Balance of Power (Gameplay Thread) - Epilogue and Game Over

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Atlas Icon
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« on: April 03, 2014, 06:28:02 PM »
« edited: July 25, 2014, 02:17:52 AM by Senator Lumine »

Balance of Power:
(Gameplay Thread)


Very well, gentlemen, on behalf of Windjammer and myself I welcome you to Balance of Power, the game in which we will manage to see how long can our players avoid the temptations of launching the Great War and destroying their foes. With all six great powers (and Japan) playing, we can now start the game. I will provide some context in what has happened so far (assuming that almost all events until April 1st, 1901 have gone as in OTL), and then I will provide the specific set of crises for each nation, and you will be free to play the first turn.  


GM: LumineVonReuental
Assistant GM: Windjammer:

Prime Minister Salisbury: Spamage.
Prime Minister Waldeck-Rousseau: Dr. Cynic.
Tsar Nicholas II: Snowstalker.
Kaiser Wilhelm II: IBDD.
Emperor Mutsuhito: SJoyce.
President William McKinley: Clarence.
Kaiser Franz Joseph I: Jack Enderman.
Sultan Abdul Hamid II: Kalwejt.
King Vittorio Emmanuele III: Sawx.

Context for 1901:

It’s the beginning of a new era, an era of both optimism and pessimism across Europe, an era of changes. Queen Victoria, the woman who had represented an entire era, has died and been replaced as a symbol by a series of monarchs and presidents who are the face of the new modern world. While elder statesmen retire or die, a new generation seeks ready to take over Europe and, hopefully, preserve the balance of power. Many decisions have to be made, many alliances to be created, and it’s time to see who will, in the end, become the Superpower.

The Boxer rebellion is almost over, and China faces the occupation of the so called "Eight-Nation Alliance", Britain is currently trying to bring the Boer War to an end, and the rest of the world powers seek to build strenght or consolidate recent gains. Anarchism is on the race, and it seems no one in power is safe from assassination attempts. Technology seems to be going through a phase of great innovation, but naturally, people like Count Zeppelin and Sigmond Freud are still branded as outcasts. It's a world that believes that we can keep on progressing...

Alliances, Wars and Popularity:

-Ongoing Wars:
-Boer War (British Empire v. Boer Rebels)
  -Currently in a guerrilla phase
-Boxer War (Eight Nation Alliance v. Boxer Rebels)
  -Almost finished, small pockets of resistance, European occupation of large parts of China.

-Popularity Ratings:

-Tsar Nicholas II: Low.
-President William McKinley: High.
-Kaiser Wilhelm II: Medium.
-Kaiser Franz Joseph I: High.
-Prime Minister Waldeck-Rousseau: Medium.
-Prime Minister Salisbury: Low.
-Emperor Mutsuhito: Very High.
-Sultan Abdul Hamid II: Low.
-King Vittorio Emmanuele III: Medium.

Current Alliances:

-Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary).
-Franco-Russian Alliance (France and Russia).
-Potential British entrance into the Triple Alliance.
-Potential Japanese-British alliance.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2014, 06:29:50 PM »
« Edited: April 03, 2014, 07:26:32 PM by Senator Lumine »

Turn One - Early 1901:


Please remember that if you want to send a secret message to another player, you must also send it to both Windjammer and me in order to mantain coherence. Both of us are also open to all questions, so don't doubt to ask if anything happens!

To Japan:

You have benefited from having an excellent relationship with Britain for the past years, and there are many in both countries who desire a formal alliance or friendship treaty. Your Primer Minister, Ito Hirobumi, is adamantly opposed and wishes to negotiate with Russia, but your Ambassador in London, Hayashi Tadasu is already talking with Lord Landsdowne. Who will you back, Hayashi or Ito? And what terms will you offer Britain in case you support an alliance?

Prime Minister Hirobumi, along with his disagreements in the Russian issue, fears potential backstabbing from the House of Peers, and desires support from you in order to discredit his opponents and remain in office.

