2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)

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Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #100 on: July 11, 2022, 02:08:55 AM »

Eric Adams 2024: October 1-November 30

October 1-15: South Carolina

Adams made his return to South Carolina, where he worked to maintain his strong standing among the primary voters in the state. Despite the resumption of Vice President Harris's campaign, Adams has made a stake as a candidate for moderate and conservative Democrats who report being unhappy with the current direction of the country. The campaign has bolstered its grassroots operations in the state by connecting with local Democratic clubs, churches, and other civic groups which are normally overlooked by larger campaigns. Cities visited during this tour include Spartanburg, Greer, Myrtle Beach, Goose Creek, Mount Pleasant, North Charleston, Anderson, and Simpsonville.

You know what a lot of these other candidates don't happen to spend much time talking about? They don't focus on the nitty-gritty of how we will leave a better life for our children. The next generation is everything, and you parents and grandparents already have enough on your plates to worry about. We in government are obligated to offer our support, and we do it in a number of ways: maintaining a clean environment, good schools, and lifelines for families in need. This is an issue that I have been passionate about professionally since my early days as a police officer, when I would visit these kids in destitute neighborhoods who are looking for any glimmer of hope. The difference between the other candidates and myself is that I was once in this position as well. I am so fortunate to have gotten opportunities over my life because other people believed in me. As President, I will push for more funding towards early childhood education and health to give every kid the best chance in life to succeed. We owe it to them.

November 16-28: New Hampshire

In this New Hampshire trip, Adams focused on cutting into the support of the three leading contenders: Harris, Cooper, and Hochul. This was done through a strategy of rallies, town halls, and meetups with Democratic organizations where he explained his ability to attract the most independent and Republican voters in a general election. At the same time, his campaign staff has opened up several new offices in smaller cities to diversify his vote share statewide. Cities toured during this span include Manchester, Nashua, Exeter, Newport, Hampton, Suncook, Farmington, Berlin, and Newmarket.

VOTER: Mayor Adams, why are you the best candidate to be our nominee?

ADAMS: Very simple, ma'am: I can take the fight to the Republicans and win. I've dedicated my life to public safety as a police officer and no Republican can credibly accuse me of being soft on crime. My record in New York City has been one of reform and listening to the people on what they expect from their leaders. During the campaign trail, I've fended off attacks from the GOP, and especially goons like Vince McMahon who wanted to disrupt an event like ours today. I came out of that without a sweat and the authorities took care of the rest. If you want a dynamic leader who will fight for you as much as I fight for myself, I'm your guy.

October 29-November 2: New York

Mayor Adams returned to full-time mayoral duties in his city, where he focused on issues of public safety, economic development, and labor unions. Throughout this time, Adams also spent evenings fundraising with prominent donors, evaluating campaign strategies, and preparing for the upcoming primary debate.

November 3-16: Nevada

Adams returned to Nevada with one main focus: establishing himself as the strongest union candidate of the Democrats. The main event during this trip was a rally in Las Vegas, tagged with representatives from all major local unions, where Adams announced his support for repealing the Taft-Hartley Act and enacting other pro-labor measures in office. Other cities included in this tour are Henderson, Winchester, Sparks, Pahrump, Sun Valley, and Boulder City.

Ladies and gentlemen, I come before you today to let you know I stand firmly with the working men and women of this country. Why have our wages and economic security declined so much over the decades? One reason is that big business and conservative politicians have worked hand-in-hand to undermine our unions at every step of the way. I announce my support for repealing the Taft-Hartley Act, an act that tilted the scales too much toward employers and government at the expense of labor. We all have a choice on where we work, yes, but we all also deserve the opportunity to organize and express our concerns. Many of these right-to-work states have seen protections stripped away more and more over the years, and that leaves regular workers poorer and less secure in their jobs. It's time that workers get some power back to them again. As President, I will push for repeal of Taft-Hartley as well as passing the PRO Act which was proposed during the last Congress. I stand as the only candidate in favor of repealing Taft-Hartley, and I implore my fellow Democrats: Will you join me and stand with the unions by my side today, or will you merely pay lip service to their cause?

November 17: Arizona

Adams traveled to Arizona where he attended the second Democratic primary debate held in Arizona State University. Following the event, Adams connected with prominent Democratic politicians and donors who were among the audience and pitched himself as the most electable choice for 2024.

November 18-24: Colorado

Mayor Adams spent his first days in Colorado for the campaign, another significant Super Tuesday state. This trip establishes the campaign way ahead of the other candidates for early organization efforts. In particular, Adams canvassed the state to consolidate the large Hispanic population and make inroads with elected officials such as Governor Jared Polis and Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper. During his stump speeches, Adams focused on issues such as education, healthcare, and crime. Cities toured include Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Boulder, and Loveland.

Good to be in Colorado! I appreciate the time that I spent with Governor Polis today talking about how COVID has impacted our education and healthcare systems. I greatly admire the way the Governor has balanced the state's pandemic response with the needs of citizens. New York City has operated much in the same way. We have persisted throughout all the challenges this country faces, and we will continue to grow stronger together through dialogues like this one today. President Adams will not issue lockdown orders that harm how your child can learn in school. We will address health challenges as they arise, yes, but we will never compromise on how well our teachers can teach or how our students can learn.

November 25-30: Virginia

Adams spent the remaining days of November in Virginia, a major Super Tuesday state that could have implications for the eventual nominee. Adams made his pitch to voters and Democratic elders alike about how he is the most electable Democrat to go up against any Republican. During this time as well, the campaign made stops around churches, local clubs, and nonprofits that offer fertile ground for his message. Cities toured include Alexandria, Virginia Beach, Arlington, Chesapeake, and Norfolk.

Why did a Republican like Glenn Youngkin win in a state supposedly as blue as Virginia? Democrats, I hate to say it, but we let our guard down. We let them define the issues on things that many regular voters have credible concerns on. For example, how is the quality of education in our children's schools? How responsive has our local government been on COVID? We paid the price on that election and now we see here in Virginia how they've been attempting to restrict abortion access along with all of their other extreme measures. I know how to talk to voters because I grew up with nothing to lose, and I understand what drives them in life. Eric Adams as your nominee means we'll have a strong voice for a united Democratic Party, and we will offer the sensible alternative to the extremist policies of this current GOP.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #101 on: July 11, 2022, 02:25:41 AM »

"Governor Cooper, you've run an very aggressive campaign for the nomination, and previous Democratic primiaries run in this fashion tend to generate feelings of animosity within the party. Are you at all afraid of causing the 2016 primary to re-manifest?"

COOPER: "In 2016, Democratic infighting played a major role in electing Trump president. This year, if it happens, we either get Trump or DeSantis, both of whom are absolutely terrible. So I certainly hope all my supporters will, and urge them to, vote for the eventual Democratic nominee, whomever that may be. As I said, the top priority is stopping the Republicans. All of us candidates are in agreement on most issues, and all of us will do much more good for the American people than Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. We cannot afford to get a Republican in the White House. I obviously hope I win the primary and I've been attacking the others because they're not as consistent or as likely to win as I am, but should I lose, I, as I said, will give a full-throated endorsement of and campaign for the winner of the primary, and I'd also urge all my supporters to then move past the primary and focus on the general, and focus on keeping the White House. We need liberal judges who'll support a woman's right to choose. We need legislation and White House action to support climate change - the many ideas we came up with when we came together, for instance. We need to tax the rich their fair share. We need to do all these things, and much more, and all of my supporters should ultimately prioritise that and those values. Those come first."

I'm sorry, I have to jump in here. Governor Cooper, there's a big difference between critiquing the candidates for their policies and what you've been doing. You just put out an ad in South Carolina saying that "New York Democrats" like Governor Hochul and I and "San Francisco Democrats" like Vice President Harris can't be trusted just because we're from a different region. This stinks of Ted Cruz and his "New York values" line from 2016 that Trump, to his credit on this one thing, pushed back on. Are you going to apologize to us tonight on this divisive rhetoric and pull down that ad?

As far as claiming to be consistent? C'mon, man. You claimed in a recent rally that you'll legalize marijuana, but you told the press you were against legalization in 2019. Did you have another change of heart or are you just trying to buy some more voters again?
John King wannabe
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« Reply #102 on: July 11, 2022, 11:56:47 AM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule
Kamala Harris: For The People

October 1st - 3rd | South Carolina

October 1st:
Town Hall in Charleston on Racial Equity.
Knock on doors with campaign volunteers
Visit local elementary school, sit down with teachers to discuss wages.

