The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)

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Author Topic: The Gathering Storm, Redux - Gameplay Thread (WW2 - Early 1940)  (Read 29662 times)
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #75 on: July 18, 2022, 04:14:28 PM »

German Polish Non Agression Pact

The German Republic and the Republic of Poland agree on the following:
1) To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement
2) To work with each others to stop any attempt from foreign countries to overthrow the rightful government of Germany and Poland
3) To end this so called "trade and customs" war by reducing tariffs back to those of 1922

X War Minister Koc

We are pleased to announce a new era in our relations with Germany, an era of appeasement and cooperation.

Chancellor Hugenberg has proven to be a worthy foreign partner by eliminating Adolf Hitler and his clique whose bellicist and anti polish views were very much well known. We present to the Zentrum Party and to Germany our condoleances for the assassination of the mayor of Koln, Konrad Adenauer.

We pray, as a christian nation, for the end of this so called " german civil war" as soon as possible/
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« Reply #76 on: July 18, 2022, 05:00:38 PM »

German Polish Non Agression Pact

The German Republic and the Republic of Poland agree on the following:
1) To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement
2) To work with each others to stop any attempt from foreign countries to overthrow the rightful government of Germany and Poland
3) To end this so called "trade and customs" war by reducing tariffs back to those of 1922

X War Minister Koc

X Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany
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« Reply #77 on: July 18, 2022, 05:22:23 PM »

Hugenberg calls for the people to fight to protect the German nation

My fellow Germans,

In the past year, since I was elected Chancellor, I have been trying to fix our country which was damaged by years of instability, chaos and destruction. To help the German nation to heal from despair and rise back, stronger than ever. I am proud with what I have done and I trust that I have done my best to improve the life of each and every one of you.

However, in my way stood 3 parties. All 3 of them were led by demagogues, by people who tricked well-meaning Germans who failed into desperation that they would save them and fix the problems of our nation. They had no intention of doing so, not least because they had no idea how to do it. All they cared about was their personal power. For a year, they have allied, despite claiming to hate each other, and blocked me from getting my agenda through, an agenda, which would have save the German economy and restored our national pride.

When I cracked down on their paramilitaries and refused to allow them to wreck havoc over the cities of the country I was in charge of, they understood that I am not the one to allow them to get power bloodlessly. So what did they do? The NSDAP burned the Reichstag down, then they attempted to take over Berlin. I hold no ill will towards people who voted for this party, I truly do not. I understand why they felt our country to be humiliated, why they thought radical solutions were necessary. However, Herr Hitler and his dubious clique were not the ones who could get it done. All Hitler cared about was his personal power. I plan to be a different type of Chancellor, one who will never let our country down, who will have it rise back from its ashes, and I hope you will join me in this struggle.

Now, our nation faces the ultimate test. The Bolsheviks, those who seek to take over your private property, who wants to get rid of our culture and hand it over to Moscow, have decided to revolt because the Reichswehr would not let them lynch citizens! Together with them are also the cowardly Social Democrats, who only cared about democracy as long as it suited their interests! If they win, Germany loses! If they win, Bolshevism will be imposed over Germany! That must never happen!

I call on all patriotic forces, on all Germans. Join me in my fight for a stronger Germany! I call on all people, no matter their ideological beliefs, who want to take down Bolshevism for good, to join me! I call on Zentrum, who know now first hand what these out-of-control fanatics are capable of. Join me,  for stability and safety! For I will always respect your rights! I call on farmers, workers! Join me, for I will make sure your life gets better and you do not end up on a collective farm or in a government-controlled factory with no wage! I call on all patriots! The ranks of Der Stahlhelm are now open to everyone who wants to make a difference, to support the vanguard against Bolshevism! Join me, and you will be hailed as veterans! This is our chance to save Germany and it might be the only one.

