Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)

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Atlas Politician
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« Reply #75 on: October 14, 2021, 07:24:15 PM »

To reform the taxation system

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section I. Title

This act may be cited as the Capital Gains Inflation Deduction Act.

Section II. Definition

CPI is the Consumer Price Index as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for any particular moment in time.

Section III. Capital Gains Inflation Deduction

A. As explained in Section II B, the portion of any capital gain that can be attributed to inflation is exempt from taxation.

B. For each capital gain derived from the sale of an asset, the product of the percentage change in CPI from the purchase of said asset to its sale and the purchase price is added to an individual's capital gains inflation deduction.

C. The total amount of an individual's capital gains inflation deduction is deductible from said individual's total capital gains tax liability for any given year. This deduction shall not be deductible from any other form of taxable income.

Section IV. Effective Date

This act shall be incorporated into to the tax code immediately.

Section V. Cost

This act is estimated to lower tax revenue by $15 billion annually.

Black Bread Pill
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« Reply #76 on: October 16, 2021, 04:13:17 PM »

To lower the window for moving to another region

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia asssembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation shall be cited as the Amendment to the Census Act - 2021.

Section 2. Amendment to the Census Act
Section 4.2 of the Census Act is hereby amended:

2. If a voter has been registered in more than one region over the previous one hundred and eighty fifty six days, they cannot register outside the region they were most recently registered in.

2. This act shall be effective immediately upon passage.
Western Democrat
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« Reply #77 on: October 16, 2021, 07:08:49 PM »
« Edited: October 16, 2021, 09:13:57 PM by Senator WD »

to the Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia :
Section 1 (Title)
i. The title of this Amendment shall be, the “Labor Rights Amendment.” It may be cited by its ordinal number in order of ratification.

Section 2 (Labor Rights Amendment)
i. The following shall be appended to Article I of the Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia as the next section thereof:
A full-enfranchised working class being necessary for the prosperity of a free people, the right of the working people to organize and bargain collectively shall not be infringed.

This amendment to the Bill of Rights would protect the right of wage-earners to unionize free from the subversive influence of employers or the state.

Black Bread Pill
Just Passion Through
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« Reply #78 on: October 17, 2021, 12:13:36 AM »

To prohibit public funds for drug testing

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia asssembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation shall be cited as the Workers Privacy Act.

Section 2. Prohibition of funding for businesses that mandate drug testing
1. Neither AtlasCare, nor any other healthcare-related program, shall fund drug testing for any business's or corporation's employees.

2. This act shall be effective immediately upon passage.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #79 on: November 01, 2021, 11:09:41 PM »

Idk if this too late but someone else can sponsor it after my term is up.

to the Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia:
Section 1 (Title)
i. The title of this Amendment shall be the “Property Rights Amendment.”

Section 2 (Property Rights Amendment)
i. Article I, Section 5 of the Constitution is hereby amended:
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Arson Plus
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« Reply #80 on: November 02, 2021, 06:57:12 AM »

Idk if this too late but someone else can sponsor it after my term is up.

to the Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia:
Section 1 (Title)
i. The title of this Amendment shall be the “Property Rights Amendment.”

Section 2 (Property Rights Amendment)
i. Article I, Section 5 of the Constitution is hereby amended:
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Atlas Politician
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« Reply #81 on: November 05, 2021, 08:55:38 PM »

In the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia ASSEMBLED

An Act

To increase the prevalence of educational opportunities across Atlasia.

Extended Educational Learning Opportunities Act

Section 1. Purpose and Background
1. To provide for the enrollment of students in extended learning opportunities; to provide a means for allowing students to request and receive credit for participation in extended learning opportunities; to provide a process for awarding certificates of completion.

(a) Students attending schools in each of the regions would benefit from experiencing extended learning opportunities outside of the traditional classroom.

(b) Students are capable of learning both inside and outside of the traditional classroom.

(c) Students should earn credit for approved extended learning opportunities that facilitate their mastery of required skills or fulfilling state standards.

Section 2. Definitions

For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

1. EXTENDED LEARNING OPPORTUNITY. An out-of-classroom learning experience, approved by the State Board of Education, a local board of education, or a public charter school, that provides a student with any of the following:

a. Enrichment opportunities.

b. Career readiness or employ-ability skills opportunities, including internships, pre-apprenticeships, and apprenticeships.

c. Any other approved educational opportunity.

