Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread  (Read 37763 times)
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« on: July 27, 2017, 12:00:55 AM »

Kingdom of Prussia,
January of 1756:


1.- A proposal is on its way to Vienna, which we believe would prove a satisfactory solution to the threats of aggression against the Kingdom of Prussia. Needless to say, we have no desire for a large-scale conflict, but Prussia will defend itself and its people if provoked.

2.- Certainly there is room to make changes, and we will undertake a most ambitious project of justice reform to make sure some of the most noble principles of Enlightenment become a reality to the benefit of our subjects. But it is only by the wieldling of the power we have now that we can enact such reforms for the good of people, and that is the principle that will guide us.

3.- See diplomacy.


His Majesty the King is most pleased to confirm the signing of a Treaty between Great Britain and Prussia, which will ensure stability in the foreign stage and provide both countries will multiple benefits. His Majesty is also pleased to announce that his beloved sister Anna Amalia will marry His Majesty King George II, forging a closer bond between both nations. Princess Anna will depart for Great Britain at the earliest convenience for her marriage with full honors and escort.

More developments are expected on the diplomatic front, but the news that the Netherlands is to vote on the latest tariff proposal is a most welcomed one, for which we humbly give our thanks.


His Majesty the King is pleased to confirm once again Count Karl-Wilhelm Finck von Finckenstein as our trusted Chief Minister. Aiding him on his tireless quest to improve our Kingdom will be Adam Ludwig von Blumenthal on Economic Affairs, Hans Karl von Winterfeldt on Military Affairs, and Ewald Friedrich von Hertzberg on Foreign Affairs. We will continue to promote the reform and improvement of the bureaucracy, making sure it is both modern and efficient. Extra funding will be given to promote education for the people of Prussia, and to develop the skills of public servants.


We are most pleased with the development of Prussia so far, but more can and must be done to make our economy stronger still. His Majesty the King commands Economic Minister von Blumenthal to conduct a reform of taxation and tariffs in order to better develop our Kingdom. Restrictions on domestic trade will undergo a significant reduction in order to promote internal commerce inside Prussia.

Equally important, it is also the time to seek to expand the population of Prussia. We will conduct an immigration and land scheme of two parts, first by expanding arable land and promoting the creation of new villages (with proper infraestructure and aided by large-scale promotion of products such as potato farming), and second by inviting families across Germany to come as colonists. We will particularly welcome Protestant refugees who may be suffering from religious prosecution.

Justice, Culture and Other:

As promised, we command a large-scale project of justice reform in the Kingdom of Prussia, in line with earlier efforts based on delivering a better sense of justice and law to our people. Let it be known that we will continue to allow freedom of speech, and that we will allow for limited forms of freedom of press and literature. We will abolish judicial torture in Prussia outside of the army, that death as a punishment will only be allowed with the signature of His Majesty, and that men of different classes will be allowed to enter the bureaucracy. Justice must be fair, and it must be impartial in our lands.

Efforts will be redoubled to promote culture in the Kingdom of Prussia. His Majesty the King remains a firm admirer of French culture, but he also believes German culture has a lot of potential to offer. We will offer rewards and promotions to artists from Prussia or Germany who wish to promote the ideals of German culture and the history of Prussia.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2017, 12:01:49 AM »

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x Frederick II, King in Prussia
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2017, 06:03:57 PM »

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x Frederick II, King in Prussia
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2017, 06:20:52 PM »

His Majesty the King in Prussia is most pleased to announce that in a historic diplomatic event, full and formal diplomatic relations are hereby established between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Ottoman Empire. Ambassadors will be exchanged between Berlin and Istanbul, and His Majesty looks forward to a friendly and productive relationship with His Sacred and Imperial Majesty the Sultan.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2017, 03:22:03 PM »

A declaration from Sanssouci:

It is with deep concern that His Majesty Frederick II, King in Prussia sees the latest diplomatic developments across Europe, and the dangerous push towards war forced by the recklessness of some of the European Powers. For years His Majesty has kept the peace and devoted himself to the development of Prussia and the sustained improvement of the lives of his subjects, proving himself a responsible Monarch in the process.

