Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49047 times)
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« on: July 31, 2021, 02:20:08 PM »

To ensure a treasure of a restaurant is honored by all Atlasian citizens
Be it enacted in the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
1. The long title of this bill will be the "Resolution Honoring Fast-Food Burger Restaurants"
2. The nation of Atlasia commends McDonalds and other fast-food burger restaurants and small businesses on their nutritious meals provided to both vegetarian and vegan Atlasian citizens as well as meat eaters.
3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage into law.

This is ridiculous - McDonalds in the main 50 states of Atlasia provide very few vegetarian and vegan items. This might be relevant if you were doing this in a game based in some other country where McDonalds serves veggie burgers, but McDonalds in the US do not.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2021, 12:03:02 AM »

Hoping someone will sponsor this:

LouisvilleThunder Resolution

- It is the Sense of the Senate that Governor LouisvilleThunder should have been found guilty of the criminal charges filed against him
- It is the further sense of the Senate that the actions of doxxing, hacking into a party's discord server, and refusing to accept the results of an election, are never acceptable and dishonor the very fabric of the republic of Atlasia
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2021, 09:12:46 PM »

Regional Death Penalty Amendment

Article I of the Fifth Constitution Shall be amended as follows:

Section 9. No person accused of crimes under the laws of this Republic, or of the several Regions, shall be compelled to bear witness against himself, nor subjected to excessive bail, nor cruel or unusual punishment. Capital punishment may not be prescribed by a civilian court of law.

So we are striking all rights to be free from Cruel and Unusual Punishment now? (You struck the whole section) This game is going into the ditch lol
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2022, 10:00:46 PM »

Lincoln has already rejected the proposed legislation. The federal government should respect that precedent, and I thank WD for his wise action.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2022, 09:54:20 PM »

Urging sponsorship of the following:

Cis Tax Act

1. All Individuals identifying as Cisgender shall have $0.48 added to their Income Tax Bill each year.

2. All Individuals identifying as Straight shall have $0.48 added to their Income Tax Bill each year, in addition to the amount added by Section 1 if applicable.

3. If there is any ambiguity as to whether Section 1 and/or Section 2 applies to a given individual, it shall apply to them.

4. If an individual covered by Section 1 and/or 2 has not been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, the charge under such section shall be doubled. If an individual becomes fully vaccinated during the middle of the tax year, the doubling shall be prorated to only apply to the portion of the tax year in which they lacked such status - $0.08 per month or $0.04 per fortnight. Fully Vaccinated is defined as a two-dose series or the Johnson & Johnson single dose, followed by a booster shot.

5. Revenues raised from this bill will go to a dedicated fund to provide governmental assistance to those seeking Gender Confirmation Surgery.

6. If someone changes their identity during the middle of a tax year in a way that changes what they would be charged under Section 1, 2, and/or 4, they will instead be charged a prorated amount of $0.04 per month ($0.08 if double charges are needed), or $0.02 per fortnight ($0.04 if double charges are needed), for each time period in which they need to be charged.

7. When filing taxes for income made in 2021, Residents will indicate their current identification and vaccination status for the purposes of Section 1, 2, and 4. In the event someone has already filed taxes for income made in 2021, the IRS shall send them an additional form to obtain their identities and vaccination status. Declining to fill out such form by May 15, 2022 may result in Tax Fraud charges at the discretion of the IRS. The IRS shall from then on collect regular medical records of updated vaccination statuses, and residents will be able to update their identities at any time by calling, faxing, emailing, or a sending a letter to the IRS. No charges are applied for income made in 2021 or earlier.

8. For income made in 2022, the appropriate amount of money shall be charged according to the identity known on May 15, 2022 (For instance, if someone is known to be straight on May 15, 2022, $0.48 will be added to the tax liability due April 15, 2023), unless another identity is made clear later in 2022.

9. Charges will apply on a rolling basis for income made in 2023 or later.

10. Individuals not required to file a tax return based on lack of income shall be exempt from this law.

11. Where not otherwise stated, the bill shall take immediate effect once signed by the President.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2022, 10:26:03 PM »

Just throwing this here in case anyone wants to do things legitimately:

Kansas is Fremont Amendment

Modify Article II of the Constitution as follows:

3. The southern Region shall consist of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
--The Upper Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Arkansas, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
--The Deep Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Texas

4. The western Region shall consist of the states of Alaska, Arizona, Atlasian Samoa, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
--The Mountain West Subregion shall consist of the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
--The Pacific Subregion shall consist of the states of Alaska, Atlasian Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, and Washington.

Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
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Posts: 32,203
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E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2022, 10:55:35 PM »

Seems like the real person we should lose confidence in is whoever wrote the Senate rules to include this hilariously large loophole. Not that I can or will interfere in this Senate affair.
A very similar override procedure was in the House Rules during I believe all of bicameralism, and I wouldn't be surprised if the same was in the Senate Rules under bicameralism and the pre-reset Era. The South has the same procedure in its rules. Lincoln and, assumimg the wiki is accurate, Fremont, go even further, giving the Speaker no power at all to declare bills frivolous, though they can bring a motion to table once on the floor.

