2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)

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Pink Panther
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« Reply #175 on: August 10, 2022, 01:13:43 PM »

Vince McMahon can confirm that he will attend Jimmy Carter's funeral on February 1st.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #176 on: August 10, 2022, 02:17:43 PM »

I am extremely troubled over Vince McMahon's possible attendance at President Carter's funeral. This is a man who has engaged in serial assault of our fellow candidates and who shows no respect of the democratic process through his flagrant election lies. We are about to honor a statesman, and with that comes a level of basic decency that Mr. McMahon has simply obliterated. For all we know, he could be planning to bodyslam into the casket. Let us not forget that there was an assassination attempt on Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez at a rally just this past week. What message would it send to the nation and the world to accept somebody who frequently promotes and engages in violence at campaign events?

We cannot afford a security risk for such a somber and sensitive occasion. I would implore funeral organizers to reassess this invitation and its consequences.
Pink Panther
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« Reply #177 on: August 10, 2022, 02:57:13 PM »

Vince McMahon's Debate Responses for the NH Debate

I invite boths candidates to now make an opening statement.

"My fellow Republicans, our country is in complete danger if these people continue to spread their radical Socialist policies. Dementia Joe and Kopmala have ran the worst Presidential Administration I have ever seen in my near 80 year old lifetime. They have tried to spread frankly Communist and Un-American ideas to the American people, like CRT, completely unfettered access to abortion, wanting to create agencies that would silence conservatives, tax the average American to death, selling out to China, destroying the sancity of women's sports, ajd so, so much more. And Kopmala, Low-Energy Roy, and Massachusetts Elitist John would be more than happy to continue and even expand this administration's treacherous policies. But do you know who allowed these people in the first place? Donald John Trump. He promised eight years ago that he would stop these people in their tracks and make our country great again. Instead, he sat in bed with the mainstream media and allowed these people to become even more powerful than before. He sold out the American people with his four years in office and has proven to have sided with people associated with the elites and even organizations like the Illuminati and NWO over this amazing country. I promise to be different, America, and I promise that I will never sell this country out and I will in fact crush the mass power and influence of these radical Socialists from our government."

Wages are stagnating across America right now. Many economists are saying that this is the root cause of most of the current economic problems facing our nation; when people earn less, they end up spending less. Would you sign off on a bill that would raise the national minimum wage despite possible inflation issues?

"Wages are stagnating mainly because of Dementia Joe's disastrous policies and leadership, and we have to be weary of spending our cash. However, I believe we have to do something in regards to helping those living paycheck-to-paycheck. That's why on this very stage I am announcing Josh Hawley's plan that would raise the minimum wage for those working in corporations taking over $1 Billion in profits. However, I pledge that I wouldn't raise the minimum wage for for anything else. American companies would be crippled if they had to a $15 minimum wage, which is what these radical Socialists want, sadly enough."

In recent years, the Democratic Party has begun an all-out push for some form of universal healthcare, most obviously in the single-payer form. This is a simple question: what is your alternative plan to universal healthcare?

"I agree that we have to fix healthcare. It's bad how many Americans cannot afford basic necessities like drugs and check ups. However, I believe if we do it the Socialist way like what these Democrats are proposing. Eight years ago, Trump correctly talked about how Obamacare had failed the American people. However, immediately after getting elected, however, he praised Obamacare after meeting with President Obama and went along with the corporate, essentially same healthcare plan proposed by RINO's like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, once again backing Big Pharma and the Deep State over the American people. Trust me, we are going to fix the healthcare problem the right way. We will get the lowest drug and premium costs under my administration, maybe ever. We will also stand up to Big Pharma and allow for alternative medicine to be sold on mass. Sadly enough, our Democratic candidates and Trump himself are Big Pharma stooges who only cares about making those healthcare executiv's wallets a little bit larger at the expense of the American people. We can't stand for this."

In 2022, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi undertook a trip to Taiwan. This trip was not officially sanctioned by the United States and was met by sabre-rattling from the Chinese government. Would you, as President, visit Taiwan even if it meant the possibiltiy of triggering a standoff with a nuclear power?

"Personally, I think we should be doing more to combat the threat to the human race known as China. This should be common sense and a mainstream view, but sadly many will still kiss the asses of the CCP to make a quick buck or other nefarious means. For example, right after leaving Taiwan, Pelosi call China "one of the freest nations on Earth". We have to stand up for countries like Taiwan, and yes, that would mean visiting the country. Considering how the Chinese have committed the biggest genocide against the Muslim population in Xinjang since WW2, they cannot get their hands on destroy a free country like Taiwan. Trump did nothing about China's genocide or how it artificially created COVID in a lab, so don't expect in fatass to go there, but I pledge do strengthen our ties with Taiwan, and since nobody else have the balls to do it, I pledge to formally recognize Taiwan as it's own independent country."Mic Drop

Mr McMahon, your comments at the last debate sparked controversy in Nevada and to a leser extent Arizona when you responded 'who cares' to the topic of storing nuclear waste. Are you willing to say to the voters of these states tonight that you misspoke on the topic if nuclear waste, which does cause health and environmental issues if not stored correctly?

"Look, yes I misspoke. What I meant in that statement was that the positives of nuclear energy far outweigh the negatives. I believe it's important that we deal with nuclear waste in a safe and sound manner. I also believe we have to subsidize the building of a crapton of nuclear power plants in order for a sound transition from fossil fuels. Hell, I wouldn't be opposed to subsidizing wind turbines and solar panels were it makes sense to place them. What I am against is these greenies who want to shift to these types of energy at a quick pace with no care in the world for the average American. That's what these Democrats want to do, and they will do everything and anything in their power to make it possible. And as for the residents of Nevada, I want to ask you a couple of questions. Do you trust a man who recently changed his residency to your state all for political clout? That's what Donald Trump just did. And do you trust a man who allowed lockdowns to cripple your touris-based economy in 2020, which has just barely recovered? Donald Trump is the fakest Nevadian I have ever known, and I hope the residents of Nevada and the rest of the country will reject him for the slimey chameleon he is."

Mr McMahon, you recently lambasted the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which to be brutally honest, is rhetoric one would normally hear from a Democrat, considering that the Republican party considers the Act one of their landmark achievements. Is this to say that you would pursue a different line on economic issues than the current Republican Party?

"Brett, look, I know your corporate overlords like this act and will do anything in their power to crush in criticism of it, but the truth must be heard. Donald Trump eight years ago promised that he would deliver the biggest tax cuts in American History, and most of that would be for the middle and lower classes. However, when the bill was ratified, it was revealed that Trump was a big fat lier who mainly gave tax cuts to the wealthy and big corporations. Hell, in some cases, taxes for the Average American increased. I'm not saying we should levy taxes and regulations galore on these citizens, like most Democrats. I understand that they can't be overly taxed in order to stimulate the economy. However, Trump pledged that he would look out for the little man on this one. Again, that was complete bullsh**t and Trump made out with the elites once again, and as a result screwed over the American People. You may claim that my criticisms we're in line with Democrats, and that's completely wrong and you damn well know it, Brett. Dems want to significantly INCREASE taxes on every single American. They may claim the opposite, but that's what they'll do and they know it. You just want to paint me as a Democrat in order to help your corrupt buddy Trump out and get more tax cuts at the expense of the average American. You know, I haven't seen Trump here at all, and do you know why? He damn well knows that I'm right and he simply doesn't have the balls to show up. He doesn't care about the average American. He only cares about himself, his size of his wallet, and how well his buddies in the elite and NWO are off. I would be more than happy if Trump showed up here and debated me like a man, but I'm honestly not so sure at this point. I pledge that I will cut taxes when elected President, but they will mostly be for the middle and lower classes, and not for the elite of society."
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #178 on: August 10, 2022, 03:21:23 PM »

Cooper: Hello and welcome everyone to tonight's Democratic debate, coming live from Paris Las Vegas in Nevada. I'm your moderator Anderson Cooper. Tonight's debate will be feature question around a variety of policy areas such as the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare. Now, let's welcome our candidates. Governor Roy Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Secretary of State John Kerry.  Of course, tonight's debate is being held in the shadows of the retirement of Senator Sanders and of course, the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Before we get into questioning, I invite each of you to say a few words about these two men.

COOPER: "First of all, Anderson, I'd like to thank you for moderating this debate, as well as the Paris Las Vegas and the city of Las Vegas, and most importantly, those who are taking the time to watch this debate, whether at home or right here. Now, as to Jimmy Carter and Bernie Sanders.

Jimmy Carter was a great human being. From his early days growing up in the Deep South in the 1920s and 1930s, he saw the evil of segregation and wanted to fight for justice and equality. During World War II, he served his country's navy. As governor of Georgia, he challenged the ideas of a segregationist governor, Lester Maddox. When he succeeded Maddox as governor, he fought for the end of segregation, and was a staunch backer of civil rights for African-Americans. He was a humble man, a peanut farmer whose ideas regarding justice and equality had led him to public service. He saw the wrong of segregation and wanted to make it right. He saw wrong, and fought to make it right. That aptly sums up his life, not just in politics, where he negotiated the Camp David Accords as president and fought for racial equality as governor, but after politics, too. While most politicians, and most people, savour their retirement for themselves and their families, President Carter selflessly dedicated his retirement towards helping humanity. Whether it was through international diplomacy and negotiation, through his role in rebuilding homes after Hurricane Sandy and helping the victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, or through his great work with the Carter Center to fight for justice and human rights and against suffering. Among other things, the Carter Center practically eradicated Guinea Worm Disease, working with the WHO to reduce cases from 3.5 million in the mid-1980s to 25 in 2016. Richard Nixon, wrong as he was on so many other things, was right when he said: "The greatest honor history can bestow is that of peacemaker." Such an honour is more than appropriate for Jimmy Carter. He was an inspiration for all, and someone whose wisdom, guidance and leadership will be much missed.

