Public Consultation and Legislation Submissions

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Dr. MB
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« Reply #225 on: September 13, 2020, 02:51:58 AM »
« edited: September 13, 2020, 05:08:42 AM by MB »

Introducing a constitutional amendment:

Making Things Run A Lot Faster Amendment

Article III of the Constitution of Atlasia is amended to read as follows:

Section 1 (The Legislature)
1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. which shall consist of nine at-large Representatives and six Representatives elected to represent the regions, each with an equal vote in a unicameral chamber. Congress may also be known as the House of Representatives.
2. The Vice President shall be the President of the Congress, but shall have no vote, in the House of Representatives, nor in the Senate save when they be equally divided. save when Congress be equally divided.
3. The Congress shall elect its leader and other officers, and shall have sole authority to determine its own methods of proceedings.
4. No person shall serve in Congress who has not attained 100 or more posts, nor whose account is fewer than 720 hours old, nor who is not a citizen of the Republic of Atlasia.
5. All mentions of the "Senate" or "House of Representatives" in existing law shall be replaced by the broad term "Congress".

Section 2 (Regional Representatives)
1. The Senate of the Republic of Atlasia shall consist of two SenatorsThere shall be two Representatives from each Region, elected for a term of four months in the manner prescribed by the legislature thereof.
2. No person shall be a Senator Regional Representative who has not attained 200100 or more posts, nor whose account is fewer than 1440720 hours old, nor who is not a citizen of the Region they are chosen to represent.
The Senate shall elect its leader and other officers, and shall have sole authority to determine its own methods of proceedings.
3. Upon the seating of the first Congress following passage of this Amendment, the Senators Regional Representatives shall be divided into two classes of equal size, such that each class shall consist of one Senator Representative from each of the Regions. Members of the first class shall be elected in the months of February, June, and October; members of the second class shall be elected in the months of April, August, and December.
4. Vacancies in the Senate the position of Regional Representative shall be filled according to the laws of the affected Region; but in the absence of such a law, by the executive power thereof, who shall have the authority to appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term provided less than 60 days are left in the remainder of the existing term; shall the vacancy occur more than 60 days prior to culmination of the term, a special election shall be held using normal procedures for Regional Representative election at a time set by the executive power of the affected Region, but no more than fourteen days following the vacancy.

==Section 3 (The House of Representatives)==
1. The House of Representatives shall consist Congress shall also consist of nine members chosen at-large by the eligible voters of the Republic according to a method of proportional representation prescribed by the Federal Legislature. These Representatives shall serve a term of two months, and shall be elected in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
2. All elections for the House of at-large Representatives shall be by single transferable vote, unless otherwise specified by law.
No person shall be a Representative who has not attained 100 or more posts, nor whose account is fewer than 720 hours old, nor who is not a citizen of the Republic of Atlasia.
The House of Representatives shall elect its Speaker and other officers, and shall have sole authority to determine its own methods of proceedings.

3. Vacancies in the House of at-large Representatives shall be filled by the executive of the affected Party; but should a vacancy occur as the result of the death, expulsion, or resignation of a Representative not being a member of a major Party, then a special election shall be held to choose a replacement to serve the remainder of the existing term.

Section 4 (Rules of Order)
1. Each HousesCongress may adopt rules concerning the discipline and expulsion of its members; but no Senator or Representative shall be expelled but with the concurrence of 2/3 of the members of the affected House.Congress.
2. Each HouseCongress shall be the judge of its own elections and of the qualifications of its members.
#Any Senator or member of the House of Representatives member of Congress who does not post on the Atlas Fantasy Government Board for a period of at least 504168 consecutive hours without posting a Leave of Absence during the period they are absent on the Atlas Fantasy Government Board shall forfeit their office.

Section 5 (Legislation)
1. Legislation may originate in either house, and both houses shall reserve the right to propose and concur with amendments; but all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.
2. Whenever either house shall vote to pass a bill, order, or resolution that shall have originated in the other, having previously made amendment to the same, the President of the Congress shall immediately call the amended bill to a vote in the house in which it originated. If the original house should then vote to pass the amended bill, it shall proceed to the President; otherwise, the President of the Congress shall instruct the other house either to pass the bill as it stood prior to its amendment by that house, or else reject it entirely.
3. Every bill, order, or resolution which shall have passed the Senate and the House of Representatives shall, before it becomes law, be submitted to the judgment of the President. If they approve of it they should sign it; but if they disapproves they should return the bill to the house in which it originated with their objections. If, after considering the objections of the President, both houses should by a 2/3 vote agree to pass the same bill, it shall become law regardless of the President's objections.If any bill, order, or resolution shall not be returned by the President within ten days after it has been presented to him, the bill shall become law.

