Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread

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« Reply #475 on: October 11, 2017, 02:38:59 AM »
« edited: October 12, 2017, 09:58:15 PM by Spamage »

Kingdom of Portugal:
-Your daughter Maria was furious about the expulsion of the Jesuits, openly complaining about the "sacrilegious" measure. Your wife reportedly agrees. Pombal has suggested confining the Princess, lest she further undermine your rule. Others at Court share the sentiments of the Princess, so isolating her could backfire. How will you deal with dissent in the Royal Family itself?

-Mysore, your protectorate in India, was alarmed by the French attack on the Maratha Confederacy. While they may not appreciate the Maratha's expansionist attitude, they are more concerned about outright absorption into a French India. They call on Portugal, as their protector, to take actions to moderate France's attitude in this region. With Portugal's long-time influence in India under serious threat for the first time since Vasco de Gama arrived in the 1500's, what will you do?

-Some in Lisbon see Africa as the place to reestablish Portugal as a great power. While you have small outposts in Mozambique and Angola they are just that, small. With the Dutch in the Cape Colony, and now the Prussians in Namibia, some believe you should actively expand Portuguese holdings in these African areas by warring with the natives. Others see it as too expensive, though following your expulsion of the Jesuits, perhaps there is money to spend. What will you do about Africa?

Kingdom of Spain:
-The creation of the Catholic League was praised in Spain, with many applauding increased ties to France and Sardinia-Piedmont. Even so, you are in a unique position in regards to foreign policy. Your daughter is the Queen of Britain, wife of George III, and mother to the Prince of Wales. You share blood with the King of France. Your wife is the daughter of the former King of Poland, whose realm has taken up arms against Europe. Even now, some are wondering if you will expand your dynastic ties further, perhaps through royal marriages with the other great powers. With so many options, what path will Spain take during these uncertain times?

-Portugal has issued no response to your demands concerning the Jesuits, causing outrage among their supporters and conservatives in Spain. They demand you give that government an ultimatum, going as far to suggest an embargo if you are not obeyed. Others suggest diffusing the situation by sending the Portuguese Jesuits to your colonies in order to establish Spanish missions in South America and convert the natives. How will you solve the Jesuit crisis with Portugal refusing to work with you?

-You have taken the throne at a time of great reform in Europe. Louis XV, Frederick II, and Joseph II have all undertaken policies aimed at improving the lives of their subjects, modernizing governance, and making the beaurocracy far more efficient. Some are calling for this same change to come to Spain. They believe the Inquisition should be abolished, taxation reformed, and the King's right to rule without questioned strengthened. Will you undertake reform? Or perhaps it's better to leave the situation as-is in order to maintain stability?

Ottoman Empire:
-The rebellious Moldovans have been aided by the Poles, expanding into Wallachia and causing panic in Ottoman Europe. With their declaration of the "Alliance of the Free Peoples", many in Istanbul are openly worried about potential Bulgarian, Greek, or Serbian risings. This doesn't even consider the actions of the Wallachians, who may be inclined to join their Moldovan brethren. Some urge a crack-down on potential nationalists in your cities, while others fear that too harsh actions could lead to the revolts you seek to prevent. How will you deal with the unease in Europe?

-It has been noted by many that the Barbary States have been particularly inattentive to Ottoman demands. Their assaults on Venetian trade despite orders otherwise were certainly embarrassing. Some believe you should renounce their vassalage, with them only using it as a shield against responses to their piracy, while others argue you should reassert government control. Still a third group is content with the status quo, believing the problem to be best addressed once fighting in Europe is over.

-The Cossacks have arose in Ukraine, damaging Polish, Russian, and Crimean territories. Your vassal, the Khan of Crimea, is urging you to send an army to aid his men. He fears the enemy may soon overrun the remaining territory outside of the Crimean Peninsula, with most of it consisting of empty grassland. Others at Court are urging you to focus on the Polish threat instead, arguing that European territory must be prioritized over that of the distant Crimean Khanate. Will you send the Khan aid or focus on keeping your own lands stable?

Armies & ‬Locations
Kingdom of Prussia
121,030 ‬Army of the East
74,448 ‬Army of the West
2,000 Army of Africa
4,750 Army of the Cape
14,000 ‬men garrisoned
(Can raise 2,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of France
50,000 ‬Army of France
60,520 ‬Army of East India
63,806 ‬Army of West India
5,000 ‬Army of Quebec
10,000 ‬Army of India
1,000 Army of Louisville
40,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬40,000 ‬Spanish Volunteers Included in Armies of India)
(‬Can raise ‬79,500 ‬more)

Kingdom of Great Britain
13,308 ‬Army of Ireland
18,325 ‬Continental Army (‬in England)
8,000 ‬Army of Britain
36,616 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the ‬13 ‬Colonies
8,436 ‬Army of New York
8,789 ‬Army of Ohio
5,800 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of Australia
(‬Can raise ‬12,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sweden
98,174 ‬Army of Sweden
9,100 Army of Riga
12,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬23,000 ‬Danish Volunteers in army of Sweden)
(‬Can raise ‬10,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland
9,900 ‬Army of Denmark-Norway
(‬23,000 ‬in Danish Volunteers in army of Sweden)
(‬Can raise ‬32,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont
25,390 ‬men raised and mobile
8,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬Can raise ‬12,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Spain
10,000 ‬men raised and mobile
25,000 ‬Army of Naples
25,000 ‬men garrisoned
15,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of New Spain
10,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of South America
2,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the Philippines
(‬40,000 ‬Men in French India)
(‬can raise ‬47,000 ‬more)

Russian Empire:
166,300 ‬Army of Siberia
115,676 ‬Army of North Russia
(‬can raise ‬7,000 ‬more)

Archduchy of Austria
50,000 ‬Army of Austria
52,000 Army of Russia
(‬can raise ‬110,700 ‬more)

Ottoman Empire
25,534 ‬Army of the Danube
87,337 Army of Moldova
20,000 ‬Army of Istanbul
35,000 ‬men garrisoned
7,300 ‬Swiss Mercenaries
(‬can raise ‬27,000 ‬more)

Republic of Venice
12,000 ‬men raised and mobile
(‬can raise ‬20,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Portugal
20,000 ‬men raised and mobile
10,000 ‬men garrisoned
6,850 ‬Army of Brazil
(‬Can raise ‬22,000 ‬more)

United Provinces of the Netherlands
72,540 ‬Army of the Netherlands
2,000 ‬men Army & ‬Garrison of Dutch East Indies
(‬can raise ‬5,000 ‬more)

Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania
93,717 Army of Poznan
30,000 Army of the North
35,000 Army of the South
10,000 Patriot Guard
(20,000 men garrisoned)
(can raise ? more)

Navies of the World
Kingdom of Great Britain
175 ‬Ships of the Line
124 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of France
107 ‬Ships of the Line
56 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Spain
57 ‬Ships of the Line
33 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

Russian Empire
24 ‬Ships of the Line
3 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Denmark-Norway
22 ‬Ships of the Line
18 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Sweden
23 ‬Ships of the Line
10 ‬Frigates

Ottoman Empire
18 ‬Ships of the Line
8 ‬Frigates

Republic of Venice
11 ‬Ships of the Line
21 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Prussia
6 ‬Ships of the Line
5 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

United Provinces of the Netherlands
57 ‬Ships of the Line
43 ‬Frigates
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« Reply #476 on: October 12, 2017, 09:52:40 PM »

Treaty of the Hague! Dutch Make Peace with Prussia!

With the war clearly lost, the Dutch Republicans offered Prussia peace. In exchange for the ceding of the Cape Colony and the return of William V to the Stadtholdership, the Staats General would retain some power, with the Prince of Orange being raised under the guidance of the Staats General. Prussia accepted and the agreement was finalized at the Hague.

Jacob Gilles resigned as Grand Pensioner after signing the treaty, returning to retirement. Other Republicans have been quickly jostling for the important title of Grand Pensioner. Meanwhile, Prussia now has freed up its forces in the west, undoubtedly an important move considering the Polish gains in the east.

In the United Provinces the move is seen as a compromise between the Orangists and the Republicans. While William V rules once more, the power of the Staats General was reconfirmed and Marie Louise is now only the Dowager Princess of Orange, not regent. A new question looms though. Will the United Provinces ever be able to recover their former glory following two consecutive defeats, the annexation of the southern provinces by France, and now the loss of the Cape Colony? It is deemed by many to be unlikely. Dutch days as a great power are no more...

Zand Dynasty Attacks Durrani!
Ahmad Shah Durrani Declares War on France!

Chaos has erupted in northeastern India. The Zand Dynasty, concluding an alliance with France following a failure to expand against the Ottomans, has attacked Durrani. Ahmad Shah, outraged by the treachery and obvious collusion between France and Persia, responded by declaring war against both powers. The Durrani possess ferocious warriors, having previously shown their success in the last days of the Mughal Empire. The French now are at war against two native powers in India, though they've gained an ally. How the region, as well as the thousands of French Muslim subjects, will respond to the Durrani assault remains to be seen. Though in the initial border crossing, several hundred Persian cavalry have been slaughtered, causing some worried officials to worry about the new conflict.
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« Reply #477 on: October 12, 2017, 11:55:22 PM »

Proclamations from Potsdam:

1.- Netherlands: His Majesty the King is most satisfied at the outcome of the Treaty of the Hague. As stated to other European monarchs His Majesty stood by his promise to restore William V to his rightful throne and Prussia, while gaining a most valuable acquisition in the Cape Colony, stood by its solemn pledge not to expand in any way in Europe. We see hope in this compromise between Orangists and Republicans, and we hope this will start a new era of lasting peace between Prussia and the Netherlads.

2.- New Prussia: Following the annexation of the Cape Colony we hereby rename it as New Prussia, a new administration that will combine the old Cape Colony and our new colonies in Ascension Island and Namibia. New Prussia will be led by a Governor-General appointed by His Majesty to handle all matters except certain areas of trade, which will fall under the purview of the Prussian African Company, under supervision by His Majesty and with investments open to individuals or companies from Prussia, Corsica or the German League.

3.- Trade System: There has been a significant degree of uncertainty regarding matters of trade between East and West, but His Majesty King Frederick wishes to reassure merchants and nations alike that Prussia will be most interested in seeing trade through New Prussia thrive.

The new system of tariffs in New Prussia is set at follows:

-Minimum Tariffs: Open to all members of the German League.
-Low Tariffs: Open to all formal Allies of Prussia: Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden and the Ottoman Empire.
-Medium to High Tariffs: Open to the rest of trading nations and subject to negotiation.

We also decree a temporary raise to very high tariffs into Emperor Joseph II and all Austrian goods or goods meant for Austria in response to his continued hostility towards our ally Wurttemberg, his blatant breach of the Treaty of Prague and his contacts and deals with the National Assembly in Poland, which we believe are a threat of the security of Europe. Austrian or Hapsburg vessels must also submit to mandatory inspections in all New Prussian ports to ascertain their cargo. This measure does not include the other members of the Empire as a gesture of understanding and goodwill.

We encourage private merchants to resume their trading efforts as soon as possible, and we look forward to productive deals between them and the Prussian African Company. Prussia will also entertain offers from any country or company interested in seeing their tariffs for goods reduced or reformed.

4.- Saltykov Affair: His Majesty rules out here and now any involvement of the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica on the death of Count Sergei Saltykov. We note that there is no evidence that would link Prussia to his event, and that the supposed "confessions" are known to be the result of torture, therefore being of a completely unreliable nature.

5.- German League: We sincerely thank the members of the German League who returned to form a part of it, thus renewing their friendship to Prussia. We warmly encourage those who are left to rejoin or wish to enter as new members to do so, as there is many opportunities to exploit and a common prosperity to share in the future. Membership in the German League not only will guarantee safety and protection granted by Prussia and the League members, it will offer enormous trade advantages in New Prussia.

6.- Treaty of Prague: The Kingdom of Prussia condemns in the strongest possible terms the violation of the Treaty of Prague by Austria, and would note to the Court of the Europe and the Princes of the Empire that while not a single Prussian soldier fights in Russia over 50,000 Austrians do, showing how reckless Emperor Joseph II is and how little he cares about the potential of another war by breaking a Treaty meant to spare Germany from further bloodshed.

And we condemn even more his dealings with the Polish National Assembly, considering the Emperor must have made quite the offer to the National Assembly so his troops would be granted passage into Russia. Clearly there is very little the Emperor will respect these days, and so we will recall the Prussian ambassador in Vienna back home for consultations, and establish the tariffs on goods crossing between Asia-Europe as noted before.

We warn the Emperor that further military interference in Russia can only lead to further strife in Europe, and that Prussia will not tolerate any further act of aggression against its allies.

