Concert of Europe: Gameplay Thread

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Atlas Institution
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« Reply #425 on: October 02, 2017, 12:29:01 PM »

With utmost regret, the Sublime Porte shall honor its obligations toward allies and hereby declares the state of war exists between the Ottoman State and Poland-Lithuania. The state of war also exists between the Ottoman State and the Netherland.

The history shall record we did everything we could to mend tensions.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #426 on: October 02, 2017, 02:21:47 PM »

Proclamations on the Empire and Germany:

1.- His Majesty King Frederick deeply regrets the escalation of hetoric by Emperor Joseph II and his latest proclaims, which ignore any autonomy or sovereignity by Ostfriesland and impose it to the yoke of Imperial occupation. We express our concern at the fact that a fellow German state which excercised its right to make a lawful arrangement with another German state is being so unfairly punished, even under threat of losing their lands to direct Hapsburg control.

We realize we have had conflicts with the Imperial League and that distrust abounds on both sides across Germany. But we ask them to carefully consider the matter and whether Ostfriesland truly deserves this sort of inexplicable and sudden punishment from the Emperor. And furthermore, to consider what due respect for their decisions exists if they own judgement is pre-empted and assumed by the Emperor as he acts unilaterally.

We have said this in the past, we say so again: we desire no war with Austria, we desire no war in Germany. We took great pains so our intervention in the Netherlands would only be possible after thoughtful negotiation with another sovereign German state, and we sincerely request His Imperial Majesty to tone down the rhetoric and seek a different road than punishing his own subjects, mobilizing his forces, and signing a proclaim which could very easily draw us into a war no one in Germany desires.

Proclamations on Peace and France:

1.- It is with grave concern that we see the present situation in Europe. On one side, because of the possibility of the Great Powers going to war again in a very tense context. On the other, because of the imminent threat posed by the revolutionary rebels in the Netherlands, Moldavia and Poland which continue to promote acts of terror and aggression against their neighbor and pose a direct threat to all monarchs and their peoples.

We believe it is not too late to avoid a return to the recently concluded War of the Grand Coalitions.

There was a time in which His Majesty King Louis XV was considered an arbiter for Europe. And despite our past disagreements, we believe he desires a general peace. We issue an open call for reconciliation between Prussia and France to prevent war, as well as for the Great Powers of Europe to find the time and place to hold a Congress to discuss the situation in the continent and come to an agreement that binds us all, with severe consecuences if the future peace is broken. We are all rightful Monarchs, and as thus we must stand together against the threat of revolutionaries.

We ask other Monarchs, and particularly the King of France, to seek reconciliation.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #427 on: October 02, 2017, 04:19:45 PM »

The so-called "Polish Republic" will no longer be recognized as such. We offered friendship, and you have attacked our allies. We are not republicans - but if we were, we would be peacemakers and givers like the nation of Venice, a truly honorable republic. The Polish Republic's violence and regime of terror reflects poorly on the principles of republics and the principles of monarchies alike. The most powerful alliance in the world, the Triumvirate of London, Berlin, and Copenhagen, stands prepared to crush your leaders for violence and breaking the peace of Europe.

We offered friendship to your nation, and you attacked our allies. What nation repays good for evil and lives long? Not yours. We call on the peasants and merchants of Poland, whom we consider our dearest friends, to support our armies. Rise up, not in masses to be slaughtered, but as one being. The principles of the Enlightenment and the principles of Europe will go with you. Demand peace! Demand an end to the oppression and suppression of moderates and royalists! If you, the people of Poland, support us, I pledge to you on my honor and on my throne that you will be welcomed to an alliance with Copenhagen. I propose this:
1. Either Ernest Frederick III or Frederick Christian of Saxony will be the new King of Poland-Lithuania.
2. The King of Poland-Lithuania will allow for a bicameral legislature. One house shall be composed of former moderate Royalist nobles and a representative from every major merchant/peasant/military family that joins in overthrowing the Polish Republic, either by helping to reform the Kingdom thereof or by defecting to the Coalition Armies, all of the latter of which shall be enobled. This House of Noble Deputies will hold most of the power. A House of the Common Deputies will be created, with elections every ten years. The latter of these will be allowed to criticize the policies of the King and have oversight on taxes and power of the nobility.
3. All who defect to the Coalition Armies will be granted complete amnesty, as well as that of their families. All who remain in government and as generals will see them and their heirs barred from voting.

We declare ourselves at war with the leaders of the Polish Republic.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #428 on: October 02, 2017, 04:36:20 PM »

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty the Sultan was the first sovereign to officially recognize Poland's status as a Republic. He had also advocated restrain, taking an official position the system of government is Poland's internal affair and nobody's else. However it is no longer merely an internal when one government tries to impose their philosophy on others, whether via open war or proxy schemes.

