Balance of Power (Gameplay Thread) - Epilogue and Game Over

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Atlas Icon
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« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2014, 05:59:07 PM »
« edited: April 07, 2014, 07:32:52 PM by Senator Lumine »

Turn Two - Late 1901:

Please remember that if you want to send a secret message to another player, you must also send it to both Windjammer and me in order to mantain coherence. Both of us are also open to all questions, so don't doubt to ask if anything happens!

To Russia:

Your orders to Okhrana proved incredibly successful, and it was not hard for them to drive the students away from the socialists and extremist elements. However, the Chief of Okhrana’s Moscow Bureau, Sergei Subatov, has presented a risky gamble to you (via your uncle, Grand Duke Sergei): he wishes to create trade unions run by Okhrana and himself, an effort he calls “police socialism”. Subatov suggests that this would enable you to take control of the trade movement and drive them away from the left.

China was extremely surprised with the terms you offered, and as a result Empress Dowager Cixi decided to sign the so called “Manchurian Treaty”, including the most controversial aspects of it. Your troops left Manchuria, leaving a sizable garrison in Harbin (to protect the railroad) and Port Arthur. While this may antagonize the Japanese, you have enough good will in China (it might not last, though) to at least make some progress in that area.

Vice Admiral Stepan Makarov has recently returned for an Arctic Expedition, and he has requested an audience with you. Makarov believes the Russian Fleet is in urgent need of reform, and while he is not widely admired among the officers, Makarov insists that he can deliver needed reforms.

To the UK:

The House of Commons has congratulated you on your diplomatic triumphs in the past months. The treaties with France and Japan have strengthened your position in the world stage, and despite strong francophobe and pro-german elements in Parliament (the Kaiser won a lot of goodwill after Queen Victoria’s death, and the pro-Victoria propaganda campaign has actually increased sympathy for the Kaiser), you seem politically strong enough to survive for a long time.

The intervention of 5000 French troops in South Africa has helped a great deal, and the Boers are on the verge of surrendering. That, along with your recombination of Zambia, means that you have the chance of ending the Boer War if your terms are sensible enough.

Your Cabinet, seeing the success in foreign policy and the increase in trade with Brazil, France, Japan and the colonies if now pressuring you for a more domestic agenda. Some of your ministers are highly ambitious, and both Landsdowne and Chamberlain have acquired a lot of prestige, which means they are seen as potential sucessors to you.
To Japan:

Despite your assurances, Hirobumi chose to resign after your rejection of an alliance with Russia. Katsura Taro is now the Primer Minister, and he is far more friendly and respectful to you, which means that you have the chance to become even more influential if you play your cards right. Katsura wishes to pursue an internationalist and domestically conservative agenda, and he is more than open to suggestions.

Saionji Kinomichi, another of the Genro and personal friend to Hirobumi, has managed to seize control of the Lower House with his Rikken Seiyukai Party. Kinomichi is liberal and pro-Europe, and he is determined to best Katsura to become Prime Minister. You advisers warn that Kinomichi should be watched carefully.

Russia has managed to sign a treaty with China, and despite their withdrawal from Manchuria, they still control Port Arthur and the entire railway system of Manchuria. Prince Konoe has pledged his full support to you to confront Russia, and has asked for a strong stance against the Russians, or, at the very least, for a new naval buildup.

To Austria-Hungary:

You are in an extremely tough situation. While your annexation of Bosnia (with the approval of Abdul Hamid II) has won you a lot of support, your inaction on military affairs and the handover of Trieste to the Italians have managed to crush your previously great levels of popularity, which means that both the army officers and the most conservative politicians are beginning to openly criticize you. Even more, there’s talk of officers like Von Hotzendorf plotting to force your abdication on grounds of old age to replace you with Franz Ferdinand. So far, these are only rumors, but more unpopular actions might bring an undesired effect. Be extremely careful.

Your alliance grows in size, but you seem to have neglected domestic policy entirely. Austria-Hungary is not doing bad, but people are asking for more economic and social reforms in order to actually reach prosperity. Ernest Von Koerber, the Austrian Minister-President, advocates for educational reform and a massive project of infrastructure, building railways and canals across the Empire.

Ethnical strife is growing larger and larger with your annexation of Bosnia, and very single action you take serves to alienate at least one group of people. This issue hasn’t reached boiling point yet, but it will require careful consideration.

To Italy:

The return of Trieste to Italy has brought massive celebration in your country, and your popularity has reached incredible levels of support. Giovanni Giolitti has taken over as Prime Minister, but it is evident that you are increasingly seen as the man who can keep the Kingdom together, and your decision of staying in the Quadruple Alliance is so far respected among Italians.

