Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread  (Read 37755 times)
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« on: July 26, 2017, 06:55:18 PM »
« edited: July 26, 2017, 11:17:47 PM by DKrol »

January 1756
George II of Great Britain

On the Prime Ministership - The Duke of Newcastle is to be relieved of his services as Prime Minister effective immediately. He is thanked for his years of service to the Crown, which will not be easily forgotten. It is the will of the King that the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, William Cavendish, serve as the new Prime Minister for as long as he shall hold the King’s confidence.

On the Subject of a Royal Consort - Her Majesty Queen Caroline of Ansbach, beloved to His Majesty the King, departed this world to join Almighty God in 1737. While the King had remained in mourning all these years, to cherish her memory, he has decided that it is time to remarry, for the good of the Kingdom. As such, the King has decided to field requests from all the great Houses of Europe in the search for a new Queen.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2017, 10:22:09 PM »

January 1756
George II of Great Britain

On the Subject of a Royal Consort - It is the great pleasure of His Majesty the King to announce he has agreed to wed Anna Amalia, Princess-Abbsess of Quedlinburg, and to welcome her to our fair isle to join him at the Court of Saint James. The union will serve both to honor the memory of the late Queen Caroline of Ansbach and to cement the bond between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

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YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2017, 02:09:12 PM »

January 1756
George II of Great Britain

On the Subject of the Anglo-Spanish Treaty - It is the great pleasure of His Majesty the King to announce he has agreed to the union of the Prince of Wales to Her Royal Highness Princess Maria Luisa of Sicily and Naples to cement the bond between the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The King is also pleased to announce that the following treaty has been signed. The King is proud to announce the new chapter of friendship, openess, and comradery between the two kingdoms and signaled the process of setting aside the old troubles between the two kingdoms is a sign of the new and enlightened age in which we live.

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x George II
By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Archtreasurer and Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire

YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2017, 11:15:02 PM »

January 1756
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

Dark days are unfolding across the European mainland, as well as the New World. The French King, if the man may still be called such, is constructing a tangled web of alliances, promises, and thin commitments in an effort to prepare an aggressive military machine. The King in France has gone so far in his quest to rip apart the peace of Europe as to insult, throwing proper Christian diplomacy to the wolves, the King of Spain in a private dialogue. His Majesty the King has taken many precautions to protect the British people from these actions of aggression and violence in Europe, including the signing of landmark treaties with the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Spain as well as the commencement of diplomatic overtures to the Sublime Porte and the Princess Royal in the United Provinces of the Netherlands.

The newest action His Majesty the King has taken to protect the British people, both at home and in the New World, is to order a 65% tariff on any and all French or Austrian goods sold in British ports, either in Europe, the New World, or the Orient or goods of French or Austrian origin brought into any holding of the British Crown if purchased elsewhere. The Austrians, as many are aware, are the Eastern puppet of the French, pursuing many acts of aggression towards the Prussians and the German Princes, and ignoring several overtures for peace from His Majesty the King in Prussia, Frederick II.

As a sign of his good intent, His Majesty the King is willing to make an offer to the King in France to abate the tensions sweeping over Europe in these days. If the King in France turns the traitor Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, over to the British Crown to face justice for his role in the 1745 Jacobite Uprising, His Majesty the King will recognize the true intentions of the King in France and the tariff will be lifted. If the Stuart traitor is not handed over the British Crown with all due haste, it will become overwhelmingly clear that the King in France means to make no peace and that aggression will be the path forward.

God save the King!
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2017, 10:25:51 PM »

June 1756
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

For many years now, the French and the Austrians have been aggressive in their diplomatic strategy and, although both Great Britain and Prussia have offered them several opportunities for peaceable outcomes, they've continued on their path of belligerency. The French are harboring the traitor Bonnie Prince Charlie in open defiance of an order from His Majesty the King, promising the territorial holdings of the Prussian Crown to their allies, and causing chaos and disorder across the New World. The Austrians refuse to recognize Silesia as Prussian land, despite the War on Austrian Succession clearly awarding Silesia to Prussia, continue to promote the disorder in Poland, and support the French in their acts of aggression. Any of these actions alone are grounds for war, combined they're impossible to ignore.

All diplomatic routes have been exhausted. A proposed peace summit in Hanover, originally offered to His Majesty by the Swedes, was squashed by the aggressive and belligerent King in France. Talks on the handing over of Bonnie Prince Charlie have been fruitless and requests for the Austrian Empress to recognize the Prussian right to Silesia have been for naught. This war is on the hands of the King in France and the Empress in Austria. Every drop of blood spilled shall be on their record with Almighty Got. Every life lost shall be borne on their shoulders.

