Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (user search)

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  Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New) (search mode)
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Author Topic: Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)  (Read 49186 times)
Arson Plus
The Op
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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« on: July 17, 2021, 10:49:15 PM »

To make sure that schools have educational devices for their students and high speed internet in schools

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the School Technology Grants Act of 2021.

Section 2. Content

1. $75 billion shall be appropriated to school districts across Atlasia for purchasing devices that may include buying laptops/tablets/desktop computers/iPads/iMacs/Macbooks/ for educational use towards students.
2. $5 billion shall be appropriated towards making sure that every school in Atlasia has access to high speed WiFi.
3. The Government of the Republic of Atlasia shall have full responsibility for funding everything in this Act.

Section 3. Taking Effect
1. This Act shall take effect immediately following the passage of this bill.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2021, 11:35:13 PM »

To restore special elections

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Senate Special Elections Amendment.

Section 2. Content

1. Section 2, Part 3 of the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended to be
iii. At-large Senate vacancies shall be filled through appointment by the executive of the former Senator’s Party; but should a vacancy occur as the result of the death, expulsion, or resignation of an at-large Senator not being a member of a major Party, then a special election that shall be held within twenty days of the vacancy to choose a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2021, 11:05:26 PM »
« Edited: July 27, 2021, 11:14:58 PM by Senator Ishan of the Northeast »

To withdraw from Guantanamo Bay

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Guantanamo Bay Withdrawal Act.

Section 2. Content

1. The Republic of Atlasia revokes its claim on the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base following the completion of Section 2, Part 2.
2. The Republic of Atlasia shall extract all personnel and assets from Guantanamo Bay following this Act within a month.
3. The sovereignty of Cuba over Guantanamo Bay is hereby recognized by the Republic of Atlasia.

Section 3. Taking Effect
1. This Act shall take effect immediately following the passage of this bill.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2021, 10:54:19 AM »

to Denounce the Moral Scourge of Wulfricism

Section I. Title
i. This Act may be cited as the Wulfric Resolution.

Section II. Denouncing Wulfricism
i. The Government of Atlasia hereby denounces the pervasive and pernicious influence of the ideology known as Wulfricism, and seeks to eliminate it from all aspects of Atlasian life.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2021, 05:32:14 PM »

Virgin Islands Independence Act
1. The state of the Virgin Islands shall be independent from Atlasia.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2021, 12:37:52 PM »
« Edited: August 14, 2021, 02:28:59 PM by Senator Ishan »

Expell Spark Act
1. Spark shall be expelled from the Senate
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2021, 02:07:47 AM »

Dissolve Atlasia Amendment
1. The Republic of Atlasia shall dissolve following the passing of this Amendment.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2021, 09:45:41 PM »

Hospitals Act

1. All hospitals, clinics, hospice facilities, and nursing homes within the boundaries and under the legal jurisdiction of the Republic of Atlasia shall become property of the Republic of Atlasia effective January 1, 2022.
    1a. The owners of said properties shall be fairly compensated under all relevant law concerning the purchase of said properties.
2. All persons currently employed in the facilities mentioned in Section 1 shall become employees of the Republic of Atlasia effective January 1, 2022.
    2a. Employees covered by this Act shall elect a works council tasked with the day to day operations of the firm in question.
3. $1,000,000,000,000 will be allocated toward the construction of new hospitals, clinics, hospice facilities, and nursing homes over a period of five years, effective January 1, 2022.
4. Upon the passage of this legislation, no privately owned hospital, clinic, hospice facility, or nursing home may be built or opened in the Republic of Atlasia or in any area subject to its jurisdiction.
5. The AtlasCare program shall end on January 1, 2022.
6. Effective January 1, 2022, private hospital companies, insurance agencies, hospice care companies, and nursing home companies shall be placed under public ownership.
    5a. The owners of said properties shall be fairly compensated for any losses incurred as a result of said purchase of facilities.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2021, 11:10:27 PM »
« Edited: September 06, 2021, 11:14:46 PM by Ishan »

