Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread

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« Reply #500 on: October 19, 2017, 08:14:24 PM »
« edited: October 22, 2017, 01:53:17 PM by Spamage »

Kingdom of Spain:
-Your far-off colony has reported some unrest. In the Philippines, Spanish colonists on Mindanao are urging for your local forces to seize the rest of the island in the name of Spain, upset over raids from the unconquered lands. While you do have soldiers in the region, others believe that conciliation and negotiation would be more effective ways to handle the tensions on the island. What strategy will you pursue in the area, recognizing that this land is vital for Spanish trade in Asia?

-With the Barbary raids, there is a large feeling of outrage in Naples, especially among the people of Sicily. They feel neglected, with the central government having allowed for your son’s subjects to be seized and sold into slavery. This has only further inflated the anger of those who desire Neapolitan home rule and resent your son’s absence. Perhaps a show of force against the pirates would satisfy their demands? Or you could invest in Sicily? There also is the option of paying the pirates an annual ransom and being done with the matter.

- You have joined the war against Denmark and sent more men to India, though some in Madrid question what Spain will receive from this war. There is a faction at Court who sees it as an expensive debacle solely for the benefit of the French and Swedes. How will you assuage their worries? What actions, if any, will Spain take against what is left of Denmark? Perhaps their colonies in the Caribbean would be good targets for Spanish expansion?

Ottoman Empire:
-The war continues! The Crimean Khanate remains able to fight, though the situation along the Danube is looking more and more desperate. While your lenient and conciliatory policy in the Balkans has prevented an immediate explosion, the fact remains that both Moldova and Wallachia are lost for the time being to radical republicans. How will your prosecute the war? What orders will you send to your armies?

-As soon as you withdrew your overlordship in the Barbary States, the situation unravelled. It now appears a Venetian-Austrian force will assault your fellow Muslims, with many in Istanbul horrified about the prospect of a colonized North Africa. Papers openly worry that it will be Tunis first, Alexandria second, and Istanbul third. Some subjects demand you step in to mediate the dispute, perhaps even restarting war with Austria if it goes that far. Others state that the war against Poland is too important, what do you think?

-King Solomon of Georgia, your ally, desires to assault Persia, asking your government for permission before he takes the first step. He points to the invasion of the Durrani to the east as a sign that the Zand Dynasty may not be as stable as it appears. He desires greater control over the Caucuses and desperately wants to seize the initiative, though he assures your government that he will not call your forces in unless Persians invade Georgia itself. Will you acquiesce? Or should Georgia learn its place and do nothing?

Armies & ‬Locations
Kingdom of Prussia
90,000 ‬Royal Army North
88,320 ‬Royal Army South
20,000 Army of Konigsberg
7,000 Army of the Cape
16,000 ‬men garrisoned
(Can raise 0 ‬more)

Kingdom of France
35,000 ‬Army of France
62,020 ‬Army of East India
64,106 ‬Army of West India
5,000 ‬Army of Quebec
49,000 ‬Army of India
1,000 Army of Louisville
40,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬53,000 ‬Spanish Volunteers Included in Armies of India)
(‬Can raise ‬79,500 ‬more)

Kingdom of Great Britain
13,308 ‬Army of Ireland
18,325 ‬Continental Army (‬in England)
8,000 ‬Army of Britain
36,616 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the ‬13 ‬Colonies
8,136 ‬Army of New York
8,389 ‬Army of Ohio
5,800 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of Australia
(‬Can raise ‬13,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sweden
38,087 ‬Army of Trondheim
37,002 Army of Christiana
16,100 Army of Riga
3,000 Army of Finland
12,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬Can raise 2,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland
26,400 ‬Army of Norway
(‬Can raise ‬0 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont
25,390 ‬men raised and mobile
8,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬Can raise ‬14,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Spain
10,000 ‬men raised and mobile
25,000 ‬Army of Naples
25,000 ‬men garrisoned
15,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of New Spain
10,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of South America
2,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the Philippines
(‬53,000 ‬Men in French India)
(‬can raise ‬32,000 ‬more)

Russian Empire:
96,300 ‬Army of Poland
48,000 Army of Copenhagen
54,000 ‬Army of North Russia
55,200 Army of Kiev
(‬can raise ‬7,000 ‬more)

Archduchy of Austria
50,000 ‬Army of Austria
52,000 Army of Russia
(‬can raise ‬111,700 ‬more)

Ottoman Empire
107,837 Army of the Danube
20,000 ‬Army of Istanbul
35,000 ‬men garrisoned
7,300 ‬Swiss Mercenaries
(‬can raise ‬28,000 ‬more)

Republic of Venice
12,000 ‬men raised and mobile
(‬can raise ‬22,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Portugal
20,000 ‬men raised and mobile
10,000 ‬men garrisoned
6,850 ‬Army of Brazil
(‬Can raise ‬23,000 ‬more)

Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania
89,717 Army of Poznan
30,000 Army of the North
32,000 Army of the South
20,000 Patriot Guard
(20,000 men garrisoned)
(can raise ? more)

Navies of the World
Kingdom of Great Britain
175 ‬Ships of the Line
124 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of France
107 ‬Ships of the Line
56 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Spain
57 ‬Ships of the Line
33 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

Russian Empire
24 ‬Ships of the Line
3 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Sweden
23 ‬Ships of the Line
10 ‬Frigates

