Encore of Europe: Gameplay Thread (user search)

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Author Topic: Encore of Europe: Gameplay Thread  (Read 35750 times)
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« on: June 13, 2018, 05:53:24 PM »

A declaration from Berlin:

As His Majesty Frederick William II takes up the throne of Prussia, the realm mourns the loss of a monarch whose accomplishments are too numerous to mention. Even against the bleakest of possibilities His Majesty Frederick II never lost his nerve, his resolve and his faith on the Kingdom of Prussia, and the kingdom shall never forget the monarch who left behind a united, strong realm. Outside from the customary period of mourning, honors will be given to His Majesty by virtue of new monuments, works of literature and art and celebrations of the largest accomplishments of his rule.

A new era of prosperity and stability begins across this realm with the ascension of His Majesty Frederick William II, who has made it a priority of his to see to the well-being of his peoples. As a result of his desire to spend more time near to his subjects, His Majesty has decided to move the court from Sanssouci to Berlin itself. Additionally, there will be significant efforts to encourage artists and scientists to take residence in Prussia and work under the sponsorship of the Crown, lending their many talents to the good of the realm and their fellow men.

Lastly, His Majesty has taken a keen interest to the necessity of encouraging order and stability in these troubling, uncertain times across the continent. We look forward to a peaceful and fair solution to the ongoing diplomatic dilemma in Bavaria, and express our continued commitment to the prevention of another continent-wide war in our fair continent.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2018, 05:35:42 PM »

A declaration from Berlin (II)

His Majesty Frederick William II is most grateful and appreciative of the statements of mourning by His Majesty George III of Great Britain, His Majesty Abdul Hamid I of the Ottoman Empire, and His Majesty Gustav III from Scandinavia. As a result, it has been decided by the Prussian Court to extend the period of mourning and the initial funeral plans for a larger ceremony of honor to be held in Berlin to remember the legacy and accomplishments of the late Frederick the Great. We look forward to meeting with representatives of attending nations, as well as extending full honors to the visit of His Majesty George III.

Additionally and on account of the rising interest in doing away with the international slave trade, the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica will send the most esteemed diplomat Spiridion Lusi with the rank of Ambassador to take part in the proposed Congress in Vienna, and work towards a proper solution to this matter.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2018, 09:01:32 PM »

A Proclamation from Berlin,
concerning the conspiracy to start an European-wide war

Among the diplomatic talks that the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica has been pursuing with European Powers on a range of issues, a concerning rumour was brought to our attention. We were told of how it was believed that our nation was involved in a series of messages started by another monarch with the clear and explicit intent of waging a war of aggression against several other nations in the continent, something of which we knew nothing about. Aside from the necessary clarification of our lack of interest in such a bloody, reckless endeavour, we set to the task of investigating the matter given its far-reaching implications.

Told as we were that the origin of this forming conspiracy to start a new European-wide conflict came from Lisbon, we reached to Her Majesty Queen Maria in the hopes to finding these claims to be false, for regardless of the multiple rumors of Her Majesty's mental instability and latest reckless policies we could not believe a monarch reasonably admired to be determined to follow a irresponsible course of action. Our suprise, however, was complete when the Queen answered herself. Describing France to be the "biggest threat" of Europe and Austria to be a firm enemy of Prussia, Her Majesty outright confirmed her efforts to build a coalition to wage a major war of aggression directed against several European powers including both the Kingdom of France and the Archduchy of Austria.

It was also stated in no uncertain terms that participation in such a coalition would not only include financial incentives of various sorts, but it would come with the gift of "a small part" of India and therefore of the French colonies. The message, I'm afraid, is authentic and proof can be shown to anyone who desires it, for less than fifteen years after the wars that ravaged our continent so thoroughly it seems there is already a monarch all too willing to lead the charge for bloodshed once again. So willing indeed, that Her Majesty Queen Maria will feel no qualms by ordering an unprecedented expansion of her military resources which includes the mandatory mass-conscription of the Portuguese subjects in the prospect of the promised war of aggression that could easily ravage the continent through the death of thousands.