1. Every bill, order, or resolution which shall have passed Congress shall, before it becomes law, be submitted to the judgment of the President. If they approve of it they should sign it; but if they disapprove they should veto and return the bill to Congress with their objections. If, after considering the objections of the President, Congress should by a 2/3 vote agree to pass the same bill, it shall become law regardless of the President's objections. If any bill, order, or resolution shall not be returned by the President within ten days after it has been presented to them, the bill shall become law.

Section 6 (Powers)
1. The Congress shall have the power, except where limited elsewhere by this Constitution, to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, and to distribute the revenue thus collected;
2. to regulate foreign trade and inter-regional commerce;
3. to establish uniform laws of immigration and naturalization;
4. to regulate the value and coinage of the national currency;
5. to establish a uniform system of weights and measures;
6. to establish post offices and post roads;
7. to define and punish crimes committed on the high seas;
8. to declare war, issue letters of marque and reprisal, and make laws governing the capture of land and water;
9. to raise, support, and regulate the national armed forces;
10. to admit new states and territories to the Union;
11. to make laws governing borrowing, lending, and the selling of stocks and bonds;
12. to confirm or reject nominations for the Supreme Court and the officers of executive departments;
13. to establish a central national bank;
14. to make laws necessary for the enforcement of the Constitution and federal law;
15. to regulate voter registration and federal elections;
16. to impeach the President, Vice President, Justices and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and other officers of this government for high crimes and gross negligence; (Amended July 2017)
17. to establish, consolidate, alter, or terminate independent agencies led by non-playable officials, leaving it to the discretion of the President to control department structure and the existence of any playable principle officers, if any at all, which the President may appoint to roles in the agency, with the advice and consent of the Senate;
18. to make uniform rules for bankruptcies;
19. to temporarily grant inventors, authors, and artists exclusive patents or copyrights for their creations; and
20. to constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court of Atlasia;
21. and, to regulate independent expenditures for political communication.

Section 7 (Impeachment)
i. Whenever a majority of the members of Congress should resolve to indict an officer of this Republic for high crimes or gross negligence under the Constitution and laws thereof, there shall be immediately convened a Trial of Impeachment before the whole body of Congress.

ii. In all Trials of Impeachment, the Chief Justice shall preside, save when he himself is the officer to be tried, in which event the presiding officer of the SenateCongress shall assume such post.

iii. When voting to convict or acquit the indicted officer, the vote of each Senator shall be counted thrice, and the vote of each Representative counted twice, such that the vote of every Representative shall be equal to two thirds the vote of every Senator. A sum of twenty-four votes, so counted, shall be sufficient to convict the indicted officer. Representative shall be counted once.

iv. In all cases, the penalty for conviction shall be removal from office and disqualification from any office under the Republic of Atlasia for a period not exceeding two years.

==Section 8 (Restrictions)==
1. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, except when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
2. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed.
3. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any Region.
4. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in accordance with the apportionments made by law.
5. No title of nobility shall be granted by the Republic of Atlasia, and accordingly no person holding office under this Constitution shall accept any title, rank, or office from any foreign state except in accordance with federal law.

Section 9 (War Authorization)
6. War shall be declared by Congress via a Declaration of War in case of armed conflict against a sovereign nation recognized by the Republic of Atlasia, or via an Authorization of Force in the case of sustained armed conflict against terrorist or rebel groups.
7. Congress shall be able to amend a Declaration of War or Authorization of Force and it shall have the right to set time limits which Congress may choose to extend via a later Resolution.
8. After the expiration of a Declaration of War or Authorization of Force, the Armed Forces will have a limit of 90 days to cease operations and/or withdraw from the territory delimitated by Congress. However, the President may submit an alternative schedule for withdrawal with due evidence and justification, schedule which Congress may veto with a 2/3 vote.

