Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread

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« Reply #525 on: October 28, 2017, 12:23:20 AM »

The Concert of Europe
July 1761

Nations, ‬Leaders, & ‬Players:
Russian Empire- Empress Catherine II Romanov (‬Henry Wallace)
Kingdom of France- ‬King Louis XV Bourbon (‬Windjammer)
Kingdom of Prussia‬- ‬King Fredrick II Hohenzollern (‬Lumine)
Archduchy of Austria‬- ‬Emperor Joseph II Habsburg (‬Dereich)
Kingdom of Great Britain- ‬King George III of Hanover (‬DKrol)
Kingdom of Spain- ‬King Charles III Bourbon (‬LouisvilleThunder)
Ottoman Empire-‬ Sultan Mustafa III Osmanoğlu (Averroes)
Kingdom of Sweden- ‬King Adolf Frederick (‬YPestis25)
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont- ‬King Charles Emmanuel III Savoy (‬TimTurner)
Republic of Venice- ‬Doge Francesco Loredan (‬GOTfan)
Kingdom of Portugal- ‬King Joseph I Braganza (‬Mike88)
United Provinces of the Netherlands- Regent Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel (PiT)[‬/center]

Economic Standings:
Kingdom of Spain- ‬Strong
Kingdom of Great Britain- ‬Strong
Archduchy of Austria- Strong
Kingdom of Portugal- Strong

Kingdom of Prussia- ‬Moderate
Republic of Venice- ‬Moderate
Kingdom of France- ‬Moderate
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont-Moderate
Ottoman Empire- ‬Moderate

Kingdom of Sweden- ‬Weak
United Provinces of the Netherlands- Weak
Russian Empire- ‬Weak

Louis XV of France- ‬Very High
Frederick II of Prussia- ‬Very High

Joseph II of Austria- ‬High
Charles III of Spain- ‬High
Mustafa III of Ottoman Empire- ‬High

Francesco Loredan of Venice- ‬Moderate
Marie Louise of the Netherlands- Moderate
Charles Emmanuel III- Moderate
Catherine II of Russia- ‬Moderate
Adolf Frederick of Sweden- ‬Moderate
George III of Great Britain- ‬Moderate

Joseph I of Portugal- Low

Ongoing Conflicts:
War of the Grand Coalitions: ‬Kingdom of Prussia, ‬Kingdom of Great Britain, ‬Ottoman Empire, ‬Finnish Rebels, Riksdag Rebels, German League v. ‬Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania-Moldova, Russian Empire, Kingdom of Sweden, Archduchy of Austria
Indian War: ‬Kingdom of France, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Sweden, Persian Empire v. Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland, ‬Maratha Confederacy, Durrani Empire

Russian Empire:
-Your coronation was praised by many Russians, who view it as cementing internal stability. Even so, it has been followed by a period of unease. The Kazakhs advance, you have fallen ill, and war rages in Europe. How will you defeat your enemies and restore order to your new realm?

-The most concerning news to reach St. Petersburg these past few months was the conspiracy between numerous members of Russian society against you, both during the War of the Three Tsars and afterwards. Those accused include nobles, clergymen, and numerous commoners. Some plotted to deny you the throne, others to restore the family of Ivan VI, and still a third group to replace you when you were regent. How will you handle this treachery? Some urge brutal treatment, seizure of land, and trials while others believe mercy is required during such a time of diplomatic chaos. What is your choice?

-The situation in Finland is alarming many court officials, especially due to the proximity of the rebellion to your capital. Some fear that these rebels will strike Karelia once Sweden is defeated. They urge you to intervene directly in the conflict, while others believe Russia should stand back, as you are not entitled to the land. Will you allow the situation in Finland to develop on its own or take action, even if it means angering your erstwhile ally in Stockholm?

Archduchy of Austria:
-War it is! The Austrian people have flocked to your banners, Emperor Joseph. Your decision to respond to a perceived Prussian threat has been particularly popular in Bohemia, a region seen to be most at risk of being invaded. The capture of the Sudetenland and Zagreb have been promising, though the reversal at Breslau was quite disappointing. How will you win the war and end Prussian aggression?

-Maximilian I, the King of Bavaria, has demanded that he be granted Wurttemburg in the event your forces triumph in the region. He believes it would be a suitable reward for his loyalty, and is even willing to name your wife as his heiress if the offer is accepted, assuming he has no children of course. Some in Vienna urge caution however, highlighting that seizing the land could set a dangerous precedent and alienate the already shaky loyalty of some members of the Empire. Others see it as a once-in-a-generation opportunity. What will you decide?

-There has been universal horror over the actions of the Republic of Poland against the Church. Austria has been particularly affected, with thousands of priests crossing the border into your lands seeking refuge. The government in Warsaw has demanded they be returned, highlighting that they looked upon your offer of closer cooperation last turn highly favorably. The Pope, though, may not be pleased if your order priests to potentially be forced to violate their vows and face persecution. How will you deal with the “Polish Persecution”?

Kingdom of France:
-War has broken out across Europe. Prussia and Austria have returned to the fray, throwing thousands of men into the meatgrinder of Central Europe. Your ally, Joseph II, has publicly called on you to honor your alliance, which would draw France back into the conflict. Certainly those who hate Britain in the realm would be pleased. Others see you as too busy in India to get involved in affairs on the other side of the Continent, seeing the matter as one of little importance to daily affairs. What will you decide King Louis?

-The Marathas have entered the verge of collapse and are now showing a willingness to negotiate for the first time since the war began. They are asking you to submit an initial offer, which they will likely be willing to counter. With the Durrani free to prosecute fighting in the north, perhaps this may be a good idea. Others believe that since you enjoy such a numerical advantage, you should absorb the Confederacy in its entirety at the same time as repelling any potential Durrani uprising in the north. What will you decide?

-A series of controversial pamphlets have begun to spread throughout major cities in France. Some attack you personally, branding you a traitor for not joining the War of the Grand Coalitions and calling you “Louis the Lazy”. Others lament the plight of the French soldiers sent to India. There is even a republican element that can be observed. Most government officials are certain these are the work of foreign agents, pointing out the French in the documents is less than perfect. Some believe you should conduct a thorough investigation in order to get to the bottom of this before it takes a real toll, while others believe that the best path forward would be to not draw more attention to these hateful screeds, hoping ignoring it will cause the trend to fade. What will you do?

Kingdom of Great Britain:
-Your navy was forced back from Copenhagen, Norway has collapsed without British intervention, and the Spanish have seized Iceland and Greenland. Clearly the war has been less than perfect for Britain thus far. You Empire remains largely unharmed though, and there are optimists who believe the situation can be turned around. How will you prosecute the war?

-The natives in America have made an offer, peace in return for 10 years to resettle in the west. This has been backed by the leaders of most of the belligerent tribes and is seen in London as a way to seal peace. Colonists in the Americas however, believe it to be a trick by the tribes to stall for time. They demand a full-blown victory and the elimination of the native peoples now. With Britain involved in a larger conflict perhaps it would be wise to step back in the region? Or maybe a better policy would be to take a hard line so no other tribes get any ideas? What will you decide?

-The colonization northwards has angered many aboriginal people in Australia, who believe you to be violating your promise to them. They allege that your soldiers, who have established a series of coastal forts, should be withdrawn. Disease has only continued to decimate their people during the past few years and the arrival of more Europeans likely means further troubles. What will you do? These territorial gains were quite popular with the British public, so just backing off could be unpopular.
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« Reply #526 on: October 28, 2017, 12:27:07 AM »

Kingdom of Prussia:
-You have added another victory to your storied career, King Frederick. Prussian soldiers are outnumbered by the enemy, but they have the advantage of sitting in between two smaller enemy forces. How will the war be won? Some believe a further advance into Poland could bring the Republic to its knees, while others see a return to Bohemia as a better strategy. Or, perhaps the best offense is defense, forcing your enemies to face your men’s strong discipline and experience. What is to be done?

-The Finns have approached you, requesting that one of your family be appointed their King. In return, they would like a small contingent of Prussians to aide them against their two major enemies, the Swedes and the Russians. They believe any more soldiers would help and that you can spare the men. Others are more reluctant to risk thousands of men in a far-off fight just for your dynasty. Will you accept their offer?

-Spanish intervention in the war has outraged your people, drawing them into supporting the war effort. Particularly infuriating was the attack on New Prussia, which has further disrupted trade and brought the Dutch settlers to the verge of open rebellion, seeking to take advantage of the chaos. Many want to punish Charles III for his meddling, though others see this as less feasible due to the distances involved. Perhaps France could be involved? Others see peace with Spain as the best option for long-term advantages in the war against Austria, Russia, and Sweden. How will you respond to the egregious Spanish assaults?

Kingdom of Sweden:
-Your goal of seizing Norway, long desired by Swedish monarchs, has finally been achieved. With the collapse of Moltke’s forces the region lies open to an indefinite period of Swedish rule. The question has arisen however, about the level of local governance. While your creation of a national assembly for Norway was applauded, some wonder who exactly is welcome. Shall the local nobles appointed by Frederick V be allowed to participate in government? What about lesser officials, such as local mayors and bishops who worked with the previous regime? Will you weed them out of government or work alongside them in governing Norway?