Rather than remain silent and allow this to happen, it has been decided by His Majesty Frederick William II to bring these alarming, inconceivable news into the public eye for the purpose of avoiding such a continent-wide conflict form taking place again; to draw attention to the increasingly unbalanced behavior of the until now respected and honored Queen Maria; to show our commitment to prevent a repeat of the conflict that costed us all so dearly, and to showcase not only our sense of friendship towards France but our keen desire to pursue diplomatic means to solve any conflicts which may arise with Austria, and prevent the sort of bloodshed that would mean the ruin of countless German lives.

Our warning is very clear, we will not support the attempt to draw the entirety of Europe into a disastrous war and the reckless policies of Queen Maria I, dangerous to the security and stability of Europe. The Kingdom of Prussia will be taking appropriate, measured steps to prevent Portuguese aggression such as the revelation of this conspiracy before it is allowed to take form.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2018, 09:38:50 PM »

Declarations from Berlin (III)

On the Portuguese Intervention:

On account of the conspiracy uncovered by Prussia not long ago to thrust Europe into another bloody, large-scale conflict, and owing to the duplicitous intentions of the Queen of Portugal which not only included an unprecedented military build-up through the use of mass conscription but the deployment of large continents of troops towards India - in what could only indicate an aggressive intent against France -, it was decided by the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica, with the assistance of the Ottoman Empire, that taking action was in order to pre-empt a larger war of aggression conducted by Portugal through the containment of its vast colonial empire, all too ready to serve as the staging point of invasion at the behest of a monarch described by its own people as not being of sound mind.

As a result of this rapid, limited intervention in the Portuguese colonies their means to wage a war of aggression have been dramatically reduced and thus a major risk to Europe has been, we believe, successfully averted despite some setbacks and some regrettable devolpments caused by Portuguese citizens and slaves in the colony of Saint Domingue. We have, as we've stated in the past, no interest in seeing Europe plunged into another continent-wide war nor do we desire for a prolongued conflict that extends beyond our limited intervention to curb the potential for Portuguese aggression. And while we express our misgivings on the erratic nature of Queen Maria's confusing statements and orders, we are prepared to enter into immediate peace negotiations with Her Majesty to settle an end to this matter without further bloodshed. The chance for peace is on her hands, should her be willing to accept it.

On the Falklands:

The news of conflicting colonial interests in the Falkland Islands has come as quite a surprise to us, a development we did not expect as we have absolutely no desire nor interest in any conflict with the Kingdom of Great Britain. We will be approaching His Majesty King George III, whom we continue to consider a true friend, in order to seek a negotiated solution to this issue that will be, we hope, to the satisfaction of both the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica and will prevent an unnecessary conflict or source of tension from taking place.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2018, 04:38:30 PM »

Declarations from Berlin (IV)

As promised in past declarations, and owing to our interest to prevent a long conflict over the necessary intervention in Portugal, fair and reasonable terms have been offered to Queen Maria of Portugal.

Even when there is ample reason not to make a generous offer after receiving news of new conspiracies plotted from Lisbon to involve several new powers into the war - including encouraging an invasion of Prussia - and turn it into the very same European War that the Queen has attempted to deny being among her nefarious plans, we have remained true to our word and extended our hand in the name of peace, fairness and decency. It is now undeniable that the intentions of Portugal were to wage a war of aggression, particularly upon the confirmation of the deployment of almost half their entire military forces on India.

We can only hope that the Queen of Portugal will see reason for once, and agree to ending hostilities before more blood is shed. Let no man deny her responsibility if she chooses to continue this war.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2018, 07:49:11 PM »

His Majesty is most curious about the latest proclaim issued by His Imperial Majesty regarding trade with the Qing Dynasty and Chinese Empire, interested as the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica is with having a positive economic relationship with such an impressive nation. We hereby appoint Count Karl August von Hardenberg as our Ambassador, and dispatch him with haste to the Forbidden City.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2018, 12:21:57 PM »

Declarations from Berlin (V)

It is the privilege of His Majesty Frederick William II to announce that upon negotiations between the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Portugal, the latest peace overture has resulted in a definitive peace treaty that will put an end to the intervention and preserve peace in Europe. Through this treaty the basis of a lasting peace between our three nations will be built and consolidated, and thus fulfill our promise to stand up for the security of Europe via limited, measured action. We wish to recognize the goodwill of Queen Maria I in these negotiations, and reiterate our hope that this Treaty of Lisbon will be beneficial to us all:

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x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2018, 01:52:40 AM »

His Majesty King Frederick William II expresses his keen interest in the reorganization of the Prussian colonies following the Treaty of Lisbon, and reiterates his intention to pursue a series of reforms aimed at ensuring an efficient, fair and capable administration for current and new territories.

