Balance of Power (Gameplay Thread) - Epilogue and Game Over (user search)

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Author Topic: Balance of Power (Gameplay Thread) - Epilogue and Game Over  (Read 74399 times)
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« on: April 07, 2014, 03:11:14 PM »

Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2014, 06:28:49 PM »

Japan desires no conflict with China, and we thank the Empress for her recognition of Japanese sovereignty over Taiwan. We shall withdraw from our enclaves, though we reserve the right to intervene in the region should other nations attempt to control portions of Chinese territory in a manner threatening to Japanese security. We will also be moving forward with the naval buildup suggested by Prince Konoe. We shall communicate to Prime Minister Katsura our support of his ideals of internationalism, and as such our desire to further Westernize our nation through industrialization, seeking to expand Japanese manufacturing and exports by bringing in ideas of science, technology, and languages to Japan, and by sending Japanese students abroad to study and grow links with foreign nations.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2014, 09:42:32 PM »

Empire of Japan

-We will not give the Zaibatsu full control over the process of industrialization, as it is the government who can best guide the development of industry and direct the nation to prosperity. However, we recognize the important role of private enterprise in achieving prosperity. We shall take the advice of the Zaibatsu into consideration when making our future decisions, and will be fully willing to sell off government-constructed assets if any particular Zaibatsu wish to pay a fair market price for them.

-We do not wish any bad relations with the Korean Empire, and publicly declare our non-hostile intentions at this time. We do, however, recommend they seek better relations with their neighbors. If they ally with a nation hostile to Japan they may see a rapid deterioration in our currently pacific relations.

Long-term policy on Taiwan: the people of Taiwan are extremely similar to the people of Japan. We shall pursue similar policies as we have in place in the Home Islands, seeking to integrate the Taiwanese people into Japan through promoting use of the Japanese language and supporting Shinto missionary efforts on the island. We will also continue expansion of the railways and reduction of opium permits. Our end goal is full assimilation of the Taiwanese as members of Japanese society.

To the United States
We would like to express our deepest sympathies with your nation for your loss of your Vice-President. Given your current state of grieving, we hope you can understand the grief of the people of the Philippines, countless many of whom are losing their husbands and sons every day. Japan is deeply disturbed by the current reports from the Philippines, and stands with the Filipino people, who have been brothers and sisters of the Japanese for over 400 years, against these reports of horrifying war crimes. We strongly encourage a peaceful and speedy resolution to the conflict.

Diplomatic notes:
We congratulate King Alfonso XII on his coronation, and Mr. Dunant and Mr. Passy on their prize.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2014, 02:01:13 PM »

On the Philippines

Japan is glad to hear that the United States has heard her concerns about the violent events in the Philippines. We will be fully willing to observe these negotiations, and look forward to the prospect of peace and home rule. We also cheer the American anti-imperialist stance as a remarkable and praiseworthy stance among Western powers.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2014, 01:43:32 PM »

To Japan-

The Treaty of Manila

1- The Philippines are hereby handed to Japan for administration

2- The US Navy will be perpetually permitted to maintain bases and forces in the Philippines in coordination with Japanese and Filipino leaders

President William McKinley

William Howard Taft
Military Governor of the Philippines

His Imperial Majesty The Emperor of Japan
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2014, 03:01:16 PM »
« Edited: April 16, 2014, 04:33:55 PM by Senator Meiji (D-NC) »

We immediately appoint Matsukata Masayoshi to serve as Governor-General of the Philippines, citing his experience and the necessity to keep our other candidates (Hirobumi and Kaoru) close to the capital to serve as advisors given their particular experience in financial matters. We also do not wish want to appoint a military choice - we intend to welcome the Filipino people, and do not wish to make this appear a military occupation.

We welcome our Filipino brothers into the Empire of Japan. Though we are unwilling to grant them independence at this time, we are willing to negotiate with rebel leaders. We shall grant the people citizenship under the same laws as the home islands. We shall move to establish an elected advisory committee to the Governor-General composed of local citizens, and the people of the islands shall be eligible to serve in and vote for the Diet.

We agree with the Ottoman message of reconciliation, and graciously accept their thanks for our neutrality. We shall dispatch Yamagata Aritomo to the Ottoman Empire to observe and assist in the rebuilding of the navy alongside the American delegation, to share naval knowledge between our three great nations.

The Emperor has always paid great respect to modernization. However, given threatening naval reforms on the part of Russia, their extension of their sphere of influence into key parts of Manchuria (with farther possible aims on Korea) we must focus on the defense of the state. Expand the naval buildup.

