2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)

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Atlas Icon
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« Reply #250 on: September 20, 2022, 09:29:52 PM »
« edited: September 20, 2022, 09:39:01 PM by CentristRepublican »

Feb. 14: Cooper spends Valentine's Day with his wife in Raleigh.
Feb. 15: Immediately afterwards, Cooper heads to next-door Tennessee. He begins with a town hall in Nashville, where he discusses gerrymandering, gun control, abortion rights, and LGBT rights. On gerrymandering: "The GOP - and a great example is the maps they drew right here in Tennessee - wants to allow the politicians to choose the voters, rather than the opposite, which is how it should be. For long, Democrats have proposed measure after measure to take redistricting from the hands of self-serving state legislators and have a nonpartisan commission draw the districts - fair districts, so the winner is the American voter rather than the Republicans or the Democrats - but each time, the GOP has shut it down. In other words, Democrats have proposed mutual disarmament time and time again, and the GOP has rejected it. Democrats have themselves in multiple states opted to do the right thing and given control to an independent, nonpartisan commission, while the GOP, almost everywhere where they have control, gerrymander away. In North Carolina, my state - the GOP made sure that the governor didn't have any say in redistricting. They made sure only the general assembly, controlled by Republicans since they gerrymandered their way to a permanent majority, would control redistricting, so that I could not veto any of their unfair and unreasonable GOP gerrymanders. In 2010, they drew an ugly 10 to 3 gerrymander. Courts stepped in and ordered the GOP to draw fair maps, not self-serving maps that packed-in Democratic voters in Charlotte, Raleigh and the majority-black northeast. The GOP General Assembly took the opportunity to once again draw gerrymandered districts. And in 2020, again, they tried to pass a new gerrymander, this time with 14 districts - since our state saw enough growth to gain a district - but the courts finally stepped in and drew fine maps, which I'm very proud of and which I think North Carolinians, regardless of their political affiliation, should be pleased with, as these maps are exemplary of fair maps. But we need more action like this, in more states. We need to stop outrageous GOP gerrymanders like the ones in Texas, and Florida, and Georgia, and Ohio, and right here in Tennessee, where Jim Cooper - a fellow Cooper! - a tremendous man who has served the people of Tennessee for decades saw his district in Nashville get sliced and diced till it was a solid Republican district. Nashville was split up so that the voters of Nashville and Davidson County could not get the representation they deserve. It is outrageous, and it has to stop. Democrats proposed a fair map that would also, in East Tennessee, draw compact, clear districts, but the GOP opted for incoherent districts in the area splitting up the Knoxville and Chattanooga areas to protect their own interests." On guns, he says, "The question is not to take guns from law-abiding citizens. I'm not saying anything in support of that. However, criminals, people with histories of domestic abuse, people with criminal records, people with mental health issues, people on terrorist watch lists, should not be allowed to buy guns! And nobody should be allowed to waltz in to a gun store and buy an AR-15 and buy as many rounds as they like, over the counter, without any background checks. This is all common sense." On abortion and LGBT rights, Cooper hits the same notes as usual. Cooper also addresses a rally in Memphis where he discusses infrastructure and healthcare: "People in Memphis are hurting. Memphis needs better roads and we need to make sure the people of Memphis have some form of health insurance. The politicians that control Tennessee have made clear they have no intention of doing any of this, opting instead for abortion bans and gerrymandered maps, but we can take action on a national level, so working-class Americans from Memphis to Minneapolis, have some form of health insurance. Obamacare, to that end, was just the beginning - and we all remember how Republicans tried to repeal even that baby step!...As far as infrastructure goes, what President Biden has done is commendable. But really, we need more." Cooper touches upon rural broadband when he then heads north to a stop in rural Lauderdale County, his final stop before leaving the state for now: "Republicans take credit for rural broadband - when, almost always, they voted against President Biden's proposals to expand rural broadband. Make no mistake: infrastructure and rural broadband to help people in places like Lauderdale County is something that Democrats support, and Republicans oppose."
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #251 on: September 20, 2022, 09:38:49 PM »