Ottoman Empire
18 ‬Ships of the Line
8 ‬Frigates

Republic of Venice
11 ‬Ships of the Line
21 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Prussia
6 ‬Ships of the Line
5 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates
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« Reply #501 on: October 19, 2017, 09:57:05 PM »

Proclamations from Potsdam:

1.- Few acts of madness and cruelty have been as evident as those of Catherine, the demon-usurper that pretends to hold the Russian throne over a sea of blood and crimes. She has murdered everyone opposed to her, sacked the coffers of her church and faith, enslaved her own peoples to live lives of misery for the sake of her passions, and brought Europe to the brink of full-scale war and disaster on account of her decision to side with Poland and invade Prussia without a declaration of war against an anointed, rightful Monarch. There appears to be little Catherine will not do to secure her throne of blood.

Alas, we shall meet the challenge. We regret and weep for the death of Peter III, reliable ally and friend to Prussia and murdered by sheer, despicable treachery. But we ask here and today to all who oppose Catherine's rule not to fear, for there are still four lawful claimants to the Russian throne whose rights Prussia will defend until the bitter end. The sons and daughters of Anna Leopoldovna and brothers to the beloved Ivan VI: Peter, Alexei, Catherine and Elizabeth, all four rightful heirs to the throne, Orthodox and Russian from birth, and currently safe and sound under Prussian protection.

The usurper Catherine and her bastard child have no rights to any throne. Young Peter is the rightful Tsar of All Russians and his brother and sisters with lawful heirs, and Prussia pledges not to cease fighting until Peter is restored to his rightful throne. We will never, never recognize the murderous, treacherous, deranged Catherine as ruler of Russia, and we call on other nations to recognize young Peter as the rightful heir to the Russian Throne, as well as to recognize the sheer danger Catherine now poses to the security and stability by plunging us into war.

Prussia is not at war with the Polish and Russian peoples. We are at war with the National Assembly and the usurper Catherine, and we will work with other countries to see that the issues of Poland and Russia are suitably and fairly resolved, the rightful monarchs restored to their thrones for the sake of peace and for the well-being of the Polish and Russian peoples.

2.- The Kingdom of Prussia condemns in the strongest possible terms the unprovoked aggression of the Kingdom of Sweden and the usurper Catherine against Denmark. We recall our Ambassador to Stockholm back home and hereby cut off diplomatic ties to Sweden until a solution to the Denmark issue is found. We will be working closely with other powers and allies to ensure Denmark is free from enemy soldiers as soon as possible and peace restored within a reasonable framework. We will fight for the rights of young Prince Christian of Denmark, and make it clear Prussia will not stand for such treachery.

3.- We express our public concern at the irregular arrest of innocent Prussian citizens by the Austrian Emperor. Having accepted mediation from France, we have made a reasonable, peaceful offer to Austria to lower tensions and secure the release of our citizens. We hope Austria will accept and show that just like Prussia both nations are indeed committed to peace in Germany and the Empire, and that Vienna and Berlin have no desire nor motives to go to war once again after all the damage caused by the past conflict.
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« Reply #502 on: October 19, 2017, 11:45:48 PM »

It is the will of the State and People of Venice that we defend ourselves from the aggression of the Barbary States.

Therefore, I, Francesco Loredan, Doge of The Most Serene Republic of Venice, hereby declare that a State of War now exists between the State and People of Venice, and the States of the Barbary Coast
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #503 on: October 20, 2017, 01:09:16 AM »

Regarding Spain,
I would like to reassure Spanish and the Spanish government that Spain will directly be rewarded for their help substantially and that the Kingdom of France would never have asked the help of the Kingdom of "Spain" for free, particularly considering the families ties uniting our two realms.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #504 on: October 20, 2017, 06:15:30 AM »

On Danemark,
I have always had good intentions towards the people of Danemark. But sadly, your king constantly threatened me with unnecessary provocations, to the point of "openly" bragging about helping the Marathas, my current enemies.
If I officially get back my territories in India, peace will get signed immediately.

On Georgia
I hereby issue an ultimatum against the Kingdom of Georgia. Any attacks against Persia, which is fighting against the Kingdom of France's enemies will be considered as an attack against the King of France itself, as anyone helping the enemies of the Kingdom of France is an enemy of the Kingdom of France. And no need to remind everyone in Europe what happened last time a realm openly disregarded my ultimatum.
However, I'm open to negotiations, as I believe diplomacy should always be be used before military actions. And so, I'm officially negotiations on this matter with the allies of the Kingdom of Georgia: the Ottoman Empire.
YaBB God
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« Reply #505 on: October 20, 2017, 10:33:57 AM »
« Edited: October 20, 2017, 10:37:48 AM by Dereich »

Ottoman Statements on the Rogue Pirate States:

It is the height of hypocrisy for the Ottoman Sultan to, with one hand, condemn our lawful and just effort to once and for all put an end to the marauding Beys and their attacks on unarmed merchants and civilians, while on the other refusing to take any effort to reign in his former subjects. The Sultan must live with the consequences of his own actions in unchaining these wild dogs to prey on the world. We will not allow the Sultan to reap the benefits of renewed control over his former subjects at the cost of Austrian and Venetian blood!