A weak presiding officer is basically an atlasian institution at this point.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 32,203
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E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2023, 12:13:48 AM »

Direct Democracy Act of 2023

THE  DIRECT DEMOCRACY Amendment; adjusted from the proposed LGC Direct Democracy Act

This legislation may be cited as the Direct Democracy Act.

SECTION II — Power To The People
1. Atlasia shall allow for all those registered to vote to vote on legislation agreed to by the Senate.

SECTION III — Implementation
1. The process of laws will not change, just that the people including the representatives can vote in favor or against in the Ballot box.
2. This model will introduce a People's Council which will decide on and vote on matters impacting Atlasia once every four months on a date agreed to by the Senate and President.
3. Citizens will not be deregistered or face other legal consequences for not voting.

Stature I: Allowing for citizen-ballot initiatives
1. Any registered voter can propose a law but proposals can be nullified if 4/5 of the senate disagrees to it.  

This is drafted as a bill when a constitutional amendment would be required. It is thus ruled frivolous. Please redraft this so that it directly amends the federal constitution.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
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E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2023, 12:31:56 AM »

The Greenland Independence and Environmental Protection Act

Section 1: Purpose and Scope

1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this Act is to grant independence to Greenland, currently part of the South region in the Republic of Atlasia, and establish a free association between Greenland and the Republic of Atlasia. This Act aims to ensure the protection of Greenland's vulnerable lands, prohibit exploitation, and promote sustainable development in accordance with environmental preservation principles.

1.2 Scope:
This Act applies specifically to Greenland, recognizing its sovereignty as an independent nation and establishing guidelines for the free association with the Republic of Atlasia.

Section 2: Independence of Greenland

2.1 Independence and Free Association:
Greenland shall be granted full independence as a sovereign nation, separate from the Republic of Atlasia. The Republic of Atlasia shall establish a free association agreement with Greenland, promoting cooperation and mutual assistance in various areas of common interest.

2.2 Territorial Sovereignty:
The territorial integrity and sovereignty of Greenland shall be respected and protected by the Republic of Atlasia and the international community. Any claims, disputes, or conflicts related to Greenland's territory shall be resolved peacefully through diplomatic means.

Section 3: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

3.1 Preservation of Vulnerable Lands:
Greenland's vulnerable lands, including its unique ecosystems, natural resources, and cultural heritage, shall be protected and preserved. The exploitation of such lands shall be prohibited, and strict regulations shall be implemented to ensure their long-term sustainability and ecological integrity.

3.2 Sustainable Development Principles:
Greenland and the Republic of Atlasia shall prioritize sustainable development practices in their policies and actions. This includes promoting renewable energy, responsible resource management, sustainable tourism, and environmentally friendly practices that minimize carbon emissions and protect biodiversity.

3.3 Environmental Cooperation:
Greenland and the Republic of Atlasia shall establish a framework for environmental cooperation, including the exchange of knowledge, technology, and best practices in environmental conservation. Joint efforts shall be made to address climate change, protect marine ecosystems, and conserve natural resources.

Section 4: Revocation of South's Control over Greenland

4.1 Termination of South's Administrative Control:
The South region's administrative control over Greenland shall be revoked, and Greenland shall have full autonomy in governing its internal affairs, including legislation, taxation, and administration.

4.2 Smooth Transition:
The Republic of Atlasia shall facilitate a smooth transition of responsibilities from the South region to Greenland, ensuring the efficient transfer of resources, personnel, and assets necessary for the independent governance of Greenland.

Section 5: Bilateral Relations and Cooperation

5.1 Free Association Agreement:
The Republic of Atlasia and Greenland shall negotiate and establish a free association agreement, defining the terms of cooperation and mutual assistance in various fields, including but not limited to trade, security, cultural exchange, and diplomatic relations.

5.2 Mutual Respect and Cooperation:
Both the Republic of Atlasia and Greenland shall uphold principles of mutual respect, non-interference, and equal partnership in their bilateral relations. Regular consultations and dialogue shall be maintained to address shared concerns and promote harmonious cooperation.

Section 6: Severability

6.1 Severability Clause:
If any provision of this Act is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 7: Effective Date

7.1 Effective Date:
This Act shall come into effect immediately upon its passage by the federal legislature.

The Greenland Independence and Environmental Protection Act grants full independence to Greenland, establishes a free association agreement with the Republic of Atlasia, and emphasizes the preservation of Greenland's vulnerable lands and resources. This Act promotes sustainable development practices, revokes the South region's control over Greenland, and sets the stage for a respectful and cooperative relationship between Greenland and the Republic of Atlasia.