As for Bernie Sanders, Bernie has a great vision for what America can become if the bottom 99% can unite and fight for their fair share. He's always been the underdog, whether in his campaign for Mayor of Burlington, or when he ran for Congress in 1990. Before winning the mayorship of Burlington in a squeaker, he waged several unsuccessful campaigns for Senate and Governor. He never gave up. He ran issue-oriented campaigns and created coalitions that united the people of Vermont. As Mayor of Burlington, he fought for reform and change, opposed by both Republicans and moderate Democrats. He won his seat to the House in 1990 and his seat in the Senate in 2006. He has, altogether, spent 34 years in Congress. In all those 34 years, he has always stood by his principles, which sometimes made a lonely club. He has opposed the Iraq War strongly, has fought for a higher minimum wage and protection of American workers. He has fought for less tax breaks for the ultra-rich, and less government funding for the military-industrial complex, and more money to help ordinary, middle- and lower-class Americans and their children. He has faced strong opposition in his advocacy for universal healthcare, paid leave, a higher and more humane minimum wage, school lunch programs, campaign finance reform, criminal justice reform, and the Green New Deal. He has not been afraid to call out self-serving politicians for their hypocrisy and their abandonment of the ordinary, working man, in favour of their donors. Now, with his retirement, a valuable, an essential, advocate for all those values will be lost from Congress. Bernie's struggle is far from over. It is a struggle of generations, a struggle to change a nation. Just the same way his struggle to change Burlington and then Vermont was by no means easy, the fight to change a nation, for the betterment of future generations, will be no easy fight. But, and I'm certain Bernie agrees with this sentiment, if we come together, it is a fight we can definitely win."
John King wannabe
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« Reply #179 on: August 12, 2022, 12:38:51 AM »
« Edited: August 12, 2022, 12:42:31 AM by John King wannabe »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule (Pt. 1) and Debate Responses

January 27th | New Hampshire

Vice President Harris will continue her tour of New Hampshire while also preparing for the upcoming Democratic Primary debate. On Saturday the 27th, Vice President Harris will visit a local retirement home and converse with seniors about her plans to fix and build on Social Security by lowering the eligibility age to 60 and by increasing benefits for those currently on social security as well as those who will be using social security benefits in the future.

After the event the Vice President visited a local college campus where she touted her progressive bonafides to the local college students, a solid majority of whom have a very progressive way of thinking. At the campus the Vice President sat down with students in a roundtable and conversed with the students about the best way to ensure students do not leave school with debt, while also officially announcing she would continue the pause on all student debt payments put in place by President Biden if elected President. Harris stopped and took pictures with those at the campus who already supported her campaign and spoke at a rally in the campus gymnasium.

“I believe we all have a responsibility here, for the students of our great country. We need a President that is going to help students graduate without finding themselves in crippling debt, we need a President that is going to fight for these people, and so when I am President I am going to make sure that no student ever has to graduate tens of thousands of dollars in debt, we must do better and under a Harris administration we will do better!

So I need you all with me in this fight! All of us together, working towards a better future for this country, so on January 30th I need you to get out and vote and fight! And so when you fight for me you ensure that I have the chance as President to fight for you every single day!”

After the event, the Vice President visited her local Concord campaign HQ where she chatted with volunteers and thanked them for their help in the race, she also jokingly held a piece of paper that read “ROY WON’T TELL YOU KAMALA LIKES WEED” for a picture which was posted on her official @Kamala4ThePeople campaign account. Afterwards the Vice President and her senior staff went into a conference room and held debate prep for the rest of the day.

After debate prep was done, the Vice President retired back to her hotel and prepped privately for about 2 more hours before going to bed.

January 28th | New Hampshire - Nevada

The Vice President started her day with an early debate prep session with advisors and afterwards revisited her Concord HQ where she dropped off doughnuts and coffee for her staff before leaving shortly after to board Air Force Two to begin her flight to Las Vegas, Nevada.

After arriving in Nevada, the Vice President will be greeted by local Nevada politicians willing to get a photo of themselves shaking the hand of the Vice President. Afterwards, the Vice President will go to the venue for a quick light, podium height and camera check on all angles for the debate. Afterwards the Vice President attended a roundtable on raising the minimum wage with members of the Culinary Workers Union, after that she attended a rally at the University of Las Vegas campus.

“I am so glad to be here in Las Vegas, and as many of you know! I have a debate tonight so I need you all watching! But ya know I am so glad to be here in Las Vegas off of a great win in Iowa! And what I am hoping will be some more great wins in New Hampshire and Nevada! We need your support and we need your fighting spirit cause it takes a group of fighters to propel us to the White House!

You know when I did my first case in court as a prosecutor the first words I spoke were as you all know my campaign mantra; Kamala Harris, for the People and that has been my only client throughout my entire career, the people and so I am confident in the fact that the people! Will take us all the way to the White House! So Nevada I really need you to show out on February 6th! And I mean it! Don’t play with me now!”

After the rally, Vice President Harris motorcaded to the debate venue where she would prep for makeup and eventually line up with her fellow candidates and make small talk, before being introduced and proceeding to debate.

Cooper: Hello and welcome everyone to tonight's Democratic debate, coming live from Paris Las Vegas in Nevada. I'm your moderator Anderson Cooper. Tonight's debate will be feature question around a variety of policy areas such as the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare. Now, let's welcome our candidates. Governor Roy Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Secretary of State John Kerry.  Of course, tonight's debate is being held in the shadows of the retirement of Senator Sanders and of course, the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Before we get into questioning, I invite each of you to say a few words about these two men.
“Thank you, Anderson and thank you to this wonderful venue for hosting us, and of course I wanna thank my fellow candidates for being here to discuss the important issues affecting the American People”
“You know, President Carter was a man of amazing character, a diplomat, a peace maker and a man who believed that if we just look into the heart of our fellow man we could leave this country in a much better condition than we found it, on the few occasions I have talked to President Carter you could feel the love of a grandfather but the wisdom of a diplomat, and ya know Jimmy was right when he said “The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest citizens''. His courage, his love and his always hopeful idea of America will be sorely missed in the future.”
“And what can I say about Bernie that hasn’t already been said before? *laughs* I mean Senator Sanders is if many things, a fighter, he is a consistent fighter for the American people and his tune has never changed, an advocate, a fighter, and truly a founder of the modern progressive movement, and knowing New Hampshire is voting next I gotta say, I love Bernie as much as you guys do! *laughs* But in all seriousness Bernie will be missed in the United States Senate and thank you for your over 50 years of service to this great country, Senator Sanders, our great, great grandchildren won’t forget you.
Recently, the Sevastopol Treaty, which allowed Ukraine to join NATO in exchange for surrendering the Donbass region, was signed. Normally, the process of accession to NATO would take some time, but President Zelensky has asked for Ukraine's candidacy to be accelerated. Would you support an accelerated timetable for Ukrainian accession to NATO at the risk of agitating Russia?
“Look, I think it is time we stop letting Russia snare and scare us from doing the right thing at the right time, we saw Vladmir Putin’s aggression and complete disregard for human life in his destructive aggression campaign that killed tens of thousands of innocent Ukranian’s, and I’m talking babies, family members, people who did not deserve the death they got, who we still need to get justice for and this is the way, by giving the Ukrainian people the safety and comfort that they likely wish they had back in 2022 when Russia first started committing war crimes in their country, so yes I do support accelerating the timeline for this and when I am President I will do everything in my power to accelerate the timeline to ensure that Ukraine can and will join NATO”
“And if Russia doesn’t like it that’s too damn bad!”
Under President Biden, the economy has suffered notable fluctuations, most visibly felt by people through gas prices. How would you, as President, manage our energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy, while also lowering gas prices and keeping our energy grid running at full capacity?
“Well Anderson, I’d like to just start off by saying this, we only have one planet and we cannot waste it.”
“A lot of this could’ve been avoided if we passed the original Build Back Better Act under the Biden-Harris administration which would’ve made significant investments in clean and renewable energy jobs while also ensuring that millions of Americans don't get left behind, and I am determined that under a Harris administration we can continue that work.”
“Obviously as Vice President I have taken a leading role in terms of climate change and protecting the environment and so I do believe the future of our country is built on renewable energy and under a Harris administration we will continue to push for the creation of hundreds of thousands of clean and renewable energy jobs!”
“First what we need to do is to give these companies the proper incentives to gradually move towards clean and renewable energy, we can’t do this unless everyone is on board because let me tell you if they ain’t cooperating, then nothing will get done, so we have to give them the proper incentives if you will, to gradually begin a move to clean renewable energy, that alone will allow them to begin moving their employees away from fossil fuels and coal and towards jobs managing solar panels, wind turbines, or even jobs managing the electric vehicles of the future. If we can provide them with these incentives then they will have no excuse not to fail in line, and I am confident that can be done and I am confident that as President I will build on this administrations progress to get it done.”
In recent times, the Democratic Party has begun concerted efforts to push towards universal healthcare, primarily based on the single-payer model. Would you advocate for and sign a bill creating a single-payer system in the United States?
“Folks, and I’m going to be upfront about this, we have a really big problem. Powerful politicians have access to some of the best healthcare in the country as they sit idly by and watch innocent Americans suffer. And those Americans are suffering because the hospitals that they go to care more about making money than they do saving lives.”
“As President I will work tirelessly to reform this country’s healthcare system, and any reasonable bill that ensures that more Americans will have access to quality healthcare, I will absolutely sign if and when it is put on my desk. Obviously we must consider the financial impact such bill would have on middle and lower class Americans who would likely have to give a little especially for a bill as vast as that, but figuring out a way to pay for social programs is part of the job, and we’re going to make this happen. But let me talk about my plan for healthcare in America”
“There is a single payer aspect of my but what is unique about mine is that my plan gives the choice back to the American people, under my plan American’s will have the option to opt into a government run healthcare program which under my plan an ambulance ride will go from costing over $600 to zero, the cost of giving birth will go from down from over $15,000 to zero and so on, or if they want they can keep their private insurance, needless to say I’m sure that the public option which I have thought a lot about, will be very popular, but my plan wil; give the option of choice back to the American people and yes, I am very proud of that!”

