Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread

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« on: July 25, 2017, 07:48:37 PM »
« edited: July 25, 2017, 11:48:37 PM by Spamage »

The Concert of Europe
January 1756

Nations, Leaders, & Players:

Russian Empire- Empress Elizabeth Petrovna
Kingdom of France- King Louis XV Bourbon (Windjammer)
Kingdom of Prussia- King Friedrick II Hohenzollern (Lumine)
Archduchy of Austria- Empress Maria Theresa Habsburg (TimTurner)
Kingdom of Great Britain- King George II of Hanover (DKrol)
Kingdom of Spain- King Ferdinand VI Bourbon (CMB222)
United Provinces of the Netherlands- Regent Anne of Hanover (GOTfan)
Ottoman Empire- Sultan Osman III Osmanoğlu (Kalwejt)
Polish-Lithuanian Commonweath- Augustus III (X)
Kingdom of Sweden- Adolf Frederick (YPestis25)

Economic Standings:
Kingdom of Prussia- Very Strong
United Provices of the Netherlands- Very Strong
Kingdom of Great Britain- Strong
Archduchy of Austria- Moderate
Kingdom of France- Moderate
Russian Empire- Moderate
Kingdom of Spain- Moderate

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth- Weak
Ottoman Empire- Weak
Kingdom of Sweden- Weak

Ongoing Conflicts:
-Skirmishing in the Americas: France v. Great Britain

Russian Empire:
-Empress Elizabeth, with war appearing on the horizon to the west, you must decide the extent to which Russia will be involved. You have ties with the Austrians based on your mutual disdain for the Ottomans and Prussians, but is it time to look elsewhere? What role will Russia play in the Concert of Europe?

-Your father, the much beloved Peter the Great, focused his efforts on turning Russia towards the west. A key policy of his was establishing a russian naval presence both in the north as well as the south. He suceeded in seizing Ingria from the Swedes, but failed to gain access to the Black Sea. Will you take action against the Crimean Khanate to your south, a protectorate of the Ottomans, which stands in your way to fulfilling your father's dream and strengthening the Russian economy?

-Having lived through the reigns of your father, then your mother, your half-nephew, and then your half-cousin, it is clear that the Empire of Russia needs a stable sucession. Your nephew and heir, the Grand Duke Peter, shows little desire to integrate himself with his Russian subjects. Furthermore his wife, Grand Duchess Catherine, is equally difficult to manage. There are some at court who suggest you bypass their whole generation and name Paul, the infant son of Peter and Catherine who you are personally raising, as your heir. Should the sucession be modified?

Kingdom of France:
-King Louis, never has your rivalry with Great Britain seemed so dire. Whether in India, the Americas, or Europe, you find yourself at odds with their influence. France will need allies if she is to take on the British menace. Will you continue your alliance with Prussia from the War of Austrian Sucession or find friends elsewhere with Austria, Russia, or even the Ottomans? Perhaps a betrothal with one of the other royal families for your grandson the Duc de Berry would be a good way to cement ties.

-There is open hostility in the Americas between yourself and the British. A French ambush killed General Braddock and a British army last year, though your control of Ohio, and your forts there, is still at risk. Your men are outnumbered. Steps must be taken to secure Quebec and Louisiana.

-The French colonies in the New World are chronically underpopulated. With booming british settlement across the Eastern seaboard, your settlers are being outnumbered every more by the day. How is supremacy to be obtained in the Americas? Will you cement ties with natives, send more, troops, or encourage settlement? Or perhaps your efforts are better spent on Saint Dominique?

Archduchy of Austria:
-Austria's honor must be avenged. Empress Maria Theresa, Silesia must be regained from your mortal enemy who stabbed you in the back and stole it. Federick the Great, who you have only referred to as "that man" since his attack years ago, now threatens your close ally in the Electorate of Saxony. Unless action is taken Bohemia and Moravia could follow Silesia in being illegally stolen from the Austrian Crown. How will you deal with the prussian threat?

-Some have questioned the commitment of the British to your old alliance, following their abandoning of you during the War of the Austrian Sucession. Advisors are urging you to reorient Austrian diplomacy by reaching out to other powers, both major and minor, across Europe in order to see that your interests are protected. How will you deal with the diplomatic questions being asked all throughout Europe?

