Senate Legislation Introduction Thread (New)

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Western Democrat
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« Reply #125 on: January 03, 2022, 11:11:31 PM »

To abolish tolls

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

1. This act may be cited as the No Tolls Act.

Section 2
1. From fiscal year 2023 onwards, all toll roads shall be abolished in the Republic of Atlasia.

2. A toll road shall be defined as a major Highway operated by a state or regional authority that tolls drivers on the road for it’s use.

3. All toll roads that previously had tolls shall still operate as roads, but shall be without tolls for it’s use.

Section 3 (Fines)

1. Automakers who sell carbon emitting vehicles shall be subject to regional carbon output standards.

2. Carbon output standards shall be outlined as such: Every 5 years, all automakers who sell new carbon emitting vehicles shall be subject to a standard which stipulates that emissions in new carbon emitting vehicles shall decrease by 5% every 5 years from 2023 to 2033. From 2033 to 2053, all automakers who sell new carbon emitting vehicles shall be subject to a standard which stipulates that the emissions allowance is reduced by 10%.

3. Automakers who are found by state transportation authorities to have violated the new emissions clauses shall be subject to fine equivalent to 10% of the total revenue the automaker makes in the Republic of Atlasia.

Atlas Politician
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« Reply #126 on: January 09, 2022, 08:56:13 PM »

The FAST Act


Section 1. Background and Purpose

To provide a focus on Alternative Skills Training Program in employment and to prepare the next young leaders for the 21st century.

(a) This section establishes the Focus on Alternative Skills Training Program ( "FAST" ) within the Division of Employment and Training. FAST provides tuition for an eligible individual for an approved non-degree credit certificate program that provides industry-accepted skill training and certification.

(b) An individual must provide proof of all of the following to be eligible for FAST:

(1) That the individual is a resident of the Republic of Atlasia.

(2) That the individual has attained one of the following:

a. A diploma from a public, charter, or nonpublic high school, or homeschool.

(3) That the individual enrolled in an approved non-degree credit certificate program no later than 24 months after graduating from high school.

(4) If employed, a statement from the individual's employer providing the amount of financial assistance the employer paid toward tuition for the non-degree credit certificate program.

(c)(1) The Workforce Development Board, or its successor, shall maintain a list of non-degree credit certificate programs approved for FAST. The list of non-degree credit certificate programs approved for FAST must be updated annually.

(2) The Workforce Development Board must include the following criteria in the decision to approve a non-degree credit certificate program for FAST:

a. The skill requirements of employers in the State, including the skill needs of an in-demand industry sector or occupation in the State.

b. The job placement rate for graduates.

(d) A FAST payment under this section must be made as follows:

(1) The total amount of FAST payments for each eligible individual may not exceed $10,000.

(2) A FAST payment may not pay an individual's tuition for longer than 12 months, but multiple tuition payments may be made on behalf of an individual.

(3) The FAST payment is equal to the difference between the full amount of tuition charged by the non-degree credit certificate program and any financial assistance the individual received.

(4) FAST payments must be paid on a first-come, first-served basis.

(5) The FAST program is subject to the availability of funds appropriated for this specific purpose. This subsection does not create a right or entitlement in an individual to receive a monetary payment under the compensation program.

Section 2. The money appropriated will be at least $1 million and shall be derived from property taxes.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #127 on: January 09, 2022, 09:00:07 PM »

To reduce energy costs for the average Atlasian


Energy Cost Reduction Act

Section 1. Purpose

1. This bill is to provide for a less costly energy grid because many areas of Atlasia precluded from benefiting from earlier efforts made by the federal government to invest in rural electrification throughout regions.

a) This bill will provide for interconnection of regional electrical grids are not interconnected to those in other states or territories, and many communities in the state have isolated microgrids.

b) This bill will fix the isolation of many electric systems throughout the regions. This means that consumers in communities served by those systems cannot benefit from a reduction in energy bills by utilizing lower-cost power from other areas of the state;

c) This bill is intended to lower the average retail price of electricity where in rural communities this is the highest. The average cost of electricity per capita is $3,891.

d) The bill, through the energy authority, will reduce high energy costs for heating, electricity, and transportation that have a multiplying effect, which increases the cost of all goods and services in rural communities.

e) Many residents in communities with the highest power costs are unable to shoulder the financial burden of developing large-scale power infrastructure without significant government investment;

d) The bill will establish for lower carbon emissions through the development of economically feasible renewable energy projects and investment in an electric vehicle charging network.

