed in time were ruthlessly destroyed by the Regia Aeronautica. Now in control of the coast, Messe pushed ahead as Zog fled to Tirana and then into the mountains, a delaying action fought alongside a few thousand loyalists. Outnumbered and weakened by defections, Zog nonetheless evaded Messe and kept up resistance for over three weeks, inflicting heavy casualties to the overstretched Italian forces in the process. In the aftermath of the total collapse of his positions, the King and his entourage crossed the Yugoslav border and requested political asylum from Belgrade, the status of which remains undetermined. Despite some limited setbacks, Italy is now in firm control over the Kingdom, further expanding its control over the Adriatic.

The other significant event took place in the newly restored Kingdom of Greece, which had only recently gained a brief respite from instability after a minority pro-Venizelist government - led by the elderly Eleftherios Venizelos himself - was able to take office with unofficial support from the local Communist movement. Keen to double down on his previous policies, Venizelos did his best to bring the army back into civilian control and pursued intense negotiations with the Republic of Turkey, which would have had Greece entering the increasingly relevant Eurasian Alliance. The negotiations proceeded successfully up to the point in which Venizelos himself - alongside Prince Paul, heir to the throne - was able to fly to Ankara to finalize his entry on the Alliance. With the Prime Minister out of the country, the military - ever discontent over Communist participation in the government, and now incensed at the prospect of a Turkish alliance - chose to strike.

Either with King George's support or tacit acceptance after the fact, Generals Ioannis Metaxas and Alexandros Papagos mobilized the Army, declared martial law and suspended Parliament. As scores of Venizelist or Communist leaders - the former of which were held captive, and the latter of which were summarily executed - were arrested, Metaxas was elevated to the premiership as Papagos was confirmed as the Chief of the General Staff. Although infighting remains in some isolated areas of the country, particularly in Crete, the military has proclaimed a successful end to "the international conspiracy against Greek sovereignty", justifying their coup d'etat on the threat of a Communist dictatorship and declaring that, for the foreseeable future, the Kingdom of Greece would remain under a state of emergency. As Prince Paul quietly returns to Athens without saying a word to the potentially deposed premier, Venizelos has denounced the coup from Ankara as "an act of treason", and vowed to fight.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #314 on: September 22, 2022, 09:20:23 PM »


I am pleased to report that we have come to an agreement with Yugoslavia for a one-month humanitarian ceasefire. Bulgaria is committed to ensuring the safety of the Bosniak people, and we hope this action will allow refugees from the conflict in Bosnia to receive safe haven in friendly countries. We will work with our friends in Turkey and abroad to assist refugees from Bosnia in any way possible, including transport across the Tsardom, humanitarian and medical aid, and peaceful assimilation efforts.

The Tsardom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia hereby agree to a one month humanitarian ceasefire to allow for the peaceful evacuation of Bosnian refugees to Bulgarian territory. The parties to this agreement forswear offensive action against the other for the duration of this ceasefire.

i) Current front lines will be maintained during the ceasefire.

ii) Bulgaria will allow the delivery of humanitarian shipments to the city of Skopje, however, military shipments will not be permitted to enter the city. Bulgarian customs officials will reserve the right to inspect shipments to ensure compliance. Yugoslavian officials in Skopje will also pledge to protect the wellbeing of the civilians of Skopje, and will ensure humanitarian shipments designated for civilian use are appropriated correctly.

iii) The city of Dimitrovgrad, and Nova Bardo on the Bulgarian side will serve as the primary transfer point for Bosnian refugees out of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavian, Bulgarian, and Turkish customs officials will work in tandem to process these refugees, and Bulgaria will assume responsibility for travel once they cross into Bulgarian-held territory.

x Tsar Boris III
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« Reply #315 on: September 22, 2022, 09:48:33 PM »


Intrigue in Austria
Lurid tales of shadowy battles being fought across Vienna,
Schuschnigg and Fey join forces, rival Starhemberg sacked from office,
President Fey makes surprise referendum anouncement on the future of Austria