Since the Battle of Vienna, the Sublime Porte maintained respectful and friendly attitude towards Poland. During the European war we did not declare war, we urged our allies to remain cautious and helped to mediate a peace treaty with Prussia. We have also advocated restrain and offered diplomatic help again. And to what avail? To see Moldova set in fire and our main ally attacked?

Let it be clear leaders of the present Polish government cannot be talk with, reasoned with, negotiated with. 
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #429 on: October 02, 2017, 05:18:57 PM »

Venice once again offers to mediate talks on avoiding war. With the Plague ravaging our world, the last thing we need is a return to war.

All powers are invited to Venice for discussions.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #430 on: October 02, 2017, 05:21:18 PM »

Venice once again offers to mediate talks on avoiding war. With the Plague ravaging our world, the last thing we need is a return to war.

All powers are invited to Venice for discussions.

The Ottoman Empire is willing to work on containing the plague with neutral powers.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #431 on: October 02, 2017, 07:16:47 PM »

Venice hereby offers to mediate discussions between Sweden and Russia. The Danes may join as well, if they so wish.
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« Reply #432 on: October 02, 2017, 07:36:34 PM »
« Edited: October 02, 2017, 07:58:44 PM by YPestis25 »

Venice hereby offers to mediate discussions between Sweden and Russia. The Danes may join as well, if they so wish.

The Kingdom of Sweden would look favorably upon Venetian mediation, should the Regent Catherine agrees.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #433 on: October 03, 2017, 03:38:21 PM »

Venice hereby offers to mediate discussions between Sweden and Russia. The Danes may join as well, if they so wish.
"The Danes" are not exactly there. It might be more appropriate to say:
- Peter III of Russia
- Catherine of Russia
- Sweden
- The French volunteers/The Danish volunteers
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #434 on: October 03, 2017, 05:13:34 PM »

As the investigation is ongoing, the Sublime Porte cannot, regretfully, rule out that spreading of the plague to France did indeed originate from Ottoman ports, whether by unfortunate accident or by actions of undetermined individuals.

As a precaution, the Ottoman shipping will be restricted for time being.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #435 on: October 03, 2017, 06:27:05 PM »

Venice hereby offers to mediate discussions between Sweden and Russia. The Danes may join as well, if they so wish.
"The Danes" are not exactly there. It might be more appropriate to say:
- Peter III of Russia
- Catherine of Russia
- Sweden
- The French volunteers/The Danish volunteers

Semantics need not be discussed. Denmark clearly has a stake in this, and are jnvited to attend if they so wish.
YaBB God
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« Reply #436 on: October 03, 2017, 08:48:38 PM »
« Edited: October 03, 2017, 08:52:51 PM by Dereich »

On reflection, We have come to the decision that there may be some truth in the words of Frederick of Prussia. While zealous advocacy for the Empire and protection of its sovereignty is never wrong, the stationing of a large Imperial army near several large Prussian armies would be needlessly provocative and that mistakes could easily lead to a renewal of violence in Germany that no one wants.

Therefore we turn to that well-lauded defender of peace, the League of Armed Neutrality led by its chair the Serene Republic of Venice, for assistance in preventing the spread of war. We would petition Venice to send a peacekeeping detachment to maintain the border between Imperial territory and the Prussian controlled land in the Republic of the Netherlands, to prevent the provocations and risks that come with two large, well-armed, and distrustful armies facing off for long periods of time.

Should the Venetians support such a proposal they would have the thanks of the whole Empire for preventing war and would be well-compensated for their aid.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #437 on: October 03, 2017, 09:11:06 PM »

Venice is prepared to dispatch 2,000 men as a peacekeeping detachment to maintain peace between the powers.

However, this is not a tacit endorsement of Austria's position.  Neither side shall receive special treatment from our soldiers.

Furthermore, any slight inflicted on our troops by either side shall result in an immediate declaration of war against that power.
YaBB God
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« Reply #438 on: October 03, 2017, 09:16:35 PM »

We thank Venice for its commitment to maintaining peace in Europe.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #439 on: October 03, 2017, 10:22:09 PM »

His Majesty King Frederick is pleased that the Emperor has listened to his concerns and taken moves to reduce the current tension, and praises the choice of Venice and the League of Armed Neutrality as an impartial mediator to prevent war from breaking out on Germany.

We will continue to call for Ostfriesland to avoid what we would consider a highly unfair punishment upon a fellow German state should they be mistreated, but in the meantime we hope this opens the door for future stability. We also thank Venice for retaining a strictly neutral position on the matter by not endorsing either state's diplomatic position, which we consider a sufficient guarantee for the time being.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #440 on: October 03, 2017, 10:39:21 PM »

The Venetian Peace Assurance Force shall consist of 2,000 men dispatched to the Austrian-Prussian border, and 2,000 dispatched to Prussian-controlled areas of the Netherlands. All units involved must adhere to the following Rules of Engagement:

No unit is to open fire unless fired upon first. We must not create a war; units are to undertake battle orders only when engaged.

