Balance of Power (Gameplay Thread) - Epilogue and Game Over

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YaBB God
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« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2014, 12:07:54 PM »

To Austria-Hungary

The USA is always pleased to discuss stronger economic bonds with other nations
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« Reply #51 on: April 10, 2014, 06:08:03 PM »

OOC: I cleaned up the late 1901 map, both as in making it neater and in my interpretation of the border changes. Reading over IBDD's posts, it doesn't seem as if he ceded anything other than half of Namibia (I.E. nothing about Cameroon or Tanganyika) and New Guinea/the Pacific Islands.

As Spamage said, there are some changes agreed upon via PM instead of here, which is why the current map reflects the demise of most of Germany's colonies in Africa. Next map is ready as well, but IBDD hasn't been in the fourm for about two days. Thanks for the effort, though!

OOC: Are we moving on to the next turn without him then (as you deadline had expired)?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #52 on: April 10, 2014, 06:10:07 PM »

OOC: I cleaned up the late 1901 map, both as in making it neater and in my interpretation of the border changes. Reading over IBDD's posts, it doesn't seem as if he ceded anything other than half of Namibia (I.E. nothing about Cameroon or Tanganyika) and New Guinea/the Pacific Islands.

As Spamage said, there are some changes agreed upon via PM instead of here, which is why the current map reflects the demise of most of Germany's colonies in Africa. Next map is ready as well, but IBDD hasn't been in the fourm for about two days. Thanks for the effort, though!

OOC: Are we moving on to the next turn without him then (as you deadline had expired)?

Seems like it. I am currently writing the next crisis, so Early 1902 will start before the day ends.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2014, 06:23:10 PM »

End of Late 1901:

1901 will go down in history as a turning point in the system of alliances crafted by Bismarck. Europe held its breath over the changes in the balance of power, and there's a growing tendence to picture the world as it if were divided on two spheres: the Quadruple Alliance and everybody else. The powerful block enjoyed an increase in influence with the entry of Japan and the peaceful resolution of the Trieste issue, but the British refusal to join the block was a harsh blow. Non-Quadruple Alliance countries are divided, and they have played the game of politics with different results. Tsar Nicholas won a great deal of goodwill in China, Prime Minister Waldeck Rousseau is about to be defeated by internal politics, Prime Minister Salisbury enjoys form a highly efficient foreign policy, Sultan Abdul Hamid is finally making the Ottoman Empire a force to be reckoned with, and President William McKinley has easily become one of the most popular Presidents in recent American history.

The Boer War is recently over, and the Boxers are about to go down. While there are some revolts in some places (German South West Africa, Macedonia), people believe that peace may very well last a few years. After all, there are no wars in the horizon... or so it seems.

Alliances, Wars and Popularity:

-Ongoing Wars:
-Boxer War (Eight Nation Alliance v. Boxer Rebels)
  -Almost finished, last resistance pockets in central China.

-Popularity Ratings:
(Updated for Early 1902)

-Tsar Nicholas II: Low.
-President William McKinley: Very High.
-Kaiser Wilhelm II: Low.
-Kaiser Franz Joseph I: Low.
-Prime Minister Waldeck-Rousseau: Low.
-Prime Minister Salisbury: Medium.
-Emperor Mutsuhito: Very High.
-Sultan Abdul Hamid II: Medium.
-King Vittorio Emmanuele III: High.

Current Alliances:

Quadruple Alliance (Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary and Japan)
Franco-Russian Alliance (France and Russia)
Franco-British Alliance (France and the UK)
Anglo-Japanese Alliance (UK and Japan)

The Map:

Map Changes:

-The Boer Rebels surrender (will be explained next turn).
-Britain, France and Japan withdraw over most of China.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2014, 08:34:36 PM »
« Edited: April 10, 2014, 08:39:26 PM by Senator Lumine »

Turn Three - Early 1902:

To Russia:

Vice Admiral Makarov has begun planning how to reform the Russian navy, and so far he has put a lot of emphasis on the need for offensive tactics, a more efficient officer corps, and better training of the crews. Sadly, his methods and his open criticism of older officers have won him the open hate of several key individuals. The leader of the discontent officers is Admiral Rozhestvensky, nicknamed "Mad Dog" for his fiery temper. Rozhestvensky begs you to put a leash on Makarov, and insists that the Russian navy only needs more discipline.