(2) A student shall include those attending elementary and secondary school in K-12 non-charter public schools and public charter schools.

Commencing with the 2022-2023 school year, the local board of education and public charter school shall routinely inform students and their parents of the ability to earn credit for participating in extended learning opportunities. Employees of the local boards of education, and public charter schools may assist students, and their parents, in completing any enrollment processes required for participating in approved extended learning opportunities. Permission is not required from the local board of education or public charter school in which the student is enrolled and attending, for a parent to enroll his or her student in any approved extended learning opportunity.

Section 3. Process

1. An extended learning opportunity shall count as elective credit toward graduation requirements and the achievement of applicable state standards for students, upon approval of the extended learning opportunity by the State Board of Education, a local board of education or public charter school. To receive credit, a student shall submit a written request for credit and proof of successful completion of the approved extended learning opportunity, to the designated administrator of the school he or she is attending. The State Board of Education shall adopt, and each local board of education and public charter school distribute and implement, an extended learning opportunities policy that provides all of the following:

a. An application process for accepting and approving extended learning opportunities offered for credit by outside entities.

b. A list of entities that are eligible to submit applications for offering extended learning opportunities. Eligible entities shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:

i. Nonprofit organizations.

ii. Businesses with established locations in the state.

iii. Trade associations.

iv. Any of the Armed Forces of the United States, subject to applicable age requirements.

Section 4. Criteria for credit

1. A process for students to follow for requesting credit.

a. Criteria the local board of education or public charter school shall use to determine whether a proposed extended learning opportunity shall be approved to count toward credit.

b. Criteria the local board of education or public charter school shall use to award a student a certificate of completion and credit for completing an approved extended learning opportunity. The criteria shall include, but not be limited to, allowing a student to demonstrate competencies through performance-based assessments and other methods independent of instructional time and credit hours.

c. An entity approved by local school districts to offer an extended learning opportunity shall be automatically qualified to offer that extended learning opportunity for all local boards of education and public charter schools in the state.

d. A student who successfully completes an approved extended learning opportunity, and satisfies criteria established for the award of a certificate of completion and credit shall be considered to have completed all of the required coursework for the particular course. If an approved extended learning opportunity satisfies all required coursework for a high school course, the student shall also be considered to have satisfied the equivalent number of credits toward his or her graduation requirements.

Section 5. Funding

a. A grant shall be defined as "any sum of money used to fund an educational activity such as an after school activity."

b. Grants shall only be distributed to regional nonprofits, recreational, and community centers in all regions. These nonprofits, recreational, and community centers must be entities that sponsor school sponsored activities. Grants cannot be made for any other purpose.

c. The total amount of grants for these programs shall not exceed $30,000,000.
Western Democrat
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« Reply #82 on: November 08, 2021, 11:54:50 AM »

To withdraw normal trade relations treatment from the products of the People’s Republic of China.

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section I. Title

This act may be cited as the China Trade Reform Act.

Section II. Definition

Effective on the date of the enactment of this Act, normal trade relations treatment shall not apply to the products of the People’s Republic of China, and normal trade relations treatment may not thereafter be extended to the products of that country.

Western Democrat
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« Reply #83 on: November 08, 2021, 07:20:46 PM »
« Edited: November 09, 2021, 01:43:23 AM by Senator WD »

To Denounce the Moral Scourge of Wulfricism

Section I. Title
I. This Act may be cited as the Wulfric Resolution.

Section II. Denouncing Wulfricism

I. The Republic of Atlasia hereby denounces the pervasive and pernicious influence of the ideology known as Wulfricism, and seeks to eliminate it from all aspects of Atlasian life. Wulfricism is a tyrannical totalitarian ideology that seeks to destroy and undermine our constitution, our Republic, and our freedom. It is incompatible with the values of the Republic of Atlasia and with that of a free society.

II. The Republic of Atlasia recognizes that Wulfric has engaged in totalitarian and oppressive acts against the people of Lincoln and wholeheartedly condemns them.

