The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29717 times)
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« Reply #125 on: August 05, 2022, 01:53:48 AM »

Eurasian Alliance Treaty

Be it resolved:

1. This treaty is conducted between the following founding member states: the Republic of Turkey, the Imperial State of Iran, the Kingdom of Iraq, and the Kingdom of Afghanistan. The entity that shall be created as a result of this treaty is henceforth referred to as the Eurasian Alliance.

2. The Eurasian Alliance is a binding organization with the objective of instituting peaceful relations and economic prosperity among nations spanning Europe and Asia.

3. Upon membership to the Alliance, signatories agree that access to trade channels shall undergo liberalization. Tariff rates for nonessential commodities shall have a cap of fifteen percent; for items considered essential or pertaining to national security, tariffs shall be no more than twenty-five percent.

4. Member states agree that an additional three percent of their budgets over the next ten fiscal years upon ratification shall be devoted to transportation for interorganizational commerce. These funds will be allocated to the development, expansion, and maintenance of infrastructure including but not limited to roads, highways, railroads, airport terminals, railways, pipelines, and maritime systems. Following ten years, members agree for a permanent one percent increase in transportation budgets going forward. This continual project shall be known as the New Silk Road.

5. This treaty forms a mutual defense pact between all signatories wherein they agree to provide military assistance to one another in any instance where a member state is severely threatened, attacked, or in imminent range of being attacked by another nation. States under the Alliance will devote an additional one percent annually to their defense budgets for bearing increased responsibilities.

6. Militaries of each member state shall undergo greater integration to aim for close cooperation during times of war or strenuous geopolitical events. This shall be achieved through the formation of the Eurasian Affairs Council, comprising of defense ministers, leading generals, or other specially appointed representatives from each member state. The Council shall establish permanent residence in Ankara and possesses authority in military and intelligence affairs during times when the Eurasian Alliance's full capabilities are deemed necessary. Council members from each nation are of equal representation and approve decisions by majority vote. Heads of state possess veto power for decisions made by the Council that pertain to their nation's territory or nearby vicinity.

7. Under direction of the Eurasian Affairs Council, the armed forces for each member state shall receive specialized cross-training with forces from other countries to both enhance cultural understanding and better work in conjunction during operations.

8. Subsequent nations which ratify this treaty and join the Eurasian Alliance are subject to the same terms outlined earlier. Members possess veto power for future applicants that are deemed undesirable or otherwise unqualified for membership.

X President Mustafa Kemal of Turkey
X Zahir Shah of Afghanistan
X Reza Shah of Iran
X King Faisal of Iraq
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« Reply #126 on: August 05, 2022, 06:32:10 AM »

The German Reich recognizes and establishes diplomatic relations with the State of Manchukuo.
YaBB God
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« Reply #127 on: August 06, 2022, 02:12:57 PM »

The Prime Minister announces that he will introduce The Social Security Act at the first sitting of Parliament following the Newfoundland and Labrador by-elections. The Social Security Act will be the most sweeping piece of legislation the Dominion has ever considered. The Social Security Act will contain the following provisions:

- The establishment of a national minimum wage, at a rate recommended by a newly-established Compensation Appeals Board and confirmed by the Parliament.
- The commencement of a national works program, to build dams, bridges, roads, military installations, stadiums, and parks, as a source of employment for the unemployed.
- A national unemployment insurance scheme, funded through a surtax on wages, to provide the unemployed with a quarter of their previous wages for 10 weeks after being terminated provided they are seeking other work.
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« Reply #128 on: August 06, 2022, 03:15:22 PM »

The German Reich and the Empire of Japan have agreed to a reduction of tarrifs on all products produced in the other country by 10%, effective immediately.
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« Reply #129 on: August 06, 2022, 09:38:13 PM »

Decree on raising defense capabilities

On the basis of Article 48 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the German Reich, the following is ordered in order to raise the defense capabilities of the Reich:
That service in the defensive force takes place upon the basis of universal military service
That German peace army consists of 12 corps commands and 36 divisions
That Der Stahlhelm and its members are to be incorporated into the Reichswehr
That the Reich's Defense Minister is authorized to come up with supplementary laws to put this in practice
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #130 on: August 06, 2022, 09:51:30 PM »
« Edited: August 06, 2022, 10:05:55 PM by KaiserDave »