Ottoman Declaration of War:

A promise of true aid and friendship cannot be a half-measure, ignored or taken up when convenient. As We recently showed the King of Sweden, Austria takes its treaty of alliance and mutual defense with Emperor Paul, now betrothed to an Austrian Archduchess, very seriously and consider following through with that treaty a matter of Austrian honor, as the Sultan well knows. Accordingly, We must believe that in declaring war against Russia it is the Sultan's intention that a state of war now exist between the Austrian and Ottoman Empires and Austria will behave as such unless and until further circumstances disavow Us of that notion.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #506 on: October 20, 2017, 11:08:22 AM »
« Edited: October 20, 2017, 11:11:26 AM by King Louis XV »

The Kingdom of France would like to avoid  the situation in Europe to degenerate even more. The King of France is inviting representatives from the Kingdom of Prussia, the Archduchy of Austria, the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Kingdom of Sweden,  the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Spain to convene in Versailles to discuss about these following issues:
- The Barbary States attacking many realms.
- Avoid war to spread in Europe.

-King Louis XV
YaBB God
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« Reply #507 on: October 20, 2017, 11:10:25 AM »
« Edited: October 20, 2017, 11:17:42 AM by Dereich »

The Kingdom of France would like the situation in Europe to degenerate even more. The King of France is inviting representatives from the Kingdom of Prussia, the Archduchy of Austria, the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Kingdom of Sweden,  the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Spain to convene in Versailles to discuss about these following issues:
- The Barbary States attacking many realms.
- Avoid war to spread in Europe.

-King Louis XV

If your intention is to avoid the spread of war in Europe, it is a striking omission to exclude one of the primary states around which war is being waged, the Republic of Poland-Lithuania.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #508 on: October 20, 2017, 05:37:46 PM »

Regarding Princess Mary opinion about the Jesuits:

There is no dissent on the royal family. The King, and his government, are aware of the different opinions of the Royal Princess and have told the princess that the Jesuits where a part of the structural problems in Portugal.

Also, France and Portugal are on negotiations on the way to handle the situation in India, and we expect a good agreement coming out from  these negotiations.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #509 on: October 20, 2017, 05:38:16 PM »

Regarding Princess Mary opinion about the Jesuits:

There is no dissent on the royal family. The King, and his government, are aware of the different opinions of the Royal Princess and have told the princess that the Jesuits where a part of the structural problems in Portugal.

Also, France and Portugal are on negotiations on the way to handle the situation in India, and we expect a good agreement coming out from  these negotiations.
The Kingdom of France confirms it.
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« Reply #510 on: October 22, 2017, 01:51:51 PM »
« Edited: October 22, 2017, 02:11:15 PM by Spamage »

Collapse of the Danish Colonial Empire
With the severe losses in Norway, Moltke and his allies in government determined that the main war would be in Europe. This left Danish India, Iceland, and the Virgin Islands open to assault. With India rapidly falling to French assault, there remained some hope that the other regions would be left alone. This has not been the case.

The Kingdom of Spain, sensing an opportunity, has launched a series of crippling and successful invasions of the remaining Danish colonies. Holdings in the Caribbean surrendered with little fight, but the largest suprise occurred to the north. Spanish vessels appeared in both Iceland and Greenland, stunning the local populace and forcing them into a rapid surrender. Greenland has become totally Spanish-held, much to the shock of the locals, with most of Iceland likewise falling to Spanish arms. In an embarrassing scene, for the first few days in Reykjavik the Spanish conquerors were unable to communicate with their new Icelandic subjects, due to lack of a translator. This serves to underscore the tremendous differences between the Spanish, Catholic occupiers and the Icelandic, Protestant people.

Many commentators remark that the loss of Iceland in particular is a severe defeat for the Danes, who now lack total control over any of Frederick V's three alleged titles.


Many had thought the tension in southern Germany was abating following the agreement by the Empire to tax goods leaving Wurttemburg in exchange for the restoration of trade. And so it was. Yet, there were many in Stuttgart who resented the high tariffs, seeking ways to escape paying high prices for their goods. The result was the formation of smuggling rings, both to ship goods in and out of the principality. Late at night carriages of goods would be shipped around checkpoints, rushing either towards France or north to Prussia. Though the Duke was unaware of these practices, evidence shows most of his ministers tacitly backed them.

This situation failed however, when a group of soldiers in Baden accidentally stumbled upon one of these smuggled shipments. The traders opened fire before rapidly fleeing, but were unable to escape their enemies. All the men were killed, with it soon becoming clear what they were up to. This skirting of the Imperial Tariffs has provoked outrage in region, with many ambassadors in the Diet furious. The Duke of Wurttemburg maintains his innocence, but has countered by discussing the "unfair" rates he is being charged. Most hope the conflict can be resolved peaceably, but with members of both sides appealing to Berlin and Vienna, the situation appears uncertain. Can the Prussians and Austrians cooperate, either by lowering tariffs or punishing Wurttemburg, or will the region be caught up in the larger European storm?


Frederick II was furious following Russian intervention in Poland, and sought to counter it by attracting more enemies of Catherine and Paul. Paid off by Prussian gold, and eager to seize the opportunity, the Middle Kazakhs have launched assaults into recently recaptured Russian Siberia, disrupting communications and terrorizing locals. Ablai Khan sensed the possibilities with Russia distracted and hopes to reassert the dominance of his people in Central Asia. Russia must now contend with a new enemy, this time to its south. Thus far several hundred subjects have been killed, with border raiding turning into the potential off a full-fledged invasion.

