Balance of Power (Gameplay Thread) - Epilogue and Game Over

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Atlas Icon
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« Reply #125 on: April 15, 2014, 06:35:18 PM »

Turn Four - Late 1902: (Part Two)

To Japan:

The recently signed Treaty of Manila has left you in the possession of the Philippines. Both the Army and the Navy stand proudly besides you after winning so much territory in the past year, but will you need to appoint a Governor-General to head an interim government. The Filipino rebels have contacted the Japanese Army and have requested negotiations with the Emperor, stating that they hope independence will be granted to them.

The Zaibatsu are mostly placated with your answer, but there are many who are quite discontent with Katsura and his compliance to your orders. As a result, there are rumors that state that the Zaibatsu are looking for support among the Genro and other members of the Houses. Two members of the genro are dead, one is too ambitious (Kinomichi) and four of them are uninterested, but there is one man willing to conspire. Katsura’s former master, Field Marshal Yamagata Aritomo, who has strong support in the Army. Elections are next year, and Aritomo may very well try to create a party.

New battleships have joined the Japanese Navy, and Admiral Togo reports that Japan now has quite an enormous amount of firepower. There are a few ships being built in the United Kingdom as well, and some Admirals are considering asking for new ships in other nations as well. That, however, will cost a lot of money, most of which is now being used in modernization.

United States:

(Clarence, remember that the 1902 Midterms come after this turn)

Internal politics in the Republican Party are looking more and more confused as time goes by. The Progressives have lost a hero with Theodore Roosevelt, and they are not quite happy with the current government, and while Taft got confirmed as Sec. of War, his performance in Manila has killed any chance of him having a political career after his term ends. On the other hand, Vice-President Hay is quite popular with the party, so he might be of use convincing the dissidents to back the Administration.

In regards to domestic policy, the Pennsylvania strike finally ended when you forced the owners to agree to nine work hours per day and an increase in salary. Workers are now returning to work, but some believe they will be back soon. Your proposal for a Bureau of Investigation quickly passed the Senate after Roosevelt’s assassination, and the Bureau has already identified potential troublemakers in the form of socialists, anarchists, immigrants and a dangerous group of spies from an unknown country.

While your abandonment of the Philippines did not sit well with most of the public, your treaty with the Ottomans and your efficient handling of affairs with the British Empire have increased the perception of you as a good statesmen. The Ottomans will be in need of a lot of help to regain their strength, however, and there’s the possibility of finally building that railway in Baghdad.

To Italy:

Giolitti has enacted the moderate protectionist measures with your blessing, and so far they seem to be working very well. More trade and further industrialization will probably be the key to Italian economic growth, but the social gap is quickly widening.

Many officers in the Army claim that the Kingdom of Italy still lacks a common enemy, or a common message to become a truly united nation. They are making more and more noise about the need for a colonial empire (beyond the possession of Northern Abyssinia). Since your new trade deals have managed to reduce the dependence on British coal, the navy is now able to function with greater autonomy.

Socialists in Northern Italy demand major social reforms, including a shorter work week, higher wages, and the possibility of secularization of the state. Most of your advisors react by stating that the Socialists demand too much, and that caving into their demands will be a recipe for disaster.

To Austria Hungary:

Military reforms to increase cohesion with the army have led to a better performance, but there is still resentment among some regiments in regards to being forced to learn Austrian. Furthermore, the equipment is quickly becoming obsolete in light of greater and greater numbers of troops being recruited, so the search for new technologies and better weapons will be key.

Conrad Von Hotzendorf and the militarists have lost their patience on you after you weak response to the Second Great Turkish War, and they have demanded that Austria-Hungary invades Albania to install a protectorate there. They argue that the Balkans are not to be the left alone, and Albania has refused to ally with Russia. They also demand (and they are backed by Franz Ferdinand on this) that Von Hotzendorf and his officers are to be promoted and granted higher posts in the Ministry of War.