Neither side is to receive special deference. We are there as a neutral power to ensure the peace.

Supplies taken from locals must be paid for or compensated for otherwise. We are not an occupation force.

Units are do avoid undue confrontation with Imperial or Prussian troops. We must not create an international incident.

We face a delicate situation, gentlemen. With the Plague ravaging the continent, the last thing needed is a major war.

Let us state right now that this is not designed as a permanent measure. Operations will cease once both sides have agreed to terms to be negotiated at a later date.
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« Reply #441 on: October 04, 2017, 12:17:00 AM »
« Edited: October 04, 2017, 12:18:56 AM by Spamage »

The Concert of Europe
January 1760

Nations, ‬Leaders, & ‬Players:
Russian Empire- ‬Regent Catherine Romanov (‬Henry Wallace)
Kingdom of France- ‬King Louis XV Bourbon (‬Windjammer)
Kingdom of Prussia‬- ‬King Fredrick II Hohenzollern (‬Lumine)
Archduchy of Austria‬- ‬Emperor Joseph II Habsburg (‬Dereich)
Kingdom of Great Britain- ‬King George III of Hanover (‬DKrol)
Kingdom of Spain- ‬King Charles III Bourbon (‬LouisvilleThunder)
Ottoman Empire-‬ Sultan Mustafa III Osmanoğlu (‬Kalwejt)
Kingdom of Sweden- ‬King Adolf Frederick (‬YPestis25)
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont- ‬King Charles Emmanuel III Savoy (‬TimTurner)
Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland- ‬King Frederick V Oldenburg (‬Kingpoleon)
Republic of Venice- ‬Doge Francesco Loredan (‬GOTfan)
Kingdom of Portugal- ‬King Joseph I Braganza (‬Mike88)
United Provinces of the Netherlands- ‬Grand Pensionary Jacob Gilles (‬Dr. ‬Cynic)[‬/center]

Economic Standings:
Republic of Venice- ‬Strong
Kingdom of Spain- ‬Strong
Kingdom of France- ‬Strong
Kingdom of Portugal- ‬Strong
Kingdom of Great Britain- ‬Strong

Kingdom of Prussia- ‬Moderate
United Provinces of the Netherlands- ‬Moderate
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont-Moderate
Archduchy of Austria- ‬Moderate
Ottoman Empire- ‬Moderate

Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland- ‬Weak
Kingdom of Sweden- ‬Weak

Russian Empire- ‬Very Weak

Louis XV of France- ‬High
Francesco Loredan of Venice- ‬High
Joseph II of Austria- ‬High
Charles III of Spain- ‬High
Mustafa III of Ottoman Empire- ‬High
Charles Emmanuel III- ‬High

Joseph I of Portugal- ‬Moderate
Frederick II of Prussia- ‬Moderate
Frederick V of Denmark- ‬Moderate
Jacob Gilles of the Netherlands- ‬Moderate
Adolf Frederick of Sweden- ‬Moderate
George III of Great Britain- ‬Moderate
Catherine of Russia, ‬Regent- ‬Moderate

Ongoing Conflicts:
War of the Three (‬Two) ‬Tsars: ‬Kingdom of Sweden, ‬Petrine Russia v. ‬Pauline Russia
War of the Two Republics: ‬Kingdom of Prussia, ‬Kingdom of Great Britain, ‬Ottoman Empire, ‬Kingdom of Sweden v. ‬United Provinces of the Netherlands, ‬Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania, ‬Republic of Moldova
Franco-Maratha War: ‬Kingdom of France v. ‬Maratha Confederacy
Great American Indian War: Kingdom of Great Britain v. Iroquois Confederacy, Cherokee, Wabnaki, Creek, Obijwe, Cree

Russian Empire:
-Peter III has been expelled from Moscow, Catherine! Even so, St. Petersburg is still lost, the Swedes are on the advance, and your ex-husband still holds much of the country. Your deals with the supportive serfs and the Church have strengthened your position and provided a boost in popularity, though this could all collapse if the situation is not handled carefully. Where will your focus be during the next few months?

-Venice has come forward, publicly offering to mediate between you and Sweden. The proposal is highly unpopular in Kiev, with many denouncing the idea of surrending to a power that unilaterally attacked without prior warning. There are some who are tired of war, it now having been several years since Ivan VI and the Cossacks first raised their standards in revolt. How will you reply, if at all, to the Venetian proposals?

-Sergei Saltykov, your acknowledged former lover, was murdered in Kiev during the last few months, raising suspicions. Saltykov is the alleged father of the young Emperor according to some gossip hounds throughout Europe. As he was also a prominent Boyar, some are calling for the details to be investigated, fearing you will look complicit if nothing is done. Others believe leaving the issue alone is a more wise solution, as it avoids reviving old controversial stories. What will you do in response to this shocking murder so close to the Emperor and yourself?