The other two groups of Kazakhs have remained neutral for the time being, but could be won over by the appearance of success from their brethren.
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« Reply #511 on: October 23, 2017, 11:14:08 AM »

1. The Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica has seen the declaration of war from the Austrian Emperor with dismay, and decided that we cannot sit idly by as an ally of us is attacked and our coalition provoked into war. Again and again we have sought to keep the peace in Germany and with Austria by asking by foreign mediation and reason, and again and again the Emperor has seen fit to provoke Prussia or tyrannize Wurttemberg. As allies of the Ottoman Empire we take our committments seriously, and we hereby declare war against the Austrian Emperor. We do not consider this war to extend to the Empire, and indeed we would hope most of Germany can avoid suffering the scourge of war once again.

2.- Despite attempts at negotiating peace, it seems clear that at the present time no workable agreement can be found between Denmark and Sweden. Having exhausted all options, and bound by treaty to protect Denmark against aggression, the Kingdom of Prussia declares war on the King of Sweden. We fight not to conquer, but to liberate Denmark from opression and unprovoked aggression.

3.- We strongly condemn the Spanish occupation of Danish territory, and we request immediate, urgent French mediation with the Catholic League so Spain withdraws from occupied territory lest the entire continent finds itself embroiled in war. We also wish to make it clear Prussia will not stand for any further attacks on Danish territory, which would have to be met with a declaration of war.
YaBB God
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« Reply #512 on: October 23, 2017, 02:47:17 PM »

In the interest of protecting the integrity of Imperial borders and with the fact that the Duke of Wurttemburg is unwilling to suppress the faction that is flagrantly violating Imperial Law, the Reformed Imperial Army will be deployed on a punitive expedition within Wurttemburgan territory to restore order in the borderlands and to drag the outlaw smugglers to Imperial justice.

This measure is being taken after consultation with the Imperial Diet and with the consent of that body.
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« Reply #513 on: October 23, 2017, 03:02:04 PM »

Statement from Stockholm Palace
We are certainly saddened by the Kingdom of Prussia's declaration, but it should come as no surprise to the honest and good thinking people of Sweden and Europe. After all, it appears that Prussia has weaseled its way into every major European conflict, and always they profess to be on the side of truth and justice. Regardless, the Prussian declaration only hardens our resolve, and commits us more firmly to the difficult road ahead.

God Save the King!
YaBB God
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« Reply #514 on: October 23, 2017, 03:21:03 PM »

According to the terms of the Treaty Between the Kingdom of France and the Russian Empire, and the Austrian Empire, and Their Holdings and the France-Russia-Sweden-Austria Defensive Pact, We call on the King of France to honor his military obligations to the Austrian and Russian Empires and to immediately join the war against the Kingdom of Prussia and the Ottoman Empire.

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« Reply #515 on: October 23, 2017, 03:48:30 PM »

We find it unnecessary to dignify the statement from Stockholm Palace with a detailed response, other than to point out His Majesty the King of Sweden has no moral standing after betraying and murdering thousands of Danish and Petrine soldiers who had fought beside his men as allies for months, and particularly given his repeated shifts in alliances.
F. Joe Haydn
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« Reply #516 on: October 23, 2017, 07:40:19 PM »
« Edited: October 23, 2017, 07:47:14 PM by Fremont Senator Henry Wallace »

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x Catherine, Regent for Emperor Paul
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« Reply #517 on: October 23, 2017, 08:58:04 PM »

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x Catherine, Regent for Emperor Paul
xAdolf Fredrick, King of Sweden
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« Reply #518 on: October 23, 2017, 09:08:38 PM »

We find it unnecessary to dignify the statement from Stockholm Palace with a detailed response, other than to point out His Majesty the King of Sweden has no moral standing after betraying and murdering thousands of Danish and Petrine soldiers who had fought beside his men as allies for months, and particularly given his repeated shifts in alliances.

Quite the moral standing which Prussia has after the timely deaths of Maria Theresa and little Ivan. Clearly King Fredrick has forgotten about his past conduct.
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« Reply #519 on: October 23, 2017, 09:10:04 PM »

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x Catherine, Regent for Emperor Paul
xAdolf Fredrick, King of Sweden

The National Assembly of Poland has likewise ratified the Treaty.
YaBB God
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« Reply #520 on: October 23, 2017, 09:34:41 PM »

King George III of Great Britian
January 1761

Proclamation from St. James Palace

The European Continent has once again descended into war. His Majesty the King has announced the declaration of war against the Austrian Emperor. The continued violence and aggression from the Austrian Emperor towards our dear allies and friends in Prussia, the German League, and the Ottoman Empire cannot be tolerated any longer. His Majesty the King will ensure that the soft peace that ended the War of the Grand Coalitions will not rise again, for such soft peace has allowed the wounds and pains to continue and fester.