Worldwide Solidarity Act

1. All members of the communist parties listed below shall be granted citizenship by the Republic of Atlasia and invited to to Atlasia to start a communist society.
2. The members of the  Communist Party of Abkhazia, Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, Afghanistan Liberation Organization, Marxist–Leninist Organization of Afghanistan, Communist Party of Albania, Communist Party of Albania 8 November,  Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism, Party of the Angolan Communist Community, Revolutionary Communist Party of Argentina, Liberation Party, Armenian Communist Party, United Communist Party of Armenia, Progressive United Communist Party of Armenia, Communist Party of Australia, Communist Party of Australia (Marxist–Leninist), Communist Party of Austria, Party of Labour of Austria, Communist Party of Azerbaijan (1993), Communist Party of Azerbaijan (1996), Communist Party of Azerbaijan (2011), New Generation Communist Party of Azerbaijan, United Communist Party of Azerbaijan, National Liberation Front – Bahrain, Progressive Democratic Tribune, Communist Party of Bangladesh, Socialist Party of Bangladesh, Revolutionary Workers Party of Bangladesh, Communist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist–Leninist) (Dutta), Communist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist–Leninist) (Umar), Proletarian Party of East Bengal, Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Maoist Bolshevik Reorganisation Movement), Workers Peasants Socialist Party, United Communist League of Bangladesh, Socialist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist), Belarusian Left Party "A Just World", Group of Revolutionary Communists 'Red Wedge', Communist Party of the Workers of Belarus, Republican Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, Workers' Party of Belgium, Communist Party, Communist Party of Benin, Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Benin, Communist Party of Bhutan (Marxist–Leninist–Maoist), Workers' Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Communist Party, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin Movement,  Communist Party of Brazil, Brazilian Communist Party, Revolutionary Communist Party, Popular Unity, Marxist–Leninist Communist Party, Bulgarian Communist Party, Bulgarian Workers and Peasants Party, Bulgarian Workers' Party/Communist/, Bulgarian Workers Socialist Party, Communist Party of Bulgaria, Party of the Bulgarian Communists, Resistance Movement "23rd September" Bulgaria, Union of Communists in Bulgaria, Party for Democracy and Socialism/Metba, Voltaic Revolutionary Communist Party, Communist Party of Canada, Communist Party of Canada (Marxist–Leninist), Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada, Maoist Communist Party of China, Revolutionary Communist Party of China, Communist Party of China, Colombian Communist Party, Common Alternative Revolutionary Force, Clandestine Colombian Communist Party, Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist–Leninist), Colombian Communist Party – Maoist, Revolutionary Communist Group of Colombia, Revolutionary Independent Labour Movement, Labour Party of Colombia, Popular Vanguard Party, Revolutionary Organisation of Congo, Revolutionary Communist Party of Côte d'Ivoire, Proletarian Communist Party of Côte d'Ivoire, Socialist Labour Party of Croatia, Workers' Front, Progressive Party of Working People, Committee for a Radical Left Rally, Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Communist Party of Denmark, Communist Party, Workers' Communist Party, Communist Party in Denmark, Dominican Workers' Party, Communist Party of Labour, International Communist Party, Communist Party of the Dominican Republic, Dominican Workers' Party (Marxist–Leninist), Force of the Revolution, Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist), Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic, Socialist Party of Timor, Ecuador – Communist Party of Ecuador, Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador, Workers' Party of Ecuador, Democratic People's Movement, Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun, Egyptian Communist Party, Communist Party of El Salvador, Communist Party of Swaziland, All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement, Communist Party of Finland, Communist Workers' Party – For Peace and Socialism, League of Communists, French Communist Party, Pole of Communist Rebirth in France, Workers' Communist Party of France, Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization – Proletarian Way, Revolutionary Communist Party of France Revolutionary Party - Communists, La France Insoumise, Communist Party of Georgia, Unified Communist Party of Georgia, New Communist Party of Georgia, German Communist Party, Marxist–Leninist Party of Germany, Communist Party of Germany, Communist Party of Germany (Roter Morgen), Die Linke, Communist Party of Greece, Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Greece (Marxist–Leninist), Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece, Movement for the Reorganization of the Communist Party of Greece 1918–55, Communist Renewal, Left Anti-capitalist Group, Left Group, Left Recomposition, New Left Current, Revolutionary Communist Movement of Greece, SYRIZA, Guadeloupe Communist Party, Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity, New Haitian Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist), Communist Party of