Yet now we see very clear danger of foreign aggression against Prussia due to Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and King Louis XV of France, who have crafted a web of contradictory alliances and contradictory promises in such a way to seemingly isolate particular powers in Europe, in what can only constitute a sign of their desire to force a full-scale conflict across the continent on their cynical desire of aggression against the Kingdom of Prussia and other countries such as Great Britain.

His Majesty, wishing to avoid a conflict that would only spread bloodshed and misery made a peace proposition to Vienna, requesting that the matter of Silesia be settled once and for all as rightful Prussian territory. The Empress is clearly unwilling to even consider this, further proof that Vienna might only be waiting for the chance to strike in a petty revenge that will cost dearly to our own subjects. And while we may have considered King Louis a friend of Prussia in the past, his intentions clearly point to war as soon as he is ready.

This Austro-French alliance is clearly turning into a threat to peace in Europe.

The King in Prussia will make this clear: Prussia will not stand for aggression against its lands and subjects, and it will defend itself if threatened or provoked by the cynical posturing of Vienna and Versailles. Even more, this alliance poses a threat to countless German states who might soon fall prey to ambitions from Vienna and their desire for expansion across the Empire in places such as Bavaria, who have suffered the yoke of Austrian oppression in the past.

His Majesty King Frederick extends his protection to German states threatened by Austro-French aggression, and pledges to defend them from this Alliance should they require and request aid. We request that Vienna makes their intentions regarding Silesia, Bavaria and other German states clear, for the threat of war is loo large, too dangerous to be ignored.

Frederick II, King in Prussia.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2017, 04:23:51 PM »

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x Frederick II, King in Prussia
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2017, 04:32:02 PM »

From Sanssouci:

His Majesty Frederick II is pleased to confirm the signing of a historic mutual assistance treaty between the Netherlands and Prussia, which will guarantee the safety of both nations, build stronger economic, military and cultural ties, and aid in the task of containing aggression from the Austro-French alliance. He is also pleased to confirm the future marriage of the noble William, Prince of Orange with Princess Wilhelmina of Prussia once both come of age, a link that will bind the Netherlands and Prussia together.

His Majesty is also most concerned about the news coming from Madrid. As fellow Monarchs we must maintain courtesy when it comes to discussing private matters with each other, a simple sign of respect and Christian behavior. That the King of France, Louis XV could not maintain even a veneer of dignity and gone as far as to insult His Majesty Ferdinand VI of Spain in private is both irresponsible and improper for a monarch, and it goes to confirm the suspicions that the King of France is desperate to force a war of aggression and keep his unstable web of allies together by all means possible.

May all countries across Europe to take this as a sign of impending Austro-French danger.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2017, 05:50:27 PM »

From Sanssouci:

His Majesty Frederick II has been made aware that His Majesty the King of France, Louis XV and possibly agents on his service have been spreading misinformation regarding the Kingdom of Prussia, its interests and diplomatic efforts. We cannot but regret seeing a Monarch fall from dignified behavior to such a level, as it is most regrettable and distasteful to see a foreign nation doing everything on its power to push war by trying to ruin the reputation of Prussia and other nations in order to force them into a conflict.

His Majesty will consult with his Ambassador to France in order to take reasonable, appropriate and measured responses. We request His Majesty the King of France to stop beating the drums of war through such regrettable efforts of misinformation.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2017, 11:30:24 PM »

A Proclamation from Sanssouci:

It becomes increasingly clear to us all that His Majesty Louis XV and Empress Maria Theresa are more concerned with aggression and intrigue than they are with even the necessities of their own peoples, trying to drag Europe into a war for the sake of their own territorial expansion. The King of France calls himself a perfect gentleman, but does not hesitate to bring serious, unacceptable accusations on the honor of the His Majesty and the honor of the King of Spain, who all of Europe would find a more reliable source of events than a Monarch who has constantly spread misinformation and fear.