Benito Mussolini on the Urgent Threats to Europe
Delivered Over the Radio, April 1935, Excerpt

Men and women of Italy. Today Europe faces an existential threat, the most grotesque barbarism, the most despicable criminality. The Bolshevik menace is armed to the teeth, on our doorstep, with millions of armed killers ready to roll over Europe. The list of crimes committed by the Reds is immense, and impossible for me to recount to you tonight, but you must know that know, there is a famine among the Ukrainian people. How is this possible? Ukraine is well known to be abundant in grain. The answer is horrifying, but unsurprising. The Chekists and murderers of the Bolshevik entity are seizing the food stores of the Ukrainian farmers. It is an intentional famine meant to destroy the political independence of the Ukrainian people. They are beating, shooting, starving them into submission. They are trying to stop the League of Nations from investigating their crimes! Make no mistake they will do this to all of Europe if they are allowed to. But they will! Not! Be! Allowed! If necessary, I will march at the head of a Pan-European Army of allied Frenchmen, Britons, Germans, Poles, Austrians, Romanians, and Italians to root out Stalin from his hideaway and bring him before the people's justice. Only fascism is capable of defending against the Bolshevik menace, the incompetent parliamentary liberals of Europe will not defend Italy, they will always betray Italy, but with fascism, we are invincible.

But I wish to raise your attention to another issue, I have before raised the issue of the King Alexander I of Yugoslavia, a detestable tyrant who hides away in Belgrade because his people despise him. Our brothers, the Croatians have risen up against the rule of the Serbian elite who have oppressed them and denied their national aspirations. They have performed successfully on the field, they have proved their right to exist in a national community, and not a part of an artificial construction forced upon them by Paris and London liberals. But the King of Yugoslavia is not stupid, he is marshaling his forces to respond. He plans to wipe the Croat people out, he plans to massacre them by the thousands. I have personally seen internal memos from the Belgrade government alleging plans for a mass violent crackdown on Croats. Furthermore, the Yugoslavs have been in total cooperation with Moscow in recent months. Not only is the Yugoslav state murderous, but it is a fifth column in the European civilizational struggle against communism. Italy has recognized the Republic of Croatia, and we will act to defend its independence from Belgrade. We will act before Alexander I carries out his plans to massacre the Croats, and we will defend Europe from barbarism. As always, Italy is the progenitor and the vanguard of all civilized society. Just as Aetius fended off the Hunnic hordes from glorious Roman civilization, so shall your Duce fend of Bolshevik and Serbian hordes from our modern day Roman civilization!
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #131 on: August 06, 2022, 09:51:55 PM »


IOC opens bids for 1940 Summer Olympics


With the next Summer Olympics due to be held in August 1936, in the city of Berlin (German Reich), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has now opened bids on countries that wish to host the 1940 Summer Olympic Games. Nominations will be open through the year, with the IOC voting and making a formal decision next year. US President Franklin Roosevelt has already raised the prospect of a bid by the United States - whose city of Los Angeles held the 1932 Olympics -, and it remains to be seen whether other countries will make an attempt to host the Olympics themselves.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #132 on: August 06, 2022, 09:54:43 PM »

The United States will nominate New York City as their candidate to host the 1940 Summer Olympics.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #133 on: August 06, 2022, 09:57:10 PM »
« Edited: August 06, 2022, 10:55:28 PM by Devout Centrist »

The Empire of Japan will nominate Tokyo as our candidate to host the 1940 Summer Olympics.

EDIT: The Empire of Japan withdraws its bid for the 1940 Olympics and will instead endorse the American bid.
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« Reply #134 on: August 06, 2022, 09:58:23 PM »

Any attempted invasion by the Italian dictator will meet the same fate as the misadventures Charles XII of Sweden and Napoleon before him.
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« Reply #135 on: August 06, 2022, 10:05:03 PM »
« Edited: August 07, 2022, 05:58:23 PM by KaiserDave »

The Kingdom of Italy will nominate Rome as our candidate to host the 1940 Summer Olympics.
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Atlas Politician
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« Reply #136 on: August 06, 2022, 10:21:17 PM »

The Republic of Turkey shall nominate Istanbul to host the 1940 Summer Olympics.
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« Reply #137 on: August 06, 2022, 10:23:08 PM »

The Soviet Union will support Istanbul's bid for the Olympics.
YaBB God
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« Reply #138 on: August 07, 2022, 08:17:55 AM »