His Majesty the King has announced the declaration of war against the King of Sweden. Such brazen and violent acts as the King of Sweden has led in Denmark-Norway cannot go unaddressed. His Majesty the King has welcomed his nephew, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Denmark and Norway, and his sister, Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark and Norway, to the Court of St. James for their safety, and has invited them to form a government-in-exile with the full support and confidence of His Majesty the King's government. The property of Windsor Castle shall be loaned to the Crown Prince, Her Majesty the Queen, and their government-in-exile for as long as they shall need it, as well as all appropriate and necessary staff.

On colonial matters, His Majesty the King has decided to recognize the colony of Luisaland. John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore is hereby appointed as the first Crown Governor of the colony. The practice of slavery shall be allowed within the colony of Luisaland, to keep it on equal footing with other colonies in North America. It would be wholly unfair for His Majesty the King to allow the slave trade in some of the colonies and not others.
At-Large Senator LouisvilleThunder
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« Reply #521 on: October 24, 2017, 09:46:13 PM »

State of the Empire Address at the Royal Court of Madrid--January 1761
Greetings my fellow Spaniards!
After serving my first full year as King of Spain, I can wholeheartedly announce that the state of our empire is strong. Our economy continues to grow and our people are prospering at home while we continue to strengthen our ties with our fellow allies and work to spread the faith to the people around the world. However, we still have more work to do in allowing our empire and its great people to live to their fullest potential while working for the common good to bring back the glory of old Spain. This involves taking decisive actions for the common good of all of our subjects in order to improve the quality of life, project imperial power around the world, and spread the Catholic faith to as many souls as possible. I shall send some of the Portuguese Jesuits to my colonies in order to establish Spanish missions in South America and convert the natives. I call for Portugal to seriously reconsider taking back the Jesuits since it is to our mutual benefit to keep the Jesuits, and the services they provide are useful as long as they are held accountable to their societal responsibilities. I also want to undertake policies aimed at improving the lives of all loyal subjects by modernizing governance and making the bureaucracy far more efficient by requiring all potential job applicants for the royal government to take a rigorous test which will make sure that all bureaucrats are qualified to do their jobs. I will also reform our tax system by implementing a 2% sales tax on all non-food monetary transactions since I wish to lower our reliance on tariffs which only limit trade which in turn hinder our economic growth and cause foreign crises. I shall also coordinate with the Jesuits to start building free public schools for the poor since I believe we need an educated populace if we want future generations of Spaniards to succeed. I will also commission a national science, engineering, and discovery program which will be funded and managed by the Jesuits to train bright young minds. I also want our country to have cleaner roads in a similar way as the French did in order to help prevent the spread of disease as well as promoting the production and availability of soap for the masses. I will also order civil engineers to reexamine the ancient Roman aqueducts so they can learn about the technology used to reconstruct them, and hopefully we can recreate them because the idea of our ancestors having running water inside buildings seems incredible. In our overseas affairs, I have been diligent and prudent. I am offering free land to settle for any veteran and his family who serves honorably for the crown in these wars in the New World, especially in far flung reaches such as California, Louisiana, and Argentina. I have also sent our army to bring order in the Philippines and stop the raidings by heathens from the Minandao island. I will enforce a strict naval patrol around the Spanish, Sicilian, and Italian coastlines in order to prevent the Barbary Pirates from launching any more raids of our land and enslaving anymore of our subjects. I demand that the pirates return any captured Spanish subjects or they will pay a large price. I shall also grant recently conquered Iceland independence under the rule of one of their own local nobles in exchange for a pledge of mutual respect and defense as well as agreeing to join a tariff-free common trading market with the Spanish crown and providing freedom of worship in Iceland itself. I believe this is fair, prudent, and just for the Icelandic people who have suffered centuries of tyranny under the Danish crown. I also ask for all subjects to continue supporting our valiant fight in India, as I promise that our nation will greatly benefit once we win a clear and decisive victory against these heathen hoardes. Thank you all very much, and let's have many more years of prosperity and triumphs!
May God bless our empire.
King Charles III of Spain
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« Reply #522 on: October 25, 2017, 01:09:33 AM »
« Edited: October 25, 2017, 01:11:47 AM by Spamage »

World Military Update
January-June 1761

Summary: The return of war across Europe shocked subjects from Madrid to Moscow. With the old powers seeming to rebuild their alliances after a few shaky years of uncertainty, most have come to see this conflict as a continuation of the War of the Grand Coalitions, the former treaties serving as mere truces. Spain shocked everyone by assaulting Prussian holdings in Corsica and Africa, while Frederick managed to fend off two consecutive attacks, one from the east and one from the south. Fighting has erupted in Wurttemburg, Silesia, Poland, and Russia. The fate of Europe hangs in the balance as torrents of blood are spilled...

War of the Grand Coalitions
Archduchy of Austria, Russian Empire, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Bavaria, Free Republic of Poland, Duchy of Saxony
Kingdom of Great Britain, Kingdom of Prussia, German League, Ottoman Empire, Finnish Rebels, Riksdag Rebels, Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland, Kazakh Khanate, Khanate of Crimea

Petrine War: Decisive Pauline Victory

With the collapse of the Petrine forces in late 1760, the Paulines in the Army of North Russia faced little trouble cleaning up the remainder of the rebellion. After years of interior war, finally the Petrines have gone the way of Ivan’s faction before them. A tentative sense of interior unity exists within Russia for now.