III. The Republic of Atlasia recognizes that Wulfricism has enabled Anti-Irish sentiment, such as the attempts to ban McDonalds.
Western Democrat
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« Reply #84 on: November 09, 2021, 10:24:16 PM »
« Edited: November 09, 2021, 11:01:34 PM by Senator WD »

To make investments in our country and expand essential social programs

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section I. Title

This act may be cited as the New Great Society Act.

Section II. Infrastructure investments

1. Highway programs - $75,000,000,000 is appropriated for each of fiscal years of 2022 through 2026 for the purpose of to improving  roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure in the Republic of Atlasia.

2. Rail Service - There is appropriated $15,000,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 to make quarterly grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation for the operation of intercity passenger rail.

3. Airports - There is appropriated $2,500,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 to implement airport improvement and noise compatibility projects at public-use airports.

4. Broadband Initiatives Program - Out of funds of the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, there is appropriated $2,500,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 for the broadband initiatives program established under title VI of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 950bb et seq.) to expand the access and quality of broadband service across rural Atlasia.

Section III. CUBI benefit enhancements

The Children's Universal Basic Income Act is amended as follows:

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Children's Universal Basic Income Act.

Section 2. Monthly Universal Basic Income for Families with Children

1. Beginning in January of 2022, parents or legal guardians of persons under the age of 18 and have a disposable income of less than $100,000 shall be entitled to $2,000 monthly checks.

2. The income received shall not be taxed or counted toward existing benefits.

3. This program shall run until 2028, but may be extended by Congress.

Section IV. Pell Grant Expansion

Section 401 (20 U.S.C. 1070a), as amended by section 703 of the FAFSA Simplification Act (title VII of division FF of Public Law 116–260) (referred to in this Act as the “FAFSA Simplification Act”), is further amended—

(1) in subsection (a)(2)(F), by striking “10 percent” and inserting “5 percent”;

(2) in subsection (b)—

(A) in paragraph (1)(B)(i), by striking “paragraph (5)(A)” and inserting “paragraph (5)”;

(B) by striking paragraph (5) and inserting the following:


“(A) AWARD YEAR 2023–2024.—For award year 2023–2024, the total maximum Federal Pell Grant award shall be $9,000.

“(B) AWARD YEAR 2024–2025.—For award year 2024–2025, the total maximum Federal Pell Grant award shall be $10,000.

“(C) AWARD YEAR 2025–2026.—For award year 2025–2026, the total maximum Federal Pell Grant award shall be $11,000.

“(D) AWARD YEAR 2026–2027.—For award year 2026–2027, the total maximum Federal Pell Grant award shall be $12,000.

“(E) AWARD YEAR 2027–2028.—For award year 2027–2028, the total maximum Federal Pell Grant award shall be $13,000.

“(F) AWARD YEAR 2028–2029 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS.—For award year 2028–2029, and each subsequent award year, the total maximum Federal Pell Grant award shall be $13,000—

“(i) increased by the adjustment percentage for the award year for which the amount under this subparagraph is being determined; and

“(ii) rounded to the nearest $50.

 B.) Clarification of Eligible Institutions

Section 401(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070a(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, for purposes of this section, the terms ‘eligible institution’, ‘institution of higher education’, ‘eligible program’, and ‘institution’ include a program of education that—

“(A) consists of vocational or technical training, flight training, or apprenticeship or other on-job training;

“(B) an individual may pursue using educational assistance pursuant to section 3313(g) of title 38, Atlasian Code;

“(C) is less than 600 clock hours of instruction, 16 semester hours, or 24 quarter hours, offered during a period of less than 15 weeks;

“(D) is not required to be accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association recognized by the Secretary pursuant to part H;

“(E) is not required to lead to a recognized educational credential;

Section V. Social Security Benefits Enhancement and Payroll Tax Increase

(A) In General.—Section 215(a)(1)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 415(a)(1)(B)) is amended—

(1) by redesignating clause (iii) as clause (iv); and

(2) by inserting after clause (ii) the following new clause:

“(iii) For individuals who initially become eligible for old-age or disability insurance benefits, or who die (before becoming eligible for such benefits) in any calendar year after 2024, each of the amounts determined under clause (ii) of this subparagraph for purposes of subparagraph (A)(i) shall be increased by—

“(I) for calendar year 2025, 1 percent;

“(II) for each of calendar years 2026 through 2038, the percent determined under this clause for the preceding year increased by 1 percentage point; and

“(III) for calendar year 2039 and each year thereafter, 15 percent.”.