We have therefore thought proper to declare War; and we do hereby Declare War against the French King and the Austrian Empress, who have so unjustly begun it, relying on the help of Almighty God, in our just undertaking, and being assured of the hearty concurrence and assistance of our Subjects, in support of so good a cause; hereby willing and requiring our Captain General of our Forces, our Commissioners for executing the Office of our High Admiral of Great Britain, our Lieutenants of our several Counties, Governors of our Forts and Garrisons, and all other Officers and Soldiers under them, by Sea and Land, to do and execute all Acts of Hostility, in the prosecution of this War against the French King and the Austrian Empress, their vassals and subjects, and to oppose their attempts: willing and requiring all our subjects to take notice of the same, whom we henceforth strictly forbid to hold any correspondence or communication with the said French King or Austrian Empress, or their subjects. And we do hereby command our own Subjects, and advertise all other persons, of what nation soever, not to transport or carry any soldiers, arms, powder, ammunition, or other contraband goods, to any of the Territories, Lands, Plantations, or Countries of the said French King or Austrian Empress; declaring, that whatever Ship or Vessel shall be met withal, transporting or carrying soldiers, arms, powder, ammunition, or any other contraband goods, to any of the Territories, Lands, Plantations, or Countries of the said French King or Austrian Empress, the same, being taken, shall be condemned as good and lawful prize.

And whereas there are remaining in our Kingdom divers of the subjects of the French King and Austrian Empress, we do hereby declare our Royal Intention to be, that all the French subjects and Austrian subjects who shall demean themselves dutifully towards us, shall be safe in their persons and Effects.

Given at Our Court of Kensington, the [INSERT IG DATE HERE] Day of June, 1756, in the Twenty ninth Year of Our Reign.

God save the King.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2017, 10:58:39 PM »

June 1756
George II of Great Britain

The Issuing of Letters Patent: The Earl of Loudoun’s success in the Ohio River Valley is greatly applauded by His Majesty the King. As a reward for his success, His Majesty the King grants the letters patent to create him Duke of Northumberland in the Peerage of Great Britain.

In recognition of her marriage to His Majesty the King, His Majesty the King grants the letters patent to create Anna Amelia as Her Majesty the Queen in the Peerage of Great Britain.

In recognition of her marriage to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, His Majesty the King grants letters patent to create Maria Louisa of Naples as Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales.

On Military Appointments: Major-General Robert Clive is hereby appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of British Forces in the Indian Theater.

The Duke of Northumberland retains his leadership as Commander-in-Chief of British Forces in the New World.

Field Marshal Sir Jeffrey Amherst is hereby appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of British Forces in Europe.

Admiral Sir Charles Saunders is hereby appointed as the First Lord of the Admiralty.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2017, 03:46:35 AM »

January 1757
George II of Great Britain

On the Subject of the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty - It is the great pleasure of His Majesty the King to announce he has agreed to the union of Prince William, the Duke of Cumberland to Her Royal Highness The Princess of Brazil, Duchess of Braganza to cement the bond between the Kingdom of Portugal and the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The King is also pleased to announce that the following treaty has been signed. The King is proud to announce the new chapter in a long history of friendship, openess, and comradery between the two kingdoms at this present time of extreme discord and hatred in Europe and the world.

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x George II
By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Archtreasurer and Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire

On the Subject of Belgium - For many years, it has been clear the the Empress in Austria has had no love for her holdings in Western Europe, for many years known as the Austrian Netherlands. In recent years the Empress has been in making overatures to sell off the holdings to the highest bidder; now it has become clear that she has found that bidder, the King in France. The Kingdom of Great Britain does not recognize this transfer. The King in France is nothing but the Western puppet for the Empress in Austria, and nothing would change for the people of the realm, which has always been the main concern of His Majesty. For the good of the Belgian people, it is obvious that the United Provinces of the Netherlands should govern the realm and they shall do so with the full confidence and support of His Majesty. The Kingdom of Great Britain has committed military arms to support the rights of the United Provinces of the Netherlands in Belgium.

On the Subject of the Colonial Army - Any man of fit moral and physical character who wishes to take up arms for His Majesty, swear an oath of allegiance to His Majesty, and follow the proper commands of His Majesty's officers shall be allowed to do so. No discrepency shall exist between a man of British origin and a man of Colonial origin, so long as he is a loyal, honest, and hardworking man.