-While many praise the successes in Norway, the situations in Sweden and Finland are dire. The Hat-Cap alliance has refused your offer of peace, demanding your immediate abdication before talks can even commence. With many rallying to their banner, it is crucial that they be defeated. Perhaps you could employ your Russian allies in cleaning up Sweden, though it may hurt your legitimacy if you are seen crushing a Swedish rising with foreign soldiers. How will you proceed?

-Sweden controls the entrance to the Baltic, for the time being at least, but the Sea itself as well as the North Sea remain free for enemy movement. Some admirals are urging a concerted effort alongside the Russians to lock down both areas and prevent further Prussian and British operations on sea. Others believe this strategy too risky, keeping in mind the sheer advantage in size enjoyed by the British fleet. What will you do navally?

Republic of Venice:
-Your men have occupied Tripoli, Doge Loredan, though the locals appear quite resentful of Venetian rule. Your joint Austro-Venetian Army is only just managing to keep order in the city, all the while rumors abound that the Bey is collecting an army off in the desert. Some generals think the offensive should be continued, stunning the locals into submission through a show of strength before they can organize. Others believe, especially in light of the failure to capture Algiers, a more defensive strategy would work. What will you decide?

-The inability to address the Illyrian situation has left the region on the verge of rebellion, especially after the absence of your soldiers to fight in Africa. In an extremely provocative action, several Venetian traders were murdered on the roads of the slavic areas, the locals alleging innocence. Pamphlets are circulating decrying the tyranny of Venice, “a false Republic” according to one document.

-Finland and Poland have both come forward to offer Venetian ships trading rights, should your government be willing. They point to the attempts to economically isolate their realms as making an appeal to Venice necessary. Undoubtedly access to either market would create new avenues of Venetian wealth in the North, though at the risk of angering powers such as Russia, Sweden, and Prussia. Perhaps responding should be done cautiously, though it is recognized that all three powers that could be offended sit hundreds of miles away, with little likelihood of them seizing Venice itself.

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont:
-The nobles and your son are outraged about your decision to let them be taxed, forming the “Society of God & Crown”, which demands an immediate return to the old order. Your heir’s behavior has only become more and more embarrassing over the past few months, especially considering the fact that most conservatives have come to view him as their natural leader. Perhaps he could be used as an intermediary between the hardliners and your government. Others see him as a liability that must be silenced. What will you do?

-Your aid to Austria was widely praised by the various factions who, despite their differences in domestic policy, believe closer ties with Joseph II are ideal. The clergy were pleased you aided a power fighting the pirate menace, the republicans that you were helping an ally of Poland, and the nobles that you were forging ties with a traditional ally. Some see joining the war as a real possibility, one that could serve to distract from domestic woes, though the decision is ultimately up to you as King. Others believe Sardinia has little to gain from a foreign conflict at such an uncertain time at home. What do you think?

-The creation of the “German League” and the “Catholic League” have caused some Italian princes to propose the idea of an “Italian League” in order to protect regional interests. They look to you as the natural leader (with Naples under Spain and Milan under Austria). Will you call such an alliance into existence, keeping in mind the potential to alienate neighboring powers (France and Austria). Or perhaps it is better Italian states act in their own individual interests for the time being?

Kingdom of Portugal:
-Under the terms of your ancient and traditional alliance with Britain, it is arguable that Portugal should get involved in the larger European war, perhaps by action against Spain, who shamelessly aided the Austro-Polish-Russo-Swedish alliance. Since 1756, when the first part of the War of the Grand Coalitions began, Portugal has largely lost little, so there does remain an appetite in some quarters for war. Others believe you should tread lightly, perhaps by ignoring the Spanish assault on the British and forging closer ties with France (maybe join the Catholic League). What will you do about the tense situation in Europe?

-The ruler of Mysore is calling on you to join him in a war against the Maratha Confederacy, which is near the verge of collapse due to recent French invasions. Thousands of miles in India lie open for the taking, he argues, if you prove willing to seize it. Others believe that you should hold back, lest you provoke the French (who may jealously guard their gains). Will you heed the calls to get involved in India, or maintain the status quo?

-Ouro Preto, a town in Brazil, has become the center of a massive gold rush in that colony. Thousands of laborers are mining that valuable resource in vast quantities, giving your economy a boost. You are now able to spend this money how you see fit. Perhaps you could reform domestic circumstances? Others believe you should offer to purchase a colony from one of the other powers? Or maybe it should be invested in Portuguese infrastructure? What will you do about this large source of wealth?
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« Reply #527 on: October 28, 2017, 12:30:31 AM »

Kingdom of Spain:
-Spain’s triumphs over the past few months can not be understated, particularly the capture of both Greenland and Iceland. While your immediate family was concerned about the attack on Britain in the North Sea, your daughter being the wife of George III, the people of Spain relish the opportunity to fight the British. Will you continue to fight alongside the Austrians, anti-Catholic Poles, and Russians or make peace? How will Spain navigate the rapidly evolving foreign situation, especially with territories potentially on the line?

-There has been a good deal more of criticism over your extensive lending of Spanish soldiers to France, in order to pacify India. It is seen as a waste of money, manpower, and influence to prop up a power that was once Spain’s biggest rival. Yet, Spanish troops have been essential in French successes there for the past year. Will you heed the calls to return the men to Spain, especially considering a war is raging, or should aid be continued, hoping that the French will eventually reward you for your loyalty?

-The Philippines have been secured in their entirety, provoking celebration in some quarters, dismay in others. Spain controls the Cape Colony, on the verge of a three-way war. The American colonies continue to grow, fostered by Spanish policy. How will you handle the extensive colonial holdings of your Empire? What policies will you pursue over the coming months to govern everywhere from Reykjavik to Rio de La Plata?

Ottoman Empire:
-The Austrians and Russians have attacked, formally ending the uneasy truce that existed following the previous war. Your protectorate, the Duchy of Zagreb, was overrun, though you’ve managed to expel the Poles from Wallachia for the time being. In Crimea, your vassal and the Russians fought to a stalemate. How will the war be won?

-Venetian intervention in Tripoli, even with your renunciation of the Barbary States, has caused outrage throughout your Empire. Whoever rules the city, it angers many Muslim subjects that a Catholic power is assaulting fellow Muslims with impunity. Since your call for the people to rise up and expel the Beys seems to have been ignored, some are calling for you to change your policy and be a more active opponent of the Venetians in this area. Perhaps you could supply them with gold? Or weapons? Or maybe they should be left to face their fate on their own?

-Persia has collapsed into a civil war, with the Afsharids attempting to reassert their former control over the region against the Zand Dynasty. Many in Istanbul see this as a favorable development, urging you to pick a side and ensure that a friendly leader is installed on the throne of your traditional rival. Others believe that you should open up yet another front, capturing as much land as possible while the region is in chaos. Or perhaps remaining uninvolved will allow the Persians to kill each other while your men watch. Whatever the case, some policy is required in Persia, it is up to you to determine what it will be.

United Provinces of the Netherlands:
-The Netherlands has undoubtedly been humiliated over the past few years, Marie Louise, though some believe that capable leadership and commitment can return the United Provinces to their former glory. While the Cape Colony is lost, territory in Australia, South America, and the East Indies remain. Some courtiers believe a concerted effort in expanding these holdings, particularly the Dutch East Indies, could be a morale boost the realm desperately needs. Will you interfere in Asian affairs?

-With the collapse of the Republican government under Jacob Gilles, the Orangists have been advocating for a reactionary agenda. They see the republicans as discredited following their experiment of exiling of you and your grandson. Many are calling for the coronation of William V as William I, King of the Netherlands. This would end centuries of republican rule under the United Provinces, though some hope it would bring stability to the situation. Will you create a formal monarchy in the United Provinces or allow for the Stadtholdership to continue as the primary means of executive power?

-Your realm sits isolated, especially following the Prussian invasion and restoration. While, undoubtedly, many would be wary about getting involved in a European conflict again, foreign policy is important. What relationships will you seek to establish for the Netherlands abroad? Which powers will you court as friends?