Rocked by uncertainty and tension after the assassination of President Engelbert Dollfuss, the Republic of Austria has seemingly become the epicenter of intrigue and espionage in Europe, the city of Vienna periodically waking up to political scandals, disappearances, corpses being found floating in the Danube, and unending rumors of every kind. The investigation into Dollfuss' murder, further disrupted by publications from foreign media placing blame on foreign nations over the crime - with Germany in particular being targeted, followed next by the Soviet Union -, has descended into near anarchy as the local secret police raids often result in the arrest and release of foreign operatives also investigating the murder, to the quiet embarrassment of the diplomatic community. This while foreign dignitaries and leaders have continued to visit the capital, with Duce Mussolini doing so last year and being recently followed by Chancellor Hugenberg.

In this context, the leading triumvirate behind the Austrofascist regime of the Fatherland Front has not escaped intrigue and dissent, as the triumvirs' battle for influence has steadily degenerated in a war of survival. Despite the leading role eluding him in the aftermath of the assassination, Prince Starhemberg was believed to have significantly grown in power during the early part of year, which his internal opponents increasingly accusing the Prince of using underhanded or even violent methods to expand his influence. This, in turn, led President Fey and fellow triumvir Kurt Schuschnigg to joint forces against a rising threat, culminating on a series of secretive meetings and an apparent accord. Blindsided by the Fey-Schuschnigg pact, Starhemberg was shocked by being suddenly and brutally dismissed from office by a majority of the Cabinet. Despite his enormous influence, the Prince appeared to have made too many enemies, being unable to countermand the order at the key moment.

What followed next, however, proved to be even more surprising. To the general shock and surprise not just of the population, but of large parts of the Fatherland Front itself, President Fey made a sudden radio broadcast shortly after Starhemberg's dismissal. Citing repeated concerns over the future and sovereignty of the nation, and citing a previous, post-Versailles refusal to allow the then nascent Republic of Austria to decide on its future, Fey stated that it was time to "once and for all", settle the question of Austro-German relations for good. In effect, Fey announced that a referendum would be held in three month's time, allowing the Austrian electorate - or, at least, those not previously banned from voting due to their opposition to Dollfuss - to vote between continued independence under the umbrella of international protection, or a formal union with the German Reich with domestic autonomy.

The news has stunned Vienna and is likely to have immediate consequences across the borders of the Republic. Within the government itself, Minister Schuschnigg is said to have been blindsided by the announcement as well, as is rumored to have threatened resignation should President Fey not endorse of Austrian independence and wield the party machine to guarantee a result. In the meantime, the dismissed Prince Starhemberg announced his utter opposition to the referendum, and his followers, Fatherland Front dissidents, and other groups - including traditionalist Catholic organizations - have already held protests denouncing the government.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #316 on: September 23, 2022, 12:20:14 AM »

The United Kingdom will not allow a union between Germany and Austria. It is a blatant violation of the Treaty of Versailles and a threat to the peace of the world.

All measures necessary will be taken to prevent this.
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« Reply #317 on: September 23, 2022, 12:32:22 AM »

Alfred Hugenberg: "We congratulate President Fey for his decision to allow a referendum. It has always been the policy of my government to let the people of Austria themselves to decide the future of their nation. We hope for a free and fair referendum, so that the results will settle the issue once and for all. No matter what, in any and all circumstances, Germany will respect and implement the decision of the people of Austria."
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« Reply #318 on: September 23, 2022, 01:02:49 AM »

The German Reich offers 1 million dollars in grants to the Kingdom of Romania as well as special advisors in order to help it set up a modernize its manufacturing industry.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #319 on: September 23, 2022, 01:17:48 AM »

We are pleased to announce an agreement has been reached to save Central Europe from collapse:
Krakow conference
1) An independent organization will be created, called "European monetary fund". Its goal will be borrow a loan on the markets and to then propose the loan to the tchecoslovaquian republic.
2) The solvability of this agency will be guaranteed jointly by France, the UK, Italy and Poland, proportionnally on their current GDP. The economic gains made by this organization will be proportionnally redistributed to each participant based on their GDP as well.
3) Each participant will appoint one member. And each participant will jointly appoint the President of this organization. The president of this organization will closely monitor how the money being loaned to the tchecoslovaquia government is going to be spent so that this follows the current way of Poland, the UK, Italy and France of managing their respective economy

x President Koc
xÉdouard Daladier

Benito Mussolini, Duce of Italy and Head of Government

x Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #320 on: September 23, 2022, 06:10:58 AM »
« Edited: September 23, 2022, 06:52:47 AM by Spiral »