(B). Payroll Tax Increase:

1.) Subchapter A, Section 3101 of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act is amended by striking “6.2 percent” and inserting “7.2 percent”.

2.) Subchapter B, Section 3111, subparagraph (a) of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act is amended by striking “6.2 percent” and inserting “7.2 percent”.

Section VI. Universal School Breakfast and Lunch

A. In General.—Section 4(a) of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1773(a)) is amended, in the first sentence—

(1) by striking “is hereby” and inserting “are”; and

(2) by inserting “to provide free breakfast to all children enrolled at those schools” before “in accordance”.

B. Section 9 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1758) is amended by striking subsection (b) and inserting the following:

“(b) Eligibility.—All children enrolled in a school that participates in the school lunch program under this Act shall be eligible to receive free lunch under this Act.”.

Section VII. Tuition Cap

For students enrolled in a Community College, HBCU, Institution of Higher Education, Public 4-year Institution of Higher education, Tribal College or University, 2-year Tribal College or University, 4-year Tribal College or University, the tuition amount owed by any individual student shall not exceed $8,000 per year.

Arson Plus
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« Reply #85 on: November 10, 2021, 08:47:04 PM »

To restore at-large Senate special elections

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Senate Special Elections Amendment.

Section 2. Content

1. Section 2, Part 3 of the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended to be
iii. At-large Senate vacancies shall be filled through appointment by the executive of the former Senator’s Party; but should a vacancy occur as the result of the death, expulsion, or resignation of an at-large Senator not being a member of a major Party, then a special election that shall be held within twenty days of the vacancy to choose a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term.

Ancestral Republican
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« Reply #86 on: November 10, 2021, 09:12:38 PM »

Censuring and condemning Chief Justice Windjammer for disgracing and debasing his office

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section I. Title

Whereas, Chief Justice Windjammer presided over the case, People of the Republic of Atlasia V. LouisvilleThunder

Whereas, the Supreme Court decided to dismiss said case, and criticism of the decision was offered by Lincoln General Court member CraneHusband, and several others privately.

Whereas, in response to such criticism, the Chief Justice made the following statements;

I know your names.

My vengeance will be terrible.

I will screw up your careers.

Resolved by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia, that the Senate:

1.) Publicly states that Chief Justice Windjammer has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.

2.) Censures and Condemns Chief Justice Windjammer for debasing and disgracing his office and himself by using the bench to make threats against elected officials of the Republic of Atlasia. 
Dr. MB
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« Reply #87 on: November 11, 2021, 02:22:56 AM »

Eligibility Adjustment Act

Section 3 clause 9 of the Census Act 2019 is amended to read as follows:

8. In order to be eligible to register, a poster’s Atlas Forum account must have been registered for at least one hundred and sixty-eight hours and must have accumulated at least forty twenty posts.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #88 on: November 18, 2021, 12:03:02 AM »

Hoping someone will sponsor this:

LouisvilleThunder Resolution

- It is the Sense of the Senate that Governor LouisvilleThunder should have been found guilty of the criminal charges filed against him
- It is the further sense of the Senate that the actions of doxxing, hacking into a party's discord server, and refusing to accept the results of an election, are never acceptable and dishonor the very fabric of the republic of Atlasia
At-Large Senator LouisvilleThunder
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« Reply #89 on: November 18, 2021, 12:19:25 AM »

Hoping someone will sponsor this:

LouisvilleThunder Resolution

- It is the Sense of the Senate that Governor LouisvilleThunder should have been found guilty of the criminal charges filed against him
- It is the further sense of the Senate that the actions of doxxing, hacking into a party's discord server, and refusing to accept the results of an election, are never acceptable and dishonor the very fabric of the republic of Atlasia
You're doing yourself no favors lol.

