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Author Topic: Balance of Power (Gameplay Thread) - Epilogue and Game Over  (Read 74378 times)
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« on: April 03, 2014, 07:38:32 PM »
« edited: April 03, 2014, 07:40:54 PM by Spamage »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jan-Jun 1901

--Continued campaigns and expeditions in the Boer War. Look to achieve victory and end the conflict.

--The 2 governments and administrative regions in Zambia are to be merged as a way to save government expenses. The money saved will be used to lowering taxes in Great Britain.

--Several new forts are constructed along the Suez Canal and in Cyprus with men arriving from other areas of the Empire to occupy them

--The British government announces a campaign to encourage foreigners to settle in Australia and New Zealand. Not only are citizens who emigrate by choice to be given tax breaks, but they are also going to be given generous swathes of land. The same applies to locals, although the land grants will be even larger for British nationals.

--Open minor factories in Bombay and Calcutta as a way to increase colonial production.

--In mourning for the passing of Queen Victoria, nationalist sentiments are stirred up in London through posters and other means in an attempt to reconcile the people with the Prime Minister.

To: Brazil
From: The United Kingdom

We would be interested in trading Cocoa beans for Cotton as well as other goods such as Bananas with you. Should you agree trade would be fostered between our two countries as a way of maintain friendship and encouraging further diplomacy between us.

To: Chinese Empire
From: United Kingdom

In Lieu of your recent instability we hereby announce that British Sepoys will be stationed to protect our interests in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Nanjing following the completion of the rebellion. Furthermore, along with maintaining order in these regions we also demand large concessions in all these cities so British Trade may flow freely into the Dragon's Mouth and also land given to the crown on the coast permanently so we can better acquire trade in East Asia. If you consent perhaps our merchants will be a little more understanding in your Opium plight.

I assume as in other nation games that non played nations are controlled by Lumine in regards to both diplomacy and other measures.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2014, 08:02:54 PM »
« Edited: April 05, 2014, 11:50:30 AM by Spamage »

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-Prime Minister Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil

-Prime Minister Pierre Waldeck-Rousseau
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United States

« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2014, 11:42:04 PM »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jul-Dec 1901

--Commission submarine construction and encourage further research and innovation on the topic.

--Advances in railroads, factories, and encouragement of industrial might in Egypt, Ireland, and India.

--Encourage settlement on the Canadian frontier by increasing the size of lands offered in the Dominion Act. The provinces of Alberta and Manitoba (per OTL borders) are to be created in order to better administer to the incoming settlers. The campaign for settlers will be sent to cities in Germany, Austria, as well as Britain itself. A similar motion is passed in Australia.

--Troops of the British Empire are sent to Malta, Egypt, Yemen, and Cyprus in order to be on watch for changes in the Boer War.  A portion of the Atlantic fleet is sent to Cyprus, to be close to the Suez Canal in case they are needed in the Chinese Theater.

--Britain agrees to withdraw from the Yellow River and Nanjing. The city of Shanghai however, will be kept in the hands of the British as a way to repay the British monetary losses in the Boxer Rebellion. We are willing to negotiate for compensation however should China wish to regain the city. Extra troops are to be divided between South Africa, India, and Kenya.

--Encourage investment in the new developing field of aeronautics. Offer a generous reward to anyone who mounts a successful flight with a flying machine.

--Encourage the Wahhabi movement in the center of Arabia. Build goods relations with the Bedouin people as well as the Wahhabi exiles.


To: The United States
From: The United Kingdom

We are looking for increased trade between Canada and the United States. Shall you consent?

To: Denmark
From: The United Kingdom

We are wondering how much it would cost to relieve you of the burdens of Greenland. We are willing to compensate you generously should you be willing to part with it.

PM to follow.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2014, 12:01:53 AM »

From: UK

We will attend the summit which shall begin in the next turn, and are willing to discuss the relocation of the Navy stationed in Canada, and in fact have several plans for it. We recognize you are on the rise, and look forward to furthering our discussions as equals at the Niagara Summit. Also, should you require any assistance in your Cuban affairs, we would be willing to supply a small contingent of troops as a show of good faith.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2014, 09:20:32 AM »

OOC: I cleaned up the late 1901 map, both as in making it neater and in my interpretation of the border changes. Reading over IBDD's posts, it doesn't seem as if he ceded anything other than half of Namibia (I.E. nothing about Cameroon or Tanganyika) and New Guinea/the Pacific Islands.