-Of all the European Empires, yours is truly the most diverse. People under the Habsburg crown speak many different languages, have many different traditions, and desire many different policies. Hungarians and Romanians demand further action be taken against the Ottomans, Austrian subjects look towards strengthening the ancient institution of the Holy Roman Empire, the Milanese are cut off from the rest of the Empire, and the Bohemians focus their ire on Prussia. How will you reconcile these various divergent opinions and keep the Empire together in the face of so many challenges?

Kingdom of Great Britain:

-King George, Britain truly needs strong leadership. War with France is considered imminent, with some saying it has already begun. Your Prime Minister, the Duke of Newcastle, is widely seen as weak on diplomacy. Though the Whigs enjoy a clear period of dominance in the government, some are calling for him to be replaced. Suggestions include William Pitt among others. How will you deal with domestic politics at such an important time?

-With the humiliating defeat of General Braddock in North America last year, the French seem to have maintained control of the Ohio Valley, crucial territory if the 13 colonies are to expand. Now there is open fighting between British and French soldiers, native allies, and settlers all throughout the region (though war officially remains undeclared). Some are calling for another expidition to be sent west towards Ohio, while others demand French Quebec be the next target. There is still a third group calling for peace or at very least a purely defensive policy in the New World. What action will be taken?

-The British-held island of Minorca in the Medditeranean Sea it at risk. Though it has been a valuable naval base, there are those who fear in the event of a war against the French it could be taken by the enemy. The Prime Minister has argued that Britain should focus its efforts on India or the Americas, while limiting it's involvement in the Medditeranean to the base at Gibraltar. What is your plan for dealing with this theater?
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« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2017, 08:04:14 PM »
« Edited: July 25, 2017, 11:43:23 PM by Spamage »

United Provinces of the Netherlands:

-Anne, as the widow of the late Stadtholder and mother of William V, you have been left in charge while your infant son matures. As the representative of the House of Orange, the hereditary Stadtholders, in a functioning republic you often find yourself at odds with half of the country who desires a meritocracy, not an aristocracy. Will you actively assert authority on behalf of the Orangists and combat the Republicans, or should the royal house step back and allow the government to function as designed, even if this means reducing your power?

-As the daughter of George II, clearly you have strong ties to Great Britain. The Dutch and British have put old rivalries behind them in the years following the Glorious Revolution, but there are those in the country who have grown tired with what they interpret to be too much British meddling in Dutch affairs. They desire either peace or the establishment of alliances with powers other than Britain and strongly resent moves made in recent years to protect the Netherlands from the French. How closely will you work with Britain? Will you be an active ally with your father's nation or heed the calls of the opposition calling for the dutch to make their own way?

-Despite the loss of colonies in the New World, the Dutch colonial empire remains strong. Trade is booming thanks to the establishment of settlements at Cape Town and the acquisition of territory in Indonesia. Though the Dutch are no longer the unchallenged rulers of the sea, they certainly remain a force to be reckoned with. What actions will you take to further advance dutch interests in the distant regions of the globe?

Kingdom of Spain:

-The 1700s have not been kind to Spain so far. The dominance, enjoyed in the days of Isabella and Ferdinand, Charles I and Philip II, seems long to have passed following years of mismanagement and the War of the Spanish Sucession. Now, with the Bourbons on the throne, some suggest there may be an opprotunity for Spain to redeem itself and retake its seat as one of the rightful leaders of Europe. Will you take an active role in European affairs now that ties with the French seem stronger than ever or should Spain focus on maintaining its vast colonial holdings, stretching from the Americas to the Philippines?

-Ferdinand VI, in the years since your accession to the throne, you still have not had any children. This means your brother, currently the King of Sicily, is the heir to the Kingdom. There are some who insist that you require him to renounce the throne in Sicily if he should suceed to the Spanish throne, as they fear objection from other powers as well as resistance in Italy to the return of Spanish rule. Others see the potential reunification of Spain and her Italian holdings as the first step to rebuilding her European empire. What position will you take on the sucession?

-The Spanish military has undoubtedly fallen behind in recent years. With the main focus of the government on repairing the economy in the last few decades, there are those who now call for the strengthening of the armed forces by increasing the size of the standing army. Others allege this to be a waste of money as there is no immeadiate continental enemy for Spain to fight against. What moves will you take on military policy?