The Prime Minister will put forward a bid for the 1940 Olympic Games to be hosted in Montreal.
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« Reply #139 on: August 07, 2022, 10:40:30 AM »

Australia shall put its weight behind the Canadian bid in Montreal as a show of Commonwealth camaraderie.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #140 on: August 07, 2022, 01:41:54 PM »

Poland will support Quebec's bid for the Olympic games. Europe isn't a place to Host it as of now let's be honest
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #141 on: August 07, 2022, 04:15:46 PM »

Credit to Time Magazine

Foreign Minister Yōsuke Matsuoka Delivers Remarks in Tokyo
It is with no small amount of trepidation that I share my government’s views on recent developments in East Asia today. The news of Soviet arms and munitions shipments within territory that rightfully belongs to the Republic of China has caused much disquiet in Tokyo. It is the opinion of my government that any outside intervention by Moscow in this sphere represents an unacceptable incursion into the sovereignty of a free, Asian state.

This situation is made more dire by the internationalist intentions of the Bolshevik ideology, which, by its very nature, aims to destroy the traditional and integral ways of life that are central to the existence of the Japanese and Chinese people. If allowed to proceed unopposed, this subversive movement would annihilate five thousand years of civilization and replace it with colorless, inscrutable bureaucracy. Therefore, the Empire of Japan stands firmly against any and all Bolshevik attempts to expand their influence in East Asia.

To that end, my government has drafted the following plan for the peaceful enrichment and prosperity of all peoples in East Asia:

1. The Soviet Union shall agree to terms of nonintervention in the conflict in China and furthermore will cease arms shipments to all unrecognized governments contained therein.

2. No organization associated with the Comintern or any other group, committee, or body with other such similar associations, shall be recognized as a true co-belligerent in this conflict.

3. The regime in Nanking shall be recognized as the rightful government of Han China.

We await a reply from Foreign Minister Litvinov.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #142 on: August 07, 2022, 06:12:12 PM »

The Republic of Czechoslovakia will nominate Prague to host the 1940 olympics.
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« Reply #143 on: August 07, 2022, 06:45:34 PM »

The Kingdom of Hungary supports the nomination of Rome being the host of the 1940 Olympics
YaBB God
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« Reply #144 on: August 07, 2022, 06:47:14 PM »

The Prime Minister thanks his Australian and Polish counterparts for their support for the Montreal Olympic Games.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #145 on: August 07, 2022, 07:27:17 PM »

Statement from the Bulgarian Foreign Office

The Tsar is greatly concerned with the situation unfolding on our western border as the Yugoslav experiment begins to fail, endangering the stability of the entire region. Bulgaria is closely engaged with the progression in the Yugoslav Civil War, and will send diplomats to the Croatian Republic to establish dialogue with what may soon be a significant regional power. In these trying times, Bulgaria will naturally welcome any refugees from the lands ceded to Yugoslavia under the Neuilly-Sur-Seine treaty, as well as any with proof of Bulgarian ancestry.
certified hummus supporter 🇵🇸🤝🇺🇸🤝🇺🇦
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« Reply #146 on: August 07, 2022, 08:48:34 PM »


His Serene Highness and Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary, Miklós Horthy, officially recognizes the independence of the Republic of Croatia and proclaims Hungarian support for the legitimate Spanish Republic

"Regent Horthy would like to send his warmest of well-wishes to President Maček and the Croatian people for bravely liberating themselves from Serb tyranny in Belgrade. Furthermore, Regent Horthy is instructing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to immediately establish an embassy in Zagreb. Regent Horthy would also like to publicly declare the support the current Spanish government has from the Hungarian government and people."

X His Serene Highness and Regent of Hungary, Miklós Horthy
X Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary, Gyula Gömbös

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #147 on: August 07, 2022, 09:17:19 PM »


Italy intervenes in the Balkans!
Italian forces cross the Alps, occupy Slovenia,
Croat rebels gain ground, Yugoslavian navy crushed,
King Alexander vows to fight, declares war on Mussolini


As an unofficial part of the Third Balkan War, the ongoing Yugoslavian Civil War had only grown in scale and violence during the early months of 1935, with increasingly better armed and trained Croatian rebels fighting constant skirmishes against the Yugoslavian Army. Facing evidence of foreign involvement – and perhaps even of multiple countries behind it -, the Yugoslavs were forced to redirect units from Hungary to put down the Croat uprising, recapturing a number of towns amidst accusations – on both sides – of potential ethnic cleansing incidents. Although the balance of power still favored the better supplied and larger Yugoslavian force, this was all dramatically altered on May 1st, 1935. That day, and without a declaration of war – perhaps mimicking the initial Yugoslavian invasion of Hungary – the Italian Army crossed the border from Trieste and into the Alps.