On the Subject of Native Relations - His Majesty decrees that no British settelement shall impede on any native settelement West of the Mississippi River. All lands to the West of the Mississippi that are held by natives shall remain in native hands for as long as His Majesty shall reign, and upon the conclusion of the current war, His Majesty's Army will assist any loyal and peaceble natives located East of the Mississippi in relocating to the proclaimed native lands in the West.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2017, 10:49:03 PM »

January 1757
George II

On Russia - For many years, it has been the position of His Majesty's Government that Elizabeth Petrovna was not the legitimate ruler of the Russians, given the anti-Christian and deplorable methods she used to acquire power. His Majesty the King has confirmed that Ivan Antonovich is alive and safe in the hands of allies. By rights, Ivan Antonovich is recognized as the one true Tsar of All the Russians and the imposter Elizabeth is decried as an enemy of the Russians and of the Christian world. Should her head be presented to His Majesty the King, he who presents it will be awarded  a handsome peerage in the Order of Great Britain.

On the Ottomans and the Portuguese - His Majesty the King welcomes the great Sultan Mustafa III and his realm to the list of the many allies of Great Britain. His Majesty the King also welcomes the alliance with King Joseph of Portugal and the Algraves, cemented with the soon-to-come marriage of the Prince William, Duke of Cumberland to Her Royal Highness The Princess of Brazil, Duchess of Braganza. With the addition of these two great forces and noble rulers to the Grand Coalition His Majesty the King has constructed for the Kingdom, His Majesty the King is confident that the days of the war are numbered and peace shall soon return to Europe and the world.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2017, 11:47:29 PM »

January 1757
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

His Majesty the King has warned for many years the dangers of the pretenders of the Stuart line. It was in Divine benevolence that His Majesty the King and the dearly beloved King George I chose to allow them to live in a modest, Christian life in Europe. In recent months it has become clear that the Stuarts had no plans to live that modest, Christian life and were still intent on overthrowing the good family of the House of Hanover that have ruled the Kingdom of Great Britain for decades. This is why, in his wisdom, His Majesty the King demanded the handing over of the Old Pretender's son, the one Bonnie Prince Charlie, to end the Stuart line and to diffuse the tensions across Europe. It was further in his wisdom that His Majesty the King, seeing no moves by the King in France to hand over the Stuart heir, began the current war in Europe, to protect the British homeland from traitorous rebels. His Majesty the King had hoped that the recent successes of the British Army, Royal Navy, and Her loyal allies would have led the King in France to hand over the traitorous Stuart brood. Sadly, the King in France and His Pompousness the Pope in Rome have not seen the winds of enlightened Protestantism blowing across Europe.

The rebellion in Ireland is a direct result of instigation by the King in France and His Pompousness. The Catholics, who have made a life of swearing allegiance to Rome rather than the Crown, are not a loyal breed. His Majesty the King made many efforts to allow them to live peaceably alongside the good Protestants of the Kingdom. Many Catholics in the realm, especially those in England, Scotland, and Wales, have been good and loyal subjects for many years now. Even Her Majesty the Queen was once a Catholic but, in order to be a loyal wife and faithful subject, she converted to the Church of England as a sign of loyalty. Many of His Majesty the King's allies in the current war in Europe are of the Catholic faith, but recognize the danger in such blind loyalty as His Pompousness vainly demands. The current events in Ireland show that there is something in the Irish breed that makes them untrustworthy and less loyal than rats; when coupled with the plague of Catholicism, they can never be good subjects.

The perpetrators of this rebellion in Ireland will not receive the King's Peace, nor be offered the promise of safety and protections ever again. All Catholics in Ireland who wish to preserve their well-being must convert to the Church of England and commit the following oath to an officer of the British Army or become subject to imprisonment, torture, severe fining, banishment, and even death for their continued disloyalty. Violation of the Oath is punishable by death and death alone. Good and loyal Catholics across the realm are encouraged to take the same oath, to assure His Majesty the King of their continued loyalty.

His Majesty the King grants letters patent to create His Royal Highness Prince William, the Duke of Cumberland as Duke of Leinster in the Peerage of Ireland and all lesser title associated with it.

His Royal Highness Prince William is also appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

Any man who presents the head of both James Stuart the Old Pretender or Bonnie Prince Charlie to His Majesty the King will be rewarded handsomely with titles, land, and wealth beyond the dreams of peasants.