We take no lessons on morality from the corrupt court of Versailles, or the warmongering spirit prevailing in Vienna.

His Majesty the King follows the lead of his much appreciated ally and future brother-in-law, and hereby declares a 65% tariff on any and all French or Austrian goods sold in Prussian ports or brought to Prussia by land. In doing this not only we protect the farmers and merchants of our own Kingdom, we make it clear that the actions of Versailles and Vienna cannot be tolerated. Much like our esteemed friends and allies in Great Britain and in the interests of peace we also make yet another peace overture to Vienna and Empress Maria Theresa.

If Empress Maria Theresa recognizes Silesia as rightful, lawful Prussian territory and drops her claim on the province Prussia will then be able to recognize a sincere desire for peace coming from Austria, and would therefore lift these tariffs. To act otherwise would make it clear the Empress aims to take Silesia back and start a war of aggression, war which His Majesty has tried again and again to avoid.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2017, 02:52:56 PM »

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x Frederick II, King in Prussia
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2017, 01:51:25 PM »
« Edited: August 08, 2017, 08:45:11 PM by Lumine »

Proclamation from Sanssouci:

(The original proclaim was erased by accident, sorry!)
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2017, 01:52:27 AM »

The Kingdom of Prussia, rejecting the aggression of King Louis XV and Empress Maria Theresa hereby declares war on both. We will not stand while they carve Europe as they please, and having had ample time to show their peaceful intentions we cannot but embrace the arguments of our friend and ally His Majesty King George II. We ask the princes and nations of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire to take a stand against the tyranny of Maria Theresa, and we offer our protection to German princes under threat of expansion by France and Austria.

We will not stand while Prussia is divided by a coalition of hostile powers, and we will fight as only Prussians know to.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2017, 08:48:33 PM »

Proclamation from Sanssouci:

It seems clear from the latest declaration from our friend and allies in the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway that our warnings about France have been right, King Louis XV shamelessly offering the Kingdom of Prussia to the highest bidder to satisfy his ambitions while the Empress Maria Theresa dances to his tune. We call on the nations of the Empire to rebuke the aggression of the French King and the Austrian Empress, and make an open call to all the subjects of Prussia to stand for their King and nation. This is a war for our survival against those who would split Europe as they please, and against those who would see our very end as an independent nation.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2017, 01:34:27 AM »

From Sansoucci:

We warmly receive the news that the Kingdom of Portugal is at last rebuilding itself after such a disastrous earthquake, and we look forward to the recovery of a key nation in the European stage. Even in times of war we must show kindness and generosity to those who are in need, and the Kingdom of Prussia will not stay away from this Christian duty. Following the liberation of Saxony and the new resources we have acquired, His Majesty King Frederick II hereby commands that a full quarter of the Saxon treasure to be sent to the Kingdom of Portugal to aid in their efforts for recovery, adding an additional 5% for charity to those who have lost their homes, families or health in the earthquake. We salute the courage of Portugal in rebuilding itself.

His Majesty the King will also be issuing several proclaims regarding the current war later on.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2017, 11:01:45 PM »

Proclamations from Sanssouci:


As it is the knowledge of the European courts, we offered sanctuary to many former ladies of the French court, including the famous and most esteemed Madame de Pompadour. Madame de Pompadour played a key role in the court for over a decade, becoming so close, so powerful, so important, it is recognized she was the closest thing to a “Chief Minister” of sorts in Versailles, handling appointments, dismissals, favors and intervening often on foreign and domestic matters. No longer willing to be an accomplice to the conspiracies and lies of Louis XV, there is much we have learned from Madame de Pompadour, and a recent, highly concerning piece of knowledge has reached our ears.