Thank you for your attention,
Alfred Hugenberg, Chancellor of Germany
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« Reply #78 on: July 18, 2022, 05:45:33 PM »

For Non Aggression and Cooperation

The Polish Republic and the Kingdom of Italy agree,

To swear against belligerency and conflict with any signatories of this agreement

To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement

To swear off any acts of aggression or direct provocation towards any signatory of this agreement

To cooperate in the diplomatic, economic, and security spheres for the benefit of both nations

To work together to advance peace and anti-communism in Europe

This Treaty shall be known as the "Polish-Italian Non Aggression and Cooperation Treaty"

Duce and Prime Minister Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini

Atlas Politician
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« Reply #79 on: July 18, 2022, 05:58:44 PM »

For Non Aggression and Cooperation

The Polish Republic and the Kingdom of Italy agree,

To swear against belligerency and conflict with any signatories of this agreement

To adopt a policy of non aggression towards any signatory of this agreement

To swear off any acts of aggression or direct provocation towards any signatory of this agreement

To cooperate in the diplomatic, economic, and security spheres for the benefit of both nations

To work together to advance peace and anti-communism in Europe

This Treaty shall be known as the "Polish-Italian Non Aggression and Cooperation Treaty"

Duce and Prime Minister Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini

X War Minister Koc
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« Reply #80 on: July 18, 2022, 06:40:07 PM »

Japanese-American Non-Aggression Pact
Article 1

--The High Contracting Parties recognise each other's special interest in international affairs and agree to preserve mutual respect for current territorial holdings.

Article 2

--Neither Party is required to join in an armed conflict if the conflict is initiated by a Party of this agreement.

Article 3

--Signatories promise not to enter into separate, secret agreements with other Powers to the that would compromise the mission of this treaty or provoke an attack on the other Power.

Article 4

--The signatories promise to communicate frankly and fully with each other when any of the interests affected by this treaty are in jeopardy.

Article 5

--Treaty to remain in force for five years and then at one years' notice, unless notice was given at the end of the fourth year.

X Katsuji Debuchi, Japanese Ambassador to the United States
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« Reply #81 on: July 18, 2022, 06:41:46 PM »

Japanese-American Non-Aggression Pact

Article 1

--The High Contracting Parties recognise each other's special interest in international affairs and agree to preserve mutual respect for current territorial holdings.

Article 2

--Neither Party is required to join in an armed conflict if the conflict is initiated by a Party of this agreement.

Article 3

--Signatories promise not to enter into separate, secret agreements with other Powers to the that would compromise the mission of this treaty or provoke an attack on the other Power.

Article 4

--The signatories promise to communicate frankly and fully with each other when any of the interests affected by this treaty are in jeopardy.

Article 5

--Treaty to remain in force for five years and then at one years' notice, unless notice was given at the end of the fourth year.

x Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States of America
x Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, United States of America
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« Reply #82 on: July 18, 2022, 07:01:51 PM »

Stalin on the unity of workers

In recent times, we have seen the rise of reactionaries determined to maintain their power. Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary . . . these nations have seen fit to rattle their sabres, then cry wolf the second anyone dares to take a stand against them. One onaly need see the actions in Hungary to understand this.

Let us be clear: The Soviet Union will honour its guarantees to Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Romania.

In these dark times, we must heed that precept of that great revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin: Workers of the world, unite!

In Germany, an attempt has been made by the old feudalist Hugenberg to assault the workers.His thugs attack them in the streets, march to restore a disgraced Kaiser, all with a fanatical hatred of any worker who dares defend his rights. Because of this, Germany now finds itself in civil war.

The bleating of the Kaiser's most loyal sheep must not distract from his attempts to restore a feudal order over a world that has left him behind.

We shall not allow this to stand.