We humbly request the Imperial Diet to debate the Austrian intervention in Russia and particularly the dealings of the Emperor with Poland, an action which many would describe indeed as "damaging to other Princes". We believe the Princes of the Empire desire peace just as Prussia and the German League desire it, and so it would be in the common interest of all Germans to face further strife over this issue.
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« Reply #478 on: October 13, 2017, 12:17:15 AM »
« Edited: October 13, 2017, 12:22:54 AM by YPestis25 »


Gentlemen, Swedes, Finns, Scandinavians, we stand at a demarcation in our history. The mad Usurper Catherine has rejected any overtures for peace, and will not stop until the whole world is supplicant to her and her sham court. Even as we speak Catherine and her allies, the perfidious Austrians, plot to put all of Scandinavia in bondage. It up to us, and us alone, to halt Catherine and her aggression.

Will we let our brothers in Finland fall to the tyranny and cruelty of Catherine? No! We will rise up to meet this challenge, and the Russians will break upon our armies like water on rock. While our men defend it, Finland will not fall, and the rights of the Finns will not be put under the whim of a crazed ruler seated in Moscow. It is clear how Catherine treats her subjects. One must look no further than the Cossacks who rose up against impossible odds, against her misrule to understand the fate that would await us under Catherine's rule.

And to our Finnish brothers, I now speak to you. I understand your concerns, and your desires for more autonomy, and I am willing to work towards an agreement which will ensure that blood between the Finns and the Swedes is not spilt. Following the conclusion of this war, I will begin taking steps to raise Finland to equal status to Sweden, with its own empowered Riksdag in Helsenki to govern local education and infrastructure.

I conclude then with this, never before has our very existence been threatened by a foreign power. We must put aside our differences and our disputes. Hat, Cap, Swede, Finn, it matters not, for we are all faced with the same fate if we do not stop Catherine. Let us rise up to meet the challenge, and restore ourselves to the ranks of the great powers of Europe!

*This speech will be distributed throughout Sweden, Finland, and Karelia.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #479 on: October 13, 2017, 01:28:03 AM »

Statement from the King of France
1) The Kingdom of France will retaliate against any nations helping in *any forms* the Durranis, to the point that we would be strongly considering joining their opposite side if this realm is involved in the European wars.

Atlas Politician
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« Reply #480 on: October 13, 2017, 10:03:26 AM »

And I would like the King of Prussia to clarify which tariffs he will impose on the Kingdom Of France's trade through India, as "medium to high tariff" is quite vague.
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« Reply #481 on: October 13, 2017, 11:40:38 AM »

And I would like the King of Prussia to clarify which tariffs he will impose on the Kingdom Of France's trade through India, as "medium to high tariff" is quite vague.

The Kingdom of Prussia will be in discussions with all powers interested in clarifying or debating the new system of tariffs on New Prussia.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #482 on: October 14, 2017, 02:52:09 PM »

Statement regarding the peace in the Netherlands
1) I'm pleased to see that the hostilities close to my borders have ended. War makes people suffer, and must be avoided.
2) And I would like to directly adress the Dutch people. I never wanted to open hostilities against the Netherlands, and I never will. In fact, I proposed a non aggressive pact, that you chose to refuse. Your former regent Anne of Hannover then decided to declare war against me, and until the very end I tried to make peace, even proposing to divide the former Austrian Netherlands in in two, and she outright refused and declared that if I didn't give up these territories, she would burn Paris, making these catastrophic events happen.
3) So let me officially say, I do not want an another war to start between our realms. So I hope that our two realms will have *peaceful* diplomatic relations in the future and that trade between our realm will increase.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #483 on: October 14, 2017, 04:10:01 PM »

The Danish Declaration:

Whereas the French, offered peace and a ceasefire by us in India, have refused our overtures; whereas they have, instead, expanded their aggression throughout all of India; and whereas they pose an immediate threat to our holdings and business in India; we immediately declare an intervention. Danish troops will march to the front lines and prevent all battles. Should they be fired upon first, or any hostile action intended, it will be taken as a French or Maratha rebel general or corps. Said rebels will be arrested, and if an entire army attacks, it will be considered a declaration of war. No war will be made - no more lives will be shed - no more land will be taken or lost. We call upon all of Europe to join our cry for peace in India. If war is declared by the French, officially or by hostile act, we will consider it a colonial war, not to be expanded into Europe. We will not try to begin another land war in Europe.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #484 on: October 14, 2017, 06:44:40 PM »
« Edited: October 15, 2017, 05:07:56 AM by King Louis XV »

The Madness of King Frederic V of Danemark

It is up to me, long the deliverer of ignored truths, to express aloud the thought going through every Court in Europe. Over the last several years all Christendom watched with muted fascination as King Frederik of Danemark persecuted his Norway subjects by stripping them of their title and deporting them. Taken as sole incidents, perhaps caused by the stress of war, his conduct was explained away.

But now, war is still raging between Danemark and Poland. Now, Danemark has no more excuses to fall back on. The decision of King Frederik to help  hundred of thousands of Marathas whom he doesn't rule and who would invade his lands at the first occasion and that will likely start a war against the Kingdom of France, a neutral kingdom in the current european war, without reason or justification must lead to one simple conclusion. We conclude that Frederik V, King of Danemark, has gone mad. It is out of respect for the Danish people and pity for their current situation that we must announce the obvious.
We call upon the King's able ministers  to intervene for the sake of the Danish people and the Danish Crown. Control your King! The harm he has already done to your realm is obvious; control him before his madness strikes again!
Atlas Star
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« Reply #485 on: October 15, 2017, 12:42:24 AM »

The pettiness, projection, impossible imagination, and intense irony in King Louis XV's statement is beyond belief. The hostility, expansion, and arrogance of Paris is duly noted.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #486 on: October 15, 2017, 12:49:42 AM »

The statement released by France is an unnecessary provocation. Venice condemns it wholeheartedly.
YaBB God
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« Reply #487 on: October 16, 2017, 06:00:46 PM »

(Realizing I never did this, though long signed)

I am pleased to announce to the world the betrothal of my sister, Archduchess Maria Antonia, to his majesty Paul, Tsar and Autocrat of all the Russias.
F. Joe Haydn
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« Reply #488 on: October 16, 2017, 06:14:02 PM »

I am proud to confirm the betrothal of Emperor Paul to Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria.
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« Reply #489 on: October 16, 2017, 08:43:39 PM »

World Military Update
July-December 1760

Summary: It was Denmark against the world. Sweden, Russia, and the members of the Catholic League conducted covert diplomacy to end the war in Russia and start a new one against the Danes. Thousands of Danes in Swedish service either fled or were captured. Russian and Swedish ships have shelled and captured Copenhagen, with Frederick V apprehended in the chaos. Meanwhile, in perhaps the biggest provacation since the War of the Grand Coalitions, Russia has sent men to aid the Poles against the Prussians. While thousands of soldiers deserted due to lack of pay, it halted the Prussian advance into Poland. Sweden has slipped as well, despite gains in Norway, with the Caps and Hats forming a coalition to overthrow Adolf Frederick and his erratic foreign policy and the Finns (aided by the escaped Danish soldiers) declaring their independence. In the Far East, Persia has been utterly humiliated at the hands of the Durrani, with fierce fighting in India as well. Europe sits on the verge of utter chaos.