Prince Konoe Atsumaro, a powerful member of the House of Peers and leader of the Anti-Russia politicians, has request that the country takes a firm stand against Russia’s recent occupation of Manchuria. While they may give the land to China, Konoe insists that Japan must formally ask Russia to withdraw.


You have recently passed the Platt Amendment, which limits Cuba’s foreign and trade movements, and establishes that American naval bases will be created in the island. The Cuban assembly has chosen to reject the Platt Amendment, what will you do?

The New York Stock Exchange seems to have crashed thanks to the rivalry of J.P. Morgan and Edward Henry Harriman. Harriman plans to create a massive trust to control several railroads, and thousands of small investors are ruined. It’s up to you to either intervene or wait.

 Anarchism is on the rise in the United States and Europe, with many important figures being assassinated in the past years. You are already an active member of the International Conference of Rome for the Social Defense Against Anarchists, but you can always seek new forms of fighting the anarchists.

To Germany:

Admiral Alfred Von Tirpitz has been extremely successful in the building of a powerful fleet, but it’s power is still nowhere near the might of the British Fleet. Von Tirpitz demands increased funding and plans to build more cruisers, but some warn that Britain will take it as a provocation.

Joseph Chamberlain, key member of the Salisbury Cabinet, has approached Germany with alliance propositions. Talks have lasted years, and Chamberlain is getting tired of the game of cat and mouse. There is some goodwill towards you in Britain after your stay at Queen Victoria’s deathbed, but if this alliance is to succeed you will need a good proposal.

The Social Democratic Party keeps winning strength across Germany, and you advisers claim that they are a danger to your power. Do you have plans to deal with them or will you choose to leave them alone for the time being?

To Russia:

There are students riots across St. Petersburg and Moscow, and the police is having serious trouble dealing with them. Both the students and a growing number of intellectuals demand that you switch to a constitutional monarchy. How will you react?

Your troops have occupied Manchuria because of the Boxer Rebellion, and now you control the Manchuria Railway and the naval base of Port Arthur. Some suggest that you sign a treaty with China and extort them to give you Manchuria (as a lease), and some suggest retreating to avoid a clash with Japan.

Pan-Slavism is on the rise in Europe and in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Slav leaders have requested funding, assistance and diplomatic support to nations like Serbia and several separatist movements.

To Austria Hungary:

There is tension in Trieste and in your holdings in Italy, and the irredentist movements grow stronger in force. Conrad Von Hotzendorf, the Trieste commander, reports that a revolt might be imminent, but in palace he is dismissed for overreacting. Do you plan to act or will you leave this problem alone?

The Austro-Hungarian Navy is quite weak in comparison to the other navies, but it has potential. The Admirals request an expansion of the navy, but you run the risk of starting an arms race with your ally Italy (which has second thoughts about this alliance).

Your troops have been occupying Bosnia-Herzegovina for quite a time, and some argue it’s time for Austria to claim it and formally annex it. Such a move would increase the prestige of your Empire, but the Ottoman Empire may not be satisfied at all.

To the UK:

Your Foreign Secretary, Lord Landsdowne, and your Colonies Secretary, Joseph Chamberlain, are involved in dealings with Japan and Germany. Both report that there’s a chance for said alliance, but there are risks involved and potential conflict zones in the Pacific, India, China and in regards to the German fleet. Will you send a formal offer or search for new allies?

The United States are interested in building a Canal in Panama in order to connect the Atlantic and the Pacific in a more efficient way, and while a treaty for that effect (that was to repeal the Clayton-Bulwer treaty) was drafter, your nation rejected not long ago. Will you put this issue to rest or work in a compromise?

The Boer War has lasted quite a while, and it makes you unpopular as the Boer guerrillas keep killing British soldiers. The British General Staff is confident that they will defeat them soon, but you can always propose different strategies.

To France:

As your cabinet receives the news of a potential Anglo-German alliance, there is a lot of fear. Having both nations as enemies could spell doom on the French colonial empire, and the alliance with Russia might not prove enough. Some advise asking Britain for an alliance or least try to secure a conference, and some believe allies could always be found elsewhere. It’s up to you to decide.