Feb. 16: Cooper goes to Pine Bluff, Arkansas, addressing a largely black audience about police brutality and the need for action. He touts his own record and lambasts Republicans "who frame the tiny minority of BLM protests where there are pockets of violence, as representative of all BLM protests. Why do they do this? Because they do not want to have real discussions, real progress, on this issue. But we must move past their lies, and finally embrace Dr Martin Luther King's dream of equality across all races. We must. We must stop more instances of police brutality like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. It must stop. Black people and Latinos must stop being racially profiled, and police brutality and institutional racism - it all must, finally, come to a stop. I'm against radical proposals like police abolition; however, we absolutely must achieve reform, on a national level, so African-Americans do not fear being choked to death by police officers for no crime besides the colour of their skin." The crowd cheers, and Cooper then heads to eastern Arkansas, the majority-African-American Mississippi Delta, where he visits multiple counties and interacts with voters before heading down to Texas in the evening.
Feb. 17: Cooper heads to Uvalde, Texas, to discuss gun control: "No Democrat is talking about taking away everybody's guns, much as the NRA would like for you to believe that. And when we discuss common-sense gun control measures, it's not politicising tragedies like the one right here Uvalde nearly two years ago - it's learning from them, to ensure they're not repeated, rather than offering empty, meaningless thoughts and prayers but demurring when it comes to real action and real progress and steps to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. Texas Republicans, after yet another mass shooting in this state, all promised they'd support sensible, common-sense measures to prevent more mass shootings - Dan Patrick did, he said he'd fight the NRA to get it done, and so did Greg Abbott. They didn't do anything. It was all a lie. They were too scared of the NRA to do anything to save childrens' lives. If they'd done something, the mass school shooting here in Uvalde could've been prevented and those 19 children and 3 teachers would be alive. Texans who have lost a friend, a loved one, Texans who've been dangerously close to gun violence, and escaped by a hair - you all know how imperative it is that we do something, and don't sit idly by and let more of these tragedies occur. We need to do something, and what we've done so far, while steps in the right direction, don't go nearly far enough. Universal background checks and universal red flag laws - those are two key policies that we as a country need to save our kids' lives and prevent tragedies like Parkland and Uvalde from ever again occurring." From Uvalde, Cooper heads to El Paso, where he strikes similar notes at a town hall and rally. Along the way, Cooper stops in rural, Hispanic-heavy West Texas counties, where he discusses immigration reform, poverty, and energy issues, talking to people who claim to be Clinton-Trump voters at town halls in multiple counties, and persuading the clear majority to vote Democratic in 2024.
Pink Panther
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« Reply #252 on: September 21, 2022, 02:22:49 PM »

Vince McMahon's Remarks on Former President Trump's recent statements

"Donald is completely full of dogsh**t when he says that I only reached the heights that I reached in my business career only due to himself and other people. It's all projection. I'm not denying that very tremendous and hard working people helped me throughout the years, but I became a billionaire mainly by my own hard work and genius business decisions. Donald, on the other hand, only became a billionaire in his right due to dumb luck and people like Alan Weisselberg and his family stepping up and making key business decisions because Donald kept bankrupting many of his side projects. It's pathetic. Do you think Trump would be able to get the WWE out of the brink of death during the Monday Night Wars? He would have let the company my father built roll up in a ball and die, like he has done to so many businesses.