Article IV, sections 2  and 3 of the Constitution of Atlasia are amended to read as follows:

Section 2 (Powers)
The President shall have the power, except where limited elsewhere by this Constitution, to grant reprieves and pardons for crimes committed under the laws of the Republic of Atlasia, but Congress may rescind such pardons by a 2/3 vote of the Senate and the House of Representatives Congress;
1. to introduce legislation into the queue of the Congress;
2. to appoint, with the advice and consent of the SenateCongress, the Justices of the Supreme Court;
to establish such executive departments as may be necessary for the execution of the laws, and to appoint their principal officers with the advice and consent of the SenateCongress;
3. to veto acts of Congressional legislation, and to exercise a line-item veto over the budget;
4. to appoint, with the advice and consent of the SenateCongress, the vice president in the event of a vacancy in that office;
5. to serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Atlasia. and
6. to make treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate.
7. to authorize limited combat operations without Congressional approval for a limit of 90 days, with the required support and signature of at least two principal officers of the executive departments, and only in the case of emergencies previously determined by Congress via appropriate legislation.
8. to issue executive orders in accordance with established law.

Section 3 (The Vice Presidency)
1. Whenever the office of President shall fall vacant, by reason of the death, impeachment, or resignation of the occupant, the Vice President shall become President.
2. Whenever the President shall submit their written declaration to the presiding officer of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of RepresentativesCongress that they are unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, and until they shall submit a declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties will be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.
3. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of the principal officers of the executive departments shall submit their written declaration to the presiding officer of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of RepresentativesCongress that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, such powers and duties will be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President until such time as the President should submit their declaration to the contrary.

Article V, section 1 of the Constitution of Atlasia is amended to read as follows:

1. The judicial power of the Republic of Atlasia shall be vested in the Supreme Court, the membership of which shall consist of two Justices and three Associate Justices chosen in the following manner:
2. The Justices of the Supreme Court shall be nominated by the President of the Republic of Atlasia and confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate Congress.
The chief executive officer of each of the several Regions shall nominate from among their constituents a candidate for Associate Justice. Upon the assent of a majority of the legislative power thereof, the nomination shall proceed to the President: if they approve of the nomination they should grant their Assent and the nominee shall assume the office of Associate Justice; but if they disapprove they should veto it and the nomination will be annulled. If then two thirds of the Senate Congress should vote to override the President's veto, the nominee shall take office regardless of the opinion of the President.
3. The Justices and Associate Justices thus chosen shall hold their offices for life in good behavior.
4. The President shall designate a Chief Justice from among the appointed Justices, who shall continue in that capacity until such time as they shall resign the designation, or else cease to be a member of the Supreme Court.

Amendment Explanation

Bicameralism has slowed down Atlasia for too long. This amendment merges the House of Representatives and Senate into one 15-member chamber, and sorts out details in the Constitution to bring them together.

Arson Plus
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« Reply #226 on: September 13, 2020, 11:16:52 AM »

There is a slot for non-Congress submitted bills if you want to sponsor, SevenEleven.
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« Reply #227 on: September 13, 2020, 11:34:46 AM »

A Resolution
To condemn President Pericles and Chief Justice Windjammer
Section I
1. This may be called the "Condemning Pericles and Windjammer Resolution"

Section II
1. The Republic of Atlasia condemns President Pericles and Chief Justice Windjammer for insulting Lakigigar
2. If this is passed, the Congress of Atlasia recommends that President Pericles and Chief Justice Windjammer apologize to Lakigigar.

It's fine. Pericles apologized and i'm on good terms with both
Arson Plus
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« Reply #228 on: September 13, 2020, 11:46:20 AM »

A Resolution
To condemn President Pericles and Chief Justice Windjammer
Section I
1. This may be called the "Condemning Pericles and Windjammer Resolution"

Section II
1. The Republic of Atlasia condemns President Pericles and Chief Justice Windjammer for insulting Lakigigar
2. If this is passed, the Congress of Atlasia recommends that President Pericles and Chief Justice Windjammer apologize to Lakigigar.