Honduras, Hungarian Workers' Party, Workers' Party of Hungary 2006, Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India (Maoist), Revolutionary Socialist Party, Revolutionary Socialist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist), Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist), Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) New Democracy, Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation, Communist Marxist Party, Revolutionary Communist Party of India, Revolutionary Marxist Party of India, Tudeh Party of Iran, Komalah, Communist Party of Iran, Communist Party of Iran (Marxist–Leninist–Maoist), Labour Party of Iran, Worker-communist Party of Iran, Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist, Worker-communism Unity Party of Iran, Workers Left Unity – Iran, Fedaian Organisation (Minority), Organization of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas, Organization of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas (In Search of Identity Program), Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas, Toilers' Party of Iran, Iraqi Communist Party, Worker-communist Party of Iraq, Left Worker-communist Party of Iraq, Popular Unity Party, Iraqi Revolutionary Marxist–Leninists Regroupment, Kurdistan Communist Party – Iraq, Worker-communist Party of Kurdistan, Ireland – Workers' Party of Ireland, Communist Party of Ireland, Irish Republican Socialist Party, Sinn Féin, People Before Profit/Solidarity, Labour Party of Ireland, Israeli Communist Party, Da'am Workers Party, Israeli Labor Party, Communist Refoundation Party, Italian Communist Party, Italian Marxist–Leninist Party, Communist Party, Workers' Communist Party, Communist Alternative Party, Unified Communist Party of Italy, Japanese Communist Party, Japanese Communist Party (Action Faction), Japanese Communist Party (Left Faction), Japan Labor Party,[8] Workers' Communist Party In Japan, Workers Socialist League, Jordanian Communist Party, Jordanian Democratic People's Party, Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan, Communist Party of Kazakhstan, Kuwaiti Progressive Movement, Communist Party of Kenya, Party of Communists of Kyrgyzstan, Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan, Socialist Party of Latvia, Communist Party of Latvia, Lebanese Communist Party, Communist Action Organization in Lebanon, Communist Party of Lesotho, Socialist People's Front, Communist Party of Lithuania, Communist Party of Luxembourg, Communist Organization of Luxembourg, Congress Party for the Independence of Madagascar, Malian Party of Labour, African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence, Communist Party of Malta, Martinican Communist Party, Communist Party for Independence and Socialism, Popular Socialist Party, Popular Socialist Party of Mexico, Communist Party of Mexico, Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist–Leninist), Marxist–Leninist Centre in Mexico, Communists' Party, MORENA, Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova, Yugoslav Communist Party of Montenegro, New Communist Party of Montenegro, Democratic Way, Moroccan Marxist–Leninist Proletarian Line, Communist Party of Burma, Workers Revolutionary Party, Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist–Leninist), Nepal Workers Peasants Party, Communist Party of Nepal (Masal), Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist), Communist Party of Nepal - Maoist, Communist Party of Nepal, Rastriya Janamorcha, New Communist Party of the Netherlands, United Communist Party, Group of Marxist–Leninists/Red Dawn, Socialist Party of Aotearoa, Communist Party of Aotearoa, Communist League, Communist Party of Nicaragua, Marxist–Leninist Popular Action Movement, Nicaraguan Socialist Party, League of Communists of Macedonia, Union of Tito's Left Forces, Communist Party of Macedonia, Communist Party of Norway, Red Party, Radical Socialists, Communist Workers and Peasants Party, Communist Party of Pakistan, Communist Party of Pakistan (Thaheem), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Revolutionary Palestinian Communist Party, Palestinian Communist Party, Palestinian Communist Workers Party, Palestinan Liberation Front, People's Party of Panama, Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist) of Panama, November 29 National Liberation Movement, Paraguayan Communist Party, Free Fatherland Party, Paraguayan Communist Party (independent), Communist Party of Paraguay, Peruvian Communist Party, Communist Party of Peru – Red Fatherland, Communist Party of Peru (Marxist–Leninist), Shining Path, Proletarian Party of Peru, Marxist–Leninist Party of Peru, Free Peru, Communist Party of the Philippines, PKP-1930, Filipino Workers Party, Marxist–Leninist Party of the Philippines, Revolutionary Workers' Party of the Philippines, Communist Party of Poland, Polish Party of the Working Class - Initiative Group, Portuguese Communist Party, Portuguese Workers' Communist Party/Reorganized Movement of the Party of the Proletariat, Proletarian Communist Organization (Marxist–Bolshevik) of Portugal, Revolutionary Party of the Proletariat – Bases for Revolution, Workers Politics Communist Organisation, Communist Party of Artsakh, Communist Party of Réunion, Romanian Communist Party, Communist Party (Nepeceriști), Romanian Socialist Party (present-day), Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Russian Communist Workers' Party of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Russian