Section 2. Implementation, Costs & Appropriations

a. BE IT RESOLVED that the Congress of the Republic requests a creation of a regional Energy Authority, in coordination with utilities throughout the regions and with statewide power and electrical organizations.

b. This energy authority will develop a comprehensive 10-year infrastructure plan to reduce power costs by 25% in areas of the regions that endure extremely high electric and heating costs.

c. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED that Congress requests that the regional Energy Authority deliver a plan for the reduction of power costs in the region to the Senate by May 31, 2022, and notify the legislature that the plan is available.

d. The Congress hereby establishes a energy sustainability fund, this fund will be appropriated by  taxation on electric vehicles and tolls from federal highways to the amount of $50,000,000. Congress shall utilize existing property taxes to raise revenue for this initiative.

To incentivize production, with the average cost of production for electric vehicles being $19,000, the federal government shall subsidize electric vehicles at a rate of 1.7%, or $323 per unit, for the total cost of production. The total cost of the subsidies shall be $4,845,000,000.

Section 3. Grant criteria

a. A "grant" shall be defined as a sum of money awarded for an energy related project in any of Atlasia's regions.

b. These grants shall be categorical in nature by funding upgrades to Atlasia's regional energy grids, for projects to reduce carbon emissions, increase electrical grid inter-connectivity.

b. Grants can only be made available for energy-related projects that will have substantial impact or effect upon the electrical grid in each region.

c. Eligible entities: Grants can be allotted for subsidies or incentives to regional energy companies, nonprofits, or independent contractors

Section 4. Funding

a. The Congress of the Republic of Atlasia will appropriate $25,000,000 in grants to each region for the establishment of a regional energy authority; these grants shall be up for renewal every 5 years.

b. Hereafter, the Congress shall appropriate monies to the amount of an additional $20,000,000 to establish electrical vehicle charging stations across Atlasia's regions.

Reintroducing this.
Black Bread Pill
Just Passion Through
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« Reply #128 on: January 14, 2022, 05:54:23 PM »

To prevent Senate procedural abuse

Be it resolved by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Anti-Filibuster Senate Rules Change.

Section 2. Amendment to Senate Rules

Section 3.1 of the Official Senate Procedures and Rules for Operation is hereby amended:

1.) During the course of debate on legislation, any sitting Senator may offer amendments to the legislation. The President Pro Tempore may remove amendments from consideration that are functionally impractical, frivolous, directly unconstitutional, or lack clear intent regarding the changes to be made. The amendment sponsor shall have 24 hours to object to the decision and may overturn the action with the concurrence of 1/3rd 8 of his fellow Senators. Unless stated otherwise in the amendment, components of the underlying legislation not referenced in an amendment will remain unchanged.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #129 on: January 17, 2022, 07:04:26 PM »

Opioid Restriction Act

Regarding Schedule II controlled substances; dosage limit; exceptions; morphine; opioid antagonist

A. A health professional who is authorized under this title to prescribe controlled substances may not issue a new prescription to be filled or dispensed for a patient outside of a health care institution for a schedule II controlled substance that is an opioid that exceeds ninety morphine milligram equivalents per day.

B. The limit prescribed by subsection A of this section does not apply to:

1. A continuation of a prior prescription that was issued within the previous sixty days.

2. An opioid with a maximum approved total daily dose in the labeling as approved by the United States food and drug administration.

3. A prescription that is issued following a surgical procedure and that is limited to not more than a fourteen-day supply.

4. A patient who:

(a) Has an active oncology diagnosis.

(b) Has a traumatic injury, not including a surgical procedure.

(c) Is receiving skilled nursing facility care.

(d) Is receiving medication-assisted treatment for a substance use disorder.

(e) Is hospitalized.