Kingdom of Prussia:

-King Frederick, you truly have made Prussia a power to be reckoned with in Europe with the stunning start to your reign through the liberation of Silesia. Prussia's army is of a much higher quality than all of your other opponents and, under steady leadership, could help incorporate even more land into your Kingdom. There are whispers at Court that the Austrians and Saxons are planning to strike and take back Silesia. Some are calling for a policy of active defense by preemptively attacking Saxony in order to protect Brandenburg. Will you take military action to protect the Prussian crown from those who wish to beat it into submission?

-You have been praised as the true example of an "enlightened despot", Frederick. Whether your flute concerts at Sans Souci or your reading of the latest philosophical texts you have been renowned across Europe as a King of and for the Enlightenment. Yet Prussia remains one of the strongest absolute monarchies in the region. Some, even your friend Voltaire, have been surprised by how autocratic Prussia is. Will you take steps to increase the power of your subjects, risking your own power, or keep working with the ancient Junker nobility, letting government reform be a secondary objective during your reign?

-It is imperitive Prussia has some sort of ally if it is to protect itself from the Austrian threat. Though you were friends with the French during the last war, an alliance which suceeded, there are those in Berlin who suggest that closer ties with Britain would be preferable. Both you and George II are Protestant, German leaders. What path should Prussian diplomacy take?

Ottoman Empire:

-These are challenging days for the Empire, Sultan Osman III. Since the glory days of Mehmed II and Suleiman the Magnificent, your people seem to have been left behind by much of Europe. Over the last century Hungary has been lost following frequent wars with Austria and control of the Black Sea has come under threat by the rising Russian Empire to the north. Some in Istanbul are calling for a more inward-focused policy, hoping the Ottomans will be left alone so long as they don't get involved in the constant bickering of the European monarchies, while others state that if the Empire is to regain its might, it must assert itself. How will you navigate the diplomatic world surrounding the Empire?

-While you have possessed nominal control of the far western provinces of Algiers, Tunisia, and Tripoli, your level of power there has been slowly eroding. The Barbary pirates and local officials have largely usurped the role of government and some alledge that the region will become independent unless action is taken. Others argue that spending too much effort and manpower on a war against fellow Muslims is a mistake. Will you take a more assertive role in the region or attempt to maintain the status quo?

-It's no secret the Ottoman military has been left behind by those of western Europe. Despite this, the Janissary forces do maintain a formidable reputation. Some at court are urging you to consider adopting western military and naval practices through the use of military advisors from the other powers, though this move risks strong backlash from the more conservative elements of society, which see such actions as an insult to the Empire's rich military history.

Kingdom of Sweden:

-King Adolf Frederick, it has been almost half a century since Sweden's control of the Baltic was illegally wrested away by a cabal of powers including Denmark, Russia, and Poland. Since then there have been numerous attempts to restore Sweden's old glory, including in 1741 during the Russo-Swedish War, but no sucess has been achieved. Will you work to rebuild Sweden's old Baltic Empire or should the Kingdom move on and look elsewhere for glory? Some see Denmark, Poland, and Pommerania as other potential targets for conquest, though victory in either nation would be far from certain, especially under the watchful eye of the other European monarchies.

-Your rule in Sweden is far from absolute, and you have even been mocked by some as a mere figurehead. The Swedish Riksdag has wrested away many of the traditional powers once held by the powerful Vasa monarchs, leaving you with very little. Your wife Louisa Ulrika, the sister of Prussian King Frederick, has been urging you to take drastic action and restore the power of the crown in the Kingdom. She and a group of royalists in the nobility desire you to support a coup to overthrow the Riksdag and restore your right to absolute power, even with the high risk of the action backfiring. Will you use the military to arrest those who dare to usurp your power?

-Sweden is divided between two political parties: the Hats and the Caps. The Hats (mostly nobles) desire close ties with France and agression towards the Russians, with the Caps (primarily clergy and peasants) instead urging friendship with Russia and for France to be kept out of Swedish affairs. Will you align yourself with one of the parties, and risk alienating part of your country, or should the Crown stand above the pettiness of factionalism?
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« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2017, 11:43:31 PM »
« Edited: July 27, 2017, 09:10:04 PM by Spamage »

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth:

-Augustus III, as both the King of Poland and the Elector of Saxony, you find yourself in a unique position. You govern two very different dominions with two very different systems. Whereas you are largely able to rule as you please in Saxony, your hereditary lands, Poland is a different story. For centuries the Sejm has shared power with the monarchy in a situation that has not always been good for the realm. Nobles have the right to veto legislation at will and there is resentment over you being a foreign-born leader. How will you deal with the domestic political issues facing the Commonwealth? Should power be shared with the Sejm or will you risk civil war trying to forge a new system?

