Encore of Europe: Gameplay Thread

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« on: June 09, 2018, 06:53:49 PM »

The Encore of Europe
Turn 1: 1782

Nations, Leaders, & Players:

Major Powers:
Russian Empire- Emperor Paul Petrovich (HenryWallace)
Kingdom of France- King Louis XVI Bourbon (Windjammer)
Kingdom of Prussia- King Frederick William II Hohenzollern (Lumine)
Archduchy of Austria- Emperor Joseph II Habsburg (Dereich)
Kingdom of Great Britain- King George III of Hanover (Blair)
Kingdom of Spain- King Charles III Bourbon (LouisvilleThunder)
Ottoman Empire- Sultan Abdul Hamid I (Kalwejt)
Polish-Lithuanian Republic- President Tadeusz Kosciuszko (Not_Madigan)
Kingdom of Scandinavia-King Gustav III of Holstein-Gottorp (YPestis)
Republic of Quebec-President Louis-Philippe de Vaudreuil(Dr Novella)
Kingdom of Portugal- Queen Maria Braganza (New Tennessean Politician)
Safavid Empire- Shah Ismail III Safavid (Kingpoleon)
Kingdom of the Netherlands- King William I of Orange

Economic Standings:
Kingdom of Prussia- Strong
Kingdom of France- Strong
Kingdom of Portugal- Strong
Kingdom of Great Britain- Strong

Archduchy of Austria- Moderate
Safavid Empire- Moderate
Kingdom of Scandinavia- Moderate
Russian Empire- Moderate
Ottoman Empire- Moderate

Kingdom of Spain- Weak
Kingdom of the Netherlands- Weak
Republic of Poland-Lithuania- Weak
Republic of Quebec- Weak

President Tadeusz Kosciuszko- Very High
Emperor Joseph II Habsburg- High
King George III- High
King Charles III Bourbon- High
President Louis-Philippe de Vaudreuil- High

Emperor Paul Petrovich of Russia- Moderate
King Louis XVI Bourbon- Moderate
Sultan Abdul Hamid I- Moderate
Queen Maria Braganza- Moderate
King Frederick William II Hohenzollern- Moderate

King Gustav III of Holstein-Gottorp- Low
Shah Ismail III Safavid- Low

Ongoing Conflicts:
Quebec War of Independence: Republic of Quebec vs. Kingdom of Spain
Tripolitanian Rebellion: North African Tribal Rebels vs. Archduchy of Austria, Republic of Venice

Russian Empire:
-Emperor Paul, you have come to power at a time of great uncertainty on the international stage. Your mother Catherine kept the realm isolated, repairing the damage within Russia during the early part of her reign wrought by two civil wars and a foreign invasion. Now, with Catherine deposed and Russia back on solid footing, there are some who believe it is the time to start forging international alliances and expanding Russia once more. The Polish-Lithuanian Republic, Kingdom of Scandinavia, and the Crimean Khanate are all potential targets, though they all also have various modes of defense. Where will you look for allies? Or, alternatively, should Russia retain its isolation as the best means of keeping it out of costly foreign wars?

-With the annexation of so much land from the Kazakhs and other tribes in central Asia at the conclusion of the Wars of the Grand Coalitions, Russian borders greatly expanded. These new territories are sparsely populated though, with the potential for development challenged by a lack of manpower. Some suggest appealing to Europeans from the west to come and settle, in the hopes that they will allow Russian influence in these territories to increase. Others see this as a betrayal of Orthodox Christian values, as heretics ought not be permitted. How will you handle the problem of low population in certain areas of your realm?

-Your mother may have been deposed, locked into a convent following the victory of her enemies at Court, but she still retains a broad base of support. In the military and civil service particularly, not to mention among the common people, many of her appointees are still active members of your administration. How will the lingering influence of your mother be dealt with? Some advocate for a full-blown purge of the government. Others state that you should quietly dispose of Catherine so as to prevent a potential banner for opponents to rally behind. It has also been suggested that you could welcome her back to Court, hoping that your act of clemency would bind her to your government. How will you handle the lingering loyalty towards your mother?

Archduchy of Austria:
-Guten Tag Emperor Joseph, despite your long reign, there is still much to be done in Austria. The most pressing dynastic issue at the present is the two succession disputes in Europe, one in Bavaria and the other in Modena. Your brother in law, the King of Bavaria, is ailing and has been mum about who he intends to name as his heirs. Naturally, with your wife being of Wittelsbach stock, there are many who believe you ought to claim the land on her behalf, strengthening the position of the Emperor in the extended Holy Roman Empire immeasurably. Will you prod him into naming your wife as his heir? Another succession issue is that of Modena. As it stands, if nothing changes the Kings of France will eventually inherit this sizeable territory in Italy. The Italian States have been under Austrian domination for centuries now, and many are worried that Louis XVI could use this as an excuse to return French involvement to the region. How will you respond to the issues in Modena?

-With the completion of the last war, Austria was left without any clear alliances. The French attack, so soon after your two realms had cooperated against the Prussians and British, was viewed as the ultimate act of betrayal. Austrian hostility towards the Bourbons has increased, though canny diplomacy could salvage the situation. Others see Austria’s future as one of cooperation with Russia or Great Britain. Really, with such an open international order, there are many alliances that could be considered. How will you keep your people safe?

-Your North African territories, gained from some pirates alongside Venice, are now under threat. A massive rebellion, supported by locals and the tribal populations within the Sahara, has manifested itself over the past few years and led to an intense guerilla campaign against Austrian occupation. Your men retain an area along the Mediterranean Sea, but much of the less densely populated regions have been lost. Some say the area should be abandoned. A group of generals instead has argued that you ought to increase prosecution of the war. How will you handle this complicated situation?