Your recent choices in military affairs have led to the army getting a little bit stronger, but some officers have requested permission to redirect some of the Italian economic assets into a further increase of military funding. Austria apparently chose not to have an arms race with you, but France has a very powerful army and a decent sized fleet in the Mediterranean (as the English have). The Admirals are also pressuring you to direct those funds into the navy.

The Italian economy seems to be stabilizing, but trade is not as active as it should be. Economists argue over the correct solution to this, but most agree that something has to be done and that finding new trade partners is a must for Italy.

To France:

You are facing a political crisis right now. Despite the growing support for your foreign policy, your recent moves in the secular issue and your reclutance to ally with the center-right have led to a united French right wing that demands that you either back down on secularization or face defeat in the polls. The leader of the united opposition is Jules Meline, and he has chosen filed a non-confidence vote against you. Some of your advisors beg you to seek support from the socialists and create a united left, others say such a move might backfire pretty soon.

Your alliances with France and Russia seem to be a success so far (despite the surprise that this “Entente Cordiale” was at the beginning), but some are worried about the continuation of the “Great Game” between those powers and the potential consequences. France is not isolated anymore, but there’s a growing perception that, at some time, your nation will be forced to choose and abandon one of your allies.
Upon hearing of your desire to stop anarchism, and without the chance of an uprising in Trieste, several anarchists have relocated to France. One of your cabinet members barely avoided a bomb direct at him the other day, and these anarchists seem determined to go after you, which means your security may be compromised if you are not careful enough.

To Germany:

The German Navy as a whole is very disappointed at your refusal for further funding, and they are extremely mad at seeing you abandon a great part of your colonial empire for the sake of diplomacy. The Army shares that opinion, and Germany as a whole would like to see you actually defending your Empire in a more vigorous way.

While the Social Democrats were extremely pleased at your remark, the rest of the country has failed to grasp why would you have such a radical change in your views, specially after being so anti-Socialist in the past years. This has led to many frustrated conservative junkers, although you moves for reconciliation with the Social Democrats have led them to seem willing to collaborate in domestic affairs, implying that not enough efforts have been taken in that area. However, the junkers demand an increase in military spending and more anti-labor laws, which the Social Democrats oppose.

A rebellion has started in what remains of German South-West Africa. Sensing weakness, the Herero and the Namaqua tribes have led more than 10.000 men in revolt against the colonial rule, and your troops (numbering fewer than 1.000) have been unable to contain them, leading to the deaths of dozens of German citizens.

To Ottoman Empire:

Your sources of revenue have increased, although the secret police is still using most of it. Aristocrats are enraged (and more receptive to liberal thoughts), but you now own the best lands in Macedonia, Baghdad and Syria, and you have enough money to at least fund some projects.

Giving Bosnia away has not satisfied the army, and they are pressuring you to enact more reforms and make your army more European and efficient in style. The Macedonian revolt keeps growing, and they have also requested for more troops for the Balkan provinces. All in all, it’s obvious that the Ottoman Army will need a lot of work before it can stand up to the European Powers, as attempts as diplomacy have brought both good and bad results.

Liberal courtiers and officers seem to wish for a new ruler in the Ottoman Empire. Your brother Murad, the previous Sultan, still lives as a prisoner (supposedly being mentally ill, a story crafted when you took over his throne), and he would be far more receptive to liberal reforms.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2014, 06:11:59 PM »

Extra Crisis! - Cixi v. Europe!

TO: France, United Kingdom, Japan and Germany.

With the Boxer War almost over, and with the Chinese Army in position to destroy the remaning rebels, Empress Dowager Cixi has sent a very harsh note to four of the powers that comprise the "Eight Nation Alliance". Empress Cixi has critized the British, the French, Germans and the Japanese for occupying several areas of China, and while has stated that she will recognize the territories occupied before the Boxer Rebellion (Qingdao for Germany, Hong Kong and Weihaiwei for the British, Taiwan for the Japanese and Guangzhouwan for France, along with the joint concessions of Shanghai), she will not recognize foreign occupation of other parts of China.

Namely, Empress Cixi demanded the British withdrawal from Shanghai, Nanjing and the yellow river, the German withdrawal from areas near Shandong, the Japanese withdrawal from their enclaves in Manchuria and Southern China, and the French withdrawal from the Southern provinces they have captured. Cixi has cited the Russian Empire has an example, given that they decided to return Manchuria, and she states that while she does not desire a war, she will not sit back while China is taken over by Europeans.