It was with much concern and sadness that we heard of the assassination of the mighty Osman III, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. While at the time we cannot state that any foreign power is indeed responsible for this outrageous act, it has become evident that there is a conspiracy in place to undermine the Ottoman Empire with the future goal of splitting it among some European powers, many of them historic enemies and rivals of the Empire. Madame de Pompadour has noted that one of the many webs of intrigue coming from Versailles has devised a nefarious plot to, in the first place, promote a revolt across the Balkans to undermine the Ottomans with the support of Austria and Russia, and second, to ultimately split the Ottoman Empire between the powers allied to France after the end of the war and their proposed split of Prussia.

It would seem that there is nothing our enemies wouldn’t do to undermine other neutral powers and win this war at all costs. We warn the Ottoman Empire to beware the ambitions of the allies from Versailles.


The Kingdom of Prussia hears the call of his ally, and hereby recognizes the Austrian Netherlands as a land that should belong to the Netherlands. Neither Maria Theresa nor Louis XV have a clear connection with this land and its peoples, and we could think of no better administration than that of Anne of Hanover and the Netherlands's public officers to serve and protect this region.

It is also with grave concern that His Majesty King Frederick II has heard of Austrian courtiers trying to force Empress Maria Theresa to drastically alter the internal balance of the Holy Roman Empire, committing the outrage of depriving Prussia and Hanover from their rightful, lawful states as electors of the Empire in an act that would show unmistakable discrimination and aggression towards Protestants across the land. Our warning is clear to Vienna, should they pursue this course of action we will be forced to take drastic measures.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2017, 03:29:54 PM »


There has been a significant degree of interest on the fate of Ivan Antonovich, once the Tsar of All the Russias before the usurpation of his throne by his own cousin Elizabeth Petrovna, who removed the rightful Tsar from his place and sent him into an inhumane exile in which this young boy, barely a year old, was submitted to utterly despicable, unchristian treatment for over fifteen years. Realizing that this young man needed to be saved, loyalists to young Ivan rescued him from his dark prison, and in an act of the outmost bravery spirited him out of Russia and into safety in our Kingdom, asking for sanctuary against the terrible vengeance of the “Tsarina.”

Taking pity on this poor soul, the King in Prussia chose to accept this request after confirming the identity of the most noble Tsar. Despite his plight and his suffering, young Ivan remains a man of great potential to learn and become the great ruler he is destined to be, and he has never lost his faith in the Lord. We see in him the rightful monarch of the great, mighty Empire of Russia, and His Majesty King Frederick hereby recognizes Ivan Antonovich as Ivan VI, the rightful, lawful ruler and Tsar of All the Russias. We declare our belief that Elizabeth Petrovna is an usurper, currently leading the Russian peoples to ruin due to her alliance with the warmongering Louis XV and Maria Theresa.

Across the lands of Russia there are garrisons unpaid, armies badly maintained, peasants starving, noblemen being humiliated and abused, peoples stripped of their way of life, all while changing the the succession to suit her ambitions and needs. The subjects of Russia will find no better ruler in young Ivan VI, a man who has known what is to suffer at the hands of a tyrant for years, a man whose faith kept him alive, a man willing to learn and become a truly Russian ruler. We make an open call to the nations of Europe to recognize Ivan as the rightful Tsar, but make no mistake. We do not intend for him to be or become a Prussian or British puppet.

We make a solemn vow that Ivan VI will be married to a suitable bride from the Russian aristocracy and not to a foreign power, and while we expect to generate a deep, lasting friendship between our peoples from our support for the rightful monarch of Russia, we will not descend into the level of Elizabeth Petrovna by mistreating and manipulating this remarkable young man. He will be a Russian monarch, for the Russian people. And should any powers see to harm his wellbeing we make this fair warning: should anything happen to young Ivan, we will consider King Louis XV and Elizabeth Petrovna as responsible.