The African changes were part of an agreement, and therefore should be kept. You have no idea of our PM's.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2014, 09:37:03 AM »

OOC: It's fine, I'm just a little defensive Wink
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« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2014, 06:08:03 PM »

OOC: I cleaned up the late 1901 map, both as in making it neater and in my interpretation of the border changes. Reading over IBDD's posts, it doesn't seem as if he ceded anything other than half of Namibia (I.E. nothing about Cameroon or Tanganyika) and New Guinea/the Pacific Islands.

As Spamage said, there are some changes agreed upon via PM instead of here, which is why the current map reflects the demise of most of Germany's colonies in Africa. Next map is ready as well, but IBDD hasn't been in the fourm for about two days. Thanks for the effort, though!

OOC: Are we moving on to the next turn without him then (as you deadline had expired)?
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2014, 09:09:08 PM »
« Edited: April 10, 2014, 09:25:05 PM by Spamage »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jan-Jun 1902

--The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland officially declares a state of war against the Ottoman Empire and calls our gracious ally France to join us. For far too long has it been an oppressive, reactionary regime stifling real change in the region and causing thousands of needless deaths.

--The remainder of my war moves will go in the thread.

--The UK officially urges Germany, Austria, Japan, and Italy to cut their relations with the Ottoman Empire.

--Murad is recognized as the legitimate sultan by London.

--Ottoman monetary assets in London are seized to fund the war effort. Those of Ottoman Citizens are merely frozen.

--Propaganda throughout the country is issued as a result of the oncoming war.

--Part of the Canadian fleet is sent to the Mediterranean.

--Send letters of condolence to the US Government, the Roosevelt Family, and President McKinley.


From: UK

The agreement is acceptable. As you can see our navy is going to be relocated.

To: Greece, Albanians, Bulgaria, Armenians, Arabs, Macedonians
From: UK

Join against the Ottomans and be rewarded with land, wealth, and prestige. Although some of you have now land, new nations may be created.

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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2014, 09:20:13 PM »

Lumine- by Spamage saying the agreement is acceptable...have we done all we need for that treaty to be signed and recognized?

Of course, Clarence, you may now sign the treaty and the effects will be instantly acknowledged.
I hereby sign the treaty
President William McKinley

X- Prime Minister Salisbury
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United States

« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2014, 09:27:08 AM »

To the UK-

I did not anticipate you withdrawing your entire Canadian fleet to move to participate in the Ottoman conflict.... As a provisional security measure- I have sent several US Navy patrol boats to assist local Canadian forces. I would like to begin discussions with you regarding a potential agreement whereby the USA could take responsibility for Canada's defense. Of course, this decision must be made by the Canadian people and would be only in terms of defense, not government or any rejection of the King as the head of state- but if you are amenable to reducing the burden placed on the Royal Navy defending Canadian shores when the task could be performed by a friendly nation just to the south- why not?

We shall consider it at length, and shall get back to you although the idea is being generally well received in Westminster. The United States has proven in the past it is a friendly nation towards Britain and Britain intends to treat it just as well in return.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2014, 05:55:53 PM »

To the UK-

I did not anticipate you withdrawing your entire Canadian fleet to move to participate in the Ottoman conflict.... As a provisional security measure- I have sent several US Navy patrol boats to assist local Canadian forces. I would like to begin discussions with you regarding a potential agreement whereby the USA could take responsibility for Canada's defense. Of course, this decision must be made by the Canadian people and would be only in terms of defense, not government or any rejection of the King as the head of state- but if you are amenable to reducing the burden placed on the Royal Navy defending Canadian shores when the task could be performed by a friendly nation just to the south- why not?

We shall consider it at length, and shall get back to you although the idea is being generally well received in Westminster. The United States has proven in the past it is a friendly nation towards Britain and Britain intends to treat it just as well in return.