Armies & ‬Locations
Kingdom of Prussia
178,200 ‬Royal Army
20,000 Army of Stettin
6,500 Army of the Cape
15,000 ‬men garrisoned
(Can raise 1,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of France
35,000 ‬Army of France
58,020 ‬Army of East India
99,106 ‬Army of West India
49,000 ‬Army of North India
6,000 ‬Army of Quebec
40,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬61,000 ‬Spanish Volunteers Included in Armies of India)
(‬Can raise 39,500 ‬more)

Kingdom of Great Britain
31,633 Continental Army (in Britain)
8,000 ‬Army of Britain
36,616 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the ‬13 ‬Colonies
7,836 ‬Army of New York
8,124 ‬Army of Ohio
5,800 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of Australia
(‬Can raise ‬14,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sweden
34,041 ‬Army of Norway
32,098 Army of Sweden
17,201 Army of Finland
12,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬Can raise 0 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont
25,390 ‬men raised and mobile
8,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬Can raise ‬15,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Spain
10,000 ‬men raised and mobile
10,000 ‬Army of Naples
12,928 Army of Corsica
13,000 Army of the Cape
10,000 Army of Iceland & Greenland
22,000 ‬men garrisoned
15,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of New Spain
10,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of South America
2,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the Philippines
(‬61,000 ‬Men in French India)
(‬can raise ‬0 ‬more)

Russian Empire:
42,057 ‬Army of Poland
46,000 Army of Konigsberg
43,021 Army of Norway
2,000 Army of Copenhagen
52,111 ‬Army of Kazakhstan
53,728 Army of Kiev
(‬can raise ‬7,000 ‬more)

Archduchy of Austria
102,368 Army of the North
39,216 Army of the Danube
40,000 Army of the Homeland
(10,000 Army of the Mediterranean with Venetians)
(‬can raise ‬6,700 ‬more)

Ottoman Empire
49,021 Army of Danube North
49,527 Army of Danube South
20,000 ‬Army of Istanbul
35,000 ‬men garrisoned
7,300 ‬Swiss Mercenaries
(‬can raise ‬28,000 ‬more)

Republic of Venice
5,721 Army of Tripoli
3,392 Army of Malta
+(10,000 Austrian Volunteers in Tripoli)
(‬can raise ‬23,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Portugal
20,000 ‬men raised and mobile
10,000 ‬men garrisoned
6,850 ‬Army of Brazil
(‬Can raise ‬24,000 ‬more)

Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania
86,437 Army of Poznan
30,000 Army of the North
69,528 Army of the South
10,000 Patriot Guard
30,000 men garrisoned
(can raise ? more)

United Provinces of the Netherlands
10,000 ‬Army of the Netherlands
2,000 ‬men Army & ‬Garrison of Dutch East Indies
10,000 Men Garrisoned
(‬can raise ‬45,000 ‬more)

Navies of the World
Kingdom of Great Britain
171 ‬Ships of the Line
119 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of France
107 ‬Ships of the Line
56 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Spain
55 ‬Ships of the Line
36 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

Russian Empire
23 ‬Ships of the Line
2 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Sweden
22 ‬Ships of the Line
10 ‬Frigates

Ottoman Empire
18 ‬Ships of the Line
8 ‬Frigates

Republic of Venice
11 ‬Ships of the Line
21 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Prussia
6 ‬Ships of the Line
5 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

United Provinces of the Netherlands
57 ‬Ships of the Line
43 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont
1 ‬Ships of the Line
5 ‬Frigates
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« Reply #528 on: October 28, 2017, 02:41:22 AM »

Statement from the King of France
While indeed the Very Christian King has signed treaties with the Archduchy of Austria, the Very Christian King would like to remind everyone country involved that when he swore in as King of France, he swore to defend and protect Chritianity and the christian realms against persecution.

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"The King pledges to assure the protection of the Church and its holdings. He promises as well to assure peace to the Church and to the christian people")

Joining the war against the Kingdom of Prussia means joining the side of these "Polish rebels", who are actively persecuting the Catholic Church of their realm and their followers.

The King of France refuses to help these Polish rebels, as it would be a violation of his oath.

Thus, the Kingdom of France will remain neutral during this war, until further developments
YaBB God
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« Reply #529 on: October 28, 2017, 08:20:22 AM »
« Edited: October 28, 2017, 08:49:55 AM by Dereich »

The King of France is a liar and an oath-breaker and We denounce him. He swore to defend his allies, the Russian and Austrian Empires, in case of war. When war came, declared not by French allies but by its enemies, he dithered and stalled knowing that following his obligations and supporting his friends would be inconvenient for him. Then, finally, after MONTHS of stalling when the first excuse he found arose, he used it. No thinking man in Europe seriously believes the French King's excuse to ignore his treaties. Austria and Russia face Prussian and Ottoman invasion and the King of France uses commotion in Poland, a non-aligned party of all places, to leave his supposed allies to their fates.

What good is an alliance where one party will ignore will ignore the alliance at the slightest excuse? None. The King of France has shown he is no ally to Austria. All Frenchmen acting to coordinate military or economic affairs in accordance with that alliance are hereby expelled. All excessive diplomatic staff are also expelled. We would caution every court in Europe to avoid long-term cooperation with such an honor-less self-serving cretin, unless you are prepared to see the French king turn on you the moment he thinks he can gain some minor advantage by doing so.
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« Reply #530 on: October 30, 2017, 01:53:25 PM »

The Kingdom of Portugal will help the Mysores in the war against the Maratha Confederacy. We expect, in the aftermath, a successful organization and distribution of the Indian territories. We also confirm further negotiations with the French Kingdom.

His majesty Joseph I government.
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« Reply #531 on: October 30, 2017, 02:13:33 PM »

Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia Crowned King of the Finns!
Smuggles himself into new realm

European Courts were surprised by the news that Augustus Ferdinand Hohenzollern, Prince of Prussia and younger brother of Frederick II, was offered the title "King of the Finns" by the rebels seeking to end Swedish rule. First crowned in a modest ceremony in Potsdam, the new ruler quickly smuggled himself into his new realm via the Baltic. Met with jubilation in Finland, who sees him as their path to recognition abroad and independence, the new King has declared his intention to expel the Swedes from his realm. He brings with him hope that Finland may follow the Prussian history of military excellence, though thus far his armies have not been seriously tried.

With a second realm in Europe now under the House of Hohenzollern, some of the Finnish rebels have looked warily on the Courts of Stockholm and St. Petersburg, curious about their response. Others wonder how other power-players in Europe will respond to this surprising act by Frederick II, who sent his brother a warm heartfelt congratulations and a dramatic sendoff. Undoubtedly though, the move has strengthened nationalist sentiments in Finland, perhaps sending more men into arms.
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« Reply #532 on: October 30, 2017, 05:19:03 PM »

Continued insurgency within the borders of Venice will not be tolerated. Anyone tried and found guilty of crimes against the state shall be punished by death.
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« Reply #533 on: October 31, 2017, 03:51:03 PM »

Statement from the Royal Court of Madrid:

My fellow Spaniards and subjects,

I come today with news that, in all likelihood, will not only shock all of you but the entire continent on account of their magnitude and importance.

The Spanish Empire was pursuing a determined policy of neutrality regarding the main conflicts in Europe, a policy recent changed on account of the recent struggles against Great Britain and Prussia. The reason for this was what we saw as a clear danger to the security of our Empire and subjects, as we were approached by a foreign court with news of an imminent attack organized by both Great Britain and Prussia. Our outrage at these news was clear, and we could not find a better way to protect our subjects than to respond to the imminent use of force with force.

Yet in the past few weeks a truth, a terrible truth has emerged, one that has shocked and outraged us to the very core. Far from planning an act, no hostile moves whatsoever were being enacted or planned by the kingdoms of Great Britain and Prussia. We were lied to by a foreign court in the most dishonorable of manners, in a betrayal of everything that is sacred and with an unbelievable display of treachery, a monarch dared to lie to us to get Spain to enter this war on his side. This traitor, barely deserving of the title of King, has brought shame to Spain and its mighty Empire, and we are determined to see that he pays for what he has done.

After extensive talks, a peace deal has been negotiated with Great Britain and the Kingdom of Prussia, ending any conflict between our nations as the latest battles have only been a product of us being misled by treachery. The Kingdom of Spain will conserve several of its gains against Denmark, but return Iceland and Greenland back to Regent Moltke. We shall withdraw from Corsica and New Prussia, and to restore our honor and prove that Spain will not stand for being treated in such manner we will declare war against the monarch who has instigated this whole affair.

This monarch is no other than Adolf Frederick of Sweden, known scoundrel and traitor who has not only changed his choice of allies at least three times, but broken every oath to his peoples and his allies. We consider him unfit to rule a nation and unfit of trust, and we warn every Court of Europe not to listen to the poisonous lies that come out of his letters and the words of his ambassadors. By trying to entangle Spain in a conflict under false pretenses, by putting our Empire in risk, by forcing us to be hostile to a nation with which we have blood ties, by endangering the stability of Europe and putting our honor in disrepute, we hereby declare war on the King of Sweden.

May God bless our empire.

King Charles III of Spain
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« Reply #534 on: October 31, 2017, 04:07:27 PM »

King George III of Great Britian
June 1761

Proclamation from St. James Palace

Elections for members of the House of Commons will be held before the end of the year. This is to ensure that His Majesty the King's Government is truly reflected of the desires of all of His subjects. For the first time, His Majesty the King has decreed that three constituencies must be established for subjects living in the 13 Colonies of North America, and one constituency for subjects living in Australia. Furthermore, the proscription of Tory participation in Government shall end. At this time of war, trial, and tribulations, it is critical that the Kingdom have a Government that truly supports it and will work to achieve the goals of its subjects.
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« Reply #535 on: October 31, 2017, 09:52:41 PM »


Representatives, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, and Danes, we stand at a time of national crisis. I have come before this body and its predecessor numerous times and stated much of the same, but it truly does appear that the our position grows more precarious by the day, with former allies and formerly loyal citizens turning against their nation.

In the east the Prussians have appointed a Hohenzollern puppet to take control of Finland. Let me ask the Finns. Do you truly believe that a Prussian puppet state will give you the representation that you desire? I certainly do not, and I am not willing to the let Hohenzollerns assert hegemony over a single inch of Scandinavian soil. Already, I am willing to sit what Finnish representatives can make it to Stockholm to join the National Assembly. The citizens of Finland have two choices, Hohenzollern despotism, or Scandinavian representation.