-Poland sits in a worrying position, surrounded on all sides by nations that could pose a serious threat. Your Orthodox subjects look to Russia for protection and the Protestants towards Prussia. Although your country is majority Catholic, there are some who suggest a greater degree of religious toleration would be beneficial for the realm, even though this risks damaging the popularity of the government under the majority of the people. Others demand you reaffirm Poland's Catholicism and forge alliances with other Catholic powers. How will you proceed?

-Poland has been forced by other powers in the past to limit the size and power of its military. As a consequence, as well as no large-scale wars for more than a decade and continued resistance from the nobility, your forces have grown stagnant. Will you break former precedent and begin to enlarge your military or focus instead on improving the quality of the soldiers you already possess?

Armies & Locations
-The manpower of the various militaries is given below. With some powers having access to so many soldiers, the raised and mobile soldiers must be divided into armies of smaller sizes. The number of garrisoned troops depends on a variety of factors including size and population. You may remove men from your garrisons, although this means your territories can be taken at a much quicker speed as there are less people defending the homeland. The number of men you are able to raise, as well as the size of your army, will fluctuate based on your military policies. Attempting to make more men eligible may not always be a good idea however, as the quality of the armies may suffer from so great an influx.
Most of the numbers are based off of information I can find from previous wars, as well as info from the OTL 7 Years War, though some powers were much more difficult to determine than others. Keep in mind that number of soldiers does not necessarily mean they are of a better quality Wink

Kingdom of Prussia
85,000 men raised and mobile (must be divided into armies)
20,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 45,000 more)

Kingdom of France
100,000 men raised and mobile (must be divided into armies)
40,000 men garrisoned
10,000 Army & Garrison of Louisiana + Ohio
3,500 Army & Garrison of India
(Can raise 70,000 more)

Kingdom of Great Britain
35,000 Garrison of Britain
35,000 Army of Hanover
37,000 Army & Garrison of the 13 Colonies
3,000 Army & Garrison of India
(Can raise 40,000 more)

Kingdom of Sweden

40,000 men raised and mobile
10,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 20,000 more)

Kingdom of Spain
70,000 men raised and mobile
25,000 men garrisoned
5,000 Army & Garrison of New Spain
10,000 Army & Garrison of South America
2,000 Army & Garrison of the Philippines
(can raise 30,000 more)

Russian Empire
130,000 men raised and mobile (must be divided into armies)
50,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 80,000 more)

Archduchy of Austria
105,000 men raised and mobile (must be divided into armies)
35,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 55,000 more)

United Provinces of the Netherlands
40,000 men raised and mobile
10,000 men garrisoned
2,000 men Army & Garrison of Dutch East Indies
1,000 men Army & Garrison of Cape Colony
(can raise 20,000 more)

Ottoman Empire
100,000 men raised and mobile (must be divided into armies)
35,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 60,000 more)

Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
35,000 men raised and mobile
20,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 20,000 more)

Navies of the World
Kingdom of Great Britain
171 Ships of the Line
125 Frigates

Kingdom of France
107 Ships of the Line
51 Frigates

United Provinces of the Netherlands
57 Ships of the Line
43 Frigates

Kingdom of Spain
55 Ships of the Line
26 Frigates

Russian Empire
34 Ships of the Line
10 Frigates

Kingdom of Sweden
24 Ships of the Line
12 Frigates

Ottoman Empire
20 Ships of the Line
8 Frigates
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« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2017, 02:27:08 PM »

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Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2017, 02:32:04 PM »

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« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2017, 02:36:54 PM »

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« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2017, 03:40:04 PM »

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X King Ferdinand VI
F. Joe Haydn
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« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2017, 05:48:10 PM »
« Edited: July 26, 2017, 06:04:35 PM by Fremont Speaker Henry Wallace »

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YaBB God
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« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2017, 06:55:18 PM »
« Edited: July 26, 2017, 11:17:47 PM by DKrol »

January 1756
George II of Great Britain

On the Prime Ministership - The Duke of Newcastle is to be relieved of his services as Prime Minister effective immediately. He is thanked for his years of service to the Crown, which will not be easily forgotten. It is the will of the King that the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, William Cavendish, serve as the new Prime Minister for as long as he shall hold the King’s confidence.