The clerical issue is reaching a boiling point, and the right might not react favorable to further escalation. Yet, many of your supporters are asking you to take a new step and finally expulse the Benedictine teaching monks of France. It won’t be an easy road when dealing with this issue.

Although your powerbase is on the left, there are many in the center-right willing to back you against Former Prime Minister Jules Meline, your arch-nemesis. They argue they can create a new political party, but with an election next year they may not have enough time to organize and you already have to organize the left for a fight.
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« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2014, 07:38:32 PM »
« Edited: April 03, 2014, 07:40:54 PM by Spamage »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jan-Jun 1901

--Continued campaigns and expeditions in the Boer War. Look to achieve victory and end the conflict.

--The 2 governments and administrative regions in Zambia are to be merged as a way to save government expenses. The money saved will be used to lowering taxes in Great Britain.

--Several new forts are constructed along the Suez Canal and in Cyprus with men arriving from other areas of the Empire to occupy them

--The British government announces a campaign to encourage foreigners to settle in Australia and New Zealand. Not only are citizens who emigrate by choice to be given tax breaks, but they are also going to be given generous swathes of land. The same applies to locals, although the land grants will be even larger for British nationals.

--Open minor factories in Bombay and Calcutta as a way to increase colonial production.

--In mourning for the passing of Queen Victoria, nationalist sentiments are stirred up in London through posters and other means in an attempt to reconcile the people with the Prime Minister.

To: Brazil
From: The United Kingdom

We would be interested in trading Cocoa beans for Cotton as well as other goods such as Bananas with you. Should you agree trade would be fostered between our two countries as a way of maintain friendship and encouraging further diplomacy between us.

To: Chinese Empire
From: United Kingdom

In Lieu of your recent instability we hereby announce that British Sepoys will be stationed to protect our interests in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Nanjing following the completion of the rebellion. Furthermore, along with maintaining order in these regions we also demand large concessions in all these cities so British Trade may flow freely into the Dragon's Mouth and also land given to the crown on the coast permanently so we can better acquire trade in East Asia. If you consent perhaps our merchants will be a little more understanding in your Opium plight.

I assume as in other nation games that non played nations are controlled by Lumine in regards to both diplomacy and other measures.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2014, 07:45:43 PM »

I assume as in other nation games that non played nations are controlled by Lumine in regards to both diplomacy and other measures.

That is correct. Also, Spamage, from now on the answers to the questions will be sent via PM (just the answers, players are free to post everything else here).
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2014, 11:04:27 AM »

The French Republic: Jan-Jun 1901

To: The United Kingdom
From: France

We wish to meet with your representatives to discuss joining a formal alliance with France.

To: The United States
From: France

We would like to extend our wishes to bring back together the once close relationship our nations shared. We would like to hold a French-American conference to discuss this if you are willing, especially with regards to fighting anarchism.

-- My government shall enact a vigorous separation of church and state law which will see most of the Catholic schools and educational foundations closed. My government will back efforts to secularize the state.

-- Because of the lack of time possible for setting up a new political party, I will continue to campaign as a candidate of the left, though I will meet with center-right political leaders and see if there are issues where we can reach compromise.
Incipimus iterum
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« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2014, 11:48:08 AM »
« Edited: April 04, 2014, 12:26:20 PM by IBDDBW »

                                                         The German Empire Jan-June 1901
To: Austria-Hungary
Germany would like to Maintain and build on our alliance with our two nations
To England
From: Germany
the german Empire would like to come to a proposal of alliance between our Nations
To: Japan
From: Germany
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xMeiji Emperor
xKaiser Wilhelm II

-The navys funding should remain as it is europe needs to be at peace and the german empire must play its role as a peace maker in europe and the world so we will not increase funding but will keep it the same
- Germany must maintain relations with england for peace in europe therefore if a alliance is possoble we will offer the England 2/4ths of German South-West Africa
-The Social Democratic Party can help pass reforms in the empire to help the welfare of the german people we will work with them and other parties in the Reichstag for a a greater future for everyone in the german empire
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2014, 12:53:25 PM »

I'll accept those moves, IBDD, but please remember to include me in your PM's from now on and send the answers via PM as well (otherwise your moves are public to all players).
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2014, 04:27:18 PM »
« Edited: April 04, 2014, 07:11:27 PM by Senator Lumine »

So far I have Japan, France, Britain, Russia and Germany, which means that I still need Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, the United States and Italy. Once I have received all answers and read each post, I will give you the world news for Late 1901 and we will be able to start the second turn. I won't spoil anything, but we are going to see very interesting developments...