They immediately faced heavy resistance from the Yugoslavian army, which had maintained sizable forces at the border, resulting in heavy and bloody battles of attrition. However, with their supply lines compromised by the Zagreb-based Croats, the Yugoslavians were forced to retreat into Croatia to avoid encirclement. Elite motorized forces followed them, storming and occupying virtually all of Slovenia within a few days and linking up with the Croatian Republic. Already in place thanks to the blockade, the Regia Marina proceeded to virtually destroy the smaller Yugoslav navy in a series of engagements. In the skies, the Regia Aeronautica was unable to strike and eliminate the Royal Yugoslav Air Force immediately. However, in a series of aerial battles and through attrition the Italians are believed to be close to establishing air superiority.

Perhaps the only serious snag for the Italians thus far have been a series of landings by Ustashe-aligned Croatian exiles in Dalmatia. Despite success in capturing a series of beaches and landing zones, the exiles – despite their advanced equipment – have been contained by the Yugoslavs, preventing a breakout from their beachheads. Upon receiving a communique from Italy proposing a solution to the crisis – and insisting there was no formal state of war, just a limited intervention -, King Alexander I furiously declared war on Italy and Mussolini himself. Speaking from Belgrade, the King vowed to resist, and declared that he would not sign off to the partitioning of Yugoslavia.

Despite ongoing disagreements between them, both Vladko Macek and Ante Pavelic have thanked the Duce and vowed to prevail against the “Serbian threat”, promising that Croatia “will be free come what may.” Thus far, the Serbians are believed to be strongly behind the King, and the ruling party in Slovenia – the Slovene People’s Party – has also supported Alexander. However, riots are already taking place in Bosnia and the Banat, demanding either immediate autonomy or threatening to follow the Croats in revolt. On the other side of the equation, Italian troops in Slovenia have already been approached by skeptical Slovenian delegates and parties, demanding independence along the lines of the Croat Republic.


Germany restores the Monarchy!
Hugenberg suspends elections, calls for Constitutional Convention,
Reichstag replaced with Imperial Diet, Crown Prince Wilhelm becomes Kaiser,
Hugenberg prepares further reforms, standoff in Bavaria


Far from adopting a calmer stance following two constant years of strife and open civil war, the Hugenberg government has once again doubled down on its bold attempts not only to assert its authority – enforced by the Reichswehr and the German National Front -, but to remake the German Reich and transform the now short lived Weimar Republic beyond recognition. Despite expectations of a Presidential Election which the opposition planned to use to defeat the Chancellor by running a popular independent – with names such as Hugo Eckener and Heinrich Mann being floated -, Hugenberg once again chose a repressive angle, declaring a state of emergency and having the Reichstag suspended amidst the complaints of the Zentrum, BVP and other surviving parties and organizations. A wave of renewed nationwide protests was repressed through martial law.

Political bombshell after political bombshell was dropped on the German public, with the Hugenberg cabinet calling for a constitutional convention, announcing its intent to abandon the League of Nations, and, in a highly popular move, tearing apart the Treaty of Versailles by reintroducing military conscription and expanding the Reichswehr. By the time the constitutional convention appointed by Hugenberg met in Berlin, it became clear it was time for further drastic changes. Having always resented the Weimar Republic, the conservative government announced the restoration of the German monarchy – though not to its previously absolute powers -, its black-white-red flag, the transformation of the Reichstag into an Imperial Diet, and plans to outlaw most of the organized opposition to the regime.

Despite the misgivings of the exiled Kaiser Wilhelm II – still exiled in the Netherlands, and who had previously prevented his son from running for president -, Crown Prince Wilhelm enthusiastically accepted the offer of a crown by the convention, and promptly took an oath to that effect to avoid a regency. Through yet to be crowned, newly proclaimed Kaiser Wilhelm III has reappointed Hugenberg to the Chancellorship, maintaining the present structure of the government. Many citizens – particularly apolitical ones – have welcomed the return of the Hohenzollerns, just as opponents to Hugenberg have been further radicalized by the move. And, whilst the convention moves ahead with further drastic decisions, a final obstacle has appeared in the form of the BVP-controlled Bavarian government, the last stronghold that could provide opposition to Hugenberg.