“And while we’re talking about healthcare let’s talk about women’s healthcare, so I am proud to stand here on this stage as the only woman to say that I will make a priority in my first 100 days as President to codify Roe v. Wade and the right to privacy in terms of abortion rights! I will not stop until our bodily autonomy is fully restored, and I haven’t stopped fighting since the Supreme Court took that away 2 years ago!”
Vice President Harris, you're the only woman on stage tonight, and you happen to be the daughter of a mother who emigrated from India and a father who emigrated from Jamaica. As someone from this background, what was your reaction to the recent incident at a re-election rally for Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez?
“Anderson, let me just start off by saying, that there is no place for violence in the United States of America especially not gun violence or even attempted gun violence as we saw as Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s event but we gotta get clear about gun violence in America. These shootings don’t happen every week, every few days, or every time we see an alert on our phones that more innocent lives have been lost, no, they happen more than that. 3, 4, 5 mass shootings a day. I know that there are good guys with guns, but all it takes is one bad guy with a gun, for ten more people to drop dead like lambs in a supermarket, or a political rally, or god forbid, an elementary school. America, your President and your Vice President have a duty to, at the very least, protect you from being brutally slaughtered. Joe Biden and I are hard at work, we take this issue very seriously and even though significant, bipartisan progress has been made, the time to act is now, and so that is why a Harris administration is prepared to finally put in place a ban on assault weapons, more extensive and wide ranging red flag laws and background checks, and I promise you this will be a prime and clear focus of my administration”
“But this is about more than gun violence, this is about political violence. My friend, and she is a dear, dear friend of mine, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along with so many other politicians have had to fear for their lives just because someone crazy disagreed with them. This isn’t about politics, politicians are people just like all of you, we want to make the world a better place, and we have different ways of getting there, we look different, we come from all walks of life, sure, but that shouldn’t be a death sentence, it should be celebrated!”
Vice President Harris, you recently unveiled a plan for universal child care. This is similar to plans that have been proposed by Democrats in the past, but haven't gained much traction. Why is it this time you would be able to pass it, when it has failed under previous Presidents?
“We’re gonna get it passed because I’m not scared of the old, white men in Washington that want to disenfranchise the working parents of this country, and you know, that’s gone on for far too long! When I was little the idea of childcare was my mother taking me to her job and helping me clean tubes in her lab, but that simply doesn’t fly anymore”
“We need to get kids childcare and we need to get it done at absolutely no cost to parents, because that is simply how it should be, it is not a political issue is is a human issue and I know I sound like a broken record but under the Biden-Harris administration we had a plan for Universal Childcare but unfortunately we did not exactly have the entire Democratic caucus in the Senate on our side, so that is why this November it is not only important we keep a Democrat in the White House but retain our Senate majority and take back the House from Kevin McCarthy to complete the work we started in November 2020”
Closing Statement
“First off, I want to thank my fellow candidates for joining me here tonight to talk about the issues that affect the American people, you know it truly is astonishing how every 4 years politicians alike come together to debate the issues affecting the American people, and I know that despite out political differences we all deeply care about the American people so if the audience would join me I would like to give these 2 gentleman a round of applause”
“New Hampshire and Nevada you have a choice, the option to vote for the true progressive in this race, a candidate who believes in working with our global partners to take on the threat that is Russian and Chinese aggression, a candidate who believes in protecting the environment with clean and renewable energy which will give millions of Americans jobs, a candidate that takes the gun epidemic seriously and a candidate that will do everything in her power to expand healthcare to every American in this country”
“That candidate is Kamala Harris, and I hope to have your vote”

After the debate the Vice President huddled with her campaign team to debrief and discuss the night’s events, afterwards the Vice President boarded Air Force Two and arrived at a local Manchester airport and retired to bed at a local hotel.
January 29th - 30th | New Hampshire
On the 29th the Vice President kept a low key scale of appearances. She was noticed shaking hands at several local diners and she held a roundtable on reproductive rights in the home of a major women’s rights donor where she vowed to continue the work she has already put forth in terms of women’s reproductive health as well as touting her debate performance the night before.
After the event the Vice President knocked on doors in a local Manchester neighborhood where she reminded voters about the upcoming primary the next day, afterwards the Vice President huddled with her senior campaign team about the strategy for the next day win or lose for the campaign, afterwards the Vice President returned to her hotel to prepare for the next day.
On the 30th the Vice President visited her campaign office early in the morning to cheer on her local New Hampshire campaign team and urge them to go vote for her before the polls closed at 8. Afterwards the Vice President shook hands at a local restaurant urging people to get out and cast their ballots. Afterwards, she visited several shops and local diners to make small talk with voters, before traveling to Nashua to hold a rally in front of Air Force Two and knocking on doors.
“New Hampshire, after years of work, we’ve focused on the issues, we’ve met some incredible voters, and we’ve inspired countless people throughout the state! All because we have a dream, a dream called America! Not the America that we live in today, where corporations have too much power, where women don’t feel safe walking home alone at night, and where mass shootings happen endlessly, no. We dream of an America where all of mankind is truly equal, and if the founding fathers were still around today, we’d make their jaws drop, by not only electing our first female President of the United States, but by choosing a black woman, and a progressive champion who understands what it’s like to be among the 99% of overlooked citizens in this society! We dream of dismantling the patriarchy, we dream of protecting our environment, we dream of legalizing marijuana, that, that is the America that we dream of! That is the America that we are fighting for, and that is the vision for this country that will prevail tonight!
Get some rest, the results are imminent.”

Vice President Harris ended the day by settling into her hotel with her family and staff, and awaiting the final results
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #180 on: August 12, 2022, 06:56:27 AM »
« Edited: August 12, 2022, 08:00:37 AM by Spiral »

John Kerry Debate Responses

Cooper: Hello and welcome everyone to tonight's Democratic debate, coming live from Paris Las Vegas in Nevada. I'm your moderator Anderson Cooper. Tonight's debate will be feature question around a variety of policy areas such as the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare. Now, let's welcome our candidates. Governor Roy Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Secretary of State John Kerry.  Of course, tonight's debate is being held in the shadows of the retirement of Senator Sanders and of course, the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Before we get into questioning, I invite each of you to say a few words about these two men.

Good evening, America. Let me first begin by talking about the rich legacy of President Carter, a man I got to know personally over many years. Here you had a man who devoted his life to public service and the betterment of human society. Jimmy Carter made major breakthrough in peace accords over countries such as Israel and the Soviet Union which gave the world more breathing room in a time of cold war. We also had in President Carter a pioneer in pushing alternative energy and the fight to improve our environment. Even after his administration ended, he was always insistent on serving as he can to make the world a safer place. I've been fortunate through my years as a Senator and Secretary of State having traveled with President Carter across Europe, Africa, and Asia to achieve goals including the reduction of global poverty and nuclear disarmament. Jimmy Carter was a true statesman whose presence shall be missed.

As for Bernie Sanders, his contributions to our national dialogue have pushed America to always do better. Whether the issue is income inequality, workers' rights, or the right to healthcare, Senator Sanders has been an inspiration to millions of Americans who hold new faith that we can achieve all this and more. I got to know Bernie through our many shared years in Congress, including in the Senate. We worked on everything from helping seniors receive better care to regulating pollution standards. He stood up with Joe Biden and made sure that the Democratic Party would remain strong ahead of 2020 with a Unity Task Force incorporating all wings of the party, to which I was a co-chair of the climate division. I expressed my well wishes on Bernie's retirement as it was announced. I also spent my campaign's first full day in a roundtable discussion with the Senator on how this nation can move forward together. I was the first and sole candidate to meet with him this campaign season. While he may soon be leaving Congress, his ideas and supporters shall persist.

Recently, the Sevastopol Treaty, which allowed Ukraine to join NATO in exchange for surrendering the Donbass region, was signed. Normally, the process of accession to NATO would take some time, but President Zelensky has asked for Ukraine's candidacy to be accelerated. Would you support an accelerated timetable for Ukrainian accession to NATO at the risk of agitating Russia?

Ukraine over the past two years has shown incredible leadership and bravery. We must commend President Zelensky for staying true to his nation's values and defending themselves against Russian aggression valiantly. The purpose of NATO is to ensure the collective security of Europe, and the world by extension. Ukraine has proven that they are more than capable of fulfilling this and contributing to our defenses. For that reason, I absolutely support a fast-tracked timeline for NATO membership here. The US will support Ukraine and all of our allies who will not tolerate further Russian hostilities.

If Putin doesn't like this, well, wouldn't be the first time anyway. *laughs*

Under President Biden, the economy has suffered notable fluctuations, most visibly felt by people through gas prices. How would you as President, manage our energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy, while also lowering gas prices and keeping our energy grid running at full capacity?

We have been living in unstable times. The pandemic since 2020 has done a lot to upend regular order in our global markets, and it leaves America as needing to do more for securing our economy and our energy capabilities.