Battle of Omsk: Major Kazakh Victory

Russians were horrified by the attack of the Kazakhs against Siberia, even more incensed when word surfaced of Prussian involvement. In order to quell the threat, Catherine sent the Army of North Russia south following the collapse of the Petrines. At the fortress of Omsk the Russians faced off against the Khan and his men. The battle was brutal, with the exhausted Russian forces eventually routed, even with their technological superiority. Hundreds of Russians were killed in the hectic retreat, while the Khan has started to raid the once-more miserable region of Siberia.

Battle of Toijala: Slight Finnish Victory

The Army of Riga was sent to join the existing Army of Finland by Adolf Frederick, but what the King did not anticipate was the arrival of more than ten thousand former mercenaries from Russia. Paid by the French to fight the Petrines, Louis XV had ended his payments following the death of Peter III. With Catherine’s government too cash-strapped to hire them, they instead listened to some Prussian agents. With little convincing, they joined the existing army of Finnish nationalists and Danish deserters against the Swedes. At the Battle of Toijala the outnumbered Swedes were defeated, forced to flee south towards Helsinki as most of the realm falls to the Finns, who have reportedly begun to look for a monarch.  

Naval Battle of Copenhagen: Slight Russo-Swedish-Spanish Victory

Britain, following its entrance into the war, was determined to aid Denmark. A detachment of the powerful Royal Navy was sent to bombard Copenhagen and secure control over the straits. The Russians and Swedes however, were equally determined to stop them, requiring that area for their military operations. A great naval battle took place off the coast of Jutland. It appeared the British were going to be victorious, sinking more enemy vessels, when a third fleet appeared on the horizon. It was the Spanish. They quickly aided the Swedes and Russians, much to the shock and outrage of the British, forcing them to sail back towards the North Sea while the entrance to the Baltic was secured by their opponents.

Spanish Invasion of New Prussia: Slight Spanish Victory

Equally surprising was the occurrence far to the south. Just as the Dutch had been surprised by the arrival of the Prussians, so too were the Prussians shocked by the arrival of a Spanish Army, determined to capture the region. With the Spanish having many more men than the local Prussian garrison, the locals panicked. A brief battle secured Spanish control of Cape Town, though the Prussians have fled with their forces largely in tact and untouched. The Dutch locals are on the verge of rebellion themselves, tired of being used as a pawn of foreign governments.

Russo-Polish Invasion of Prussia: Stalemate

Half of the Russian Army and most of the Polish force were eager to unite with their Habsburg allies once war had been declared. Agreeing to aid the Austrians in seizing Breslau, the sizeable Russo-Polish Army crossed the border into the Kingdom of Prussia. Frederick was waiting, though. The Prussian Army, bolstered by the arrival of thousands of soldiers from loyal German League Principalities, had set itself up in a defensive position. They in fact outnumbered the invaders. The fighting was rough, with the republican fervor of the Poles almost carrying the day early on. Decisive maneuvering by Frederick, as well as the death of several Russian officers from Prussian cannon-fire, broke their resolve however. With heavy casualties on both sides, the Poles and Russians withdrew. Yet again  a stalemate prevailed in the war between Prussia and Poland, causing outrage in Warsaw (will be detailed in the news).

Austrian Invasion of Silesia: Decisive Prussian Victory

The Austrians were un-deterred by the defeat of their allies, hoping that Frederick’s men would be so weakened by the fighting that they could retake their former province. They were horribly mistaken. At the Battle of Klodzko the Austro-Bavarian-Saxon force was rapidly defeated by the Prussians, who deployed new tactics. Spikes were deployed to deter Austrian cavalry, while the cover of smoke helped mask the Prussian artillery. Thousands of both sides died, though more Austrians than Prussians. In a rapid retreat back to Bohemia, the first attempt to take Silesia in this new war has been deemed a failure.

Austrian Occupation of Sudetenland: Decisive Austrian Victory

However, there was bright spot for the Austrian war effort against the Prussians. With an Army remaining in Prague during the invasion of Silesia, the former territories of the Sudetendland quickly surrendered back to Habsburg control, not wanting to have been annexed by the Prussians in the first place. Though Frederick ordered the deployment of guerilla fighters to make life miserable, locals have helped the returned Austrians root out dissent.

Battle of Gothenburg: Major Riksdag Victory

Back to the north, Adolf Frederick hoped that his calling of a National Assembly would damped the prospects for the Riksdag rebels. While it did help, causing several thousand to return home, a large force remained. He had grossly underestimated its size and so when the Army of Christiana moved west to crush it, everything went horribly wrong. The Royalist army has fled to Stockholm following an embarrassing defeat, with the rebels capturing much of the populated areas of Sweden.

Battle of Zagreb: Major Austrian Victory

The Duchy of Zagreb, a title created in the aftermath of the previous war, was an obvious target for Austrian expansion in the south. Local forces were quickly overwhelmed by the invading Habsburg soldiers, with the region largely returning to Austrian control. Some slight gains have even been managed into Bosnia, though the Ottomans have held a spirited defense of that province.

War on the Danube: Slight Ottoman Victory

The Moldovan-Polish Army attempted once more to break out into the Balkans, yet again being pushed back by the Ottomans, who were dug-in a prepared for an attack. In a series of brutal skirmishes the Republicans were repelled, even pushed back. Some are now even asking if this could be the turning point in Wallachia as Republican soldiers regroup in friendly territory.
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« Reply #523 on: October 25, 2017, 01:11:08 AM »

Russian Invasion of Crimea: Stalemate

North of the Black Sea the Army of Kiev was ordered to attack the Crimeans and return the region to Russian control. Like at the Danube however, Ottoman commanders had anticipated the Russian assault and prepared a defense. Despite a series of skirmishes, neither side has gained the upper hand in this theater at present.