Arise, peoples and soldiers of Russia! Arise for your rightful monarch! Let all true men declare their loyalty!
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2017, 03:44:17 PM »

On the War of the Grand Coalition:

His Majesty King Frederick is most pleased by the news of many victories in the field, disappointing as the failure of our invasion of Bohemia was. We congratulate Field Marshal Keith on his triumph in Swedish Pomerania and Prince Henry of Prussia on his victory at the Battle of Gdansk, and we congratulate our armies and those of our allies for a most successful invasion of Saxony and a brave campaign fought in Bohemia. Field Marshal Keith and Prince Henry will be suitable rewarded, as our soldiers and officers will be as well.

We welcome the entry of the Ottoman Empire into the war after the outrageous dealings of Austria and France regarding Ottoman territory, a sign that not only Europe, but even nations of different faiths are recognizing the threat posed by Louis XV and Maria Theresa and reacting to it. Lastly, we thank the Most Noble Sultan for being the second monarch to recognize Ivan VI as the righful Tsar.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2017, 04:24:13 PM »

On the War with Poland-Lithuania:

Surprising as it must have been for some in Europe that Saxony and Poland-Lithuania were invaded as part of the War of the Grand Coalition, this was a necessity for the outmost safety of the Kingdom of Prussia. Our agents received information that stated that Saxony would be used as the staging point for an Austro-French invasion into Prussia, a danger we could not ignore to keep our people safe.

What has emerged after further investigation and with the confirmation of the former French royal mistresses, however, is much more concerning. It appears this information was planted to our agents in a surprisingly complex plot from an agent provocateur, an attempt to force us into war with Poland-Lithuania so Russia would be drawn into the conflict and thus expand the might of the French coalition in aggression against Prussia. We regret to be the one to unveil the truth behind this infamous conspiracy as we have been forced to uncover others in the past, including the proposed split of Prussia and the Ottoman Empire.

But we cannot remain silent, not when our war with Poland is not what both sides would have thought it to be. Because sources, agents and French refugees in our court have all confirmed that the source of this false info was ultimately France, devised in Versailles. His Majesty the King has been stunned since learning of this info. While a warrior himself and man well aware of the dangers of intrigue, he simply cannot comprehend how something so dishonest could be prepared to force two nations into war. Is there nothing sacred for the French court? No line they will draw? No measure they will not use to reduce their enemies into ruin?

Prussia will not stand for it. Our quest continues with more resolve than ever, and we wonder whether the nature of our conflict with Poland-Lithuania should change after the discovery of this information.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2017, 10:10:24 AM »

From Sanssouci:

On Anne of Hanover:
It is with great sadness that His Majesty the King has learned of the death of Anne of Hanover. We mourn the demise of such a popular, brilliant woman, who always fought for what was best for her son and for the Netherlands. Nothing will be able to replace the void she leaves behind, much as we wish the best of luck to the new regent. All Prussian flags will be a half-mast for a week, and we will mourn the death of Anne as if it was the death of His Majesty himself. May the Regent's memory never be forgotten.

On the Irish Rebellion:
It would seem there is very nearly nothing the King of France will not do, including fostering a violent revolt in the attempts to replacing the rightful monarch of Great Britain with a cowardly pretender. It seems it is on his agenda to fill Europe with puppet monarchs, as it seems clear from his moves regarding Ireland and Poland, and we strongly reject the ambitions of France to become the ruling power of Europe. However, we do not condone the actions of our friend and ally Great Britain. We ask His Majesty the King to reconsider his decision, and take conciliatory moves towards Catholics in Ireland once his rebellion is crushed. As fellow Enlightened Monarchs, we not never stoop to the level of France.

On Religion:
His Majesty the King is most distressed by the shameless, blatant manipulations of facts made by the King of France and the Pope, who in despair for their cause have resorted to the wretched attempt of turning the current conflict into a war of religion. Has Europe not suffered enough because of these wars? Has enough blood not been spilled in something we should have left behind? Are they willing to see Protestants and Catholics bleed each other out if it means that their cause receives a boost? Shame of them, His Majesty says.