Kingdom of France:
-King Louis XVI, as the King you have inherited a realm with a confused diplomatic policy. It will be up to you to right the ship and ensure that France has a strong foreign policy moving forward. During the past decades, with the Diplomatic Revolution and the subsequent Diplomatic Counter-Revolution, France has been left without a clear ally. With the situation in Bavaria and your wife’s claim to Modena, not to mention the new policy aim held by some of seeing France reach the Rhine, most advisors believe it is time that it is time your realm finds allies once more. Who in Europe will you seek out as a friend?

-Your father succeeded in adding the massive territory of India to the realm with gains at the expense of the British, Maratha, and Mughals. Yet, some see your realm as over-stretched trying to administer to this vast area. Your Indian territories are larger in both land area and population than France itself, not to mention being thousands of miles away from Versailles. There are reports of corruption, attempts to convert the locals, and areas with very little oversight. How will you ensure that India remains in Bourbon hands? Will the Church be allowed access? How can this area be brought under better administration or is the status quo acceptable?

-Within your realm great economic changes are afoot. Although the process is early, there has been an uptick in manufacturing in the Southern Netherlands and along the Rhone. In both regions some small-scale mills have resulted in cheap, replicable goods. This has put many craftsmen out of business and caused some to migrate from rural areas seeking work. The population in urban areas is beginning to tick, slowly, upwards as is class discontent (at the new wealthy individuals resent the power of the old nobility). Will your government encourage these changes, provide oversight, or seek to stop them and preserve the traditional French way of living? How can this tough issue be managed?

Kingdom of Great Britain:
-Greetings King George, the past few decades have been nothing short of wonderful for your realm. Emerging largely victorious from the Wars of the Grand Coalitions, your family managed to stave off short term debt through the sale of Hanover to your Hohenzollern cousin, Frederick II. With the French out of the New World entirely, it seems that only Spain is a serious threat in that region. The British economy is growing at a steady pace alongside the increasing population of your settler colonies in the Americans and Australia. That is not to say you are without problems. While the past few years have been nice, there are some who see tensions in Europe approaching once more. Will you find a continental ally to compliment your naval supremacy with military force on land? Or should Britain remain aloof from European affairs and focus on building a global empire?

-British colonies in the Americas are booming, but that is not without its own consequences. First, with a growing population in these areas compared to the population of the UK, there are some demanding either greater home rule or concrete representation in Parliament. Either proposal is controversial though, as many in Britain view the colonies as key parts of the realm. Home rule gives them autonomy on taxation, meaning they are not paying for the upkeep of their defense, and representation in Parliament could mean the gradual decrease in the power of British MPs. What will be your policy regarding the colonies?

-The election of Henry Stuart as Pope has been seen as a slap in the face. Certainly, after Catholic Emancipation and the greater tolerance of them within your realm it came as a shock. Some are placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of the French, while others see it as broader anti-British Catholic backlash. The new pope himself has said nothing about Britain so far, but it is still early in his pontificate. How will you respond to this clear provocation by the Catholic Church? Will you enact measures against Catholicism in your own realm or, alternatively, attempt to reconcile yourself with your distant cousin?

Kingdom of Prussia:
-With the passing of your uncle, an era in Prussian history undoubtedly comes to an end. Yet, this can also be seen as the opportunity for a fresh start for Prussia and the German League. Frederick II may have had a solid reputation, but he also had many enemies abroad. With your reign, perhaps Prussia can be lead in a different direction. At present, the Kingdom has no major international allies other than the German League members. What will your foreign policy be?

-Denmark has been acting out. When news of Frederick’s illness reached Copenhagen, diplomatic dispatches stopped and the realm has been eerily quiet. It has been known for long that many Danes felt that joining the German League during one of their realms worst crises had been a mistake. Moltke, the official who had struck the deal, was assassinated in the 1770s, though little more action was taken. Now, with Frederick V long dead and his son Chrisitan VII on the throne, Denmark is showing new signs of wanting to break away. How will you stop it from leaving the German League, or will you? Some advisors success a show of the famous Prussian military might will be enough to knock them into submission, though others are wary, recognizing the Danes are one of the strongest members of the German League outside of Prussia itself.

-Another key task of your new reign is the issue of Corsica. Acquired by your uncle from Genoese merchants, the gradual annexation of the island on the condition of local autonomy eventually reconciled the Catholic Corsicans to rule by a distant Reformed German. Now, with his passing, the government in Ajaccio has yet to declare you his heir. How will you ensure that the territory remains loyal? There have been whispers of republicanism in the region, though others note that the quality of life has greatly improved since Prussian rule was established.

Kingdom of Scandinavia:
-Gustav III, your rule could not have come at a more important time. Before his untimely death of overeating, your father was in active negotiations to sell away your absolute power and bind the realm with a constitution. While this was all well and good in the eyes of the Riksdag rebels, your mother, the nobility, and people horrified about the events in Poland convinced you otherwise. With your reign not only has the constitution been suppressed, but absolutism is in charge for the first real time in decades. How will you quiet those domestic critics who feel betrayed by your God-given right to rule?

-Sweden had great success, swallowing up Norway, Iceland, and Greenland, during the past few decades. Through canny diplomacy the Danes were beaten and the power of Stockholm was confirmed. Now, with the onset of tensions in Europe, Scandinavia finds itself alone and at risk for various nearby powers. How will you ensure that your realm is not put at risk from the Russians, Prussians, or other nearby adversaries that could wish you ill?