Your building program has been successful so far, managing to build many new roads, bridges and channels to increase connectivity within the Empire. Alas, money is now running low, and your army and navy surge are taking a lot of money as well. Finding new revenue or cutting some of the programs will be needed to avoid deficit.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #126 on: April 15, 2014, 06:35:46 PM »

Extra Crisis! – Venezuela in Debt!

TO: USA, British Empire, German Empire and Italy.

Venezuela has just ended a bloody and long civil war, and the government of President Cipriano Castro secured many loans, financial and military help from Germany, Italy and Britain in order to win his war. With the country in ruins, Castro has refused to pay the loans, and has requested the military advisors of the European powers to leave his nation alone at once. Not content with that, the Venezuelan government has seized several foreign merchant ships as well. Military men and diplomats from the wronged nations have requested that the Regia Marina, the Royal Navy and the Kaiserliche Marine sail to Venezuela and force Castro’s hand with good old fashioned gunboat diplomacy.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #127 on: April 15, 2014, 06:38:59 PM »

OOC: The Armenian kingdom also includes territories which were already part of our empire:

Otherwise I think you reflected the Treaty of Jerusalem perfectly, though Britain and France might have nitpicks too. Tongue

(turn answers will come later)

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #128 on: April 15, 2014, 06:45:03 PM »

OOC: The Armenian kingdom also includes territories which were already part of our empire:

Otherwise I think you reflected the Treaty of Jerusalem perfectly, though Britain and France might have nitpicks too. Tongue

My bad, this map will serve as the Late 1902 map then. It was quite tiresome to reflect the specific borders of the treaty, so I would rather leave this version (the one you posted, that is) as the official one. The other potential problems are some borders in Arabia, but those are bound to change in this turn.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #129 on: April 15, 2014, 06:58:55 PM »

Some Diplomacy first (sorry, but I can't post answers to the issues now. It's almost 2 am here Sad )

To: The United States of America
From: The Ottoman Empire

We would like to request that an agreed upon number of our officers be allowed to study the mighty American art of war with your troops and at your Army and Naval academies.

We want to confirm our desire to invite the United States Navy to establish a permanent bases in our territory.

Regarding the crisis in Venezuela, we are always willing to sent forces whenever you need an additional manpower. There are plenty of men here eager to fight alongside our allies.

x. Abdul Hamid II

To: The German Empire
From: The Ottoman Empire

I want to express my profound sadness over an untimely passing of the great Kaiser Wilhelm II. There was no more respected foreign ruler thorough our country. No words are strong enough to describe my horror at the barbarity of this criminal act.

x Abdul Hamid II

To: The French Republic
From: The Ottoman Empire

I want to congratulate Your Excellency upon securing another term as President of the Council. The French people showed a great wisdom by extending your mandate.

x Abdul Hamid II

To: The Austrian-Hungarian Empire
From: The Ottoman Empire

Thank you for your message. We already consider this to be a closed chapter of history.

x Abdul Hamid II

To: The Kingdom of Armenia
From: The Ottoman Empire

Despite our difficult history, we hope that, once you have achieved your independence, our two countries can establish a friendly relations as it should be among neighbours.   

x Abdul Hamid II
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #130 on: April 15, 2014, 07:11:53 PM »

The French Republic

--- I will begin conducting meetings with my coalition partners to form government policy and decide on the cabinet. Negotiate with the leaders of all our partner parties with regards to satisfactory legislation and work to get them all on the same page.

--- Shift some of the troops returning from the war into Libya to secure against the guerrillas. The rest of the troops from the war effort are to either return home or return to their original stations of service.

--- I again call on the assistance of other nations and act quickly, sending Naval ships and more French troops to evacuate citizens and clean up. My government will provide the monetary assistance for those residents of Martinique who have been displaced to move elsewhere. Completely evacuate all the villages around Mt. Pelee with the assistance of our allies. All displaced are to be assisted to new places of residence within the French Empire.

To: Ottoman Empire
From: France

We thank the Sultan for his good wishes and hope now there can be a greater peace between our nations.