On the Subject of a Royal Consort - Her Majesty Queen Caroline of Ansbach, beloved to His Majesty the King, departed this world to join Almighty God in 1737. While the King had remained in mourning all these years, to cherish her memory, he has decided that it is time to remarry, for the good of the Kingdom. As such, the King has decided to field requests from all the great Houses of Europe in the search for a new Queen.
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« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2017, 08:13:51 PM »

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X King Ferdinand VI

X- Jose I
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« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2017, 08:59:54 PM »
« Edited: July 28, 2017, 03:58:04 PM by Representative CMB222 »

Kingdom of Spain
King Ferdinand VI
January, 1756

- The Marquis of Amarillas is made the viceroy of New Spain

- Stimulation of Commerce in the Americas. Any Spanish ship, if previously authorized, can now conduct trade freely in the Americas to increase profit and decrease fraud

- Modernization of the Navy. The Naval budget is increased and our shipyard capacities increased.

- My brother, the King of Naples will be allowed to rule in peace as the heir to Spain

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« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2017, 09:26:50 PM »

Anne, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange and Regent of the Netherlands

1) The Dutch are a proud, independent people. Our government must function as intended, with the Stadtholder intervening when laws are outrageous. To this end, Jacob Gilles of the States faction is appointed Grand Pensionary of the Netherlands. Additionally, investigations into the possible creation of a House of Assembly are to begin immediately.

2)  We may be undeniably connected to Britain, but we are our own country. No longer will Britain insert its politics into our own. We are an independent nation, and this must not be lost.

3) Trade is the lifeblood of the Dutch economy. To this end, our trade fleet is to be expanded with both merchantmen and warships for protection. Privateers are alos to be enlisted to help protect trade routes and shipping lanes.
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« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2017, 10:17:56 PM »

The States General is to vote immediately on Prussia's proposal for a reduction of trade tariffs between our nations.
YaBB God
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« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2017, 10:22:09 PM »

January 1756
George II of Great Britain

On the Subject of a Royal Consort - It is the great pleasure of His Majesty the King to announce he has agreed to wed Anna Amalia, Princess-Abbsess of Quedlinburg, and to welcome her to our fair isle to join him at the Court of Saint James. The union will serve both to honor the memory of the late Queen Caroline of Ansbach and to cement the bond between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

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« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2017, 12:00:55 AM »

Kingdom of Prussia,
January of 1756:


1.- A proposal is on its way to Vienna, which we believe would prove a satisfactory solution to the threats of aggression against the Kingdom of Prussia. Needless to say, we have no desire for a large-scale conflict, but Prussia will defend itself and its people if provoked.

2.- Certainly there is room to make changes, and we will undertake a most ambitious project of justice reform to make sure some of the most noble principles of Enlightenment become a reality to the benefit of our subjects. But it is only by the wieldling of the power we have now that we can enact such reforms for the good of people, and that is the principle that will guide us.

3.- See diplomacy.


His Majesty the King is most pleased to confirm the signing of a Treaty between Great Britain and Prussia, which will ensure stability in the foreign stage and provide both countries will multiple benefits. His Majesty is also pleased to announce that his beloved sister Anna Amalia will marry His Majesty King George II, forging a closer bond between both nations. Princess Anna will depart for Great Britain at the earliest convenience for her marriage with full honors and escort.

More developments are expected on the diplomatic front, but the news that the Netherlands is to vote on the latest tariff proposal is a most welcomed one, for which we humbly give our thanks.


His Majesty the King is pleased to confirm once again Count Karl-Wilhelm Finck von Finckenstein as our trusted Chief Minister. Aiding him on his tireless quest to improve our Kingdom will be Adam Ludwig von Blumenthal on Economic Affairs, Hans Karl von Winterfeldt on Military Affairs, and Ewald Friedrich von Hertzberg on Foreign Affairs. We will continue to promote the reform and improvement of the bureaucracy, making sure it is both modern and efficient. Extra funding will be given to promote education for the people of Prussia, and to develop the skills of public servants.