Ivan Durnovo, your infamously inefficient (according to the opposition) President of the Council of Ministers, has tended his resignation following a stroke. It's up to you to appoint his successor, and in doing so, dictate to him the domestic policy you wish to see enacted in Russia.

While Okhrana has been successful in dealing with the trade unions, there's still a lot of unrest in the country. The Russian economy is still weak, and prosperity is not reaching the average Russian. Pro-Western officials ask for the modernization of the country's economy, while some of the most conservative elements say: "Russia is doing fine, period."

To United Kingdom:

Conservative and Union Party leaders have done some research intro potential successors, and they have agreed that there are three men who could be able to lead. Lord Landsdowne is the weakest of the choices: Despite being respected for his success as Foreign Secretary, Landsdowne has no political strength, and he is a Lord after all. Chamberlain has won a lot of popularity for his domestic reforms and triumphs in the world stage, but he is an Unionist, and he may have trouble keeping the Unionists and the Conservatives together. The compromise choice is Arthur Balfour, but then again, some suggest he might end up as a "weak" PM.

In foreign policy affairs, Empress Cixi has thanked Britain (or sent a message that sounded like thanks) for withdrawing from most of the occupied zones in China, but she insists that Shanghai must be returned. She might be willing to take a friendly offer, but Cixi is in no mood to cede Shanghai or any other city. And, the Boers have finally surrendered! Measured terms were perceived as the last chance for peace before facing complete destruction, and they have formally accepted the terms. Some British officers wish to intern them, some argue it might lead to genocide. It's up to the PM to lead the South African colonies into peace and prosperity.

A series of efficient domestic laws (many spearheaded by Chamberlain) and trade proposals have had a very positive effect on the British economy, although the Colonies are still draining resources (like India). All in all, your popularity has risen quite a bit in comparison to 1901.

To France:

In the end, your appeal to the left and the goodwill you still had with some centrists managed to save you from doom, but it was close. You survived a non-confidence vote with a bare majority, and the right seems determined in defeating you at the polls in Early 1902 You'll need to find ways to increase your popularity in order to win that election and gain a true majority. (NOTE: At the end of this turn we will get the results of the French legislative election)

Mount Pelée has erupted in Martinique! No one has ever witnessed such a huge disaster, and the city of Saint-Pierre was completely destroyed. It has been reported that over 30.000 people have died, and there were only two to three survivors in Saint-Pierre. The Acting Governor begs for help and for instructions.

Some of the deceased General Boulanger's supports have been gaining strength in politics with the recent crackdown on anarchism, and they openly call for France to, once and for all, confront Germany over the issue of Alsace-Lorraine.

To Japan:

Prime Minister Katsura has started to enact his plans for reform and modernization of the Japanese society into Occidental standards, which attempt to give government control of the process (as opposed to a more laissez faire approach in the last decade). While industrialization is making Japan stronger, the Zaibatsu would prefer to have control of the process themselves, and they have sent a message to both Chambers to explain their views.

The Korean Empire is winning more and more strength thanks to a similar process of industrialization, and it's trying to find friends and allies across the world in order to prevent Japanese occupation. Nationalistic officers wish to find a way to invade Korea and annex it as a permanent part of the Japanese Empire.

General Kodama Gentaro, the Governor General of Taiwan, has reported that his policy of "carrot and stick" seems to have been successful in preventing unrest and revolts. That said, he argues that Taiwan needs a long term policy, and has asked for instructions.

United States:

Following your swift orders, the Cuban government has folded in order to prevent an invasion, and they have ratified the Platt Amendment. Cuba is now technically independent, but it is your puppet and are pretty much free to do as you wish with the island.

The leader of the Philippine rebels, President Aguinaldo, was forced by his officers to reject your terms. Taft has enacted your orders, and the Philippines are now a war zone by any other name. Countless rebels have been gunned down by the American troops (who have taken heavy casualties), Taft is asking for reinforcements, and there is rumour of possible war crimes. It's not hurting your popularity yet, but a prolonged struggle might damage your standing.