The Riksdag rebels also continue to threaten the unity of the Kingdom of Sweden during this crucial time. Truly, I recognize their complaints, but has this new National Assembly and Constitutional Committee not addressed those complaints? I would dare say that they have, but when I attempted to open negotiations they demanded my abdication! This shrinking rebellion full of radical Hats is increasingly out of touch with the rest of Swedish public opinion and will be quickly crushed. I implore those rebels still bearing arms to surrender now, and a full pardon willl be offered.

Finally, the treachery of the Spain will not stand. The Spanish “King’s” Statement makes as little sense as his double crossing us. This ruler has stated that Stockholm misled him into believing that Prussia and Great Britain were planning an attack, a statement we dispute. However, if that was the case, how could he have possibly trusted Great Britain and Prussia of all nations to be truthful in this matter? These nations either took part or were complicit in the murder of heads of state, the fabrication of diplomatic documents, and arguably the root cause of the chaos which now covers the continent. Rest assured, this betrayal only strengthens our resolve.

In conclusion, Sweden will not be cowed by the weight of our hurdles, but will instead overcome them and bring further greatness to our nation!
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« Reply #536 on: November 01, 2017, 01:16:06 AM »

1) We shall fortify our defenses in Tripoli while again bombarding Algiers. Consistent bombardment will likely result in the eventual capitulation of the city. As for Tripoli, local authorities are to remain in place where possible. Any crimes against the populace will be tried by local authorities, and there is no guarantee they will be as understanding as I.

2) Further violations of the law in Illyria will result in harsh measures being implemented to restore order. Failure to heed the law and seek devolution through democratic means will result in martial law being instated in the region. I am prepared to negotiate a regional assembly being established to oversee the region with local leaders, but only if they openly disavow and call for an end to violence, and then back up their words with their actions

3) Trade routes will be established with all nations willing.
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« Reply #537 on: November 01, 2017, 01:19:01 PM »


1.- His Majesty the King offers his warmest congratulations to his brother Augustus Ferdinand I, King of the Finns. It was the Finns themselves who asked for a member of the House of Hohenzollern to be made their King, and the Finns will find no better ruler that my dear brother to lead them to victory, independence and proper governance as a stable, respected state in Europe. The Kingdom of Prussia has no intention in meddling into Finn affairs beyond supporting our dear brother and the Finn people in their struggle for freedom, and so we hope other European Courts can recognize this reality.

Adolf Frederick, liar, traitor and oath breaker would make the continent believe the only choice is between what he calls "Hohenzollern despotism, or Scandinavian representation". Far from it, the choice is much more simple: freedom under a monarch chosen by the Finns to lead them, or the tyranny of an unstable monarch drawing Sweden into disaster and disrepute by soiling his reputation and that of his nation through constant shifts of alliances. The same choice applies to those currently suffering from the instability of Adolf Frederick. They too can choose between freedom and dignity, or disaster under their current Monarch.

2.- Rather than angrily declaring war or insulting foreign rulers as the Emperor of Austria has chosen to do, the Kingdom of Prussia chose the diplomatic route as others revealed the extent of Swedish involvement on our conflict with Spain. We have signed a lasting treaty with Spain which we hope will put behind any disagreements between our nations, and we condemn in the strongest possible terms the outmost lack of dignity shown by Adolf Frederick of Sweden, our own brother-in-law. Let those who condemn us take note, Prussia desires peace and is willing to seek and negotiate peace. The intransigence of reckless monarchs like Joseph II, Adolf Frederick and the usurper Catherine is what keeps Europe on this bloody, terrible war.

3.- His Majesty the King expresses his pride on the behavior of his armies and subjects, victorious on the battlefield once again. When attacked Prussia will defend itself strongly and with pride, and we will not allow those seeking to split and destroy our realm through cynical means to triumph. His Majesty particularly salutes the brave men and women of Corsica, determined to fight to the bitter end for the sake of their freedom. Let all of Europe hear their cry! Corsicans are free and under the respect and protection of the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica.

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« Reply #538 on: November 02, 2017, 12:29:31 AM »

World Military Update
July-December 1761

Summary: The War continued, perhaps even expanding. France sent an army of 50,000 to aid the Prussians in the war against the Poles, but Frederick II ordered them to defend Prussian territory while he went on the offensive. The results would be disastrous for the old alliance between France and Austria. Meanwhile, Russia restabilizes as Catherine delivered much needed victories against opponents at home and abroad. Adolf Frederick put an end to the internal revolt, only to be faced with an even greater challenge. The Ottomans have dealt with stalemates on most fronts, defeats in others. The crisis in Europe is at a breaking point. Revolutionaries and Empires against upstart monarchies. This is not even to mention two new realms, Naples and Iceland, who have determined to remove themselves from the Concert by declaring their independence...

War of the Grand Coalitions
Archduchy of Austria, Russian Empire, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Bavaria, Free Republic of Poland, Duchy of Saxony, Durrani Empire, Maratha Confederacy
Kingdom of Great Britain, Kingdom of Prussia, German League, Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Finland, Riksdag Rebels, Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland, Kazakh Khanate, Khanate of Crimea, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of France, Mysore

Battle of Gothenburg: Decisive Swedish-Russian Victory

Determined to halt the rebellion in its tracks, and bolstered by moves to establish an official consitution, Adolf Frederick went on the attack. The majority of the Swedish forces, in addition to the Russian Army of Norway, descended on the region, defeating the Riksdag leaders in a series of terrible battles for the rebels. Gothenburg has been captured, much of the recently gained rebel land has been recaptured with little damage, and any hope of the Riksdag suceeding is quickly evaporating. Swedes appear relieved the crisis at home will likely soon be solved, especially with the news from Norway...

Anglo-Spanish Norwegian Langings: Major Anglo-Spanish Victory

With the Swedish Navy withdrawing back to harbor, the Russians felt too outnumbered by the now joint Spanish-English force. They too moved further into the Baltic. The British were thus able to land their own army of Norway in the region, quickly joined by Spanish soldiers. While storms complicated some aspects of the landings, much of the region has been captured. That being said, an upswing in Norwegian patriotism, in part due to the raising of an army by the local assembly, has created intense resistance in some areas. Being invaded by Swedes and Danes is one thing, British and Spanish something else entirely.

Siege of Helsinki: Decisive Finnish Victory

With the arrival of 20,000 Prussian reinforcements, plus the growth of morale following victories in the north, it soon became clear to the Swedish Army of Finland that they were outnumbered by about 4-to-1. Sensing that the situation was untenable, especially with rumors of a Anglo fleet en route and low supplies, the forces prudently withdrew, heading back to Stockholm. While Swedish officials were frustrated by the clear insubordination, others believe local commanders made the right decision in light of such a foreboding assault.  

Battle of Copenhagen: Decisive Prussian Victory

With the Russians focusing more on the affairs of Sweden's interior, a reserve force of 12,000 Prussians jumped at the chance, especially with the return of naval superiority, to capture Copenhagen. The small Russian garrison was overwhelmed by Danish civilians and Prussian soldiers. Though the city has been recaptured, and Moltke reinstalled as regent, Frederick V remains in Russian captivity, being moved to St. Petersburg before the recapture of his capitol.

Insurrection of Moscow: Decisive Russian Victory

With news of the conspiracy against Catherine public, and her intention to punish the offenders clear, there was a last-minute attempt to overthrow her regency. Centered in Moscow, the longtime Russian capitol, a group of clergyman and nobles plotted. A mass demonstration was planned, attended by hundreds. The city guard, sensing the situation spiraling out of control, decided to opt for the violent solution, fed up with civil conflict. The riot was brutally smashed, fighting in the streets with hundreds killed. Nobles were captured fleeing the scene and anti-Catherine officials were often murdered on sight by her zealous defenders. The city was further damaged by the chaos, but it appears Catherine's party has been victorious, restoring order in the city. While several dozen men have escaped, heading for the Ottomans or Prussians, most have been killed. Even so, while she was victorious, the shakiness of legitimacy in Russia at the moment has been demonstrated to some.

Third Battle of Gdansk: Stalemate

Prussia was ambitious, its attempts to go into defensive mode having resulted in no attacks. Frederick II, sensing his military numerical advantage, made an ambitious move to liberate East Prussia. His forces approached Gdansk, that oft-damaged settlement, before they met serious opposition. The Third Battle of Gdansk saw thousands of casualties on both sides and another stalemate has prevailed in Eastern Europe. Some point out that Frederick may not have had the men to lose, but neither do the Poles and Russians. While modest Prussian gains were made landwise, it is estmated they lost more men than their foes.

War in the Crimea: Slight Polish Victory

The Army of Kiev withdrew, stunning the Ottomans and Crimeans who could not believe their good fortune. Yet, just as soon as the news arrived, it was followed by reports of a Polish assault into the region. Volunteers and a detachment from the Army of Wallachia pushed into Crimea, capturing some territory, before meeting a joint Ottoman-Crimean force in the west. The fight was largely indecisive, with slight casualties on both sides, and has many questioning the future of the region.