As for the hookers and heroin addicts and sh**t, first off, first off, those "incidents" were months ago, not two weeks ago. Trump has been off the campaign trail for long at this point that he doesn't even know what time is anymore, apparently. Is this the man you want in control for situations involving time management in the White House? I don't think so. Secondly, are you saying that Roy Cooper is a hooker? He's a lot of things, sure, but a hooker? Since Roy is so much of a cuck, I doubt he'll respond to your claims, Donald, but really? Also, I challenged him to a rap battle in Detroit because I wanted to show my supporters and the nation as a whole that Vincent Kennedy McMahon is someone you shouldn't take lightly, and what's much better than Detroit rap battles? Finally, as for your heroin comments, I don't know if you're referring to my concert with Drake, my cowboy show, or what, but I did not notice a single case of anyone at those shows doing heroin or any drugs for that matter. But that reminds me of something, didn't you promise to alleviate communities that were plagued by drug epidemics in 2016? Didn't you promise that you would bring back jobs and livelihoods to these communities, making drugs like heroin and opioids moot? However, since then, you broke your promises and the drugs in these communities are worse more than ever. You could have helped these people, but since some of your buddies are involved with drug dealing, you did nothing. You want to show off your elitism to these communities and want to continue looking down at them like third world countries, despite most of these people voting for you! I pledge that I will actually do something about this problem, because politicians have continuesly ignored this issue for decades, especially Donald Trump, and these people will finally get the help they so desperately need and deserve.

Trump now wants to claim that I treaty workers like dogturd, does he now? As usual, Trump is exaggerating and straight up lying about this issue. These workers are independent contractors. They enjoy tremendous amounts of freedom, autonomy, and looseness in regards to their job prospects. As a result, however, they won't get as many benefits as other professions. These people know what their getting themselves into when getting into this business, and they don't care, as they love the freedom that comes with their jobs. As for some wrestlers dying young, for starters, many people who played in professional sports have also died young. WWE is predetermined, sure , but it at times requires even more physicality than most sports, and infinitely more than the average job. And we have made steps at making Professional Wrestling safer throughout the years. The wellness policy is probably our most famous example of this. But as for you, Donald, you don't exactly have the cleanest record treating your workers, so I would just shut up and not come as a massive hypocrite.

As for those stupid lockdowns, oh please. You didn't stop these barbaric lockdowns from happening when you were President. You didn't stop school shutdowns from happening. If you had stepped in, millions of people wouldn't be struggling with paying their bills and mental health disorders right now. But instead, like your entire Presidency, you allowed many ordinary Americans to lose their jobs and livelihoods at a whim due to you having no balls to stand up to tehse Democrats. And as for the masks, didn't you sell masks on your website with your face and campaign logo on them? Trust me, the American people have not forgotten when you did nothing about these lockdowns and such."
John King wannabe
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« Reply #253 on: September 22, 2022, 06:53:52 PM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule
Kamala Harris for the People

February 11th - 12th | South Carolina

February 11th:
Vice President Harris will land in Charleston. South Carolina in the early morning after her decisive win in Nevada, there she will greet reporters and talk about her plan to compete in South Carolina, Super Tuesday and beyond if necessary before bidding farewell and being driven to a local Charleston High School for a senior town hall.
“Look, we can not risk Republicans gaining power and taking away our fundamental rights, like the rights many of you seniors have in here that pertains to Social Security and Medicare programs that you spent your entire life paying for, and I promise you as President I will do everything in my power to fight back against anybody who aims to strip away the rights that millions of Americans have earned!”
After the event the Vice President visited her local campaign HQ in Charleston and met with her ground team in South Carolina and was told that the campaign would be better suited at narrowing the margin of a Cooper victory than outright winning in order to put more resources into Super Tuesday. Therefore the decision was made to begin scaling back South Carolina resources and distribute them across the country.
The Vice President would spend the rest of the day meeting supporters in local Charleston neighborhoods and knocking on doors personally to encourage undecided voters to vote in the upcoming primary and specifically to vote for her campaign.
February 12th:
On the 12th the Vice President would continue her tour of the state of South Carolina where she would make a clear and direct appeal to undecided voters at a rally near City Hall where she stressed her experience to become President.
“This year marks 20 years since I started my journey in public service, serving as District Attorney of San Francisco. And despite what some of my opponents believe *chuckle* my record of public service has always been for the people, whether that be as DA of San Francisco, Attorney General, a United States Senator and yes even Vice President of the United States
My experience speaks for itself, so I hope that on March 2nd when you see the names on the ballot, you look at mine and vote for the candidate with the experience necessary to serve!”