To Ottoman Empire:

The Empire is currently facing a great economic crisis as a result of your policies and the bloated secret police/bureaucracy. Some suggest dismantling the secret police, other to raise taxes, and some even desire to expropriate some lands from the aristocracy. What will you do to help your economy?

So far the Ottoman Empire has survived thanks to the balance in Europe and the unwillingness of some powers to see the Empire attacked. And yet, beyond some ties with Germany and Kaiser Wilhelm (which involve a potential army reorganization) you don't have a formal alliance with any of the European Great Powers. Perhaps it is time to remedy this situation...

The Balkan provinces of the Ottoman Empire are by far the most diffcult ones to control, and even with the memory of the Greco-Turkish war still recent, the rebels are not willing to back down. Macedonia itself is facing heavy unrest and your forces are suffering from not being numerous enough to hold the entire province. How will you react to this potential revolt?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2014, 05:32:43 PM »
« Edited: April 04, 2014, 05:36:16 PM by Senator Lumine »

To Kingdom of Italy:

One of your most crucial prerrogatives as King is the right to appoint the Prime Minister even without parliamentary support, and because of that you are often required to intervene in order to prevent political chaos. Your Prime Minister, Giuseppe Zanardelli, is percieved as being extremely weak, and Former Primer Minister and now Interior Minister Giovanni Giolitti is the one who controls the government. Will you force Zanardelli to step aside and allow Giolitti to take over to see if some progress can be made?

Italy has been a member of the Triple Alliance for quite a long time, but there is still deep resentment against Austria-Hungary. Some politicians beg you to lead the nation into a more neutral position or seek an alliance with France, while some argue that Germany is still the safest bet.

There are many officers in the army that still support "foreign adventures", even after the defeat in the Italo-Ethiopian War. They request an increase in armaments spending, army reform and a stronger navy to counter Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean. Your financial situation is not good at all, but it is dangerous to have a weak army in these days.
Jack Enderman
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« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2014, 06:43:19 PM »

To Italy:
From Austria-Hungary:

I would wish to enter into agreements to reform our alliance and make it strong once again. Trieste could be on the table, if you want.

To Great Britain:
From Austria-Hungary:

We are interested in your entering into our alliance, but we must hear from the other countries  We could even help with the Boer War to defeat the guerrillas in Africa.

To United States:
From Austria-Hungary:

We would like to start an economic and diplomatic alliance with your country. We can also work side-by-side to stop the anarchism and terrorism in your country.

To the German Empire:
From Austria-Hungary:

We are interested and are willing to build on the Triple Alliance.
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« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2014, 08:02:54 PM »
« Edited: April 05, 2014, 11:50:30 AM by Spamage »

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-Prime Minister Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil

-Prime Minister Pierre Waldeck-Rousseau
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« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2014, 09:56:16 PM »

To: Austria-Hungary
From: Italy

If Trieste is ours, then we would be very happy to strengthen our alliance.
Jack Enderman
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« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2014, 10:21:57 PM »

To Italy:
From Austria-Hungary:

Alright, lets go.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2014, 08:53:38 AM »

OOC: How realistic is it for Austria to casually give away its most important port city?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2014, 10:09:23 AM »

OOC: How realistic is it for Austria to casually give away its most important port city?

Almost impossible in OTL, but as long as Jack wishes to take that risk (all events have their consequences), I'm willing to allow it. That said, I'll need both of you (Sawx, Jack) to sign a similar agreement to Spamage and Cynic if you really want to go forward and formalize the handover of Trieste.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2014, 11:15:24 AM »

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- King Vittorio Emanuele III
Jack Enderman
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« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2014, 11:38:58 AM »


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Atlas Icon
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« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2014, 12:18:08 PM »

Well, of course.