I call on all workers of Germany, whether you be communist or social democratic, to unite under one banner, and free their country from that barbarous old feudalist!
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« Reply #83 on: July 18, 2022, 08:16:19 PM »

Alfred Hugenberg: "The legitimate government of the German Reich would ask the governments of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania to stop their invasion, but we know that would be pointless, as their obsessive desire to break Hungarian national spirit runs too deep, beyond any appeals to sanity. However, we call for the people of Hungary to stay strong and resist through these tough times. Do not give up your country and your national pride to attackers! We would also like to congratulate Regent Miklos Horthy for the admirable job he has been doing as the protector of his people, and urge him to hold on."
YaBB God
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« Reply #84 on: July 18, 2022, 08:46:24 PM »

The Prime Minister will call an early election, to be held in December of 1934. The Conservative campaign literature will discuss the election of Mr. Lang in Australia, highlighting his constitutional scandal and radical positions, and tying Mr. King and the Liberal Party to Mr. Lang’s Labor Party. The Prime Minister will present Mr. Lang and Mr. King as two sides of the same coin, with both being wrong for the Dominion. The Prime Minister will also argue that the stability of the Commonwealth requires the election of a Conservative government in Canada to off-set the radical regime of Mr. Lang.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #85 on: July 18, 2022, 09:34:25 PM »
« Edited: July 18, 2022, 09:49:05 PM by Lumine »

MID YEAR NEWS - with Radio Crusader

"Following the unexpected death of King Albert of Belgium in a mountaineering accident, the Duke of Brabant has been crowned as King Leopold III..."

"The fallout from the US Secretary of War's resignation continues, as George Dern criticizes the circumstances of his dismissal in an interview to the Hearst press. Famed aviator Charles Lindbergh, FDR's surprise choice for a replacement, has turned down the President's offer despite his keen interest on the job, citing the ongoing media storm surrounding the kidnapping and death of his son, with the killer yet to be found..."

"There's still general surprise at R. B. Bennett's decision to call for a snap General Election in Canada, it's outcome very much in doubt. Although Liberal leader Mackenzie King welcomed the announcement and vowed to win decisively, some newspapers believe the Prime Minister has bolstered his position with a recent campaign tour, and has forestalled possible splits in the Conservative Party with the sudden announcement..."

"As the primary season for the 1934 midterms ends, socialist author Upton Sinclair wins the Democratic primary for California governor, sparking questions as to whether the FDR Administration will back him up or leave the unexpected winner to fight on his own..."

"A motion by the Kingdom of Italy to condemn Yugoslavia over the Third Balkan War fails at the League of Nations, denied unanimity by several European powers. Despite seemingly limited support for Hungary, a large number of neutral nations - particularly South American ones - choose to abstain..."

"Shockwaves continue over recent international moves and declarations from the Soviet Union, with divided reactions. As left-wing parties hail General Secretary Stalin as a champion of anti-fascism, many conservative or anti-communist groups criticize "Soviet meddling" in Europe, particularly after Stalin's call for resistance in the German Reich. With Benito Mussolini taking on a strong anti-Stalin line, many European personalities have taken sides for the Duce or the General Secretary on this rhetorical conflict..."

"Political tension in Croatia appears to be on the rise, as unconfirmed reports state that several hundred Croatian soldiers in the Yugoslav Army have deserted their posts. Thus far, no similar reports have emerged from the Yugoslav officer corps, which is said to be over 90% Serbian..."

"In Birmingham, England, thousands attend a successful rally by the British Union of Fascists. BUF leader Oswald Mosley demanded decisive action by tackling unemployment, and hailed Italian Duce Mussolini as "an example for Britain to follow..."

"A failed assassination attempt against revolutionary leader Augusto César Sandino leads to open civil strife and civil war in Nicaragua. Sandino is now facing open warfare against General Anastasio Somoza's National Guard, only a year and a half after the US withdrawal under the Hoover administration..."
Atlas Star
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« Reply #86 on: July 18, 2022, 09:38:12 PM »

The Roosevelt Administration wishes Upton Sinclair luck in the California Governor's race and will provide aid in the form of stump speeches from the First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt.