After the rally the Vice President attended a roundtable with climate activists where the Vice President voiced her concern and once again reaffirmed the Biden administration’s focus to cut greenhouse gasses in half before 2050 and an ambitious goal to make solar and wind energy the top 2 power sources in the country by 2030.
February 13th | Texas
The Vice President will arrive in Texas on the 13th and immediately head to a voter registration effort put out by her campaign to register voters in Fort Worth, Texas in preparation for the Texas primary, the campaign would use internal date specifically to target voters leaning towards Harris or even unregistered Harris supporters and get them registered to vote for Super Tuesday.
After the drive the Vice President would visit a small business restaurant and talk to the owners about the upkeep of the shop and the struggles that they encounter when it comes to their business. The Vice President would then temporarily become a waitress for the store for around 30 minutes and would hold small talk with patrons.
After the Vice President attended another policy roundtable focused once again on global warming.
“I mean, here in Texas you all have seen first hand the devastating effects of climate change, and that is why I am so committed as President to getting the job done to reverse the most damaging effects of climate change, And I just want you all to know that I once again pledge President Biden’s plan to reduce and cut greenhouse gasses in half by 2050 and as I said in South Carolina I think it was yesterday, I wanna make solar and wind energy the top 2 sources of energy by 2035, and that’s a huge goal of mine”
The Vice President would leave the state late at night to return to California.
February 14th | California
The Vice President will arrive in Los Angeles to spend Valentine's Day with the Second Gentleman.
The Second Couple will spend their day at home before leaving for dinner at night at a local steakhouse before spending the rest of the night at their Los Angeles residence.
February 15th | Virginia
The Vice President will arrive in Richmond, Virginia where she will first meet with student advocates working for an elimination of student debt to hear their concerns, there the Vice President will make a major campaign pledge to do everything in her power to eliminate student debt in her first year in office.
After the event the Vice President would visit her local campaign HQ where she would chart a path to victory in Virginia, and is reminded that Virginia is a great help to putting the primary behind them and moving on to the general election. There the Vice President would also finish her remarks for an official speech as Vice President before she is driven by motorcade to Washington.

February 16th | Washington D.C
The Vice President will catch up with her duties as Vice President at the White House there she will receive the President’s Daily Brief in a meeting in the Oval Office with President Biden and attend an event for small business owners where she will tout the Biden-Harris’ administrations commitments to small business owners.
“So, President Biden and I have worked tirelessly everyday to support our small businesses’ to lift up our small business owners and you know in the last 11 months of this administration we are looking forward to continuing the work
And would I be wrong to get a little excited about the work I plan to do? *laughs* I’m kidding you guys! I’m kidding!”

The Vice President would then return to the Naval Observatory to host a party for a departing communication staffer in the Vice President’s official office who would be leaving to join the campaign in an official capacity.
Then she would spend the rest of the day at the Naval Observatory.

February 17th | Rest Day.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #254 on: September 24, 2022, 03:24:37 AM »

John Kerry Campaign Schedule: February 11-17

February 11: American Samoa

Secretary Kerry made another goodwill trip to the voting island of American Samoa, where he would this time congregate with local farmers and fishermen, along with the company owners for these various businesses. Kerry lauded the work of small businesses that make a difference in the world even in the hidden, overlooked corners of tiny populaces. Kerry and his campaign made strong overtures to the local Democratic Party about how the candidate is the sole one running who can unite all US territory and represent all groups of Americans. Following this trip, the campaign is very confident that GOTV operations are in place for a solid victory.

Never forget: you are just as Americans as us on the mainland! You work hard, you support your families, and you want the best for your children just like the rest of us. I'm here to tell you that President Kerry will support the development of local industries here--farming, fishing, and processing. We all rise together on this American journey.