Prime Minister Salisbury, Prime Minister Waldeck-Rousseau, Kaiser Wilhelm and Emperor Mutsuhito, what will you do?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2014, 06:28:49 PM »

Japan desires no conflict with China, and we thank the Empress for her recognition of Japanese sovereignty over Taiwan. We shall withdraw from our enclaves, though we reserve the right to intervene in the region should other nations attempt to control portions of Chinese territory in a manner threatening to Japanese security. We will also be moving forward with the naval buildup suggested by Prince Konoe. We shall communicate to Prime Minister Katsura our support of his ideals of internationalism, and as such our desire to further Westernize our nation through industrialization, seeking to expand Japanese manufacturing and exports by bringing in ideas of science, technology, and languages to Japan, and by sending Japanese students abroad to study and grow links with foreign nations.
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2014, 06:53:29 PM »

The French Republic: Late 1901

--- I refuse to cave to right-wing pressure and instead press that the civil power must be supreme. I will bring my party, the Republicans into an alliance with the Left Block of Socialists and Radicals to prepare and will begin to take my message to the country.

--- In order to combat the growing threat, I will beef up security and the police and arrest any anarchists that direct attempts at my or any other public figure's life. I will tone down the rhetoric on anarchism and instead direct it towards the clerical issue.

--- As the Boer War begins to close, I will begin gradually redirecting the troops back into my North African colonies. I will leave 3000 troops in Natal to continue to assist Great Britain in the Boer War. The 2000 withdrawn troops will move into French Algeria.

--- I will also begin withdrawing my troops from most of southern China except for Guangzhouwan. Half those troops will be moved to British bases in Cyprus or Tunisia. The other half will be brought home.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2014, 07:01:10 PM »

The French Republic: Late 1901

--- I refuse to cave to right-wing pressure and instead press that the civil power must be supreme. I will bring my party, the Republicans into an alliance with the Left Block of Socialists and Radicals to prepare and will begin to take my message to the country.

--- In order to combat the growing threat, I will beef up security and the police and arrest any anarchists that direct attempts at my or any other public figure's life. I will tone down the rhetoric on anarchism and instead direct it towards the clerical issue.

--- As the Boer War begins to close, I will begin gradually redirecting the troops back into my North African colonies. I will leave 3000 troops in Natal to continue to assist Great Britain in the Boer War. The 2000 withdrawn troops will move into French Algeria.

--- I will also begin withdrawing my troops from most of southern China except for Guangzhouwan. Half those troops will be moved to British bases in Cyprus or Tunisia. The other half will be brought home.
How, you need to be clear. What would be your policy?
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2014, 07:50:58 PM »

The Russian Empire: Late 1901

1. We certainly sympathize with the plight of many of the poorest and most jaded of our toilers in the industrial cities, and to prevent a radical revolt and overthrow of our Russian system, we must placate their basic desires without caving in to the most radical demands of their leaders. I will have my court look into copying elements of what has been done in Germany--implementing reforms on our own and taking the thunder from the labor movement. The Okhrana will, as proposed, prop up moderate trade unions to divide the radical elements, while I will confer with my court on the possibility of mild social reforms such as the creation of a limited old-age pension system.

2. It is clear that China will not be colonized in the same manner that much of Asia has been by other European powers, and despite a minor territorial sacrifice in the region, we see China as a valuable economic and military partner in the future. We furthermore invite the Empress and delegations from the governments of all the occupying powers in Peking, ourselves included, as well as Empress Cixi and a Chinese delegation, to a conference to determine the future of relations between China and the great powers.

3. Naval reform is urgently needed, and better we do it now before we face a humiliating defeat in a future war while avoiding the diplomatic consequences of Germany's hasty naval buildup. We will accept Makarov's request for an audience.
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2014, 07:54:45 PM »

That the republic should be governed not by the church but by the elected lawmakers. Wealthy Religious bodies must now be subjected to the same regulations as the ordinary French citizen.  How specific do you want me to be?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2014, 09:26:49 PM »

Clarence just asked me to take over as America, so we have eight players again! (The American issues will be posted soon)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2014, 09:54:09 PM »


You have recently passed the Platt Amendment, which limits Cuba’s foreign and trade movements, and establishes that American naval bases will be created in the island. The Cuban assembly has chosen to reject the Platt Amendment, what will you do? (From last turn, still valid)

Anarchism is on the rise in the United States and Europe, with many important figures being assassinated in the past years. You have recently received a good amount of proposals from France and Austria-Hungary to join forces against this threat, and most heads of state agree that anarchism has to be dealt with sooner or later.