PRIORITIZE over what other stuff i have in queue

Ruled frivolous as Greenland is not part of Atlasia. This is not within our jurisdiction to enact.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
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E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2023, 01:17:09 AM »

Senate Resolution
To Defend the Republic

Be It Resolved in the Atlasian Senate Assembled, that upon ratification by 2/3rds of the Regions, the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended as follows:

Quote from: Article II§2
The Republic of Atlasia is a perpetual and indestructible Union. The Union of the Regions, and of the States, is vital and unbreakable. No region shall secede from this Republic. but by a 3/4 vote of the citizens thereof, nor shall any No region, state, or other entity shall declare itself outside the jurisdiction of this Constitution. so long as it remains party to this Union. Atlasia shall not recognize the legitimacy of any referendum, vote, or executive order, past or present, that seeks to dissolve or withdraw from the Union.

This, which was cosponsored by Laki, is ruled frivolous as a similar amendment has already been adopted.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
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Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2023, 01:18:12 AM »

Reproductive Care Act of 2023

Senate Bill
to provide protection for women's healthcare and codify legal precedent

Be it enacted,

Section I: Name

1. This Act shall be called the Reproductive Care Act of 2023.

Section II: Resolution

1. We resolve -

a. Access to reproductive care is a fundamental right for all citizens of the Republic of Atlasia.
b. Termination of a pregnancy is a substantially private and personal decision.
c. Sensitive healthcare procedures ought to be made with proper physical and psychiatric healthcare considerations
d. Any sensitive healthcare procedure directly or tangentially related to pregnancy termination ought to be regulated, standardized, and protected.
e. Regions shall have the right to enact laws that regulate the practice and administration of pregnancy termination.
f. Reproductive care be provided to mothers who opt to carry a pregnancy to term, including all medically necessary pre and postpartum care.

Section III: Rights

1. It shall be unlawful for any regional, local, or national subdivision thereof, to ban pregnancy termination procedures prior to twenty (20) gestational weeks of a pregnancy.

2. Any regional, local, or national subdivision thereof, may enact statute that -
a. Restricts, bans, or otherwise regulates access to pregnancy termination services on or past twenty (20) gestational weeks of a pregnancy.

Section IV: Implementation

1. This act shall take effect on January 1st, 2024.

This, which was cosponsored by Laki, is ruled frivolous pursuant to the adoption of the Right to Choose Act.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2023, 06:59:57 PM »

I'll sponsor these:

Dumb Regulations Repeal Act 22 (As a designee of Pyro and WB)
Cage the Big Bad Wolf Act (As a designee of Classic Liminal)
Arbitration Fairness Act (As a designee of Classic Liminal)
Senate Dress Code Resolution (As a designee of Classic Liminal)
Technology Replacement and Fraud Prevention Act
An Act to Increase Support for Individuals with Eating Disorders
The Atlasia Defense and Diplomatic Authority Act
Atlasian Steel Act

And following that, any bill originally introduced by Scott
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
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Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2023, 12:39:00 AM »

Requesting Priority:

Motion to Expel Adam Griffin

Due to missing the last 9 consecutive final passage votes, Adam Griffin is hereby expelled from the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia, effective immediately.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2023, 01:42:48 PM »

Requesting Priority for the Atlasia Defense and Diplomatic Authority Act over the rest of the stuff I have in the queue
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2023, 12:12:06 AM »

The Anti-Surveillance Act

Section A. This bill will be known as the Anti-Survelliance Act

Section B - Ending The Nanny State
1. Would prohibit the enforcement or repeal any law that allows for warrantless surveillance.
2. Would prohibit no knock warrants
3. Would eliminate any frisking based off of protected classes and would prohibit the use of such from occurring if made legal.
4. Would end enforcement of victimless crimes, although it will set up an agency for those suffering from addictions
5. Increases police funding to open a new security task force that will respond and deescalate scenes of non-violent crimes.

Section C. Treating Low-Risk Individuals
1. All prisoners who are guilty or accused of a victimless crime will be released from prison, victimless crimes will be made legal, and those previously accused or convicted of a victimless crime will be pardoned. In some cases depending on the inmate, they may be sent to either a rehabilitation center or psychiatric hospital on the recommendation of a judge. Individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others as a result of a victimless crime may still be court ordered to attend a rehab/psychiatric hospital similar to how alcoholism is currently treated.
2. With the authority of the regions governors, prisons will be consolidated if they are able to be and any prisons that close will be turned into homeless shelters. Regions can develop their own plans to create affordable housing.
3. Any individual who is arrested and has a mental health issue will be sent in a psychiatric hospital for treatment of their disability regardless of the accused crime or if applicable, to a rehabilitation center with the goal of avoiding prosecution and receiving treatment. If a psychologist believes that the crime was not committed as a result of their mental health condition, they will be tried and sentenced.
4. All imprisoned and currently incarcerated individuals regardless of their crime will be eligible to vote in all regional and national elections.