It's fine. Pericles apologized and i'm on good terms with both
I'll withdraw it then.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #229 on: September 14, 2020, 08:37:23 AM »

Restoring Activity to Atlasia Amendment
Amending Section I Article IV in the Atlasian constitution to read as follows:
The right of citizens of the Republic of Atlasia to vote shall not be denied, except in regards to persons whose account is fewer than 168 hours old, hasn't posted 5 posts on the Atlas Fantasy Elections, Atlas Fantasy Government, Regional Governments, and the Voting Booth boards in 1344 hours, as punishment for crimes of which the accused has been duly convicted, or in consequence of failing to meet such requirements for frequent posting or term of residency as may be established by law; but no ballot shall be counted as valid that should list the candidates for office in a script other than the Latin alphabet, or that has been edited more than twenty minutes after its posting in the voting booth. All posts made in the voting booth shall be considered as ballots, and no citizen shall cast multiple ballots in any one election during the period the voting booth is open, upon penalty of the invalidation of their vote.
Politics Fan
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« Reply #230 on: January 08, 2021, 11:05:12 PM »
« Edited: January 08, 2021, 11:16:40 PM by Politics Fan »

An End to Hate Speech and Misinformation Act

As hate speech and deliberate misinformation are on the rise it is time for the Government to step in to stop this practice  

Hate Speech: Hate Speech shall be defined as speech attacking a group based on their race/ethnicity/religion/sexuality/gender or gender identity.

Misinformation:Misinformation should be defined as ideas that have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt false by the scientific and academic communities or other authoritative communities.

1. It shall be a illegal for any individual or group in Atlasia to spread Hate Speech or Misinformation.

2. Any website that does supports the positing of hate speech or Misinformation or does not take reasonable attempts to regulate hate speech and Misinformation shall be found in violation of this law.  

3. Any group or website found in violation of section 1 or 2 may be shut down by a order of the Attorney General. Any group or website shut down by the Attorney General (AG) may appeal to the court and the judgement of the court shall overrule the opinion of the Attorney General.

4. Any individual found in violation of section 1 may be charged with spreading hate speech and conspiracy theories. In addition anyone being a part of a group in section 1 may be charged with participating in the spread of hate speech and misinformation. Anyone leading a group in violation of section 1 shall be charged with spreading hate speech and misinformation. Anyone owing a website in violation of section 2 may be charged with facilitating the spread of hate speech and misinformation.

5. The maximum penalty for spreading hate speech and misinformation shall be a fine of $10,000 and 3 years in prison. The maximum penalty for participating in the spread of hate speech and misinformation shall be $5000 and 1 year in prison. The maximum penalty for facilitating the spread of hate speech and misinformation should be $2500 and 6 months in prison.
YaBB God
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« Reply #231 on: January 15, 2021, 08:16:42 PM »
« Edited: January 15, 2021, 08:27:27 PM by thumb21 »

A bill that adds vaccine production to the invokation of the defence production act.


To ensure adequate supply of Covid-19 vaccinations.

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
This law shall be referred to as the Covid-19 Vaccine Production Act.


(a) For the purposes of this act, "vaccine" shall refer to Covid-19 vaccines that have recieved approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Section V(c) of the Support for Frontline Workers of the 2019-2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Resolution shall be amended as follows:
(c) The Department of Health & Human Services is instructed to liaise with the Attorney General using the authority granted in EO 49 #008 to ensure adequate provision of:
  (i) Testing equipment.
  (ii) Personal protective equipment.
  (iii) Ventilators.
  (iv) Masks.
  (v) Vaccines.


(a) This act shall take effect immediately upon passage.
Joseph Cao
Rep. Joseph Cao
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« Reply #232 on: January 16, 2021, 12:38:13 AM »

A bill that adds vaccine production to the invokation of the defence production act.


To ensure adequate supply of Covid-19 vaccinations.

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
This law shall be referred to as the Covid-19 Vaccine Production Act.


(a) For the purposes of this act, "vaccine" shall refer to Covid-19 vaccines that have recieved approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Section V(c) of the Support for Frontline Workers of the 2019-2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Resolution shall be amended as follows:
(c) The Department of Health & Human Services is instructed to liaise with the Attorney General using the authority granted in EO 49 #008 to ensure adequate provision of:
  (i) Testing equipment.
  (ii) Personal protective equipment.
  (iii) Ventilators.
  (iv) Masks.
  (v) Vaccines.


(a) This act shall take effect immediately upon passage.

I'm willing to sponsor this in the House.
Cooper For Veep, I Guess
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« Reply #233 on: February 05, 2021, 10:53:49 PM »

Quote from: Battle Royale Act
1. Section 3 of the Census Act of 2019 shall be amended as follows:

2. To register, a poster must post in this thread indicating the state in which they wish to register and their party affiliation of choice.