To: German Empire
From: France

We wish to extend our sympathies on your loss and hope that there can be some greater understanding between our nations. France is deeply concerned about our long-term security and we wish to enter into negotiations over Alsace-Lorraine. We hope that you will see the wisdom in negotiating with us for our mutual safety and peaceful relations.
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« Reply #131 on: April 15, 2014, 07:33:58 PM »

OOC: The Armenian kingdom also includes territories which were already part of our empire:

Otherwise I think you reflected the Treaty of Jerusalem perfectly, though Britain and France might have nitpicks too. Tongue

My bad, this map will serve as the Late 1902 map then. It was quite tiresome to reflect the specific borders of the treaty, so I would rather leave this version (the one you posted, that is) as the official one. The other potential problems are some borders in Arabia, but those are bound to change in this turn.

You should've just pasted the one I made onto the world map with Microsoft paint and it would've taken seconds. I can do so still if you'd like me to.
YaBB God
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« Reply #132 on: April 15, 2014, 07:42:46 PM »

In Response to Venezuela Crisis

To the UK, Germany & Italy-

Venezuela, being in the Western hemisphere, is under the domain of the USA... However- you all are friends of our nation and we invite you to participate in an operation led by the US Navy to deal with the situation as it affects your countries

To the Ottoman Empire-

I am grateful for your offer of assistance...we ask that you send a naval task force to aid us, and we will discuss other issues in my upcoming post...

Military Orders-

I hereby DECLARE WAR on the government of Venezuela

Lumine- please stay tuned for my next post which we detail the military maneuvers at the beginning of the turn, BEFORE the war thread opens...
Snowstalker Mk. II
Atlas Star
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« Reply #133 on: April 15, 2014, 07:52:05 PM »

The Russian Empire first and foremost urges Venezuela to honor its debt obligations, but also urges restraint by the intervening powers in dealing with Venezuela, including perhaps a renegotiation of its debt.
YaBB God
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« Reply #134 on: April 15, 2014, 07:54:34 PM »
« Edited: April 15, 2014, 11:22:27 PM by President William McKinley »


Assumption of Responsibility for the Defense of Canada

In accordance with our treaty with our friends the British, I order Secretary Taft to oversee the following maneuvers to begin assuming responsiblity for our neighbor's defense...

All American soldiers and sailors are instructed to salute the Union Jack upon entering Canadian territory to show respect for our British and Canadian brethren


I have previously moved five 5000 man brigades north and I will now move these brigades into Canada to begin the process of relieving British garrisons. I hereby divide Canada into five defense districts:

District 1- Nova Scotia and New Brunswick- HQ: Halifax
I order a brigade to move into the district with Halifax as the headquarters

District 2- Quebec and St Lawrence River Valley- HQ: Quebec City
I order a brigade to split, with 2500 men moving to Quebec City,2500 to Montreal

District 3- Ontario and Great Lakes Region- HQ: Toronto
I order a brigade to move into Ontario with HQ at Toronto

District 4- Great Plains- HQ: Winnipeg
I order a brigade to move into the Great Plains region HQ at Winnipeg, securing rail transportation

District 5- Pacific Coast- HQ: Vancouver
I order a brigade to split with 3000 stationed in Vancouver and 2000 in Victoria

TO CLARIFY- these orders will be supervised by Secretary Taft- who is to coordinate with British commanders and policymakers as well as Canadian. We will move at their pace


Having previously ordered an expansion of the US Navy- I am now prepared to reorganize the Navy into the following units:

1- Atlantic Fleet- HQ: Norfolk
This fleet is the largest and is responsible for the defense of the American mainland and the Atlantic Ocean from North Pole to South Pole

2- Pacific Fleet- HQ: San Diego
This fleet is second largest and is responsible for the defense of the American mainland and the Pacific Ocean from North Pole to South Pole

3- Arctic Task Force- HQ: Halifax
This force will secure the Arctic north of Canada for trade