The miners of Eastern Pennsylvania have begun to strike, and the threaten to shut down the winter fuel supply of several major cities unless their demands are met. They ask for the union to be recognized, for higher wages and for shorter workdays as well. Mark Hanna is working like a madman to stop the strike, but the owners and the workers refuse to yield. Will you intervene?

To Ottoman Empire:

Your popularity is finally surging, and the people of Constantinople are cheering you for the first time in 1897. They still hate the taxes and the secret police, but at least they see you doing something about it. The Macedonian rebels were crushed with the help of reinforcements, and while it will take years to improve the Ottoman Army, there are a couple of elite divisions ready under the command of Edhem Pasha.

Some of your opponents have finally joined forces and created a new group, nicknamed as "Young Turks", they have held a conference in Paris, and they have called for a more modern and liberal Turkey. It is believe that they have some degree of support in Anatolia, but the Secret Police is doing its best to keep their influence at bay.

A railway that connects the Ottoman Empire has been a dream for many people over decades, and it's finally time to build it. However, you can't do it alone, and you must ask for a world power to help you finish this gigantic project.

To Italy:

Good amounts of investment and expertice have led to technology surge in Italy, and it seems the army will be able to keep up with France and Germany. The cooperation with your allies has also helped a great deal, so Italy won't be caught off guard in case of a defensive war. If investment levels keep going like this, Italy may eventually achieve a breakthough in some areas.

The socialist movement is growing in strength in the North thanks to horrible work conditions, and it seems they are bound to win more and more influence as time goes. Giolitti wants to work with them, but the conservatives are absolutely against cooperation, and believe the policy should crack on the socialist and labor movements, as well as the anarchists.

In light of your new trade proposals (that have won Italy new friends and new markets), Prime Minister Giolitti has advocated for installing moderate protectionism, in order to preserve the Italian economy and win extra revenue. It's not a popular measure, but it might help the economy and Giolitti is particularly insistent about the issue.

To Austria Hungary:

Your domestic reforms have won the respect of many Austrians, but Hungarians and other minorities are not convinced yet. Still, many public works means less unemployment, so there might not be too much public support for a coup (which is still a possibility, as Von Hotzendorf  and other suspects have repeatedly tried to talk to Archduke Franz Ferdinand in private).

The Austrian army is facing a surge, but the quality of the troops is still not great. There are also many problems over the fact that most of the troops speak different languages, and there is a lot of confusion as to how to handle such a strange army.

Contacts with other nations have proved successful in the issue of fighting anarchism. Many expect you to take a strong stand on this issue after the death of your wife Elizabeth at the hands of an italian anarchist in 1898. Some even expect you to take the lead and call for an international conference.

To Germany: (SAME ISSUES - IBDD will face an extra penalty over bad choices)

The German Navy as a whole is very disappointed at your refusal for further funding, and they are extremely mad at seeing you abandon a great part of your colonial empire for the sake of diplomacy. The Army shares that opinion, and Germany as a whole would like to see you actually defending your Empire in a more vigorous way.

While the Social Democrats were extremely pleased at your remark, the rest of the country has failed to grasp why would you have such a radical change in your views, specially after being so anti-Socialist in the past years. This has led to many frustrated conservative junkers, although you moves for reconciliation with the Social Democrats have led them to seem willing to collaborate in domestic affairs, implying that not enough efforts have been taken in that area. However, the junkers demand an increase in military spending and more anti-labor laws, which the Social Democrats oppose.

A rebellion has started in what remains of German South-West Africa. Sensing weakness, the Herero and the Namaqua tribes have led more than 10.000 men in revolt against the colonial rule, and your troops (numbering fewer than 1.000) have been unable to contain them, leading to the deaths of dozens of German citizens.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2014, 08:35:09 PM »

Extra Crisis! – VP Roosevelt shot dead!

TO: USA, other countries may react as well.

It was a truly horrible end to a promising career. Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt was delivering a strong speech on the Cuban issue in New York City when one armed man jumped at the stage and shot him three times in the chest. The murderer was shot dead at the spot, but the damage was done and Theodore Roosevelt dead. Police investigation proved that the man was an anarchist linked with several European groups, and he had been planning to kill President McKinley instead. When that was not possible, he chose to go after Roosevelt instead. The United States of America is now in mourning, and President McKinley will have to react and choose a new Vice-President.

Events – King Alfonso XIII crowned in Spain, First Nobel Peace Prize delivered!