Anyone who would sponsor this is a Wulfricist or a Wulfricist by Association.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #90 on: November 18, 2021, 10:16:34 PM »

Hoping someone will sponsor this:

LouisvilleThunder Resolution

- It is the Sense of the Senate that Governor LouisvilleThunder should have been found guilty of the criminal charges filed against him
- It is the further sense of the Senate that the actions of doxxing, hacking into a party's discord server, and refusing to accept the results of an election, are never acceptable and dishonor the very fabric of the republic of Atlasia

I will sponsor, this is effectively a censure, and we should acknowledge that something bad happened and at least give LT a reprimand.
Black Bread Pill
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« Reply #91 on: November 21, 2021, 01:17:06 PM »
« Edited: November 21, 2021, 02:27:32 PM by President Scott☀️ »

To aid the reconstruction of the Republic of Paflagonia

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia asssembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation shall be cited as the Paflagonia Support Act.

Section 2. Financial aid to the Republic of Paflagonia and Oversight

1. Under the terms of this Act, the government of the Republic of Paflagonia must agree to any audit or review of expenditures pertaining to foreign aid.

2. $100,000,000,000 shall be appropriated, via the Atlasian Department of State, to the Republic of Paflagonia for the purpose of reconstruction following a great civil war.
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« Reply #92 on: November 22, 2021, 08:34:33 PM »

A Resolution to condemn Alben "KYWildman" Barkley
Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section I. Title
This legislation shall be cited as the Alben Barkley Resolution.

Section II. Content
WHEREAS the user known as "KYWildman", or "Alben Barkley", is acknowledged as having disturbed the peace and caused great offense to the people of Atlasia through his parasocial, Oedipal defenses of J.K. Rowling and general histrionics,

WHEREAS he has sought to manipulate the moderators of Atlas Forum to do his bidding and hide his malfeasance,

WHEREAS he has falsely accused Senator Western Democrat of involvement in a plot to murder Mrs. Rowling,

The Senate of Atlasia hereby recognizes these acts of wickedness as intolerable in polite society, and condemns KYWildman.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #93 on: November 26, 2021, 11:40:14 AM »

Expel Senator Spark

Whereas, Spark has harassed several women.

Resolved, that –
(1) the Senate condemns and expels Senator Spark498 from the Senate for conduct that disrespects the Atlasian people in a way that is not befitting a member of the Senate.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #94 on: December 01, 2021, 10:26:40 PM »

Expel Senator Spark

Whereas, Spark has harassed several women.

Resolved, that –
(1) the Senate condemns and expels Senator Spark498 from the Senate for conduct that disrespects the Atlasian people in a way that is not befitting a member of the Senate.
Re-introducing this.
Western Democrat
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« Reply #95 on: December 01, 2021, 10:31:49 PM »

Expel Senator Spark

Whereas, Spark has harassed several women.

Resolved, that –
(1) the Senate condemns and expels Senator Spark498 from the Senate for conduct that disrespects the Atlasian people in a way that is not befitting a member of the Senate.
Re-introducing this.

I’ll co-sponsor this.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #96 on: December 02, 2021, 09:55:20 PM »

Energy Costs Reduction Act


To reduce energy costs for the average Atlasian:

WHEREAS, because many areas of Atlasia precluded from benefiting from earlier efforts made by the federal government to invest in rural electrification throughout regions.

WHEREAS the state's electrical grids are not interconnected to those in other states or territories, and many communities in the state have isolated microgrids.

WHEREAS the isolation of many electric systems throughout the state means that consumers in communities served by those systems cannot benefit from a reduction in energy bills by utilizing lower-cost power from other areas of the state;

WHEREAS the average retail price of electricity in rural communities is the highest. The average cost of electricity per capita is $3,891.

WHEREAS more than 300 of the rural communities are not connected to the railbelt electrical grid or state road system;

WHEREAS, of the countty's residents, 20 percent live in rural communities.

WHEREAS rural communities have virtually no access to natural gas as an energy source for heating and electricity, relying instead primarily on diesel fuel, wood, and renewable energy; and

WHEREAS diesel fuel and gasoline used for heating, electricity, and transportation typically costs from 50 to 100 percent more in communities off the road system compared to those on the road system; and

WHEREAS high energy costs for heating, electricity, and transportation have a multiplying effect, increasing the cost of all goods and services in rural communities; and

WHEREAS the compounded effect of high energy costs and limited economic opportunity result in low-income rural residents paying as much as 40 percent of their annual incomes on home energy needs; and

WHEREAS high energy costs have a negative effect on small and large businesses and industrial and other development; and

WHEREAS improving electric infrastructure, such as transmission, will encourage development of the state's abundant renewable energy sources and enhance system reliability among interconnected communities; and