October 2nd:
Virtual cabinet meeting with Biden administration
Knock on doors with campaign volunteers
Fundraiser dinner

October 3rd:
Rally in Columbia on raising wages
Visit campaign headquarters to boost morale
Leave at night in Air Force Two to Iowa

October 4th - 6th | Iowa

October 4th:
Rally in front of Air Force Two in Des Moines
Door knock with volunteers, chat with local leaders
Attend campaign office opening in Cedar Rapids

October 5th:
Have breakfast with locals in Cedar Rapids diner
Host roundtable on economic stability
Town hall on Equal Right To Pay

October 6th:
Help with clean-up party with volunteers
Rally in Iowa City with the Second Gentleman
Visit wounded troops in local hospital

October 7th - 12th | Attend to Duties as Vice President

October 13th - 15th | Trip to Kentucky to support Governor Bashear

October 13th:
Meet with Governor Andy Bashear at the Kentucky Governor's mansion on behalf of the White House
Eat breakfast with Governor Bashear, the Kentucky Legislative Black Caucus, and several civil rights activists
Rally with Andy Bashear and Jacqueline Coleman in Lexington to boost Democratic turnout

October 14th:
Knock on doors for Governor Bashear with Lieutenant Governor Coleman
Meet with Democrats in Kentucky to ask for support in Presidential run (Bashear, Coleman, Young, etc.)
Surprise appearance at a Bashear for Governor rally

October 15th:
Speech with Jacqueline Coleman on the importance of women running for office
Rally with Andy Bashear in front of Air Force Two
Fly to DC

October 16th-19th | Vice Presidential Duties

October 20th - 21st | California

October 20th:
Celebrate birthday in California with family
Start a new initiative, donate 58 dollars for Kamala Harris’ 58th birthday.

October 22nd | Nevada

October 22nd:
Town hall in Reno
Campaign rally in Las Vegas in front of Air Force Two
Leave for New Hampshire

October 23rd-24th | Travel to New Hampshire

October 23rd:
Detour to Louisiana to support Democratic candidates for Louisiana statewide offices at the request of the President
Stop in Mississippi
Leave again for New Hampshire

October 24th (early morning):
Arrive in New Hampshire in the early morning
Briefly answer questions outside of Air Force Two

October 24th-26th | Campaign in New Hampshire

October 24th (afternoon):
Knock on doors with campaign volunteers in Manchester.
Help interns stuff envelopes with campaign flyers.

October 25th:
Rally in Concord
Door knocking in Concord
Review campaign staff memo’s, ask for more resources in Iowa and South Carolina.

October 26th:
Door knocking in Concord
Town hall
Meet with Senator Maggie Hassan to discuss possible endorsement
Rally in front of Air Force Two

October 27- 29th | South Carolina

October 27th:
Arrive at local SC restaurant for dinner with Al Sharpton
Town hall on economic issues in Charleston
Interview with Wolf Blitzer on the Situation Room before rally
Rally in Charleston with the Second Gentleman.
“Charleston, I am so excited to be here! This is the shining beacon of the south and I am just so blessed to have been treated with such hospitality!”

“It’s great to have Doug here with us tonight, he is just so supportive and I know that he’ll make an incredible FIRST first gentleman! (Laughs) You know when I think about what Doug means ot me I think about the burden that so many of you must face when it comes to a spouse being sick in the hospital and your insurance just can’t cover them, and I often talk about sitting outside the hospital doors, trying to figure out how you are going to pay that out of pocket cost for their treatment, and so that is why, in my first 100 days as President I will introduce legislation for a public option so that every single American will have access to quality affordable healthcare!

It’s past time and we’re gonna get it done under a Harris administration!”

October 28th:
Attend brand new campaign office opening
Roundtable on supporting rural farmers
Celebrate birthday of campaign staffer

October 29th:
Cabinet meeting with the Biden administration via Zoom
Knock on doors with campaign volunteers
Speech on recent economic downturns

October 30th | Rest Day
October 31st | New Hampshire

October 31st:
Trick or Treat with children of her campaign staffers.
Record funny halloween campaign video with the Second Gentleman
Knock on doors.

November 1st-3rd | Iowa

November 1st: Visit local shops and restaurants in Le Claire
Rally in Cedar Rapids outside of Air Force Two
Interview with local news stations

November 2nd:
Town Hall in Cedar Rapids
Door knock with volunteers in Des Moines
Attend a local activist’s funeral

November 3rd:
Rally for candidates in local elections
Rally for own campaign
Town hall with CNN

“We gotta show up and we gotta show out! These local elections are so important, and so how many of you guys plan on voting today, lemme see some hands, alright! That’s what I’m talking about let’s get it done!

November 4th-5th | California

November 4th:
Visit San Francisco in Air Force Two
Visit family
Zoom meeting with the Biden administration

November 5th:
Rally with local candidates for city positions
Speech in front of Air Force Two

November 6th | Election Voting States

November 6th:
Campaign on election eve for Andy Bashear and Jacqueline Coleman
Phone bank for candidates
Do final GOTV ads

November 7th | Washington D.C

November 7th:
Strategy meeting with President Biden and staffers
Lunch with President Biden
Film ad for 2024 campaign
Watch election results with senior staff.

November 7th-12th | Vice Presidential Duties
November 13th-16th | Nevada

November 13th:
Debate prep
Rally in Reno
Debate prep

November 14th:
Debate prep
Rally in Carson City
Debate prep

November 15th:
Rally in Las Vegas
Door Knocking

November 16th:
Debate prep all day
Rally in front of Air Force Two in Henderson
Leave in Air Force Two

November 17th-18th | Arizona

November 17th:
Debate prep
Rally in Tempe, Arizona
Attend Debate
Visit local campaign HQ to celebrate after debate performance

November 18th:
Interviews with ABC, CNN and MSNBC morning after the debate
Attend rally in Phoenix, Arizona
Fly to Iowa

November 19th | Iowa

November 19th:
Host a economic roundtable in Cedar Rapids, IA
Town hall on supporting small business owners
Meet and greet with young supporters

November 20th - 27th | Vice Presidential Duties
November 28th - 30th | South Carolina

November 28th:
Rally in Charleston
Town hall on supporting middle class americans
Meet with local Democratic leaders, pledge to support local communities as President

November 29th:
Tour local college campus, chat with new voters
Participate in college drumline, give speech on back of pickup truck
Sign up campaign volunteers on college campus

November 30th:
Interview with local SC news stations
Sit down for lunch with members of the NAACP
Visit elementary school and discuss her plans for teachers as President
Fly back to Washington.

The Harris campaign is seeking to boost off of her capital as Vice President of the United States, highlighting her closeness to President Biden and her experience being second in command. Vice President Harris will capitalize on her experience in nearly every speech she does while also attempting to maintain a middle ground between progressive activist Democrats as well as the moderate and older Democrats - Harris Campaign Senior Advisor
John King wannabe
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« Reply #103 on: July 11, 2022, 12:08:28 PM »

Credit to Flickr
Vice President Harris Attends Democratic Presidential Debate

Opening Statement
“Thank you Lester for hosting us, and what an honor it is to be here with my fellow candidates, 3 years ago, American’s went to the polls and voted for progress, for decency and for a better America overall, and they voted for Joe Biden and myself, now we need a candidate in this race prepared to continue that work, for the past 3 years me and President Biden have woken up everyday dedicated to fighting for the American people, whether that be fighting for clean water and fixing our crumbling infrastructure, or doing everything we can to protect and fight for a woman’s reproductive right to choose, if you give me the opportunity to serve as our party’s nominee I will wake up everyday to give you opportunities as everyday Americans, thank you and let’s get debating!”

"The Senate filibuster remains intact and is seen as one of the major reason why President Biden has been unable to pass the legislation he campaigned on in 2020. Would you as President advocate for Senate Democrats to remove the filibuster?"

“Well Lester look, the short answer is yes I will absolutely support an end to the filibuster when I am President, but what we need is all of us to get out and not just vote in the Presidential race but also vote downballot for pro-choice, pro-voting rights and pro-middle class Democratic Senators to enable us to do so, and when we do that I confident that we can and will get a lot done.”

"In recent years, the Biden administration has continued the national pivot towards China, but recent actions by Russia, including the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, have left many questioning the wisdom of such actions. Would you continue the with strategic pivot to China, or refocus on Europe?"

“I truly believe that this is not an either or issue, Lester, I believe that we can also be tough on China while also reaffirming our commitments to our allies in Europe while doing everything we can to fight back against any further Russian aggression, both of these countries threaten our very way of life, whether that be our cybersecurity and our election security, and so I am committed to fighting these foreign threats and protecting our citizens both at home and abroad.”

"This campaign has been noted for being an aggressive one between the candidates, not unlike the last three contested Democratic primaries. Will you, regardless of who it is, support the eventual nominee?"