4- Mediterranean Task Force- HQ: Constantinople
This force will secure peace for the sea, for our European allies and for trade purposes

5- Asiatic Task Force- HQ: Manila
This small force will maintain a presence for American interests in Asia, in accordance with our Japanese friends

6- Rapid Response Task Force- HQ: Norfolk************For use in Venezuela
This task force falls under the command of the Atlantic Fleet and is a fast response crisis squadron to quickly intervene abroad if American interests are threatened

With the naval expansion I ordered (bringing the US Navy to the world's largest by the end of the decade) there will constantly be a production of ships and I order them allocated appropriately by the Secretary of the Navy according to need
YaBB God
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« Reply #135 on: April 15, 2014, 07:56:53 PM »

Canadian Integration

Per suggestion by our British allies- the US will pursue strong trade agreements with our Canadian brethren. I order Treasury Secretary Leslie Shaw to oversee a series of meetings focusing on Canada's vast natural resources to combine them with American manufacturing capabilities. I also invite the Prime Minister to meet with me to discuss a broad range of issues. Of course- at all of these meetings- I invite any British representative the Prime Minister designates
YaBB God
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« Reply #136 on: April 15, 2014, 08:01:01 PM »

To the Ottoman Empire-

The USA is prepared to help to the maximum of our ability with your domestic affairs... I have proposed a $500 million aid package to the US Congress to help you complete the construction of your railway

I am very pleased to invite you to send 20 officers per year to study at the Army and Navy War Colleges and 20 officer candidates to study at the academies each year- free of charge

To Germany-
Your nation has our condolences after the horrific assassination of the Kaiser

To France-
Congratulations on your re election
YaBB God
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« Reply #137 on: April 15, 2014, 08:10:41 PM »

Venezuela Conflict

I urge the UK, Germany and Italy to contribute forces- and I appreciate the Ottoman Empire's contribution- but as the USA will be volunteering the majority of the forces and are nearest to the theater,I ask that your troops place themselves under the command of the US Navy Secretary

I urge any forces you are sending to join the US Navy force at our staging area at Guantanamo Bay
Snowstalker Mk. II
Atlas Star
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« Reply #138 on: April 15, 2014, 08:25:19 PM »
« Edited: April 15, 2014, 08:31:04 PM by Snowstalker »

Russian Empire - Late 1902

Witte may not have the power to force through these reforms, but I do. The more conservative elements of my court will be persuaded if I get more firmly behind Witte's social welfare reforms and his moves for even greater industrialization. Related to this, I also commission that many of Makarov's proposed naval reforms be implemented as soon as possible, including increasing readiness in the Pacific.

We may want to make Armenia an independent buffer state between us and Turkey, but to prevent other ethnic minorities in Russia from trying to split off we will keep Armenia on a short leash. They are a natural ally, and we will grant them full independence as a de facto Russian client state and as a member of the Orthodox League (even if the Armenians are not technically Eastern Orthodox).

We will not go back on any of the reforms to militarily integrate Finland with Russia, but we are willing to renegotiate some of the cultural aims at integration, particularly the administrative use of Russian (which we may concede to be co-official with Finnish). On these manners we are open to negotiation with Finnish political leaders.

We are disappointed at the decisions of Greece and Bulgaria to reject the Orthodox League and urge them to reconsider, but regardless we now have a strong foothold in the Balkans and have formed a united front with our Serbian, Montenegrin, and Romanian allies.

Finally, we express our condolences to Berlin at the senseless murder of Kaiser Wilhelm II. We will take this an opportunity to improve Russo-German relations through mutual cooperation on crushing the anarchist menace and inviting the new Kaiser to visit St. Petersburg.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #139 on: April 15, 2014, 08:39:03 PM »

Military Orders-

I hereby DECLARE WAR on the government of Venezuela

Lumine- please stay tuned for my next post which we detail the military maneuvers at the beginning of the turn, BEFORE the war thread opens...