Section D-The LGC 11.14 will be ruled as obsolete

Section E - Effective Date
This legislation shall take effect immediately.

Section D of the bill is ruled frivolous as we do not control the actions of the Lincoln General Court. Even if this bill would contradict portions of LGC 11.14, LGC 11.14 would simply become unenforceable with respect to the affected provisions - the power to formally take it off the books remains solely with the LGC.

The rest of the bill will still be brought to the floor.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2023, 02:03:40 PM »

Motion to Expel Senator Fhtagn

The Senate, as assembled, motions to expel Senator Fhtagn for continued Southern revanchism and refusal to accept that the South no longer has the authority to secede from the union of Atlasia.

This motion, being an area where I have discretion, will not be recognized unless seconded. We have important business to conduct.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2023, 05:34:01 PM »

I'll sponsor any remaining bills sponsored by NYE
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2023, 11:53:51 PM »

To enhance railway safety standards

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled;

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Railway Safety Act

Section 2. Notification of transportation of hazardous materials

(a.) Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall issue regulations, or modify existing regulations, establishing safety requirements, in accordance with subsection (b), with which a shipper or rail carrier operating a train transporting hazardous materials that is not subject to the requirements for a high-hazard flammable train under section 174.310 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, shall comply with respect to the operation of each such train and the maintenance of specification tank cars.

(b.) The regulations issued pursuant to subsection (a) shall require shippers and rail carriers—
(1) to provide advance notification and information regarding the transportation of hazardous materials described in subsection (a) to each Regional emergency response commissioner, the tribal emergency response commission, or any other Regional, State, or tribal agency responsible for receiving the information notification for emergency response planning information;
(2) to include, in the notification provided pursuant to paragraph (1), a written gas discharge plan with respect to the applicable hazardous materials being transported; and
(3) to reduce or eliminate blocked crossings resulting from delays in train movements.

Section 3. Additional Requirements

(c) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS.—In developing the regulations required under subsection (a), the Secretary shall include requirements regarding—
(1.) train length and weight;
(2.) train consist;
(3.) route analysis and selection;
(4.) speed restrictions;
(5.) track standards;
(6.) track, bridge, and rail car maintenance;
(7.) signaling and train control;
(8.) response plans; and
(9.) any other requirements that the Secretary determines are necessary.

Section 4. High-Hazard Flammable Trains

The Secretary may modify the safety requirements for trains subject to section 174.310 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to satisfy, in whole or in part, the rulemaking required under subsection (a).

Section 5. Rail Car Inspections

(1) INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS.—Not later than 1 year after date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall review and update, as necessary, applicable regulations under chapters I and II of subtitle B of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations—
(A) to create minimum time requirements that a qualified mechanical inspector must spend when inspecting a rail car or locomotive; and
(B) to ensure that all rail cars and locomotives in train consists that carry hazardous materials are inspected by a qualified mechanical inspector at intervals determined by the Secretary.

(2) ABBREVIATED PRE-DEPARTURE INSPECTION.—The Secretary shall immediately amend section 215.13(c) of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (permitting an abbreviated pre-departure inspection procedure) with respect to rail cars in train consists carrying hazardous materials.

(b) AUDITS.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall initiate audits of Federal rail car inspection programs, subject to the requirements under part 215 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, which—
(A) consider whether such programs are in compliance with such part 215;
(B) assess the type and content of training and performance metrics that such programs provide rail car inspectors;
(C) determine whether such programs provide inspectors with adequate time to inspect rail cars;
(D) determine whether such programs reflect the current operating practices of the railroad carrier; and
(E) ensure that inspection programs are not overly reliant on train crews.

(2) AUDIT SCHEDULING.—The Secretary shall—
(A) schedule the audits required under paragraph (1) to ensure that—
(i) each Class I railroad is audited not less frequently than once every 5 years; and
(ii) a select number, as determined by the Secretary, of Class II and Class III railroads are audited annually; and
(B) conduct the audits described in subparagraph (A)(ii) in accordance with—
(i) the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (5 U.S.C.
11 601 note); and (ii) appendix C of part 209 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.

(3) UPDATES TO INSPECTION PROGRAM.—If, during an audit required under this subsection, the auditor identifies a deficiency in a railroad’s inspection program, the railroad shall update the program to eliminate such deficiency.