~King Vittorio Emanuele III
Jack Enderman
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« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2014, 02:56:41 PM »

I am actually thinking of trading Trieste for something. It is imparitive on the informality of this, but I think that a different city or a monetary equivalent could do. But the military right of way still stands.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2014, 04:11:54 PM »

A shipment of our finest wine?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2014, 06:11:42 PM »

I still need Sawx, Jack and Simfan's answers, but so far I am confident that we can start the next turn tomorrow on the afternoon if I get them soon enough.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2014, 06:42:37 PM »

My god. I'm sorry, but Italy and Austria ending their problems seems to be so "utopic".
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2014, 03:11:14 PM »

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2014, 03:28:34 PM »

My apologies, I am currently working in the map and the update, but I wanted to wait for the remaining players. Sawx sent his answers, Jack didn't (but he is actively playing), and Simfan hasn't done anything so far, which is why I sent him a message. Anyway, Late 1901 will start before the day ends!
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2014, 03:59:00 PM »
« Edited: April 07, 2014, 05:33:48 PM by Senator Lumine »

End of Early 1901:


Alright, gentlemen, this ends the first turn of Balance of Power. It took some time, but I am extremely satisfied with the results, and I believe we're in for a thrilling game. Of course, it's my first time hosting an active game, so I am bound to make a lot of mistakes and learn from them in the process. First things first, Simfan's comment was meant as a joke, I made the mistake of taking it seriously, and I just cleared that up, (xD). This means America is open again in case we have new players.

Second, we had our problems to adjust to the whole answers via PM thing, so I will make some changes to the rules in order to make this more efficient and to ensure the game runs more smoothly (that and I received from 30 to 40 PM's for this turn alone).

-Turns: From now on, I will post the issues your specific country has to face, and it's up to you to deal with them (or do nothing) in a more open way, which means you are free to post in this thread. In case you wish to give secret orders, then you can PM me. Of course, secret diplomatic messages are still going to be via PM, so please don't forget to send them to both Windjammer and myself. Otherwise I will not acknowledge the existence of those messages.

-War: It's pretty obvious we're bound to face a war or two at some time, so I just developed a system for it. Declarations of war go here, and once a declaration of war of one player against another has been posted, I will open a special thread for said war, leaving this gameplay thread for the normal affairs.

So, in short, this thread is now more open to your moves, wars will have their own threads, and America is open for new players. Now I will proceed to give you the updated map and the list of alliances and wars (popularity ratings are only released at the beginning of each year, and they have changed a lot in a single turn).

Alliances, Wars and Popularity:

-Ongoing Wars:
-Boer War (British Empire/French Republic v. Boer Rebels)
  -Currently in a guerrilla phase.
-Boxer War (Eight Nation Alliance v. Boxer Rebels)
  -Almost finished, last resistance pockets in central China, European occupation of large parts of China.

-Popularity Ratings:
(Frozen until Early 1902)

-Tsar Nicholas II: Low.
-President William McKinley: Country open.
-Kaiser Wilhelm II: Medium.
-Kaiser Franz Joseph I: High.
-Prime Minister Waldeck-Rousseau: Medium.
-Prime Minister Salisbury: Low.
-Emperor Mutsuhito: Very High.
-Sultan Abdul Hamid II: Low.
-King Vittorio Emmanuele III: Medium.

Current Alliances:

Quadruple Alliance (Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary and Japan)
Franco-Russian Alliance (France and Russia)
Franco-British Alliance (France and the UK)
Anglo-Japanese Alliance (UK and Japan)

The Map:

Map Changes:

-Russian evacuation of Manchuria (they retain Harbin and Port Arthur)
-British occupation of Nanjing and Shanghai.
-Japan takes over German New Guinea and Samoa.
-Combination of the British provinces in Zambia.
-Anglo-German territory exchange in Cameroon and German Southwest Africa.
-Austrian formal annexation of Bosnia.
-Austrian handover of Trieste to Italy.


It will take some time for me to write the next issues for each country. Until then please prepare yourselves for the second turn!
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