WHEREAS residents in communities with the highest power costs are unable to shoulder the financial burden of developing large-scale power infrastructure without significant government investment; and

WHEREAS carbon emissions can be lowered through the development of economically feasible renewable energy projects and investment in an electric vehicle charging network; and

WHEREAS the future of the nation's economy will depend, in large part, on affordable electric energy in all parts;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Congress of the Republic requests a creation of a regional Energy Authority, in coordination with utilities throughout the regions and with statewide power and electrical organizations, develop a comprehensive 10-year infrastructure plan to reduce power costs by 25% in areas of the regions that endure extremely high electric and heating costs; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that Congress requests that the regional Energy Authority deliver a plan for the reduction of power costs in the region to the Senate by May 31, 2022, and notify the legislature that the plan is available.
Western Democrat
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« Reply #97 on: December 03, 2021, 03:25:34 AM »

To repeal provisions of the Federal Assault Weapon and Automatic Weapon Ban Act.

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

1. This act may be cited as the Federal Assault Weapon and Automatic Weapon Ban Amendments Act.

Section 2. Definitions

2. Section II, Subsections D.) and E.) of the Federal Assault Weapon and Automatic Weapon Ban Act are hereby repealed in their entirety, effective immediately.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #98 on: December 07, 2021, 07:45:37 PM »

Energy Cost Reduction Act of 2021


To reduce energy costs for the average Atlasian:

Section 1. Purpose

1. This bill is to provide for a less costly energy grid because many areas of Atlasia precluded from benefiting from earlier efforts made by the federal government to invest in rural electrification throughout regions.

a) This bill will provide for interconnection of regional electrical grids are not interconnected to those in other states or territories, and many communities in the state have isolated microgrids.

b) This bill will fix the isolation of many electric systems throughout the regions. This means that consumers in communities served by those systems cannot benefit from a reduction in energy bills by utilizing lower-cost power from other areas of the state;

c) This bill is intended to lower the average retail price of electricity where in rural communities this is the highest. The average cost of electricity per capita is $3,891.

d) The bill, through the energy authority, will reduce high energy costs for heating, electricity, and transportation that have a multiplying effect, which increases the cost of all goods and services in rural communities.

e) Many residents in communities with the highest power costs are unable to shoulder the financial burden of developing large-scale power infrastructure without significant government investment;

d) The bill will establish for lower carbon emissions through the development of economically feasible renewable energy projects and investment in an electric vehicle charging network.

Section 2. Implementation

a. BE IT RESOLVED that the Congress of the Republic requests a creation of a regional Energy Authority, in coordination with utilities throughout the regions and with statewide power and electrical organizations.

b. This energy authority will develop a comprehensive 10-year infrastructure plan to reduce power costs by 25% in areas of the regions that endure extremely high electric and heating costs.

c. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED that Congress requests that the regional Energy Authority deliver a plan for the reduction of power costs in the region to the Senate by May 31, 2022, and notify the legislature that the plan is available.

d. The Congress hereby establishes a energy sustainability fund, this fund will be appropriated by  taxation on electric vehicles and tolls from federal highways to the amount of $50,000,000.

Section 3. Grant criteria

a. A "grant" shall be defined as a sum of money awarded for an energy related project in any of Atlasia's regions.

b. These grants shall be categorical in nature by funding upgrades to Atlasia's regional energy grids, for projects to reduce carbon emissions, increase electrical grid inter-connectivity.

b. Grants can only be made available for energy-related projects that will have substantial impact or effect upon the electrical grid in each region.

c. Eligible entities: Grants can be allotted for subsidies or incentives to regional energy companies, nonprofits, or independent contractors

Section 4. Funding

a. The Congress of the Republic of Atlasia will appropriate $25,000,000 in grants to each region for the establishment of a regional energy authority; these grants shall be up for renewal every 5 years.

b. Hereafter, the Congress shall appropriate monies to the amount of an additional $20,000,000 to establish electrical vehicle charging stations across Atlasia's regions.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #99 on: December 07, 2021, 09:30:09 PM »

Educational Foundation Program Act (EFPA)

AN ACT to provide for the next generation of Atlasians

Section 1. Establishment

1. In addition to all other appropriations and apportionments of public school money now provided by law and made available for public schools there shall be apportioned and paid to local boards of education from the Foundation Program Fund, the amounts to be determined as hereinafter provided and in accordance with regulations.