-With your realm’s return to dominance in the north, you are confronted with one of the age-old dilemmas of national leaders. Scandinavia, which controls much of the Baltic and North Seas, has only a limited amount of money to be spent on the military, not to mention a limited amount of men to enlist. Due to this, there is tension between leaders of the Scandinavian Army and the Scandinavian Navy over which ought to be prioritized. Naval leaders believe they are necessary if you are to secure future gains in the Baltic, while land leaders believe that a strong army ought to be more important for the future. Which will you prioritize? Or should the situation continue at present, with both supported partially, but neither getting what they want entirely?

Kingdom of Portugal:
-Queen Maria, the days of your father’s rule are over. Finally. The Jesuits have been welcomed back, Pombal has been exiled from Court, and some conservative order can finally temper the excessive pace of reform during the previous reign. Now you face an early dilemma. Will you largely accept the reforms made by your father’s ambitious advisors, reforming national administration, weakening the Church, and limiting the power of the nobility, or should the actions be reversed? There are arguments to be made for both sides, but it is up to you to choose. How will Portugal move forward?

-You possess one of the several vast colonial empires centered in Europe. With lands including East Timor, India, Mozambique, Angola, and Brazil, Portugal is one of the most versatile realms in the world. That Empire is under threat though, with other powers far stronger than yourself. What diplomatic policies will you pursue to ensure that your lands can be protected, or even potentially expanded if you are threatened?

-By far, the biggest gain made by Portugal in the Wars of the Grand Coalitions was the island of Saint Domingue. The land is perfect for sugar cultivation and has caused a boom in the Portuguese economy as real estate prices climb there. The only problem is that while Italian and German states eagerly consume the surplus, the other major powers are too focused on mercantilism to allow this to be imported into their realms. Will you personally negotiate with your royal cousins on the thrones of Europe in order to expand the market for one of your most valuable goods? While this would undoubtedly prove profitable, it must be remembered trade does pose threats to domestic industries as well…

Kingdom of Spain:
-The insufferable inhabitants of Quebec seek to remove your government from power, King Charles III. Arresting your officials, coopting the local garrisons, and ripping down Spanish statues and flags throughout the region, they’ve had the audacity to proclaim the Republic of Quebec and challenge you to a fight if you do not agree with their demands. Recognizing the rest of your vast colonial empire is watching these developments very closely, how will you proceed? What is to be done about the Quebec War of Independence?

-With the ever-shifting alliances of Europe, it is time for Spain to establish solid relations with other European powers. Especially with the events in Quebec and the looming succession crises in other parts of the continent, it behooves Spain to find friends who will act in its interest. In the past Madrid has generally been supportive of the Bourbon cousins in France, will this policy continue? How will your Kingdom navigate the ever-changing realm of power politics in the 1780s?

-Spain, despite its vast Empire, has a messy financial situation. Even though you rule largely with absolute power, bad spending habits in the past (with military debacles, palaces built, donations to the Church) means that even still you do not have total control over the economic situation of your realm. How will you tackle large amounts of debt and high interest payments, sapping the wealth and taxes you receive from the New World?

Ottoman Empire:
-Greetings great Abdul Hamid, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Your realm has, for the time being, shaken off rumors of a slow decline and maintained its prestige across Europe. Undoubtedly your involvement in the Wars of the Grand Coalitions reaffirmed that the Ottomans are not a weak power to be trifled with. Since peace has been declared, there has been little need for foreign alliances. Now, with Poland stabilized, Persia returning to power, and both Joseph II in Austria and Paul I in Russia secure on their thrones, perhaps it is time to consider re-forging ties with other realms. Where will you look for allies?

-The most recent war from 1776 to 1779 with the restored Safavid Dynasty in Persia was a bruising affair, though the patient discipline of your soldiers managed to stem any attempts to annex Mesopotamia. In a series of close, but important, victories the enemies were pushed out and both Baghdad and Basra were saved. Even so, the fighting was costly and much of the territory was damaged. With the potential for future conflict with Persia, some advisors are questioning whether investing to repair these regions is worth it or if the money could be better spent elsewhere? Perhaps it could go to building defenses? Or should the Iraqi people be made whole, in order to ensure that in the event of another invasion they will remain loyal? This region clearly demands some form of attention, it is up to you to decide what is to be done. 

-The North African rebellion against the Austrian and Venetian colonization of Tripoli has not merely been limited to attacks on their lands. In order to seize resources and intimidate locals, raids into Ottoman Egypt have been conducted as well, lowering your men’s ability to patrol the border region. Some in Istanbul see this as the perfect opportunity to get involved in the conflict, defeat both sides, and restore order under your rule to the region. Other believe that the affairs do not concern you and that you should focus on consolidating and defending your still sizeable empire rather than looking to retake lost territories. How will you respond to these acts of aggression by the Tripolitanian rebels?
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« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2018, 06:54:38 PM »

Republic of Quebec:
-Your people are finally proclaiming their freedom, President Vaudreuil. As a descendant of former colonial administrators, your family understands the troubles that Quebec has faced during the past few decades. First, left largely to its own devices as the British invaded. Then it was sold off like common livestock to the Spanish. Your people have had enough. It is time to be free. With this declaration though, comes much work. You have been named the head of the Quebec Convention, the administration during the war and the body responsible for drafting a Constitution. How will your nation be set up? Will there be one legislative body? Multiple? How will the presidency and judiciary function? Or will you offer some European prince a throne in exchange for strong constitutionalism? It is up to you.