It has been decided, however, that the Kingdom of Denmark is to be fairly rewarded over its continued and valuable friendship and loyalty to the German League. As a result of this, and in the context of our efforts to aid our ally Denmark in the reconstruction of its colonial empire we announce the new acquired islands of Mauritius are hereby ceded to the Kingdom of Denmark. We salute our old ally on their return to the seas.

Lastly, His Majesty would like to express his sense of gratitude towards His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China over his selection of the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica as an honored trading partner. We have much hopes placed in the mutual exchanges of trade and the multiple economic opportunities this will bring not only to our Kingdom but to Europe as well. As a reward for the continued and faithful membership of all member states of the German League, we will ensure merchandise and goods arriving from the distant Empire in the east reach our allies at lower prices than the rest of Europe by courtesy of our Kingdom.

The Sino-Prussian Economic Treaty of 1783

1. The Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica is recognized as the honored trading partner of the Qing dynasty.

2. The only port ships of Prussian or Corsican origin will be allowed to dock in is Shanghai, in the Yangtze River Delta. If any ship of Prussian or Corsican origin attempts to dock and remove cargo at any other port, this treaty will be null and void.

3. Prussian and Corsican merchants will remove their cargo from their ships, and it will then be inspected by Chinese officials to ensure no illicit materials are being brought into China. Once approved by inspectors, the goods will be sold by Chinese merchants across the country on behalf of the Prussian merchants.

4. Of the income from the sale of Prussian or Corsican goods, 50% will be returned to the Prussian merchants. 25% will be given to the Chinese merchants and 25% will be taken in as a tax on the imported goods.

5. No Prussian or Corsican merchant or sailor will be allowed to travel outside of the city of Shanghai without a special grant of movement from the Viceroy of Liangjiang. Any merchant or sailor found to have traveled outside of Shanghair without a grant of movement will be subject to immediate execution.

6. If, after five years, there have been no incidents of alarm or causes for concern, as determined by His Imperial Majesty Son of Heaven, Emperor of China, the port of Guangzhou will be opened to Prussian and Corsican merchants under the same terms described above.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2018, 12:04:30 AM »

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x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2018, 03:14:03 AM »

A Proclamation from Berlin:
On Joseph II and his duplicitous, tyrannic and aggressive nature

Ever mindful of his duty towards the peoples of the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica and to the German peoples as their friend and protector against Imperial abuse, it has been the policy of His Majesty King Frederick William II to ensure a war between the European monarchies is avoided, and to seek peace in particular across Germany and with His Majesty Joseph II in the best interests of us all. Having, therefore, made significant efforts towards the rebuilding of relationships and the prevention of a war of aggression from the Kingdom of Portugal, His Majesty Frederick William II is convinced of the outmost sincerety of his valiant efforts to promote conciliation and prevent the start of another European-wide war.

The same cannot be said of the so-called "Musical King", that grand oppressor of the rights of the German Princes who has threatened, cajoled and even starved those who have defended their ancestral rights to ensure that his dreams of seeing all of the German states unified under his yoke become a nightmarish reality. This monarch, who now proclaims himself a passionate friend to the Republicans who have trampled on the faith he professes to defend, and who - showing his true colors - now associates himself with revolutionaries by hailing their cause and pretends to be a friend to serve his own self-interest, is not only mistaken on his false, insidious narrative, but omits a very curious fact.