I have been loud and proud calling for a Green New Deal in this country. This would be an all-hands-on-deck approach to solving the energy crisis, focusing on everything from wind, solar, nuclear, hydro, and you name it. My plan will give the incentives for this alternative energy development and make it much more cost-effective for businesses and states to switch to over time. By the way, this also will modernize our energy grid first and foremost and allow our current energy sources like oil and natural gas to be used with as little waste and pollution possible.

We've got to make sure that we can hook up everyone, from the small farms to the large industrial factories, to these projects and not leave any part of this country untouched. It really is an issue affecting us all, as we can see with our collective groans at the gas pump. *laughs* I will make this a national security issue as President and see it as such to use my full executive powers for implementation. We are on the cusp of an energy breakthrough, and I'm confident that we as Americans can make major progress over the next four years together.

In recent times, the Democratic Party has begun concerted efforts to push towards universal healthcare, primarily based on the single-payer model. Would you advocate for and sign a bill creating a single-payer system in the United States?

You bet, Anderson. The time is long overdue for a working healthcare system, not a broken one that Americans have suffered through. It's a disgrace to see regular people forced to undergo bankruptcy because they can't afford basic medical procedures and treatments.

As President, I will wholeheartedly push for a Medicare for All system. Before the right starts to fearmonger away: No, this will not eliminate private insurance options. My model for universal healthcare is based on the countries that get it right most effectively. Who would those be? It includes Germany, France, and Singapore. They give the proper funding to healthcare infrastructure while also leaving room for citizens to work with their local providers and insurance.

We have seen these countries and many more achieve healthcare for all. Why can't we as Americans move forward on the same path? Not only do we deserve access to care at lower costs, but my system will also place heavy focus on preparing us for future pandemics and other major disruptions to our national infrastructure. We have got to train and supply the next generation of doctors and healthcare administrators for preparation on all cylinders. The time to do this begins today.

Secretary Kerry, you are the oldest candidate on stage, at 79 years. Given the retirements of President Biden and Senator Sanders this year, how do you answer questions regarding your age?

Anderson, I'll also have you know that I'm the wisest candidate here on stage tonight. *laughter and applause*

Look, let me be serious on this matter as I know it's on many Americans' minds. I have been active in public service on behalf of this country for over fifty years in different ways. I've fought in the trenches of Vietnam, stood up to corruption in the Senate, and brokered global cooperation as Secretary of State and as the Climate Envoy today. Through it all, my strength and vigor have been uncompromised. Vice President Harris can attest to this as we've been working closely together in recent years.

Should there come a point when I no longer feel I can handle the duties of President, I will make this clear to the American people and do my part to step down from public life right away. I have absolute faith in the voters of this country for judging who they see as up for the job of President or not. You can see this campaign is a highly active one, as our needs are urgent, but this campaign is also about giving power to the next generation of leaders who can lead this country on a healthier, more sustainable path. My administration will hire the best and brightest in science, business, and government to make our goals a reality.

To go the extra step, I challenge my fellow candidates on a bike ride one day!

Mr Secretary, emissions in the Unted States have lowered; the same cannot be said for China or India. Given that China is considered a current geopolitical adversary to the United States, and India's current diplomatic alignment with China, how do you plan to get them onboard with emissions reduction plans?

What we need to do is show them the way forward. Countries like China are continuing their model because they know it makes them money and they can continue to expand their reach around the world. However, this comes at a cost and they won't be able to keep this up forever.

The United States must be the global leader in investing for the next generation of energy and emissions standards. My plan gives us the tools to work with and actually implement them to massively reduce costs over the next decades. We must show China that they're capable of the same and that these steps are not just for solving our climate crisis, but they also amount to an economic powerhouse.

I've gotten to know these world leaders well, especially in the past twenty years. I have the extensive experience working with them and building trust over acts of mutual benefit. My administration will not be like Donald Trump's where he changes with the wind and alienates everyone he sets his sight on. For China and India in particular, I know these diplomats on a personal level and I know that their primary focus is on developing their country. They would not want to fall behind the curve. America will act as the leader it has long been on these fronts and we will get the global community united here after so long.

Closing Statement:

Thank you all for watching and listening to this debate tonight. We've seen a spirited exchange of ideas, and maybe the occasional barb. *laughs* However, we do this as I know we're all passionate here about making Americans' lives better.

There has been a lot of talk this election about progressive values. My record stands clear above the other candidates on everything from climate change to labor to Social Security. I recognize that the issues we face are often dire, and we have got to think boldly to solve them. I have been entrusted by both President Obama and now President Biden to serve in the Cabinet and represent us on the world stage for this very reason. Yes, we can achieve a Green New Deal and Medicare for All to make our lives healthier and our economy booming. Yes, we will be a beacon of hope for the world and hold China and Russia accountable for their aggressions. And, yes, we can beat back extremism here and preserve our treasured democracy through a modern Voting Rights Act.

I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty!
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #181 on: August 12, 2022, 09:28:51 AM »

January 27-28: Texas/Nevada

Kerry spent time connecting with local officials and voters in Texas. Time was spent in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and El Paso in particular. Politicians of note who connected with Secretary Kerry included former Congressman Beto O'Rourke. A large focus of this visit was to consolidate gains among Latino and African-American bases in the state. Common themes of discussion included faith, economic security, gun control, and electability. Following the stops, Kerry headed to Nevada for the first Democratic debate of the year.

What happened with AOC should never happen in this country again. These extremists, whether they're lone wolves or organized, have a plan to terrorize our people and break our government to get their way. This must never be allowed. I'm glad that we as Democrats are all united on this front, and one focus should be getting a handle on the uncontrolled flow of guns. Beto, you've been a tireless advocate on this issue and you deserve great recognition for how it's impacted Texas. Loopholes must be closed, background checks should be tighter, and our spending on law enforcement should better target prevention measures that catch these extremists early on before they inflict harm. I'm confident that the people are on our side and that humanity will prevail over evil.

January 29-30: New Hampshire

After much suspense, Kerry made the choice to campaign in New Hampshire in earnest. Factors in the campaign's favor include the state's small size, Kerry's name recognition and previous primary victory, along with a permissive write-in system which could attract many voters to switch at the last minute. The campaign had an all-out barnstorming effort, paired with surrogates such as former Governor John Lynch, MA Senator Ed Markey, and VA Senator Tim Kaine. The campaign sees a narrow victory as a real possibility based on internal polls and will at a minimum see a strong showing from a dissatisfied voter environment as extra momentum. The Kerry pitch is simple but compelling: Secretary Kerry is the most committed progressive who can rise above the divisions of the other primary candidates and unite the Democrats just as he had done in 2004. Rallies are the primary form of campaigning here for the greatest visibility and media attention.

It is so, so good to be back here in New Hampshire! *cheers* I love this state for many reasons. People here are independent, and they do step up to make their voices heard. I've long believed that New Hampshire embodies the heart of the Democratic Party in many ways, not the least of which is you tend to go against the buck! *laughs*

Thanks to you, we have won before in 2004. I am asking all of you, whether you're young or old, black or white, to shock the establishment and deliver another come-from-behind victory that they never saw coming! We have the power in numbers and in spirit. Make sure that all of your family and friends vote in this primary. Let them know what is at stake. We will deliver a clear mandate together this November, and it begins right here in New Hampshire!
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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« Reply #182 on: August 12, 2022, 09:38:53 AM »

John Kerry TV Ad: Service

He served our country in uniform, earning three Purple Hearts from Vietnam.

He served our country as Secretary of State, reining in nuclear weapons and pushing the largest global climate change treaty in history.

John Kerry has always served his country because he believes in the goodness of America.

As President, John Kerry will tackle our biggest problems, from climate change to our children's education. He will proudly serve you and work for a fairer, stronger America.

I'm John Kerry, and I approve this message.

The ad shall play in the following states: Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

This ad is now also expanding to New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina markets. New Hampshire and Nevada in particular are receiving substantial ad spending.
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« Reply #183 on: August 12, 2022, 03:14:17 PM »

In recent times, the Democratic Party has begun concerted efforts to push towards universal healthcare, primarily based on the single-payer model. Would you advocate for and sign a bill creating a single-payer system in the United States?

COOPER: "Of course I would, Anderson. Here's the only thing. Cooper-to-Cooper, I'm not sure we'll realistically have the votes to get a single-payer system. I would obviously advocate strongly for single-payer, and if such a bill comes to my desk, it would be my honour to sign it into law, but speaking realistically, I'm not sure it's feasible. In the sense that I fear some Democrats may think this goes too far. I obviously disagree with those Democrats and think that we need to go this far, and we need to ensure healthcare for everybody, but unless we can get solid majorities in both Houses, my fear is we may not have the necessary votes, in the House and Senate. We also need to be wary of Republicans in the Senate filibustering this bill. They've done it many times before, as we all are well aware. They are obstructionists who are bent on impeding necessary progress in order to please their mega rich donors. So, if we are able to get the solid majorities in Congress and we are able to get this bill through Congress, I would 100% sign it into law. But, frankly, my fear is that it might not happen. If it does not, I'm willing to take a smaller step forward, too. If, say, a less powerful and impactful bill makes its way to my desk, I'll happily sign that, too. Ideally, we should shoot for single-payer healthcare, but I recognise the very real limits of what might be achieved. If we can get big majorities in Congress, that'll be great and we may actually be able to get single-payer healthcare, but if we don't, don't think that's all-or-nothing or that there won't be any progress at all. If we can't get single-payer healthcare, we can compromise and go as far as we can with the votes that we have. That said, I'm going to enter the White House with the mindset of passing single-payer healthcare, and I promise you and those listening that I will fight my hardest for single-payer healthcare. Any less impactful or far-reaching bill will be a last resort, if and only if we do not have the votes for single-payer healthcare. But yes, this White House will vigorously support single-payer and should a bill implementing single-payer healthcare reach my desk, I would most certainly sign it."