-As a newly declared, and largely unrecognized nation, you face the might of the Spanish Empire. Though distance favors you, the power of Spain is not to be underestimated. You certainly are going to need to consider making alliances with other European powers if you want to ensure victory. Which nations will you Court? How will you ensure that your new realm is both recognized and respected by the powers of the world?

-One key area credited by many colonists as leading to the war was the Spanish desire to limit the growth of settlements. After the Wars of the Grand Coalitions and the sale to Spain, the population of New France skyrocketed. Upset Swedish republicans, French Huguenots afraid of Louis XVI, Dutch under French rule, and even many Spaniards looking for more freedom all have swelled the size of the settlements. Yet, Spain sought peace with the local native populations, forbidding expansion into new areas. With the Spanish era at an end, will you permit the continued expansion of Quebec? Or should Spain’s agreements with the natives be honored?

Safavid Empire:
-It has been an unlikely turn of events that has led to the restoration of your historic dynasty, Shah Ismail. With fighting between the Zand and Afsharids, loyalists to the memory of your house took advantage of the chaos in Persian affairs to set you upon the Throne. After years of bloodshed, your reign has been cemented and the pretenders vanquished for the time being. Now it is time to think of what your next goals will be. Your realm failed to defeat the Ottomans in the last decade and some are looking for a rematch. Others see opportunity for growth in the weakened Zand state in Afghanistan. Where will your international focus be? How will you ensure your dynasty is restored to glory?

-Due to the initial weakness of your restored dynasty, there have been many who took advantage of you. Your court is filled with less-than-honest advisors, corruption, and backstabbing. Some of your servants seem to act as though you are one of theirs. The advice of some of your commanders cannot fully be trusted and some of your close friends fear for your safety. Yet too drastic an action could cause a backlash and plunge the realm back into civil war. How will you cement your personal power and ensure your successors are able to exercise their God-given prerogative?

-Persia is falling behind, there is little doubt about that. The continued and expanding pace of technological innovation in Europe means that your weapons, soldiers, and methods are becoming less capable against the major powers every year. Yet, this can be halted if you find a power willing to give you access to the information required. This could be expensive but pay off in the long run. Others argue that, whatever pieces of better weapons the Europeans may come to possess, your men will still know the terrain better. What is to be done about a Persian inability to keep apace with developments abroad?

Polish-Lithuanian Republic:
-A new era has begun in Polish history, hopefully, with the expulsion of the monarchy yet again and the reestablishment of a Third Polish-Lithuanian Republic, President Kosciuszko. For the first time perhaps since the Revolution began in the 1750s, there is actual broad internal peace within the Republic. Some believe that, with the most experienced army in Europe and being surrounded by absolutist states, that the time is ripe to work on spreading the Revolution across the continent. Certainly, being surrounded by Sweden, Russia, Austria, Prussia, and the Ottomans leave no shortage of absolutist boogeymen. Or will internal peace be the aim, focusing more on defensive strategy rather than spreading republicanism?

-With your election, heroism in combat, and role in the Civil War, you have broad public support. Many cabinet advisors believe that, if you wished to, the Constitution could be reformed as you see fit, either by ending term limits, rescheduling elections, or even restructuring government as a whole. Will you remake the Republic in your own image or continue to work with the existing constitution? There are undoubtedly advantages, and problems, presented by either choice. Certainly, with your term ending in 1788, it will be something to consider.

-The institution most damaged by the Revolution, and yet paradoxically most able to survive it, in Poland has been the Catholic Church. In the early stages there was real conflict between the Republic and the Church after the government attempted to tax the lands held by clergy. With the counter-revolution and civil war of the past decade and a half, the Church has only been divided. About half of the priests supported Alexander II’s attempt to return to power, with the other half backing the military and republican government. Now, with the war ended, the split remains, with one portion of the Church looking to Rome and the others following Warsaw’s lead. How will you manage the Catholic Church, recognizing that there are still many in rural areas who remain quite sincere about their faith?

Armies & Locations

Kingdom of Prussia
105,000 men raised and mobile
40,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 70,000 more)

Kingdom of France
130,000 men raised and mobile
60,000 men garrisoned
10,000 Army & Garrison of India
(Can raise 90,000 more)

Kingdom of Great Britain
35,000 Garrison of Britain
25,000 Army & Garrison of the 15 Colonies
3,000 Army & Garrison of Australia
(Can raise 100,000 more)

Kingdom of Scandinavia

70,000 men raised and mobile
20,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 40,000 more)

Kingdom of Spain
50,000 men raised and mobile
30,000 men garrisoned
5,000 Army & Garrison of New Spain
10,000 Army & Garrison of South America
2,000 Army & Garrison of the Philippines
(can raise 60,000 more)

Russian Empire
150,000 men raised and mobile
50,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 90,000 more)

Archduchy of Austria
130,000 men raised and mobile
35,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 75,000 more)

Ottoman Empire
120,000 men raised and mobile
45,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 70,000 more)

Polish-Lithuanian Republic
100,000 men raised and mobile
30,000 men garrisoned
(can raise 80,000 more)

Kingdom of Portugal
40,000 ‬men raised and mobile
10,000 ‬men garrisoned
12,000 ‬Army of Brazil
(‬Can raise ‬50,000 ‬more)

Safavid Empire
50,000 men raised and mobile
25,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 40,000 more)