(A) CONSULTATION.—In conducting any audit required under this subsection, the Secretary shall consult with the railroad being audited and its employees, including any nonprofit employee labor organization representing the mechanical employees of the railroad.
(B) COOPERATION.—The railroad being audited and its employees, including any nonprofit employee labor organization representing mechanical employees, shall fully cooperate with any audit conducted pursuant to this subsection—
(i) by providing any relevant documents requested; and
(ii) by making available any employees for interview without undue delay or obstruction.
(C) FAILURE TO COOPERATE.—If the Secretary determines that a railroad or any of its employees, including any nonprofit employee labor organization representing mechanical employees of the railroad is not fully cooperating with an audit conducted pursuant to this subsection, the Secretary shall electronically notify the Senate of such non-cooperation.
(c) REVIEW OF REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall triennially determine whether any update to part 215 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, is necessary to ensure the safety of rail cars transported by rail carriers.
(d) ANNUAL REPORT.—The Secretary shall publish an annual report on the public website of the Federal Rail road Administration that—
(1) summarizes the findings of the prior year’s audits;
(2) summarizes any updates made pursuant to this section; and
(3) excludes any confidential business information or sensitive security information.
(e) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section may be construed—
(1) to limit the deployment of pilot programs for the installation, test, verification, and review of automated rail and train inspection technologies; or
(2) to direct the Secretary to waive any existing inspection requirements under chapter I or II of subtitle B of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, as part of pilot programs.

Section 6. Defect Detectors

(a) RULEMAKING.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue regulations establishing requirements for the installation, repair, testing, maintenance, and operation of wayside defect detectors for each rail carrier operating a train carrying hazardous materials.
(b) REQUIREMENTS.—The regulations issued pursuant to subsection (a) shall include requirements regarding—
(1) the frequency of the placement of wayside defect detectors, including a requirement that all Class I railroads install a hotbox detector along every 10-mile segment of rail track over which trains carrying hazardous materials operate;
(2) performance standards for such detectors;
(3) the maintenance and repair requirements for such detectors;
(4) reporting data and maintenance records of such detectors;
(5) appropriate steps the rail carrier must take when receiving an alert of a defect or failure from or regarding a wayside defect detector; and
(6) the use of hotbox detectors to prevent derailments from wheel bearing failures, including—
(A) the temperatures, to be specified by the Secretary, at which an alert from a hotbox detector is triggered to warn of a potential wheel bearing failure; and
(B) any actions that shall be taken by a rail carrier upon receiving an alert from a hot box detector of a potential wheel bearing failure.
(c) DEFECT AND FAILURE IDENTIFICATION.—The Secretary shall specify the categories of defects and failures that wayside defect detectors covered by regulations issued pursuant to subsection (a) shall address, including—
(1) axles;
(2) wheel bearings;
(3) brakes;
(4) signals;
(5) wheel impacts; and
(6) other defects or failures specified by the Secretary.

Section 7. Freight Train Safety Requirements

(a) FREIGHT TRAIN CREW SIZE.—Subchapter II of chapter 201 of title 49, Atlasia Code, is amended by inserting after section 20153 the following:
‘‘§ 20154. Freight train crew size safety standards
(b) MINIMUM CREW SIZE.—No freight train may be operated without a 2-person crew consisting of at least 1 appropriately qualified and certified conductor and 1 appropriately qualified and certified locomotive engineer.
(c) EXCEPTIONS.—Except as provided in subsection (d), the requirement under subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to—
(1) train operations on track that is not a main line track;
‘‘(2) a freight train operated—
‘‘(A) by a railroad carrier that has fewer than 400,000 total employee work hours annually and less than $40,000,000 annual revenue (adjusted for inflation, as calculated by the Surface Transportation Board Railroad Inflation Adjusted Index and Deflator Factor Table);
‘‘(B) at a speed of not more than 25 miles per hour; and
‘‘(C) on a track with an average track grade of less than 2 percent for any segment of track that is at least 2 continuous miles;
‘‘(3) locomotives performing assistance to a train that has incurred mechanical failure or lacks the power to traverse difficult terrain, including traveling to or from the location where assistance is provided;
‘‘(4) locomotives that—
‘‘(A) are not attached to any equipment or are attached only to a caboose; and
‘‘(B) do not travel father than 30 miles from the point of origin of such locomotive; and
5 ‘‘(5) train operations staffed with fewer than a 2-person crew at least 1 year before the date of enactment of this section, if the Secretary determines that such operations achieve an equivalent level of safety as would result from compliance with the re10 quirement under subsection (a).
‘‘(c) TRAINS INELIGIBLE FOR EXCEPTION.—The ex12 ceptions under subsection (b) may not be applied to—
‘‘(1) a train transporting 1 or more loaded cars carrying material toxic by inhalation (as defined in section 171.8 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations);
‘‘(2) a train transporting—
‘‘(A) 20 or more loaded tank cars of a Class 2 material or a Class 3 flammable liquid in a continuous block; or
‘‘(B) 35 or more loaded tank cars of a Class 2 material or a Class 3 flammable liquid throughout the train consist; or
‘‘(3) a train with a total length of at least 7,500 feet.
‘‘(d) WAIVER.—A railroad carrier may seek a waiver of the requirements under this section in accordance with section 20103(d).’’.
(c) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis for subchapter II of chapter 201 of title 49, Atlasia Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 20153 the following:
‘‘20154. Freight train crew size.’’.