We note the United Kingdom attempting to bring notice to the plight of the Jewish people. In particular, we note that many Jews are currently suffering ill-treatment at the hands of the Russians. In order to assist those suffering under Russian oppression, particularly given that some have claimed that the Jews are ancient cousins of the Japanese, we welcome all those Jews in Russia to immigrate to our vibrant Jewish communities in Yokohama and Nagasaki or in any other part of Japan they may wish to settle in. The Japanese government will offer temporary shelter, health care, transportation and food for the first six months of settlement (until they can establish themselves and settle in Japan) to these immigrants fleeing Russian aggression. They shall be given complete freedom of religion and at least some measure of educational autonomy should they be willing to accept our offer.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2014, 06:49:09 PM »

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xHis Imperial Majesty The Emperor of Japan
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2014, 02:56:26 PM »

The Empire of Japan continues to be deeply disturbed by Russian actions - from a naval buildup, to their extensions into Manchuria, to their proclamation regarding Korea, we have seen that Russian aims are ambitious, imperialist, and threatening to the continuing territorial integrity of Japan and her allies. The most recent incident only confirms the hostile intentions of the Russian presence, an attack on neutral vessels in international waters. The Empire of Japan officially declares that a state of war exists between her and the Russian Empire. We urge our allies in the Three Power Alliance, as well as those in the Quadruple Alliance, to join us in our effort. Russian aggression in the region must be checked.

Russian private assets in Japan shall be frozen, and state assets shall be seized to fund the war. The remainder of our war moves shall occur in the war thread.

To: the Korean Empire, the Qing Empire, France.
The Empire of Japan harbors no ill-will towards your nations and does not desire war. Should you not intervene in the current war between Japan and Russia, none of your nations shall see any disturbance from the Japanese military and your current territorial status shall remain free from any Japanese interference over the course of the war.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2014, 01:53:32 PM »

We will send a delegation to talks provided these talks are mediated by an impartial party.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2014, 07:41:51 PM »

In the Philippines: portray the current rebels as false rebels; hold up Aguinaldo and Malvar as true Filipinos and attack the continuing resistance as tools of European imperialists (the Russians).

We shall allow the election to play out as it may; we are certain that all those involved will continue to fight for Japanese sovereignty and independence against the Russian bear (though we would not be surprised if Katsura, as a wartime leader, were to remain in power).

We welcome the Jewish people to Japan; they have validified their status as true citizens through their fervent support of the nation against the one to whom many of them once lived in, which stands as further confirmation of Russian brutality.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2014, 08:45:25 PM »

While the mixture of Jewish immigrants and the economic reforms concerning the Zaibatsu have improved the Japanese economy by a great margin, the fact remains that Japan doesn’t have the industrial strength to remain at war for a very long period. Limited operations are more than encouraged in regards to the war, but going all-out is bound to hurt your economy. Choose wisely.
In regards to your colonial empire, Governor-General Matsukata reports that the Filipino insurgency seems to be dying down thanks to the lack of Russian weapons (as they are confiscated before reaching the island). On the other hand, Governor-General Kodama reports that Russian spies have started to undermine the progress done so far in Formosa, pushing extremist groups to confront the Japanese garrison. It’s nothing big so far, but if the people start to sense weakness…

These issues shall be resolved in the war thread.

Katsura Taro is back with full force, and he finally has the powerbase he needs to work with the House of Peers and the Lower House without having to cede to Saionji in every single issue. However, the price he had to pay was to pledge his support to the nationalists, who are increasing their influence in the army at an alarming level. Some of your courtiers recommend making the Navy a stronghold for the loyalists to your person, taking advantage of the status of your naval commanders as heroes following the successful naval campaign in the East.

My courtiers offer wise counsel. We shall focus on making the Navy a force we can depend on.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2014, 07:01:05 AM »

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His Imperial Majesty The Emperor of Japan
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2014, 08:32:38 AM »

What is truly inconsiderate is needlessly prolonging a war. The Russians are - or at least were - willing to negotiate in good faith, but you have rejected a ceasefire in the hopes of seizing ridiculous territorial concessions from the Russians. We remember better than others why this war began, and we have extracted sufficient concessions to repay us for that. This war now only persists because your nations lust for marching your armies into Kiev and Tallinn - war aims that would mean this war would go on for many more years. More loss of life is what is inconsiderate.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2014, 09:07:05 AM »

Yes - you joined the war because of your friendship toward my nation. For that, I thank you. But as the nation who began the Allied effort, we then pressed for a peace conference - we achieved our war aims. You and others expressed a desire to continue fighting, but that fighting is for your own territorial aims, not avenging justice. We know well the atrocities Russia has been accused of, and that is an issue that can be settled in a peace conference - as it relates to us, it is an issue we have settled in a peace conference. Yet you continue your war - why, exactly?