“I will absolutely support the Democratic Nominee whoever they may be and I can’t wait to campaign for Kamala Harris in 2024 but-” (laughs) But I don’t want to point fingers or say names but there is a candidate on this stage that has done more dividing than uniting, now-” (pauses as audience “ooos”)
“I want to talk about the issues that matter to average Americans, like the high crime rates in states like North Carolina, or the failing education system in (pretends to check notes) (laughs) also North Carolina” (Turns towards Cooper) “Now, Governor Cooper, you not only name dropped me but you also name dropped Mayor Adams in a way that is not only disrespectful to our campaigns but to our supporters who you will need if you want to be our next President, we need a nominee that cares about winning right just as much as they care about winning big. As for the issue of popularity, Democratic voters don’t care what the media’s latest snapshot in time says, or how big your victory was in 2020, we get it, you got 51% and it was very impressive (sarcastically laughs), they want to know that their next President is going to do everything possible to put food on their table, and money in their pockets. Joe Biden and I took office during a hard time for America, Covid-19, high inflation, high gas prices, but we persevered every day to make sure that we could leave America better off than how we found it, we won that battle. And I think that the people watching this debate know who’s spewing talking points, and who is doing the second hardest job in the world, which yes, sometimes can affect poll numbers negatively. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re swell, Mayor Adams! I look forward to working with you if you’re our nominee! (Laughs)”

"Vice President Harris, miscommunication from all sides resulted in an erroneous report of your campaign being suspended. Are you indeed fully committed to this campaign?"

“Lester, I am proud to say here and once again that I am a candidate for President of the United States in 2024, and not only am I committed to this campaign I am committed to the American people who I intend to represent and fight for when I am President, this campaign is built and supported by everyday Americans who believe in my vision for America, a vision that includes ensuring every single American has access to healthcare, a vision that means that every teacher can afford to live and then have a little bit more for themselves, and a vision that means lifting up the American people and not tearing them down, and so I hope that those of you who support other candidate’s in this race join me in this fight."

Closing Statement
“Well, you’ve spent the night listening to 5 very different visions for the future of this great nation. And while I’m proud to know that I share a stage with several incredible Democrats, I’m absolutely certain that if we want want to end the filibuster, fight for a woman’s right to choose, and continue the many successes of the Biden-Harris administration into and beyond 2025, I’m the best candidate to get us there.
I also hope, that the ladies who are watching this debate tonight, the old and the young, feel empowered and unruled to see a majority of women on this stage for the first time in American History. (Pauses for applause from the crowd)
And finally, I hope that I have illustrated the difference between someone who spends her life breaking barriers, and one of the many grandstanding, loud mouth showoffs (looks at Governor Cooper briefly), that have dominated American Politics for far too long and that have kept so many brave women and minorities out of power, so that they can continue to spend their donors  money and that it  will have been well-spent.
I love this country, but we have so much more work to do, so let’s get it done. Thank you Arizona! Thank you, Democrats! Thank you to my family if they’re watching, and to the people of the United States of America for hearing my case and for allowing me to break one more barrier every single day!”

Vice President Harris would shake hands with the other candidates and quickly depart to surprise supporters at a debate watch party
Pink Panther
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« Reply #104 on: July 11, 2022, 02:15:36 PM »

I now invite each candidate to make an opening statement." [/i]
"My fellow Republicans and Americans, it is in fact a time of choosing. After nearly suffering for four years under the leadership Brandon and Kopmala, we need a True American Patriot back in the White House. We need someone who stands up to the swamp. We need someone who stands up socialists. We need someone to stand up to these woke corporations who hate America. We have to stand up for the average American who wants to raise their family the right way without any hassles. Under the leadership of our resident Dementia patient, house prices have exploded. Groceries are expensive. Gas breaks the wallet. You'll get banned for voicing the opinions those in control of the social media companies despise. I say no more! I believe we need an outsider to Washington, and you're looking at his muscles right now." proceeds to rip of suit and show off torso and arms
"Fuel prices have started coming down in recent months but the fear of a spike is still there. Many are saying that now is the time to move on to renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power. Would you, as President, act to support measures that would increase our renewable energy output?"
"You know, I'm not bought out by the oil tycoons like other certain candidates. I believe we have to look at transitioning out of fossil fuels. However, nuclear energy is the way to go. I think private investment is fine for solar and wind energy, but government intervention is a laughably idiotic idea. Big brains such as Roy Cooper, Eric Adams, Kopmala, and others want to cripple our energy sector to earn brownie points with the Whole Foods brigade, and also because they simply don't give two sh**ts about the average American and their needs. I'm not that person. I believe we have to be realistic with our goals on climate change, and the usage of nuclear energy would help tremendously. It provided similar quantities of energy to fossil fuels without the massive price tag. And as for the waste, who cares?"
"Senator Tammy Baldwin, a former candidate for the Democratic nomination, recently proposed the Stop Corruption Now Act, which would, among other things, create a Federal Integrity commission with the power to investigate federal officials and hold public hearings, ban federal official from holding stock portfolios, and institute an 8-year ban on officials becoming lobbyists from the time they leave office. Would you sign this bill if it reached your desk?"
"I usually don't agree with that waste of space, but this is actually a good bill. Sadly, Tammers is first and foremost a stooge for the swamp and likes to lie to people that she's a populist, so don't expect much from her. However, the Genetic Jackhammer cannot be bought. We need swift action to curtail the powers of the swamp, and immediately. They will be moaning to us about losing their power, but we don't care, right? Sadly, my other opponents serve money and the NWO before the American people, and they will only expand the power of the swamp, not stop it from growing."
"Republican primaries have been known for being colourful events since 2008, and this one has proven to be no different. Will yoou tonight pledge to support the eventual nominee, regardless of who it is?"
"That's going to be a no, Bret. I refuse to support anyone who serves Satan and the Illuminati. But that's what my opponents are. Puppets for the NWO and the Illuminati. They make me sick. They do some truly deprived and evil stuff there. And if anyone of my opponents somewhow wins the nomination, it was because of fake ballots flown in by Hugo Chavez and Gaddafi! They don't deserve any respect and dignity, and I believe the American people will give them no respect and dignity at the ballot box."
"Mr McMahon, your campaign has come under a lot of fire recently. Several Republicans have referred to you as a non-serious candidate, and Joe Rogan said that you're treating this like a wrestling promo. Are you a serious candidate for President of the United States?"[/center]
"People like Glenn Youngkin and baldie like to grift. A lot of grifting, in fact. They have nothing better to do than gaining attention and trying to stop our beautiful and tremendous movement .They make me sick, and they will see their fortunes turn upside down when Vincent Kennedy McMahon becomes President. As fare being a serious candidate, I am a hell of a lot more serious than RINO Phil or the Fast Food Brothers. Phil Scott wants to pretend that he's a #resist Republican for the special attention and grift he attains. Trump and DeSantis have never nothing of note while in public office apart from sleeping, golfing, and chowing down on Pizza Hut and Popeyes all day. Their staffers and cabinet did all the work, while they sat on their asses and did nothing. We have to learn from our mistakes, America, and choose someone who actually cares about you. Vince McMahon."

"I don't have a closing statement except for this" Video of Vince McMahon's greatest hits plays for 10 minutes
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« Reply #105 on: July 11, 2022, 06:10:58 PM »
« Edited: July 11, 2022, 06:15:25 PM by CentristRepublican »

"Governor Cooper, you've run an very aggressive campaign for the nomination, and previous Democratic primiaries run in this fashion tend to generate feelings of animosity within the party. Are you at all afraid of causing the 2016 primary to re-manifest?"

COOPER: "In 2016, Democratic infighting played a major role in electing Trump president. This year, if it happens, we either get Trump or DeSantis, both of whom are absolutely terrible. So I certainly hope all my supporters will, and urge them to, vote for the eventual Democratic nominee, whomever that may be. As I said, the top priority is stopping the Republicans. All of us candidates are in agreement on most issues, and all of us will do much more good for the American people than Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. We cannot afford to get a Republican in the White House. I obviously hope I win the primary and I've been attacking the others because they're not as consistent or as likely to win as I am, but should I lose, I, as I said, will give a full-throated endorsement of and campaign for the winner of the primary, and I'd also urge all my supporters to then move past the primary and focus on the general, and focus on keeping the White House. We need liberal judges who'll support a woman's right to choose. We need legislation and White House action to support climate change - the many ideas we came up with when we came together, for instance. We need to tax the rich their fair share. We need to do all these things, and much more, and all of my supporters should ultimately prioritise that and those values. Those come first."

I'm sorry, I have to jump in here. Governor Cooper, there's a big difference between critiquing the candidates for their policies and what you've been doing. You just put out an ad in South Carolina saying that "New York Democrats" like Governor Hochul and I and "San Francisco Democrats" like Vice President Harris can't be trusted just because we're from a different region. This stinks of Ted Cruz and his "New York values" line from 2016 that Trump, to his credit on this one thing, pushed back on. Are you going to apologize to us tonight on this divisive rhetoric and pull down that ad?

As far as claiming to be consistent? C'mon, man. You claimed in a recent rally that you'll legalize marijuana, but you told the press you were against legalization in 2019. Did you have another change of heart or are you just trying to buy some more voters again?