Recently, the Sevastopol Treaty, which allowed Ukraine to join NATO in exchange for surrendering the Donbass region, was signed. Normally, the process of accession to NATO would take some time, but President Zelensky has asked for Ukraine's candidacy to be accelerated. Would you support an accelerated timetable for Ukrainian accession to NATO at the risk of agitating Russia?

COOPER: "Oh, absolutely. America will 100% support an accelerated path to have Ukraine join NATO. We need not fear Russia. We're not going to forever walk around them or cater to their every demand. Maybe that's how Trump and his Russophile Republicans would do it, but it's not how a Cooper White House will handle it. Just as VP Harris and Envoy Kerry also said, America must give unequivocal support to Ukraine in this effort. We aren't going to leave our ally behind to appease Russia. In fact, this is non-negotiable."

Under President Biden, the economy has suffered notable fluctuations, most visibly felt by people through gas prices. How would you as President, manage our energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy, while also lowering gas prices and keeping our energy grid running at full capacity?

COOPER: "This crisis has well demonstrated the fallibility of our present energy policy. Now let me elaborate on that. We are getting our energy, dirty, fossil fuel energy, from other countries. We still buy a lot of oil from up in Canada, which believe it or not is the country exporting the most energy to the US.  And we were getting it from Russia. Then Russia invaded Ukraine, as we all are well aware, and President Biden rightfully imposed sanctions and embargoes on Russia along with many other countries. This included an embargo on Russian oil. However, we still needed to get oil from somewhere. The result was humiliating. President Biden had to go to Saudi Arabia and ask the brutal House of Saud to give us oil. This was a brutal monarchy we had decided not to take oil from until it improved its record on human rights and women's rights. We had to back away from that promise so that we could get oil, because oil is the form of energy we as a country are heavily dependent upon.

We need to get energy independence, so that we aren't relying on nations such as Russia and Iran and Saudi Arabia for our energy needs. And no, contrary to what the GOP says, the solution is not to drill on American land. The solution is not to build pipelines that run through and ruin Native American reservations and the local wildlife. The solution is for us, as a country, to begin transitioning to renewable ASAP. Even if we had started the transition just before Russia took over Ukraine, we would still have had to go to Saudi Arabia for oil. However, if we can start transitioning to renewable today itself, then tomorrow, we will no longer need to worry about appeasing brutal dictators or monarchs in order to get fossil fuels from them.

Joe Biden has taken strides forward in terms of that transition, but it's not enough. We need, as Secretary Kerry said, a Green New Deal. We need the ideas VP Harris, Senator Baldwin, Governor Hochul and myself worked on implemented. We need to make this our number one national priority. For that, we need somebody in the White House who can get it done. No more bold but empty promises - we don't have the time for that, our planet doesn't have the time for that. I take the issue of climate change very, very seriously. And you need only look at my record as Governor in North Carolina - I've gotten a lot of stuff done in a state with a Republican legislature, in a state with limited veto power. Secretary Kerry attacked me earlier as somebody who doesn't have enough experience on environmental issues. Well, he's wrong. As Governor of North Carolina, I vigorously and staunchly opposed offshore drilling on the coast of my state. I explained then my position in four words, and I'll say it again now - "Not off our coast." President Trump was eager to drill off North Carolina's coast, but I strongly opposed it because it would hurt the environment and our state's wonderful coastal communities. I was not interested in letting the fossil fuel lobby make a profit at the expense of the people and wildlife of the North Carolina coast. Trump backed down after a long time, and there was no offshore drilling in North Carolina. In 2017, I signed HB589, which was a major boost for solar energy in our state. When the Republicans in the legislature who get massive donations - basically bribes - from coal and oil barons and lobbyists, refused to play ball, I wielded executive orders. Executive Order 80, issued in 2018, laid out a plan to place 80,000 electric-powered vehicles on the roads of our state by 2025, and we're well on course right now to achieve that. The order also promised that our emissions in 2025 would be three-fifths of what they were in 2005. We're well on course to meet that goal, too. Executive Order 246, from back in 2022, took decisive steps for North Carolina to meet its net-zero emissions goal, and to cut emissions in half from their 2005 levels by 2030. The department of transportation in North Carolina, during my governorship,  produced extensive plans to build stations to charge electric vehicles in every part of the state, and worked towards generous tax credits for electric vehicles. And I've testified in Congress over the terrible effects of climate change our state has experienced firsthand.

My point is this - I have been a strong environmentalist and fighter for green energy. My record is crystal-clear. I've taken North Carolina much forward in its transition to renewable. And when I'm president, we will do even more across all 50 states, so that we are no longer harming our planet or relying on foreign oil."

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« Reply #184 on: August 12, 2022, 03:37:54 PM »

Governor Cooper, there is a growing perception that you are overly focused on the marijuana issue, and some are beginning to see you as a single-issue candidate. Why have you been pressing so hard on this issue, considering the Democratic Party is solidly behind legalisation?

COOPER: "That's fair, Anderson. But the question isn't even quite about marijuana as it is about a broader point, the larger picture, and more abstract concepts. It's not even so much about marijuana as what our respective records represent. They represent Kamala Harris' lack of action, her equivocation, her flip-flopping, and her inability to bring about progress and change. We've been over this. She makes bold promises and uses powerful rhetoric when it comes to police reform and criminal justice reform, but there is simply no action on her part! She refused to use the death penalty on a dangerous murderer and criminal in San Francisco as its DA, but then as AG, she refused to support multiple amendments to end the inhuman practice. Also as AG, she refused to investigate the police killings of multiple African-American men. She literally climbed up the political ladder by, as DA, securing thousands of marijuana convictions. Then, you've got the option of consistency, and progress. That is represented by my record, where as AG of North Carolina, I investigated forensic misconduct and freed innocent people from jail, where as Governor I legalised medical marijuana in the state. It's not just about criminal justice reform. It's about the idea that Kamala Harris is insincere and incompetent, whereas I have been an unequivocal progressive who has gotten stuff done. Look at the environment as another example. She did not, when you asked her on the subject, name a single concrete achievement by her - not by Joe Biden, but by her - on the environment. She used dramatic rhetoric about fighting white men to get it passed, but honestly, where's the beef, Kamala? [laughs] Over your long career, is there a single action you - not the Biden administration, but you yourself - have been able to achieve on climate change? I just outlined my extensive record, in a state with a GOP-controlled legislature, fighting for climate change. There are a lot of examples of statements, and, moreover, of actual action, that I provided, and I'll happily provide more. Whereas, with Kamala, it's always either excuses, or rhetoric about what she will do rather than anything she's been able to do in the past, or trying to paint the achievements of the entire Biden administration as her own. THAT is the point I'm making. We don't need more empty promises and rhetoric and no action. We don't need any more equivocation. We don't need Kamala Harris. What we need is somebody who has a consistent and powerful record they can point to, somebody who can both say what they've done AND what they will do, not just the latter. That candidate is me, whether on marijuana and criminal justice reform, or on the environment, or just about any other issue. I have a strong record, of achievement, of promises fulfilled. Kamala Harris has a record of broken promises, equivocation, confusion, empty rhetoric. My words are backed with action. Kamala's are not. And our contrasting records on the marijuana issue are just a microcosm of that phenomenon."

Governor, there are also concerns that your campaign is too aggressive and too attacking towards other candidates and runs the risk of damaging the party heading forward. Do yu have anything to say to these concerns?

COOPER: "Those are indeed very valid concerns and it is vital I address them. So I will, here and now. Whoever the Democratic candidate is - myself, VP Harris, Envoy Kerry, somebody else - I will give them my unequivocal endorsement, and support from the bottom of my heart. I will campaign for and with them in North Carolina and elsewhere. I will sincerely urge each and every one of my supporters to turn out to back them. Why? Not because I'm for politics as usual, not because I'm gunning for a position in their administration or seeking the advancement of my own political career. I would do it for this very simple reason. I truly believe that I am the best candidate - the most effective, the most reliable, the most electable, the most efficient - in this race. I think I should be our party's nominee because I can win, and as president I can achieve progress. And I don't honestly think that Kamala Harris or John Kerry would as electable and as effective as I would be. However, we must give them our full backing nonetheless. Yes, I have disagreements with both of them, particularly VP Harris, and I do think I'd be a better candidate than either of them. But we need to consider the alternative. It is Donald Trump. Sure, there are parts of Kamala Harris' record I certainly find questionable. But she is still a million times better than Donald Trump. And we cannot run the risk of giving the White House to the GOP, particularly to a Trump. Maybe Kamala Harris, in the White House, won't be as effective as I've been. However, she will have a strong agenda, and I do think that she would be successful in implementing at least some of it. Donald Trump, in contrast, has a very dangerous agenda. He has disgraced the office of the presidency and cannot come near the White House again. If the Republicans win the White House, we get more anti-Roe SCOTUS justices, of that Mitch McConnell will doubtless make certain. They will give yet more tax breaks to the rich. They will pass more xenophobic, more sexist, more racist, and more anti-LGBT bills. They will forestall any of the action on climate change or gun control that is ABSOLUTELY necessary. We cannot, and we will not, allow them to win the White House. Whoever the Democratic nominee is, they must have my supporters' complete and total support. None of my supporters, no true Democrat, can afford to stay home, or worse yet, vote Republican. Not when the stakes are so high. I will spar with Kamala Harris and John Kerry because I truly believe that we'd be making the wrong choice in selecting either of them as our nominee, and that I am a better choice. I'm not going to mince words or avoid the necessary criticism they need to hear. I think I should win, and I think I really can win. But should either of them, or should somebody else entirely, win our party's nomination, I won't be a sore loser. I will see the broader picture, and I will make sure all of my supporters see it too. I will fight my hardest to make sure a liberal Democrat wins the White House, and that Donald Trump and the Republicans lose again. My priorities are crystal clear to me, and, I believe, to my supporters. Cooper is a better pick than Harris or Kerry, yes, and I've stressed that fact so far, but we can't forge the  rest of it - that both Harris and Kerry are infinitely better picks than Donald Trump and Republicans that seek to bring our country backwards rather than forwards."
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« Reply #185 on: August 12, 2022, 03:43:49 PM »