Republic of Quebec
25,000 men raised and mobile
10,000 men garrisoned
(Can raise 25,000 more)

Navies of the World
Kingdom of Great Britain
200 Ships of the Line
125 Frigates

Kingdom of France
110 Ships of the Line
50 Frigates

Kingdom of Spain
53 Ships of the Line
29 Frigates

Russian Empire
40 Ships of the Line
12 Frigates

Kingdom of Scandinavia
37 Ships of the Line
14 Frigates

Kingdom of Portugal
35 Ships of the Line
15 Frigates

Kingdom of Prussia
30 Ships of the Line
15 Frigates

Polish-Lithuanian Republic
20 Ships of the Line
17 Frigates

Ottoman Empire
25 Ships of the Line
10 Frigates

Archduchy of Austria
11 Ships of the Line
3 Frigates

Republic of Quebec
3 Ships of the Line
7 Frigates
Huey Long is a Republican
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« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2018, 09:13:19 PM »


As the Queen of Portugal, we have several Announcements to make for our country:

1. As much of our Surplus will mainly go into improving our Infrastructure and helping construct buildings for many citizens, a decent chunk of our budget will go into the Military and Navy to make sure we don't lag behind our rivals and a small part will go to Colonization efforts in Africa and India to help further expand our realm.

2. Despite the judgement of many of our Nobles saying, I will Announce the creation of a new Constitution for our Nation with three amendments as of right now:

I. All Men, and Women, have the freedom of Free Speech, Free Press, and Free Religion as it is the right of all Citizens to have their own destiny that they can achieve on their own.

II. In Order to ensure the freedom of choice is expressed, the Kingdom of Portugal will host Elections every 7 years in which Men and Women vote for all 301 seats in our version of the British parliament and the leader of the winning coalition will become our Parliamentary President and will have some of the duties that Royalty formally had, mainly considering the Budget.

III. All Men, unless Sick, Weak, or Crippled from a young age are to serve from the age of 18 to the age of 22 in the Portuguese Navy and Military. This is Mandatory until further notice.

3. We will marginally both raise Taxes on our rich nobles and lower Taxes on the lower and Middle Class so that all Nobles are shown they are not the ones with power.

4. I, as Queen, am announcing that if they follow by our Constitution, our Colonies will be allowed to have their own Culture, Religion, and Representation system if they are nothing but loyal to the Crown. We have seen what is happening in Quebec and we will not follow the same mistake.

This is all major Announcements of ours. This is for the betterment of our Kingdom and I hope we can influence some European states to follow our Example.

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
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« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2018, 11:37:05 AM »

A Declaration on Slavery

Austria and the Empire welcome the new aspirations of Queen Maria. It is surely the goal of all monarchs to, by our own methods, see that our subjects are governed justly and treated with the respect owed to all of children of God. Yet even Queen Maria, despite her otherwise bold statements, calls on others to follow her example, and guarantees to her "citizens" is silent on the greatest injustice of all: slavery.

The institution of slavery is a vile affront to God and our enlightened times. The ownership of other men is unchristian, irrational, and unjust. How can any person discuss "freedoms and rights" for some men while having the absolute power over life and death over others? I am proud that the Empire and my other kingdoms have forbidden slavery for centuries.  I call on other heads of state to follow our lead and show that just treatment must be for all and not just for some.

I would be honored, should other heads of state be willing to attend, to host a congress in Vienna to discuss a quick end to the international slave trade and the eventual end of that institution among Christian states.

Joseph II Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor
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« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2018, 03:49:53 PM »
« Edited: June 11, 2018, 04:05:32 PM by Kingpoleon »

My dynasty shall invite Princess Anastasia of Georgia, Heracles II, Solomon I, as well as an Ethiopian Ambassador to our court. We invite Wolde Selassie, Ras of Tigray, to represent a fellow ancient kingdom, and suggest that a trading agreement may be arranged.

Our court will begin mending the wounds of civil war by inviting Agha Mohammed Qajar, Azad Afghan, and Shahrokh Mirza Afshar, to the court. In exchange for pledges of absolute fealty, they will each receive the position of Governor. Whichever can raise the largest army(not counting current members of the Shah's Imperial Army and excluding Azad Afghan) in one years' time will have first choice as to which Governorship to claim. Azad Afghan, if he does not wish to become Vizier or Commanding General, will be made Governor over the Western lands in exchange for the loyalty and fealty of himself and his army. The Shah and Azad Afghan will work together to play the two other men off of each other in fighting for the Shah's favor.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2018, 04:56:14 PM »

In the name of His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Abdulhamid I, Padishah, Emperor, Sultan of Sultan, Khan of Khans, Amir al-Mu'minin, Custodian of the Three Holy Mosques, Emperor of Rome etc. etc.

For too long have the Barbary pirates ignored the Sultan's rightful and divine authority as their suzerain and the Caliphs of Islam. Not only did they wreck havoc on high seas, they also violated the very Ottoman land with their treachery. Now, as they are in distress in result of their own actions, they would expect their suzerain to come to their rescue from the infidels. BUT his Sacred and Imperial Majesty demands complete obedience of his vassals if they wants to keep their heads on their necks, whether from the infidels or the Porte itself.

(You f-king wanna help, guys? Well, thing will have to change.)
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2018, 05:00:11 PM »

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x Louis XVI
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« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2018, 05:53:24 PM »

A declaration from Berlin:

As His Majesty Frederick William II takes up the throne of Prussia, the realm mourns the loss of a monarch whose accomplishments are too numerous to mention. Even against the bleakest of possibilities His Majesty Frederick II never lost his nerve, his resolve and his faith on the Kingdom of Prussia, and the kingdom shall never forget the monarch who left behind a united, strong realm. Outside from the customary period of mourning, honors will be given to His Majesty by virtue of new monuments, works of literature and art and celebrations of the largest accomplishments of his rule.

