Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49180 times)
Ancestral Republican
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,490

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E: -8.16, S: 3.22


« on: September 26, 2021, 08:24:53 PM »

Emergency De-Escalation Resolution

To provide safeguards for the country by defending its national security, geographic integrity, and peace in response to the ongoing crises in the Republic of Atlasia.

To the President Pro Tempore: I request that this bill be put through in the national emergencies category.

Whereas, the Congress of the Republic has been assembled to condemn the ongoing crises in Atlasia and do hereby establish:

Section 1. Title and Purpose

1. a panel of the duly elected federal lawmakers in Lincoln to investigate the origins of secession in Lincoln; one of which shall include a civilian

2. to encourage the expulsion of and arrest of those responsible for instigation of this crisis in Lincoln and perpetuation of secessionist ideals

Section 2. Establishment

3. To convene a panel of 4 Congressional lawmakers from each region in working with the regional executives and legislature of Fremont, Lincoln, and the South. This panel may hereby have 3 additional advisors or more via modification by statute. Meetings shall occur at least once weekly and shall be disbanded when the crisis dissipates.

4. Encourage the President of Atlasia to stand down the National Guard

5. To condemn the remarks of Attorney General Truman and Southern Governor LouisvilleThunder

Lol, you are a clown. This would do nothing but end the current peace process and ensure a violent secession.
Ancestral Republican
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,490

Political Matrix
E: -8.16, S: 3.22


« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2021, 09:12:38 PM »

Censuring and condemning Chief Justice Windjammer for disgracing and debasing his office

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section I. Title

Whereas, Chief Justice Windjammer presided over the case, People of the Republic of Atlasia V. LouisvilleThunder

Whereas, the Supreme Court decided to dismiss said case, and criticism of the decision was offered by Lincoln General Court member CraneHusband, and several others privately.

Whereas, in response to such criticism, the Chief Justice made the following statements;

I know your names.

My vengeance will be terrible.

I will screw up your careers.

Resolved by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia, that the Senate:

1.) Publicly states that Chief Justice Windjammer has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.

2.) Censures and Condemns Chief Justice Windjammer for debasing and disgracing his office and himself by using the bench to make threats against elected officials of the Republic of Atlasia. 
Ancestral Republican
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,490

Political Matrix
E: -8.16, S: 3.22


« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2022, 02:13:15 AM »

Restoring Gun Safety Act

An act to implement gun control

I: Licensing and Registration

1. A firearm license is required to own a firearm, licenses shall be available at local police stations and shall be available to all citizens above 18 who do not have a criminal history and have no history of mental illness. License applicants, if approved, must also be required to participate in mandatory gun safety training.

2. Guns shall only be allowed to be sold at gun retailers. A store may become a gun retailer by submitting an application to their state government, which may then be approved or disapproved at the discretion of the state.

3. Gun retailers shall be required to check for a valid license before selling firearms and must record the firearm serial number as well as the name of the person purchasing the firearm in a national database called "Gun Track," which shall be operated by the federal government. Access to this database shall be granted to gun retailers as well as all law enforcement agencies operating in Atlasia.

4. The federal government shall set up the national gun database known as "Gun Track" to track all firearm sales. Access to "Gun Track" shall be granted to the necessary individuals.

5. Firearms licenses must be renewed every five years, an individual must pass a background check in order to have their license renewed.
II. Firearm restrictions: The following firearms are subject to regulation even if an individual qualifies for a firearms license

1. Handguns may not be purchased even with a valid license except by active duty military members and active law enforcement officers.

2. Semi automatic long guns, with a long gun defined to be at least 16 inches for rifle barrels and at least 18 inches for shotgun barrels, or for detachable or folding stocks is 26 inches with the stock in the extended position, may not be purchased even with a valid license except by active duty military members and active law enforcement officers.

3. Pump action shotguns may not be purchased even with a valid license except by active duty military members and active law enforcement officers.

4. Submachine guns, defined as a magazine-fed, automatic carbine designed to fire handgun cartridges, may not be purchased even with a valid license except by active duty military members and active law enforcement officers.

5. Semi automatic rifles above .22 caliber, defined as a firearms bore diameter of 0.22 inch or above, may not be purchased even with a valid license except by active duty military members and active law enforcement officers.
III: Buyback

1. Any individual who owns a prohibited firearm as defined in clauses II.1-II.5 may trade it in to their local sheriff's office for a government sponsored buyback program where they shall receive 2-4 times the value of the firearm in cash value.

2. No part of this buyback shall be interpreted to be mandatory

3. Individuals currently owning now prohibited firearms shall be allowed to keep them provided that they do not sell them to other individuals and that they register them with the government.

IV: Penalties

1. The penalty for selling a gun while not licensed as a gun retailer shall be a fine of no less than $10,000 and a possible term of prison confinement for no less than 3 years, for those individuals involved.

2. The penalty for selling a prohibited gun as a gun retailer shall be a fine of no less than $30,000 and a possible term of prison confinement for no less than 10 years, for those individuals involved.

3. No part of IV:1-2 shall be interpreted as punishing the individual purchasing the firearm, punishments shall only apply to those selling it.

4. The penalty for knowingly owning an unregistered firearm shall be a fine of no less than $15,000 and a possible term of prison confinement for no less than 5 years.

V: Interstate Commerce

1. Each state shall decide to what extent it wishes to regulate the movement of guns into and across its borders.

VI: Further Regulation

1. The regions or the states may choose to pursue further gun regulation not delineated in this act, however all provisions of this act must be enforced.

VII: Implementation:

1. Implementation of this act shall primarily take place at the state and local level and the federal government shall provide guidance to state and local governments to prepare them for enforcement

2. Implementation shall begin one year after passage of this law.
Ancestral Republican
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,490

Political Matrix
E: -8.16, S: 3.22


« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2022, 08:49:28 PM »

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