February 12-13: New York/Virginia

Kerry first started his day on the 12th in New York City with a live, in-studio appearance on Good Morning America. This coincides with the 20 years of extensive medical records for the candidate released the day prior, which is the main topic of conversation for the interview. Following the appearance, Kerry and campaign staff made inroads with key donors; groups targeted in particular were those concerned about Vice President Harris's impression on general election voters, along with those holding out for a more progressive choice. For the rest of the 12th and the entirety of the 13th, Kerry returned to Virginia and focused his theme for the visit on healthcare. His Medicare for All proposal with a pragmatic streak, Kerry argues, is the solution that the most successful countries in the world have adopted and America needs to do the same.

Look, George, I think it's very simple. Voters want honesty. They don't want BS coming from us, and I can tell you that BS is even more infectious than COVID in Washington. *laughs* They're looking at this crew running and thinking, "Are they really up for the job or are they hiding something?" After now releasing about 50-something years of my medical history for the public, voters can see my full picture.

Voters have legitimate questions about my age. Absolutely. I know that I wouldn't trust any random 80-year-old to be President unless I knew what their general health is like. The last 20 years show a clean bill of health, both physically and mentally, with extensive details that I encourage you all at home to review at johnkerry.com. For those who don't rely on just paper reports, though, I get that. I would also encourage you to see how active we've been on the campaign trail, crossing back and forth across the nation, holding rallies, joining union organizers at demonstrations, and never giving up the fight on our next-generation agenda like the SCNA.

You know the last time that I had a bit of an accident? It was when I broke my leg as Secretary of State--while embarking on a miles-long bike race. Right after negotiating with Iran on the nuclear deal for hours on end. You try that at home.*laughs*

I commend Governor Cooper for joining my pledge and releasing his medical records. We have still yet to from Vice President Harris, President Trump, or Mr. McMahon. I'm hopeful we can make it happen with a little public pressure, though. *winks*

February 14: Massachusetts

Secretary Kerry spent Valentine's Day with his wife Teresa, enjoying the nightlife in Boston and chatting up patrons and onlookers on the street with well wishes upon recognizing the candidate.

Good to see you, man! Love conquers all!

February 15-16: Maine

Kerry made his first official stop of the campaign in Maine, hospitable territory for the candidate but still with the aim of ensuring victory and a convincing one at that. Kerry earned the proud endorsement of Senator Angus King earlier, who spent time canvassing with Kerry across key areas. Portland was a large focus for the first day as the two made appearances at local environmental and union groups. The following day would see the candidate traveling up north to lumber country, looking to attract attention in corners of the state that are typically overlooked by Democrats. This ties in with Kerry's underlying message of being the best candidate to unite not only the party, but the country.

Being here at the mills today with your great senator, Angus King, is truly a pleasure and honor. Angus is a dear friend and he has kept me informed about the state of local industry here in Maine and across New England. We've seen the decay of job providers here over decades, thanks to both mismanged trade deals and corporate greed. President Biden has been doing his best to bring American jobs back, and we've slowly but surely seen progress on this with his bills on infrastructure and inflation reduction. The fight still goes on, though, and you should know that I will be that fighter for you in the White House next January.

February 17: Alabama

Kerry returned to Alabama, this time with the two most prominent statewide Democratic surrogates anyone could have asked for: former Senator Doug Jones and Congresswoman Teri Sewell, both of whom endorsed Kerry a week ago. The three joined along for several campaign stops, concentrated in the Mobile and Birmingham areas, where they engaged with voters' questions along with attending a civil rights roundtable. The credentials of the two new endorsees, particularly with the large bloc of African-American voters, is seen as a pivotal opportunity to peel more and more votes away from Harris and Cooper. The Kerry campaign sees Alabama with great potential in being a Southern upset state in their column given the early and persistent investment.