A new era of prosperity and stability begins across this realm with the ascension of His Majesty Frederick William II, who has made it a priority of his to see to the well-being of his peoples. As a result of his desire to spend more time near to his subjects, His Majesty has decided to move the court from Sanssouci to Berlin itself. Additionally, there will be significant efforts to encourage artists and scientists to take residence in Prussia and work under the sponsorship of the Crown, lending their many talents to the good of the realm and their fellow men.

Lastly, His Majesty has taken a keen interest to the necessity of encouraging order and stability in these troubling, uncertain times across the continent. We look forward to a peaceful and fair solution to the ongoing diplomatic dilemma in Bavaria, and express our continued commitment to the prevention of another continent-wide war in our fair continent.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
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« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2018, 06:04:35 PM »
« Edited: June 13, 2018, 06:10:19 PM by Chief Justice windjammer »

Speech regarding Foreign policy

1) The King of France wishes peace and stability with his neighbours. And that is for this reason that the King of France will not sign any new alliances with other european powers, as he believes it would cause a lot of tensions in Europe. However, the Kingdom of France is united by blood with the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Sardinia Piedmont and the Duchy of Modena. The King of France will retaliate against any realms trying to invade their european borders.

2) As Adam Smith said, increasing trade favours peace. The Kingdom of France is looking to expand its trade with the european realms. Lowering tariffs on trades with the Kingdom of Spain is a great victory.

King Louis XVI
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« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2018, 06:05:41 PM »

X Charles III
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« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2018, 06:38:34 PM »

The entire Ottoman State joins all of Prussians in mourning of the passing of their great ruler, King Frederick, already and rightly dubbed as "the Great". Under his enlightened and wise leadership the Prusso-Ottoman relations flourished and, we are certain, will continue so, as an important part of peace and stability in Europe, especially given all the merits of his noble successor.

A statue of the late King of Prussia shall be erected on a honorary spot in Istanbul, as testimony to these feelings.
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« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2018, 01:47:18 PM »

The Exalted Ottoman State is a multiethnic and multireligious realm that spans three continents and, thus, is in an excellent position to play a stabilizing role in the region, in the spirit of peace and mutual respect among powers. Territorial expansion is nor our goal, but given all the historical and contemporary experience we shall adopt a policy of armed caution to be prepared to defend the Ottoman lands, as well as His Sacred and Imperial Majesty the Sultan's vassal states and depencies.
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« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2018, 04:31:34 PM »

The North Government.

+ David Murray, the 2nd Earl of Mansfield is hereby granted the new title of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and is the nations chief diplomat, in charge of Foreign Policy. His first task is to visit Berlin, Prussia to attend the Funeral of Frederick II, and he shall accompany King George III who will visit Prussia to pay his respects.

+ The Earl of Mansfield shall also attend the Vienna Congress to discuss International Slavery, and shall also visit various officials from the Holy Roman Empire.

+ The Marquess of Rockingham is hereby appointed to head a royal commission on the political representation of the American Colonies, with the results to be published in the next year.

+ The Earl of Bute is hereby given the new position of Special Envoy to the Holy See, and is sent on a diplomatic mission to greet his Holiness, the New Pope Henry Stuart.

+ A special voucher scheme is hereby set up to encourage migration to the colonies, with higher vouchers, and land for skilled workers with families.
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« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2018, 05:10:44 PM »
« Edited: June 15, 2018, 06:24:43 PM by YPestis25 »

Declaration from Stockholm Palace

Recognizing the abhorrence of slavery and its incompatibility with the Christian faith of his nation, His Majesty King Gustav III will commit to sending representatives to a congress in Vienna to determine the best course of action to at last end the terrible slave trade and the practice of slavery in general.

Moreover, His Majesty King Gustav III would like to reaffirm the Kingdom of Scandinavia's commitment to peace with its neighbors the Kingdom of Prussia and the Russian Empire. The King would like to express his willingness to foster closer ties with his neighbors in the interests of a lasting peace in Central and Northern Europe.

Finally, His Majesty King Gustav III sends his heartfelt condolences to King Fredrick William II over the loss of his uncle. King Fredrick, now widely titled "The Great," was a staunch enemy of His Majesty's father King Adolf Frederick and of Sweden. Yet, with King Fredrick's passing, Europe has undoubtedly lost a giant. As such, the Kingdom of Scandinavia will send representatives to attend any official funeral arrangements which the Prussian government should see fit to hold.
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« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2018, 05:35:42 PM »

A declaration from Berlin (II)

His Majesty Frederick William II is most grateful and appreciative of the statements of mourning by His Majesty George III of Great Britain, His Majesty Abdul Hamid I of the Ottoman Empire, and His Majesty Gustav III from Scandinavia. As a result, it has been decided by the Prussian Court to extend the period of mourning and the initial funeral plans for a larger ceremony of honor to be held in Berlin to remember the legacy and accomplishments of the late Frederick the Great. We look forward to meeting with representatives of attending nations, as well as extending full honors to the visit of His Majesty George III.