COOPER: "You got me there, Eric. But you have to see the rest of the picture, too. In 2020 - long before I even made the decision to run for president, I signed into law a bill legalising prescription drugs containing both marijuana and THC should they be approved by the FDA. I have supported measures decriminalising or legalising certain drugs. Yes, I did at one point make a comment against marijuana legalisation. But you'll see that since then, not just my words but action have shown that I've moved to the left on this issue. That law is one example, and so is another law, decriminalising the possession of half an ounce of marijuana or less. And if that seems puny to you, just remember North Carolina and its legislators are much more conservative than those in New York. I believe in progress, and whatever reform I got, I took. I signed into law the legislation on this issue that came to my desk. Do I wish I could've done even more on this issue? Yes, absolutely, but you gotta work with what you have, and small steps are what I was able to achieve given that North Carolina's legislature is run by Republicans. Now, speaking of New York and San Francisco, no, I will not apologise for my remarks. I will instead seek to clarify them for you. As a fellow Carolinian, I relate to South Carolinians in a way that New Yorkers and Californians could not possibly. They have a special place in my heart, because I am one of them. I have little doubt that you would if elected support policies that'd help Carolinians along with all other Americans, but for me, I would definitely care about them in a special way and have their priorities as my priorities. Not to say I'd only focus on Carolinians, but to say that they would absolutely never be forgotten by me...how could they be, when I, my wife, my children, my colleagues in Raleigh, are all Carolinians? They would absolutely be supported and represented and remembered better in a Roy Cooper presidency than in a Harris or a Hochul or an Adams presidency. The reason South Carolina was given special attention four years back was because it was a key primary battleground for Joe Biden. He had to make promises to win Clyburn's endorsement and the primary, and to his credit, he kept 'em. South Carolina is highly important to me too, but not because I want to win it or for political purposes it all, but because I consider it a second home and its people to be fellow Carolinians. It's the same as saying that Harris is a better candidate for California as a Californian, or that you and Kathy Hochul are better candidates for New York as fellow New Yorkers. I do genuinely believe that I have a special relationship and a special bond with South as well as North Carolina, that you and Hochul as New Yorkers and and Kamala Harris as somebody from across the country simply do not. I will make it a top priority to deliver to Carolinians, make sure they aren't forgotten or left behind for any reason whatsoever. You or Hochul or Harris may say that too, but that's to win votes, and when I say it, I say it in a very genuine way - not because I want to win their votes, but because I want them to remember I'm one of them and they do and always will be special to me and at the top of my mind, both now and if I'm elected to the White House."

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« Reply #106 on: July 11, 2022, 06:30:26 PM »

Before we move onto questions, I will ask each candidate to make an opening statement."[/i]

COOPER: "Thank you, Lester, and thank you to Arizona State University for hosting this debate. I'm excited to discuss and debate with the other candidates tonight on policy, this campaign, and what we'll enact if elected. Look, I started this campaign because I knew this presidential race will be pivotal for Americans. For women who are having their reproductive rights oppressed and denied, and who need presidents who will appoint judges that support a woman's right to choose. For the LGBTQ+ of this nation who've been targeted by Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis and who need an ally in the White House, not an enemy. For the working class of this country who want to be paid more than nine bucks an hour while their employers are paid hundreds as much. For the elderly in this country, who have serious health concerns and who need to see Medicare and Social Security expanded and intact, not repealed or reduced. For our youth, who need good healthcare, good education, and good nutrition, who need to be taught to love, not to hate. I entered this race for all those Americans. I was first elected to the North Carolina legislature, where I served for fourteen years; then, as Attorney General for another sixteen. North Carolinians came to recognise me as a straight talker, as somebody who'd fight for them, somebody who'd not forgotten his roots. And in 2016, I abandoned my safe position as AG to challenge a governor that had signed into a law the blatantly transphobic bathroom bill. I did that because I was taught as a kid that bigotry and discrimination was not okay, was never okay. And I was appalled that our governor was doing this. What would the kids in our state think? That it was okay to discriminate and to hate LGBT kids? I stepped into the race to say no, bigotry and discrimination and hate and transphobia is not what North Carolina stands for. And I was elected. Now, that same question needs to be asked about America. Because Ron DeSantis has supported legislation similar to our state's former bathroom ban - which, by the way, I've repealed - that alienates and targets the LGBT population in his state. He is somebody who, if elected, will try and separate Americans and divide Americans, just like he did back in Florida. He is somebody who will try and fill Americans' hearts with hate. Same goes for Donald Trump, who Lindsey Graham, now a staunch supporter, described best when he called him a "race-baiting xenophobe." Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, bigoted Islamaphobe, and we as a country need to stand up to him and defeat him and his ideology of hate. That's why I am now running for president. To win the nomination, to defeat Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis and their entire party and show them that Americans will not stand for hate and division, and to in the White House take our country in a direction such that all Americans get what they deserve."
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« Reply #107 on: July 11, 2022, 06:37:14 PM »

"In recent years, the Biden administration has continued the national pivot towards China, but recent actions by Russia, including the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, have left many questioning the wisdom of such actions. Would you continue the with strategic pivot to China, or refocus on Europe?"

COOPER: "Honestly, Lester, Mayor Adams is absolutely right in saying we need to keep our eye on the ball and focus on both Europe and China at the same time. We cannot cave into either China and its human rights abuses, or to the similarly abusive Russia as it tries to invade Ukraine unheeded. As far as Russia-Ukraine is concerned, the key is to hold the course. We absolutely do not need to send in American troops, but that doesn't mean we should cave into Russia like Trump would want us to. We need to keep up the sanctions and the embargoes and alienate Russia, and continue sending supplies to Ukraine. As far as China is concerned, as Teddy Roosevelt said: 'Speak softly and carry a big stick.' China knows we're not messing around and have the power to act. We need to be firmer with China, while ensuring we never act hostile. We need to make China lay off Taiwan and start scaling back its human rights abuses. I'm under no illusions that we can transform China into a complete democracy, but I do think if we're a little more frank and a little more insistent with China, we can achieve some progress there. Again, as Eric said, our focus needs to be trained on both those places. We're not going to abandon Ukraine or Taiwan, and we aren't caving into China or Russia, let me tell you that."
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« Reply #108 on: July 11, 2022, 07:44:26 PM »


"Well, it's been a pleasure to be here tonight and engage with the other candidates. Once again, thank you to Lester Holt and Arizona State University. I'd also like to thank all those in the audience and who tuned in to the debate elsewhere for watching, as well as all candidates who joined the debate. We have much to do for the good of this nation, and we need to have the right ideas for that. It's always good to take our case to the American people and clarify our positions and what we stand for. That is what we did tonight, and hopefully we'll have more opportunities to do this in the future. So thank you to Lester Holt, Arizona and Arizona State University and the Commission on Presidential Debates! Thank you, good night and god bless America!"

“I will absolutely support the Democratic Nominee whoever they may be and I can’t wait to campaign for Kamala Harris in 2024 but-” (laughs) But I don’t want to point fingers or say names but there is a candidate on this stage that has done more dividing than uniting, now-” (pauses as audience “ooos”)
“I want to talk about the issues that matter to average Americans, like the high crime rates in states like North Carolina, or the failing education system in (pretends to check notes) (laughs) also North Carolina” (Turns towards Cooper) “Now, Governor Cooper, you not only name dropped me but you also name dropped Mayor Adams in a way that is not only disrespectful to our campaigns but to our supporters who you will need if you want to be our next President, we need a nominee that cares about winning right just as much as they care about winning big. As for the issue of popularity, Democratic voters don’t care what the media’s latest snapshot in time says, or how big your victory was in 2020, we get it, you got 51% and it was very impressive (sarcastically laughs), they want to know that their next President is going to do everything possible to put food on their table, and money in their pockets. Joe Biden and I took office during a hard time for America, Covid-19, high inflation, high gas prices, but we persevered every day to make sure that we could leave America better off than how we found it, we won that battle. And I think that the people watching this debate know who’s spewing talking points, and who is doing the second hardest job in the world, which yes, sometimes can affect poll numbers negatively. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re swell, Mayor Adams! I look forward to working with you if you’re our nominee! (Laughs)”