CLOSE OF DEBATE: "I'd like to thank Kamala Harris and John Kerry for attending this debate tonight. I'd also like to thank Anderson Cooper, the Paris Las Vegas, and the city of Las Vegas for organising and hosting this debate. Most of all, I'd like to thank our audience for being attentive and taking a listen to what all 3 of us had to say tonight. Hopefully, based on this exchange and everything else we've said and done, each and every one of you will draw the right conclusion on who to support. If we can do that, and if we nominate the right candidate, we can achieve more progress on the issues of the day - abortion, LGBT rights, taxes, energy and oil, and gun control, among so many others - than ever before. We all know how high the stakes of this race are, and how disastrous it would be for the Republicans to win. In that spirit, I hope this party nominates the right candidate for president, and I hope, most of all, that whoever our nominee is, we win the White House and bring about crucial change."
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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« Reply #186 on: August 12, 2022, 03:46:44 PM »

Governor Cooper, now is not the time to hide away from your full record. Let it be known to voters: You hired an oil and gas lobbyist to be your legislative director in North Carolina after you approved a pipeline that the same lobbyist pushed. Not only that, but you got a $58 million blank check from that lobbying firm. This to me is a massive conflict of interest at a minimum. What does it say about your judgment when you willingly went along with that? I mean, you weren't sleeping at the wheel here, Roy. There's a saying that policy is personnel, and we cannot have lobbyists like that influence the agenda we promise. How can we know that you won't make these hiring decisions again?

Leaders in Washington and in our states have to be open with Americans. You have not been transparent with voters. For the sake of transparency, are you willing to commit here tonight that you will fully disclose where the money in that slush fund went to through an independent report?

You also made my ears perk up when you referenced Senator Baldwin. Back in July of last year on the campaign trail, you referred to Senator Baldwin as, I quote, "an extremist radical progressive who will never be able to actually implement her agenda." I know for a fact that Senator Baldwin is one of the most effective, bipartisan members of Congress. Her work on the Stop Corruption Now Act is critical to bringing Washington back to order. She's also been a pioneer on many of the issues we're discussing tonight.

You've gone around talking like a progressive these last few months, yet you attack one of our party's leading progressives like this. She was one of our frontrunners last year, and this type of rhetoric alienates millions of our voters.

We cannot afford another typical politician as our next President.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #187 on: August 12, 2022, 03:59:51 PM »

After the debate, Cooper flies to Manchester. He arrives there on the early morning of Jan. 27. After knocking on doors and personally introducing himself to voters all across the city (along with handing out an informational leaflet profiling Cooper), Cooper dips south. He holds town halls in both Bedford and Merrimack (two GOP-leaning towns near the Massachusetts border), before arriving for a rally with Cindy Rosenwald in Nashua. The rally is hasty, and after a solo town hall, he heads west parallel to the nearby MA-NH border, with town halls in both Hollis and Rindge. From Rindge, he heads due northeast to Peterborough, where a town hall and lunch with local townspeople is followed by his heading through Dublin and Marlborough, with town halls in both municipalities. From there, a town hall in Keene, cohosted by State Sen. Jay Kahn, who answers questions regarding why he endorsed Roy Cooper (below). From there, Cooper heads south along the Vermont border, with town halls in each of Westmoreland, Chesterfield and Hinsdale. After reaching Hinsdale, he deliberately reverses course and heads back through Westmoreland and Chesterfield (this time, no town halls). He then has 'speed town halls' (15 minutes apiece - 14 or 15 people ask questions and Cooper gives a response in under sixty seconds) in Walpole, Alstead, Acworth, Charlestown and Claremont. After a rally in Newport, he heads through Sunapee, and then has 'speed town halls' in each of New London, Wilmot, Andover and Hill. He spends the evening in Hill.


"Roy's got a strong record and a very real and sincere passion for the people. I think he can clobber Trump in the general election, and I think in the White House, he will work hard to bring real results and historic change for not just New Hampshire, but this entire nation. His record in North Carolina - winning elections and then advancing a bold and visionary agenda - is worthy of admiration and itself, to say nothing of long service as North Carolina's AG, makes a strong case to select him as our party's standard-bearer."
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« Reply #188 on: August 12, 2022, 04:36:45 PM »

Governor Cooper, now is not the time to hide away from your full record. Let it be known to voters: You hired an oil and gas lobbyist to be your legislative director in North Carolina after you approved a pipeline that the same lobbyist pushed. Not only that, but you got a $58 million blank check from that lobbying firm. This to me is a massive conflict of interest at a minimum. What does it say about your judgment when you willingly went along with that? I mean, you weren't sleeping at the wheel here, Roy. There's a saying that policy is personnel, and we cannot have lobbyists like that influence the agenda we promise. How can we know that you won't make these hiring decisions again?

Leaders in Washington and in our states have to be open with Americans. You have not been transparent with voters. For the sake of transparency, are you willing to commit here tonight that you will fully disclose where the money in that slush fund went to through an independent report?

You also made my ears perk up when you referenced Senator Baldwin. Back in July of last year on the campaign trail, you referred to Senator Baldwin as, I quote, "an extremist radical progressive who will never be able to actually implement her agenda." I know for a fact that Senator Baldwin is one of the most effective, bipartisan members of Congress. Her work on the Stop Corruption Now Act is critical to bringing Washington back to order. She's also been a pioneer on many of the issues we're discussing tonight.

You've gone around talking like a progressive these last few months, yet you attack one of our party's leading progressives like this. She was one of our frontrunners last year, and this type of rhetoric alienates millions of our voters.

We cannot afford another typical politician as our next President.

"John, any suggestion that there was a conflict of interest or the idea that the lobbyists influenced my environmental agenda is ludicrous and can be disproven by my gubernatorial record. Unlike with so many Republicans, my selection of an oil-and-gas lobbyist for legislative director neither changed nor influenced my views one bit. Yes, perhaps he wasn't the right choice, but he did not change my agenda on the environment one bit. My administration was crystal-clear for green energy. Our department of transportation took major steps towards promoting electric vehicles, as I described. I vocally opposed offshore drilling on North Carolina's cost, and thanks in part to my staunch opposition, it didn't ultimately happen. I signed laws and executive orders fighting the fossil fuel lobby and fossil fuels, and promoting renewable energy. Does that sound like a conflict of interest to you? Does that sound like I was pro-oil, or that the appointment changed my views or my agenda on the environment one bit? That choice for my legislative director did not change my views, or the actions I took, on climate change one bit. I did in fact support one pipeline, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, because I believed it was a good choice for North Carolina. And the lobbyist was from that group. I won't deny either fact. But I've since then had a 100% pro-renewable record - which I can go into more detail on, if that's what you want. And as for the $58 million, the 'investigation' that drew that conclusion was a partisan hoax and witch-hunt. It was run by Republicans seeking to discredit me. It was deflection from a GOP-controlled General Assembly, as so many Democrats and myself pointed out. After all, it was those Republicans who spent that $58 million in public schools in 8 counties along the state's coast. There may have been a misuse of funds - but its sole culprit was GOP legislators. To repeat tired and false Republican claims you know very well are false is a low blow, John, and frankly I was hoping you would do better than this.

But yes, John, I should have earlier on explained this situation. My goal has been utmost transparency with the voters, because I have nothing to hide and think all politicians should be answerable to their constituents, to the people who elect them rather than the people who fund them. And because I have nothing to hide and support politicians being transparent with voters, I will commit to an independent report explaining where that $58 million went. I'll tell you now: Republicans in the General Assembly spent it - call it misuse, call it whatever you want - on schools on 8 coastal counties in the state the pipeline would've run through. If you don't believe me, and won't take my word for it, which is fair, then I'll give you an independent report that will confirm the very same.

As for Tammy Baldwin, yes, those remarks were tongue-in-cheek. Tammy is no "extremist radical." She is a progressive who wants what is best for our country, and I see eye to eye with her on many things. So that remark, was in a word, a mistake. I do not, however, apologise for having said she would be unable to fulfil many of the points in her agenda. Why? Well, you and Kamala Harris and Senator Baldwin all talked about universal healthcare. Which I support as well. The difference between us is that you three promised to bring it about, and, speaking of government transparency, did not mention the fact that it would be difficult to get it passed. I support universal healthcare, but unlike you and Kamala Harris, I've also always supported talking straight to the voters, giving them the full facts, not insulting their intelligence with false promises. I have promised universal healthcare if it has the votes. I'll do my best, I promise that. I'll fight hard for it, I promise that. If it reaches my desk, it will be my very great honour to sign it, I promise that. But I can't guarantee that that happens. It depends on the size of our majority in Congress and if we have the votes to stop likely GOP obstructionism. It certainly won't be easy, and it may well prove impossible, depending on our numbers in Congress. I promise that on my end, you will have a strong, strong supporter for universal healthcare, someone who does everything necessary to get it passed. I just do know, though, that presidential support alone isn't enough, and that a lot is needed from Congress, too. So when you have such a bold agenda, such a progressive and far-flung vision you promise to enact, I think that's misleading, because more often than not, it doesn't all end up happening. Sure, you try your best, maybe, but it still fails. So when you're promising in advance to the voters that this WILL definitely happen if you're elected, and then it doesn't, I don't think that's fair to the people who supported you, to break your promises in that way, to stretch the truth or exaggerate how much you can possibly do to win votes. If I lose, that's fine. I'll have talked straight to to the voters that I'll do my best, but that the simple political reality is, it may well fail, and it is by no means guaranteed, and that it depends on the partisan composition of Congress.