War of the Two Republics
Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania, Republic of Moldova, Russian Empire, Finnish Republicans
Kingdom of Great Britain, Kingdom of Prussia, German League, Kingdom of Sweden, Ottoman Empire

Battle of Orbiniki: Stalemate (numbers were literally equal, never seen that before now)

The Prussians under Frederick II and his co-commanders were determined to make the Poles pay for the assault on East Prussia. Deliberate campaigning began, with the Republican Poles pushed back in several small skirmishes. This situation changed rapidly however, with the arrival of thousands of Russians, eager to revenge Prussian meddling in Russian internal affairs. Due to the influx of Catherine's men, despite desertions, the Poles and Prussians had roughly even forces. The massive armies met at the Battle of Orbiniki in northern Poland. Fighting was brutal, cannons were deployed, and cavalry were used to great effect. Tens of thousands lay dead on both sides, with some calling those few hours some of the finest military maneuvering and strategy in history. Frederick II has held his modest gains in Poland, though the battle was ultimately a stalemate. Russia's intervention has had one effect though, the members of the German League have all joined the war on Prussia's side, horrified about the decision of Catherine to side with the Republicans. They are promising to equip another army to augment Frederick's forces while the Poles debate more radical recruitment efforts.

Siege of Konigsberg: Stalemate

The Polish forces, even with the arrival of Russian allies, were unable to capture the city, due in part to the arrival of 25,000 Hessian mercenaries by sea. With Russia against Prussia now though, some fear the city's access to the sea could be imperiled.

Battle of Estonia: Decisive Swedish Victory

Withdrawing from Riga, the Swedish forces were easily able to capture the Polish-held territory of Estonia. The area was largely ungarrisoned, with locals having little loyalty to the goverment in far-off Warsaw. Though the Swedes have been successful here, there was concerning new to the north.

Finnish Risings: Major Rebel Victory

Aided by the thousands of angry Danish fugitives, growing feelings of nationalism, and anger over diplomacy from Stockholm, the Finnish Republicans saw their moment and seized it. With word of Swedish fighting in Norway reaching them, assuring the rebels the main armies were busy, thousands of Finns have revolted, declaring a republic. Though no centralized government currently exists, and they are quite small in number compared to the main Swedish armies, the Finnish nationalists remain optomistic they will be able to win the war.

Battle of Wallachia: Stalemate

Both the Ottomans and Moldovian-Polish forces were confident gains could be made against the enemy. A series of battles in that territory however, only served to confirm that the two sides were evenly matched. The Revolution has not spread to Ottoman Europe, while the Republicans likewise show no signs of weakness in the lands they already hold. Time will only tell which side will get to shape the future of this important region.

Cossack Rebellion: Decisive Russian-Austrian Victory

Catherine and her Austrian allies were determined to end the insurection of the Zaporozhian Cossacks, especially following the loss of Kiev. A massive joint national force assaulted the Cossacks, scattering them following a quick battle. With the Austrians marching home, both Russian and Polish territory has been restored to its owners. The Crimeans likewise have made gains, though some believe they will allow the Cossacks to survive for the time being as a buffer against Poland itself.

Danish and Indian War
Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland, Riksdag Rebels, Maratha Confederacy, Durrani Empire
Kingdom of France, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Sweden, Russian Empire, Zand Dynasty

Chaos of the Swedish Camp: Major Swedish Victory

Choosing to withdraw from Russia, and attack the Danes again, Adolf Frederick of Sweden ordered that the Danes in his army be captured by the much larger Swedish contingent. While on paper this move largely seemed foolproof, reality was far less forgiving. Though thousands of Danes were captured, many Swedes allow their friends and comrades from the battles against Russia to escape. Roughly 12,000 men were capured, the remaining 11,000 fleeing into the countryside due to the aid of friendly soldiers. They would become the core of the Finnish rebel army.

Battle of Trondheim: Major Swedish Victory

The Danish garrisons and locals were stunned when thousands of Swedish soldiers began to swarm into their towns and cities once more, especially as war had not even been declared. This chaos, and a lack of able-bodied men due to Frederick V's agreement with Sweden, meant that there was little ability to resist. Trondheim's morale collapsed, the city quickly surrendering to the occupying army.

Invasion of Christiana: Decisive Swedish Victory

Similar to up north, the Swedes caught the locals off-guard with their sudden arrival and invasion. Even so, there was a greater stomach among the common people to resist than in Trondheim. Thousands of Norwegians stood alongside the meager Danish army facing off against enemy forces more than triple their size. While their resistance was brave, it was also futile. Christiana's defenses collapsed, with the tattered remains of the resistance fleeing west towards the mountains along the Norwegian coast. Norway appears open for the taking.

Gothenburg Riksdag Rebellion: Major Rebel Victory

Infuriated by Adolf Frederick's peace with Russia, as well as his attempts to weaken the Riksdag, the Hats had had enough. Recognizing the sheer emergency Sweden faced, they quietly met with representatives of the Polish government and agreed to form an emergency alliance with the exiled Caps against the King. The Cap-Hat forces have led an uprising in Sweden itself, demanding the abdication of King Adolf Frederick, the creation of a constitutional monarchy, and peace. Unlike in Finland, the rebels here are more numerous, posing a real threat to the Crown. Common people are frustrated of the swinging back and forth of Swedish diplomatic policy between Denmark and Russia. Unless actions are taken, the King's control over his own people could be at risk as some have taken to branding him a scoundrel for his diplomatic behind-the-scenes dealings.