Oh, there will be no war thread for this war, Clarence. War threads will only be used if the war is played between two players, and as a result all war-related moves go here as well.
YaBB God
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« Reply #140 on: April 15, 2014, 08:42:28 PM »

Venezuelan Conflict

I order the Rapid Response Task Force- along with nearby other forces of the Atlantic Fleet- to assemble at Guantanamo Bay and await forces from our allies. My intent is to blockade Venezuela until its leadership releases the merchant ships it has captured and has come to an agreement with the British, Germans,and Italians to pay the debts. I will wait until I have a better understanding of contributions from my friends before proceeding to impose the blockade

I also send this message to the government of Venezuela- release the ships and come to an agreement now regarding the debt and you will avoid the consequences which will otherwise come
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #141 on: April 15, 2014, 10:09:09 PM »
« Edited: April 15, 2014, 10:15:19 PM by Sawx »

To: The United States of America
From: The Kingdom of Italy

We welcome your invitation to our operation. We are concerned about our merchants as well.

To: Republic of Venezuela
From: Kingdom of Italy

Release our merchants' ships immediately or face the might of the Regia Marina. We are very open to an agreement on our debt, but not before our merchants are free.

To: The German Empire
From: Kingdom of Italy

We express our condolences over our dear friend, Kaiser Wilhelm II. May the German nation recover swiftly from this horrific blow.
YaBB God
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« Reply #142 on: April 15, 2014, 11:26:34 PM »

I would like to appoint Truman Newberry Secretary of the Navy
Mr. Newberry served in the Spanish-American War and has business experience in manufacturing and transportation- crucial components of the US Navy

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« Reply #143 on: April 16, 2014, 12:21:52 AM »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

--Britain sends an official condemnation of Venezuela's actions. While w ewill not go to war yet, we give them until the end of the year to repay their debts and release the ships. Should they not the United States shall have the financial backing of Britain in their war against the wretched government of Venezuela.

--Jews from all around the world are invited to settle in Palestine assuming they are willing and able to do so. We seek to make up for the terrible treatment they have received in the past in as many ways as possible.

--Announce the construction of a new entirely British railroad from Jerusalem to Cairo as a way of increasing business in the colonies.

--Encourage increased settlement in the Saharan lands near Egypt.

--We send our condolences at the terrible murder of his majesty's most esteemed cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II. As a descendant of Victoria, he always had a special place in our hearts.

--Troops from the Ottoman War can begin to return home to their families and previous lives.

--Send ambassadors to Persia inquiring about a railroad from Delhi to Tehran to Jerusalem and potentially Baghdad should the Ottomans agree to it.

--For the first time in many years the entire Empire is at peace. Organize an exposition of objects, ideas, and people from every corner of the realm in London to celebrate British domination of the globe and the varying people who all live under the same flag, from Australian to Egyptian to Canadian.
YaBB God
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« Reply #144 on: April 16, 2014, 12:58:00 AM »

Deutsches Reich - Diplomacy Answers:

From: Deutsches Reich
To: All

I would like to thank for your kind condolences, they helped me through this difficult time. Let me assure you, my primary goal is to ensure that Germany and the German people have a bright future ahead; that cannot be achieved through war, but solely through peace. It is my intent and will to live with all of you in peace.

From: Deutsches Reich
To: France

If it is your will, we can entry negotiations about certain parts of Alsace-Lorraine.

From: Deutsches Reich

We will send a division of our navy for aid in Venezuela, they will sail to Guantanamo Bay to join with your troops.

From: Deutsches Reich
To: Russian Empire

I will gladly accept your invitation to come to St Petersburg, maybe the time there can be used to strengthen our relations not only through a treaty. I also appreciate your stance on the anarchist menance, and acknowledge that it must be crushed by joint forces.