And if we're talking about transparency and consistency, John, there's a hell of a lot you've flip-flopped on, a lot on which you've not cared to clarify to the voters. Are you running as the John who vocally supports affirmative action, or the John who opposes it, who calls it "inherently limited and divisive" and a failure to African-Americans? Are you the John who opposed nuclear energy so strongly that you killed a bill to fund it, or the John you, in fact, does support nuclear energy, saying there's "no other alternative"? Are you still the John Kerry who supports tapping into our Strategic Petroleum Reserves, just as President Biden did a few years back, or have you gone back to the original John, who thought it was a bad and "not relevant" idea? Are you the John who supports NAFTA, or the one who thinks it hurts American workers and leads to a race-to-the-bottom?

Do you care to enlighten us or clarify your position on any of these subjects? I mean, there are more issues you've flip-flopped on than issues where you've maintained a consistent position, John! It's confusing to me and doubtless confusing to the many voters who base their vote on candidate positions, too!

Because I agree with you, John. We cannot afford any more typical career politicians who say one thing and then flip-flop and say the opposite. That's just the type of candidate you are, and I think the voters will reject inconsistency and equivocation for consistent principles."
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« Reply #189 on: August 12, 2022, 04:46:48 PM »

JAN 28: Town halls / rallies / other campaigning in Bristol, Bridgewater, Plymouth, Lincoln, Franconia, Bethlehem and Carroll.

JAN. 29: Heads through very low-population or even uninhabited ares of eastern NH before campaigning (i.e. mostly town halls) in Conway, Eaton, Freedom, Ossipee, and Wakefield.

JAN. 30: Big rallies in Rochester, Dover (with David Watters) and Portsmouth (with Rebecca Kwoka).
Pink Panther
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« Reply #190 on: August 12, 2022, 04:57:38 PM »

January 27th: Rally in Concord, NH
January 28th: Attend GOP debate
January 29th: Rally in Portsmouth, NH
January Rallies in Nashua and Manchester, NH, respectively

I may or may not add more details if I get the opportunity.
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« Reply #191 on: August 12, 2022, 05:01:53 PM »
« Edited: August 12, 2022, 05:06:11 PM by CentristRepublican »

At his rallies, Cooper utterly rips into Kamala Harris for a crime lab scandal.

He discusses his own extensive efforts as North Carolina's AG in fighting for fixing forensic misconduct and suppression of evidence, and his effort to look into past cases to release innocent people. "I found forensic misconduct and tainting of evidence, and I launched a massive investigation which looked at hundreds of cases of people in jail, an investigation which freed innocent people in jail for crimes they did not commit. I've always fought for justice, and will never tolerate innocent people serving jail time." He goes into depth regarding the incident.

This is sharply contrasted with Kamala Harris' ineffectiveness and scandals as DA in San Francisco. "Kamala Harris, on the other hand, she stood idly by, as crime lab technicians in San Francisco tampered with evidence and took home cocaine, as they tainted hundreds of crime cases. She did not inform defense attorneys of the misconduct and tampering despite rules requiring such. She tried to blame judges for bias in their rulings, insisted it wasn't a major issue, and then reversed course and reversed one thousand drug cases, including many cases where people had already been convicted and were already in jail - meaning that Kamala Harris had prosecuted and jailed many people who were innocent and who had been framed."

This information is all shared on campaign literature distributed in Texas, California, Colorado, New Hampshire and South Carolina. It is summed up with the words - "Kamala Harris puts innocent people in jail. Roy Cooper fights relentlessly to release them."

The Cooper campaign, realising that there may be wavering Harris supporters who don't like Cooper but may support Kerry, decides to also discreetly spread pro-Kerry literature attacking Kamala Harris and praising John Kerry (though the messages do not claim to be the work of the Kerry campaign) among Harris supporters in the Granite State. This undercuts Harris' overall support by swaying some of her supporters into the Kerry camp, but whether it will be enough to tip New Hampshire Cooper's way remains to be seen.
John King wannabe
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« Reply #192 on: August 12, 2022, 05:52:30 PM »

Vice President Harris fights back at Roy Cooper at Democratic Debate

“Roy, my dear friend, the only reason I’ve let you mercilessly slander my name is because I can disassociate better than you can enunciate, I’m not phased by your accusations because I have a responsibility to use this stage, that only three Americans are left standing on, to speak about the issues that matter to working people. I will respond to your attacks once, and then I will go back to championing the issues that matter. Your attacks on my record as a prosecutor are unequivocally hypocritical. You’ve berated me for executing the laws of my city when I was San Francisco’s district attorney, that was my job, I had a duty to the people of San Francisco and a duty to the people of the state of California. In fact, when I was Attorney General of California, I supported and advocated for proposition 64, which legalized marijuana in my state and led to the recreational sale of it in California by 2018.

Roy, you were the attorney general of North Carolina for 16 years. Marijuana was not legal in North Carolina from 2001 to 2017, how many people did your lawyers prosecute for smoking weed? This isn’t an issue that needs to be presented disingenuously, I’m thrilled that when you were Governor, you smartened up and legalized marijuana in the state of North Carolina. But we still need to, as I’m sure you can agree, do the same thing on a national level, I’m currently advocating for that as Vice President. Too many people are watching this debate from a prison cell tonight, because of the racist marijuana laws that we have in this country. If any of those people are watching, as someone who has made that mistake in the past, I’m fighting really, really hard to get you out of there.

I have been a punching bag, too many times in my life, for the older, whiter, more charismatic men in the room. I refuse to let you do that to me, Governor Cooper. There’s your long awaited response, now let’s talk about the issues that matter to the American people instead of spouting nonsense just because you want to win.”
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #193 on: August 12, 2022, 08:58:32 PM »

Trump attacks McMahon in Boston, Las Vegas, and Charleston

*plays footage of McMahon being arrested with the script

“Is this who you want to be president?”
Pink Panther
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« Reply #194 on: August 12, 2022, 10:26:30 PM »

Trump attacks McMahon in Boston, Las Vegas, and Charleston

*plays footage of McMahon being arrested with the script

“Is this who you want to be president?”
Vince McMahon airs ads in NV, MA, and SC countering Trump with the whole stealing nuclear documents and being currently under investigation by the FBI.
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« Reply #195 on: August 12, 2022, 11:18:29 PM »

Kamala, you took the words right out of my mouth! Bravo, Mrs. Vice President.

Let me just add quickly to all the things that Governor Cooper brought up earlier. Uh, where to begin? *laughs*

I'm glad you'll try to be more transparent about your record going forward now. My feelings toward the GOP Legislature in your state are aligned with yours, that should be clear. They've pushed some atrocious things over the years. Even if we say there is no wrongdoing or misconduct with those funds, appearances do matter and there have been questions from both the left and the right about your call on the pipeline. I genuinely hope that this shall be a learning lesson for you, Roy, if you were to be our nominee and later our President.

That being said, I think your response on Tammy Baldwin is off the mark. She has already been a proven leader getting compromises and scoring wins for her constituents. She's done this with everything from gay marriage to farming aid, and now she's attempting the same with her corruption bill. One of my main campaign planks is fighting against corruption in all its forms, and I urge the other two candidates to take up President Biden's wishes and do more to promote the Stop Corruption Now Act's passage with me.

Lastly, I am proud of my record and stand by it wholeheartedly. Have I changed my mind on some issues? Of course I have. You see more perspective and get wiser over time, and look how many gray hairs I sport. *laughter* All of us here have changed our mind on certain issues over time. Hell, Roy, you just changed your mind on whether hiring that lobbyist was a good idea.

If you want me to run down that list, I'm happy to. I'm for free but fair trade. I pushed for strong labor and environmental protections in the TPP as Secretary of State and I've long been in favor of doing the same for NAFTA as we attempted several years ago. I'm for nuclear energy as part of our renewable energy strategy, as I've mentioned a number of times on this campaign including tonight. President Biden was right to briefly tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserves when he did, and it helped bring the price of gas down for working people. That affirmative action quote you raised is misleading; I was using the phrases of affirmative action critics in the Clinton era for how they framed the national debate on it. Congressman Jim Clyburn, who was a strong supporter of my first campaign, backed me up on this at the time. He will tell you as such now if you don't believe me.

Pulling things out of a hat from twenty or thirty years ago is not the gotcha moment you think it is, Governor Cooper, because the issues and circumstances of today are so much different than what they were back then. Voters know this. They want to see what you have been doing now, and my record serving under Presidents Obama and Biden speaks for itself. After all, it's better to have a clear record than to be a blank slate.

. . . Okay, Anderson, that's all I got. Back to the questions!
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #196 on: August 13, 2022, 06:07:07 AM »

Blitzer: Good evening and welcome to CNN's live coverage of the 2024 New Hampshire primary. I'm Wolf Blitzer, here in the Election Center. Tonight, two heavily contested races. On the Democratic side, Vice President Kamala Harris faces off against Governor Roy Cooper, with the spectre of John Kerry looming in the background. For the Republicans, former President Donald Trump is looking to extend his lead over Vince McMahon. Here in the Election Center is Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Abby Phillip, and John King on the Magic Board. Jake, we might just go to you first before the polls close.

Tapper: Thanks Wolf. Well, both parties had debates recently. I say debates; Donald Trump failed to turn up to his party's debate, so it almost ended up as a town hall with Vince McMahon himself. That can only do harm to Trump in the long run, right Dana?