Indeed, without prompt from the Kingdom of Prussia we received an offer from His Majesty Joseph II which openly stated that should we turn a blind eye to his illegal, aggressive seizure of Bavaria then His Majesty would openly join a hypothetical invasion of Poland - which he himself raised as a proposal without being asked - and even brought up the concept of a puppet king being forced on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which he would "wholeheartedly" support. When this offer was rejected - for we cannot allow Bavaria to be thrown to the wolves and into the yoke of a tyrant - and a conciliatory proposal was made that would allow both the Houses of Wittelsbach and Hapsburg to see their honor and prestige respected, we were rebuffed and told by His Majesty that he considered the Bavarian throne the safe possession of his son and not up for discussion.

The conceit and arrogance in Vienna has reached such a point that the decision of the Imperial Diet and the input of all German Princes is to be completely ignored as the Emperor plots to pressure Bavaria to be unfairly absorbed into his domains not as an independent nation, but as the personaly property of a man obsessed with imposing his will to millions of Germans of all backgrounds, faiths and allegiances. We hope this additional revelation will place the duplicitous nature of Joseph II's dealings into full view, and display to the courts of Europe just how untrustworthy this monarch is, attempting to divide the monarchies of Europe and engineer a war to serve his own dark, bitter ambitions regarding the Kingdom of Bavaria.

His Majesty Frederick William II wishes to reiterate once again that his commitment to peace in Germany is a sincere one, and that despite the supremely distasteful behavior of the Emperor war is not what we desire or aim towards. We look forward to seeing the arguments put forward by the Imperial Diet and ponder on them with proper care and respect, and continue to work with those who, unlike the Viennese court, are actually interested in peace, stability, order and the necessary autonomy of our fellow German princes in the Empire who do not deserve being absorbed into the Hapsburg direct rule.
Let all Germans, and all monarchies who desire peace and stability in Europe know that they have a friend in Prussia, and a devious enemy in the Emperor.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2018, 02:11:28 PM »

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x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2018, 02:26:09 PM »

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x Gustav III, King of Scandinavia

x Frderick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2018, 12:05:20 PM »

Declarations from Berlin (VI)

With several new dynastic developments taking place, His Majesty Frederick William II is pleased to confirm the betrothal of Princess Anna of Scandinavia and Prince Henry of Prussia, and express his hope that once both reached the necessary age it will prove a happy, fruitful match. It is also necessary for His Majesty to express his condolences on the unfortunate demise of his aunt Queen Mother Louisa Ulrika, a woman of formidable character whose presence shall remain in the memory of those fortunate enough to know her.

We salute our brother, His Majesty King Henry I of Quebec, on his election to the Quebecois throne. Alongside the declaration of full diplomatic recognition of the Kingdom of Quebec, we express our hope that the Kingdom will be able to peacefully secure its own independence and thrive in the years to come. We also salute our most honored trading partner, His Imperial Majesty the Qianlong Emperor, on his successful victories against his rebellious vassals. Prussia stands in open admiration of his accomplishments.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2018, 12:17:33 PM »

A Proclamation from Berlin:
On the war against the two madmen

The unprovoked act of aggression launched in a most cowardly fashion by the so called Emperor of Russia is beyond inexcusable. Having no credible justification, it was the decision of His Majesty - the decision of an inbred madman, we're led to believe - to start another European conflict which does not appear to be a brief one. Paul the Madman has led us all into the slaughter of our nations and thousands, if not millions, will be forced to die because of his actions and those of Emperor Joseph, both men now proven enemies to the peace of Europe.

Even now they lie and try to justify their own war of aggression under the false pretense of a friendship towards Poland which did not exist when Austria attempted to trade Bavaria in return for an invasion of the Commonwealth, nor did it exist when the Russian Emperor came to us asking for an aggressive alliance with the promise of Austria being a part of it. Not only we dismiss these claims, we will be prepared to openly prove how false their are, how duplicitous, and how these monarchs will stop at nothing to ensure their insatiable territorial ambitions are fulfilled.

We know our duty. We will not abandon our allies in their time of need, and that is why the Kingdom of Prussia and Corsica hereby declares war on the person of Emperor Joseph II, and on the bastard Paul Saltykov, who suffers from the odd delusion of believing himself rightful ruler of All Russians. For us this is not a war we wage against the Austrian and Russian peoples or their realms, but a war on two unstable monarchs who have dared to start a war of aggression at a time in which people face starvation and hunger. May they be damned for their crimes in hell, for no earthly or heavenly power could possibly forgive launching such a war at a time in which Europe does not need it at all.