TO: Open.

Two new events came as positive news in the middle of the Roosevelt assassination, and those were the crowning of a new King and a very special prize for two men. Alfonso XII of Spain was born King, but he had to wait for countless years until he was old enough to rule. He has finally reached that age, and he was finally crowned as the next King of Spain. His political views are unknown, but he is rather close to the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria-Hungary, so it is possible to see his foreign policy influenced by that. And, the First Nobel Peace Prize was delivered past month in Stockholm, and it was earned by Mr. Henry Dunant (member of the International Red Cross) and Mr. Frederic Passy (Pacifist advocate).

NOTE: From now on, players are allowed to nominate someone for the Nobel Peace Prize if they wish to do so.
YaBB God
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« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2014, 08:42:54 PM »

If I may- please tell me if this is an issue- I will respond in parts....


To the Ottoman Empire- the USA would like to respectfully offer its assistance in helping your nation achieve her dream of a railway... I will be pleased to send money and manpower your way
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2014, 08:44:44 PM »

If I may- please tell me if this is an issue- I will respond in parts....


To the Ottoman Empire- the USA would like to respectfully offer its assistance in helping your nation achieve her dream of a railway... I will be pleased to send money and manpower your way

Oh, it is an issue, since you will have to choose a new VP and probably crack down on anarchism. But this one is also open for the rest of players to react and you are also free to address it as you prefer.
YaBB God
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« Reply #58 on: April 10, 2014, 08:46:56 PM »

If I may- please tell me if this is an issue- I will respond in parts....


To the Ottoman Empire- the USA would like to respectfully offer its assistance in helping your nation achieve her dream of a railway... I will be pleased to send money and manpower your way

Oh, it is an issue, since you will have to choose a new VP and probably crack down on anarchism. But this one is also open for the rest of players to react and you are also free to address it as you prefer.
What I meant is this: I will be responding to all parts, but is it alright if I do so over multiple posts as I do not know if I will be at the computer long enough to type my entire response?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #59 on: April 10, 2014, 08:48:08 PM »

If I may- please tell me if this is an issue- I will respond in parts....


To the Ottoman Empire- the USA would like to respectfully offer its assistance in helping your nation achieve her dream of a railway... I will be pleased to send money and manpower your way

Oh, it is an issue, since you will have to choose a new VP and probably crack down on anarchism. But this one is also open for the rest of players to react and you are also free to address it as you prefer.
What I meant is this: I will be responding to all parts, but is it alright if I do so over multiple posts as I do not know if I will be at the computer long enough to type my entire response?

Sure, multiple posts are fine with me!
YaBB God
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« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2014, 09:01:20 PM »

Thank you Lumine......Now, as President McKinley-

I declare a week of national mourning....the assassination of our national heroes has been all to frequent in my lifetime and I urge all citizens to pray for America's future

I order to creation of an independent agency dedicated to domestic security- I would like a Bureau of Investigation to be formed under the supervision of the Attorney General, with other government departments and agencies to share resources as needed.

I nominate Secretary of State John Hay to become Vice President... Secretary Hay is a respected statesman whose service began as an aide to President Lincoln. He is a steady hand who I need by my side as I lead our nation through national crisis


To the UK- at the Niagara Falls Summit

I am pleased to consider any proposals you have to benefit both of our economies through trade. I propose the creation of a special economic zone including the Maritime Provinces- the closest North American port to Britain- in which Americans, Canadians, and British can travel freely... It is only fair- in this case- for the USA to take up its share of the burden to defend the trade routes. I propose a gradual commitment for an increased role in for the US Navy to ease the burden on the Royal Navy and the British treasury

By the end of 1902-
25% reduction in Royal Navy personnel in Canadian waters
The US Navy must match the personnel to assume their security objectives

By the end of 1903-
50% reduction in Royal Navy personnel in Canadian waters
The US Navy must match the personnel to assume their security objectives

With an expanding empire- Britain must rely on other friendly nations to pick up some of the burden. With Canada safely near the USA, I urge Britain to no longer feel obligated to waste resources defending land which can be defended by others instead of sending money, resources, and men to where all three are sorely needed
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« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2014, 09:09:08 PM »
« Edited: April 10, 2014, 09:25:05 PM by Spamage »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jan-Jun 1902

--The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland officially declares a state of war against the Ottoman Empire and calls our gracious ally France to join us. For far too long has it been an oppressive, reactionary regime stifling real change in the region and causing thousands of needless deaths.