Though by no means issuing a direct challenge yet, intense talks are said to be taking place within Zentrum and the BVP as to how to react to these astounding developments.


Scandal in the Far East!
Japan accused of large scale atrocities in Manchukuo,
Several European newspapers publish evidence and witness reports,
Alleged use of torture, mass executions, forced prostitution and drug trade involvement by Kwantung Army


Despite constant accusations levied by Chinese personalities against the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, including allegations of war crimes by deposed warlord Zhang Xueliang, few in the West had paid much attention to such stories, both distracted by urgent events in Europe and by the general chaos and lack of detailed information regarding the situation in China. This has all changed very dramatically in the past few days, as a large number of Europe-based newspapers have all broken a similar story – with similar sources and details -, issuing the gravest possible accusations against the Empire of Japan. These news reports, which come with witness testimony and photographic evidence smuggled out of Manchukuo through as of yet undetermined means, speak of a large array of crimes willfully committed by officers and servicemen of the Kwantung Army against the local population.

Although a number of details have been omitted from publication – or outright censored by some newspapers – due to their gruesome detail, the list of crimes include: the murder and torture of prisoners of war; potential involvement of army officers in the drug trade, specifically of opium; the mistreatment and harassment of the local population, as well as it extortion by Japanese and Manchukuo officials; and even the running of multiple underground brothels to service forces garrisoned in the new country, recently recognized by several countries and even the Republic of China itself. Reporters are already swamping Japanese and Manchukuo embassies asking for comment, wanting to determine the veracity of such claims. Coming at a critical time in Japanese efforts to improve its image on the West, many wonder what the fallout from these reports will be.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #148 on: August 07, 2022, 09:18:41 PM »

MID YEAR NEWS - with Radio Crusader

"Citing concerns over the drastic expansion of the Reichswehr in Germany, Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss has reintroduced military conscription, openly breaching the 1919 Treaty of Saint-Germain. Dollfuss, who continues to centralize power under the Austrofascist banner…”

“In a highly controversial session, the Australian Senate approved the passage of the CHS pilot program, following intense lobbying by Prime Minister Lang and accusations of authoritarian attitudes from the opposition. The High Court, however, is widely expected to overturn the bill as unconstitutional…”

“Newfoundland and Labrador by-elections in Canada go 5-2 in favor of the ruling Conservative Party, expanding Prime Minister Bennett’s narrow majority. However, the Liberal Party performed better than expected, coming close to capturing two additional seats…”

"The Greek Republic remains unstable following a failed coup by Venizelist forces. Snap elections held last week – boycotted by the Venizelists – have yielded a strong result for the monarchist right, sparking speculation that King George II could be invited to Athens to retake his throne…”

“Latin America continues to mourn the sudden death of famed and highly popular singer Carlos Gardel, who perished in an accidental plane crash in Medellin, Colombia. Gardel, known for his tango ballads, was at the height of his popularity…”

“The Soviet Union was reported to have held extensive military exercises in the Crimea this autumn, showcasing new armaments and tactics by Red Army units. This is thought to be a response to recent controversies between General Secretary Stalin and Duce Benito Mussolini…”

“Following the likely passage of a motion at the League of Nations concerning the Chaco War, the government of Paraguay – which made it displeasure with the motion known – has announced its intent to follow Germany’s lead and abandon the organization…”

“At a press conference, Senator Walter George (D-GA) has announced his intent to oppose President Roosevelt’s proposed reforms to the Supreme Court, and several other lawmakers have joined him in the process. Despite this setback, the Senate successfully approved the Philippines Independence Treaty, with the Philippines expected to become independent at the end of the year…”
Atlas Star
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« Reply #149 on: August 07, 2022, 09:25:09 PM »

The United States looks at the situation in Manchukuo with grave concern. If the allegations are true and the situation continues, this would spell the end of our treaties with the Japanese Government. We strongly advise the Japanese Government to get a tight control of their military, because if they don't their charm offensive could end in disaster.

x Cordell Hull, United States Secretary of State
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