Archduchy of Austria:
-Emperor Joseph, you are 18 and unmarried, perhaps one of the eligible grooms in Europe. Naturally many in Vienna, with the return of peace, are hoping you will now take a wife and further the Imperial line. There are undoubtedly many of royal blood who would be honored to take your hand, who will you choose? This could be an important opportunity in creating a solid alliance, so it should not be taken lightly.

-The Reformed Diet has remained largely sympathetic to Ostfriesland. While they have negated their agreement with Prussia with a strong majority, there is reluctance by many to support an Imperial Ban against him. These princes balk at the idea of universally supporting Vienna’s will, hoping to retain some degree of their former independence in the Empire from before the reforms. Letting Ostfriesland off easy could make you appear weak, though pushing too hard may alienate the members of the Empire. How will you respond to the Diet’s decision?

-There has been some domestic push-back against the reforms you have promulgated so far within your own lands. In particular the redistribution of empty lands has caused some conservative nobles in Hungary and Bohemia to grumble about returning your father as regent. Cautious advisors are urging you to put your reformist tendencies on hold for now, while others have praised your moves during your short reign and look forward to more rational policies. What will you do Emperor Joseph?

Kingdom of France:
-The Estates General have met again, pleased by your honoring of your promise. As you requested, the various Estates were questioned about their views on the current situation of France, particularly in regards to the wars. The First Estate (Clergy) is indifferent to the War of the Two Republics, viewing the combatants on either side as enemies of the Catholic Church. They would like France to focus on India. The Second Estate (Nobles) wants Republicanism killed in its cradle, believing France should use this opportunity to destroy the United Provinces and Venice. The Third Estate (everyone else) is highly supportive of the Dutch and Poles though, viewing their plight with sympathy. They see Prussia and Britain as clear aggressors in the conflict, with some advocating war against those two “satanic” powers. Which estate to you agree with, King Louis?

-War rages in India, with the Maratha caught off guard by your invasion during the last few months. While both of their armies have been defeated, their forces remain in the field, determined to defend their empire. There is quite a bit of sympathy for the Maratha among your Hindu subjects in Delhi and Bengal, causing some concern among Company and colonial officials. How will you ensure your Hindu subjects to not join with the Maratha to expel your forces from India?

-France possesses several outposts in West Africa, primarily used for the slave trade and the acquisition of local goods. Following your expansionist moves in India, some at Versailles see Africa as another prospect for economic expansion. There is much to be said for a move, certainly the locals would be unable to resist. Others see it as too expensive and risky, with the mysterious tropical diseases infesting the area. Will you listen to those who want France to build a worldwide colonial empire that includes African territory?

Kingdom of Great Britain:
-Your grandfather has passed away, King George, leaving your Kingdom in the beginning of a new war. Many were shocked when he announced an attack on the Netherlands, but were largely willing to support his decision with William V being his grandson and the Dutch having acted so forcefully. Now, by acting without publicly declaring war and your more distant relationship with William (your nephew), the public is less supportive of war. Will you continue to fight in the face of the debacle faced by the Continental Army or withdraw from the war and risk damaging your international image?

-A representative of the local Aboriginal people has returned from Australia, bringing with him stories of tragedy and death. Smallpox is ravaging the locals, settlers are seizing their former lands, and rapid colonial growth has made for an intense fight over resources. He urges you to abandon your colony. Other advisors demand colonization continue unimpeded. Another issue arising in the new lands concerns slavery. Some traders would like to establish legal slavery in the colony viewing it as a boon to the economy. Others see slavery as an evil and spreading it to be an affront to God. What will you do about these two contentious issues?

-The War against the Indians is still raging. Your moves in New York and Ohio appear to have been successful, though the Iroquois, Creek, and Cherokee all remain aggressive. Some colonists are calling for brutal tactics to be employed, in order to convince the natives to move beyond the Mississippi. Others argue a more restrained war, similar to fighting in Europe, is required. How will you continue the Indian War?
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« Reply #442 on: October 04, 2017, 12:29:59 AM »

Kingdom of Prussia:
-Prussia is back at war King Frederick, perhaps the thing your people do best. In the West, you appear poised to continue your advance into the United Provinces, though their is some public sympathy for the Protestant Dutch being caught in the cross-fire. To the east, the Poles have cut off Ostpreussen, leaving Konigsberg vulnerable to attack. With the recently defeated Royal Army back outside of Berlin, what will you do? Some advocate an aggressive campaign of retaliation against the Poles, with others advocating for a more cautious strategy until peace is won in the west.

-The members of the German League who have suspended their ties with you remain in limbo. They are clearly not intending to rejoin the Empire, but you also seemingly confirmed their deepest fears by attacking the Dutch without warning. How will you assuage their concerns and lure them back to your alliance? The longer they are fully independent, the more likely it is they will wish to remain that way.