Invasion of Copenhagen: Decisive Russian/Swedish Victory

Even with Russia's intervention against Prussia, that did not stop them from cooperating with the Swedes against the Danes. The two realm's navies joined in on shelling the Danish capitol, with the existing Danish fleet being forced to flee due to being outnumbered. Thousands of Danish civilians died in those horrible hours. Fire spread throughout the capitol, with morale imploding. The situation got even worse however, when the Russian ships began to unload armies of men in the city's harbor, soldiers who had not forgotten the loss of St. Petersburg. Copenhagen collapsed amid Russian pillaging, with King Frederick captured in the chaos. His wife, the Queen, has fled to Great Britain with her step-children and son, imploring George III to honor his alliance and intervene on behalf of his nephew, young Prince Christian.
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« Reply #490 on: October 16, 2017, 08:44:18 PM »

Petrine War: Slight Pauline Victory

Peter III's forces were demoralized by the loss of their Swedish allies, but the situation got even worse when the would-be Tsar was murdered by agents, many suspecting the Swedes. The morale of his men hit rock-bottom, with widespread desertions and a largely leaderless army. Even so, a group of lieutenants, attempting to rally the men out of a hatred for Catherine, assembled enough men to do battle with the sizeable Russian force sent to face them. Though they put up a decent showing, the former Petrine forces lost the field. The shattered remains of the once-powerful faction are now hiding out in remote parts of Siberia, essentially in the areas where the Paulines have not yet reasserted control.

Battle of Kabul: Decisive Durrani Victory

Rather than assault French holdings in India initially, the leaders of the Durrani agreed to defeat the Persians first. Aided by the arrival of weapons from Europe, superior morale, and a formidable reputation, the Durrani crushed the Persian forces sent to face them. Though many Persian soldiers remained in the west, to guard against the Ottomans and Georgians, the defeat has been highly demoralizing. Thousands of square miles in Afghanistan have come under their control as the newly-established Zand Dyansty has been shook by the loss.

War in East India: Stalemate

The French did not launch a major offensive, with the Maratha instead brutally attacking in the hopes of expelling the French, especially after news of the Durrani declaration of war reached India. In a brutal campaign, neither side has been able to consolidate control of the region, the chief victims being the civilians. French soldiers have made modest gainst as guerilla fighting means this control is far more fragile than it seems.

War in West India: Slight French Victory

Unlike in the east, in the west the French were able to make larger gains. Danish India was completely occupied, many ambivalent as the territory was already French before the war. The arrival of several thousand more Spanish allies gave the French additional morale to push into the Maratha Confederacy. That Empire seems highly unstable, though still determined to resist the foreign invasion.

War in North India: Stalemate

French attempts to gain against the Durrani have been initially unsucessful, in part due to the influx of Indian Muslims to fight against their colonial oppressors. Still, the fighting was early and many expect the war to continue for quite some time, so perhaps one of the two powers will eventually be able to break the tie in the area.

Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #491 on: October 17, 2017, 01:42:02 PM »

Anyone thought about contacting HBO in order to make this game a serie? Tongue
Dave could easily get behind it. Free publicity for his forum. Tongue
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« Reply #492 on: October 17, 2017, 04:23:07 PM »

1) The peace established in the Netherlands has been a direct result of our diplomatic efforts. Moreover, we have taken steps to increase our involvement in world affairs elsewhere. Let it be knwin that Venetian troops remain comitted to defending the peace.

2) The radicals may have a few points, but the sanctity of the Republic depends on the honour of the names these upper class families carry. The Assembly will have the chance to elect a Minister to handle the day-to-day governance of the nation, but final decision on all policy rests with the Doge; the Assembly must gain the Doge's permission to enact laws.

3) These sentiments are treason and will not be tolerated. Further talk of secession will result in military action.
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« Reply #493 on: October 17, 2017, 10:01:55 PM »

July-December 1760


Danish subjects were shocked by the sudden change in fortune. The concerted effort by the French, Swedes, Spanish, and Russians has brought their realm to its knees in a matter of months. Norway is almost lost, thousands of soldiers were captured by the Swedes, and the King sits in Russian custody. The humiliation has caused the Queen to flee with the royal heirs to Britain, while Adam Gottlob Moltke (the King's favorite and primary advisor) has declared a Regency Council in Norway, raising more men and determining to fight on unless reasonable terms can be offered.

The loss is made even more complete by the capture of the newly established Danish India by French forces. For the time being it seems Danish ambitions in the Far East have been checked. Many are questioning if the realm will ever be able to recover following such a stunning and humiliating defeat. Others are determined to fight to the last man, even if it means the government has to flee to Iceland or Greenland before others come to their aid.

Reaction among the other European powers has been mixed. Many in Britain are outraged by Swedish treachery, supporting efforts be made to save the Danish Crown. This sentiment is boosted by the fact that the heir, Prince Christian, is the nephew of George III. The Dutch have likewise condemned the move, with the Staats General launching a formal protest against the French and Swedes, frustrating attempts by the French to increase their influence in the Hague. Meanwhile many Swedes have been shocked by the flip-flopping of their regime. This has led to the simultaneous risings in both Finland and Sweden itself. 


With the Ottoman Empire renouncing overlordship, many Barbary pirates felt as though they had been liberated. Istanbul no longer serving as a moderating influence, assaults have begun all throughout the Mediterranean Sea against Venetians, Sardinians, French, Ottoman, Spanish, and Austrian vessels. Attempts to divert trade from the Cape Colony to Egypt have failed, with pirates making transportation far more dangerous and uncertain. Several thousand Sicilians were even captured in a series of coastal raids and led off into slavery, much to the anger of local officials, who have called on the Bourbons to take action.

The Pirates demand ransoms be paid by the various realms. Should any government give them an annual tribute, they promise to cease raiding that nation's trade. There is great unease all throughout the region, though it appears the pirates have profited handsomely since Ottoman control has been withdrawn.

Prussian Spies Caught in Austria! Some Executed!

Emperor Joseph made a concerted effort to expel Prussian spies from his realm, especially following the long string of successful murders that have been carried out by Frederick II. Assembling a group of trusted officials, orderly attempts were made to root out those with Prussian sympathies or under the pay of that realm. More than two dozen men were apprehended, some of them Austrian subjects. The officials, upon collecting confessions, have apparently resorted to using torture to extract further information. Those spies who were subjects of the Habsburg Crown have been hanged as traitors, while around 20 Prussians remain imprisoned in Vienna, their fate to be determined by the Emperor.