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YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2017, 01:54:25 AM »

January 1757
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

His Majesty the King had hoped that the nations that had taken up arms across the globe in opposition to the King in France and the Empress in Austria, even the ones led by Catholics, would be able to see the folly of blindly following the words of a man as devoid of moral standing as His Pompousness. Sadly, many of His Majesty the King's purported allies have chosen to side with the rebellious and traitorous Irish Catholics. These signs of support for an active rebellion within the realm are very distressing to His Majesty the King, as they come from monarchs His Majesty the King once considered friends, patriots, and brothers. Even the Princess Royal, His Majesty the King's own daughter, has chosen the unyielding commands of His Pompousness over the bonds of kinship with her father and the nation of her birth.

All His Majesty the King desires is loyalty. For many, many years the Irish have been allowed to practice their faith freely, despite tremendous tensions between their foreign church and the Church of England. His Majesty the King allowed the practice of their foreign faith to continue even after they raised the Stuart banners in 1715 and 1745. His Majesty the King has been nothing but benevolent and accepting towards their foreign church for all the years of his reign. Even after His Pompousness issued a decree attacking His Majesty the King and declaring his support for the King in France, His Majesty the King allowed the practice of the foreign church to continue. But when a foreign church crowns a traitor as king of his realm, any king must respond. No monarch of any worth would stand by and allow a faith to flourish while that faith is planning the downfall of the monarch, the murder of the king, and the installation of a puppet government.

The Catholic Church must be severely limited in its scope, reach, and practice until the Stuart line is extinct and His Pompousness recognizes the House of Hanover as the one, true, proper rulers of the Kingdom of Great Britain. His Majesty the King will take any and all steps necessary to protect His Kingdom from the overreaches of the traitorous foreign church. His Majesty the King is acting in the best interest of both the realm and his Subjects.

God save the King!
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2017, 04:51:15 AM »

January 1757
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

After speaking with family, advisers, and the Prime Minister, His Majesty the King has decreed that Anne, issue of His Majesty the King and the dearly beloved Queen Caroline, has taken steps to deem herself and her issue, in perpetuity, unfit to sit on the throne of the Kingdom of Great Britain. She and her issue are hereby stripped of any and all titles, honors, and courtesies they may have held within the Kingdom. Due to her actions of declaring herself Dutch, rather than the English in her blood, and siding the treasonous foreign church, instead of supporting her beloved father His Majesty the King during a time of open rebellion, His Majesty the King has barred his daughter Anne and her issue, in perpetuity, from ever succeeding to the throne of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

God save the King!
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2017, 12:00:46 AM »

January 1757
George II of Great Britain

Statement from 10 Downing Street

His Majesty the King has no statement on the passing of Anne the Dutch.

God save the King!
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2017, 05:50:21 PM »

June 1757
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

Over the last several months, His Majesty the King has heard from his strongest Generals, smartest ministers, and loyalest Holy Men with regards to the Stuart Rebellion in Ireland. After reviewing, debating, and praying on many options, His Majesty the King has come to a decision on a method to secure peace across His Realms. His Majesty the King has decreed that full emancipation shall be granted to all Catholics in England, Scotland, and Wales, as they have already proven their loyalty to His Majesty the King. Further, His Majesty the King has decreed special instructions for the Catholics in Ireland.Any Catholic man who renounces the Stuartist line and who renounces the Pope's claim to absolute temporal authority shall be allowed to inherit property, vote in elections, and serve in His Majesty the King's Army and Navy for so long as he remains loyal. He shall also be forgiven of any crimes he may have committed against His Majesty the King during the current state of rebellion. It is His Majesty the King's intention to unite his realms once more in peace under His watchful guidance rather than continue the period of bloodshed and violence among countrymen.

God Save the King!
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2017, 01:50:24 PM »

His Majesty King Frederick II of Prussia is pleased to announce that after some negotiations undertaken with the Kingdom of Sweden a separate peace between Sweden and the Anglo-Prussian-Ottoman-Danish Alliance is to be concluded, putting an end to one of the most noteworthy theaters of the current war and hopefully signaling a new age of peace and cooperating between our alliance and Sweden:

Treaty of Christiana
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x His Majesty King Frederick II, King of Prussia

x Adolf Fredrick, King of Sweden

x George II
By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg

A Proclamation from Kensington Palace

For several years now, His Majesty the King has valiently led his realms through the most trying times of his glorious reign. On the Continent, the enemies of the realms drew their swords, polished their guns, and began beating their war drums. Within the Isles, the enemies of the Crown reared their heads once again and readied their banners. But His Majesty the King stood firm, and the tide is changing. The treasonous Bonnie Prince Charlie has been vanquished, and his father the foolish James Stuart lies in hiding in the dinge of a European capital. Peace has been achieved with the King of Sweden, the Austrians have been crushed, and the days of conflict with the King in France are dwindling. Glorious days of peace are returning to our fair realms once again.