-The situation in Wurttemburg seemed to be diffused, with the Austrians returning the royal family. Yet, the policy of economic strangulation has continued against Stuttgart and Hohenzollern. As the only members of the German League to remain on your side, the Duke of Wurttemburg is continuing to inquire about forcing the Austrians to allow them to trade freely. The situation in his territories is growing quite desperate, with some fearing famine and the arrival of the Plague. Will you aid him?

Ottoman Empire:
-The Ottoman Empire, formerly dealing with the insurrection in Moldova, is now at war against Poland and the Netherlands. Some in Istanbul are quite concerned about what may happen now that Poland is your foe, considering their relative restraint when it came to the Moldovian situation before now. How will you win this growing war?

-There are again reports of Persian movements along your shared border in Mesopotamia, emerging shortly after the start of the new war. It appears the Zand Dynasty is not willing to sit back and wait for you to come to them. They are undoubtedly waiting for Ottoman weakness before launching an attack, so how will you handle them? Some have proposed forming an alliance with Georgia (perhaps promising them Azerbaijan) as a potential deterrent, while others believe war should be declared outright, with you focusing your efforts there instead of Persia. The Ottomans certainly do have a lot of soldiers to work with. What is your plan?

-It has been noted by many that the Barbary States have been particularly inattentive to Ottoman demands. Their assaults on Venetian trade despite orders otherwise were certainly embarrassing. Some believe you should renounce their vassalage, with them only using it as a shield against responses to their piracy, while others argue you should reassert government control. Still a third group is content with the status quo, believing the problem to be best addressed once fighting in Europe is over.

Kingdom of Sweden:
-With Poland’s treacherous actions, you may have had no choice other than to declare war, King Adolf Frederick. Even so, Sweden now is at war with both Poland and Russia, so decisions must be made. Even with Venetian offers to mediate seeming promising, there are still no concrete steps towards peace with Catherine. Meanwhile your attempt to capture Gdansk was an embarrassing failure. Where shall the Swedes fight?

-Your royal power greatly increased as a result of the failed Cap insurrection in Stockholm. The Riksdag has been forced to follow your lead when it comes to diplomacy for the past few months, causing some Royalists to call outright for the body to be abolished, your wife doing so the loudest. They see your general control of the situation to provide a unique opportunity to cement absolute rule in Stockholm. Others, mainly Hats, are opposed to the move. Will you abolish the Riksdag now that it has been weakened?

-Polish agents have been formulating discontent in Finland during recent months, with pamphlets calling for your execution discovered by royal agents in some areas. These sentiments of nationalism, tamed by your granting them their own deliberative body, seem to be on the rise. Some call for a brutal crackdown to remind the Finns why they are Swedish subjects, while others believe the best way to encourage loyalty is to win abroad. What will you do about unease in Finland?

Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland:
-Your failure to address the corruption of the Danish East India Company has damaged your reputation somewhat King Frederick, with the government inaction only seeming to encourage more outrageous actions in the far-off province. Several subjects in Copenhagen have begun to live ostentatiously off of their gains in India, causing resentment among their former equals. If not checked, this could become a serious problem. What will you do?

-Maratha officials have responded to your initial overtures, pleading for any aid possible now that France has so suddenly declared war. They believe European weapons and training could help them turn the tide, but some are reluctant to aid them. Helping the Maratha may draw France into a war against Denmark, wiping your new colonies off of the map. Will you listen to the Maratha proposal or ignore them in the interest of international stability?

-There are many in Denmark who resent the new alliance with Sweden, especially so soon after they were attempting to seize Norway from you. Veterans of the War of the Grand Coalitions are in particular frustrated by your orders to send thousands of Danes to fight in Russia in order to advance Swedish interests. They demand the immediate withdrawal of these men. More pragmatic advisors see the alliance with Sweden as a necessary evil, especially given the fact it has given Denmark colonies in India. Which side will you listen to?

Republic of Venice:
-Your new Polish allies have demanded you join them in their war against Prussia and Britain, promising to break your new agreement if you do not honor the alliance. While some Venetians would support such a move, others fear the reputation as a peacemaker could be thrown aside in an instant if you joined the fighting. How will Venice respond to the concerning situation involving two fellow republics?

-With your attempts to make Venice more democratic, there are now citizens of Venice calling for the office of Grand Doge to be reformed as well. They view the existing system of election as discriminatory and unfair to the common Venetians. There are also some who question the fairness of having the office bestowed on one elder for life. Others, perhaps the larger party in Venice, wish to see your title protected for the future and are happy with the status quo. Will the title of Doge be changed alongside so much else in your republic?