Doug and Teri, you two have made my day traveling around with me today! I can't thank you both enough for everything you've done for Alabama and the country. We stand united in the urgency of the new civil rights movement happening in our country. Congress must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act that failed in our last Congress. I call upon leaders, both Democratic and Republican, to make their voices on the act clear this year, in 2024. Should McCarthy and McConnell pull the same shenanigans as they did with Stop Corruption Now, I'll just have to take it myself as President next year. *applause*
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #255 on: September 24, 2022, 05:00:20 AM »

Kerry Super Tuesday Strategy

In the leadup to voting on Super Tuesday, the Kerry campaign is pushing an aggressive daily schedule and an ever increasing presence of prominent surrogates--encompassing all wings of the Democratic Party--to spread the message. The following are basic, preliminary goals and measures to maximize victory on Super Tuesday:

-Ensure massive victories in all of New England, claiming as many delegates in the home region as possible given the proportional system.
-Solidify Kerry as the chief rival to Harris in the West through the loud and proud trumpeting of progressive values, particularly sharp attacks and contrasts with the Vice President's record.
-For California in particular, peeling off as many Harris and Cooper voters as possible is a must to stay competitive in the delegate count. Kerry is making a highly sophisticated play for institutional support which could tip the favors away from Harris quicker than expected.
-Earn respectable, delegate-receiving numbers across the board in Southern states. Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma are the most heavily targeted for their propensity to have older, traditional Democrats that could disproportionately favor Kerry from name recognition and years of service.
-Consolidate support among key demographics such as Latinos and Asians, both of whom have seen a level of drifting away from Democrats in recent elections. Kerry shall be making the most aggressive play that he is the candidate who can speak best to their values through his platform and his ability to unite all factions of the party.
-For the long-term success of the campaign in the primaries, emphasize to voters over and over through action and example that he is the leader of the progressive wing and work closely with progressive leaders, from elected officials to union organizers to environmental advocates. The campaign believes they will have great fortunate in compare-and-contrasts against both Harris and Cooper, and will ensure that voters are aware of all three candidates' records.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #256 on: September 27, 2022, 10:37:46 AM »
« Edited: October 01, 2022, 06:26:22 PM by GoTfan »

February 18-24, 2024

Trump Family Subpoenaed: Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Lara to Appear Before Grand Jury

Just as Donald Trump's campaign seemed to be gaining steam, it has been rocked again. Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump and Lara Trump have all been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury for actions in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Though the scope is limited due to Republican control of Congress, Attorne-General Merrick Garland is seemingly wielding his powers has the country's chief law enforcer freely when it comes to the Trump family.

THis is likely to cause consternation for many within the Trump campaign, who may see this as a prime example of the former President's vulnerability in a general election this year. The McMahon campaign by contrast, must be overjoyed, having likely been counting on a break like this to cover the polling gap between the two Republican candidates.

Democrats meanwhile are making hay with the issue. Several Democrats have again been saying that this will likely precede a criminal prosecution for at least someone in the Trump family, a reality that many legal experts say is getting closer and closer each day. It is currently unknown how this will affect the campaign in the long run.

Purin Reappears, Announces Retirement From Politics

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, made a startling announcement today.

The man respnsible for the war in Ukraine stated in a live broadcast on state TV that he was withdrawing his candidacy from the 2024 Russian presidential election, due to take place in the coming March, and his retirement overall from politics. Putin was noticeably haggard in appearance when making the address as well.

Putin has been a fixture in Russian politics since his surprising appointment as Prime Minister by Boris Yeltsin, followed by a succession to the Presidency shortly after. For a time, it seemed as though his policies had resulted in a Russian rennaissance, with the economy and standard of living greatly improving. However, his authoritarian domestic policies and military adventurism caused many in the world to view him with caution, before his invasions of Ukraine resulted in Russia being isolated from the world. For better orworse, his departure from the stage marks a new era in Russia and the world.

Puting endorsed Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu as his successor.