As the Emperor of Japan, my loyalty to my people is paramount to all other loyalties. There was an opportunity for a just peace that achieved our war aims. The Russians are willing to give up lands and gold to end the war. I will not sacrifice more of my people's lives so that other nations can pursue their ill-fated quests of conquest.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2014, 11:17:56 AM »

We're not looking for conquest. Our moderate demands are about securing our nation against yet another Russian agression and my people would never accept us giving that up.

What of your allies? You and I both know that Allied demands have gone well beyond national security. How is German security guaranteed by taking over Estonia? How is your own security guaranteed by taking over vast swathes of Russia, including parts that have not been ruled by others in centuries?
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2014, 01:53:49 PM »

We will offer recompense for any property damaged damaged and to the widows made by the incident.

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The Rome Conference was two parties, neither of whom were willing to negotiate. This situation is different - one side is willing to negotiate in good faith and make significant concessions, and the other is refusing to do so in the pursuit of liberating massive amounts of Russian land. We did call on your support in this war, that is true. Yet you now do not stand merely in support of a then-ally - you stand in the hopes of conquering the Crimea and removing the Russian presence in the Black. The Sea of Japan incident is now resolved. Why do you continue your war?
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2014, 02:12:44 PM »

Does Japan believe that Britain, America, Germany, Austria and Turkey are her servants? When you say "fight" we fight and when you say "stop" we must obey?

I believe you are allies who entered a war in support of Japan because our nation's vessels had been attacked by Russia. That conflict and issue is now resolved. What casus belli do you have now?

Again, we stood with Japan when she needed us and now when we need Japan, she's turning her back on us.

Need us for what? Why do you attack Russia? We have resolved the war, forced the Russians to the negotiating table, and they are now willing to make significant concessions. What reason do you have to continue to fight?
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2014, 05:20:15 PM »

OOC: The Quadruple Alliance seems more and more like a legal fiction at this point, given Italy kept neutrality during the whole conflict, and Japan's separate peace pissed off Germans too.

OOC: Yeah, the 'likely to be damaged' tag should go one down.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2014, 12:19:36 PM »

Japan formally recognizes Turkestan.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2014, 07:37:09 PM »

Indeed; it's fun to backstab each other and whatnot, but Lumine promised something fun (or bloody and violent) this turn, so we may as well wait for it.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2014, 09:50:23 PM »

The appearance of a significant number of Japanese subjects halfway around the world piques our curiosity. The Empire of Japan formally requests that the French Republic inquire as to the backgrounds and reasons for joining the Legion among any citizens of the Empire who are currently serving, and to share whatever information that might be uncovered.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2014, 04:00:03 PM »

In particular, we note that many Jews are currently suffering ill-treatment at the hands of the Russians. In order to assist those suffering under Russian oppression, particularly given that some have claimed that the Jews are ancient cousins of the Japanese, we welcome all those Jews in Russia to immigrate to our vibrant Jewish communities in Yokohama and Nagasaki or in any other part of Japan they may wish to settle in. The Japanese government will offer temporary shelter, health care, transportation and food for the first six months of settlement (until they can establish themselves and settle in Japan) to these immigrants fleeing Russian aggression. They shall be given complete freedom of religion and at least some measure of educational autonomy should they be willing to accept our offer.

We reiterate our current policy and note that it remains in effect.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2014, 04:12:49 PM »

Indeed; we are merely reminding the global community that Japan's previous policy remains in place so there isn't really a need to create as big an uproar over this - as the Tsar just stated, they are allowed to leave, and we repost our current policy to restate that they have somewhere to go if they choose to leave.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2014, 08:07:17 PM »

Empire of Japan - Late 1904

Our ambassador in Peking shall be instructed that he is to offer whatever covert support Japan can provide to Prince Chun. We desire a China that is closer to Japan than to Western powers, and Prince Chun (who draws inspiration for governmental reforms from the Meiji monarchy) seems most likely to be that man.

We fully support allocating enough funding to ensure IJN hegemony over our portion of the Pacific.
Atlas Icon
Posts: 15,329
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2014, 10:02:53 AM »

Emperor Mutsuhito extends his warm congratulations to President-elect Hay. We look forward to continuing and strengthening our close relationship with the United States in pursuit of our mutual goal of a stable and secure Pacific.

We also congratulate Prime Minister Giolitti on his re-election. He has served as an able statesman and has an impressive record and we look forward to working with him on matters of mutual interest in the future.
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