3. To change their registration, a poster must indicate which state and/or political party they wish to change to.

4. In the event of a misspelling or a poster referring to their party or state of choice in an indirect manner, if the intent of the registration is clear, the Census Administrator shall act accordingly.

5. The Census Administrator will randomly generate the states in which voters will be registered once every six months. Regional officeholders will not be exempt to this rule, but they will be allowed to stay within the region upon request.

2. Registration randomization takes effect one week after passage of this act. From then on, randomization takes effect every July 1 and January 1.

Where we droppin', boys?

Quote from: Thanos Act
1. Section 2 of the Census Act of 2019 shall be amended as follows:

5. Following a federal election, the Census Administrator shall, with all appropriate haste, post an update in which they clearly indicate the voters who have been automatically deregistered according to the provisions of this act, as well as update the census document to reflect these deregistrations.

6. The Census Administrator will randomly remove half of all registered voters once every six months. Removed voters will be ineligible to return to the game for sixty (60) days or one-thousand four-hundred forty (1440) hours. Officeholders will not be exempt to this rule.

2. Half the populace will be removed from the game effective one week after passage of this act. From then on, removal takes effect every April 1 and October 1, with the exception of, should the bill pass before then, April 1, 2021.

Destiny arrives all the same.
Arson Plus
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« Reply #234 on: February 08, 2021, 04:21:20 PM »

Increasing Requirements Act
Section 3, Part 8, of the Census Act of 2019 is amended as follows
Section 3. Registration
8.In order to be eligible to register, a poster’s Atlas Forum account must have been registered for at least one hundred and sixty-eight hours and must have accumulated at least fifteen fifty posts.
Section 4, Part 2, of the Federal Electoral Act of 2019 is amended as follows
Section 4. Voter Eligibility.
2. A registered voter shall only be eligible to vote in a federal election if they have made at least eight twenty-five posts from their account in the fifty six days (eight weeks) immediately prior to the commencement of the election.
Black Bread Pill
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« Reply #235 on: February 17, 2021, 02:53:27 PM »

To guarantee the right of incarcerated persons to be present with clergy

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Religious Freedom Act of 2021.

Section 2. Presence of clergy in prisons

(a) Whereby Congress finds in Section 3 of the Bill of Rights, that "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, nor obstructing the freedom of worship", inmates of federal and state prisons shall be entitled to the visitation and counsel of religious leaders.

(b) In the event that capital punishment is constitutionally reinstated in the Republic of Atlasia, all inmates subject to capital punishment shall have the right to presence of clergy in execution chambers at the time of death.
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« Reply #236 on: February 23, 2021, 06:36:02 PM »

To honor an Atlas Forum hero

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Olawakandi Day Act.

Section 2. Establishment of Federal Holiday

1. In honor of the 15th anniversary of his initial registration on the Atlas Forum, Wednesday, the thirtieth of June, two thousand and twenty-one, is hereby designated "Olawakandi Day", to be celebrated across Atlasia as well as the Talk Elections Blog at large.
2. Olawakandi Day is established as a full federal holiday for the Republic of Atlasia, and will continued to be celebrated as such annually on the thirtieth of June.
3. Five days of festivities are to be held in Nyman beginning on Olawakandi Day and ending on the Fourth of July.
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« Reply #237 on: February 24, 2021, 04:14:01 PM »

Ah, here's what I was looking for; public submissions.  Can I get a bill sponsor?

A Bill
Ensuring fairness regarding payment of winnings at gaming facilities

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Atlasia in Congress assembled,


This bill may be cited as the "Fair Play in Gaming Act of 2021".  


1. The term "gaming machine" is hereby defined as any device which, as installed at a non-Native American operated casino, purports to pay out any jackpot or sum of money.  

2. The term "malfunction" is defined as a failure of a gaming machine's operating system which renders the game unplayable.  

3. The term "violation" is defined as the refusal of a non-Native American operated casino to pay out any sum that is legitimately won (subject to the terms of this bill).  


1. Congress finds as follows:

  A. There have been numerous instances of casinos that have refused to award advertised jackpots to winners of such.

  B. In the majority of these cases, such refusals are based upon claims of gaming machines having "malfunctioned".  In this regard, casinos claim that devices mistakenly and erroneously show the winning of a prize.  