The raids were apparently successful, with some in Berlin noting the furious countenances of some officials associated with Frederick's spy network. Austria seems to have gone a long way in preventing espionage by Prussia, the first realm to do so. How Frederick will respond to the imprisonment of his subjects, who many believe to be innocent Prussians, will be quite important in determining how the situation unfolds.

Catherine Brutally Restores Serfdom, Seizes Church Wealth

Following the collapse of Peter III's control over Russia, as well as the murder of the would-be Tsar himself, Catherine set about restoring order in the most brutal way possible. Serfs who had escaped their lands during the chaos of the War of the Three Tsars have been beaten and returned to their original owners. Peter's former soldiers captured have likewise been reenslaved, the government in St. Petersburg stressing the economic need for the serfs to get back to work. The result has been universal misery, with some comitting suicide rather than be subjected to a life of such tedium and horror.

Meanwhile, needing to pay her vast armies and the country too ruined for tax income to be sufficient, the regent has seized vast amounts of wealth from the Orthodox Church. Gold has been melted down and reforged into coin, given to the greedy soldiers. While this has allowed her to keep Paul's forces in tact, serving as a key aid in the Russian assault on Copenhagen, most clergy are outraged. Those who supported her months ago are questioning their decision, though there is likely little that can be done to oppose her following the stunning victories of the Pauline men.

Poland, a nation founded on the idea of freeing the serfs, was reportedly outraged by Catherine's moves, but recoginized also that her aid is necessary for the time being if order is going to be maintained. Other parts of Europe have uniformly condemned her actions, Voltaire ceasing to exchange correspondance with her out of protest.

Imperial Deadlock: Diet Divided About Condemning Austrian-Polish Cooperation

The Imperial Diet achieved little the past few months, with an intense debate over the actions of Emperor Joseph arising. Some Princes, such as the Palatine, Ostfriesland, and Baden have condemned the cooperation between the Austrians and the Poles. They even proposed official motions to censure the Emperor for dealing with those who would destroy the order of classes that has prevailed in Europe for centuries. Austrian loyalists, such as Bavaria and Hesse-Darmstadt have countered and issued spirited defenses of the Emperor's perogative. The numerous smaller principalities have been divided on the issue, with neither side achieving a majority due to the demands by a group of neutral Princes and Bishops for a middle course to be steered.

Some suspect the meddling of a foreign power in the intense opposition to the Emperor's moves, with the divisiveness causing many to question if the new diet will be any more effective than those during the days before the secession of Prussia and the German League. Valuable time to debate and enact Imperial Reform has been wasted on petty and personal bickering between delegates, something that has smashed former unity among the one-time members of the Imperial League.

Japan Issues Ultimatum Via Dutch Traders to France

The government of Japan, firmly in favor of maintaining its isolationist policy, has nevertheless felt obligated to communicate via Dutch and Portuguese traders that is is furious with the "far off realm of the French". The attempt to establish a colony to their north has many Japanese officials outraged, even threatening a military assault if the small settlement is not abandoned. They maintain that the land is firmly within their sphere of control and if France does not withdraw, their ships will be attacked on sight as violators of Sakoku. This rare outside communique will likely be the only warning issued to the colonizers.

British Settlers Arrive in Ohio Valley, Native Cause Appears Near Failure

With war continuing in North America, many British settlers have determined that they will not sit and wait for the land in the Ohio Valley to be cleared, but will settle it themselves. Several hundred of these people have begun to live along the Ohio River, christening their new colony "Luisaland" in honor of the Queen. While the colony of Virginia claims this land as its own, issuing a protest to London, many more are reportedly preparing to join the small band of colonists in the valuable territory. The natives are not entirely gone however, and these people could be at risk if proper protection is not provided by the British government.

Riots in Prague, Incendiary Pamphlets Spread Throughout City!

The nationalism exploding in Finland, Poland, Moldova, and other areas was finally felt in Austria, though deft management of the situation has prevented the unrest from becoming a full-blown rebellion. Despite attempts to clamp down on opposition press sources, including by attempting to purchase presses, foreign agents reportedly spread incediary propaganda in Prague and Pest. Though there was little response in Hungary, attempts by the papers in Prague to highlight a long history of oppression by the Austrians struck too close to home. In a series of riots upset subjects attacked tax offices, harassed local officials, and burned down several government buildings. The use of the Austrian military, as well as Joseph's announcements of reform, took the wind out of the riot's sails. Peace has returned to Prague, with the buildings now being repaired, but some wonder if it was too close of a call. Whatever the case, it seems Joseph's decision to follow through with his promises for reform is what ultimately stabilized the situation and caused royalists to rally to his cause.
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« Reply #494 on: October 17, 2017, 10:13:07 PM »

Venice will not stand for the Barbary Pirates continued intransigence. The Assembly is to vote on military force against the Barbary States.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #495 on: October 18, 2017, 10:28:10 AM »

The Kingdom of France would like to offer his mediation between the King of Prussia and the King of Bohemia and Hungary.

It is in the King's best interests to avoid this conflict to escalate even more, as war brings chaos.
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« Reply #496 on: October 18, 2017, 06:43:02 PM »

Austro-Venetian Barbary Defence Treaty

The Austrian Empire and Venetian Republic hereby agree to mutually aid each other in military conflict with the Barbary States. Austria shall provide forces to assist in defeating the Pirates, and in exchange, shall be granted concessions in the form of tariff reductions and freedom of trade and movement, as well as the rights to one third of the territory captured from the Barbary States.

x Doge Francesco Loredan
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« Reply #497 on: October 18, 2017, 07:07:46 PM »

Austro-Venetian Barbary Defence Treaty

The Austrian Empire and Venetian Republic hereby agree to mutually aid each other in military conflict with the Barbary States. Austria shall provide forces to assist in defeating the Pirates, and in exchange, shall be granted concessions in the form of tariff reductions and freedom of trade and movement, as well as the rights to one third of the territory captured from the Barbary States.

x Doge Francesco Loredan

x Joseph II Hapsburg
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« Reply #498 on: October 19, 2017, 08:10:43 PM »