War in Silesia: Slight Austrian Victory

Frederick II ordered the 50,000 man French Army, sent to aid the fight against the Poles, to stay back and defend Prussian land while he went on the offensive. The men were stationed in Silesia, coming into contact with the larger Austrian Army moving north out of Bohemia, eager to assault Prussia with news of the Third Battle of Gdansk. The former allies clashed with little hesitation, the French force collapsing under Austrian strain, retreating north. The Austrian campaign would've taken more land, but the onset of winter has slowed operations. Nevertheless, many Frenchmen are perplexed why Louis XV has started to fight in Europe with so much of his forces in India.

War in Wurttemburg: Decisive Wurttemburg Victory

The Bavarians thought they had triumphed in Wurttemburg, lured on by local praise and celebrations of their arrival. Local officials even surrendered, offering a large festival in Stuttgart. The feast was pleasant, the soldiers enjoying themselves alongside their leaders. They were unaware however, of treachery. The wine was drugged, the civilians were often soldiers in plainclothes, and the city was a trap. In a brutal move, the locals slaughtered the dazed Bavarians, thousands of soldiers fleeing the city, and the region, back to Bavaria. It has been a major setback for that King's attempts to crush the enemies of Austria.

War in Bosnia: Major Austrian Victory

Despite being outnumbered, the Austrians were eager to advance further into Ottoman-held land. They faced the Northern Army of the Danube in the Battle of Sarajevo and emerged victorious, sending the Ottomans into a panicky retreat. Many credit the victory to superior Austrian morale, aided further by the land gains made in the following days. As a result, tensions are quite high among the Turks, suddenly eyeing their fellow Bulgarian and Greek subjects with new suspicion.

War in Wallachia: Slight Ottoman Victory

"Mopping up" Wallachia proved to be a good deal more difficult than anticipated. The Poles employed brutal tactics when they retreated, not to mention leaving guerilla fighters behind. Skirmishes between Ottoman and Republican forces have occured throughout the theater, often with Ottoman victories, but until a decisive blow is struck, the region will likely remain in turmoil. Optomists though, highlight that land was captured from the enemy.

Second Battle of Omsk: Decisive Russian Victory

More good news from Catherine arrived from the East, where a massive Russian Army (the traditional force joined by the arrival of the Kievans) inflicted a brutal defeat on the Kazakhs, reversing their gains and capturing land for Russia. While the Kazakhs were more used to the terrain, their attempts to bring battle tactics of the past to bear against an army both larger and better equipped than them brought misery. Though the Khan will fight on, the blow has undoubtedly been felt throughout the tribes.

Battle of Gujarat: Major Durrani Victory

With men arrived from Persia, and sensing local support, Ahmad Shah Durrani launched an assault on the French Army of the North, even with less men and worse weaponry. Much to the surprise of both sides, the Durrani managed to beat back the Army of the North, capturing much of the region as loyal Muslims denounced French rule and greeted the Afghans as liberators. Even so, the French forces remain largely in tact despite moderate casualties. The future of Northern India now seems to be in contention after a year or so of quiet. Can the French Raj, so recently established be maintained?

Battle of Gadchiroli: Major French Victory

The French Army in the east continued to roll through the region, dealing a series of crushing blows to the remaining Maratha forces facing them. Most of the region north of the Godavari River now sits in French hands, the remaining Maratha of the east fleeing to the south to join with their compatriots.
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« Reply #539 on: November 02, 2017, 12:30:03 AM »

Battle of Beed: Stalemate

To the west however, the Maratha were determined to fight on. At the Battle of Beed, they proved themselves a force still to be reckoned with, though losing much of their force in the process. French advances in the west have been stalled for the time being, though some wonder if it is too late to save the Confederacy.

Mysore Invasion of Maratha Confederacy: Major Mysore Victory

To the south, the remaining Maratha were caught off guard by Mysore's stunning assault. Overwhelmed and shocked, the meager Maratha resistance was pushed north. The fate of the Confederacy hangs by a thread.

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« Reply #540 on: November 02, 2017, 10:13:51 PM »

July-December 1761

Neapolitan Nobility Demands Independence

Spain's switching of sides was not received well throughout their lands, in particular there was great consternation in Naples. The people of that Kingdom had once admired King Charles, he having reigned for years before his ascension to the Spanish throne. Even so, they viewed his actions since his abdication with near-universal disdain. The loss of Parma was lamented, the vacillating foreign policy viewed as erratic, and the lack of a substantive response to the pirates was concerning. Taking all these factors into account, a group of nobles decided to act. When the Naples Army withdrew from Corsica and returned to the realm, it joined them in declaring an end to Charles' powers as regent. Bernardo Tanucci has been installed instead. While they stress his son ought to remain as King and they hope to continue as members of the Catholic League, their interests do not align closely enough with Spain for any sort of union, weak or strong, to continue.

The Kingdom now looks to Spain, eager to see how Madrid will respond. The militarists in Charles III's Court are demanding that the King recapture the realm, asserting his rights over his former subjects. Others see the disunion as a blessing, believing so long as Charles' son retains the throne the agreement is acceptable. The real test will be whether Charles acquiseces to the demands of the new Neapolitan regents for the return to their King to Naples, permanently.

Chaos in Prussia! Gundpowder Sabatoge Throughout the Realm!

It appears some other realm has gotten revenge on Frederick of Prussia, the results having been terrifying. The war effort was disrupted when a series of terrifying exploses emerged throughout the Kingdom. Caches of gunpowder in urban and rural areas have been devastated, killing dozens of soldiers/civilians while also lowering the amount available to the military. Upon futher investigation, it has been revealed that other stashes have been polluted with gravel, damaged with other chemicals, or stolen. Naturally prime suspicion rests on the Poles, Austrians, or Swedes. Others speculate though, that it may have been Prussian subjects, discontented with their King's long-term military campaigns. Whatever the case, morale in the realm has been severely shook.

Spain Makes Bold Claims in Pacific Northwest!

Seeking to expand its presence even further in the New World, Charles III and his government began a policy of expansion north from California. Thousands of Spanish soldiers have been dispatched north to set up forts, encourage missions, and clear the way for settlement. While the move is supported by many in Spain, it is likely to cause controversy throughout Europe. How the British and Russians, both with similar ambitions of their own in the region, will react remains to be seen. Perhaps they will make similar claims of their own?

Catherine II Recovers!

Catherine's illness seemed to worsen as summer progressed, uncertainty dominating the realm as it was unclear who would succeed her as regent. At one point it appeared the Empress would die within hours, when her condition slowly began to improve. It is clear whatever caused the sickness is no longer exposed to the Empress, who has begun to return to her former level of health. Though much more thin, and paler, the people of Russia have been surprised about the degree of her recovery. Celebrations in St. Petersburg have commemorated the change as a miracle, divine blessing of her decision to crown herself and fight the Ottomans.


Venice was shocked on the morning of October 17th, 1761 when it was revealed that Doge Francesco Loredan, the reformist leader of the Republic, was found dead in his apartments. Presiding over a period unique in Venetian history, the leaders was praised for his policies of peace, even if they were tarnished by intervention against the pirates at the end of his reign (no matter how justfied it was agreed to be).

Of course, rumors began to swirl in the aftermath of the sudden loss. Some place the blame on the Ilyrians, others see the murder as resulting from Tripolitanians. Certainly the Doge had no shortage of enemies that would've liked to have seen him dead. Some have even claimed that the radical reformists in Venice did the deed, killing their leader who had become an obstacle to further reform. Whatever the case, the city was filled with mourning and tears, the Republic's future suddenly unclear.

Second Diplomatic Revolution?
Franco-Prussian Alliances Destabilizes European Diplomacy, British Election
Europe was shocked by the sudden French intervention in Poland, moreso when the French soldiers ended up clashing against their former Austrian allies. While most in Prussia favored the move, other civilians have been more skeptical. The move has caused unease among minor powers of the Holy Roman Empire, who dread French expansion, as well as a general feeling of mistrust (as France had technically in the eyes of many betrayed its Austrian and Russian allies).

Another unintended consequence of the move involved the British Elections. France and Britain have been at war intermittently since William III seized the throne of Britain in the late 1600s. The Nine Years War, War of Spanish Succession, War of Austrian Succession, and now the War of the Grand Coalitions have left many skeptical about any sort of cooperation between Britain and France. The result in the General Elections was a Whig landslide, the new delegates demanding a repudiation of any cooperation with France, a formal protest filed against Prussia, and peace on the Continent. The very optics of the British being seen as aiding Bourbon expansionism, what the war has undoubtedly become in the eyes of many following the coronation of Stanislas in Paris, are terrible. George III must consider his nation's path forward very carefully.

Kingdom of the Netherlands Proclaimed!
Century of Republican Netherlands Ends with a Whimper

Marie Louise took matter into her own hands following her restoration as regent for her grandson. Recognizing the instability plaguing the United Provinces, and seeing the unique opportunity provided by the intervention of Britain and Prussia, it was decided to establish a Dutch monarchy. In a dramatic series of events a reform package was rushed through the Staats General. The United Provinces were dissolved, William V being proclaimed William I of the Netherlands. Republican pretenses were ended as a new era in the Netherlands was proclaimed. The House of Orange with govern as monarchs, with a limited national assembly serving as the legislative body.