C. If a health professional believes that a patient requires more than ninety morphine milligram equivalents per day and the patient is not exempt from the limit pursuant to subsection B of this section, the health professional shall first consult with a physician who is licensed pursuant to chapter 13 or 17 of this title and who is board-certified in pain, or an opioid assistance and referral call service, if available, that is designated by the department of health services. The consultation may be done by telephone or through telemedicine.

i. If the opioid ASSISTANCE AND REFERRAL call service agrees with the higher dose, the health professional may issue a prescription for more than ninety morphine milligram equivalents per day. If the consulting physician agrees with the higher dose, the health professional may issue a prescription for more than ninety morphine milligram equivalents per day. If the consulting physician is not available to consult within forty-eight hours after the request, the health professional may prescribe the amount that the health professional believes the patient requires and subsequently have the consultation. If the health professional is a physician who is licensed pursuant to chapter 13 or 17 of this title and is board-certified in pain, the health professional may issue a prescription for more than ninety morphine milligram equivalents per day without a consultation under this subsection.

D. If a patient is prescribed more than ninety morphine milligram equivalents per day pursuant to subsection B or C of this section, the prescribing health professional shall also prescribe for the patient naloxone hydrochloride or any other opioid antagonist that is approved for the treatment of to treat opioid-related overdoses.

E. A prescription order for a schedule II controlled substance that is an opioid that is written for more than ninety morphine milligram equivalents per day is deemed to meet the requirements of an exemption under this section when the prescription order is presented to the dispenser. A pharmacist is not required to verify with the prescriber whether the prescription order complies with this section.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #130 on: January 17, 2022, 07:09:18 PM »

Healthy School Climate Act

Be it enacted in the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia


Section 1. Purpose

a. To acknowledge and take into account the principles of early childhood and youth brain development and, whenever possible, consider the concepts of early adversity, toxic stress, childhood trauma, and the promotion of resilience through protective relationships, supports, self-regulation, and services.

b. A school climate and school connectedness improvement committee shall be established.
i. The School Climate and School Connectedness Improvement Committee is established to advise regional boards of education regarding best practices for reduction of traumas related to adverse childhood experiences (ACES).

c. The committee consists of the following members appointed by the governor:

1. two current school superintendents;

2. two retired school superintendents;

3. three current K-12 teachers;

4. three retired K-12 teachers;

5. four parents of K-12 students;

6. two school social workers;

7. two school counselors.

d. When appointing committee members, the governor shall consider

1. geographic representation and appoint not fewer than six members who reside in communities that are rural.

2. representation across grade levels, appointing at least one current or retired teacher of students in each of the following:

(A) kindergarten through grade two;

(B) grades three through five;

(C) grades six through eight; and

(D) grades nine through twelve.

(d) Committee members serve without compensation and are not entitled to per diem.

(e) The committee shall meet at least once a year. Meetings may be held by audio or video teleconference.

(f) The committee shall organize regional and subject-matter subcommittees to address the specific needs of English language learners, vocational and technical education, special education, student athletes, and other subject matter the committee considers necessary.

Section 2. Establishment

a. Each school district in the regions shall develop a school climate and school connectedness plan to improve student, staff, and family relationships and establish connections and partnerships between district schools and local communities. The School Climate and School Connectedness Improvement Committee shall support districts in plan development and implementation.

b. A district shall designate district representatives to coordinate with the committee and draft the district's plan. The plan must identify actions the district will take to improve school climate and school connectedness.

c. A plan may incorporate use of

(1) social and emotional learning;

(2) trauma-informed and healing-centered practices;

(3) instruction in cultural competence and alignment with indigenous values;

(4) multi-tiered support for behavioral intervention, including restorative practices that are nonshaming, nonpunitive, and effective in addressing conflict and repairing relationships;

(5) methods for reducing racial disparities, disproportionate behavior responses, and suspensions or expulsions.
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« Reply #131 on: January 17, 2022, 07:50:52 PM »

To end the overreaching vaccine mandates

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

1. This act may be cited as the Medical Freedom Act.

Section 2.