-Your forceful efforts to mediate peace and order have been applauded by many neutral observers. Your attempt to establish a system of united nations, on the other hand, has been largely ignored. Many rulers are loathe to cede their personal power to an international alliance, which they view as a body of tyranny. They are generally supported by their subjects, who see local matters as of more importance than national issues. Will you keep advocating for an international peace-keeping body or focus more on working to maintain neutrality alone?
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« Reply #443 on: October 04, 2017, 01:05:12 AM »

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont:
-The Estates have convened, excited about the new possibilities presented. Almost immediately though, tensions have emerged, particularly over the issue of taxation. The commoners are demanding taxes be placed on the nobility, drawing of France's system as an example. The nobility however, is jealously guarding its rights and even threatens revolt unless you end this attempt to weaken their privileges. The clergy remains neutral, lest taxes on the Church be proposed next. Which side will you back?

-You have been granted the Duchy of Parma by Spain in order to keep peace in Italy. Even so, Charles III was the hereditary ruler of those lands and many subjects are resentful of being handed over to Sardinian Rule. They have dodged taxes, harassed soldiers, and threatened strikes. For now the situation remains stable, but some in Turin demand you increase your presence there in order to assure no dissent goes unpunished. Others fear this alone could set off a revolt. What will you decide? How will the heart of Parma be won?

-The Plague has spread into your lands from Milan and France. Thousands are dying in mainland Italy, with Sardinia seeming to have been spared the worst of the disease. Some believe the island should be quarantined from the rest of your territories for the next few months in order to ensure that a profitable portion of your realm remains untouched. Others believe this could cause anger to spread on the island. How will you handle the Plague ravaging your subjects?

Kingdom of Portugal:
-Your daughter Maria was furious about the expulsion of the Jesuits, openly complaining about the "sacreligious" measure. Your wife reportedly agrees. Pombal has suggested confining the Princess, lest she further undermine your rule. Others at Court share the sentiments of the Princess, so isolating her could backfire. How will you deal with dissent in the Royal Family itself?

-Mysore, your protectorate in India, was alarmed by the French attack on the Maratha Confederacy. While they may not appreciate the Maratha's expansionist attitude, they are more concerned about outright absorption into a French India. They call on Portugal, as their protector, to take actions to moderate France's attitude in this region. With Portugal's long-time influence in India under serious threat for the first time since Vasco de Gama arrived in the 1500's, what will you do?

-Some in Lisbon see Africa as the place to reestablish Portugal as a great power. While you have small outposts in Mozambique and Angola they are just that, small. With the Dutch in the Cape Colony, and now the Prussians in Namibia, some believe you should actively expand Portuguese holdings in these African areas by warring with the natives. Others see it as too expensive, though following your expulsion of the Jesuits, perhaps there is money to spend. What will you do about Africa?

Kingdom of Spain:
-Well done in diffusing a tense situation, King Charles. War over Naples has been avoided, with the Kingdom remaining a satillite of the Spanish Crown until your son comes of age. With your son being named King though, the question about where he is to live has arisen. Some in Naples demand their King be sent to them, though this could significantly limit the control you have over your son's government. Others, your family in particular, believe the boy should be raised in Madrid alongside his siblings, even if it alienates some of his subjects. What will you decide as regent?

-The former French subjects in New Orleans have been quite vocal about wanting some form of self-government. While they would rather be under Spanish rule than that of the British, they still feel alienated from the other colonies and want their own assembly. Conservatives see this as setting a dangerous precedent, arguing for increased Spanish settlement in the area in order to outnumber the remaining French. Others believe that the region does have legitimate greivances. How will you proceed in regards to New Orleans?

-Jesuits have fled into Spain by the thousands following their expulsion from Portugal. Many Spaniards were outraged by stories of the seizure of Jesuit gold and lands by your brother-in-law Joseph of Portugal. They demand you place pressure on Portugal to reinstate the Jesuits, or at very least allow them to travel through Portugal freely, even if the property is not returned. Others argue Spain should expel the Jesuits as well, whatever the response of Pope Benedict. What is Spain's answer to this religious enigma?

United Provinces of the Netherlands:

-IT IS WAR! The Prussians and British attacked your Republic without even declaring war, causing the Dutch people to rally around your cause. One newspaper declared "we are willing to fight another war of eighty years if it means we can finally rule ourselves!". The Dutch forces have been pushed back in the humiliation at Groningen though, so clearly clever tactics will be necessary to turn the tide. How will you proceed?

-Thousands of former Dutchmen in the now-French provinces are offering their arms to help save the Republic, only demanding land once the war is over. They seek to escape French oppression and return to Dutch rule, though employing them risks raising the ire of France, who may not take too kindly to the use of their subjects in a foreign war. Still, others believe these men will be necessary if you are to have a hope of total victory. What will you do?

