Encore of Europe: Gameplay Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: Encore of Europe: Gameplay Thread  (Read 35755 times)
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« on: June 09, 2018, 09:13:19 PM »


As the Queen of Portugal, we have several Announcements to make for our country:

1. As much of our Surplus will mainly go into improving our Infrastructure and helping construct buildings for many citizens, a decent chunk of our budget will go into the Military and Navy to make sure we don't lag behind our rivals and a small part will go to Colonization efforts in Africa and India to help further expand our realm.

2. Despite the judgement of many of our Nobles saying, I will Announce the creation of a new Constitution for our Nation with three amendments as of right now:

I. All Men, and Women, have the freedom of Free Speech, Free Press, and Free Religion as it is the right of all Citizens to have their own destiny that they can achieve on their own.

II. In Order to ensure the freedom of choice is expressed, the Kingdom of Portugal will host Elections every 7 years in which Men and Women vote for all 301 seats in our version of the British parliament and the leader of the winning coalition will become our Parliamentary President and will have some of the duties that Royalty formally had, mainly considering the Budget.

III. All Men, unless Sick, Weak, or Crippled from a young age are to serve from the age of 18 to the age of 22 in the Portuguese Navy and Military. This is Mandatory until further notice.

3. We will marginally both raise Taxes on our rich nobles and lower Taxes on the lower and Middle Class so that all Nobles are shown they are not the ones with power.

4. I, as Queen, am announcing that if they follow by our Constitution, our Colonies will be allowed to have their own Culture, Religion, and Representation system if they are nothing but loyal to the Crown. We have seen what is happening in Quebec and we will not follow the same mistake.

This is all major Announcements of ours. This is for the betterment of our Kingdom and I hope we can influence some European states to follow our Example.

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2018, 05:43:28 PM »

Declaration from the Kingdom of Portugal,

We in Portugal feel the sorrow that the Kingdom of Portugal feels for the loss of Frederick II and will send an Emissary to accompany the Funeral of the great king

We would also like to announce that we will end the exile of Pombal and he will become the interim Parliamentary President until the Election this year decides who becomes our first elected Parliamentary President.

The Election will be held on December 16th every 7th year to decide a new Parliament of Representation and the one with a majority of 151 or higher can have the leader of the group or Coalition become the new Parliamentary President. A snap Election can be held after 6 months if 175 or more seats vote in favor of such a thing. After 6 months, an Election will be held on the 17th of the last month for a Snap Election.

The Kingdom of Portugal is interested in opening relations with Prussia, Spain, Russia, Scandanavia, the Ottomans, Britain, and the Netherlands in the cause for trade between all our countries.

On the issue of Slavery, the issue is still quite volatile within our Empire, but we shall send an Observer to take notes on the proposed Congress of Vienna.

Finally, we would like to announce that we'll be allowing a full year lease for the Colony of East Timor to have joint Control of the Colony for a year to help expand the wealth of another country.
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2018, 06:14:13 PM »

Declaration from the Kingdom of Portugal,

We in Portugal feel the sorrow that the Kingdom of Portugal feels for the loss of Frederick II and will send an Emissary to accompany the Funeral of the great king

We would also like to announce that we will end the exile of Pombal and he will become the interim Parliamentary President until the Election this year decides who becomes our first elected Parliamentary President.

The Election will be held on December 16th every 7th year to decide a new Parliament of Representation and the one with a majority of 151 or higher can have the leader of the group or Coalition become the new Parliamentary President. A snap Election can be held after 6 months if 175 or more seats vote in favor of such a thing. After 6 months, an Election will be held on the 17th of the last month for a Snap Election.

The Kingdom of Portugal is interested in opening relations with Prussia, Spain, Russia, Scandanavia, the Ottomans, Britain, and the Netherlands in the cause for trade between all our countries.

On the issue of Slavery, the issue is still quite volatile within our Empire, but we shall send an Observer to take notes on the proposed Congress of Vienna.