United Labour Front, Russian Maoist Party, Party of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Alliance of the Revolutionary Socialists, Labour Russia, Regional Party of Communists, Marxist–Leninist Platform, Communist Party of Social Justice, Communists of Russia, United Russia, United Left, New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Party of Labour, Communists of Serbia, Communist Party, Communist Party of Slovakia, Dawn, Society for Scientific Communism, RESISTANCE – Labour Movement, Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist–Leninist), Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (South Africa), African National Congress, Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, Communist Party of South Ossetia, South Sudan Communist Party, Communist Party of the People of Spain, Communist Party of Spain (Marxist–Leninist), Communist Party of Spain (Reconstituted), Marxist–Leninist Party (Communist Reconstruction), Communist Unification of Spain, Spanish Communist Workers' Party, Revolutionary Communist Party, Marxist–Leninist Front of the Peoples of Spain, Party of the Communists of Catalonia, Living Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia, United and Alternative Left, Communist Party of the Catalan People, Communist Workers Bloc of Andalusia, Galician People's Union, Communist Party of the Menadores, Communist Party of Spain (Maoist), Communist Initiative, Primeira Linha, Democratic Labour Party, Kimetz, Communist Party of the Basque Homelands, Galician People's Front, Galician Movement for Socialism, Andalucía Comunista, Red Roja, Sudanese Communist Party, Communist Party of Sweden, Communist Party, Communist League, Communist Workers' League of Sweden, Communist Party (Switzerland), Swiss Party of Labour, People's Liberation Front, Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist), New-Democratic Marxist–Leninist Party, Syrian Communist Party (Bakdash), Syrian Communist Party (Unified), People's Will Party, Communist Labour Party, Taiwan People's Communist Party, Communist Party of Tajikistan, Communist Party of Togo, Pridnestrovie Communist Party, Workers' Party, Democratic Patriots' Unified Party, Patriotic Socialist Revolutionary Party WATAD, Progressive Struggle Party, Communist Party of Turkey (current), Marxist–Leninist Communist Party, Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist, Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey, Labour Party, Communist Party of Turkey (Workers Voice), Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist, Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist (Maoist Party Centre), Communist Revolution Movement/Leninist, Communist Workers Party of Turkey, Maoist Communist Party, Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front, Union of Revolutionary Communists of Turkey, Communist Party of Kurdistan, Revolutionary Party of Kurdistan, Bolshevik Party (North Kurdistan – Turkey), Communist Party of Turkmenistan, Communist Party of Ukraine, Communist Party of Ukraine (renewed), Marxist–Leninist Party of Ukraine, Communist Party of Workers and Peasants, All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks - Ukraine, Union of Communists of Ukraine, Association "Struggle", Communist Party of Britain, Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist), Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist), Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee), Communist Party of Scotland, New Communist Party of Britain, Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist), Revolutionary Communist Group, Communist League, Communist Party Alliance, International Socialist Network, Left Unity, National Health Action Party, Fine Gael, No2EU, Socialist Party of Great Britain, Socialist Party (England and Wales), Socialist Party (Ireland), Socialist Resistance, Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Labour Party, Workers Power, Workers Party (Ireland), Workers Party of Britain, Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee), Revolutionary Communist Party of Uruguay, Communist Party of Uzbekistan, Communist Party of Venezuela, Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela, Red Flag Party, Tupamaro, All-Union Communist Party, All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Bolshevik Platform of the KPSS, Communist Workers' Organisation, Communist Party of Argentina, Communist Party of Argentina (Extraordinary Congress), Revolutionary Communist Party, Workers Party of Bangladesh, Communist Party of Belarus, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre), Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Socialist), National People's Front, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestinian People's Party, Communist Party, South African Communist Party, Communist Party of Spain, Communist Party of Sri Lanka, Lanka Equal Society Party, Syrian Communist Party, Syrian Communist Party (Unified), Communist Party of Cuba, Lao People's Revolutionary Party, Communist Party of Vietnam, Scottish Socialist Party, The United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Workers' Party of Korea, Korean Social Democratic Party, Chondoist Chongu Party and the Ch'ongryŏn shall be granted citizenship and offered 50,000 dollars to move to the Republic of Atlasia to build a communist society.
3. This act shall take effect immediately following its passing.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2021, 03:44:16 PM »