COOPER: "Well I think that's not right, Vice-President Harris, and you should know better. First of all, yes, there's much to do in North Carolina. But we've made a lot of progress in our great state. We have a long way to go, but it's crazy to discard or ignore the great progress we've made. Of course it was difficult. We had to undo the damage that Governor McCrory and the Republicans caused in our state, and we had to work with - or rather, around - that same Republican legislature to do so. And even with those great barriers and obstacles, there's a whole lot that we together were able to achieve. We repealed the transphobic bathroom law. We legalised marijuana and THC in medicinal use. We expanded healthcare. In short, we've done a great deal, with a limited amount of power in a state with a GOP legislature. Take shots at me as much as you like. Mayor Adams has done that - he's attacked my positions on issues where my position has changed. That's very fair. However, attacking my state, attacking North Carolina, is very low and simply unacceptable. If you ask me, it should be off limits to attack another candidate's state or city this brazenly. But if you want to go there, if you want to go into crime rates, okay. I could say a lot about California or San Francisco, too. In fact, California has a higher violent crime rate than North Carolina. San Francisco's crime rates are higher across the board than North Carolina, than Raleigh, than Charlotte. Both Raleigh and Charlotte are judged to be significantly safer than San Francisco, which is less safe than 96% - yes, you heard that right, 96% - of cities in America. In fact, San Francisco's property crime rate is over double Raleigh's, and 33% higher than Charlotte's. Speaking about our public records, which I think is more relevant than our respective state's or cities statistics. While you threw people in jail for marijuana possession, I in North Carolina - a much redder state - signed into law a bill legalising marijuana and THC for medicinal use, and we decriminalised the possession of half an ounce of marijuana or less. No, we didn't win big because North Carolina is a Trump state, but we won right. We've got the right goals and the right ideas and the right legislation - here's a hint, it's to legalise marijuana rather than throw people in jail for having a little bit of it. Electability matters, VP Harris, and you having low approvals is not a new story. You've had underwater approvals that have trailed Joe Biden's literally all along. Democrats need to choose a nominee who can win, not one who talks big but then falls flat. They want consistency and progress. If I can do that in North Carolina - consistently a state that votes more Republican than the rest of the country - I can do that in the other 49 states, too. And speaking of my 51%, I don't think it's impressive, but I do think it is meaningful in a pink-purple state that's not nearly as liberal as San Francisco or New York or California. I acknowledge the Biden Administration has done a lot of work for this country, and you were a force in some of that. However, that does not make insulting North Carolina okay, and nor does it change the fact that you have abysmal approvals that will no doubt help the Republicans this November. Nor does it change the fact that you've prosecuted people for marijuana possession while I've signed laws decriminalising the possession of a small amount of marijuana. And that's with you being in ultra-blue San Francisco and me being in pink North Carolina. My point is this: All I've done is state the important facts - I've discussed your record as a prosecutor, I've discussed your approval ratings. I have not said anything about San Francisco or California. You're free to attack me or my record, as Mayor Adams sometimes has. But when you take the attack onto my state, onto North Carolina's 10 million residents, that's when I feel obliged to speak up. I hope all the people watching, North Carolinian or no, realise that attacking my state like this is extremely low and the sort of political behaviour that shouldn't be acceptable. Focus on the candidates, not their home states. This is not a campaign about North Carolina vs California or Raleigh vs San Francisco. It's Harris vs Cooper, it's prosecution on marijuana versus legalising marijuana, it's no electability versus electability in a Trump state. I hope the voters in the primary base their votes on that, not on North Carolina or California."
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« Reply #109 on: July 11, 2022, 10:42:30 PM »

"Governor Cooper, you've run an very aggressive campaign for the nomination, and previous Democratic primiaries run in this fashion tend to generate feelings of animosity within the party. Are you at all afraid of causing the 2016 primary to re-manifest?"

COOPER: "In 2016, Democratic infighting played a major role in electing Trump president. This year, if it happens, we either get Trump or DeSantis, both of whom are absolutely terrible. So I certainly hope all my supporters will, and urge them to, vote for the eventual Democratic nominee, whomever that may be. As I said, the top priority is stopping the Republicans. All of us candidates are in agreement on most issues, and all of us will do much more good for the American people than Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. We cannot afford to get a Republican in the White House. I obviously hope I win the primary and I've been attacking the others because they're not as consistent or as likely to win as I am, but should I lose, I, as I said, will give a full-throated endorsement of and campaign for the winner of the primary, and I'd also urge all my supporters to then move past the primary and focus on the general, and focus on keeping the White House. We need liberal judges who'll support a woman's right to choose. We need legislation and White House action to support climate change - the many ideas we came up with when we came together, for instance. We need to tax the rich their fair share. We need to do all these things, and much more, and all of my supporters should ultimately prioritise that and those values. Those come first."

I'm sorry, I have to jump in here. Governor Cooper, there's a big difference between critiquing the candidates for their policies and what you've been doing. You just put out an ad in South Carolina saying that "New York Democrats" like Governor Hochul and I and "San Francisco Democrats" like Vice President Harris can't be trusted just because we're from a different region. This stinks of Ted Cruz and his "New York values" line from 2016 that Trump, to his credit on this one thing, pushed back on. Are you going to apologize to us tonight on this divisive rhetoric and pull down that ad?

As far as claiming to be consistent? C'mon, man. You claimed in a recent rally that you'll legalize marijuana, but you told the press you were against legalization in 2019. Did you have another change of heart or are you just trying to buy some more voters again?

COOPER: "You got me there, Eric. But you have to see the rest of the picture, too. In 2020 - long before I even made the decision to run for president, I signed into law a bill legalising prescription drugs containing both marijuana and THC should they be approved by the FDA. I have supported measures decriminalising or legalising certain drugs. Yes, I did at one point make a comment against marijuana legalisation. But you'll see that since then, not just my words but action have shown that I've moved to the left on this issue. That law is one example, and so is another law, decriminalising the possession of half an ounce of marijuana or less. And if that seems puny to you, just remember North Carolina and its legislators are much more conservative than those in New York. I believe in progress, and whatever reform I got, I took. I signed into law the legislation on this issue that came to my desk. Do I wish I could've done even more on this issue? Yes, absolutely, but you gotta work with what you have, and small steps are what I was able to achieve given that North Carolina's legislature is run by Republicans. Now, speaking of New York and San Francisco, no, I will not apologise for my remarks. I will instead seek to clarify them for you. As a fellow Carolinian, I relate to South Carolinians in a way that New Yorkers and Californians could not possibly. They have a special place in my heart, because I am one of them. I have little doubt that you would if elected support policies that'd help Carolinians along with all other Americans, but for me, I would definitely care about them in a special way and have their priorities as my priorities. Not to say I'd only focus on Carolinians, but to say that they would absolutely never be forgotten by me...how could they be, when I, my wife, my children, my colleagues in Raleigh, are all Carolinians? They would absolutely be supported and represented and remembered better in a Roy Cooper presidency than in a Harris or a Hochul or an Adams presidency. The reason South Carolina was given special attention four years back was because it was a key primary battleground for Joe Biden. He had to make promises to win Clyburn's endorsement and the primary, and to his credit, he kept 'em. South Carolina is highly important to me too, but not because I want to win it or for political purposes it all, but because I consider it a second home and its people to be fellow Carolinians. It's the same as saying that Harris is a better candidate for California as a Californian, or that you and Kathy Hochul are better candidates for New York as fellow New Yorkers. I do genuinely believe that I have a special relationship and a special bond with South as well as North Carolina, that you and Hochul as New Yorkers and and Kamala Harris as somebody from across the country simply do not. I will make it a top priority to deliver to Carolinians, make sure they aren't forgotten or left behind for any reason whatsoever. You or Hochul or Harris may say that too, but that's to win votes, and when I say it, I say it in a very genuine way - not because I want to win their votes, but because I want them to remember I'm one of them and they do and always will be special to me and at the top of my mind, both now and if I'm elected to the White House."

Well, I appreciate that explanation, Roy. We'll have to agree to disagree on your ad. Everyone can be proud of where they come from, as I am with New York, but I and the other candidates here find your message to stoke too much division. How would voters from these states feel about this? Many are watching right now. We are all ultimately Democrats here, and Americans even more importantly.

With the marijuana issue, voters deserve clarity from us at every step of the way. I've long believed as President Biden does that there are too many questions on long-term use of recreational marijuana for me to support legalization. People know this. I'm happy you can clarify your record tonight, Governor, but don't think that you can hide away the past from us or from voters when you make bold announcements like that.


Closing Statement:

I'd like to thank everyone who organized this debate tonight, and for all of you in the audience and at home watching us go back and forth with each other. Hopefully you learned something from all this. *laughs*

My life has been devoted in many ways to serving you, the public. I’ve done so in uniform and I’m doing so now as mayor of New York City. There are tough times when you’re involved in public service. You may be in the line of crossfire, or you may find yourself part of an upside-down economy and pandemic as we are today. No matter what happens, though, the important thing is to never lose hope. I believe in the goodness of humanity and how we are so powerful when we all come together. This campaign is about bringing the voices out of the voiceless and making sure no one gets left behind in a country like these great United States.

Over the course of this debate, Governor Cooper called me “fair” and Vice President Harris called me “swell.” If my opponents think of me this way even after a raucous night, I hope I’m doing something right! I would be honored to receive your vote for this nomination and to become your President. Thank you all, God bless you, and God bless this country.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #110 on: July 11, 2022, 11:22:42 PM »

Eric Adams Endorsements: October 1-November 30

Over the past two months, Mayor Eric Adams has picked up the endorsements of a number of prominent politicians:

Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Former Governor Jim Hodges (D-SC)
Congressman Joe Neguse (D-CO)
Congressman Ed Perlmutter (D-CO)
Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA)
Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA)
Congressman Donald McEachin (D-VA)

Senator John Hickenlooper:

When I first met Eric Adams, I knew right away that he had the spark to be an incredible leader for our country. Mayor Adams is a forward-thinking individual who's focused on the basics in a good way. He will invest in public safety, grow our economy sustainably, and ensure the next generation has the best resources to succeed. He's an independent spirit just the same way Colorado is. I am proud to endorse him for President and look forward to eventually working with him in Washington to achieve common-sense reforms.