This Foundation Program Fund shall be used principally:

(1) To aid in providing at least a 180 full instructional day minimum school term, or the hourly equivalent thereof, except as otherwise provided in paragraph c. of subdivision (1) of subsection (b); and,

(2) To assist in the promotion of educational opportunity for all children in the public schools.

(b) The following requirements and procedures, supplemented when necessary by regulations of the regional Board of Education, shall govern the apportionment of the fund:


a. In order for a local board of education to share in the apportionment of the Foundation Program Fund and to receive the maximum benefits therefrom, the board shall meet the following conditions:

i. The appropriate local governing body must insure that the local board of education within its jurisdiction is receiving an amount of local tax receipts equivalent to ten mills of school tax as computed from the most current assessed valuation of property which comprises the school tax district or districts of the local board of education. The Superintendent of Education shall determine compliance with this provision of the law in accordance with rules or procedures adopted by the regional Board of Education. In determining compliance for a county board of education, tax revenues provided to the county board of education from the county, from whatever tax source derived, shall be considered. In determining compliance for a city board of education, tax revenues provided to the city board of education by the county and the city, from whatever tax source derived, shall be considered.

ii. In the expenditure of all funds available for the Foundation Program as herein defined, the local board of education shall as nearly as practicable provide the same length of term in all schools.

iii. The local board of education shall provide a school term of at least 180 full instructional days, or the hourly equivalent of no less than 1080 instructional hours. The local academic school calendar shall be annually established by the local board of education, within the parameters of subparagraph
iv. In case the local board of education fails to operate any schools the minimum 180 full instructional day term, or the hourly equivalent thereof, or the minimum term as defined by the Board of Education, the Foundation Program allowances of the local board of education shall be computed only for the actual period the schools are in session that school year.

v. In extreme circumstances involving natural occurrences, health-related occurrences, or other extenuating circumstances that result in the cancellation of an instructional day, a local board of education may submit a plan for the approval of the Superintendent of Education to replace cancelled instructional days by adjusting the school calendar to extend the hours of actual teaching time on specified instructional days.

At any time that a Governor declares a state of emergency for any part of the region, any affected school system that is closed as a result and loses student days or employee days, or both, may appeal to the State Superintendent of Education for relief in fulfilling the local school calendar with respect to student days or employee days, or both, with no loss of income to employees.

vi. The local board of education, in providing the minimum required number of instructional days or hours, shall have greater flexibility in establishing the school calendar by adjusting the days or extending the hours of actual teaching or instructional time provided on specified instructional days for the schools under the jurisdiction of the local board. The academic school calendar, established by the local board of education, shall include the minimum required number of instructional days or hours.

vii. The local board of education shall expend funds for teachers' salaries in accordance with a salary schedule adopted by the local board of education and approved by the State Superintendent of Education. The salary schedule shall be at least 100 percent of those salary amounts specified in the State Minimum Salary Schedule by cell.

The local board of education shall allocate state and local Foundation Program funds to each school in an equitable manner, based on the needs of the students and the schools, as reflected in the current year's actual student populations, including at-risk students, students receiving special education services, and students enrolled in vocational/technical educational programs. The local board of education shall report annually to the Board of Education on how all state and local funds for public education, including Foundation Program funds and capital outlay funds, have been allocated to each of its schools or area vocational centers.

e. The local board of education shall submit to the State Superintendent of Education, under the regulations of the State Board of Education, the following:

1. A proposed building program which sets out in detail the location of all present and proposed buildings; which indicates proposed educational centers and grades to be taught at these centers and which provides schools for all children of the local board of education.

2. Except for those city boards of education not maintaining a transportation system, a proposed transportation program showing the proposed routing of buses and the condition of all roads to be used for transportation.

3. A proposed professional development program which sets out in detail the professional development needs of employees of the local board of education.

4. A proposed technology program which sets out in detail the proposed expenditures of technology funds.

5. A proposed program for the provision of services to students with disabilities and gifted students in compliance with applicable state and federal laws.

6. A proposed program for the provision of vocational educational services in compliance with applicable state and federal laws.