The Kingdom of Prussia believes in religious tolerance, and we are not here to fight a war of religion. We are here to put an end to French and Austrian aggression. And so the King pledges to all the Princes of Germany, and all the Monarchs of Europe, that we will not fight a war of religion against Catholics. More to the point, religious tolerance is practiced in Prussia at this very moment, and that will continue to be the case in the future. We ask Europe not to buy into the frenzy of a war-crazed Pope and King, overtly desiring Europe to bleed itself apart for the sake of their victory.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2017, 11:41:06 PM »


From the very beginning of this war we expressed our support for the Sejm against the coup of late King Augustus, and much as we regret the circumstances of his execution we nonetheless recognize the unity of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth under the noble Aleksander Czartoryski, now King Alexander II. We respect the right of the Sejm to choose their own monarch and strongly reject any attempt to place Stanisław Leszczyński, the puppet chosen by the King of France, in the Polish throne. We have no desire to see unnecessary bloodshed between Prussia and Poland, nor do we see the Poles as either enemies or rivals, particularly as they have cut their ties to the Electorate of Saxony and any other foreign holding.

We gladly accept the offer of peace made by His Majesty King Alexander II, which will see most if not all of Royal Prussia as part of our most noble Kingdom while restoring the city of Danzig into Polish control, an exchange which we view as just, fair and a powerful and christian gesture of peace from Poland. As a sign of good will, we make a pledge here and now to stand up for the borders of the Commonwealth should they face any aggression from Elizabeth Petrovna, the usurper of the Russian throne. Let this be the start of a new era between the Commonwealth and Prussia of harmony and cooperation, and let us strive to build trust against between our nations.

There is one final thing to note. For decades the Monarchs of our Kingdom have been forced into the farcical title of "King in Prussia", even after the Commonwealth dropped the title of "King of Prussia" fifteen years ago. With the acceptance of this peace deal and the consolidation of Royal Prussia as an integral part of our Kingdom, the time has come to end this lack of clarity. From this day hencefort, His Majesty Frederick II and his successors will style themselves as Kings of Prussia.


This war that has engulfed Europe has lasted for several months, months which have seen significant atrocitied perpretated by belligerent powers such as the Kingdom of France, with tales of depravation, murder and horror coming from the Netherlands after harsh, unchristanlike French occupation and rape. Let the record show that although the Kingdom of Prussia might fight unconventionally, we have remained disciplined and respectful, and refused to see any sort of war crimes committed during our campaigns.

Fellow Princes of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, you face imminent danger.

It is beyond clear from our sources that Louis XV has the clear goal of crossing the Rhine not only to send his armies against Prussia, but with a far more devious intent in mind. There being no land route by which France may attack us, there being no chance for them to do so by sea, a French Army could only find its way into Prussia or Austria by marching across our own states, breaking your neutrality, sacking their way through your principalities, inflicting revenge not only on Protestants but on Catholics, and worse of all, with every intention to stay and expand just as they have done so with Belgium.

My fellow princes and peoples, there are things that may separate us at times. It may be religion, it may be political interests, it may be support for a given power or a given cause. But we are all fellow Germans first and foremost, with a common heritage, a common language, a common history which has seen us again and again face aggression and threat from the bellicose French. And now we stand at a historic moment in which they clearly plan to cross the Rhine and break the neutrality of your own states. Do not allow this. Do not allow this to happen, fellow noble princes, and prepare for the gathering storm that threatens to engulf us all.

Send your ambassadors to Paris to make it clear a French army in Germany cannot and will not be tolerated, and warn the King of France of the consecuences of such an action. Act in unity, recognizing that if a French Army invades one of you then all of your states are under potential threat. Prepare your defenses, bolster your garrisons, beware of foreign agents and spies, and spread the word that you will do what you have to do for the honor of the German peoples, for the safety of your homes, the integrity of your states.