Section 8. Increasing Maximum Civil Penalties For Violations Of Rail Safety Regulations

(a) CIVIL PENALTIES RELATED TO TRANSPORTING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.—Section 5123(a) of title 49, Atlasia Code, is amended—
(1) in paragraph (1), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘$75,000’’ and inserting ‘‘the greater of 0.5 percent of the person’s annual income or annual operating income or $750,000’’; and
(2) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘$175,000’’ and inserting ‘‘the greater of 1 percent of the person’s annual income or annual operating income or $1,750,000’’.
(b) GENERAL VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER 201.—Section 21301(a)(2) of title 49, Atlasia Code, is amended—
(1) by striking ‘‘$25,000.’’ and inserting ‘‘the greater of 0.5 percent of the person’s annual income or annual operating income or $250,000’’; and
(2) by striking ‘‘$100,000.’’ and inserting ‘‘the greater of 1 percent of the person’s annual income or annual operating income or $1,000,000’’.
(1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘203–209’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘203 though 209’’; and
(2) in paragraph (2)—
(A) by striking ‘‘$25,000’’ and inserting ‘‘the greater of 0.5 percent of the person’s annual income or annual operating income or $250,000’’; and
(B) by striking ‘‘$100,000’’ and inserting ‘‘the greater of 1 percent of the person’s annual income or annual operating income or "$1,000,000’’.
(d) VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER 211.—Section 21303(a)(2) is amended—
(1) by striking ‘‘$25,000.’’ and inserting ‘‘the greater of 0.5 percent of the person’s annual income or annual operating income or $250,000’’; and (2) by striking ‘‘$100,000.’’ and inserting ‘‘the greater of 1 percent of the person’s annual income or annual operating income or $1,000,000’’.

Section 9. Safer Tank Cars

(a) PHASE-OUT SCHEDULE.—Beginning on May 1, 2025, a rail carrier may not use DOT–111 specification railroad tank cars that do not comply with DOT–117, DOT–117P, or DOT–117R specification requirements, as in effect on the date of enactment of this Act, to transport Class 3 flammable liquids regardless of the composition of the train consist.

(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary—
(A) shall immediately remove or revise the date-specific deadlines in any applicable regulations or orders to the extent necessary to conform with the requirement under subsection (a); and (B) may not enforce any date-specific deadlines or requirements that are inconsistent with the requirement under subsection (a).

(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Except as re2 quired under paragraph (1), nothing in this section may be construed to require the Secretary to issue regulations to implement this section.

Section 10. Hazardous Materials Training For First Responders

(a) ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE.—Section 5108(g) of title 49, Atlasia Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(4) ADDITIONAL FEE FOR CLASS I RAIL CAR11 RIERS.—In addition to the fees collected pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), the Secretary shall establish and annually impose and collect from each Class I rail carrier a fee in an amount equal to $1,000,000.’’.

(b) ASSISTANCE FOR LOCAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING.—Section 5116(j)(1)(A) of title 49, Atlasia Code, is amended—
(1) by striking ‘‘liquids’’ and inserting ‘‘materials’’; and
(2) in paragraph (3), by amending subparagraph (A) to read as follows:
‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—To carry out the grant program established pursuant to paragraph (1), the Secretary may expend, during each fiscal year—
'‘(i) the amounts collected pursuant to section 5108(g)(4); and
‘‘(ii) any amounts recovered during such fiscal year from grants awarded under this section during a prior fiscal year.’’.
(c) SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING GRANTS.—Section 5128(b)(4) of title 49, Atlasia Code is amended by striking ‘‘$2,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$4,000,000’’.

Section 11. Rail Safety Infrastructure Research and Development Grants

(a) RESEARCH REQUIREMENT.—The Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration shall award grants, in accordance with section 22907 of title 49, Atlasia Code, and the restrictions and limitations on eligibility for Class I railroads under such section, for research and development of wayside defect detectors to better prevent the derailment of trains transporting hazardous materials.

(1) APPROPRIATION.—There is appropriated to the Federal Railroad Administration, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $22,000,000, which shall be used for the grants authorized under subsection (a) for the improvement and research of wayside defect defectors and the prevention of derailments of trains containing hazardous materials.
(2) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDING.—Amounts appropriated under this subsection shall remain available until expended

Section 12. Appropriations for Tank Car Research and Development

There is appropriated to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $5,000,000, which shall be used for expenses related to the development of —
(1) stronger, safer tank cars and valves for 16 tank cars; and (2) other tank car safety features.
Text of this act is copied from the proposed Railway Safety Act of 2023

Declaring this frivolous pursuant to
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2023, 01:01:26 AM »

This is a certification that the legislative backlog has been cleared. All bills posted up to this point have received a chance at passage on the floor or been directly ruled as frivolous.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2023, 02:27:02 AM »
« Edited: August 19, 2023, 02:44:06 PM by PPT Dwarven Dragon »

Ensuring Activity Resolution and Amendment

Section I: Resolution

Enacted by the affirmative vote of Two-Thirds of the Senate

1. Senator Adam Griffin, for not even logging into Atlas since the 24th of July, effective September 1st, 2023 at 11:59 AM Eastern Time, is hereby expelled from the Senate. Additionally, the next time Adam Griffin is elected to the Senate, the Senate shall not grant him any seniority based on prior service in the senate or another office.