End the South

Section 1. The Regions.

1. The several states of this Republic shall be apportioned among three contiguous, autonomous Regions. Each region shall be further subdivided into two subregions.

3. The southern Region shall consist of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

i. The Upper Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Arkansas, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
ii. The Deep Southern Subregion shall consist of the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Texas

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2021, 06:57:12 AM »

Idk if this too late but someone else can sponsor it after my term is up.

to the Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia:
Section 1 (Title)
i. The title of this Amendment shall be the “Property Rights Amendment.”

Section 2 (Property Rights Amendment)
i. Article I, Section 5 of the Constitution is hereby amended:
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2021, 08:47:04 PM »

To restore at-large Senate special elections

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Senate Special Elections Amendment.

Section 2. Content

1. Section 2, Part 3 of the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia shall be amended to be
iii. At-large Senate vacancies shall be filled through appointment by the executive of the former Senator’s Party; but should a vacancy occur as the result of the death, expulsion, or resignation of an at-large Senator not being a member of a major Party, then a special election that shall be held within twenty days of the vacancy to choose a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2021, 11:40:14 AM »

Expel Senator Spark

Whereas, Spark has harassed several women.

Resolved, that –
(1) the Senate condemns and expels Senator Spark498 from the Senate for conduct that disrespects the Atlasian people in a way that is not befitting a member of the Senate.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2021, 10:26:40 PM »

Expel Senator Spark

Whereas, Spark has harassed several women.

Resolved, that –
(1) the Senate condemns and expels Senator Spark498 from the Senate for conduct that disrespects the Atlasian people in a way that is not befitting a member of the Senate.
Re-introducing this.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2021, 06:50:21 PM »


To unite Atlasia and Canada
Section I: Title
1. The title of this bill shall be called the "Canadian-Atlasian Merger Act" It may be cited as "CAMA" or "CAM"

Section II: Canada
1. The Republic of Atlasia shall absorb the provinces and territories confederated as "Canada" as equal states in the Republic of Atlasia
2. The provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the territory of Yukon shall be admitted into the union as states of the Commonwealth of Fremont.
2a. The Pacific subregion shall receive the province of British Columbia and the territory of Yukon.
2b. The Mountain West subregion shall receive the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.
3. The provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the territory of Nunavut shall be admitted into the union as states of Lincoln
3a. The Northeast subregion shall receive the provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
3b. The Great Lakes subregion shall receive the province of New Brunswick and the territory of Nunavut. 
4. The provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the Northwest territories shall be admitted into the union as states of the South.
4a. The Deep South subregion shall receive the provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
4b. The Upper South subregion shall receive the province of Manitoba and the Northwest territories.