Prussia fights the King of France, the Austrian Empress and the Russian Usurper, but not the neutral states and princes of Germany, against which we have no desire but to see them protected and safe from aggression from Versailles. Open your eyes to the imminent danger of French aggression, my friends, and be prepared.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2017, 12:09:15 AM »


It is with great encouragement that His Majesty King Frederick II has seen thousans upon thousands of loyal Russian subjects taking a stand for young Tsar Ivan VI and rejecting the tyrannical rule of Elizabeth Petrovna. The young Tsar has been scarred on his mind by years upon years of torture and abuse from the sadistic usurper he once considered part of his family, but he learns fast, and we remain convinced that through his piety and with the Grace of God he will become the great, merciful and kind ruler he is destined to be for the people of Russia.

Travelers, observers and agents alike that return from Russia paint the same picture, a picture of suffering, death, famine and neglect. Thousands of serf suffer from unbelievable exploitation, thousands of soldier go without pay and proper support, thousands of miners and workers starve to death as opportunistic ministers loyal to the usurper exploit Russia for their own private and cynical interests. As a monarch who has worked his entire life to improve the lives of common Prussians, His Majesty is appalled at the treatment of the many peoples that comprise the Russian Empire under the usurper Elizabeth.

His Majesty Tsar Ivan VI has been appalled and distressed at learning the terrible conditions his peoples live due to the oppression coming from St. Petersburg, and once restored to the throne he plans to take immediate action to address these concerns. Relief from recruitment and taxation, extensive reform to end serfdom once and for all, a return to further tolerance and rights for many neglected groups and beliefs abandoned by the state are among many of the necessary reforms the Tsar intends to make, and we will stand with him to see that his dream of a better Russia in which a Tsar proves to be a true father to his peoples becomes a reality.

Arise, men and women of Russia. Arise, soldiers. Arise, peasants and outcasts. A pious, compassionate young Tsar needs your support.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2017, 09:26:32 PM »

Proclamation from Sanssouci:

His Majesty the King of Prussia welcomes the news of the Treaty of Gdansk, and thanks His Majesty Alexander II of the Commonwealth for his efforts at bringing peace between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Commonwealth. His Majesty remains convinced as always it was French intrigue that led to the conflict between both nations, and reaffirms his belief that Prussians and Poles should not bleed for the sake of Versailles and the whims of bloodthirsty monarchs. And while we regret the news of the Treaty of Brussels, His Majesty remains a friend to the Dutch people and government, and hope the day comes in which the shameful annexation of rightful Dutch lands by the overambitious French is reversed.

Welcome are as well the news that come from Great Britain, our wise friend and ally King George II making a decisive, bold move for mercy and tolerance which might prove to be an example to all. Much has been made by the Pope and King Louis XV about a War of Religion, a cynical ploy by desperate monarchs all too keen to push Europe to the brink of war, famine, starvation and death. We see no such war. What we see is a quest for dignity and justice across our continent, rejecting the aggressions and the tyranny of Louis XV, Maria Theresa and the usurper Elizabeth Petrovna. We consider these monarchs guilty of countless deplorable actions, ranging from their endless intrigues, acts of aggression, pillage and rape of nations and its peoples, and the tyrannical rule which they hold over their oppressed subjects.

The alliance which the Kingdom of Prussia forms part of is a diverse one. Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants and Muslims have all put their differences aside in gestures of supreme tolerance and friendship to react to the outrages planned and executed each day from Versailles. Only a most urgent, noble cause could cause monarchs and nations of such different backgrounds and beliefs to unite, and our resolve is certain and true. We ask the other allies of France and the neutral nations of the continent to compare the behavior of both alliances and make a judgement regarding which one is more tolerant, which one more committed to a just war, which one poses less of a threat to the security of Europe.

We ask they make this judgement and take up the cause of tolerance and justice, and reject the bloodthirsty proclaims coming from Rome and Versailles alike.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2017, 02:24:08 AM »


His Majesty the King of Prussia issues the following proclaim from the battlefields of Bohemia:

Facing a seemingly critical situation due to the might and size of the enemy armies, many probably believed this could have been the end of His Majesty and his glorious military career. Yet as events continue to show, His Majesty Fredrick II and the Prussian Army have not lost the ability to astonish and surprise. While the defeat in Graz is most regrettable, it is outshined in importance by the decisive victory of His Majesty at the Second Battle of Salzburg and the Capture of Vienna, twin battles which alongside the excellent performance of Prince Henry of Prussia in Prague have saved Prussia from potential disaster. From this day henceforth, His Majesty will issue medals for all the soldiers and officers who fought these decisive battles, who will be known across Prussia as the "Heroes of Salzburg". His Majesty will be taking further moves to ensure the legacy of these victories is never forgotten.