  C. Mechanical breakdowns of slot-based gaming machines are extremely rare in occurrence.  

  D. In the event of a legitimate win, casinos should pay amounts that they advertise as potentially being paid.  


1. In order to ensure the good working order of gaming machines, inspections of such shall take place every six months.  The gaming commissions of individual states shall be charged with the operation and oversight of these inspections.  

2. In cases of legitimate jackpot wins, casinos shall pay at least the amount advertised as the "maximum jackpot", excepting cases where a malfunction or player fraud is conclusively proven.  

3. Any casino subsequently required to pay a jackpot shall begin payments of funds no later than one hundred twenty (120) days after a claim of victory.  

4. Nothing in this bill shall be construed as requiring jackpot payouts from Native American-operated casinos.  


1. A casino found to be in violation of Section IV sub-section 2 shall have its gaming license suspended for no less than ninety (90) days.  

2. Thereafter, for every thirty (30) days that a casino continues to be in violation of Section IV sub-section 2, no less than thirty (30) days shall be added to the suspension of such a casino's gaming license.  

3. If a casino continues to be in violation of Section IV sub-section 2 for a period exceeding one (1) year, the associated state gaming commission may choose to permanently suspend the casino's gaming license.  


1. This legislation shall take effect immediately after passage.  
Mike Thick
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« Reply #238 on: February 27, 2021, 03:24:19 AM »

Seeking a sponsor, ideally in the Senate.

To provide a legal definition of "major party," and encourage parties to protect themselves from hostile takeovers.
Be it enacted in both Houses of Congress assembled


1. The title of this act shall be the "Party Organization Act of 2021."


1. . The following clause shall be added to Section 6 of the Census Act of 2019.

11. A party meeting the following criteria shall be considered an "organized political party" and a "major party."
a. The party has three or more registered members.
b. The party has adopted bylaws that establish a procedure for filling vacancies in the party's chairmanship, and that procedure includes a process for replacing the chairman in the event that all of the party's executive leadership posts are also vacated.


1. This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon the President's signature.
Black Bread Pill
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« Reply #239 on: March 07, 2021, 06:27:26 AM »

To bar federal funds from aiding efforts to colonize Mars

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Earth First Act.

Section 2. Ban on federal funds going to expensive, unnecessary, and wasteful pet projects

(a) Whereas Congress finds that the preservation of Earth, its resources, efforts to promote and maintain peace where conflict exists, and protection of the vulnerable are more worthy endeavors than a new space race, no federal funds may be allocated to aid efforts to colonize Mars.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #240 on: March 07, 2021, 07:12:46 AM »

To bar federal funds from aiding efforts to colonize Mars

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Earth First Act.

Section 2. Ban on federal funds going to expensive, unnecessary, and wasteful pet projects

(a) Whereas Congress finds that the preservation of Earth, its resources, efforts to promote and maintain peace where conflict exists, and protection of the vulnerable are more worthy endeavors than a new space race, no federal funds may be allocated to aid efforts to colonize Mars.

Happy to sponsor
Harvey Updyke Jr🌹
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« Reply #241 on: March 09, 2021, 08:12:10 PM »

Will be DOA in the House if I have anything to say about it.

Space exploration is something that can and will be funded and led by our government.
Black Bread Pill
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« Reply #242 on: April 12, 2021, 06:58:16 AM »

To reduce the eligible time between re-registrations after voluntary deregistrations

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the Deregistration Forgiveness Act.

Section 2. Amendment to the Census Act of 2019

1. Section 5 of the Census Act of 2019 is hereby amended:

If a voter deregisters voluntarily, they may not register again until three hundred and thirty-six seventy-two hours have passed.
Black Bread Pill
Just Passion Through
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #243 on: May 01, 2021, 02:34:48 PM »
« Edited: May 01, 2021, 03:09:11 PM by Speak No Evil for one month »

To outlaw forgery of COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards

Be it enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Atlasia assembled
Section 1. Title

This legislation may be cited as the COVID-19 Vaccine Card Anti-Forgery Act.

Section 2. Outlawing the manufacturing and use of false COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards

1. It shall be a federal crime to create unauthorized COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards, or to use a forged card for access to employment or private or public services.