1. Effective immediately, all sections of the Immunization Act of 2021 are hereby repealed in their entirety.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #132 on: January 18, 2022, 02:07:03 PM »

To increase liberty

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

1. This act may be cited as the Free Atlasian Roads (FAR) Act.

Section 2.

1. Effective immediately, all speed limits on roads that receive federal funding shall be abolished.

Arson Plus
The Op
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« Reply #133 on: January 20, 2022, 09:46:55 AM »
« Edited: January 20, 2022, 09:54:12 AM by ‎ »

Amendment to the Reproductive Health Expansion Act.

The Reproductive Health Expansion Act is amended to include

3.) Pregnancy terminations that are not necessary for the physical health of the mother shall not be federally funded.
Black Bread Pill
Just Passion Through
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« Reply #134 on: January 23, 2022, 05:53:13 AM »
« Edited: January 23, 2022, 06:00:46 PM by President Scott☀️ »


FY2022 Authorizations

1. FY2022 Authorizations

The following legislation shall be effective per FY2022:

Reduction of Childcare Costs Act

National Silver Alert Act

Vaccine Production Act

Reduction of Childcare Costs Act

Farmer Stabilization Act of 2021

21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps Act

Urban Investment and Redevelopment Act

High Speed Rail Act

Let’s Get Wired Act

Paflagonia Support Act
$100,000,000 [Emergency]

2. FY2023 Authorizations

The following legislation shall take effect in FY2023:

Combating Asian Hate Crimes

Southwestern Water Conservation Act

Treating Incarcerated Persons Humanely Act

School Improvement and Jobs Act
$55,000,000,000 (for FY2022 and FY2023)

New Great Society Act
Sec II.: $175,500,000,000
CUBI: $1,260,000,000 over seven years
($180,000,000 annually)
[Emergency: $32,000,000 shall be re-appropriated to help states and regions improve the commercial driving license process and bolster the number of truckers to alleviate the supply chain crisis.]

Capital Gains Inflation Deduction Act

Hubert H. Humphrey Helping Hand to the Homeless Act

Total: $1.36000 trillion
Battista Minola 1616
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« Reply #135 on: January 23, 2022, 04:27:00 PM »

Let me make the same clarification amendment I made in the budget thread here as well:

FY2022 and FY2023 Authorizations

1. FY2022 Authorizations

The following legislation shall be effective per FY2022:

Reduction of Childcare Costs Act

National Silver Alert Act

Vaccine Production Act

Reduction of Childcare Costs Act

Farmer Stabilization Act of 2021

21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps Act

Urban Investment and Redevelopment Act

High Speed Rail Act

Let’s Get Wired Act

Paflagonia Support Act
$100,000,000 [Emergency]

2. FY2023 Authorizations

The following legislation shall take effect in FY2023:

Combating Asian Hate Crimes

Southwestern Water Conservation Act

Treating Incarcerated Persons Humanely Act

School Improvement and Jobs Act
$55,000,000,000 (for FY2022 and FY2023)

New Great Society Act
Sec II.: $175,500,000,000
CUBI: $1,260,000,000,000 annually [text shall be amended in the final version of the budget to specify CUBI goes to parents of underage children only]
[Emergency: $32,000,000 shall be re-appropriated to help states and regions improve the commercial driving license process and bolster the number of truckers to alleviate the supply chain crisis.]

Capital Gains Inflation Deduction Act

Hubert H. Humphrey Helping Hand to the Homeless Act

Total: $2.20280 trillion (between the two years)
Arson Plus
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« Reply #136 on: January 24, 2022, 09:12:33 PM »


To unite Atlasia and Canada
Section I: Title
1. The title of this bill shall be called the "Erin O’Toole Canadian-Atlasian Merger Act" It may be cited as "CAMA" or "O’CAM"

Section II: Canada
1. The Republic of Atlasia shall absorb the provinces and territories confederated as "Canada" as equal states in the Republic of Atlasia
2. The provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the territory of Yukon shall be admitted into the union as states of the Commonwealth of Fremont.
2a. The Pacific subregion shall receive the province of British Columbia and the territory of Yukon.
2b. The Mountain West subregion shall receive the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.
3. The provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the territory of Nunavut shall be admitted into the union as states of Lincoln
3a. The Northeast subregion shall receive the provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
3b. The Great Lakes subregion shall receive the province of New Brunswick and the territory of Nunavut. 
4. The provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the Northwest territories shall be admitted into the union as states of the South.
4a. The Deep South subregion shall receive the provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
4b. The Upper South subregion shall receive the province of Manitoba and the Northwest territories.
5. The Republic honors Leader of the Conservative Party Erin O’Toole and shall name a honor after him.