-Prussia has provacatively established a base north of the Cape Colony. Dutch settlers in the region are outraged and demand decisive action be taken to kill the settlement before it takes off. Others point out that the small area is already garrisoned, so attacking and losing could put all of the Cape Colony at risk. What will your response to Prussian infringement on Dutch territory in Africa be? Perhaps the local tribes could be coaxed into acting...?
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« Reply #444 on: October 04, 2017, 01:15:39 AM »

Armies & ‬Locations
Kingdom of Prussia
84,600 ‬Army of the East
79,200 ‬Army of the West
2,000 Army of Africa
25,000 ‬men garrisoned
(Can raise ‬8,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of France
50,000 ‬Army of France
68,000 ‬Army of East India
69,355 ‬Army of West India
5,000 ‬Army of Quebec
10,000 ‬Army of India
40,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬45,000 ‬Spanish Volunteers Included in Armies of India)
(‬Can raise ‬80,500 ‬more)

Kingdom of Great Britain
13,308 ‬Army of Ireland
18,325 ‬Continental Army (‬in England)
8,000 ‬Army of Britain
36,616 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the ‬13 ‬Colonies
8,936 ‬Army of New York
9,189 ‬Army of Ohio
5,794 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of Australia
(‬Can raise ‬10,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sweden
114,299 ‬Army of Sweden
5,000 ‬Army of Saarema
4,200 ‬Army of Gdansk (‬in Sweden)
12,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬33,000 ‬Danish Volunteers in army of Sweden)
(‬Can raise ‬10,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Denmark-Norway-Iceland
9,900 ‬Army of Denmark-Norway
(‬33,000 ‬in Danish Volunteers in army of Sweden)
(‬Can raise ‬32,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont
25,390 ‬men raised and mobile
8,000 ‬men garrisoned
(‬Can raise ‬10,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Spain
10,000 ‬men raised and mobile
25,000 ‬Army of Naples
25,000 ‬men garrisoned
15,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of New Spain
10,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of South America
2,000 ‬Army & ‬Garrison of the Philippines
(‬45,000 ‬Men in French India)
(‬can raise ‬45,000 ‬more)

Russian Empire:
166,300 ‬Army of Siberia
128,400 ‬Army of North Russia
(‬can raise ‬5,000 ‬more)

Archduchy of Austria
50,000 ‬Army of Austria
(‬can raise ‬160,700 ‬more)

Ottoman Empire
75,534 ‬Army of the Danube
45,975,Army of Moldova
20,000 ‬Army of Istanbul
35,000 ‬men garrisoned
7,500 ‬Swiss Mercenaries
(‬can raise ‬25,000 ‬more)

Republic of Venice
12,000 ‬men raised and mobile
(‬can raise ‬20,000 ‬more)

Kingdom of Portugal
20,000 ‬men raised and mobile
10,000 ‬men garrisoned
6,850 ‬Army of Brazil
(‬Can raise ‬20,000 ‬more)

United Provinces of the Netherlands
58,000 ‬Army of the Netherlands
2,000 ‬men Army & ‬Garrison of Dutch East Indies
1,000 ‬men Army & ‬Garrison of Cape Colony
(‬can raise ‬25,000 ‬more)

Free Republic of Poland-Lithuania
95,300 Army of Gdansk
10,000 Army of Warsaw
30,000 Army of the North
35,000 Army of the South
(20,000 men garrisoned)
(can raise ? more)

Navies of the World
Kingdom of Great Britain
170 ‬Ships of the Line
123 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of France
107 ‬Ships of the Line
51 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Spain
57 ‬Ships of the Line
28 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

Russian Empire
29 ‬Ships of the Line
5 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Denmark-Norway
22 ‬Ships of the Line
18 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Sweden
22 ‬Ships of the Line
9 ‬Frigates

Ottoman Empire
18 ‬Ships of the Line
8 ‬Frigates

Republic of Venice
10 ‬Ships of the Line
21 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Prussia
4 ‬Ships of the Line
5 ‬Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
32 ‬Ships of the Line
20 ‬Frigates

United Provinces of the Netherlands
57 ‬Ships of the Line
43 ‬Frigates
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #445 on: October 04, 2017, 08:29:30 AM »

40,000 troops diverted from all armies (aside of Army of Moldova, the Janissary Corps and, of course, Swiss mercenaries) will form the Internal Works Corps, which shall be employed in helping with development of our broadly defined infrastructure in the Ottoman realm (so I can have some more work done domestically, with the Corps being a good opportunity for soldiers who otherwise wouldn't have much to go back in civilian life).
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #446 on: October 04, 2017, 11:30:27 AM »

It is with great concern that His Majesty King Frederick sees the situation of Hohenzollern and Wurttemburg, allies of Prussia and esteemed members of the German League, currently subject to economic strangulation on behalf of the Emperor. This unfair punishment towards these two states which made a sovereign decision to leave the Empire has led to much suffering for the people living in those areas, now subject not only to large economic disadvantages, but now standing on the verge of famine and the plague.

We believe this is unacceptable, and that the treatment of these allies of us verges on cruelty.

At the same time, as we have noted in the past, we have no wish to see German blood spilled between brothers again. We invoke the signing of the Treaty of Prague, where Austria noted that the League of Armed Neutrality was the ideal body to mediate disputes.