7. A proposed program for the provision of educational services to at-risk students in compliance with applicable state and federal laws. The proposed program for at-risk students shall include the provision that all funds allocated shall be spent for at-risk students.

8. The local board of education shall meet such other standards as may be set up by the State Board of Education to promote improved educational opportunity and provide better schools.

Section 3. Costs & Funding


a. In determining the cost of the Foundation Program, the Legislature, based on the recommendation of the State Board of Education, shall proceed to find the following allowable costs for each local board of education: Teachers' salaries, fringe benefits, classroom instructional support, student growth, and other current expense. The rate per employee set by the Legislature for teachers' retirement and employees' health insurance shall be in effect for the entire fiscal year and shall not be increased by the Teachers' Retirement System or the Public Education Employees' Health Insurance Board, except by further action of the Legislature.

b. The Foundation Program allowance for salaries of teachers shall be determined as follows: In recommending to the Governor and the Legislature the State Minimum Salary Schedule the Board of Education shall give due consideration to degree level, certification, and public education experience. Any teacher, including, but not limited to, a vocational education teacher, currently under contract in excess of 187 days shall not have the term or salary of his or her contract reduced as a result of this article.

b. The Foundation Program allowance for fringe benefits shall be determined by multiplying a uniform percentage times the amount of teachers' salaries allowed in paragraph a. above or by multiplying a fixed rate depending on the type of fringe benefit. The fringe benefits allowances shall include amounts for the employer's contribution for teachers' retirement, health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, unemployment compensation, personal leave, and sick leave. The fringe benefits allowance may include allowances for other fringe benefits as may be approved by the State Legislature. The State Legislature shall seek the input and advice of appropriate agencies and individuals in setting allowances. The Teachers' Retirement System and the Public Education Employees' Health Insurance Board shall recommend to the Legislature, on or before the first legislative day of each regular session of the Legislature, the rate for the following fiscal year. The Legislature shall set the rate in the annual appropriation bill.

c. The Foundation Program allowance for classroom instructional support shall be determined by multiplying a uniform amount times the number of teacher units allowed in Section 16-13-232. The uniform amount shall include allowances for library enhancement, classroom materials and supplies, professional development, and technology. The library enhancement appropriation shall be for K-12 Public School Library/Media Centers and is an absolute appropriation. Other expenditures may include book binding, repair, CD Roms, computer software, computer equipment, cataloging, audio-visual materials, newspapers, magazines, recordings, and video tapes. The uniform amount may include allowances for other classroom instructional support as may be approved by the State Board of Education. The Foundation Program allowance for classroom instructional support shall also include an allowance for textbooks which shall be determined on a per pupil basis. The number of pupils shall be determined by the number of pupils in average daily membership during the first 20 scholastic days after Labor Day of the preceding school year. The Board of Education shall recommend to the Governor the amount for each cost factor included in classroom instructional support on or before December 1 of the current fiscal year for the ensuing fiscal year.

d. The Foundation Program allowance for other current expense shall be determined by multiplying a uniform amount by the number of earned units. The uniform amount shall be recommended by the  Board of Education to the Governor on or before December 1 of the current fiscal year for the ensuing fiscal year.

e. The Foundation Program allowance for student growth shall be determined by multiplying the combined allowances in paragraphs a. through d. of subdivision (2) on a per student basis by the net year over year growth of average daily membership for non-virtual students for the two preceding school years. This allowance, for fiscal year 2022, shall be funded net of the amount received by the school system under the preexisting Current Units allotment and 100% thereafter. The net student growth attributable to full-time virtual students shall be funded at a rate determined by the State Department of Education based on the average cost to districts of educating a full-time virtual student beginning in fiscal year 2022.

f. The State Board of Education may cause, from time to time, a study of allowances for teachers' salaries, fringe benefits, classroom instructional support, student growth, and other current expense of local boards of education to be conducted and, based on the results of the study, may propose any necessary changes to the Governor and Legislature.

g. The total cost of the Foundation Program for any local board of education shall be the total allowed for teachers' salaries, for fringe benefits, for classroom instructional support, for student growth, and for other current expense. The allowances herein to the local boards of education shall be expended subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations; however, the total funds calculated in the total cost of the Foundation Program for teachers' salaries shall be expended for salaries within the instructional program.
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