I appreciate your expression of friendship and I assure you we feel the same to our mother nation

For the purposes of discussion- I propose the following treaty

The Transfer of Responsibility for the Defense of Canada Treaty

1- The Dominion of Canada remains a part of the British Empire with the Head of State remaining the King

2- The US Navy- in consultation with the Royal Navy- shall assume responsibility for defending Canadian waters

3- The US Army- in consultation with the British Army- shall assume responsibility for defending Canadian territorial integrity

4- The Parliaments of Canada and the United Kingdom maintain the right to direct the US Secretary of War and US Secretary of the Navy to adjust strategies or tactics at any time

5- This treaty shall take effect immediately

If we could have the Treaty take effect in 2 years for a smoother transition I'd be willing to sign it. America has been a true friend to the British Empire.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2014, 06:36:56 PM »

The Transfer of Responsibility for the Defense of Canada Treaty

1- The Dominion of Canada remains a part of the British Empire with the Head of State remaining the King

2- The US Navy- in consultation with the Royal Navy- shall assume responsibility for defending Canadian waters

3- The US Army- in consultation with the British Army- shall assume responsibility for defending Canadian territorial integrity

4- The Parliaments of Canada and the United Kingdom maintain the right to direct the US Secretary of War and US Secretary of the Navy to adjust strategies or tactics at any time

5- This treaty shall take effect in two years- by the end of the Early 1904 turn

President William McKinley

X-Prime Minister Salisbury
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2014, 10:55:26 AM »

Invade Macedonia and Albania and annex them as part of Austria-Hungary

Is this a declaration of war on me, the Ottomans, or neither as Albania isn't independent yet?
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2014, 02:59:25 PM »

Treaty of Jerusalem:

--France gains control and administration of Libya
--Britain gains control and administration over Hedjaz
--Britain gains control and administration over Palestine and Jordan
--Arabia is created as a British protectorate and Ottoman East Arabia is absorbed into it
--Remaining Sahara is divided evenly between British Egypt and French Libya
--Armenia is granted Independence and is in a personal Union with Russia
--Bulgaria gains land in the Balkans with the Ottomans retaining Istanbul
--Serbia gains land in the Balkans as shown
--Greece gains land in the Balkans as shown
--The Kurdish are guaranteed rights by the Ottomans
--Free Orthodox Settlement in Istanbul
--De-militarization of the Dardanelles
--Free Russian ship movement through the straight of Dardanelles
--Britain, France, and Russia shall respect the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire
--All changes agreed upon but not mentioned are shown in the map above

X-Prime Minister Salisbury
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2014, 03:41:57 PM »

To the UK

The Anglo-American Alliance

1- The USA and the UK are hereby allies

2- Both nations shall come to the other's aid in any conflict in which the other is involved

3- Both nations shall consider the other a priority trading partner

4- Both nations leaders should consult the other before announcing or enacting policies which may affect the other in a substantial way

President William McKinley

X-Prime Minister Salisbury
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United States

« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2014, 07:33:58 PM »

OOC: The Armenian kingdom also includes territories which were already part of our empire:

Otherwise I think you reflected the Treaty of Jerusalem perfectly, though Britain and France might have nitpicks too. Tongue

My bad, this map will serve as the Late 1902 map then. It was quite tiresome to reflect the specific borders of the treaty, so I would rather leave this version (the one you posted, that is) as the official one. The other potential problems are some borders in Arabia, but those are bound to change in this turn.

You should've just pasted the one I made onto the world map with Microsoft paint and it would've taken seconds. I can do so still if you'd like me to.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2014, 12:21:52 AM »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

--Britain sends an official condemnation of Venezuela's actions. While w ewill not go to war yet, we give them until the end of the year to repay their debts and release the ships. Should they not the United States shall have the financial backing of Britain in their war against the wretched government of Venezuela.

--Jews from all around the world are invited to settle in Palestine assuming they are willing and able to do so. We seek to make up for the terrible treatment they have received in the past in as many ways as possible.

--Announce the construction of a new entirely British railroad from Jerusalem to Cairo as a way of increasing business in the colonies.

--Encourage increased settlement in the Saharan lands near Egypt.

--We send our condolences at the terrible murder of his majesty's most esteemed cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II. As a descendant of Victoria, he always had a special place in our hearts.

--Troops from the Ottoman War can begin to return home to their families and previous lives.

--Send ambassadors to Persia inquiring about a railroad from Delhi to Tehran to Jerusalem and potentially Baghdad should the Ottomans agree to it.