Atlas Star
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« Reply #87 on: July 18, 2022, 09:46:08 PM »

Following Charles Lindbergh's decision not to take the vacant position of Secretary of War, President Roosevelt has offered the position to businessman Joseph P. Kennedy.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #88 on: July 19, 2022, 12:33:22 AM »

President Roosevelt asks Congress to pass legislation that would replace the current quota system for immigration with an open immigration system, with the following restrictions.

-The immigrant must not be carrying any contagious illnesses.
- The immigrant must not be a wanted criminal in their country of origin.
- The immigrant must not be trying to evade military service in their country of origin
- Children cannot immigrate unaccompanied by adults
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #89 on: July 19, 2022, 11:29:30 PM »

Balkan Mutual Defense Treaty

Be it resolved,

1. The Republic of Turkey condemns recent aggression by the Kingdom of Hungary against its neighboring states, destabilizing peace in Europe and potentially abroad.

2. To ensure that the ongoing conflict in the Balkans can be swiftly resolved, the Republic of Turkey is distributing a targeted financial and military aid package to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Czechoslovak Republic.

3. Yugoslavia shall be the beneficiary of firearms, artillery, ammunition, missiles, protective gear, and other items which are regarded as necessary in the battlefield. Aid shall be issued in monthly increments over the next year following ratification of this treaty, or until the conflict is formally deemed as resolved should this occur prior to all aid being distributed.

4. Czechoslovakia shall receive a lump sum of $25 million in the form of a non-interest-payable loan. These aid funds are issued with the purpose of providing immediate liquidity for the Czechoslovakian government to finance military operations in conjunction with regular duties of the state. Payment terms are delayed until following the resolution of the Hungarian conflict.

5. The signatories acknowledge the sensitive geopolitical climate which Europe is currently under. To provide ample security for the respective nations’ people, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania agree to form a mutual defense pact. This pact stipulates that all aforementioned nations shall provide military assistance to each other in the event of an outside nation-state posing acts of aggression or otherwise requiring imminent self-defense measures to be implemented by armed forces.

6. The mutual defense pact is effective indefinitely until all signatories jointly authorize new terms and conditions. Aid measures presented in this treaty are subject to possible renewal and/or review as warranted.

X President Kemal Atatürk
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« Reply #90 on: July 19, 2022, 11:35:02 PM »

The United States will recall it's Ambassador and diplomatic staff from Turkey, and will extend the sanctions currently in effect against Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romaina and Czechoslovakia to include Turkey following the signing of the Balkan Mutual Defense Treaty.

x President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #91 on: July 20, 2022, 12:07:39 AM »

The Turkish government is dismayed to learn of the move by the United States to cut diplomatic ties and implement sanctions. it is evident that current American leadership would rather antagonize its allies in the Balkans and beyond when faced with a rogue state threatening continental stability.

The Balkan Mutual Defense Treaty was drafted by our top officials with the collaboration of other involved states to solve the Hungarian dilemma. It is in the interest of the global community that this war is swiftly resolved before other opportunistic actors decide further bloodshed is on their agenda. In the absence of true leadership from the West, the world order requires new direction. Turkey shall continue to engage in acts such as this as a leader unifying Europe and the Orient.
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« Reply #92 on: July 20, 2022, 12:17:27 AM »

The Soviet Union must express it's puzzlement at American actions, given the aid package provided to the Eastern states just lat year.

The Union is more than happy to step into the void the US leaves, and invites the Treaty's foreign ministers to Moscow to discuss mutually beneficial arrangements for the anti-fascist cause.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #93 on: July 20, 2022, 12:47:01 AM »

Has Mister Stalin ever heard of the concept of making a mistake? We made an error in providing an aid package to Yugoslavia, and by introducing sanctions, we intend to fix the mistake we made.

Your meddling is only going to make the war worse, not better.

xPresident of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Mr. X
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« Reply #94 on: July 20, 2022, 06:33:07 AM »

Balkan Mutual Defense Treaty

Be it resolved,

1. The Republic of Turkey condemns recent aggression by the Kingdom of Hungary against its neighboring states, destabilizing peace in Europe and potentially abroad.