--The remainder of my war moves will go in the thread.

--The UK officially urges Germany, Austria, Japan, and Italy to cut their relations with the Ottoman Empire.

--Murad is recognized as the legitimate sultan by London.

--Ottoman monetary assets in London are seized to fund the war effort. Those of Ottoman Citizens are merely frozen.

--Propaganda throughout the country is issued as a result of the oncoming war.

--Part of the Canadian fleet is sent to the Mediterranean.

--Send letters of condolence to the US Government, the Roosevelt Family, and President McKinley.


From: UK

The agreement is acceptable. As you can see our navy is going to be relocated.

To: Greece, Albanians, Bulgaria, Armenians, Arabs, Macedonians
From: UK

Join against the Ottomans and be rewarded with land, wealth, and prestige. Although some of you have now land, new nations may be created.

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2014, 09:11:52 PM »

WARNING - A war has been declared. War Thread to be opened in a few minutes.
YaBB God
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« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2014, 09:16:21 PM »

Lumine- by Spamage saying the agreement is acceptable...have we done all we need for that treaty to be signed and recognized?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2014, 09:18:07 PM »

Lumine- by Spamage saying the agreement is acceptable...have we done all we need for that treaty to be signed and recognized?

Of course, Clarence, you may now sign the treaty and the effects will be instantly acknowledged.
YaBB God
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« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2014, 09:18:37 PM »

Lumine- by Spamage saying the agreement is acceptable...have we done all we need for that treaty to be signed and recognized?

Of course, Clarence, you may now sign the treaty and the effects will be instantly acknowledged.
I hereby sign the treaty
President William McKinley
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« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2014, 09:20:13 PM »

Lumine- by Spamage saying the agreement is acceptable...have we done all we need for that treaty to be signed and recognized?

Of course, Clarence, you may now sign the treaty and the effects will be instantly acknowledged.
I hereby sign the treaty
President William McKinley

X- Prime Minister Salisbury
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2014, 09:42:32 PM »

Empire of Japan

-We will not give the Zaibatsu full control over the process of industrialization, as it is the government who can best guide the development of industry and direct the nation to prosperity. However, we recognize the important role of private enterprise in achieving prosperity. We shall take the advice of the Zaibatsu into consideration when making our future decisions, and will be fully willing to sell off government-constructed assets if any particular Zaibatsu wish to pay a fair market price for them.

-We do not wish any bad relations with the Korean Empire, and publicly declare our non-hostile intentions at this time. We do, however, recommend they seek better relations with their neighbors. If they ally with a nation hostile to Japan they may see a rapid deterioration in our currently pacific relations.

Long-term policy on Taiwan: the people of Taiwan are extremely similar to the people of Japan. We shall pursue similar policies as we have in place in the Home Islands, seeking to integrate the Taiwanese people into Japan through promoting use of the Japanese language and supporting Shinto missionary efforts on the island. We will also continue expansion of the railways and reduction of opium permits. Our end goal is full assimilation of the Taiwanese as members of Japanese society.

To the United States
We would like to express our deepest sympathies with your nation for your loss of your Vice-President. Given your current state of grieving, we hope you can understand the grief of the people of the Philippines, countless many of whom are losing their husbands and sons every day. Japan is deeply disturbed by the current reports from the Philippines, and stands with the Filipino people, who have been brothers and sisters of the Japanese for over 400 years, against these reports of horrifying war crimes. We strongly encourage a peaceful and speedy resolution to the conflict.