His Majesty also offers his most sincere condolences regarding the death of Empress Maria Theresa, who while an enemy, was a worthy rival to the King on account of her unyielding spirit and courage. His Majesty gave orders that no harm should come to the Empress or her family, and so we remain convinced she took her own life due to the scale of the defeat inflicted upon Austria. His Majesty had no reasons or motive to see the Empress harmed, and so he grieves on the death of a rival and fellow monarch with such dignity, courage and resolve, with all flags across Prussia ordered at half-mast to mark this regrettable event. His Majesty also wishes to reassure that the Duke of Bavaria, Archduke Joseph and other noble prisoners will be treated with due respect and humanity, but he extends an invitation to the remaining Generals inside the Hapsburg lands to carefully consider their options.

It is with horror that we have also learned of the death of the usurper Elizabeth Petrovna in Russia, and even more the concerning news that come from the chaos inside the Russian Empire and the actions of one Catherine Alekseyevna, claiming a false regency for an even more false Tsar. His Majesty angrily denies this so called conspiracy to murder the usurper, noting that all "evidence" comes as the result of torture from the ruthless agents of Catherine Alekseyevna. This is nothing more than a despicable plot to cement a so called regency that faces imminent collapse and chaos, and His Majesty denies here and now any involvement in this matter. Once again the Kingdom of Prussia restates its support for Ivan VI as the rightful, lawful Tsar of All Russians, and looks forward to seeing him coronated and sitting on his rightful throne soon.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2017, 11:10:48 AM »


Having stated earlier that he would seek to preserve and honor the legacy of this historic victories against Austria and the House of Hapsburg, His Majesty King Frederick II of Prussia hereby commands a large-scale memorial to be built in Berlin celebrating the battles and honoring allied and enemy fallen on the battlefield.

A significant part of this memorial will be devoted to the heroics of the brave soldiers of the Ottoman Army, whose support was crucial to His Majesty's daring strategy by drawing enemy forces away from Vienna and fighting a brave battle across the Danube despite the odds. Another part will also be devoted to Empress Maria Theresa and her courage, in proof that His Majesty bears no ill will to the fallen Empress and remains devastated on account of her suicide.

His Majesty also asks composers and musicians across Prussia and Germany itself to compose a march in honor of the battle, by the name of "The March on Salzburg". The best composition will be chosen by the Court Composer and granted the honor of becoming one of the official songs of the Prussian Army, his author granted a suitable reward and honors.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2017, 05:54:15 PM »

As the Most Noble Sultan of the Ottoman Empire has noted, it is truly sad to see the Russian throne usurped by Catherine Alekseyevna, born Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst, in the name of the infant Paul. Across the continent there are many who already ask why would Catherine have any claim to a regency in the name of any Tsar, a woman with no Russian blood on her veins, known not only for her cruelty and ambition but on account of her lust. Even Paul's supposed father has noted his suspicions that the boy is not his, but the son of one of Catherine's countless lovers.

Peoples of Russia, the whole world asks of you, what will it be? Will it be a foreign born ruler for you, who is unable to speak Russian without an accent and was born into a different culture and religion, pulling the strings of an illegitimate child? Or will it be a young, courageous man who is of Russian royal blood through and through, who not only speaks the language has knows the customs, but who is also well acquainted with the suffering of the people? What will it be? The Kingdom of Prussia stands by its pledge that Ivan VI should be a Russian ruler and not a puppet, and from now on our court will accept marriage proposals for Ivan from the Russian aristocracy.
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