War in Norway: Decisive Russo-Swedish Victory

With the expulsion of the British from the seas around Denmark, the Russians were able to aid the Swedes in finishing off Moltke and his army. The vastly outnumbered force was cornered in the far west, where they had been waiting for reinforcements from the Continent, when they were assaulted by the joint Russo-Swedish army. The fight was hopeless, with many Danish soldiers deserting once they realized the sheer size of their opponent’s forces. Moltke, following the jarring loss of Norway, has fled to Denmark proper, where he insists that the war must be continued, even with growing public outcries for peace. 

Spanish Invasion of Corsica: Stalemate

Charles III had Naples join Spain in declaring war against Prussia, detaching Neapolitan soldiers to seize Corsica. While they were able to go ashore and secure a strip of land on the island’s coast, they were unable to win a total victory. Local forces, proclaiming their loyalty to Frederick II, are determined to fight for the island, even if it means a return to guerilla warfare. Already their are reports of some fleeing into the hills in anticipation of future hostilities. They stress that Corsica is a free realm and will not be put under the yoke of Spanish tyranny. What the future of the island will be can only be determined by the passage of time.

Invasion of Wurttemburg: Slight Bavarian Victory

The local conflict over smuggling gained new significance following the escalation of hostilities between Austria and Prussia. The Duke of Wurttemburg faced off against Imperial Soldiers, largely supplied by Bavaria. Unlike in the late 1750‘s, thus far he has managed to defend his realm, though small areas on the periphery have fallen into enemy hands. There is concern however, about the long-term goals of Wurttemburg’s involvement, as many fear for the subjects if the region remains cut off from the rest of the world for too long due to an Imperial Embargo.

Siege of Konigsberg: Russian Victory

After a year of being besieged, morale was collapsing in Konigsberg. Agressive tactics were employed in the city’s defense, though that was not enough. When word arrived of the Russo-Swedish-Spanish Victory on the seas though, local commanders made a determination to withdraw the large Hessian garrison with ships from Hamburg while that move would still be possible. Under the cover of darkness thousands of soldiers, civilians, and government officials left the city. Hours later, with the arrival of dawn, the remaining populace surrendered in return for the guarantee of the town’s safety. Polish and Russian soldiers have paraded into this important Prussian city, being met be a sad and somber crowd if its residents.

French War in India
Kingdom of France, Kingdom of Spain
Maratha Confederacy, Durrani Empire

Battle of Chandrapur: Decisive French Victory

Louis XV sent further reinforcements to India, hoping to secure victory in that theater. It appears his efforts were largely successful, with the Marathas thuroughouly routed at the battle of Chandrapur, further weakening their resolve to stay in the war. Already a weak confederacy, some Maratha leaders fear that the union could be torn asunder if their situation does not turn around soon.

Battle of Jalgaon: Major French Victory

A second win was achieved weeks later in the east. A Maratha Army met a much larger force at Jalgaon and, despite a valiant defence, were unable to hold off the colonizers. Elephants and all were sent into a rapid retreat, more territory falling under French sway. There is widespread unease among supporters of the Confederacy, though some hope that the Durrani may yet save the day.

Battle of Birjand: Decisive Durrani Victory

While the French won victories in India itself, the Durrani collapsed one of their allies, sending Persia into a tailspin. At the battle of Birjand, the Persian Zand forces were once more humiliated by the superior enemy. Thousands fell, including the head of the Zand Dynasty, Karim Khan Zand. His realm has been thrown into chaos. Sensing an opportunity, and eager to regain control of Persia, the weakened Afsharid Dynasty in Khorasan quickly proclaimed themselves the rightful rulers of Persia, igniting a civil war. The Durrani have declared peace, leaving the region in civil war as they outright annex much of the region.

Barbary War
Republic of Venice, Archduchy of Austria
Bey of Algiers, Bey of Tunis, Bey of Tripoli

Venetian Invasion of Tripoli: Slight Venetian Victory

Eager to take revenge, and supported by the Austrians, the Venetians launched two expeditions against the hated pirates. Conducting a series of naval bombards on their cities, Venice followed up by attacking the realms directly. The city of Tripoli was the first target, much of its defenses destroyed in the Venetian naval attack. After a brief skirmish, the Bey and his men withdrew, the locals seeing no other option than to allow their enemies to enter. Even so, there are concerning rumors about the locals in rural areas rallying to the cause of their nominal overlord.

Venetian Invasion of Algiers: Decisive Barbary Victory

In Algiers Venice was not so lucky. Despite similar tactics as in Tripoli, local resistance was far more intense and the armies were denied a chance to land, let alone fight for the city. Cannons from the defenses damaged vessels, led to drownings, and forced the admirals to order a retreat as morale collapsed. The injured fleet has limped back to Malta, where the Knights have agreed to give them shelter.