Additionally and on account of the rising interest in doing away with the international slave trade, the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica will send the most esteemed diplomat Spiridion Lusi with the rank of Ambassador to take part in the proposed Congress in Vienna, and work towards a proper solution to this matter.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
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« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2018, 05:43:28 PM »

Declaration from the Kingdom of Portugal,

We in Portugal feel the sorrow that the Kingdom of Portugal feels for the loss of Frederick II and will send an Emissary to accompany the Funeral of the great king

We would also like to announce that we will end the exile of Pombal and he will become the interim Parliamentary President until the Election this year decides who becomes our first elected Parliamentary President.

The Election will be held on December 16th every 7th year to decide a new Parliament of Representation and the one with a majority of 151 or higher can have the leader of the group or Coalition become the new Parliamentary President. A snap Election can be held after 6 months if 175 or more seats vote in favor of such a thing. After 6 months, an Election will be held on the 17th of the last month for a Snap Election.

The Kingdom of Portugal is interested in opening relations with Prussia, Spain, Russia, Scandanavia, the Ottomans, Britain, and the Netherlands in the cause for trade between all our countries.

On the issue of Slavery, the issue is still quite volatile within our Empire, but we shall send an Observer to take notes on the proposed Congress of Vienna.

Finally, we would like to announce that we'll be allowing a full year lease for the Colony of East Timor to have joint Control of the Colony for a year to help expand the wealth of another country.
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« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2018, 05:59:04 PM »

Declaration from the Kingdom of Portugal,

We in Portugal feel the sorrow that the Kingdom of Portugal feels for the loss of Frederick II and will send an Emissary to accompany the Funeral of the great king

We would also like to announce that we will end the exile of Pombal and he will become the interim Parliamentary President until the Election this year decides who becomes our first elected Parliamentary President.

The Election will be held on December 16th every 7th year to decide a new Parliament of Representation and the one with a majority of 151 or higher can have the leader of the group or Coalition become the new Parliamentary President. A snap Election can be held after 6 months if 175 or more seats vote in favor of such a thing. After 6 months, an Election will be held on the 17th of the last month for a Snap Election.

The Kingdom of Portugal is interested in opening relations with Prussia, Spain, Russia, Scandanavia, the Ottomans, Britain, and the Netherlands in the cause for trade between all our countries.

On the issue of Slavery, the issue is still quite volatile within our Empire, but we shall send an Observer to take notes on the proposed Congress of Vienna.

Finally, we would like to announce that we'll be allowing a full year lease for the Colony of East Timor to have joint Control of the Colony for a year to help expand the wealth of another country.
Why excluding France and Austria?
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« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2018, 06:14:13 PM »

Declaration from the Kingdom of Portugal,

We in Portugal feel the sorrow that the Kingdom of Portugal feels for the loss of Frederick II and will send an Emissary to accompany the Funeral of the great king

We would also like to announce that we will end the exile of Pombal and he will become the interim Parliamentary President until the Election this year decides who becomes our first elected Parliamentary President.

The Election will be held on December 16th every 7th year to decide a new Parliament of Representation and the one with a majority of 151 or higher can have the leader of the group or Coalition become the new Parliamentary President. A snap Election can be held after 6 months if 175 or more seats vote in favor of such a thing. After 6 months, an Election will be held on the 17th of the last month for a Snap Election.

The Kingdom of Portugal is interested in opening relations with Prussia, Spain, Russia, Scandanavia, the Ottomans, Britain, and the Netherlands in the cause for trade between all our countries.

On the issue of Slavery, the issue is still quite volatile within our Empire, but we shall send an Observer to take notes on the proposed Congress of Vienna.

Finally, we would like to announce that we'll be allowing a full year lease for the Colony of East Timor to have joint Control of the Colony for a year to help expand the wealth of another country.
Why excluding France and Austria?

We believe that our Relationship with both can be furthered at another time but we must first focus on the main opponents of us currently to ensure we are at complete peace and allow our prosperity to continue unabated
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« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2018, 07:15:44 PM »

The Ottoman Empire welcomes Portuguese offer of forging economic ties and shall prepare a proposition as soon as convenient.
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« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2018, 09:01:32 PM »

A Proclamation from Berlin,
concerning the conspiracy to start an European-wide war

Among the diplomatic talks that the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica has been pursuing with European Powers on a range of issues, a concerning rumour was brought to our attention. We were told of how it was believed that our nation was involved in a series of messages started by another monarch with the clear and explicit intent of waging a war of aggression against several other nations in the continent, something of which we knew nothing about. Aside from the necessary clarification of our lack of interest in such a bloody, reckless endeavour, we set to the task of investigating the matter given its far-reaching implications.

Told as we were that the origin of this forming conspiracy to start a new European-wide conflict came from Lisbon, we reached to Her Majesty Queen Maria in the hopes to finding these claims to be false, for regardless of the multiple rumors of Her Majesty's mental instability and latest reckless policies we could not believe a monarch reasonably admired to be determined to follow a irresponsible course of action. Our suprise, however, was complete when the Queen answered herself. Describing France to be the "biggest threat" of Europe and Austria to be a firm enemy of Prussia, Her Majesty outright confirmed her efforts to build a coalition to wage a major war of aggression directed against several European powers including both the Kingdom of France and the Archduchy of Austria.

It was also stated in no uncertain terms that participation in such a coalition would not only include financial incentives of various sorts, but it would come with the gift of "a small part" of India and therefore of the French colonies. The message, I'm afraid, is authentic and proof can be shown to anyone who desires it, for less than fifteen years after the wars that ravaged our continent so thoroughly it seems there is already a monarch all too willing to lead the charge for bloodshed once again. So willing indeed, that Her Majesty Queen Maria will feel no qualms by ordering an unprecedented expansion of her military resources which includes the mandatory mass-conscription of the Portuguese subjects in the prospect of the promised war of aggression that could easily ravage the continent through the death of thousands.