The Concert of Europe
January 1761

Nations, ‬Leaders, & ‬Players:
Russian Empire- ‬Regent Catherine Romanov (‬Henry Wallace)
Kingdom of France- ‬King Louis XV Bourbon (‬Windjammer)
Kingdom of Prussia‬- ‬King Fredrick II Hohenzollern (‬Lumine)
Archduchy of Austria‬- ‬Emperor Joseph II Habsburg (‬Dereich)
Kingdom of Great Britain- ‬King George III of Hanover (‬DKrol)
Kingdom of Spain- ‬King Charles III Bourbon (‬LouisvilleThunder)
Ottoman Empire-‬ Sultan Mustafa III Osmanoğlu (Averroes)
Kingdom of Sweden- ‬King Adolf Frederick (‬YPestis25)
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont- ‬King Charles Emmanuel III Savoy (‬TimTurner)
Republic of Venice- ‬Doge Francesco Loredan (‬GOTfan)
Kingdom of Portugal- ‬King Joseph I Braganza (‬Mike88)[‬/center]

Economic Standings:
Kingdom of Spain- ‬Strong
Kingdom of Great Britain- ‬Strong

Kingdom of Prussia- ‬Moderate
Republic of Venice- ‬Moderate
Archduchy of Austria- ‬Moderate
Kingdom of France- ‬Moderate
Kingdom of Portugal- Moderate
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont-Moderate
Ottoman Empire- ‬Moderate

Kingdom of Sweden- ‬Weak
Russian Empire- ‬Weak

Louis XV of France- ‬Very High
Francesco Loredan of Venice- ‬High
Joseph II of Austria- ‬High
Charles III of Spain- ‬High
Mustafa III of Ottoman Empire- ‬High
Frederick II of Prussia- ‬High

Charles Emmanuel III- Moderate
Catherine of Russia, ‬Regent- ‬Moderate
Joseph I of Portugal- ‬Moderate
Adolf Frederick of Sweden- ‬Moderate
George III of Great Britain- ‬Moderate

Ongoing Conflicts:
War of the Two Republics: ‬Kingdom of Prussia, ‬Kingdom of Great Britain, ‬Ottoman Empire, ‬Kingdom of Sweden v. ‬Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania, ‬Republic of Moldova
Danish and Indian War: ‬Kingdom of France, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Sweden, Persian Empire v. Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland, ‬Maratha Confederacy, Durrani Empire
Great American Indian War: Kingdom of Great Britain v. Cherokee, Wabnaki, Creek, Obijwe, Cree

Russian Empire:
-You have entered war on the side of Poland, a move which has caused great surprise throughout Europe. Russian soldiers were crucial in holding the republican line during the past few months, much to the consternation of the Prussians. What are your plans for the future? Some see focusing on Konigsberg as a wise solution, while others believe a full-on push towards Berlin could be more effective.

-You and Sweden are in an odd situation. Technically you are on opposing sides, yet also in the same alliance. You have worked together against the Danes while simultaneously taking opposite sides on the Polish question. How will you resolve this disconnect? Some are eager for you to assault Finland with the republican rising there, others believe that peace with Sweden is more practical, especially following the years for feuding between your two realms. Will you establish a formal peace with the Swedes or seek to capitalize on their disorder?

-With Peter III dead, his armies in retreat, and Ivan VI rotting away in the ground many have come forward offering to proclaim you Empress. They believe you have shown yourself a capable leader and deserve a reward for your bold command during such chaotic times. Many support the move, with Catherine I serving as precedent enough. Will you take this final step, potentially sealing your legitimacy, or will you abstain and protect the interests of young Paul?

Archduchy of Austria:
-You have signed an alliance with Venice to take out the Barbary States, a move praised throughout the whole of your realm. Ambitious nationalists are already spitting out the propaganda that has served to distract your people from their domestic woes. How will you prosecute your war against the pirates now that Austria is back in the field?

-Poland is willing to conduct negotiations for trade, military cooperation, and diplomacy for the first time since the National Assembly has taken power. Ambassadors have arrived in Vienna, eager to commence talks, though the representatives of some Imperial Princes are demanding you expel them. Certainly Prussia and the Ottomans would be angered if you conducted diplomacy with such a rogue state, though others see it as a rare opportunity. What will you do?

-The Imperial Diet has descended into bickering and disputes over minor matters such as precedence and disputes over Austrian cooperation with Poland. Efforts to reform the system have stalled, many suspecting either Prussian, French, or British intervention against your policy. While Bavaria is now firmly in your camp thanks to your marriage to their princess, Baden and the Palatine are growing disloyal. Will you push through another set of reforms, perhaps reaffirming the right of the Emperor to the taxes of some members, or let the matter rest until it appears safe to operate again?

Kingdom of France:
-War in India continues, with many believing France is on the verge of victory against the Maratha. To the north though, concerning news has arrived from Persia, with that front on the verge of collapse and the Durrani victorious. Outside of that theater there are also other matters to consider, namely the Japanese proclamation. How will France navigate the unstable situation in Asia?

-The Barbary States have terrorized French trade for the past few months, leaving the Mediterranean Sea a dangerous place. Already unstable due to events in South Africa, many merchants are hurting due to the further disruptions. Some in Versailles are urging you to pay the pirates their requested ransom, reminding you that it is far cheaper than conducting a military operation. Others believe the Austrians and Venetians in their efforts to contain the vile criminals. What will you do?

-The Estates General are shocked by the developments in Eastern Europe, though very few question the decision to fight against Denmark, viewing it as a matter of national pride. Members are now primarily concerned with taking as much of a gain from the Danes as possible, though this could mean a continued conflict as Moltke leads the regency in resistance and the potential for British involvement. How will you address their demands for French gains while juggling a European conflict alongside several allies?

Kingdom of Great Britain:
-There was near universal shock and outrage in Britain over the decision of France, Sweden, and others to assault Denmark, the realm of your former brother-in-law. The Danes have been a consistent British ally since early in the War of the Grand Coalitions, and many of the exiles (including the Queen and young Prince Christian) are demanding Britain honor its commitments and join the fight, perhaps to help them recapture Norway or Copenhagen. Certainly the British public would support this move, especially following the successful restoration of one of your other nephews, William V. Others believe Britain should step in as a mediator, while third group sees your realm as too distracted with matters in the Americas and Australia to worry about continental drama. How will you respond to the attack against Denmark?

-With the establishment of Luisaland, a new issue has arisen. First, there is the question of whether or not you should recognize a colony that was unilaterally declared, without the consent of the Crown. Secondly, some settlers, primarily Virginians, desire to bring slaves with them and establish a plantation economy, viewing the move as profitable and a much more rapid way to establish order. Others, mainly the poorer inhabitants, see government encouragement of slavery in the new colony as giving these elites an unfair advantage. How will you proceed?