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« Reply #524 on: October 25, 2017, 11:24:04 PM »
« Edited: October 28, 2017, 01:00:16 AM by Spamage »

January-June 1761

Harsh Actions Against Catholic Church

The indecisiveness of the war against Prussia left a feeling of unease in Poland. Though support for the Republic remained rock-solid, there were many looking for a group to blame for the consistent failure to advance further. The situation was not helped by the appearance of many quite radical pamphlets, blaming the Catholic clergy as collaborating with the enemies of Poland. While some view this theory as nonsensical, pointing out Poland's opponents are almost exclusively Protestant, others counter that the Church is angry over the Assembly's decision to tax their lands. The result was an explosion of activity in the capitol and its surrounding regions.

First, the Assembly has decided to pass a law forcing the clergy of the realm to swear loyalty to the nation and the people of Poland before they can assume office. Many priests have openly announced their plans to refuse such a demanding order. This was followed by a spasm of rioting. Monestaries and convents have been seized by zealous Republicans, determined to push the Church into submission. Churches have been pelted with rocks, priests mocked in public, and several bishops have fled the realm to neighboring Austria.

Pope Benedict XV was reportedly furious about hearing the news, stressing to the Catholic monarchies the inherent instability of republicanism. He has not announced a decision on the "Oath of the Republic" though, entering into meetings with Austrian and Polish prelates behind-the-scenes. How Poland moves forward, especially considering there is a sizeable portion of society absolutely loyal to the Church, will undoubtedly dramatic.

With Military Setbacks, Moldovan Assembly Votes to Join Polish Republic

Following the Ottoman successes in Moldovia, the Assembly of the Moldovan Republic finally took up the issue that many had been considering, but few had publicly proposed, union with Poland. The idea had been backed by many in the early months of their rebellion against the Ottomans, but was ultimately tabled following the advances made into Wallachia. With that region largely returned to Ottoman control for the time being, and Ottoman troops threatening their homeland once more, it was agreed almost unanimously by the delegates that, for the sake of cooperation and stability, Moldova should become a province in the Polish Republic. The decision was met with cheers in Iasi, delegates shortly after being elected to seats in Warsaw. Will the coordination turn the tide along the Danube? European analysts remain highly divided.

Large Conspiracy Revealed to Russia!

There was a series of surprising news stories emerging from Russia over the past few months, the situation rapidly developing due to the involvement of outside factors. First was the decision of Catherine to crown herself Empress Regnant, a move widely supported by Russian elites. When the Patriarch of Moscow refused to do the ceremony, citing Paul as his sole Emperor, he was quietly stripped of the office and sent to Siberia by loyal adherents to Catherine's cause. A replacement soon installed, Catherine was named co-ruler, and senior leader, of the Russian Empire. Thousands celebrated in Moscow, with a week of celebrations distracting some from the horrors of war in and around Russia.

The happy news would be immeadiately followed by two disturbing stories. First, Catherine fell ill in the weeks following the ceremony. Physicians were unable to determine the cause, though her ability to lead has been hindered by being bedridden. Catherine has reported vertigo, vomitting, and abdominal pain. Though the Empress has been determined to lead through the crisis, undoubtedly some see it as divine judgement against her seizure of power.

Even with Catherine ill, there was news of a vast conspiracy in Russia itself against the Empress. A mysterious book arrived in her possession, detailing a vast faction of those who either oppose her regime or have worked against her in the past. It includes nobles, clergymen (such as the deposed Patriarch of Moscow), and several peasant leaders. The Russian secret police have been restored following the news and are reportedly waiting for Catherine's orders on how those accused should be punished.

Natives in America Surrender, Offer Terms to London
The British seem to have finally put an end to fighting in North America, with a group of native leaders formally offering London a tenative surrender. They are willing to lay down their arms in return for 10 years to evacuate from their lands. They stress the sheer amount of effort moving will require, and urge the British to be reasonable. Should their offer be refused, some chiefs have reportedly announced their intention to fight to their last man, determined to prevent further suffering.


With the Spanish and British at war, both sides were shocked by the intervention of nature. A mysterious, large storm has struck colonies of both belligerents. Fortifications, settlements, and trade has been temporarily destroyed in British Florida and Spanish Louisiana. Many settlers fear assaults by the other side, or perhaps even native uprisings, the chaos on the Seminoles still well remembered in Florida.

Nobles Protest Against Taxation in Sardinia-Piedmont!
Charles Emmanuel III moved against the Assembly's decision to tax the First Estate, announcing his intent to veto the motion, while allowing for taxes on nobles to continue. A royal investigation determined that the decision would be an effective way to generate revenue, causing furious protests on the floor of the Sardinian Assembly from noble delegates.

The news has caused the formation of an ultra-conservative Royalist faction in Turin, led by the heir to the throne, Victor Amadeus. The prince has declared that he intends to abolish the Assembly and "restore this Kingdom to the traditional order" when he comes to power, causing indignation.


The Afsharid and Zand Dyansties have commenced fighting for the future of Persia following the chaos against the Durrani. The Afsharids blame their enemies for the chaos Persia faces, arguing that there has been too much foreign involvement in internal affairs. Particular ire is directed by some against the French, seen to be the government that talked their nation into war. Zand loyalists stress that the defeats are a mere setback, harkening back to the unstability of the late Afsharid Dynasty. Persian fights Persian as the Durranis have returned home, their forces now able to campaign against the French in India.
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