Mental Health Crisis in Schools

Mental health for teenagers has come into focus recently following the suicide of a 16 year old girl in Durham, North Carolina due to depression. Mental health in schools in particular has been focused on, especially alarming rates of depression and anxiety emerging nt just from vulnerable groups, such as the LGBTQ+ and African-American communities, but increasingly in rural areas as well.

"There's just not enough of the right resources," one source was quoted as saying, "More money alone won't resolve the issue. THese are out kids dying here, and there's nothing we can do about that?"

President Biden has paid a visit to the girl's family, and has opened up about his own mental health struggles in the aftermath of the deaths of his first wife and daghter in a car crash in 1972, just after he was elected to the United States Senate for the first time. "Mental health is just as important as physical health. This is a startling and unwelcome reminder of that key precept."
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #257 on: September 28, 2022, 09:36:06 AM »
« Edited: September 28, 2022, 10:50:38 AM by GoTfan »



Vice President Harris: 42.1%

Governor Cooper: 37.2%

Secretary Kerry: 20.2%

Undecided: 0.5%

South Carolina

Governor Cooper: 44.7%

Vice President Harris: 41.9%

Undecided: 13.4%


Former President Trump: 52.3%

Mr McMahon: 31.6%

Undecided: 16.1%

South Carolina:

Former President Trump: 52.1%

Mr McMahon: 30.4%

Undecided: 17.5%

Current Delegates:

Democratic Primary (2,266 required)

Vice Pres. Harris: 55 pledged delegates

Gov. Cooper: 44 pledged delegates

Republican Primary (1,217 required)

Fmr. Pres. Trump: 56 pledged delegates

Mr. McMahon: 29 pledged delegates

Upcoming Primaries:

South Carolina Republican Primary, February 24 (end of this turn)

South Carolina Democratic Primary, March 2

Super Tuesday race stauses:

Democratic contests

Alabama: Lean Harris

American Samoa: Tilt Kerry

Arkansas: Tilt Cooper

California: Safe Harris

Colorado: Tilt Harris

Maine: Tilt Kerry

Massachusetts: Likely Kerry

Minnesota: Tilt Harris

North Carolina: Solid Cooper

Oklahoma: Tilt Cooper

Tennessee: Tilt Cooper

Texas: Harris/Cooper tossup

Utah: Lean Harris

Vermont: Harris/Kerry tossup

Virginia: Tilt Cooper

Republican contests

Alabama: Likely Trump

Alaska: Lean Trump

Arkansas: Lean Trump

California: Lean Trump

Colorado: Tilt Trump

Maine: Tilt Trump

Massachusetts: Lean Trump

Minnesota: Lean Trump

Oklahoma: Tossup

Tennessee: Lean Trump

Texas: Lean Trump

Utah: Lean Trump

Vermont: Lean Trump

Virginia: Tilt Trump


-Third reminder that Super Tuesday is March 5. Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia will all be voting, which means a good chunk of delegates are up for grabs.

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #258 on: October 01, 2022, 12:33:51 PM »
« Edited: October 01, 2022, 12:37:45 PM by CentristRepublican »

Trump Family Subpoenaed: Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Lara to Appear Before Grand Jury[/b]

Just as Donald Trump's campaign seemed to be gaining steam, it has been rocked again. Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump and Lara Trump have all been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury for actions in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Though the scope is limited due to Republican control of Congress, Attorne-General Merrick Garland is seemingly wielding his powers has the country's chief law enforcer freely when it comes to the Trump family.

THis is likely to cause consternation for many within the Trump campaign, who may see this as a prime example of the former President's vulnerability in a general election this year. The McMahon campaign by contrast, must be overjoyed, having likely been counting on a break like this to cover the polling gap between the two Republican candidates.

Democrats meanwhile are making hay with the issue. Several Democrats have again been saying that this will likely precede a criminal prosecution for at least someone in the Trump family, a reality that many legal experts say is getting closer and closer each day. It is currently unknown how this will affect the campaign in the long run.