I am pleased to report that we have come to an agreement with Yugoslavia for a one-month humanitarian ceasefire. Bulgaria is committed to ensuring the safety of the Bosniak people, and we hope this action will allow refugees from the conflict in Bosnia to receive safe haven in friendly countries. We will work with our friends in Turkey and abroad to assist refugees from Bosnia in any way possible, including transport across the Tsardom, humanitarian and medical aid, and peaceful assimilation efforts.

The Tsardom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia hereby agree to a one month humanitarian ceasefire to allow for the peaceful evacuation of Bosnian refugees to Bulgarian territory. The parties to this agreement forswear offensive action against the other for the duration of this ceasefire.

i) Current front lines will be maintained during the ceasefire.

ii) Bulgaria will allow the delivery of humanitarian shipments to the city of Skopje, however, military shipments will not be permitted to enter the city. Bulgarian customs officials will reserve the right to inspect shipments to ensure compliance. Yugoslavian officials in Skopje will also pledge to protect the wellbeing of the civilians of Skopje, and will ensure humanitarian shipments designated for civilian use are appropriated correctly.

iii) The city of Dimitrovgrad, and Nova Bardo on the Bulgarian side will serve as the primary transfer point for Bosnian refugees out of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavian, Bulgarian, and Turkish customs officials will work in tandem to process these refugees, and Bulgaria will assume responsibility for travel once they cross into Bulgarian-held territory.

x Tsar Boris III

X President Kemal Atatürk, Republic of Turkey

Turkey hails this development and shall act as an intermediary ensuring that peace and order persists for a noble cause during this ceasefire.
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« Reply #321 on: September 23, 2022, 06:56:00 AM »

The Prime Minister will deliver a statement in Ottawa raising concerns with the proposed referendum in Austria. The Prime Minister will raise concerns over the freedom and fair operation of the election, especially around issues of voter intimidation and ensuring a truly representative population is eligible to vote, and will offer to send a group of local Canadian officials to Austria to supervise the election and report to the world on its fairness and impartiality. The Prime Minister will also emphasize the importance of stability on the world stage given the global economic situation.
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« Reply #322 on: September 23, 2022, 06:57:15 AM »

Alfred Hugenberg's speech to the Imperial Diet

Esteemed deputies,
Distinguished guests,
My fellow Germans,

The policy of my government, ever since its formation in 1933, has been to ensure the preservation of peace in a stable and cooperation-orientated world. These are the principles I have comsistently fought for, through each and every decision I havemade. However, after 4 years of watching the world get more and more unstable and with war seemingly looming around the corner, it is clear to me that the rotten core must be addressed. As the collapse of Yugoslavia into a criminal monstrosity, the Third Balkan War and the illegal occupation of the Saar have proven: Versailles failed. It failed in ensuring peace and security. It failed in mending the rifts between the nations. It failed in ensuring we never even think of the possibility of another Great War.

However, all is not lost. I would like to extend my proposal tonight to all European leaders: it is time to come together and put the interests of our world before our egos. It is time to renegotiate. Germany must be regarded as a friend, as a potential partner, not as the loser who deserves no respect. It is time to put the divisions of the Great War behind us.

I watched with great interest the efforts of the German Colonial Society in recent months. And I proudly endorse them. It is time for Germany to be seen as an equal partner not as an enemy or a tool to be used.

Thank you, and may we succeed at preserving peace.
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« Reply #323 on: September 23, 2022, 09:51:06 AM »
« Edited: September 23, 2022, 09:58:45 AM by KaiserDave »

OUTRAGEOUS! Il Duce SLAMS Anti-Austrian Conspiracy

Il Duce delivered a searing speech in Trento to an assembled crowd of Italians and Südtirol Germans who had gathered from the entire region of Trentino-Alto Adige to hear the Leader speak on the outrageous betrayal of the Austrian national-community by a desperate conspiracy of Berlin puppets. Il Duce tore into the conspirators, and called on the Austrian people to resist the attacks on their nationhood.