To further the cause of peace, His Majesty the King has decided to consent to the proposal from his brother-in-law Frederick of Prussia and dissolve the Holy Roman Empire. The time for that archaic institution and its conflation of minor princes to the realms of Gods has come to its natural end. Ending the Holy Roman Empire, which has been neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire for many centuries now, is the next step in the great modernization of Europe and the world.

God Save the King!
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2017, 04:37:11 PM »

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x George II
By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2017, 11:15:18 AM »

January 1759
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

His Majesty the King has secured the realm once again! God Save the King! To celebrate the successful end of the Stuart-ist threat to his rule, His Majesty the King has decide to host a parade through London, to allow the commoners to look upon His Majesty the King and so that he may receive their praise. His Majesty the King will be joined in this parade by Her Majesty the Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. There shall be music, cannons, military displays, and all the finery that the realm has to offer, followed by a large feast to celebrate His Majesty the King's success. It shall be a joyous festival for all.

His Majesty the King shall also formally invest John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute as Prime Minister at the feast following the parade. The Earl of Bute has proven himself to be a loyal Scotsman to the Crown and is a favorite of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. As His Majesty the King regretfully grows older in years, it has become apparent that the role of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales must increase to ensure a smooth continuation of power within the realm. This must be the first step in that process.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2017, 02:30:46 PM »

x George II
By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2017, 03:37:55 PM »

June 1759
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

His Majesty the King made the decision to cede his reign over the Electorate of Hanover to his brother-in-law and nephew, His Majesty the King in Prussia, brother of Her Majesty the Queen. This maneauver was two fold. Firstly, it gave command of the German land of Hanover to a German, His Majesty the King in Prussia. Secondly, and more importantly, it allows His Majesty the King to focus his time and energy on his true and faithful subjects - those of the British Isles and the colonies beyond the sea. The funds gained with the sale of the Electorate of Hanover will be put to use improving the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Firstly, a new roads project will commence to connect the Kingdom. His Majesty the King has instructed the finest architects and builders to begin designing and laying the groundwork for a massive roadway, connecting Edinburgh to London and Cardiff with Ipswich. This new roadway, to be called the King's Cross Road, will allow the free movement of peoples across the realm in a manner never before seen. It will also allow His Majesty the King's Armed Forces to respond to crises in any corner of the realm with only days notice, improving the safety and security of all His Majesty the King's subjects. Similar public works will be coming to Ireland in due course as well.

Secondly, a new university will be chartered. His Majesty the King had directed the greatest minds of our age, from Oxford, Cambridge, and St. Andrews, to begin planning for a new university in Durham. Our society is coming up in an era when education, knowledge, and the liberal arts are held in a higher regard than any time before. In order to ensure his subjects are able to compete with the minds of the Continent, His Majesty the King has ordered the construction and commencment of the University of Durham in order to spread the wealth of knowledge to more subjects. This is the beginning of a larger education reform package within the realm.

While His Majesty the King is working to improve the lives of his subjects within the British Isles, he is also working to better the lives of his subjects beyond the sea. For his subjects in the 13 Colonies, swift action will be taken to secure their well being. The Natives have shown they are not civilized enough for negotiation and discourse, as the moment His Majesty the King offered an alternative to their demands, the Natives responded with terror and attacks. His Majesty the King, in his divine wisdom, offered the Natives the massive lands to the West of the famed Mississippi River for their sprawling tribal communities but they, in their uncivilized ways, spat in his face and rejected the wise offer.

His Majesty the King will accept no aggression or violence towards his subjects, regardless of where they reside. For his subjects in Australia, His Majesty the King is working to determine if the Natives there are as unreasonable as the Natives in the 13 Colonies. It is his sincere hopw that they are more reasonable and can learn to live side-by-side with the civilized subjects of His Majesty the King.