Section II: Enactment
1. This act shall take effect after the ratification of this act.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2021, 12:12:20 AM »

Hospitals Act

1. All hospitals, clinics, hospice facilities, and nursing homes within the boundaries and under the legal jurisdiction of the Republic of Atlasia shall become property of the Republic of Atlasia effective January 1, 2022.
    1a. The owners of said properties shall be fairly compensated under all relevant law concerning the purchase of said properties.
2. All persons currently employed in the facilities mentioned in Section 1 shall become employees of the Republic of Atlasia effective January 1, 2022.
    2a. Employees covered by this Act shall elect a works council tasked with the day to day operations of the firm in question.
3. $1,000,000,000,000 will be allocated toward the construction of new hospitals, clinics, hospice facilities, and nursing homes over a period of five years, effective January 1, 2022.
4. Upon the passage of this legislation, no privately owned hospital, clinic, hospice facility, or nursing home may be built or opened in the Republic of Atlasia or in any area subject to its jurisdiction.
5. The AtlasCare program shall end on January 1, 2022.
6. Effective January 1, 2022, private hospital companies, insurance agencies, hospice care companies, and nursing home companies shall be placed under public ownership.
    5a. The owners of said properties shall be fairly compensated for any losses incurred as a result of said purchase of facilities.
reintroducing this
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2021, 02:44:10 AM »

To repeal the Federal Assault Weapon and Automatic Weapon Ban Act in its entirety.

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

1. This act may be cited as the Federal Assault Weapon and Automatic Weapon Ban Full Repeal Act.

Section 2. Definitions

2. All sections of the Federal Assault Weapon and Automatic Weapon Ban Act are hereby repealed in their entirety, effective immediately.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
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Posts: 10,655

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E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2022, 09:46:55 AM »
« Edited: January 20, 2022, 09:54:12 AM by ‎ »

Amendment to the Reproductive Health Expansion Act.

The Reproductive Health Expansion Act is amended to include

3.) Pregnancy terminations that are not necessary for the physical health of the mother shall not be federally funded.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2022, 09:12:33 PM »


To unite Atlasia and Canada
Section I: Title
1. The title of this bill shall be called the "Erin O’Toole Canadian-Atlasian Merger Act" It may be cited as "CAMA" or "O’CAM"

Section II: Canada
1. The Republic of Atlasia shall absorb the provinces and territories confederated as "Canada" as equal states in the Republic of Atlasia
2. The provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the territory of Yukon shall be admitted into the union as states of the Commonwealth of Fremont.
2a. The Pacific subregion shall receive the province of British Columbia and the territory of Yukon.
2b. The Mountain West subregion shall receive the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.
3. The provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the territory of Nunavut shall be admitted into the union as states of Lincoln
3a. The Northeast subregion shall receive the provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
3b. The Great Lakes subregion shall receive the province of New Brunswick and the territory of Nunavut. 
4. The provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the Northwest territories shall be admitted into the union as states of the South.
4a. The Deep South subregion shall receive the provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
4b. The Upper South subregion shall receive the province of Manitoba and the Northwest territories.
5. The Republic honors Leader of the Conservative Party Erin O’Toole and shall name a honor after him.

Section II: Enactment
1. This act shall take effect after the ratification of this act.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2022, 01:42:31 PM »

To designate January 25th as Gun Rights Day

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia asssembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation shall be cited as the Gun Rights Day Act.

Section 2. Findings

The Senate hereby acknowledges the following:

1. The passing of the Federal Assault Weapon and Automatic Weapon Ban Full Repeal Act is a victory for gun rights.

2. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Section 3. Designation of January 25th as "Gun Rights Day"

Upon passage of this law, January 25th is officially recognized as Gun Rights Day. No part of this legislation shall be construed to interpret this as a federal holiday of any sort.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2022, 08:50:10 PM »
« Edited: February 02, 2022, 08:59:50 PM by ‎Ishan »


Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia asssembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation shall be cited as the Terrorist Designation Act.