From: Deutsches Reich
To: Ottoman Empire

I thank you for your especially kind and strong words. I have to apologize that we could due to internal difficulties not aid you in the last war. To ensure, that this will not happen again, I would like to propose an alliance similar to that you sealed with the United States.
YaBB God
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« Reply #145 on: April 16, 2014, 01:21:08 AM »

Deutsches Reich
July - December 1902

- Domestic policy:

Over the course of the next turns, I will implement a couple of reforms, to modernize and democratize Germany. First of all, I give voting rights to men and women over 18 alike, regardless of income or background. Second, I will cut all the priviligies the nobility still has, they shall be treated as normal citizens for all purposes. I will furthermore call democratic elections to the Reichstag for November 1902. The Reichstag shall then form a government, that will govern the country on my side, with both the government and me having the same rights and responsibilities.

I will advance strictly against Anarchists. They are a thread to national security, and must be converted or destroyed.

I will allow to strictly advance in South West Africa. We will divide the country in half, with one half being just home to indigenous tribes, and the other just to German settlers. I will comand von Trotha to drive all the indigenous tribes in their areas, which will be compromised of the northern half of German Southwest; where they will be left alone. Once the southern half is freed, I will encourage Germans from densely populated areas to dwell and settle there.

- Foreign policy:
Germany seeks to live in peace, for the prosperity of both Germany and the rest of the world. That for, I seek alliances and treatys with especially Russia, France and the Ottoman Empire.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #146 on: April 16, 2014, 02:48:01 AM »
« Edited: April 16, 2014, 02:52:26 AM by Abdul the Damned »

The Ottoman Empire will stand with our American allies regarding evens in Venezuela.

I order a Naval task force to sail off to join the U.S. forces there (OOC: Yes, my fleet is rather nonexistent after the war, but I still have some ships the Germans gave us that did not leave their ports, as my orders were to wait, so that's perfect for a "task force")

The Anarchists are enemies of the civilization. A barbaric assassination of Kaiser Wilhelm II is simply the last straw. The Ottoman Empire wishes to join the intergovernmental efforts to combat the menace.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #147 on: April 16, 2014, 03:44:28 AM »

The Ottoman Empire

Land Reform

We shall continue acquiring the land from aristocracy (particularly disloyal one) for the state and to be redistributed among the poor. Exploit this in propaganda.

Some of the acquired lands and funds are going to be mighty useful in solving the refugee problem.


This problem can't be solved overnight, but we must take care right away.

The Army is to assist the refugees in temporary establishments. Emphasize among the masses that Islam required the community to take care on brothers in need. The population must assist.

The Court shall use whatever it can to help too.

Appeal to the international community, as well as prominent philantroped abroad, for assistance in this great, humanitarian challenge.


This is a pickle. The allies allowed us to keep Kurdistan, but we're also required to respect Kurds' rights by Treaty of Jerusalem. This must be taken care of ASAP.

The source of weaponry and money for the rebels is a great mystery that needs to be solved. Was Persia considered as a suspect? Look at this direction.

For immediate measures, the army must isolate Kurdistan from the rest of our Empire, since the unrests are to be contained. Furthermore, the region must be sealed form Persia.

We have plenty of troops that are eager to right and rehabilitate from the lost war. Use them to combat the rebels. The Secret Police knows the drill.

We shall actively approach the moderate Kurdish leader. Remind them that the western powers, despite promising independence, left them alone when the peace was made and emphasize the Sultan is serious about establishing their cultural and language autonomy, with other reforms to follow. But to achieve this the peace must be restored! Use all carrots and st irks.


I shall approach all interested sides, particularly the Russian Empire. While it harms our trade, semi-blocked Bosporus also hurts all involved Mediterranean players, particularly Russia, that just gained a free movement there and needs a connection between the Black Sea and the Ocean.

We propose a joint action to make the straits fully navigable once again.

Note: Works there are a golden opportunity for our workers!


The war showed a weakness of our infrastructure. While certainly advantageous in delaying the enemy, it also puts a considerable strain of our own logistics, not to mention civilian economy.

We need to seriously take care of our railroads. Aside of Istanbul-Baghdad line, that must be build, I want proposals what other routes should be developed in future.