Thus, years of Dutch Republicanism have ended. The government established during the wars against Spain, conflicts between Orangists and Republicans, and traded across the world is no more. If its succesor regime can live up to its legacy will be determined in the coming years.

The Polish Question
France Crowns Stanislas As King of Poland, Attempt on the Life of Alexander II in Prussia!

There was strong outrage in Poland when Louis XV decided, with the backing of both Spain and Sardinia-Piedmont, to have his father-in-law, the former King of Poland, returned to his post. Stanislas was recoronated in a lavish French ceremony, Versailles making it clear what future they believe is best for the Poles. The news sparked controversy, particularly in Britain, where the Polish Revolutionary War has also become seen as a war of Bourbon expansionism. Stanislas has no sons, his only heir being his daughter, the current wife of Louis XV. Though the Bourbons maintain there will be no Franco-Polish Union, it has not stopped some from worrying. It reminds many of the Boubon inhertance of Spain earlier in the century, and all the horror that entailed.

Another incident occured with the other claimant however. In Potsdam an attempt was made on Alexander II's life, with his palace catching fire and unknown individuals assaulting him. Though he managed to escape, the former Polish monarch has grown paranoid, particularly towards Frederick of Prussia. He has privately expressed doubts about the death of Ivan VI and fled the Kingdom. It is rumoured the Prussian government would like to also back Stanislas, naturally causing the fire to be viewed with new suspicion. In order to safeguard himself, Stanislas has relocated to Mecklenburg, where the Duke has granted him asylum.

The Polish emigres were reportedly furious about the French coronation. Stanislas had not reigned for years, the move being deemed self-serving on the part of Louis XV, who wants to expand his grandchildren's inheritance. There remains a sizeable camp loyal to Alexander II, refusing to fight unless guarantees are made he will gain the throne. A minority have expressed support for Stanislas though, but even that appears lukewarm. Perhaps the only way to rally the emigre community will be victory against the Revolutionaries, as the actions by the monarchs this turn only seem to have divided it further.
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« Reply #541 on: November 05, 2017, 12:34:15 PM »

The Concert of Europe
January 1762

Nations, ‬Leaders, & ‬Players:
Russian Empire- Empress Catherine II Romanov (‬Henry Wallace)
Kingdom of France- ‬King Louis XV Bourbon
Kingdom of Prussia‬- ‬King Fredrick II Hohenzollern (‬Chairmansanchez)
Archduchy of Austria‬- ‬Emperor Joseph II Habsburg (‬Dereich)
Kingdom of Great Britain- ‬King George III of Hanover (‬DKrol)
Kingdom of Spain- ‬King Charles III Bourbon (‬LouisvilleThunder)
Ottoman Empire-‬ Sultan Mustafa III Osmanoğlu (Averroes)
Kingdom of Sweden- ‬King Adolf Frederick (‬YPestis25)
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont- ‬King Charles Emmanuel III Savoy (‬TimTurner)
Kingdom of Portugal- ‬King Joseph I Braganza (‬Mike88)
United Provinces of the Netherlands- Regent Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel (PiT)
Papal States- Pope Benedict XV (X)
Kingdom of Finland- Augustus I Ferdinand Hohenzollern (Kingpoleon)[‬/center]

Economic Standings:
Kingdom of Spain- ‬Strong
Kingdom of Great Britain- ‬Strong
Archduchy of Austria- Strong
Kingdom of Portugal- Strong

Kingdom of Prussia- ‬Moderate
Kingdom of France- ‬Moderate
Papal States- Moderate
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont-Moderate
Ottoman Empire- ‬Moderate
United Provinces of the Netherlands- Moderate

Kingdom of Sweden- ‬Weak
Kingdom of Finland- Weak
Russian Empire- ‬Weak

Frederick II of Prussia- ‬Very High
Joseph II of Austria- ‬High
Mustafa III of Ottoman Empire- ‬High
Augustus Ferdinand of Finland- High
Louis XV of France- ‬High

Charles III of Spain- ‬Moderate
Benedict XV- Moderate
Marie Louise of the Netherlands- Moderate
Charles Emmanuel III- Moderate
Catherine II of Russia- ‬Moderate
Adolf Frederick of Sweden- ‬Moderate
George III of Great Britain- ‬Moderate

Joseph I of Portugal- Low

Ongoing Conflicts:
War of the Grand Coalitions
Archduchy of Austria, Russian Empire, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Bavaria, Free Republic of Poland, Duchy of Saxony, Durrani Empire, Maratha Confederacy
Kingdom of Great Britain, Kingdom of Prussia, German League, Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Finland, Riksdag Rebels, Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland, Kazakh Khanate, Khanate of Crimea, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of France, Mysore

Russian Empire:
-The Kazakhs are on the retreat, their defeat in Siberia having humiliated them. With the potential for conquest, your generals are asking how the territory is to be administered. They believe the Khanate should be completely annexed, all levels of that society integrated into the Russian state. Others believe this could bog your realm down in an endless war with the locals. Or perhaps it is best to wait to decide until order is restored?

-Moscow was in insurrection, chaos having struck the city during the last few months. Order has been restored, the nobles and clergy who were plotting now sitting in Russian prisons. Will you brutally execute them, setting an example of those who challenge your rule, or treat them with mercy, like the Empress Elizabeth. During her reign no prisoners were executed. Will you rescind this policy following such dire attempts at rebellion or try to keep former policies in place?

-Spain has claimed vast swathes of the Pacific Northwest, challenging Russian potential in the region. Though Alaska remains small, some advisors believe you should likewise claim more land in the region, perhaps all the way down to the Californian border. Certainly the New World has the chance for profit, but it could also cause controversy if your claims overlap with Spain, or even Britain’s. Yet, you are at war with both powers so perhaps claiming is not as big of a problem as assumed. Will you be bold and demand more colonial territory or be cautious and avoid further international conflict?

Archduchy of Austria:
-Austrian soldiers have reentered Silesia, Emperor Joseph, for the first time since they were expelled in the War of the Austrian Succession. Though this has caused your realm to enter war with France, expanding the war, many hope the next few months will see further Austrian expansion. With victories in Bosnia, this desire has only increased. How will you manage the war?

-French entry in the war may have provided you with a chance to rally the Empire against its two major enemies, one who has meddled in the Empire for more than a century and another who attempted to dissolve it entirely. Prussia was already deemed by most princes to be a major threat, but the French involvement has caused a good deal of panic. Will you attempt to rally the Diet against your enemies, even if their is a chance of failure and further Imperial instability?

-There are still 10,000 Austrian soldiers in Tripoli, helping the Venetians secure the area. With the death of Loredan, and the failure to capture most of the pirate realm, some are calling for you to withdraw the expeditionary force. Others believe Austria should take leadership of the campaign, pointing out there are more Austrian soldiers than Venetians in Africa. What will you decide?

Kingdom of Great Britain:
-The elections were shocking, King George, but reflect the view of many against cooperation with France. The Whigs have retained their power, tying the Tories to the “Papists”. Will you seek to exit the war, switch sides, or continue to fight even without the consent of the people? It must be remembered that the recently enfranchised Catholics (in Ireland and Scotland) How will you manage the crisis of confidence at present?

-The decision to grant colonial representatives seats in Westminster was a popular one with colonial subjects. Some have questioned whether or not the delegation’s size should be expanded, pointing out the high number of people per representative in the Americas compared to in England proper. Likewise other colonies, Jamaica and Barbados have begun to inquire about receiving their own representation. Another question is whether, now that they are represented, if the colonies should be taxed at the same rate as England? Certainly it would be a solid way to generate revenue. What will you do?

-Spain has claimed much of the Pacific Coast in North America, an ambitious move that has caused outrage in the Americas. Most of the 13 Colonies have at one time or another alleged that they should expand across the Continent, coast to coast. Even though you’ve decided to found new colonies rather than granting the old ones unlimited expansion, the principle stands. Will you lay your own claims in America or drop the matter until a later date, even if it means Spain settles the region?

Kingdom of Prussia:
-The alarming stalemate in Poland has continued, leaving Prussia without any significant territorial gains to speak of. With Austria now threatening Silesia, perhaps a rethinking of the situation is necessary. Do you have any ideas on how to manage the conflict? Will you keep pushing towards East Prussia, march on Poland, or turn and stop the Austrians? What will Prussia’s plan be?

-Copenhagen has been liberated, Moltke sending his praise. He would like aid in governing the area and restoring order, hoping that the 12,000 soldiers can remain in Copenhagen while he raises an army. This comes as Prussian generals are urging you to withdraw the men and send them to more urgent fronts. Will you help him rebuild Denmark, with the potential for a local army to be raised in the long-run, or face your immediate enemies with the men right now?

-Alexander II, the deposed ruler of Poland, has fled your realm following the attempt on his life. He sits in Mecklenburg, spreading vicious lies about you and supposed involvement in the fire at his palace. France has crowned Stanislas as their claimant, which would place the Bourbons as eventual heirs to the Polish crown, causing some to believe you ought to follow suit, in order to preserve your alliance. Others think reconciling with Alexander II would be a better solution, given the unpopularity of yet another Bourbon realm.
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« Reply #542 on: November 05, 2017, 12:35:33 PM »

Kingdom of Sweden:
-You have mostly defeated the Riksdag rebels, the stunning turnaround due to the large influx of Swedish and Russian soldiers. Yet, this is what left Norway open to capture by the British. Finland’s rebellion likewise has only grown in strength. How will you manage the conflicts in and around Sweden?