Diplomatic notes:
We congratulate King Alfonso XII on his coronation, and Mr. Dunant and Mr. Passy on their prize.
YaBB God
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« Reply #68 on: April 10, 2014, 10:15:17 PM »

Philippines Policy

The USA has recognized international concerns- such as those of Japan- and President McKinley is disturbed by reports of war crimes occurring...It is in response to violent acts that this conflict began. I instruct Governor Taft- with assurances of reciprocity on the side of the Filipinos- to enforce a cease fire and an invitation to the Filipino President to begin peace negotiations, including potential home rule for the islands with continued American military presence

To Japan- I invite you to send a representative to observe these negotiations if they are to take place

The USA does not desire to be an imperialist power....our focus on on the Americas- our hemisphere. As our nation was born against colonialism, we have no desire to become what we once resisted. I will encourage intervention far abroad ONLY if it directly relates to American interests... while this ability will be maintained by a small military presence far abroad, I have no desire to dictate the destinies of peoples who may not want us there in the first place.
Snowstalker Mk. II
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« Reply #69 on: April 10, 2014, 10:29:00 PM »
« Edited: April 10, 2014, 10:57:07 PM by Snowstalker »

The Russian Empire - Early 1902

Though we understand the concerns of Rozhestvensky and his faith in our navy as it stands, it is clear that major structural reform is needed to ensure a powerful navy worthy of the Russian Empire.

Finance Minister Sergei Witte is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Council of Ministers. He has spearheaded our massive industrialization and we believe he will continue to pursue Russia attaining her full economic potential.

I again propose a study of some of the limited social welfare programs pursued in Germany to possibly copy in Russia, such as an old age pension and very limited workplace safety laws.

To: Korean Empire
From: Russian Empire

We see Korea as a close economic and diplomatic partner in Northeast Asia and would like to pursue improved relations, including increased trade between our two states. We also unilaterally declare that Russia will protect the independence of Korea from any possible outside aggression.

Finally, we express our condolences on the death of American Vice President Theodore Roosevelt and congratulate the coronation of Alfonso XII of Spain.
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #70 on: April 10, 2014, 11:09:47 PM »

The French Republic: Early 1902

--- The French Republic hereby declares that a state of War exists between it and the Ottoman Empire. We will aid our British allies and protect French interests in doing so.

--- France wishes to convey its condolences to the Roosevelt family and the people's of the United States.

--- I call upon the German Empire to return Alsace-Lorraine to France where she rightfully belongs for the sense of peace between our nations.

--- I will continue to build my left to center coalition for the general election. I will release anti-right propaganda and I will promise that a mandate in favor of my government will protect trade unions right to strike, will create a basic welfare state and will work to curb the interests of the powerful and corrupt. I will combine these left views with more centrist views such as the curbing of anarchism.

--- I will send money (100,000 francs) and relief assistance to Martinique. I will send a group of three French naval vessels and relief workers to assist in aiding survivors and cleaning up. We also ask our allied nations to please provide some assistance for the people of Martinique.
YaBB God
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« Reply #71 on: April 11, 2014, 12:21:13 AM »

To France-

I have ordered two US Navy hospital ships to come as quickly as possible to Martinique to aid with the disaster... Let us know if there is more we can do

Cuba Policy

I maintain a significant naval presence in Cuba at Guantanamo Bay and an army brigade in Havana to keep an eye on the place, but I withdraw most of my forces home and allow for home rule in Cuba.

Pennsylvania Strike

I instruct Hanna to call the union leaders and mining executives for a meeting at the White House- I agree to recognize the union if this meeting takes place and reasonable negotiations can follow. I ask for more information as to the economic impact of wage hikes and shorter hours- where is the tipping point
Dr. Cynic
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« Reply #72 on: April 11, 2014, 01:21:56 AM »

To: The US
From: France

We thank you for your generous assistance to the people of Martinique. We will let you know of any further developments when they become available to us.
YaBB God
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« Reply #73 on: April 11, 2014, 01:54:22 AM »

To the UK-

I did not anticipate you withdrawing your entire Canadian fleet to move to participate in the Ottoman conflict.... As a provisional security measure- I have sent several US Navy patrol boats to assist local Canadian forces. I would like to begin discussions with you regarding a potential agreement whereby the USA could take responsibility for Canada's defense. Of course, this decision must be made by the Canadian people and would be only in terms of defense, not government or any rejection of the King as the head of state- but if you are amenable to reducing the burden placed on the Royal Navy defending Canadian shores when the task could be performed by a friendly nation just to the south- why not?
YaBB God
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« Reply #74 on: April 11, 2014, 08:36:29 AM »

To Russia

The Russo-American Defensive Alliance

1- Russia and the USA agree to focus on their respective spheres of influence

2- Russia and the USA agree to act in each other's defense if attacked

President William McKinley
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