Section II: Amendment

This shall be added to the end of Article III-I of the 5th Constitution following approval by 2/3 of the Senate and 2 of the 3 regions. It may be cited as the Ensuring Activity Amendment.

10. If any senator misses ten consecutive final disposition votes on items brought to the floor during the session of the Senate currently in progress, they shall be automatically expelled from the Senate without the need for any vote to take place. Lack of attendance on other votes will not be considered, but attendance on such votes will reset the count. If a legally valid leave of absence has been declared, lack of attendance on votes during the leave of absence will not be considered. "Final Disposition" shall be interpreted to include:
- final passage votes on bills and constitutional amendments
- veto override votes
- redraft votes
- votes regarding the PPT
- confirmation votes

Amendment Explanation: This Amendment ensures that egregious instances of inactivity shall not result in a 'warm body' continuing to fill a senate seat for partisan purposes.

Fighting Inactivity OSPR Amendment

2. Article 8 of the OSPR is amended as follows:

1.) Senators can be subject to either Censure (formal statement of disapproval) or Expulsion by their peers, so long as reasonable justification exists in the form of unethical or corrupt behavior, inactivity, treason and such other offenses or behavior.

2.) Censure proceedings shall may only be initiated if at least nine three Senators have sponsored a motion of Censure, introduced in the Legislative Introduction Thread, against one of their Senate colleagues, citing the motives of why said Senator should be censored.


4.) Expulsion proceedings shall may only be initiated if:

a.) a Senator has not posted anything on the Atlas Fantasy Government board for 168 consecutive hours and has not posted a valid Leave of Absence (then the time covered by that LOA shall not count toward those 168 hours, but periods of inactivity before and after the LOA shall count as a continuous period, provided there are no interceding posts).

b.) Two Senators have sponsored an article of expulsion, introduced in the Legislative Introduction Thread, against one of their Senate colleagues.

c.) a Senator has missed 7 consecutive final disposition votes, as such term is defined by the proposed Ensuring Activity Amendment (irrespective of whether such amendment has been adopted by the Republic of Atlasia), and has not posted a valid Leave of Absence (then any such votes during that LOA shall not count, but strings of inactivity before and after the LOA shall count as a continuous string, provided there is no interceding applicable attendance).  

Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2023, 06:12:05 PM »

Ensuring Activity Resolution and Amendment

Section I: Resolution

Enacted by the affirmative vote of Two-Thirds of the Senate

1. Senator Adam Griffin, for not even logging into Atlas since the 24th of July, effective September 1st, 2023 at 11:59 AM Eastern Time, is hereby expelled from the Senate. Additionally, the next time Adam Griffin is elected to the Senate, the Senate shall not grant him any seniority based on prior service in the senate or another office.

Section II: Amendment

This shall be added to the end of Article III-I of the 5th Constitution following approval by 2/3 of the Senate and 2 of the 3 regions. It may be cited as the Ensuring Activity Amendment.

10. If any senator misses ten consecutive final disposition votes on items brought to the floor during the session of the Senate currently in progress, they shall be automatically expelled from the Senate without the need for any vote to take place. Attendance or lack of attendance on other votes shall not be considered. If a legally valid leave of absence has been declared, lack of attendance on votes during the leave of absence will not be considered. "Final Disposition" shall be interpreted to include:
- final passage votes on bills and constitutional amendments
- veto override votes
- redraft votes
- votes regarding the PPT
- confirmation votes

Amendment Explanation: This Amendment ensures that egregious instances of inactivity shall not result in a 'warm body' continuing to fill a senate seat for partisan purposes.

Fighting Inactivity OSPR Amendment

2. Article 8 of the OSPR is amended as follows:

1.) Senators can be subject to either Censure (formal statement of disapproval) or Expulsion by their peers, so long as reasonable justification exists in the form of unethical or corrupt behavior, inactivity, treason and such other offenses or behavior.

2.) Censure proceedings shall may only be initiated if at least nine three Senators have sponsored a motion of Censure, introduced in the Legislative Introduction Thread, against one of their Senate colleagues, citing the motives of why said Senator should be censored.