Section II: Enactment
1. This act shall take effect after the ratification of this act.

Arson Plus
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« Reply #137 on: January 25, 2022, 01:42:31 PM »

To designate January 25th as Gun Rights Day

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia asssembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation shall be cited as the Gun Rights Day Act.

Section 2. Findings

The Senate hereby acknowledges the following:

1. The passing of the Federal Assault Weapon and Automatic Weapon Ban Full Repeal Act is a victory for gun rights.

2. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Section 3. Designation of January 25th as "Gun Rights Day"

Upon passage of this law, January 25th is officially recognized as Gun Rights Day. No part of this legislation shall be construed to interpret this as a federal holiday of any sort.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #138 on: January 25, 2022, 05:49:41 PM »

prohibiting the sale and distribution of tobacco


Section 1, TITLE.
i. The title of this Act shall be, the “Tobacco Prohibition Amendment.”
ii. This Act may be referred to as the “TP Amendment,” as our region is figuratively TP'ing the headquarters of tobacco manufacturers.

i. The sale and distribution of products containing tobacco within the Republic of Atlasia is hereby prohibited.
ii. The Senate and other governments under the authority of the Republic of Atlasia may enforce this Section by legislation it deems necessary.

i. Parliament shall pass no law punishing the voluntary consumption of tobacco products.
ii. It is the official stance of the Republic of Atlasia that tobacco consumers are the victim, not the enemy.
iii. The Republic of Atlasia must allocate a portion of its budget to the rehabilitation of consumers of tobacco, and other related products if deemed necessary.

Section 4, ENACTMENT.
i. This amendment shall take effect starting in the Fiscal Year of 2023.

(Stole this from Fremont, sorry Truman/Koopa, anyways it's a good idea, and we should debate it federally).
Western Democrat
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« Reply #139 on: January 25, 2022, 07:20:29 PM »

A Resolution
To account for Senate vacancies

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia assembled

Section 1. Title

1. This act may be cited as the Seating Senator Calamity Resolution.

Section 2.

1. Whereas, Senator Spark498 was tragically assassinated.

2. Whereas, Senator Spark’s seat is currently vacant

3. Whereas, Governor Donerail has appointed CalamityBlue to fill his vacancy.

4. Whereas, CalamityBlue shall be seated to serve as Senator for the Southetn Regional senate seat to serve the remainder of the term expiring on March 4th, 2022

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« Reply #140 on: January 27, 2022, 07:41:09 AM »

To restore order in Atlasia

Section I.
I. This Act may be cited as the Democracy Resolution.

Section II.

I. The Republic of Atlasia hereby denounces all efforts to overturn the January 2022 gubernational elections in the Southern Region, whether they were intended to be serious or not. 

II. The Republic of Atlasia recognizes that LouisvilleThunder has been elected as Governor of the Southern Region.

III. The Republic of Atlasia recognizes that Donerail's repeated attempts to overturn the election results are damaging to both democracy and the union, and should be condemned.
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« Reply #141 on: January 27, 2022, 07:54:14 AM »

To restore democratic principles in Atlasia

Section I.
I. This Act may be cited as the Saving Democracy Act.

Section II.

I. All candidates running for political office, whether this is at the regional or federal level, must agree to concede the election if they have clearly lost.

II. Losing candidates may request a recount if they are within a 5% margin.  This recount must be conducted in a bipartisan manner.

Section III.

I. Losing candidates may not form their own government, attempt to revert or deny the results of a certified election, or weaken the integrity of the union, no matter what their intentions are.