COOPER'S STATEMENT: "I'm very interested to see what this subpoena reveals. Donald Trump attempted to seize voting machines, to stop the counting of ballots, to demolish our country's democracy - all to install himself as the unelected leader, the dictator, of this nation. Fortunately, he failed, but it is still vital we find the truth behind all of this. Hopefully, Donald Trump and his children, coming from 'the party of law and order,' will comply with the rule of law, the authority of the Department of Justice, and the order of this subpoena."

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #259 on: October 01, 2022, 12:56:04 PM »

Mentlah Health Crisis in Schools

Mental health for teenagers has come into focus recently following the suicide of a 16 year old girl in Durham, North Carolina due to depression. Mental health in schools in particular has been focused on, especially alarming rates of depression and anxiety emerging nt just from vulnerable groups, such as the LGBTQ+ and African-American communities, but increasingly in rural areas as well.

"There's just not enough of the right resources," one source was quoted as saying, "More money alone won't resolve the issue. THese are out kids dying here, and there's nothing we can do about that?"

President Biden has paid a visit to the girl's family, and has opened up about his own mental health struggles in the aftermath of the deaths of his first wife and daghter in a car crash in 1972, just after he was elected to the United States Senate for the first time. "Mental health is just as important as physical health. This is a startling and unwelcome reminder of that key precept."[/center]

COOPER'S STATEMENT: "This tragedy has moved me. As a father of three (adult) daughters, I cannot begin to imagine the unspeakable grief Andrea's parents are feeling right now. As North Carolina's governor, I feel that, in part, our state should do more to address mental health, to prevent more incidents like this one. Tragic as this incident was, words will not suffice in addressing the mental health crisis among teenagers. I believe we must all, the state must, be actively involved in having open, honest discussions about this issue, in providing crucial resources, in raising awareness on this issue. Only then can we prevent more children from making this drastic decision - that forever impacts their loved ones. During the COVID19 pandemic, this issue had and remains a more important issue. Social isolation, bullying, low-self esteem: all of these things drive teenagers to suicide. If we as a state can stamp out the stigma of discussing mental health issues, if we can have more frank and open conversations with teenagers on mental health, if we can provide them with and remind them of the resources that are available to them - then, that will help to save lives, and if it stops even one person from committing suicide, it is worth it." Cooper further discusses his own leadership as governor in the allocation of $5 million to address mental health in higher education (i.e. colleges/universities), in February 2022, but says, "it is still not enough to just provide the money and leave it at that - we need leaders who are passionate about this issue, who are themselves willing to make it a priority." Cooper also lambasts the fact that, in September 2022, all but one Republican voted against legislation for school-based mental health services: "You know, this is an issue I'd truly, genuinely rather not have politicised, because the mental health of children should be a national issue that transcends ideology, an issue where we can all unite and come together to look for solutions and to have necessary discussions. However, that does not mean I will stay silent about the truth, and the truth is that those on the other side of the aisle have demonstrated that this is not a major issue for them, that they'd rather not allocate resources and funding to address this issue. That is genuinely despicable, and while it may appear distasteful of me to say, it's the fact of the matter, and I'm not going to mince words. Because a year and a half ago - and I feel it's crucial we remind voters of this, so those who voted against this do not get away with it - there was a vote to provide school-based mental health services. It should not have been a partisan issue by any means. It should have passed overwhelmingly. Yet, it was a partisan issue that somehow, inexplicably, saw a party-line vote at the end of it: yes, all 219 Democrats voted in favour, while all but one Republican voted against. I don't know how those Republicans who voted against this can say they take this issue seriously, or want to look for ways to address this. Because when the chips are down and real progress on this issue is finally up for a vote - well, it's a party line vote, and virtually all Republicans were opposed." Cooper also carves time out of his campaign schedule to go to Durham and, in his capacity of North Carolina's leader, meet with Andrea's grieving parents (will be recorded in his campaign schedule as well).
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