We are most pleased with the development of Prussia so far, but more can and must be done to make our economy stronger still. His Majesty the King commands Economic Minister von Blumenthal to conduct a reform of taxation and tariffs in order to better develop our Kingdom. Restrictions on domestic trade will undergo a significant reduction in order to promote internal commerce inside Prussia.

Equally important, it is also the time to seek to expand the population of Prussia. We will conduct an immigration and land scheme of two parts, first by expanding arable land and promoting the creation of new villages (with proper infraestructure and aided by large-scale promotion of products such as potato farming), and second by inviting families across Germany to come as colonists. We will particularly welcome Protestant refugees who may be suffering from religious prosecution.

Justice, Culture and Other:

As promised, we command a large-scale project of justice reform in the Kingdom of Prussia, in line with earlier efforts based on delivering a better sense of justice and law to our people. Let it be known that we will continue to allow freedom of speech, and that we will allow for limited forms of freedom of press and literature. We will abolish judicial torture in Prussia outside of the army, that death as a punishment will only be allowed with the signature of His Majesty, and that men of different classes will be allowed to enter the bureaucracy. Justice must be fair, and it must be impartial in our lands.

Efforts will be redoubled to promote culture in the Kingdom of Prussia. His Majesty the King remains a firm admirer of French culture, but he also believes German culture has a lot of potential to offer. We will offer rewards and promotions to artists from Prussia or Germany who wish to promote the ideals of German culture and the history of Prussia.
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« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2017, 12:01:49 AM »

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x Frederick II, King in Prussia
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« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2017, 09:47:35 AM »
« Edited: July 27, 2017, 09:56:21 PM by YPestis25 »

Kingdom of Sweden
January 1756

-The Crown will continue the agrarian reforms laid out earlier in the century. These include the division of communal village land into plots held by individual farmers. The ultimate aim of this is to increase the productivity of our agriculture and to increase the general welfare of Swedish peasants.
-In tandem with these reforms, the crown will ensure that new construction on these plots will be tax free to encourage the development of these lands.
-The Crown will also be taking a comprehensive review of select estates’ land to ensure that their is a minimal amount arable farmland which is fallow.

-The Crown will attempt to hire several former Prussian military officers to begin the reform of the Swedish army onto the Prussian model. These will be in the mold of the later Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben.
-The Crown will begin a small scale expansion of the Swedish navy to include: -3 Ships of the Line, -3 Frigates, and a general expansion of the Swedish trade fleet.

-The Crown will begin to tacitly support the Royalists in the Riksdag, working to shore up King Adolf Fredrick’s popularity to ensure that Royalist influence continues to grow.
-Give tacit support to Thure Rudbeck as Lantmarksalk of the Riksdag to weaken the Hats' position in the government, and generally support Cap members of the Riksdag where it is impossible for a Royalist position or member of the Riksdag to prevail.
-The Crown will also undertake comprehensive tax reform, working to root out corruption and ensure that taxes are properly collected.

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« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2017, 12:26:59 PM »

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X Ferdinand VI
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« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2017, 12:38:59 PM »

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X Ferdinand VI
xKing Louis XV

Spamage has said Naples would sign it as well

OOC: I just realized that I forgot to change Kingdom of Great Britain and Kingdom of Prussia by "France, Naples, and Spain.

My apologies lol
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« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2017, 01:22:53 PM »

The Ottoman Empire desires peaceful and balanced relationship with major European powers. That is all for now.
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« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2017, 05:04:36 PM »

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F. Joe Haydn
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« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2017, 05:10:21 PM »

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« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2017, 05:28:54 PM »

In his benevolent benignancy the Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Caliph of Islam etc. directs his officials to try to limit the number of head chopped weekly in Istanbul to no more than fifty. Mika Waltari's Mikael reference anyone?

Also, His Sacred and Imperial Majesty decided to extend his grace upon those sentenced to be strangled in this month. All of them shall have the honor of being strangled with an honorable silk rope, not just selected few high-ranking executees.
Punxsutawney Phil
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« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2017, 06:39:10 PM »

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« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2017, 09:51:15 AM »

Puny European conflicts are of no interest to Morbothe Sublime Porte.
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