-The decision to establish a constitution has resulted in a convention on Swedish and Norwegian officials. Thus far, they seem to be proposing a National Assembly, 4 year elections held among large landowners, and limits to the power of the Crown. Norway and Sweden would share a federal assembly, with each realm having its own regional body, exemplifying federalism. Royalists on the committee have assured the right of you to hold most executive controls, but even so the Assembly can overrule some decisions. Will you accept these proposals or put more pressure on the drafters in order to ensure stronger powers for yourself?

-Icelandic rebels, tired of being subject to repeated invasions, have come forward with an offer. They would like one of your sons, other than your heir, to be granted the title King of Iceland. They were inspired by Prussia’s decision to crown Augustus Ferdinand as King of the Finns. Will you take them up on their offer, potentially drawing international outrage, or play it safe and ignore the proposal? Or should you demand that they submit to your rule directly, even if it means they may refuse?

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont:
-Naples has revolted against your Spanish allies and many in your realm see a unique opportunity to expand. Perhaps Sardinian soldiers could be deployed to put down dissent and restore order. Advisors believe you could demand Sicily or a large amount of gold as compensation. Will you make the move? Or should Spain’s problem be dealt with by Madrid?

-You had previously backed Stanislas of Poland during the War of the Polish Succession from 1733-1735, siding against Austria and Russia. Many see parallels with the present, with France again at war with Austria and Russia to restore his claim. There are calls for you to enter the war alongside them, returning to your former position as a powerplayer in Italy. Certainly those who covet Milan and Tuscany are eager to expand the fighting and there is a growing sense of urgency due to the nature of Polish republicanism. Will you get involved, or steer clear of the war?

-The nobles have issued an ultimatum, demanding a withdrawal of their taxation and threatening to not pay the Crown if they are not listened to. They would like their rate to be halved, putting their percentage lower than that of the common people. While giving in may solve the discontent, it could make you appear weak and draw outrage from other social groups. What will you do?

Kingdom of Portugal:

-Mysore has declared war on the Maratha, and seeks direct Portuguese aid in the fighting. They demand an immediate transfer of gold, men, and arms to tear down the final remaining shreds of that loathed Confederacy. In Portugal opinion is divided. Some see it as a worthwhile investment, thinking that you would benefit in the long run. Others believe that they can manage on their own and Portugal should not risk too much for so little potential gains. What will you do?

-Europe continues to burn, with the war expanding and taking new shapes. France abandoned Austria and joined with Prussia. Spain too has switched alliances. Since 1756, when the first part of the War of the Grand Coalitions began, Portugal has largely lost little, so there does remain an appetite in some quarters for war. Others believe you should tread lightly, perhaps by forging closer ties with France (maybe join the Catholic League). What will you do about the tense situation in Europe?

-Ouro Preto, a town in Brazil, has become the center of a massive gold rush in that colony. Thousands of laborers are mining that valuable resource in vast quantities, giving your economy a boost. You are now able to spend this money how you see fit. Perhaps you could reform domestic circumstances? Others believe you should offer to purchase a colony from one of the other powers? Or maybe it should be invested in Portuguese infrastructure? What will you do about this large source of wealth?

Kingdom of Spain:
-There was great surprise about the switching of sides, though it has largely been accepted by the Spanish people. Your daughter is the queen, after all. Some expressed concern about the expedition to Norway though, wondering why Spanish soldiers were being deployed so far from home in a theater that does not concern Spain’s immediate interests. After fighting in Greenland and Iceland, with no immediate gains, their skepticism does seem to be supported. How will you assure them that your campaigning is a worthwhile decision?

-Naples has revolted, issuing a clear challenge to your control in the region. While they allege to be loyal to your son, in whose name they govern, the nobles may have set a dangerous precedent. Many in Madrid believe you should demand the title of regent be returned, both because of your former rule in that Kingdom as well as the precedent such an overturn of a regency would set. Will you? Furthermore, how will you respond to their demands that your son be handed over?

-Spanish expeditions in Africa have whetted an appetite for expansion on that continent. Spaniards look to Madagascar, West Africa, or even somewhere near New Prussia as potential sites. This could give access to new goods, establish ports for vessels returning from Asia, and reaffirm Spain’s status as a colonial power. Others see it as leaving the potential for your realm to overstretch, get distracted, and waste sums of money. Will you expand in Africa or focus on your other colonies?

Ottoman Empire:
-The war has been mixed for your realm at present. Assaults in the Crimea and attempts to retake Wallachia failed for the Poles, but the Austrians have managed to move further into Bosnia, threatening your European territories from the north. How will you stem the tide of disorder? What must be done to win the war?

-The Persian civil war has intensified, with thousands of refugees fleeing into Iraq. They demand a safe haven from the fighting. Naturally, the issue has aroused controversy. While they could be valuably employed, they are Shi’ites. Furthermore, they are Persian nationals. Attempts to settle them could provoke outrage in your realm. Expelling them may be viewed as too harsh though. How will you handle this tough issue?

-Barbary pirates, desperate following the loss of Tripoli to Venice, have even begun to target Ottoman shipping, deeming you just as vulnerable as the European powers. Communication and transportation of goods have thus become slower as a result, with merchants less willing to risk goods being shipped via sea. Will your forces take an active position against these intolerable acts? Or should the bribe be paid? How will this controversial situation be addressed?
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« Reply #543 on: November 05, 2017, 12:36:24 PM »
« Edited: November 07, 2017, 09:24:23 PM by Spamage »

United Provinces of the Netherlands:
-The coronation was a huge success, most Dutch eager to put the chaotic politics of the last decade or so behind them. Even so, there were a number of irreconcilable republicans, who have reportedly taken their activity underground following the birth of the Kingdom. Some advisors are urging a thorough investigation of the matter, while other officials believe that it is best to leave the matter be, so as to not outrage more moderate republican elements. What do you say?

-Dutch expansion in the East Indies has begun, with Papua New Guinea now hosting two fledgling settlements. While during previous settlement, the Dutch attempted to integrate with local elites during colonial expansion, this island seems different. The locals are far more hostile to your presence, even attacking settlers on some occasions. This presents you with a dilemma. Will you try to take a conciliatory path with the furious natives or seek to battle them for control of the island?

-Your settlement at New Holland (Australia) has begun to come up against significant local populations fleeing British settlement. While there was a treaty between natives and Britain, they quickly violated it and expanded north nonetheless. Now demanding the original inhabitants move inland, thousands have fled that half of the continent entirely, moving towards your realm. Will you expel them, aid them, or even potentially arm and return them? How will you manage this strain on your growing dominion?

Papal States:
-Pope Benedict XV, the Catholic world is in dire straights. Austria and France, once allies, have turned on eachother, Polish repression is harming that Church, and two continental Protestants assault Europe. How will you navigate the tough situation this political climate has created?

-Clearly one of the most outrageous actions since the Reformation is the damage to the Polish Catholic Church. The government’s demand that clergy swear an oath of loyalty has caused riots both for and against the proposal. In some cities, where bishops have refused and fled, churches were ransacked and defiled. It appears, in light of the divisiveness of the issue, both sides have only become more entrenched in their position. What will the Papacy do about this pressing matter? Is negotiation the solution or should harsh words be issued in defense of the oppressed clergy?

-European monarchies have seized many powers of the Church. Bishops are appointed by the Crown in most realm, nations such as Portugal have begun to expel Jesuits, and some have even had the audacity to suggest taxing Church lands. In such a situation, some are wondering if the power of the Papacy should be increased. Will you attempt to assert Papa Authority? Or should the matter be set aside until there is more stability?

Kingdom of Finland:
-Welcome to Finland, King August Ferdinand. You have arrived in a realm newly created, one under threat on both sides (east and west), though not lacking in morale. The Swedes have finally been expelled from Helsinki and the Russians have taken no significant actions for the time being, leaving you with a bit of breathing room. How will you fight to ensure your new realm retains its independence?

-With Helsinki comes the capture of hundreds of former Swedish administrators, officials, and even a few Riksdag representatives. These men undoubtedly have a unique skill set when it comes to governing your territory, so some advisors believe they should be pardoned and employed in governing your new realm. Others see them as traitors, viewing hiring them as an act of borderline treason. What will you do? Will former Swedish officials be a proper choice or should government positions be given to Finns?

-Your brother, and primary patron, is an absolute monarch. The Russian Empire is an absolute monarchy. Meanwhile the Swedes were a semi-representative monarchy through the Riksdag. How will you rule in Finland? Will you work with some sort of assembly or rule by divine right?

Kingdom of France:
-King Louis, the War in Europe has just expanded. With your coronation of Stanislas as King of Poland and clashes with Austrian soldiers in Silesia, France now has more enemies in Europe. Some are concerned with the deployment of so many men in India during a time of domestic unease. How will you manage the war? What steps will you take to ensure victory for the Bourbon cause?