--For the first time in many years the entire Empire is at peace. Organize an exposition of objects, ideas, and people from every corner of the realm in London to celebrate British domination of the globe and the varying people who all live under the same flag, from Australian to Egyptian to Canadian.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2014, 06:45:47 PM »

To: The United Kingdom
From: The Ottoman Empire

Would you be interested in joining the Cairo-Jerusalem Railway with the Istanbul-Baghdad Railway, once those two are completed?

x Abdul Hamid II

Yes we would be.
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United States

« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2014, 07:30:28 PM »

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xHis Imperial Majesty The Emperor of Japan

X-Prime Minister Salisbury
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United States

« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2014, 06:20:59 PM »
« Edited: April 23, 2014, 06:22:30 PM by Spamage »

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Jan-Jun 1903

--Arthur Balfour, the nephew of the beloved late Prime Minister Salisbury shall take up the office and continue to expand the might, power, and majesty of the British Empire. Salisbury is to have an elaborate funeral and is to be mourned throughout London.

--In Palestine announce that no Palestinians shall be forcibly relocated and the country shall be partitioned between Jews and Muslims. The Holy City of Jerusalem is to remain in the hands of the British Military as a free religious zone. No Muslim rights shall or will be trampled upon as we believe them true British Citizens and are proud to have them as part of our Empire.

--Pull back temporarily in Nigeria until tensions cool elsewhere in the Empire. Ask the Sultan for a peaceful mediation and in the meantime to halt the fighting there.

--Westminster shall pass a series of laws which serve to strengthen the British Empire. Research into aeronautics shall be expanded, as shall naval technology. In British schools offer scholarships to be given to the academically astute who may lack the income for schooling. Encourage factory construction in Africa, Egypt, Australia, India, and Canada with expanded roads and electricity in Britain proper.

--Britain urges Russia and Japan to seek a solution without bloodshed. We shall mobilize our men and gather our ships, but we will not declare war yet, as we are dealing with the death of a Prime Minister and a Muslim crisis. We have no wishes for war and reassert we want both sides to look for a peaceful solution.

To: Russian Empire, Empire of Japan
From: UK

We urge you to seek peace before this escalates too far.

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United States

« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2014, 07:00:41 PM »

We too endorse the US claim on Greenland.

Also we shall have an envoy present in Rome to observe the proceedings and if we shoould enter the war, to help create peace.
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United States

« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2014, 09:34:59 PM »

The United Kingdom would like to officially condemn Russia for supplying the Chinese with arms to raid against us. Actions will follow shortly.
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United States

« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2014, 10:15:29 PM »

As a result of Russian actions which have been hostile to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, we hereby announce a state of war exists between us and the Empire of Russia. Their choices have been despicable and we urge other nations to condemn their actions. Our diplomats are to be recalled to London immediately.

We urge the people of Britain to unite in this time of war. Not just the Britons themselves, but the Arabs and the Jews, the Africans and the Indians, the Canadians and the Australians. The entire dominion is under threat and only by uniting with one another can we defeat the monster that is Russia. No longer will they subjugate the people that ought to be free; no longer will they oppress those which would call for a democracy. The time for action is now, and together with the Empire of Japan and the Empire of Germany, and perhaps many more powers, we shall take down the old and weary Russian bear just as we have did in the Crimean War.

God Save the King, and God Bless Britannia and our allies

(OOC: Looks like Lumine may have succeeded in his goal Tongue , WWI may be upon us)
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2014, 06:44:05 PM »

To the Afghani Rebels:

     We understand you may have frustration with us, but we remind you how the British Empire has successfully crushed our competition in the past. We defeated Napoleon, we won the Boer War, we took India.
     We are willing to offer you full independence should you take up arms against the Russians alongside us, not against us. Otherwise we will be forced to have an extended war in your homeland, something neither of us want. Russia cannot win this war, join us and be saved.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2014, 02:15:54 PM »


Our goal is not to destroy Russia, but to destroy St. Petersburg's capabilities to wage any aggressive actions, open and covert alike, against countres of the world.

Russia is not only an open military aggressor, Russia is also a state supporting international terrorism. Aiding the Filipino militants and bombing the Krupp factory are just few examples of their treachery.

We had enough of the Russian double-faced eagle's lies and scheming. We reject any notion of separate peace or any agreement based upon a rotten status quo, as we all saw what is Russian word worth of.

We are firmly resolved to continue the war, along with our allies, until the Tsar accepts full responsibility and will guarantee, by clear actions, not just empty words, his country will cease to be an aggressor and terrorist supporter.

x Abdul Hamid II

We invite our allies to endorse this declaration.

X-Prime Minister Balfour
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