2. To ensure that the ongoing conflict in the Balkans can be swiftly resolved, the Republic of Turkey is distributing a targeted financial and military aid package to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Czechoslovak Republic.

3. Yugoslavia shall be the beneficiary of firearms, artillery, ammunition, missiles, protective gear, and other items which are regarded as necessary in the battlefield. Aid shall be issued in monthly increments over the next year following ratification of this treaty, or until the conflict is formally deemed as resolved should this occur prior to all aid being distributed.

4. Czechoslovakia shall receive a lump sum of $25 million in the form of a non-interest-payable loan. These aid funds are issued with the purpose of providing immediate liquidity for the Czechoslovakian government to finance military operations in conjunction with regular duties of the state. Payment terms are delayed until following the resolution of the Hungarian conflict.

5. The signatories acknowledge the sensitive geopolitical climate which Europe is currently under. To provide ample security for the respective nations’ people, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania agree to form a mutual defense pact. This pact stipulates that all aforementioned nations shall provide military assistance to each other in the event of an outside nation-state posing acts of aggression or otherwise requiring imminent self-defense measures to be implemented by armed forces.

6. The mutual defense pact is effective indefinitely until all signatories jointly authorize new terms and conditions. Aid measures presented in this treaty are subject to possible renewal and/or review as warranted.

X President Kemal Atatürk

King Alexander I of Yugoslavia
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #95 on: July 20, 2022, 07:04:57 AM »

On the recent conflicts in the balkan.

The Republic of Poland intends to remain neutral in the current conflict. This simply doesn't concern us.
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« Reply #96 on: July 21, 2022, 09:23:03 PM »

Newly elected Prime Minister Jack 'JT' Lang Hails surprise Victory; Condemns 'Mad-Man' Hugenberg

Australian Capital Territory, - The newly elected Prime Minister of Australia, Jack 'JT' Lang, has hailed his parties surprise victory in the general election as a "victory" for the common-man and prosperity in his first speech outside of Parliament House.

"You voted for a government that will lead this nation with a firm hand for prosperity for all Australians through these troubling times. It is to you that we, The Australian Labor Party, owe our allegiance and it is with your interests we shall lead and fight for the prosperity of The whole Australian Commonwealth"

In his speech, Prime Minister Lang laid out an ambitious and Progressive agenda, including chiefly the establishment of government services for Healthcare among the countries impoverished and a bill to delay further debt payments to Great Britain as part of an effort to balance the newly established Commonwealth's coffers during difficult economic times. The PM indicated that he had made private appeals to the British government to begin negotiations in Sydney for discussion of these issues as well as agreement on a way forward for mutual Commonwealth Prosperity.

Ending his speech, Prime Minister Lang made note of the increasingly dangerous situation in Germany and condemned "that man-man, Hugenberg" as an autocrat that was assaulting the working-class in the interests of his 'wealthy cronies'. The PM indicated that a bill would be submitted to Parliament calling on the Commonwealth as a whole to condemn the actions of the German government and consider possible support to beleaguered Germans Social Democrats.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #97 on: July 22, 2022, 01:26:18 AM »

Noting that the Secretary of the Treasury position has been vacant for several months following the death of William Woodin back in May, President Roosevelt has offered the position to Senator Walter George (D-GA).
Atlas Star
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« Reply #98 on: July 22, 2022, 07:27:55 AM »

Following complaints from other members of the Administration, President Roosevelt has rescinded the offer of Secretary of the Treasury to Walter George and will instead offer the position to Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace.

George will instead be offered the position of Secretary of Agriculture.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #99 on: July 22, 2022, 07:57:56 AM »

President Roosevelt will formally nominate Henry Wallace to the position of Treasury Secretary and Walter George to the position of Secretary of Agriculture for consideration during the lame duck session of Congress, and will renominate them if not considered before the new Congress meets.
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