Section 2. Designation of the Liberal Party of Canada as a terrorist group

Upon passage of this law, the Liberal Party of Canada shall be designated as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization".

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2022, 11:31:38 PM »

An Amendment to the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia
To regionalize authority over abortion laws
Be it enacted with a supermajority of the Senate of Atlasia and the Regions

Article I

14. Regional governments shall hold full authority to determine and regulate abortion policy including the status of abortion being a right or not.
Amendment Explanation:
This amendment seeks to give full control over abortion policy to the regions of Atlasia by adding a new section to the Bill of Rights in the federal Constitution..
I humbly request a Senator to sponsor this.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2022, 08:35:23 PM »

Citizen Referred Bill:



This Act shall be called the Poop and Penises Act


a. 42 U.S.C. 9620(a) is hereby amended to require that each department, agency, and instrumentality of Atlasia shall be subject to, and comply with, at facilities that are or have been owned or operated by any such department, agency, or instrumentality, Regional or State substantive and procedural requirements regarding response relating to hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants, including State hazardous waste requirements, in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity.

B, Atlasia hereby expressly waives any immunity otherwise applicable to Atlasia with respect to any Regional or State substantive or procedural requirement referred to in this act, including immunity from injunctive relief, civil penalties, criminal sanctions.


a. 42 U.S.C. 9601 is amended by adding the following new section at the end


a. Upon the date of enactment of this section, manure shall not be included in the meaning of `hazardous substance' under section 101(14) of this Act or `pollutant or contaminant' under section 101(33) of this Act.

b. The enactment of this section shall not be construed to impose any liability or paperwork requirements under provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 for manure.

c. Nothing in this section shall affect the applicability of any other environmental
statute as it relates to the definition of manure, or the responsibilities or liabilities of any person regarding, the treatment, storage, or disposal of manure.

d. 100 Stat. 1655 is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:
The notification requirements under this subsection shall not apply to releases associated with manure (as defined in section 312 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
e. Definition - For the purposes of this section, the term `manure' mean:
     1. digestive emissions, feces, urine, urea and other excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     2. any associated bedding, compost, raw materials or other materials commingled with such excrement from livestock (as defined by 7 C.F.R. 205.2);
     3. any process water associated with the items referred to in paragraph (1) or (2); and
     4. any byproducts, constituents, or substances contained in, originating from, or emissions relating to the items described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3).''.


a. The regulation making it a federal crime to import a foreign stallion from a region affected by Contagious Equine Metritis if you don't wash its fully-erect penis on five consecutive days and apply ointment to it after it's tested negative for the disease is hereby eliminated. 9 CFR §93.301(e)(3)(i)(A) shall be amended accordingly.

b. The regulation making it a federal crime to temporarily import a foreign horse for entertainment purposes and let its genitals get examined for a non-medical reason is hereby eliminated. 9 CFR §93.301(f)(5)(vii) shall be amended accordingly.

c. The regulation prohibiting foreign show horses that are temporarily in Atlasia for competitions from having sex is hereby eliminated. 9 CFR 93.301(f)(5)(vii) shall be amended accordingly.


a. Unless otherwise specified herein, this act shall take effect 120 days from the date of passage.

Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2022, 08:40:05 PM »

Indexing the Child Tax Credit to Inflation Act
1. The child tax credit is to be indexed to inflation from the 2023 fiscal year onwards.
Arson Plus
The Op
Atlas Politician
Atlas Icon
Posts: 10,655

Political Matrix
E: 1.10, S: -5.30


« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2022, 04:52:43 PM »

Staten Island Sale Act'

Be it enacted, by the Council of Lincoln assembled

1. The island of Staten Island shall be put on sale for ten billion dollars to any country.
2. Following the sale of Staten Island, the island of Staten Island shall not be considered part of New York City, New York, or the region of Lincoln.
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