Bash: I don't see how it does anything but harm Trump. He's already facing significant fire for what we saw in 2022, with his home in Mar-a-Lago being raided by the FBI, searching for nuclear weapons documents. That investigation is still ongoing, and McMahon predictably hit him on that. It's an attack that writes itself, and with the kind of person McMahon is, there is no way he was going to let that slide.

Tapper: Absolutely. McMahon and Roy Cooper are both running aggressive campaigns, but the question is whether they can first, win the party's nomination, and then of course, unite the party around them.

Phillip: Absolutely, Jake. Looking at the Democratic debate as well, Cooper didn't let up. He kept his aggressive tactics going; that's what's allowed him to close the gap, but you got the sense that there was something building up in Harris under all these attacks, and it exploded during the debate. She really let him have it; she came back at him on his record as North Carolina's Attorney-General, and is really looking to define him as that single-issue candidate for marijuana legalisation. I think it might've worked better than Governor Cooper hoped.

Tapper: Then of course, there's the spectre of John Kerry, as you said Wolf. At this stage, we don't know what sort of impact Kerry will have on the campaign; he entered too late to register for the ballot in the early states, but he is hovering over Super Tuesday, no doubt hoping to take the northeast. I think he had a fair night at the debate as well.

Bash: He did. Kerry looks like he's trying to angle himself as being above the dogfight between Harris and Cooper. Question is if it's working or not, and we'll know that better the closer we get to Super Tuesday.

Blitzer: I'm sorry, to interrupt, but we have a key race alert. John, we have some early results.

King: We certainly do, Wolf. We'll just take a look at the board here . . .

Democratic New Hampshire primary (23 delegates)- <1% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 56.1%

Gov. Cooper 44.1%

New Hampshire Republican primary (22 delegates)- <1% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 62.3%

Mr McMahon: 37.7%

King: What can we say at this point is, put simply, not much. More is going to become clear as the night goes on and more votes get counted. Some variables of course are Trump's non-attendance at the debate, McMahon's outperforming of the polls in Iowa, and Harris's big moment at the debates. Not much for now, but the night is still young.

Blitzer: Thank you, John. we'll back right after this.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #197 on: August 13, 2022, 09:44:52 AM »

Blitzer: Welcome back to the CNN Election Center for our live coverage of the 2024 New Hampshire primary. We already have one major departure from the Iowa caucus; we cannot yet declare a winner in the Republican primary because something strange is beginning to happen there. John, can you explain what is happening currently in New Hampshire?

King: Well it's quite extraordinary, Wolf. With a perfect confluence of events, like Trump's no-show at the debate, his lack of activity on the campaign trail, and the ongoing FBI investigation, McMahon is considerably overperforming the polls. If we just have a look at the board here . . .

Democratic New Hampshire primary (23 delegates)- 25% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 55.7%

Gov. Cooper 45.3%

New Hampshire Republican primary (22 delegates)- 25% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 58.6%

Mr McMahon: 42.4%

King: As we can see, McMahon is heavily outperforming his polling numbers here, but it has taken a perfect confluence of events for this to happen. At this stage, Trump's lead is going to be very difficult to overcome, but if that margin is under ten or even fifteen points at the end of the night, then the headlines won't be Trump wins, but how much McMahon overperformed the polls. At this stage, Harris and Cooper are still wound tight for the Democratic nomination; that will go on for a while and we're a long way off even making an early prediction.

Blitzer: it's going to be a lng night again then. McMahon outperforming the polls and Coper still hot on Harris's tail. Jake, what can you say about this?

Tapper: Well it's more or less what we said earlier in the night. The recent debates on both sides got a considerably higher audience than what would be expected, which means they saw Trump fail to show up; they saw Harris get her moment against Cooper. They saw these things play out live, and that looks to be having an effect.

Phillip: I don't think we can understate Harris's performance at the debate. As you mentioned Jake, a lot of people were eagerly awaiting that showdown between the two leading candidates given Cooper's aggressive campaign. He tried to repeat those same tactics that let him build momentum, but I don't think he was prepared for Harris to hit him back. I think he was counting on Harris giving some pat phrase and moving on, but she didn't. She turned his focus on the marijuana issue into a weakness for him; made it seem like he was a single-issue candidate. He's ging tohave to come up with some ohter major policies soon, or we could end up with a Mondale-Hart "Where's the beef?" situation.

Bash: I think that's important to remember. Cooper went into this week with momentum clearly on his side after that narrow loss in Iowa, but I think he has to take a step back, define his other major policies clearly, and catch his breath a little. He's managed to close the gap with a sitting Vice President quite dramatically, so if I were working on his campaign, I'd advise him to pump the brakes and clearly outline why he's running for President. Abby's absolutely right; we could ned up with a "Where's the beef?" situation soon if he keeps this up.

Tapper: It's going to be an interesting night ahead, that's for sure.

Blitzer: Almost certainly Jake. We'll be back after this.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #198 on: August 13, 2022, 06:28:17 PM »

Blitzer: Welcome back. Votes are still being counted in the New Hampshire primary tonight. Vince McMahon overperforming the polls and Vice President Harris riding high on that debate victory. We'll go to John King over on the Magic Board. John, what can you tell us?

King: At this age, the race is still too close to call on both sides. McMahon's path to victory is beyond narrow, but it is still there, so we're not calling that one just yet. Cooper's path is slightly larger, but the fact is that Harris is running well across the board. At this stage, it looks like it'll be Trump and Harris again, but both should be careful going forward; I don't think this is getting sorted out by Super Tuesday.

Democratic New Hampshire primary (23 delegates)- 50% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 55.2%

Gov. Cooper 44.8%

New Hampshire Republican primary (22 delegates)- 50% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 57.5%

Mr McMahon: 42.5%

King: In all likelihood, there will be a call soon on both sides, but given how dramatically the race has been shaken up lately, we're not confident enough to call the race at this stage.

Blitzer: Alright, so still a fairly close race. One thing we can say for sure: the polls were off dramatically. They predicted a blowout by former President Turmp and a much closer contest between Harris and Cooper, but that's not the case. Jake, what do you make of this?

Tapper: Well I think it shows that in this day and age, debates still matter. They still matter even if no one watches them, because the significant moments are going to get a lot of replay across TV and the internet. That's been proven tonight.

Bash: Exactly right Jake. We like to think that in this age of digital campaigning, the traditional forms don't matter. THey still do, as has been shown. That said, I'm looking at some early polls in South Carolina; Cooper is still in the lead there. As we said earlier; he has to win in the south on Super Tuesday in order to have a path to the nomination. That path is still open, but it's gotten just that little bit narrower tonight.

Phillip: It certainly is. I would argue that his path is a bit wider; especially with John Kerry in the race. He'll either win the northeast by himself or split it with Harris. One thing I can say; I'm looking at some early polling for Michigan, and it could go any way at this point. THis thing is a long way from being over.

Tapper: It all depends who how much the margins pan out. If Cooper can get that margin under ten points, that minimises the damage he takes from tonight. If McMahon can get it under ten points, then that opens up a whole new can of worms on the Republican side.

Blitzer: Thank you Jake. We'll be back with our live coverage of the New Hampshire primary after this.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #199 on: August 14, 2022, 05:17:40 AM »

Blitzer: Welcome back to CNN's Election Center. The New Hampshire primary continues on, but John King is saying that there may be a call coming soon. Vice President Harris still in the lead over Governor Cooper, while the margin between former President Trump and Mr McMahon is continuing to close. John, how fqr off are from making our calls?

King: Honestly Wolf, not that far. The path for Cooper and McMahon is narrowing heavily, but if you're a supporter of these candidates, dn't get discouraged. Super Tuesday, as always, will tell all. Given some of the numbers I'm seeing in Super Tuesday states, the Democrats at least are going to have their primary go beyond that.

Wolf: Okay, thank you John. To reiterate, we are close to calling both races tonight. The issue is that Vice president Harris will have to see off both Governor Cooper and Secretary Kerry on Super Tuesday. Trump is likely to win most of the states on Super Tuesday, but it is unlikely that McMahon will simply admit defeat . . .  hold on, CNN as a key race alert . . . CNN can make a dual projection at this stage: Vice President Harris and former President Trump will win the New Hampshire pimrary for their parties.
Democratic New Hampshire primary (23 delegates)- 75% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 55.1%

Gov. Cooper 44.9%

New Hampshire Republican primary (22 delegates)- 75% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 57.6%

Mr McMahon: 42.4%

Blitzer: How were we able to make this call, John?

King: Well it's similar to Iowa. There are simply not enough votes left for the margins to be overcome. They might be able to shrink it a bit more, but they can't beat it. As I said earlier, if Cooper can get that margin under ten points, then he'll have mitigated some of the damage from the last week of the campaign. As for McMahon, he might nt be walking away with the win, but the momentum is clearly on his side.

Blitzer: Well there you have it; CNN is projecting that Vice President Kamala Harris has won the New Hampshire Democratic primary, and former President Donald Trump has won the Republican New Hampshire primary. Jake, what are you picking up from the campaign HQs?

Tapper: Well we can say that the Harris HQ in New Hampshire is jubilant at the moment; they were hoping the debate performance would deliver a decisive victory, and it looks like it has. Trump HQ; the mood is a bit muted. They seem to be realising that that this might be a long fight; and McMahon hasn't been put away just yet. It's much the same at Cooper headquarters; they took a blow tonight and realise that. Nothing from McMahon HQ yet, but you get the feeling that they would be even more jubilant than the Harris camp.

Blitzer: Thanks, Jake. To recap: Harris and Trump have won the Democratic and Republican New Hampshire primaries respectively. We'll be back soon enough to conclude our coverage.
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