"Brothers of Italy! No doubt you have heard of the outrageous scandal that has occurred in Vienna in recent days. Where a desperate, violent conspiracy has manifested itself. For years, it has been the policy of Italy and the policy of fascism to support Austria's national identity and sovereignty. We recognize Austria as a distinct nation of patriots, who have fought to defend their cohesion from the threat of North German aggression and the bloody tide of Marxist chaos. We saw how Dolfuß took from the Italian example of fascism to conquer the enemies of the nation. With Italian support, he was able to break the forces of anarchy in Austria. And then he was martyred for the cause of Austrian nationalism. He died, he spilled his blood so that Austria could be free. As he laid down and died, asking for a priest to deliver upon him his last rites, he died contented in that he had devoted his life and works to the Austrian national-community.

Today, Dolfuß's memory, his legacy has been cruelly and disgustingly betrayed! The North German Berlin conspirators have designed to turn over Austria to those who are not Austrian! They have introduced despite the firm opposition of the Austrofascist movement - which is demonstrated by the mass mobilization of the population into the streets, and the outrage of the honorable Herr Schuschnigg - this inane concept of a referendum to decide the status of Austria! What a sick joke! The question of nationhood is not solved by an exercise of feeble liberalism! It is already decided by the history of thousands of years! Austria is a nation, whether some referendum recognizes it or not. It is a truth consecrated by the Catholic faith of millions of Austrian patriots, and by the spilled blood of thousands of Austrians in the fields of Central Europe in the early days of the 19th century, and by the blood of the great Dolfuß not far from where I stand! It is an irrevocable fact of history and life! Italy will strongly, absolutely oppose any abrogation of Austrian nationhood, as we have stated again and again.

Not to mention, this referendum plan is entirely illegal. It was announced without the agreement of the other members of the government, and without the support of the Fatherland Front. It is a direct betrayal of the foundational principles of the Austrofascist movement. First, there was the shameful, disrespectful dismissal of Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg, who has dedicated his life to the party and the nation. And then the announcement of the referendum, made without the support of Herr Schuschnigg or the other members of the government! It is a decision solely made by a few desperate men, it is without the support of the Austrian people, it is entirely anti-Austrian in nature. I call upon the true patriots of the Fatherland Front to resist, to resist this fraud. No referendum can deny what is cast in stone by history, the independence of the Austrian nation. We salute those who have taken to the streets to express their outrage of the actions of their own government who pledged to defend their rights. We call upon all Austrian patriots to go into the streets to demand that their country not be stolen from them. We call upon them to show vigilance! This conspiracy has also opened the country to the threat of Bolshevik infiltration! While the government conspires, the defense relaxes. I tell the Austrian patriots, do not let a single red run free!

Italians, make no mistake, this is a threat to Italy. But if the Hun wants to jump over the Alps to attack our state, he would be a fool. We are the conquerors of Dalmazia, we who have now returned Albania to the Italian fold, we are the inheritors of greatness, and above all, we have the doctrine of fascism! We will always be capable of defending ourselves! So commit yourselves to your labors to strengthen our Italian nation, together we will prevail!"

The speech was recorded on the Italian radio and by the foreign press, it was also broadcasted (translated) with the intent to be caught by radio stations in Austria. A German translation was also played on loudspeakers from the Italian embassy in Vienna.
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« Reply #324 on: September 23, 2022, 10:26:41 AM »

The German government addresses the latest developments concerning the Austrian referendum:

"The musings by foreign powers who wiew Austria as nothing more than a puppet state and a buffer about the referendum should and will be ignored. The position of the German government is as follows: if the Austrian people vote to join us we will welcome them as brothers. Should they vote to stay independent, we will respect that decision. But should anyone, no matter who, try to stop them from casting their votes, they will be met with fire and fury from this government as well as the Austrian people."
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