Prussia will fight to defend their allies and spare them from the tyranny of these monarchs, and it will do so knowing that our cause is true and just, and that the endless lies of Hapsburg and Saltykov will not deter us from our purpose.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2018, 12:27:39 PM »

A Proclamation from Berlin:
To the Imperial Princes and Peoples

May the record show our belief and desire in preserving peace in Europe and particularly across Germany, a land already too ravaged by past conflicts. May the record show that we are forced to enter this war in defense of our faithful allies, invaded and attacked without provocation by the reckless Emperors. May the record show that we will fight not in aggression or for the sake of expansion, we will fight in the defense of our allies and to maintain the balance of power in Europe and the Empire.

Make no mistake, fellow Germans, a victory by the Hapsburg Emperor would mean the final centralization of the Holy Roman Empire as a unified stated under Hapsburg yoke, in which the independence, autonomy and rights of every prince, every state, every church, every town would be squashed to serve the tyrant in Vienna and his designs of expansion and control. Victory for Prussia and its allies would mean a return to status quo and normalcy, to the best interest of all those who desire peace.

Even now the Emperor will attempt to force the princes of Germany into war. He may even threaten them with force or starvation. But the German spirit is more powerful than that, and it does not allow itself to be subjugated by this insane, murderous tyrant bent on spreading famine and ruin across the territories of the princes he should be protecting instead of oppressing. The Kingdom of Prussia extends a welcome hand to the territories of the Holy Roman Empire, and a solemn promise: all states within the Empire who declare their neutrality will be offered the outmost respect of their neutral position, and shall in no way be disturbed by the Kingdom of Prussia and its allies.

Why should you, my fellow Germans, go to war right as you face hunger and bleed for a maniac just to cement his own power to later opress you? Why should you help reverse the status quo that protects you, and overturn the peace of Westphalia even as the Hapsburgs attempt once again to enslave Germany for centuries to come? Why should you give any legitimacy to a war of aggression started on Vienna and Moscow, against a group of nations that possess no quarrel whatsoever with you?

We invite you, all of you, in friendship and respect, to do what is best for your future and stay neutral in a conflict which can only bring further misery, hunger and death to us all. Do not allow the Emperor to rip Germany apart by letting him bring the war to your doorstep.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia and Corsica.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2018, 07:26:08 PM »

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x Frederick William II, King of Prussia.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2018, 03:19:16 PM »

How typical of the Emperor to try and justify what cannot be justified. Perhaps he could explain the justice and good intentions of the bastard Tsar to those killed across Crimea and Finland, for I am certain they would understand being attacked, pillaged and killed just because of rampant paranoia. We will not see our alliles insulted, threatened and attacked and shrug it off due to a fiction of good intentions for aggression made up in Vienna and St. Petersburg.

War is, of course, something we do not desire and have tried to avoid at almost all costs. But let no man deny that if the Emperor had been attacked like our allies have been, unprovoked, and on the flimsy justifications he has tried to give some credence to he would be furiously demanding heads and fire rather than this posturing.

We do not find it impossible to avert war, but certainly it will take far more than words from Vienna - as St. Petersburg remains silent - to correct thia injustice.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2018, 08:20:17 PM »

It would appear there is very little the unworthy maniac sitting on the throne at St. Petersburg will not do in order to propagate his lies and deceit, going as far as to invent new justifications for a war of agression which is just a blatant grab for territory and power.

All we have to follow the twisted reasoning of Saltykov the Lesser is the false honor and word he already gave to the Kingdom of Scandinavia only to break it without any regard for the consecuences, and so there is simply no reason for any reasonable monarch or nation in Europe to give any credibility to desperate words that seek to cleanse the stench of blood from this man. We certainly will not waste our time giving any credibility to these lies.

As for his rather ridiculous comments regarding the Kingdom of Portugal, I may as well remind him that such event was a limited, brief and meritable intervention with a credible justification, one that was supported by monarchs such as His Majesty the King of France himself. Is Saltykov the Lesser so bold, so brash that he would openly call His Majesty a liar right to the face of his people and Europe as a whole? We challenge him to repeat these claims, for denying the truth behind an aggressive plot on behalf of the Kingdom of Portugal is to contest the honesty and honor of the King of France and several other prominent and respected monarchs and states.