Former Governor Jim Hodges:

As the last elected Democrat to be Governor of South Carolina, I have thought long and hard about who to support for this upcoming primary. As the candidates have made their way down to the Palmetto State, I came away more and more impressed with Mayor Adams. Here was someone who really has a compelling case for why he is running and how he is different from the rest of the lot. Adams is a good man of faith who believes everyone deserves a fair shake. He will help rebuild our party here and across the nation with a new message of down-the-middle good government. South Carolinians, y'all need to go out and vote for this man in full force!

The latest endorsees have joined Adams and his team in their respective home states, further building institutional support critical to primary chances. Previous endorsements are listed below:

Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)
Former Congressman Thomas Suozzi (D-NY)
Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX)
Congressman Vincente Gonzalez (D-TX)
Congressman Jared Golden (D-ME)
Congressman Ed Case (D-HI)

Mr. Samuel Jackson

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« Reply #111 on: July 12, 2022, 11:16:58 AM »

Statement on Kathy Hochul

Governor Hochul has long been an invaluable partner to me in New York, and she has been a positive force on the campaign trail bringing substantive ideas and perspective to this race. Although she will be missed as a candidate, I am deeply honored to receive her endorsement. The bond between Kathy and I will only grow stronger as we work together to secure this nomination and deliver a clear mandate from voters next November.

As news of Kathy Hochul's departure and endorsement came out, the Adams campaign went into overdrive to welcome and integrate Hochul campaign staff across the primary states. For early primaries in particular, a large boost has resulted in Iowa and New Hampshire with the opening of countless new centrist and center-left voters. Direct coordination between Adams and Hochul is also underway to court support from elected officials, donors, and labor unions previously behind Hochul, beginning immediately with those concentrated in New York.
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« Reply #112 on: July 12, 2022, 07:02:38 PM »


"I was surprised to find Kathy Hochul drop out, and even more so that she endorsed Mayor Adams for president.  It'll be interesting, to say the least, to see how her departure shakes up the race. I advise Governor Hochul's supporters to think long and hard before deciding who to support, because there are now three options in this race. There's Kamala Harris, an alienating vice-president who will make winning the White House easier for the Republican candidate. Kamala Harris is somebody who has a record of prosecuting people, of throwing people in jail, for having marijuana. In contrast, if you look at my record in North Carolina, a state that Kamala Harris has trashed and insulted, I worked with a Republican-controlled legislature to move forward on marijuana. We legalised THC and marijuana for medicinal use. We legalised possession of a small amount of marijuana. Then you've got Mayor Eric Adams, a fellow New York Democrat who Kathy Hochul endorsed. I think it's important to remember here that Eric Adams has bragged about being endorsed by the most conservative Democrat in the House, somebody who, in this time where women's reproductive rights are on the forefront of our politics, has opposed the right of a woman to have an abortion. You know what else? He is somebody who continued to meet with Andrew Cuomo even after so many women alleged that Cuomo harassed or assaulted them. So, you know, as Representatives Lee and Titus - both of whom have endorsed me - said, this election will be pivotal for women's rights. So we need a Democratic candidate who supports women. Not somebody whose record on supporting women, on women's rights, is questionable, is sketchy, at best. And you know, Eric claims to be a liberal, but I recall not all that long ago he was a conservative Republican. He's been endorsed by that conservative, anti-abortion Democrat, Henry Cuellar. So the same way his record on women is questionable, his liberal credentials are just as spotty, are just as debatable. And then you've got me. I got elected in a campaign that fought against hate, against transphobia. And we were able to win, at the same time that Donald Trump won our state. We were able to, despite a Republican legislature, to do so much. We took some steps toward legalising marijuana in North Carolina, as I previously mentioned. We signed into law regulations to fight the opioid epidemic. We fought for expanded Medicare. And in 2020, as Trump won the state again, we won reelection. So my question to all of Kathy Hochul supporters, to really all undecided voters, is this. Are we going to choose somebody who is extremely unpopular, who has tried to lock up people for having marijuana, somebody whose liberal credentials, whose support for women, is at best questionable, or a liberal fighter who's won uphill fights, unlikely races, and who's never wavered from justice, and equality, and liberalism? That is the question that all of those who are undecided between the three candidates need to think long and hard about. Because, you know, who we choose to be our candidate out in Iowa and New Hampshire, right here in Nevada, who we vote for in the primaries all across the country, will have dramatic national implications. If we choose the wrong horse, if we choose somebody who's equivocated on marijuana and on women's rights, if we choose somebody who'll only go on to lose to Trump or DeSantis in November, let me say it now: the future will be bleak. Or, you know, or we can choose somebody who can win, and who has been consistent, and then when we win the White House, we will end the death penalty, we will legalise marijuana on a national level, we will end the filibuster, we will transition to renewable, and we will fight for abortion rights, we'll get more justices on the Supreme Court who support abortion rights. To put it another way, we either take our country in a positive direction, in the right direction, towards progress and equality and justice, or we head down the wrong path, in the wrong direction, towards hate and bigotry and division and inequality. I'm in this race because we have to, have to, have to win the White House if we want to go down the right path, and if we allow the Republicans to win it, we head down the wrong path, from where it'll be that much harder to take a 180 and turn towards the right direction. So please, think about all those things when you consider who to vote for in the primary. The stakes are far too high, for this country, for the planet, to make the wrong decision."
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« Reply #113 on: July 12, 2022, 11:17:32 PM »

November 17th Democratic debate.

Venue: Gammage Memorial Auditorium, Arizona State University


Moderator: Lester Holt

"Good Evening and welcome to tonight's Democratic debate. With us tonight are New York City Mayor Eric Adams, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Before we move onto questions, I will ask each candidate to make an opening statement."

General questions

"The Senate filibuster remains intact and is seen as one of the major reason why President Biden has been unable to pass the legislation he campaigned on in 2020. Would you as President advocate for Senate Democrats to remove the filibuster?"

"In recent years, the Biden administration has continued the national pivot towards China, but recent actions by Russia, including the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, have left many questioning the wisdom of such actions. Would you continue the with strategic pivot to China, or refocus on Europe?"

"This campaign has been noted for being an aggressive one between the candidate, not unlike the last three contested Democratic primaries. Will you, regardless of who it is, support the eventual nominee?"

Specific questions

"Mayor Adams, you've recently been questioned over the crime rate in New York City, which as has been highlighted, has gone up since you were sworn in as Mayor. Do you think that it might be worth revisiting some of your law enforcement policies?

"Governor Cooper, you've run an very aggressive campaign for the nomination, and previous Democratic primiaries run in this fashion tend to generate feelings of animosity within the party. Are you at all afraid of causing the 2016 primary to re-manifest?"

"Vice President Harris, miscommunication from all sides resulted in an erroneous report of your campaign being suspended. Are you indeed fully committed to this campaign?"

"Governor Hochul, you've recently come under fire for your selection of Brian Benjamin as your Lieutenant-Governor in 2022, and as you know, he was later indicted on federal bribery charges. How do you respond to questions regarding your judgement regarding appointments?"

"Senatr Warren, you've notably been absent from the campaing trail lately. Are you 100% committed to this campaign or are you focused on your work in the Senate?"  

November 21st Republican debate

Venue: Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio

Host: Fox News

Moderator: Brett Baier

Hello and welcome to the Republican presidential primary debate this evening. On sthe stage tonight are Governor Phil Scott, Governor Ron DeSantis, Former President Donald Trump, and former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment Vince McMahon.

I now invite each candidate to make an opening statement."

Our culture is dying. Our small towns are dying. Working people are struggling to put food on the table everywhere from Maine to Hawaii. Meanwhile, the globalist elites currently running our government are actively supporting the gutting of everything America was built upon. You can get fired for one opinion the Liberal World Order doesn't agree with. The career politicians are getting rich off of your hardships. I won't stand for that. I will drain the swamp and rebuild our country. I will Make America Great Again!
General questions

"Fuel prices have started coming down in recent months but the fear of a spike is still there. Many are saying that now is the time to move on to renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power. Would you, as President, act to support measures that would increase our renewable energy output?"

The only actions I would support here are actions that would deter outsourcing of our renewable energy.

"Senator Tammy Baldwin, a former candidate for the Democratic nomination, recently proposed the Stop Corruption Now Act, which would, among other things, create a Federal Integrity commission with the power to investigate federal officials and hold public hearings, ban federal official from holding stock portfolios, and institute an 8-year ban on officials becoming lobbyists from the time they leave office. Would you sign this bill if it reached your desk?"

Yeah, I would. It's great to see a Democrat finally do something against the swamp.
"Republican primaries have been known for being colourful events since 2008, and this one has proven to be no different. Will yoou tonight pledge to support the eventual nominee, regardless of who it is?"

If they win in a fair election, yes
"Former President Trump, you have never formally conceded the result of the 2020 election. Do you still believe that the election was rigged against you?"