Finally, we would like to announce that we'll be allowing a full year lease for the Colony of East Timor to have joint Control of the Colony for a year to help expand the wealth of another country.
Why excluding France and Austria?

We believe that our Relationship with both can be furthered at another time but we must first focus on the main opponents of us currently to ensure we are at complete peace and allow our prosperity to continue unabated
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2018, 09:49:43 PM »

Response issued by the queen of Portugal to be given to the King of Prussia:

You have perhaps misread the ideas of a Conspiracy. We are building this coalition purely out of the idea of Self-defense. We are one of the smallest Powers in the world and we would need allies in a war to help Defend from any attacker, whether it be France, Austria, Britain, Spain or any other nation. Our massive Military buildup is for that reason as well but we also plan for an expedition Eastward, into China or SouthEast Asia. Only if France declares war on us and only in the highly improbable outcome of a victory would we take French possessions in India.

We have also called France the biggest threat in Europe simply due to her territorial size. Just because of this, however, dies not mean we are Insane. We would be willing to meet with French Diplomats in a Neutral City to discuss Trade ideas and our Sheres of Influence in Southeast Asia. We would also like to issue an apology to the Archduchy of Austria for any claimed insult. Due to some history, many believed Prussia and Austria were Enemies but we now see that idea as false.

Again, we would be willing to meet with the French to discuss a possible peaceful resolution and end to the Fears of French influence creeping into Portugal.

As a show of no Ill Will, Portugal offers the Kingdom of Prussia the City of Goa on a 10 year lease.

We hope you see sense for we are only a Defensive People

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2018, 09:55:58 PM »

Added Peace amendment.

To show we are further progressing to the idea of Peace, would like to offer all Nations of Europe to attend a Congress in Lisbon Next Year to discuss the idea of there being peaceful solutions to any war and a set of Rules to be Officially created and followed by Europe, against other European countries and even non-European people's

We extend said invite Prussia, Austria, France, Britain, The Ottoman Empire, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Scandanavia with the Italian states getting invites to participate as voters on rules and a invitation to the Polish-Lithuanian Republic to help know how they stand on these ideas.

We hope all agree to meet in Lisbon next year

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2018, 06:34:15 AM »

To the Republic of Poland-Lithuania

We are giving your Country an Observer Invite due to many Monarchs, including ourselves, are somewhat frightful of any ideas for Expanding Republicanism to the Neighboring Monarchies of Europe. If you manage to Assuage these fears within the year, we will heighten the Invite to Voter status.

As for the Coalition, it was an accidental first draft that was sent. I was writing the proper form to be sent but it was quite late when I wrote it. Here is the final draft:

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We will only hold said Coalition in Defense but make no mistake that if there is an Aggressor in said Coalition, we will remove them from the Coalition.

We hope every nation of Europe will attend the Congress for Peace in Lisbon next year so Europe will be a peaceful and prosperous continent forevermore.

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2018, 07:27:22 AM »

*A defensive coalition against France and Austria apparently.

In the first draft perhaps, but the queen has decided it to be unfair to single out any Nation for the idea of Peace and will allow any Country to join in said Coalition, and even offers said invite of the Coalition to France as a sign of good faith.
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2018, 09:27:34 PM »

Queen Maria Braganza of Portugal addresses her Nation and Empire,

To the peoples of the Portuguese Empire, it is true that we are witnessing an era of Radical Reform and Radical changes and it is true that some recognize myself as Mad. I would like to address these people that if they believe God is so holy and so dear to their hearts, why don't they respect his main hope: For all to be equal and loved as one. I am implementing ideas that God himself is most likely a Supporter of the idea that all are equal under his watch and all are to have the same rights as one another. These reforms are to bring the idea that I believe God requests. In order to show solidarity with said reforms, we will request New Elections to be held in March of 1782 so the People truly do have a voice.