-Britain has technically been a part of the War of the Two Republics since the attack on the Netherlands, but little action has been taken since the fall of the Gilles government. While you technically thus remain at war with Poland, some in London believe it is time to declare peace, viewing operations in East Europe as too unfeasible and expensive for the Crown to take. Others demand British ships aid in leveling the Polish coastline and full-on army landings occur. Will you offer a truce to the Poles, remain in the war without actively participating, or even go on the offensive?
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« Reply #499 on: October 19, 2017, 08:11:32 PM »

Kingdom of Prussia:
-Russia has outrageously aided the Free Republic of Poland, preventing the success of your operations in the region. Many advisors are now wary about the size of the enemy force, for the first time debating whether Brandenburg, Pomerania, and Silesia are under threat. With your continuous military operations for the past few years, as well as constant recruitment drives, the raising of the Landwehr, and purchase of mercenaries, there are few more troops to be raised for the time being. How will you keep the fight up against the Poles? Or perhaps it is time to negotiate with them?

-Denmark, your ally, has been attacked. Whatever the military situation, there are some allies who desire that you actively protect the interest of the Danes, especially considering that it was the Russians, your new enemies, who captured Frederick V and Copenhagen. Moltke has come forward with an interesting proposal (see PM) though others are calling on you to ignore Swedish and Russian decision-making and focus on Poland instead. What will you do about the attack of a fellow Protestant monarch by enemies of your realm?

-Many new Prussian settlers have begun to arise en masse to the Cape Colony, especially some who fled East Prussia and the Polish advance. The existing Dutch settlers, meanwhile, have shown little desire to leave. Some of the new Prussian Africans desire the Dutch be forcibly returned to the United Provinces whether they desire it or not, though others see advantages in cooperation. Also, natives have shown a surprising lack of respect to Prussians attempting to establish local connections, even being met with hostilities in some cases. Will you punish the locals or allow their behavior to stand, even if it means a slight to Prussian honor?

Kingdom of Sweden:
-Chaos in Sweden! Your unpredictable foreign policy has caused quite a bit of trouble for your realm, your majesty. The Cap-Hat alliance has arisen in Sweden itself, perhaps the largest threat you currently face. They’ve attracted the support of a broad coalition, including those who were involved in the land transfers, retired soldiers, farmers, and merchants. There are likewise many nobles who are sympathetic to the movement, believing power could be seized during a regency for your son. Finland too has descended into a crisis, though one caused by nationalism rather than internal politics. Will you withdraw your forces from Norway to deal with these crises or allow them to play out while you cement your power in a third realm?

-Your victories against the Danes have been astounding, much of Norway falling into line. Some discontent stemmed from Frederick V’s punishment of your former allies, but most credit the wins due to the sheer amount of shock about the return of the Swedes. Moltke has publicly stated he is willing to deal with you in order to reach a fair solution to the conflict, though he has also raised what remains of the Danish forces, willing to fight on. With the unrest in Sweden he may see a chance to evict you from your recent gains. Will you deal with the Danes?

-With many Riksdag leaders going over to the Cap-Hat alliance, perhaps it is finally time to abolish that troublesome body once and for all. With the Caps and Hats away, the Royalist Party holds a substantial majority and will vote as you please. Others believe the body is a useful fiction, even if it is only a rubber stamp for royal decisions. What say you?

Republic of Venice:
-The assembly has voted overwhelmingly to attack the Barbary States after years of provocations and piracy. The final tally was around 132 to 18. With your government authorized to use force, what are your plans? How will you handle the troublesome Beys of Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli? Furthermore, how will you ensure Venetian trade is not permanently damaged in the process?

- With Venice on the offensive, some are beginning to look further afield for trade opportunities and areas where your Republic can regain its once dominant position as a wealthy power. Representatives are urging you to sign deals with the major powers in the New World and Africa (Prussia, Britain, France, and Spain) to allow Venetian vessels to trade at their ports and even establish outposts in some cases. These adventures would be profitable, with access to new goods being easily achieved, but the rich Empires may not be so willing to cooperate. How will you restore Venice to trading greatness?

-Your quick repression of Dissent in Illyria has had consequences, mainly forcing the groups underground. Local officials talk of meetings in Slavic-held areas, though they’ve been unable to gather information about what is being discussed. Presumably resistance or secession are the topics. Will you station men in the area or perhaps deescalate the tense situation by leaving the status quo situation in place?

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont:
-The Assembly has pushed forwards and passed higher taxes on the nobles and clergy without your consent, frustrated about consistent delay on the matter. This is the first time they’ve openly defied your authority and guiding hand, perhaps setting a dangerous precedent. Nobles are demanding that you veto the move, keeping their estates untaxed, though others believe this could ratchet up tensions. What will you do about such defiance?

-Your soldiers have invaded Parma, capturing the city after intense local resistance. This action, while restoring order, has caused the condemnation of various neighboring states. In particular Pope Benedict XV was enraged about the crushing of the Parmese, who had privately appealed to him for mediation. He demands you do some form of penance, perhaps returning his right to appoint bishops in your lands or paying the Church a donative. Your subjects generally seem to agree with him. Will you listen to Papal demands and repent from your actions in Parma or push forward undeterred, ignoring any papal objections?

-The Barbary reign of terror on the seas has affected your communication with Sardinia. Trade vessels have been seized, subjects captured, and unease spread. Some in Turin believe you should just pay the ransom in order to stop the aggression, while others desire a full-blown military campaign alongside Venice and Austria. What will you do?

Kingdom of Portugal:
-Your daughter Maria was furious about the expulsion of the Jesuits, openly complaining about the "sacrilegious" measure. Your wife reportedly agrees. Pombal has suggested confining the Princess, lest she further undermine your rule. Others at Court share the sentiments of the Princess, so isolating her could backfire. How will you deal with dissent in the Royal Family itself?

-Mysore, your protectorate in India, was alarmed by the French attack on the Maratha Confederacy. While they may not appreciate the Maratha's expansionist attitude, they are more concerned about outright absorption into a French India. They call on Portugal, as their protector, to take actions to moderate France's attitude in this region. With Portugal's long-time influence in India under serious threat for the first time since Vasco de Gama arrived in the 1500's, what will you do?

-Some in Lisbon see Africa as the place to reestablish Portugal as a great power. While you have small outposts in Mozambique and Angola they are just that, small. With the Dutch in the Cape Colony, and now the Prussians in Namibia, some believe you should actively expand Portuguese holdings in these African areas by warring with the natives. Others see it as too expensive, though following your expulsion of the Jesuits, perhaps there is money to spend. What will you do about Africa?
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