Yes, there is massive evidence against fraud. Career politicians and swamp creatures on both sides of the aisle colluded against me, and the will of the American people
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« Reply #114 on: July 13, 2022, 05:01:55 PM »

@RoyCooperNC on Twitter: “Looks like Donald Trump, three years after the election, is still deluding himself and his supporters that he won. Well, @realDonaldTrump, if I win the nomination and square off against you, you’d better brace yourself to lose for a second time.”
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« Reply #115 on: July 13, 2022, 08:12:02 PM »

@realDonaldTrump on Gab:
Roy Cooper is only Governor because of a Media SMEAR CAMPAIGN against Pat McCrory
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« Reply #116 on: July 14, 2022, 01:09:05 AM »

@RoyCooperNC on Twitter: “No, Donald Trump, I was elected Governor because the people of North Carolina reject hate, division, transphobia and bigotry. Hopefully, the people of America will also spurn these things, that are so antithetical to our nation’s values, and elect neither you nor the equally bigoted Ron DeSantis to the White House.”
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« Reply #117 on: July 14, 2022, 04:04:43 PM »

realDonaldTrump on Truth Social

Roy Cooper and all the other leftists are bigoted against white people and Christians.
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« Reply #118 on: July 14, 2022, 04:20:50 PM »

@RoyCooperNC on Twitter: "The projection here is astounding. It is Donald Trump (a man who has made innumerable bigoted comments about Mexicans and Muslims, who has made disgusting, objectifying and sexist comments about women) and his party that have passed dozens of bigoted laws targeting trans and gay children, in places from Florida and Alabama to Utah and Indiana. Let me be as clear as can be: the Democratic Party stands against all bigotry, whether it be racism, homophobia, transphobia or any other bigotry. It was partly on that theme that I won the 2016 governor election in North Carolina. It's partly on that theme that I intend to win the White House this November."
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« Reply #119 on: July 16, 2022, 10:51:58 PM »

December 1-January 18

Mixed Bag in 2023 Elections

With the 2023 elections in Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi having been held, they have shown a mixed bag for both parties.

While Tate Reeves was easily re-elected in Mississippi, Louisiana was surprisingly competitive. Attorney-General Jeff Landry faced fomrer New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu in the runoff election, resulting in a victory for the conservative Landry. However, the race was surprisingly narrow, with Landry taking 52% to Landrieu's 48%. Privately, Landry campaign staffers have blamed Vince McMahon for the narrow margin, saying that his campaign has damaged the Republican brand.

Kentucky was the bright spot for Democrats, as Andy Beshear, riding on his incumbency and moderate policies, narrowly defeated Attorny-General Danial Cameron with 51% of the vote to Cameron's 48%. Beshear is seen as a frontrunner for the Vice-Presidental nomination in 2024, but the re-elected Kentucky Governor has stated he is focused on his state.

With Iowa drawing near, the race was also recently shaken up by the withdrawal of Kathy Hochul, who has thrown her support behind Eric Adams. Adams has seen a natural boost in support, but many of Hochul's supporters have defected to Kamala Harris.

On the Republican side, Vince McMahon as courted controversy yet again when he said "Who cares?" in response to the problem of nuclear waste. This has caused his polling numbers, particularly in Nevada, to crater. Speculation is rising that Trump may in fact be able to secure the nomination within the first contests of the primary season

Labour wins UK elections; Starmer sworn in as PM

Keir Starmer's Labour Party has brought down the curtains on nearly a decade and a half of Conservative rule in the United Kingdom, winning 337 seats and ousting Boris Johnson from 10 Downing Street. In hic concession speech, Johnson has laid much of the blame on the "pro-EU election pact" between Labour and the Liberal Democrats; though any agreement has been informal.

Starmer has since been sworn in as Prime Minister, with president Biden expressing an eagerness to work with him

All eyes on Iowa Democrats

Following the debacle that was the 2020 Democratic caucuses in Iowa, all eyes are on the Iowa Democratic Party before the January 22 caucuses. Though Vice President Harris is favoured, there is still a chance for Governor Cooper to beat her to the top spot, or for Mayor Adams to cause an upset, given the sniping between Harris and Cooper.


-As you noticed, we are closing on Iowa. For reference the Iowa Caucuses are being held on jaunary 22, with the New Hampshire primary on January 30, and Nevada on February 6th. This is, as such, the last turn before Iowa. I would suggest adjusting your strategies accordingly.

-This turn will last for a week. I am prepared to grant extensions up to 24 hours.

-Interviews will be posted soon. These are one per party per turn.

-You will have noticed polls were not here. As we are entering primary season now, i will be writing them in a separate comment to avoid this one getting overly cluttered.

-Finally, after each round of primaries, I will be writing up 'State of the Race' posts. Keep an eye out for these as they may contain valuable information for your candidate

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« Reply #120 on: July 19, 2022, 09:46:57 AM »



Vice President Harris: 35%

Governor Cooper: 25.9%

Mayor Adams: 15.6%

Undecided: 23.5%


Vice President Harris: 37.8%

Governor Cooper: 27.3%

Mayor Adams: 16.8%

Undecided: 18.1%

New Hamsphire:

Vice President Harris: 34.9%

Governor Cooper: 26.8%

Mayor Adams: 17.4%

Undecided: 20.9%


Vice President Harris: 37.6%

Governor Cooper: 26.7%

Mayor Adams: 18.6%

Undecided: 17.1%

South Carolina

Harris: 33.8%

Cooper: 29.8%

Adams: 18.1%

Undecided: 18.3%


Former President Trump: 37.6%

Governor DeSantis: 27.4%

Mr McMahon: 12.9%

Undecided: 22.1%%


Former President Trump: 38.9%

Governor DeSantis: 25.1%

Mr McMahon: 11.2%

Undecided: 24.8%

New Hampshire:

Former President Trump: 41.2%

Governor DeSantis: 17.3%

Mr McMahon: 10.7%

Undecided: 30.8%


Former President Trump: 43.2%

Governor DeSantis: 34.3%

Mr. McMahon: 8.2%

Undecided: 14.3%

South Carolina:

Former President Trump: 38.2%

Fovernor DeSantis: 23.4%

Mr McMahon: 13.2%

Undecided: 25.2%

Upcoming Primaries:

Iowa Caucus, January 22

New Hampshire Primary, January 30

Nevada Primary, February 6

South Carolina Republican Primary, February 24

South Carolina Democratic Primary, March 2
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« Reply #121 on: July 21, 2022, 08:55:32 PM »
« Edited: July 26, 2022, 10:55:06 PM by GoTfan »

Roy Cooper interviewed by Joy Reid

Reid: With us now, live from the campaign trail is North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, running for the Democratic Presidential nomination. Governor, welcome to ReidOut.

Cooper: "Thank you, Joy. I'm honoured and delighted to be with you here today."

Reid: We'll get started straight away. We're entering a world where Ukraine will be joining Nato very soon, where Russia has effectively become a dictatorship, and where China is becoming increasingly bellicose. With this in mind, what do you say to insider who are saying that nominating someone with minimal foreign policy experience would be a disaster?

Cooper:  "Well, Joy, I agree with you one hundred percent that foreign policy will be a key component of any presidential administration. I'd say I have more foreign policy experience than Eric Adams. Neither of us have held national office, unlike Harris and Hochul, but I'll say on Eric's behalf, that you don't need to hold national office to have awareness of foreign policy. Kathy Hochul herself only held congressional office for two years - other than those two years in Congress, she, just like Eric and me, has only held office at the local and state levels. And as for Kamala Harris - she served just a couple years in the Senate, and didn't serve on the Foreign Relations Committee. And as VP, her foreign policy experience has been derived from being in the room where it happens, from watching Joe Biden make decisions and being briefed by the National Security Council and foreign policy experts and the Joint Chiefs and whatnot. The point I'm making is this: I have more foreign policy experience than some people might think, no less than the other candidates, and I intend to consult with military leaders and foreign policy experts to make the right choices. To speak specifically about foreign policy, I honestly think the key with the Ukraine-Russia war is to hold the course. Joe Biden's done an excellent job toeing the line and neither outright attacking Russia with military force and provoking nuclear war, nor letting Russia invade Ukraine without a fight. The sanctions and the isolation have been effective, and it's the best thing for us to do under the circumstances. As for China, I think we need to be more forceful - speak softly and carry a big stick - and make clear just where we draw the line. We need to have other allies in Asia as well, and maintain and build good relationships with the leaders in other Asian countries."

Reid: As was said to Mayor Adams, many progressives are unsatisfied with their choices this election. A chunk of them recently have drifted into the Vice President's camp, but much of that support is said too be 'soft'. What is your main pitch to get pogressives to turn out for you not just in the primary, but the general election?