And as for his rather laughable attempts at comparison, we can only state that we refuse to be compared to a maniac launching all of Europe into war because of his own bloodthristy instincts. If he wants to compare himself to something else, his only alternative would be to seek a suitable companion at an asylum for lunatics.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2018, 01:37:52 PM »

We would consider His Majesty the King of France a suitable mediator as well, much like His Majesty the King of Great Britain and His Serenity the Doge of Venice. It shall not be Prussia who stands in the way of peace or proper mediation if good will is shown.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2018, 08:30:44 PM »

The King of France is pleased to announce the end of the war in Europe.

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xLouis XVI
x Gustav III, King of Scandinavia

X Joseph II Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor
X Joseph II Hapsburg, as Regent to King Maximilian of Bavaria

I would also like to congratulate the King of France on his splendid diplomatic efforts.

X Frederick William II, King of Prussia
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2018, 09:06:33 PM »

Declarations from Berlin (VII)


Finding it only fair and necessary to jump to the immediate defence of its threatened allies, His Majesty was not the man who desired and started this war. The Kingdom of Prussia fought hard and fought well in the attempt to preserve the balance of power in Europe against those who would make it unsustainable, and with peace having become a possibility thanks to extensive diplomatic efforts from Paris it was decided to end this war before it would escalate even further, before the whole of Germany bled and burned after having worked so far to create a better future for itself over the past few years.

It has not been, and His Majesty could not stress this enough, a futile endeavour. Through undeniable success by the Prussian military in Bohemia through a campaign in which His Majesty himself marched with the army and via negotiations Hapsburg troops will abandon occupied territory in the German League and the Palatinate, ensure that a much fairer system of tariffs is in place for members of the League whose trade passess through Imperial territory, and allow those who see and understand the risk of staying in the Hapsburg dominated Empire to freely leave of their own accord and interest.

May the Kingdom, the German League and indeed, Europe itself benefit from the end of this war.


It has been the opinion of His Majesty, and of his uncle before him, that the Holy Roman Empire has steadily lost much of its meaning and purpose, straying further and further away from a system with a proper counterbalance and autonomy between the princes. As we move into a different situation in the Empire and Germany proper, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that meaningful balance within the Empire is rapidly being eroded and lost as the House of Hapsburg extends and centralizes its authority, and it is also hard to avoid the conclusion that many German principalities and peoples face the clear fate of being beholden to the whims and desires of the court in Vienna without a protector to stand besides them.

To this ever increasing push for centralization and domination we must necessary offer the counter example of the German League, a League in which Princes and peoples can work together when it comes to combined defence from aggression, when it comes to the expansion of trade and commerce and the promotion of low tariffs amongst ourselves, when it comes to the fervent desire which outlines that Germans can very well rule themselves. One of the concessions won in this peace treaty is indeed the freedom for members of the Empire who feel as we do, and who wish to work towards a better future for us all, to join the German League if they wish to do so, out of their own will and accord.

To them, princes and peoples, we can only say that we would welcome and embrace you with open arms as kindred spirits, being able to enjoy the benefits of the German League and its membership instead of facing the prospect of foreign domination and ever increasing centralized rule, and knowing that you will have a friend and ally prepared to defend you. All you need to do is reach out for an historic opportunity.


It was that His Late Majesty Frederick the Great acquired the island of Corsica because of his keen admiration for the Corsican people and their history. For almost three decades the House of Hohenzollern has ruled Corsica despite the admittedly large distance which separates us all, and done so with a keen dedication to see that the island was protected and kept safe from those who ambitioned its control.

Perhaps influenced or caused by the dramatic events taking place near the island, His Majesty now faces the complexity of the most bloody type of conflict: a religious conflict. Proud as he is of being able to count on the loyalty of many Corsicans, he is keenly aware of the major logistical difficulties, and that on the present environment a war of religion would mean unnecessary bloodshed.