Rather than remain silent and allow this to happen, it has been decided by His Majesty Frederick William II to bring these alarming, inconceivable news into the public eye for the purpose of avoiding such a continent-wide conflict form taking place again; to draw attention to the increasingly unbalanced behavior of the until now respected and honored Queen Maria; to show our commitment to prevent a repeat of the conflict that costed us all so dearly, and to showcase not only our sense of friendship towards France but our keen desire to pursue diplomatic means to solve any conflicts which may arise with Austria, and prevent the sort of bloodshed that would mean the ruin of countless German lives.

Our warning is very clear, we will not support the attempt to draw the entirety of Europe into a disastrous war and the reckless policies of Queen Maria I, dangerous to the security and stability of Europe. The Kingdom of Prussia will be taking appropriate, measured steps to prevent Portuguese aggression such as the revelation of this conspiracy before it is allowed to take form.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
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« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2018, 09:49:43 PM »

Response issued by the queen of Portugal to be given to the King of Prussia:

You have perhaps misread the ideas of a Conspiracy. We are building this coalition purely out of the idea of Self-defense. We are one of the smallest Powers in the world and we would need allies in a war to help Defend from any attacker, whether it be France, Austria, Britain, Spain or any other nation. Our massive Military buildup is for that reason as well but we also plan for an expedition Eastward, into China or SouthEast Asia. Only if France declares war on us and only in the highly improbable outcome of a victory would we take French possessions in India.

We have also called France the biggest threat in Europe simply due to her territorial size. Just because of this, however, dies not mean we are Insane. We would be willing to meet with French Diplomats in a Neutral City to discuss Trade ideas and our Sheres of Influence in Southeast Asia. We would also like to issue an apology to the Archduchy of Austria for any claimed insult. Due to some history, many believed Prussia and Austria were Enemies but we now see that idea as false.

Again, we would be willing to meet with the French to discuss a possible peaceful resolution and end to the Fears of French influence creeping into Portugal.

As a show of no Ill Will, Portugal offers the Kingdom of Prussia the City of Goa on a 10 year lease.

We hope you see sense for we are only a Defensive People

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
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« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2018, 09:55:58 PM »

Added Peace amendment.

To show we are further progressing to the idea of Peace, would like to offer all Nations of Europe to attend a Congress in Lisbon Next Year to discuss the idea of there being peaceful solutions to any war and a set of Rules to be Officially created and followed by Europe, against other European countries and even non-European people's

We extend said invite Prussia, Austria, France, Britain, The Ottoman Empire, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Scandanavia with the Italian states getting invites to participate as voters on rules and a invitation to the Polish-Lithuanian Republic to help know how they stand on these ideas.

We hope all agree to meet in Lisbon next year

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
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« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2018, 10:13:25 PM »

Polish-Lithuanian Proclamation as a response to the Portugese on a "Congress for Peace"

To the Queen of Portugal, Maria Braganza

We are certainly happy that you seem to be at least thinking of peace, despite your plots to start a new world war, we just have a single question. Is the Polish-Lithuanian Republic going to be excluded as a voting member on this possible Congress for Peace?  Because that is certainly what your statement seems to be implying.  We would like clarification on this issue, because we have received information from a trustworthy source that your so called coalition of "Self-Defense" was created as a means to conquer Austria, France, and our Republic, and this implied snubbing of the Republic would seem to be proof that you do have war on your mind.

In addition to this question, we would like the text of this coalition offer to be viewed by all citizens of Europe, it is printed below.

Hello envoys of Spain, Great Britain, Russia, and Prussia. We are here to offer an Alliance of Convenience for us all. We all have a common enemy or clash with our interests, either Domestic or Abroad. I am of course speaking of France, Austria, and the Polish-Lithuanian Republic. Defeating each will give us our own success in our own goals. If the Polish are defeated, Russia and Prussia can expand and connect their land. If Austria is defeated, Prussia has the ability to Control Germany. If France is defeated, Spain, Britain, and we, Portugal, are able to expand our influence abroad with no Challenge from our rival.

I am suggesting an Alliance that will last until those three Countries are defeated and then we can decide whether or not we want to continue you it.

There are many advantages to an Alliance of ours but the question is, who will take the offer?

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal

I sincerely hope the nation of Portugal will not attempt to create a coalition such as this again, as Europe has no advantages in being flung into another World War, and the Polish-Lithuanian Republic has no wish to be an aggressor to anyone.

X President Tadeusz Kosciuszko of the Polish-Lithuanian Republic
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« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2018, 06:34:15 AM »

To the Republic of Poland-Lithuania

We are giving your Country an Observer Invite due to many Monarchs, including ourselves, are somewhat frightful of any ideas for Expanding Republicanism to the Neighboring Monarchies of Europe. If you manage to Assuage these fears within the year, we will heighten the Invite to Voter status.

As for the Coalition, it was an accidental first draft that was sent. I was writing the proper form to be sent but it was quite late when I wrote it. Here is the final draft:

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We will only hold said Coalition in Defense but make no mistake that if there is an Aggressor in said Coalition, we will remove them from the Coalition.

We hope every nation of Europe will attend the Congress for Peace in Lisbon next year so Europe will be a peaceful and prosperous continent forevermore.

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
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« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2018, 07:25:26 AM »

*A defensive coalition against France and Austria apparently.
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