Cooper: I am the most progressive actively campaigning candidate in this race. Elizabeth Warren, I freely admit, holds positions to the left of me on a whole bunch of issues, most of them in fact. But she's been off the campaign trail for a long time now, and it's clear she's not taking this thing seriously. Frankly, I wonder if this is her way of signalling she's dropping out. Either way, I don't think it makes sense to support a candidate who's missing and completely absent and invisible from the campaign trail, no matter how progressive they are. As for the others. Eric Adams is a moderate. He's campaigned with Henry Cuellar. The name may sound familiar. It should. Representative Cuellar is the most conservative Democrat in the House, a Blue Dog. He's not supported a woman's right to have an abortion, and he's tried to derail much of Joe Biden's agenda. The fact that Eric Adams campaigned with him, and has received his endorsement, should tell you what kind of campaign he's running. Because on the one hand you have the Eric Adams who'll campaign with Henry Cuellar, who's painted himself as the pro-business, tough-on-crime candidate not all that long ago, and on the other, you have the Eric Adams who pretends to be, who claims to be a consistent progressive. It's the same story with Harris and Hochul, honestly. I've said it before and I'll say it again: both of them are flip-floppers who are anything but consistently progressive. That is, unless calling for the deportation of illegal immigrants, or bragging about an NRA endorsement, is progressive, or unless locking up people for marijuana convictions is progressive. So if you support marijuana convictions instead of legal weed, by all means, progressives, go for Kamala Harris. If you support the NRA rather than oppose it, and supporting deporting illegal immigrants who are already here rather than giving them amnesty, please support Kathy Hochul. But if you want a consistent liberal fighter who will fight against the NRA and for legal weed and sensible gun reform and gun safety and gun control, a liberal fighter who has and will fight for illegal immigrants living in the shadows to get recognition rather than deportation - then I'm your man in this race. Truly, I am consistent, and I'm consistently a progressive. I was elected governor in an upset. I was never the favourite, unlike Kamala Harris in all her general elections and Eric Adams in his races, and unlike Kathy Hochul in New York. I was elected against a transphobic and bigoted and authoritarian Republican agenda. And since day one, I've opposed the Republicans in the legislature who want to strip some of our most vulnerable citizens - the sick, the weak, the old, the young, the disabled, the handicapped - of healthcare, who want to hide the truth on climate change, who want to make it harder to vote, who want politicians to choose their constituents rather than the opposite, who want to restrict a woman's right to an abortion, who all the while support even lower taxes and even more tax breaks on their ultra-rich contributors. Let me tell you: if I've ever taken a position that seems slightly more moderate rather than progressive, remember that I'm in North Carolina, not New York or California. Frankly, though I am and have consistently been 100% progressive, rhetoric matters, and when I ran for governor of North Carolina, my rhetoric was a bit more soft-spoken. My record, however, is evident for all to see as very liberal and very pro-worker, pro-choice, anti-gun, pro-environment, and pro-healthcare. The same simply cannot be said of the other candidates! Not when Eric Adams has gotten more policemen out on the streets (and, by the way, NYC's crime hasn't gone down since he took office because of it - it's gone up!), when Kamala Harris has happily prosecuted and jailed people for long periods of time for the heinous crime of having a little weed, and when Kathy Hochul has bragged about being endorsed by the rabidly pro-gun and pro-death NRA and has tried to deport illegal immigrants who've lived here for a long time. I am THE progressive candidate in this election, truly I am. I've already pledged to expand upon Obamacare and abolish the death penalty, and those aren't promises I intend to break. Since the time I was growing up, I've favoured a government that fights for and represents all its people, not just the richest. I've been a very consistent and straightforward liberal fighter. I'm ready to take on the ultra-rich and take our country back from the donor class. Will progressives join me, or would they rather settle for an anti-weed or an anti-immigrant and pro-gun candidate?"

Reid: One of your former opponents for the nomination, Tammy Baldwin, is proposing the Stop Corruption Now Act in the Senate. This bill would create a Federal Integrity Commission to investigate and hold public hearings, ban federal officials from holding stock portfolios, and enact an eight-year ban on federal officials becoming lobbyists from the time they leave office. Would a hypothetical Cooper administration support this bill?

Cooper: "Oh, absolutely. I think it's a very great thing for America. I have opposed the corporate, the monied interests, the donor class that influences our elections and our elected officials, our lawmakers. It's called 'lobbying,' but in essence, it's a fancy word for modern-day bribery. I will tell you this, that even when she was a competitor of mine, I was highly impressed with the initiative Tammy took in writing this constructive and revolutionary piece of legislation. If I were in the Senate, I would very gladly and proudly cosponsor this. Allowing leaving members of Congress to immediately take up jobs in lobbying invites conflicts of interest, as does allowing stock portfolios and insider trading. I may as well speak honestly: though I'll refrain from naming names, insider trading is a bipartisan problem. I'm aware of certain Democratic senators, as well as Republican senators, who abuse their powers and knowledge, who engage in insider trading for personal profit. It's horrible, and this bill would put a stop to it, once and for all. I wholeheartedly endorse this legislation, and if I win the White House, one of my top priorities will be to get it through Congress and to then sign it into law"

Reid: Governor Cooper, thank you for joining us and good luck with the campaign.

Cooper: Always a pleasure, Joy.
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« Reply #122 on: July 26, 2022, 05:20:27 PM »
« Edited: July 29, 2022, 05:01:38 PM by CentristRepublican »

COOPER'S CAMPAIGN SCHEDULE, December 1 - January 18

Iowa (December 1 to December 23)

North & South Carolina (December 24 to January 3)

New Hampshire (January 4 to January 18)

[Details from Cooper's campaigning in both Iowa and New Hampshire will be released in separate posts. A list of all endorsements Cooper's presidential campaign has received will also be posted.]
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« Reply #123 on: July 26, 2022, 05:55:06 PM »
« Edited: July 26, 2022, 07:23:09 PM by CentristRepublican »


Former New Orleans Mayor & gubernatorial candidate MITCH LANDRIEU
State Senator CLEO FIELDS
State Senator JOSEPH BOUIE, JR
State Senator GARY L. SMITH
Former State Senator & Former Chair of the Louisiana Democratic Party KAREN CARTER PETERSON
New Orleans Mayor LaTOYA CANTRELL

South Carolina
State Senate Minority Leader BRAD HUTTO
State Senator KARL B. ALLEN
State Senator & Chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party DICK HARPOOTLIAN
Allendale County Councillor WILLIAM ROBINSON
Allendale County Councillor THERESA TAYLOR
Charleston County Councillor HENRY DARBY
Charleston County Councillor TEDDY PRYOR
Charleston County Councillor KYLON J. MIDDLETON
Charleston County Councillor ANNE JOHNSON
Greenville City Councillor LILLIAN BROCK-FLEMING
Bamberg Mayor NANCY FOSTER
Bamberg County Councillor SHARON HAMMOND
Bamberg County Councillor LARRY HAYNES
Bamberg County Councillor JONATHAN GOODMAN
Bamberg County Councillor SPENCER DONALDSON
Bishopville City Councillor ENNIS BRYANT, SR.
Fairfield County Councillor SHIRLEY GREENE
Fairfield County Councillor TIMOTHY ROSEBOROUGH

New Hampshire
US Representative CHRIS PAPPAS
All 10 Democratic state senators (Tom Sherman, Cindy Rosenwald, Jay Kahn, Suzanne Prentiss, Rebecca Kwoka, Kevin Cavanaugh, Lou D'Allesandro, Becky Whitley, Donna Soucy, David Watters)

State Attorney General TOM MILLER
Des Moines Mayor FRANK COWNIE
Iowa City Mayor BRUCE TEAGUE
Dubuque Mayor BRAD M. CAVANAGH
State Senate Minority Leader ZACH WAHLS
State Senator TODD TAYLOR
State Senator JACKIE SMITH
State Senator AMANDA RAGAN
State Representative & former Minority Leader TODD PRICHARD
State Representative CHRIS HALL
State Representative STEVE HANSEN
State Representative CHARLIE McCONKEY
State Representative SHARON SUE STECKMAN
State Representative & Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party ROSS WILLBURN
State House Minority Leader JENNIFER KONFRST

US Representative SUSIE LEE
US Representative DINA TITUS
State Assemblywoman SARAH PETERS

Other States (CO, CA, TX)
Congressman Collin Allred (D-Dallas)
Congresswoman Lizzie P. Fletcher (D-Houston)
Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin)
Austin Mayor Steve Adler (D-Austin)
Former HUD Secretary and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro (D-San Antonio)
Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-Denver)
Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-Dublin, CA)
Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord, CA)

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« Reply #124 on: July 26, 2022, 09:26:38 PM »

Trump Campaign Schedule

December 1-January 4: Appear once in every county in Iowa, with 3 appearances a day, and taking the day off for Christmas
January 5-January 25: Appear in each New Hampshire County twice
January 26: Take a day off
January 27: Hold a rally in Henderson, NV
January 28: Hold a rally in Summerlin, NV
January 29: Hold a rally in Las Vegas, NV and announce that his primary residence is now in the state of Nevada
January 30: Hold a rally in North Las Vegas, NV
January 31: Hold a rally in Reno, NV
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