The Governor General of the Philippines, William H. Taft, reports that an entire company of American troops was destroyed by rebels in what has been called the "Balangiga Massacre". Taft asks for instructions as to what to do with the rebels.

After some months in which foreign policy has been the main focus in the United States, there are many who wish for President McKinley to enact his domestic policy. There are certainly many possibilities for the popular President, but it won't be easy to keep the Republican Party united, not when so many factions are beginning to appear.

YaBB God
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« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2014, 10:05:04 PM »

In general- I want to commit to having the largest navy in the world by the end of the decade... this must begin with the construction of the Great White Fleet.

Cuba- Their rejection of this amendment is unacceptable...I am ordering a full-scale invasion and occupation of the island with little mercy shown for rebels but all civilians treated with dignity and respect. I send Vice President Theodore Roosevelt to Miami with an invitation to the Cuban leadership to begin negotiations. I will not accept any Cuban independence until their leadership yields to American decision-making in foreign policy and trade and allows me to place troops there at will

Anarchism- I accept the proposals from France and Austria-Hungary to coordinate our responses to this threat. I order the Justice Department to begin a nationwide crackdown on such behavior.

Philippines- I order the immediate destruction of all Filipino troops who choose not to surrender their arms...I order Taft to establish sites across the Philippines to accept disarming rebels. Those who surrender are treated with dignity and allowed to return to their homes. In particularly troublesome areas- I order the withdrawal of any American missionaries or doctors and authorize commanders on the ground to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to squash the rebellion

Domestic Policy- I ask my fellow Republicans to allow me some time to quickly and effectively deal with rebellions in our territories with a promise to consult with them as I create a domestic agenda soon afterwards

I will be following up with a Private Message to you....
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« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2014, 11:42:04 PM »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jul-Dec 1901

--Commission submarine construction and encourage further research and innovation on the topic.

--Advances in railroads, factories, and encouragement of industrial might in Egypt, Ireland, and India.

--Encourage settlement on the Canadian frontier by increasing the size of lands offered in the Dominion Act. The provinces of Alberta and Manitoba (per OTL borders) are to be created in order to better administer to the incoming settlers. The campaign for settlers will be sent to cities in Germany, Austria, as well as Britain itself. A similar motion is passed in Australia.

--Troops of the British Empire are sent to Malta, Egypt, Yemen, and Cyprus in order to be on watch for changes in the Boer War.  A portion of the Atlantic fleet is sent to Cyprus, to be close to the Suez Canal in case they are needed in the Chinese Theater.

--Britain agrees to withdraw from the Yellow River and Nanjing. The city of Shanghai however, will be kept in the hands of the British as a way to repay the British monetary losses in the Boxer Rebellion. We are willing to negotiate for compensation however should China wish to regain the city. Extra troops are to be divided between South Africa, India, and Kenya.

--Encourage investment in the new developing field of aeronautics. Offer a generous reward to anyone who mounts a successful flight with a flying machine.

--Encourage the Wahhabi movement in the center of Arabia. Build goods relations with the Bedouin people as well as the Wahhabi exiles.


To: The United States
From: The United Kingdom

We are looking for increased trade between Canada and the United States. Shall you consent?

To: Denmark
From: The United Kingdom

We are wondering how much it would cost to relieve you of the burdens of Greenland. We are willing to compensate you generously should you be willing to part with it.

PM to follow.
YaBB God
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« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2014, 11:56:27 PM »

To the United Kingdom-
From the USA-

I would be happy to participate in trade talks between our nations. I propose a summit at Niagara Falls as soon as possible... I will ask Senator Mark Hanna to lead the American delegation. I want to be clear that the United States will soon be in a position to maintain the defense of our hemisphere... thus- our conversations must include a plan to relocate British naval forces around Canada
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« Reply #37 on: April 08, 2014, 12:01:53 AM »

From: UK

We will attend the summit which shall begin in the next turn, and are willing to discuss the relocation of the Navy stationed in Canada, and in fact have several plans for it. We recognize you are on the rise, and look forward to furthering our discussions as equals at the Niagara Summit. Also, should you require any assistance in your Cuban affairs, we would be willing to supply a small contingent of troops as a show of good faith.
YaBB God
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« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2014, 12:04:25 AM »

From the USA-
To the UK-

I am delighted to hear that we are on the same page... Our nation appreciates the sacrifice you have made by sending your men to fight alongside ours in Cuba and we are confident that between our forces, we will swiftly quell the uprising. May our Niagara summit be productive so our nations move forward together to face other challenges abroad
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #39 on: April 08, 2014, 04:18:57 AM »