-The Maratha are on the verge of collapse, willing to discuss terms of surrender. This has been a continuous bright spot during your war in India. Yet, to the north, the Durrani remain a potent threat. Many doubt that your soldiers have the capability to invade their homeland, and they've assaulted much of Gujarat. How will you manage your new holdings in India? What steps will be taken to keep them safe?

-Domestic opinion on the war has been mixed, though most of your subjects are willing to trust you. Even so, there were some embarassing criticisms levied in the Estates General. Some believe you should use the state of emergency to renege on your promises of calling the body regularly. Others think that now it the last time to be meddling in such divisive issues, pointing to Sweden as an example. How will you deal with dissent among some of your subjects, upset over the events outside of France?

Kingdom of Naples:
-Naples has declared independence from the regency of Charles III, Bernardo Tanucci. The nobles and people look to you to govern the realm in these difficult times. Undoubtedly your first priority should be to secure the person of your monarch. As a Spanish Prince, and under the guardianship of his father, he sits in far off Madrid. How will you deal with Spain to secure both your young ruler and independence? Some desire force be shown in order to intimidate, while others think diplomacy could be an effective solution.

-As you are now freed from Spanish protection, it is clear Naples will have to establish its own foreign policy. Some look to Austria as a natural ally, stressing traditional ties and common enemies, while others would desire to see France as a partner. With war raging in Europe, undoubtedly the decision must not be made hastily. Where will Naples look for international friends?

-While reaction to the coup was generally favorable, many of the local officials in Naples were appointed by Charles III back when he ruled the Kingdom. Undoubtedly they would have sympathies with him should he decide to take action against your attempts at liberation. There are open calls to remove those appointed by the former King from office and replace them with loyal officials, others see meddling with government structure at such a time of uncertainty as only leading to trouble. What will you do about Charles III's officials in Naples?
YaBB God
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« Reply #544 on: November 07, 2017, 12:02:13 PM »

King George III of Great Britian
January 1762

Proclamation from St. James Palace

The times in which we live at times of massive change and tribulation. What began as a war for the sovereign future of the Danish people has rapidly devolved into a bloody excuse for the expansion of the Bourbon crown. What began as a war for the future peace of the Continent has collapsed into a war for continual war among rival factions. What began as a war His Majesty the King could support has fallen apart into a war His Majesty the King cannot stomach. His Majesty the King has ordered the immediate withdrawal of all British soldiers and seamen from the ongoing war of the Continent. If the savages of the Continent want to spend decades bashing eachothers brains in with clubs and rocks, the British will have no part.

His Majesty the King has taken on the title of reformer with ease and grace. Elections have been held and a new Parliament returned, a Parliament with the first ever representatives from colonial holdings. Subjects in America and the Australia will not be the only colonies with representation: at the time of the next general election members will also sit from the islands of Jamaica and Barbados. As these colonial subjects now hold seats in Parliament and will vote on tax bills, it is only proper that they be taxed at the same rate as the rest of the realm. His Majesty the King is chartering a new way forward in the treatment of colonial subjects, a path forward led by the enlightened ideas of our times.

In America, the father-in-law of His Majesty the King has made a bold claim for all of the Pacific Coast. This will not stand. His Majesty the King, recognizing the God-given gift of British ingenuity and cunning, has ordered that all lands East of what the locals call the Rocky Mountains to be brought under the British crown. His Majesty the King has arranged the Treaty of London with the American natives and this move is to preserve the terms of that treaty; no Spanish Viceroy would protect the native settelement and resettlement program to those lands that His Majesty the King has crafted. It is also natural that these lands should one day become part of His Majesty the King's colonial empire, upon the civilization and incorporation of the natives. Spanish attempts to dominate the region will be rebuffed at every turn, as the King of Spain has shown he is not a trustworthy man with his frequent changing of sides in battle.

God Save the King!
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« Reply #545 on: November 07, 2017, 09:25:52 PM »

Armies & ‬Locations
Kingdom of Prussia
162,723 ‬Royal Army
11,464 Army of Copenhagen
6,500 Army of the Cape
10,000 ‬men garrisoned
(20,000 Prussian Volunteers in Finland)
(Can raise 1,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of France
61,280 ‬Army of Silesia
47,320 ‬Army of East India
49,755 ‬Army of West India
96,133 Army of North India
6,000 ‬Army of Quebec
40,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬60,000 ‬Spanish Volunteers Included in Armies of India)
(‬Can raise 4,500 ‬more)

Kingdom of Great Britain
28,732 Continental Army (in Britain)
8,000 ‬Army of Britain
36,616 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the ‬13 ‬Colonies
7,836 ‬Army of New York
8,124 ‬Army of Ohio
5,800 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of Australia
(‬Can raise ‬15,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sweden
33,017 ‬Army of Gothenburg
29,642 Army of Sweden
17,200 Army of Stockholm
12,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬Can raise 0 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont
25,390 ‬men raised and mobile
8,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬Can raise ‬15,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Spain
10,000 ‬men raised and mobile
10,120 Army of Norway
47,000 ‬men garrisoned
15,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of New Spain
10,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of South America
2,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the Philippines
(‬60,000 ‬Men in French India)
(‬can raise ‬0 ‬more)

Russian Empire:
83,987 ‬Army of Poland
43,021 Army of Norway
100,268 ‬Army of Kazakhstan
(‬can raise ‬7,000 ‬more)

Archduchy of Austria
101,888 Army of the North
37,214 Army of the Danube
40,000 Army of the Homeland
(10,000 Army of the Mediterranean with Venetians)
(‬can raise ‬6,700 ‬more)

Ottoman Empire
42,365 Army of Danube North
44,390 Army of Danube South
20,000 ‬Army of Istanbul
35,000 ‬men garrisoned
7,300 ‬Swiss Mercenaries
(‬can raise ‬28,000 ‬more)

Republic of Venice
4,922 Army of Tripoli
3,392 Army of Malta
+(10,000 Austrian Volunteers in Tripoli)
(‬can raise ‬23,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Portugal
20,000 ‬men raised and mobile
10,000 ‬men garrisoned
6,850 ‬Army of Brazil
(‬Can raise ‬24,000 ‬more)

Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania
87,242 Army of Poznan
30,000 Army of the North
64,528 Army of the South
30,000 men garrisoned
(can raise ? more)

United Provinces of the Netherlands
10,000 ‬Army of the Netherlands
6,000 ‬men Army & ‬Garrison of Dutch East Indies
10,000 Men Garrisoned
(‬can raise ‬41,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Finland
47,062 Army of Helsinki
20,000 Prussian Volunteer Force
(‬Can raise 5,000 ‬more)

Papal States
15,000 men raised and mobile
(can raise 30,000 more)

Kingdom of Naples
20,000 Army of Naples
15,000 men Garrisoned
(‬can raise 30,000 ‬more)

Navies of the World
Kingdom of Great Britain
171 ‬Ships of the Line
119 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of France
107 ‬Ships of the Line
56 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Spain
60 ‬Ships of the Line
41 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

Russian Empire
23 ‬Ships of the Line
2 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Sweden
22 ‬Ships of the Line
10 ‬Frigates

Ottoman Empire
18 ‬Ships of the Line
8 ‬Frigates

Republic of Venice
11 ‬Ships of the Line
21 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Prussia
6 ‬Ships of the Line
5 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

United Provinces of the Netherlands
57 ‬Ships of the Line
43 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont
1 ‬Ships of the Line
5 ‬Frigates
Atlas Star
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« Reply #546 on: November 08, 2017, 08:07:02 PM »

We, the Royal Government of Finland, propose an alliance with the Riksdag and Copenhagen. Furthermore, nobles will be given a Chamber of Lords, while a popular election will be held every five years for a Chamber of Commons. These two chambers will have input on taxes and administration, but the king is still the ultimate authority on domestic policy and foreign policy.

The reformers in Sweden are promised a National Assembly elected every four years by all landowners in exchange for the surrender of their King and recognition of ourselves as King of Finland. Following this, either we will serve as King of the Swedes or they may choose a King as they please.

We recognize the authority of Copenhagen and the government of the Riksdag. An alliance with clear goals and boundaries should be established against Sweden.

All former Swedish authorities who speak our language and swear loyalty to King Augustus Ferdinand, as well as renouncing their loyalties to the Swedish King, will be allowed to stay on as administrators. However, they and their families will be placed on probation and supervision until the war is over. Any attempt to flee or leave the city with or without their family and without permission from King Augustus Ferdinand will be considered a sign of new treason, and place them under arrest. All who meet the previous requirements besides speaking the language may be taught the language and stay on as administrators. All remaining ones will be placed under house arrest in a city quarter adjacent to where the now-loyal former Swedish administrators will be housed.
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« Reply #547 on: November 09, 2017, 05:09:01 PM »

We ask the Spanish Crown to allow the King of Naples to truly claim his title and rule from Naples itself, rather than from Spain. The people of Naples deserve to have their King rule them from their own homeland.
YaBB God
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« Reply #548 on: November 12, 2017, 06:36:28 PM »

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x George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and so forth
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« Reply #549 on: November 12, 2017, 06:48:43 PM »

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x George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and so forth
xAdolf Fredrick, King of Sweden
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