As regarding the War, after looking over some ideas from Trade, we are barely gaining much from Slavery and instead it's costing us much cash to participate in this Cruel Institution. Thus, we'll declare that as of Right Now, Slavery is to be Null and Void and any Former that helps aid is in our Wars will be given the Right to Practice Religion and the Right to Vote, though our Military will not tolerate any attempts to kill Colonists or Former Slaves and will treat attempts to do so as Hostile.

Regarding the ElWar between our Country and Prussia and the Ottomans, we are massively disgusted with the Hypocrisy of Prussia to not cause War but they do so themselves. Does the King of Prussia think so highly of himself that he is above his own Standards? We will however have simple rules in that No Citizens will be harmed, and all Captured and Wounded soldiers will be treated Equally and Fairly, and all Slaves will be freed. We, unlike our Enemies, do have a Moral Compass.

Finally, regarding the Famine, we will instantly Distribute as much Food as possible to those who need it most and I will make it a point to fast for 14 days to show my Solidarity with those that are starving. Furthermore, we will create a National Food Reserve that will collect a fourth of all Harvests each year and store it for the case of a Poor Harvest not affecting our Empire as much, if at all, in the future.

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2018, 12:27:07 PM »

Declarations from Berlin (V)

It is the privilege of His Majesty Frederick William II to announce that upon negotiations between the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Portugal, the latest peace overture has resulted in a definitive peace treaty that will put an end to the intervention and preserve peace in Europe. Through this treaty the basis of a lasting peace between our three nations will be built and consolidated, and thus fulfill our promise to stand up for the security of Europe via limited, measured action. We wish to recognize the goodwill of Queen Maria I in these negotiations, and reiterate our hope that this Treaty of Lisbon will be beneficial to us all:

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x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.

xQueen Maria Braganza of Portugal
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2018, 01:00:19 PM »
« Edited: June 19, 2018, 08:21:01 AM by New Tennessean Politician »

Statements from Queen Maria Braganza

We will like to discuss several things at the moment:

1. The Kingdom of Portugal applauds the recent reforms in the Qing Empire of China and shall eagerly send a Merchant to the conference to see if you would choose us to be your trading partner.

2. I will launch a detailed Investigation into the claims of Corruption of Interim Parliamentary President Pombal by my son and several of his noble advisers. If these accusations prove true, then Pombal shall be arrested and exiled to a Country that I'll choose in secret. However, if these accusations are proven false, then the accusing nobles will have all their wealth and property stripped from them and they shall be arrested for trying to slander the Interim President. Any wealth and Property that might be taken will be distributed to the poor of Portugal ass well as improve our infrastructure and help create a food stockpile to help prepare us better for a bad harvest in the future.

3. The New Elections shall take place on March 17th and Soldiers will be sent across the empire to enforce the voting rights of everyone involved in said elections and to make sure no instances of Voting Fraud takes place.

4. We hope to host the Congress of War Rules in the city of Geneva and invite all European Countries, excluding Prussia and the Ottoman Empire, who have already accepted invitations, to help us all decide on the best rules for War.

5. The End of Slavery shall commence immediately and several Portugeese Diplomats will be sent to the former Slaves revolting in Santa Dominique to assure that they will not be harmed.

6. The Standard Voting Age for all of Portugal and the empire shall take be 18 as those old enough to fight for their country is old enough to vote for it.

7. The forced Military and Naval service of all men shall be shortened from 4 years to 2 months and a year in reserve as the original declaration is too cruel and too harsh an idea.
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2018, 03:18:08 PM »

much like the Kingdom of France, the Kingdom of Portugal is looking to establish familial ties with other Notable families of Europe with Maria Clementia and out heir Joseph. Once all sutiable candidates have been looked at, we will announce bethrothals.
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2018, 06:35:19 PM »

Russo-Portugese Trading Treaty of 1783

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xMaria Braganza of Portugal
Huey Long is a Republican
New Tennessean Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,566
United States

« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2018, 01:28:56 PM »

Queen Maria will attend the summit in France
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