God Save the King!
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2017, 08:18:40 AM »

June 1759
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

His Majesty the King has agreed to open the doors of Kensington Palace to his grandson, William V of Orange, and his late daughter's mother-in-law, Marie Louise. Anne the Dutch may have distanced herself from her father, His Majesty the King, but the sins of the mother shall not imperil the son.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2017, 11:37:59 AM »

June 1759
George II of Great Britain

A Proclamation From Kensington Palace

The sentiments of the dispatch from Sardinia-Piedmont are echoed by His Majesty the King's Government. The Government will continue to recognize William V of Orange was the rightful sovereign of the United Provinces, and Marie Louise as regent until he maturity. His Majesty the King has instructed the Government to find suitable accomdations for the Stadholder and his regent grandmother within distance from Kensington Palace. A bounty has been placed on Jacob Gilles' head by His Majesty the King.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2017, 09:34:41 PM »

King George III of Great Britian
January 1761

Proclamation from St. James Palace

The European Continent has once again descended into war. His Majesty the King has announced the declaration of war against the Austrian Emperor. The continued violence and aggression from the Austrian Emperor towards our dear allies and friends in Prussia, the German League, and the Ottoman Empire cannot be tolerated any longer. His Majesty the King will ensure that the soft peace that ended the War of the Grand Coalitions will not rise again, for such soft peace has allowed the wounds and pains to continue and fester.

His Majesty the King has announced the declaration of war against the King of Sweden. Such brazen and violent acts as the King of Sweden has led in Denmark-Norway cannot go unaddressed. His Majesty the King has welcomed his nephew, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Denmark and Norway, and his sister, Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark and Norway, to the Court of St. James for their safety, and has invited them to form a government-in-exile with the full support and confidence of His Majesty the King's government. The property of Windsor Castle shall be loaned to the Crown Prince, Her Majesty the Queen, and their government-in-exile for as long as they shall need it, as well as all appropriate and necessary staff.

On colonial matters, His Majesty the King has decided to recognize the colony of Luisaland. John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore is hereby appointed as the first Crown Governor of the colony. The practice of slavery shall be allowed within the colony of Luisaland, to keep it on equal footing with other colonies in North America. It would be wholly unfair for His Majesty the King to allow the slave trade in some of the colonies and not others.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2017, 04:07:27 PM »

King George III of Great Britian
June 1761

Proclamation from St. James Palace

Elections for members of the House of Commons will be held before the end of the year. This is to ensure that His Majesty the King's Government is truly reflected of the desires of all of His subjects. For the first time, His Majesty the King has decreed that three constituencies must be established for subjects living in the 13 Colonies of North America, and one constituency for subjects living in Australia. Furthermore, the proscription of Tory participation in Government shall end. At this time of war, trial, and tribulations, it is critical that the Kingdom have a Government that truly supports it and will work to achieve the goals of its subjects.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2017, 12:02:13 PM »

King George III of Great Britian
January 1762

Proclamation from St. James Palace

The times in which we live at times of massive change and tribulation. What began as a war for the sovereign future of the Danish people has rapidly devolved into a bloody excuse for the expansion of the Bourbon crown. What began as a war for the future peace of the Continent has collapsed into a war for continual war among rival factions. What began as a war His Majesty the King could support has fallen apart into a war His Majesty the King cannot stomach. His Majesty the King has ordered the immediate withdrawal of all British soldiers and seamen from the ongoing war of the Continent. If the savages of the Continent want to spend decades bashing eachothers brains in with clubs and rocks, the British will have no part.

His Majesty the King has taken on the title of reformer with ease and grace. Elections have been held and a new Parliament returned, a Parliament with the first ever representatives from colonial holdings. Subjects in America and the Australia will not be the only colonies with representation: at the time of the next general election members will also sit from the islands of Jamaica and Barbados. As these colonial subjects now hold seats in Parliament and will vote on tax bills, it is only proper that they be taxed at the same rate as the rest of the realm. His Majesty the King is chartering a new way forward in the treatment of colonial subjects, a path forward led by the enlightened ideas of our times.

In America, the father-in-law of His Majesty the King has made a bold claim for all of the Pacific Coast. This will not stand. His Majesty the King, recognizing the God-given gift of British ingenuity and cunning, has ordered that all lands East of what the locals call the Rocky Mountains to be brought under the British crown. His Majesty the King has arranged the Treaty of London with the American natives and this move is to preserve the terms of that treaty; no Spanish Viceroy would protect the native settelement and resettlement program to those lands that His Majesty the King has crafted. It is also natural that these lands should one day become part of His Majesty the King's colonial empire, upon the civilization and incorporation of the natives. Spanish attempts to dominate the region will be rebuffed at every turn, as the King of Spain has shown he is not a trustworthy man with his frequent changing of sides in battle.

God Save the King!
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2017, 06:36:28 PM »

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x George the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and so forth
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