We shall sent our government officials to the United States, a country with great railroad experience, to discuss the cooperation with their government as well as private business.

Once we have the foreign aid, some money must be allocated to the project.

Last, but definitively not least, this is simply a great chance for our economy. Emphasize planned railroad works as a golden opportunity for our workers!

To: The Ministry of Defense
From: The Sultan

It is highly unfortunate the was has did occur before we were able to reform our military, leaving us unprepared. There are some bright spots, though. We proven we can still deliver unexpectedly strong performance against a superior enemy on multiple fronts. Our troops has gained a valuable experience in modern warfate. Also, rapid strikes in Libya, operation on large areas, were quite successful.

-- I order a report of the state of our Army and the Navy (OOC: asking the GM for more info).

-- What reforms should be taken?

-- With our fleet largely destroyed, we can't even think of competing with the conventional naval powers. The submarine warfare is to be studies and pursed seriously.

-- As stated above, our rapid operations in Libya are worth of deeper studying.

-- We need to create a modern military intelligence.


Well, now they are paralyzed it's high time to deal with them once and for all. Remind the public that so-called "Young Turks", along with egoistical aristocracy, effectively supported the hated enemy, while common men fought and struggled.

The Secret Police knows the drill. Prepare a purge. Lesser followers are to be made known that their youthful indiscretions can be forgiven if they will abandon this infantilty and join rebuilding the country.


In order to futher reform our bureaucracy (IRL it was a task Abdul Hamid II was quite devoted to and good at), as well as to see whether we stand on pursing an administrative reform in unspecified yet future, I shall order a creation of Five Special Administrative Districts (I won't use any Eastern term, so I sound modern):

District A (Istanbul and surroundings)
District B (the rest of Anatolia)
District C (Syria and Lebanon)
District D (Mesopotamia)
District E (Kurdistan)

I shall appoint a High Commissioner to all Districts, who will oversee and coordinate the central administration there, as well as serve as my personal representative to the local authorities,


Points to be used in official sources, as well by the Secret Police, while conducting a discreet, yet whispered propaganda among the masses:

-- Despite an overwhelming odds, we showed to be a force to be reckon with

-- The Sultan saved the Empire from partition and the Faithful from subjugation to the Western, colonial powers

-- Only the Sultan can deliver a real change. The so called "Young Turks" conspired with the disloyal, egoistic aristocrats (all of them just a phony reformists) to aid the enemy

-- We are facing the new beginning

-- The projects, such as railroads, are golden opportunity to the people

-- Remember Opium Scandal. The Sultan and the police saved the people from that menace that ravaged China
YaBB God
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« Reply #148 on: April 16, 2014, 03:51:50 AM »
« Edited: April 16, 2014, 03:57:22 AM by TheCranberry »

I welcome the efforts of the Ottoman Empire to combat Anarchism in every country. Since my country has terribly been affected by this menace, I propose a international treaty concerning and condeming Anarchism.

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x Kaiser Wilhelm III

Furthermore, I shall hold a conference in Hamburg, where it will be discussed how to combat best the Menace of Anarchism. Delegates of every country are cordially invited.

From: Deutsches Reich
To: Ottoman Empire

Since you are planning to build a Istanbul-Bagdad railway; Germany would be more than delighted to send aid in form of construction engineers. In the last years, Germany was at forefront of industrial development and modernization of transport. We have skilled and experienced engineers, and would be delighted to send some of those, to help you build your railway?
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #149 on: April 16, 2014, 03:56:57 AM »

To: The Russian Empire
From: The Ottoman Empire

We are very pleased with your wise decisions regarding Armenia. Such country can become a very useful middle ground in our relations.

Naturally, it's in everybody's best interest that you indeed keep a short leash. We, the people of East, can fully understand each other.

x Abdul Hamid II

To: The Japanese Empire
From: The Ottoman Empire

We would like to thank you for your neutrality in the recent conflict. It it a high time our countries can establish a normal, modern relations.

X Abdul Hamid II

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