4.) Expulsion proceedings shall may only be initiated if:

a.) a Senator has not posted anything on the Atlas Fantasy Government board for 168 consecutive hours and has not posted a valid Leave of Absence (then the time covered by that LOA shall not count toward those 168 hours, but periods of inactivity before and after the LOA shall count as a continuous period, provided there are no interceding posts).

b.) Two Senators have sponsored an article of expulsion, introduced in the Legislative Introduction Thread, against one of their Senate colleagues.

c.) a Senator has missed 7 consecutive final disposition votes, as such term is defined by the proposed Ensuring Activity Amendment (irrespective of whether such amendment has been adopted by the Republic of Atlasia), and has not posted a valid Leave of Absence (then any such votes during that LOA shall not count, but strings of inactivity before and after the LOA shall count as a continuous string, provided there is no interceding applicable attendance).  


This is a work in progress but has been introduced?

Basically means this will come to the floor but I'm looking over the text a bit more before I bring it up.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2023, 04:44:39 PM »


Enacted by the affirmative vote of Two-Thirds of the Senate

Senator Adam Griffin, for not even logging into Atlas since the 24th of July, effective September 1st, 2023 at 11:59 AM Eastern Time, is hereby expelled from the Senate. Additionally, the next time Adam Griffin is elected to the Senate, the Senate shall not grant him any seniority based on prior service in the senate or another office.
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2023, 12:48:14 PM »

I believe this bill stands a better chance in the new Senate

Parental Bill of Rights and Safety Act

Section A. This bill will be cited as the Parental Bill of Rights and Safety Act.
Section B. Parental Rights:
This bill will allow parents the following rights to their child's education, defined as children less than 17 or older in cases of profound disability.

1. Parents have complete access to the curriculum including syllabi of what will be covered in their child's class.
2. Parents have the right to speak during school board meetings without the threat of escorting or arrest as long as they do not threaten to harm school officials.
3. Parents have the access to view their child's school budget and spending
4. Parents without criminal records may attend their child's field trips or attend school events pending a CORI check even if they are not chaperoning.
5. Schools must notify whether or not a child is developing below grade level in either math or English by the end of third grade. If no education plan is in place, an action plan determined by the school must be in place.
6. Parents have the right to know the following without releasing the identity of the students in applicable situations:
A. If their state alters academic standards
B. The right to meet with their teacher at least once a semester or once a week if their child is failing or at risk of failing.
C. Access to the list of books available at a school's library and the ability to block their child from selecting any book determined by the parent.
D. The number of students in their child's classroom who had gotten in trouble or has been identified as a bully within the last 3 years.  Parents may request to move a child into another class who has been bullied as long as proof is presented at anytime in the schoolyear without any further questions asked.
7. School officials cannot coerce or encourage thoughts of becoming trans to students who are questioning.

Section C. Education Rights:
1. If schools chooses to eliminate honors or gifted programs, schools must reimburse the parents of interested children for the cost of a class offered outside the school and provide transpiration or reimburse the gas and/or rideshare cost for the child to attend a technical, vocational, or private school within the county.
2. For the wellbeing of the teachers, no school board or government may undermine or weaken the teacher's union and teachers cannot be recalled for striking.

Section D. School Safety:
1. Schools must disclose any incident of violence occurred during the school day. Minors under the age of 18 are protected by privacy laws and may not be publicly identified unless it is a case of a school shooting.

Section E. Implementation
This bill will take place effective immediately

Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2023, 03:29:43 PM »

Submitting this as a member of the public, and seeking a Senate sponsor for this bill. 


Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia.


This Act may be cited as the “Defining ‘Civil Officers’ Amendment”.


1. The Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia is amended by the addition of the following as Article I, Section 15:

"As used in this Constitution, the term ‘civil officers’ is construed to mean elected members of the Senate, including the President and their Cabinet".

2. All Sections of Article I other than as described in Sub-section A are re-numbered accordingly.


This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon constitutional ratification of the same.

Why do you believe this clarification is necessary?
Senator & Ambassador Dwarven Dragon
Dwarven Dragon
Atlas Politician
Atlas Superstar
Posts: 32,203
United States

Political Matrix
E: -1.42, S: -0.52

« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2023, 05:54:12 PM »

It has to do with this recent decision by the Supreme Court. 

In effect, what the Court has said is that the Senate does not have the power to impeach or otherwise discipline its members, because they are not "civil officers". 

I think this goes against an important "check and balance" of the Senate, and would remedy it by means of this amendment.   

The court's opinion does not prevent all discipline:

the Court iterates that this opinion does not touch on the matter of expulsion, which the Constitution furnishes to the Senate as a power and which was not an issue raised by the petitioner.

Opening up the power of impeachment, which is different from expulsion as it bars future office holding, seems to leave a huge door open for an oppressive majority to exploit against its enemies. While I supported these moves during the height of the secession crisis, I cannot support the possibility of such a measure becoming more general policy.
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