As a result, His Majesty has engaged in negotiations with the Spanish Court, and it has been decided that the island of Corsica is to be fully transfered to Spain and placed under their protection, with the territories of Mozambique transfered to Prussia in return. In selecting a Catholic power as the new protector of Corsica, it is the belief of His Majesty that any religious conflict can be swiftly ended and the island return to normalcy and hopefully, to safety under these complex and chaotic times in the Italian peninsula.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2018, 04:42:18 PM »

Declaration from Berlin:

Out of respect to the unmistakable grief that His Majesty the Emperor must be suffering after a vile act, we have refrained from commenting on his first accusations, which based only on mere speculation of motive could be understood to come as a result of the shock from the tragedy. We cannot refrain from letting wild acussations go unanswered this time.

For all of these reckless acussations, His Majesty the Enperor plays the dangerous game of blame with nothing but circumstancial and unproven claims which in no way demonstrate Prussian involvement, which we deny now and forever. His Majesty has a clean conscience on this matter, his only concern being of foreign agents taking advatange of past rivalry with Vienna to lay blame where there is no proif of Prussian involvement.

We can accept the effects of grief as explaining this reckless publication, but we are confident in our own innocence, and hopeful that the real culprit will be found and brought to justice for his crimes.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2018, 03:20:52 AM »

Declarations from Berlin (VII)

Having much to comment on given the rapidly evolving situation in Europe, and taking some brief time apart of the necessary mourning for the countless victims across Italy upon the bloody conclusion of the war, His Majesty Frederick William II finds it necessary to speak up upon the stunning news which have arrived from the East. The citizens and subjects of the Kingdom of Prussia and its dependencies, the members of the German League, the various states of Europe and our trusted and valuable allies must be informed of the INSULT that has been inflicted on the Kingdom of Prussia.

Despite knowing full well of the present situation on the port of Karachi, Hapsburg troops have conducted themselves with the outmost disrespect for Prussian interests and sovereignity in this unwarranted and intrusive intervention, claiming mere pretexts for an act which on by itself is already an insult, one His Majesty the Emperor would have found intolerable had it been inflicted on his person and realms. Not content with acting so recklessly, we hear that after the systematic use of force alleged messages have been discovered, portraying narratives which do not match logic nor facts.

One important conclusion must stand. Having had months to thoroughly investigate the horrible series of events in Cologne, Vienna and Munich, and having taken it upon themselves to place blame into Prussia despite having no clear evidence, the only result that could be produced are demonstratively false documents which are all too easy to plant or falsify for any power interested in falsely blaming our Kingdom. His Majesty King Frederick William II cannot refrain from reiterating the fundamentally unsustainable nature of these documents, which contradict reason itself on their convenient, nonsensical placement and have no plausible justification either for their existence or for their inexplicable presence on Karachi lest they be planted or forged from the start.

However, and despite the fact that Prussian sovereignty has been violated by Hapsburg troops, we are sincere in our desire for peace between Vienna and Berlin, just as we are keen to spare thousands upon thousands of Germans from the horrors of war instead of rushing into a reckless response. Whilst we hope that the Emperor will find it on his wisdom to decisively act on the side of reason by dissociating himself from these fabrications, refrain from further attacks on Prussian sovereignty and evacuate Karachi and associated zones, we are nonetheless prepared to request and submit to third-party mediation so the peace within Germany may not be disturbed any further.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia

OOC: Most likely my sole statement before the next turn is up.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2018, 01:21:13 PM »

It is our pleasure to announce Persian government had accepted the coalition's terms

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x Frederick William II, King of Prussia
Atlas Icon
Posts: 13,813
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2018, 01:25:45 PM »

Declarations from Berlin (VIII)

His Majesty Frederick William II is pleased to announce that the Kingdom of Prussia will formally offer full diplomatic recognition of the Republic of Brazil. Furthermore, that after negotiations an economic understanding has been reached regarding the price of slaves and of sugar, an arrangement which we expect will be highly benefitial to the economy of both our nations and, in domestic terms, the people of Prussia and the Zollverein of the German League. We extend our praise to President José da Silva Lisboa for his diplomatic skill.

x Frederick William II, King of Prussia
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