II. Edit warring and vandalism on the wiki, used to preserve and document Atlasia's history, will not be permitted.  Repeated attempts may result in a ban from editing.

Black Bread Pill
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« Reply #142 on: January 31, 2022, 09:20:59 PM »
« Edited: January 31, 2022, 11:36:22 PM by President Scott☀️ »

To require that all persons prescribed opiates sign a form acknowledging risks

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia

Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Pain Patients' Right To Know Act.

Section 2. Patient acknowledgement of risk for prescription opioids

1. Prior to legally receiving prescriptions of oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, or methadone, all patients must be required to sign a form acknowledging that their doctor has informed them of the following:

i. Prescription opioids are linked to addiction and can be as harmful as heroin or other illegal street drugs when misused.

ii. 4 out of 5 people who use heroin began by misusing prescription pain medications.

iii. Non-supervised medications can be easily stolen or obtained by young people. 1 in 4 teens report they've misused or abused a prescription drug at least once, with 2 out of 3 teens abusing prescription pain medications say they get them from family or friends.

Source of information: Massachusetts Department of Public Health
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« Reply #143 on: February 01, 2022, 08:12:54 PM »

Still hoping to see my bills get on the floor.  We need to stop the crazy NKT cult before they can do any further damage to our union.  We cannot keep failing our country.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #144 on: February 02, 2022, 08:50:10 PM »
« Edited: February 02, 2022, 08:59:50 PM by ‎Ishan »


Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia asssembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation shall be cited as the Terrorist Designation Act.

Section 2. Designation of the Liberal Party of Canada as a terrorist group

Upon passage of this law, the Liberal Party of Canada shall be designated as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization".

Black Bread Pill
Just Passion Through
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« Reply #145 on: February 02, 2022, 08:53:18 PM »

To designate January 25th as Gun Rights Day

Be it enacted by the Senate of the Republic of Atlasia asssembled

Section 1. Title

This legislation shall be cited as the Terrorist Designation Act.

Section 2. Designation of the Liberal Party of Canada as a terrorist group

Upon passage of this law, the Liberal Party of Canada shall be designated as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization".

Requesting that this be blocked.

Also, it does two different things.
At-Large Senator LouisvilleThunder
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« Reply #146 on: February 04, 2022, 11:21:18 PM »

An Amendment to the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia
To regionalize authority over abortion laws
Be it enacted with a supermajority of the Senate of Atlasia and the Regions

Article I

14. Regional governments shall hold full authority to determine and regulate abortion policy including the status of abortion being a right or not.
Amendment Explanation:
This amendment seeks to give full control over abortion policy to the regions of Atlasia by adding a new section to the Bill of Rights in the federal Constitution..
I humbly request a Senator to sponsor this.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #147 on: February 04, 2022, 11:31:38 PM »

An Amendment to the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia
To regionalize authority over abortion laws
Be it enacted with a supermajority of the Senate of Atlasia and the Regions

Article I

14. Regional governments shall hold full authority to determine and regulate abortion policy including the status of abortion being a right or not.
Amendment Explanation:
This amendment seeks to give full control over abortion policy to the regions of Atlasia by adding a new section to the Bill of Rights in the federal Constitution..
I humbly request a Senator to sponsor this.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
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« Reply #148 on: February 05, 2022, 01:29:09 AM »

An Amendment to the Fifth Constitution of Atlasia
To regionalize authority over abortion laws
Be it enacted with a supermajority of the Senate of Atlasia and the Regions

Article I

14. Regional governments shall hold full authority to determine and regulate abortion policy including the status of abortion being a right or not.
Amendment Explanation:
This amendment seeks to give full control over abortion policy to the regions of Atlasia by adding a new section to the Bill of Rights in the federal Constitution..
I humbly request a Senator to sponsor this.

Dr. MB
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« Reply #149 on: February 07, 2022, 09:48:02 PM »

Introducing on behalf of Mr. Revolutionary


1. Section 85 of the National Banking Act (NBA) 12 USC §85, which permits federally charter banks to charge interest rates in States and Regions in excess of State or Regional interest rate caps, is hereby repealed. This Act shall take effect sixty (60) days after being ratified.
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