2. Individuals convicted of violating Section 2.1 may be sentenced to no longer than one year in prison and/or a $25,000 fine.
Unconditional Surrender Truman
Harry S Truman
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« Reply #244 on: June 01, 2021, 03:50:04 AM »
« Edited: June 01, 2021, 04:00:35 AM by Unconditional Surrender Truman »

To the Fifth Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia.

1. The Fifth Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia is amended as follows.

Quote from: Article X§2
1. In order to facilitate a clean transition to this constitution, upon ratification any scheduled regular elections for the bicameral Congress for a term beginning on July 2nd or later shall be cancelled.
2. Elections shall instead be held in June under the terms of this constitution for terms set to begin upon its taking effect. Elections for regional and at-large Senate shall be regular elections for their seats’ full terms of four and two months, respectively. Elections for subregional Senate shall be special elections to fill a partial term of two months; the first subregional Senate elections for a full term shall then take place in August.
3. Nothing in this Article or in the preceding Constitution shall be construed as to deny the right of any citizen to vote in the elections of June 2021 in the region and subregion of which they are a lawful resident, provided the term of their residency began on or before May 30, 2021.

Amendment explanation: This amendment allows Koopa to vote in the June senatorial elections.
Pedocon Theory is not a theory
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« Reply #245 on: June 20, 2021, 10:33:26 PM »

to Recognize the Importance of MDMA to the Atlasian People

Section I. Title
i. The title of this Act shall be known as the "Mandating Distribution of 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine Act”(MDMA).

Section II. Directing the Creation of Soft Drinks
i. The Government of Atlasia is hereby directed to begin development, followed by mass production of a line of cola soft drinks.
ii. These drinks are to contain an amount of MDMA.
iii. No more than ten thousand (10,000) milligrams of MDMA per two-liter bottle shall be permitted.
iv. All revenue generated by sales of these drinks shall be added to the budget of a newly-established Department of Ecstasy, as defined in Section III of the Mandating Distribution of 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine Act (MDMA).

Section III. Directing the Creation of the Atlasian Department of Ecstasy
i. The Atlasian Department of Ecstasy shall be established as a cabinet-level department, headed by the Secretary of Ecstasy, a cabinet-level secretary.
ii. The Department of Ecstasy is to direct, facilitate, and report on the development of MDMA products by the Government of Atlasia.
iii. The Department of Ecstasy shall draft a report on the cultural, spiritual, and mental importance of MDMA to the Atlasian People.
iv. The Secretary of Ecstasy is to pursue the decriminalization and legalization of MDMA for medical, recreational, and spiritual uses through any means necessary.

Section IV.
i. This Act shall supercede all conflicting legislation concerning the legality and/or commercialization of MDMA in Atlasia.

Pedocon Theory is not a theory
Jr. Member
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« Reply #246 on: June 21, 2021, 12:15:16 AM »

to Denounce the Moral Scourge of Wulfricism

Section I. Title
i. This Act may be cited as the Wulfric Act.

Section II. Denouncing Wulfricism
i. The Government of Atlasia hereby denounces the pervasive and pernicious influence of the ideology known as Wulfricism, and seeks to eliminate it from all aspects of Atlasian life.

Cooper For Veep, I Guess
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« Reply #247 on: September 16, 2021, 06:20:32 PM »

Quote from: The Sixth Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia
1. The Republic of Atlasia is abolished, and hereby replaced with the Queendom of Atlasia.
2. The first queen of Atlasia will be Peebs, and she shall henceforth pass down the monarchy as needed.
Black Bread Pill
Just Passion Through
Atlas Legend
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« Reply #248 on: September 16, 2021, 08:14:38 PM »

Quote from: The Sixth Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia
1. The Republic of Atlasia is abolished, and hereby replaced with the Queendom of Atlasia.
2. The first queen of Atlasia will be Peebs, and she shall henceforth pass down the monarchy as needed.

Cooper For Veep, I Guess
Atlas Icon
Posts: 16,308
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« Reply #249 on: September 16, 2021, 08:22:06 PM »

Quote from: The Sixth Constitution of the Republic of Atlasia
1. The Republic of Atlasia is abolished, and hereby replaced with the Queendom of Atlasia.
2. The first queen of Atlasia will be Peebs, and she shall henceforth pass down the monarchy as needed.

That's fair.
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