We humbly request immediate mediation by Venice on this matter to persude the Emperor not to punish and inflict suffering on Hohenzollern and Wurttemburg any longer, and allow them to trade freely with their German brothers. Furthermore, we request that Venice takes the lead in a humanitarian intervention to keep a steady supply of goods, food and medical supplies to these areas to avoid famine and the plague. The Kingdom of Prussia is willing to cover all expenses, all we request is that Venice ensures Wurttemburg and Hohenzollern are properly supplied and all conflict prevented through their peacekeeping corps.

We make a personal and open request to the Imperial Diet, a body which we believe shares our concern at the treatment of German princes and states. There is no need for your fellow brothers to be punished such for the sovereign decisions they have made. His Majesty is more than willing to seek an amicable solution and come to terms with the Diet on matters of importance to us all, but even if we stand on separate sides we are all Germans, and on these matters we believe solidarity should prevail, as the Imperial Diet has already shown by defending Ostfriesland from an Imperial Ban.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #447 on: October 04, 2017, 04:59:31 PM »

To: France

We request an immediate end to all hostilities against the Maratha. Your nation has intervened twice now in affairs close to Denmark-Norway-Iceland, and we once again offer peace. If we were you, I would agree in the interests of ending the plague. Otherwise, you risk infecting India and, from there, all of Asia. Furthermore, the Maratha are now friends of ours. By threatening them, even if we were not friends, you would be threatening our holdings in India.

To: All Nations

We propose an immediate ceasefire for hostilities in Russia and India until the plague has been defeated.

New Policies:

- The Company is to be immediately reformed, with all thereof investigated for corruption. In the meantime, all duties thereof will be adopted by men with a fair and honest background, including those formerly of noble families not now the heads of the households.

- Those who begged for forgiveness will be forgiven on the condition of swearing absolute loyalty to the King, as well as a tax of fourteen percent on their family's wealth. On these conditions will they be allowed to stay. The remainder may be allowed to move back, if they wish, in ten years if they agree to a tax of fourteen percent on their family's income for the ten years following that and if they can heavily increase immigration to Iceland and Greenland from all countries - English, Russian, Swedish, Polish, Dutch, etc.

- Those males from noble families that had defected to Sweden now aged between fourteen and thirty-four will be appointed courtiers and noble guards of my eldest son.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #448 on: October 04, 2017, 05:11:55 PM »

1) If the Polish wish to break our agreement, then so be it. However, they do so at the risk of an economic embargo from Venetian traders, something a new nation can hardly afford. We will not go to war unless we are directly threatened, which for the moment, we are not. The Polish Republic will face an economic blockade from Venice if they deign to break our agreement. It is our hope that the leaders of the Republic will see that they cannot survive without trade

2) Again, political reforms are required here for the people to have a true voice. The office of Doge will become a publically elected one. A term will last for 8 years, and an incumbent may stand as many times as they wish for re-election. The Doge will be determined by the result of a popular vote from all lands controlled by Venice. No man's vote shall count for more than another's.

3) If there is no wish for an international peacekeeping body, then so be it. We shall continue to maintain ties with all members of the League, and the member nations shall vote on introducing a Resolution allowing for the League's immediate reformation in the event of another major war. Venice will continue to pursue its peacekeeping duties.

4) The Venetian Peace Assurance Force, consisting of 2,000 men dispatched to the Austrian-Prussian border and 2,000 to the Prussian-occupied areas of the Netherlands is to march out immediately.
YaBB God
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« Reply #449 on: October 04, 2017, 06:53:19 PM »

On a careful review of the evidence, We find that We agree with the Imperial Diet on the matter of Ostfriesland. While in normal circumstances and for base gain the Chancellor's actions might be treason deserving full sanction, the circumstances do not fit such an accusation.

The record reflects that Prussia made an offer to the Chancellor of Frisia. That Frederick, with an army presumably close behind, requested free reign for his army in the Duke's territory, and in "exchange" reminded the good Chancellor that they, until formally separated by the War of the Grand Coalitions, technically had been a Prussian vassal.

It is fully understandable that the Chancellor, faced with a large army and the most warmongering man since Attila the Hun, might have interpreted this "offer" as more of a threat. That the Chancellor could have easily believed that should he REFUSE this "offer" that the King of Prussia would REIMPOSE the vassalage that they had only so recently freed themselves from on his way to whatever other conquest he planned to make. How could one not view the situation this way? When has Frederick ever chosen to ABANDON a conquest when he could instead take more?

While We believe that he was in error in that he should have requested Imperial aid instead of capitulating, it is impossible to not view his plight with pity. Frederick of Prussia has attacked other, more powerful princes, for less. He was at that very moment on his way to an unprovoked attack. As We now view the situation with clearer eyes, We can see that the Diet understood the true situation before We did. We ask Ostfriesland only that it, knowing the Empire stands behind it, not again act it has anything to fear from a foreign power.
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