That the republic should be governed not by the church but by the elected lawmakers. Wealthy Religious bodies must now be subjected to the same regulations as the ordinary French citizen.  How specific do you want me to be?
(France was a democracy yet Tongue)
Your economic plan. What are you planning to do in order to be support by the socialists?
You definitely need their votes! You risk to fall!
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #40 on: April 08, 2014, 11:54:25 AM »

The Ottoman Empire: Late 1901

--- In order to counter growing liberal sentiments among the elite, I shall institute sort of "pilot programme", redistributing some of the acquired land to the poor.

The overall goal is to secure my position with improved, more satisfied army and more receptive population

--- I shall grant the Army's request for reinforcement in Macedonia. I'm currently in the process of establishing a military cooperation with certain powers (see secret cables) to improve my military.

Realizing my conventional fleet's weaknesses, I shall order a study and possible pursing of the submarine warfare


To: The United Kingdom
From: The Ottoman Empire

We would wish to improve relations between our two countries. Would you be prepeared to discuss specifics?
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2014, 12:33:58 PM »

That the republic should be governed not by the church but by the elected lawmakers. Wealthy Religious bodies must now be subjected to the same regulations as the ordinary French citizen.  How specific do you want me to be?
(France was a democracy yet Tongue)
Your economic plan. What are you planning to do in order to be support by the socialists?
You definitely need their votes! You risk to fall!

I don't know anything about where France was at this time, so I can only guess here... I'll support allowing trade unions to form if they haven't already, to strike for better pay and wages. I will also offer to begin creating a basic welfare state, public health services and old age pensions. I will also institute a program of public works to repair infrastructure and help the out of work.

That a bit more helpful (This would have been so much easier if I could've been the UK or US Tongue)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2014, 02:06:23 PM »

Well, I only need Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary to begin next turn (and I am currently preparing a few surprises for the players). Once again, thanks for being so active!
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #43 on: April 09, 2014, 09:42:34 AM »

Well, I only need Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary to begin next turn (and I am currently preparing a few surprises for the players). Once again, thanks for being so active!

OOC: Come on, guys, I can't wait for Lumine's suprises!
Jack Enderman
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« Reply #44 on: April 09, 2014, 08:04:33 PM »

Domestic Policy:

Start bringing in social reform. Start with worker and workplace cleanliness and safety. As well as household and public buildings.

Start preparing for building canals and man-made lakes and ports.

(Military info via PM, Limune, just an FYI. Smiley )

Foreign Policy:
To Great Britain:
From Austria-Hungary:

We graciously accept your proposed entrance into the *Triple Alliance.

*as with Japan

To United States:
From Austria-Hungary:

We would like to start an economic alliance with your country. We could also help with fighting socialist uprisings in your country, as ours has gone through about the same as yours.

To Japan:
From Austria-Hungary:

We would be interested in strengthening our alliance, and to make an economic union with your nation.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #45 on: April 09, 2014, 08:11:21 PM »

Okay, that leaves us with IBDD left, and he has until tomorrow in the early afternoon. I'm pleased to report that I have two OTL events ready, one assassination (could be two, but I already made up my mind with one), and some interesting consequences for the moves in the first two turns as well. Expect the next turn to be more amusing!
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« Reply #46 on: April 10, 2014, 09:20:32 AM »

OOC: I cleaned up the late 1901 map, both as in making it neater and in my interpretation of the border changes. Reading over IBDD's posts, it doesn't seem as if he ceded anything other than half of Namibia (I.E. nothing about Cameroon or Tanganyika) and New Guinea/the Pacific Islands.

The African changes were part of an agreement, and therefore should be kept. You have no idea of our PM's.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2014, 09:27:38 AM »

Oh, sorry. :/
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« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2014, 09:37:03 AM »

OOC: It's fine, I'm just a little defensive Wink
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2014, 11:14:55 AM »

OOC: I cleaned up the late 1901 map, both as in making it neater and in my interpretation of the border changes. Reading over IBDD's posts, it doesn't seem as if he ceded anything other than half of Namibia (I.E. nothing about Cameroon or Tanganyika) and New Guinea/the Pacific Islands.

As Spamage said, there are some changes agreed upon via PM instead of here, which is why the current map reflects the demise of most of Germany's colonies in Africa. Next map is ready as well, but IBDD hasn't been in the fourm for about two days. Thanks for the effort, though!
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