2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)

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Junior Chimp
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« Reply #225 on: August 31, 2022, 11:22:16 AM »

O'Donnell: Alright, welcome to CBS and our live coverage of the 2024 Nevada primary, I'm Norah O'Donnell. Now, earlier today, the Stop Corruption Now Act passed the Seante, but it is unlikely to even be brought up for a vote in the House; Speaker Kevin McCarthy not to keen on it, it seems.

With me in the studio tonight is John Dickerson. John, Roy Cooper seems to have largely withdrawn his efforts from Nevada in favour of pouring most of his resources into South Carolina. Can you walk us through that?

Dickerson: Certainly can Norah. Roy Cooper has a big advantage in South Carolina: his state is right next door. Now it's been said since the start of this campaign that Cooper's path to victory is running up the numbers in the south. In Nevada, it seems he has written off his chances of victory and is simply trying to avoid losing too much momentum before we head in to South Carolina and then onto Super Tuesday.

O'Donnell: And speaking of momentum, that at the moment is unequestionably with Vince McMahon on the campaign trail, right?

Dickerson: Absolutely. Trump has been largely absent from the campaign trail; reports say that perhaps a sense of inevitability about the FBI investigation is weighing him down.McMahon has had the trail largely to himself and he is making the most of it.

O'Donnell: Thank you for that John. Well, we have some early results coming in for both parties if we just take a look here . . .

Democratic Nevada primary (35 delegates)- <1% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 57.3%

Gov. Cooper 42.7%

Republican Nevada primary (25 delegates)- <1% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 67.4%

Mr McMahon: 32.6%

O'Donnell: There is not much that we can draw from this other than the fact that the early results are coming in strongly for both Harris and Trump. It still seems that McMahon's comments regarding nuclear energy are harming him in the western states.

Dickerson: Westerners have long memories, Norah, and they weren't likely to forget that in a hurry; Trump's surrogates have been hitting the Western states hard with that particular soundbite. McMahon does have a habit of overperforming the polls, but it will take a miracle for that gap to close as muhc as it did in New Hampshire.

O'Donnell: It has been said that New Hampshire on both sides was a perfect confluence of events on both sides. One thing that cannot be counted out is the fact that harris's debate performance is still making the rounds; her ground teams are repeating the soundbites from that debate as often and as loudly as they can.

Dickerson: Correct, but she needs to put Cooper away big time tonight. Cooper is still leading in the polls in South Carolina, and if Harris gets anything less than a knockout blow tonight, then she could be in trouble. Where it gets worrisome for her is if this drags on past Super Tuesday. If she doesn;t lock up the nomination quickly after that . . . well, we saw how quickly the Clinton campaign fell apart in 2008.

O'Donnell: There is also still the spectre of John Kerry to worry about, come Super Tuesday. Harris is going to need to rack up some big wins and New England is going to come in big for Kerry; at least that's what the indications are. We'll have more live coverage of the Nevada primary right after this.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #226 on: September 01, 2022, 09:46:15 AM »

O'Donnell: Welcome back to CBS's live coverage of the Nevada primary. At this stage, Vice President Harris and Former President Trump look to be having a relatively easy night, but we can't count anything out yet.

Dickerson: You're absolutely right, Norah. CBS cannot call the Nevada primary for any candidate just yet, but we think we might be getting close to a call for both. McMahon has been fighting hard for the Republicans, while Cooper as mentioned is refocusing his efforts on South Carolina. Considering that we're coming to the end of the opening contests, we will get a clearer picture before Super Tuesday.

O'Donnell: We certainly will. Let's just take a look at the vote count so far . . .

Democratic Nevada primary (35 delegates)- 25% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 57.6%

Gov. Cooper 42.4%

Republican Nevada primary (25 delegates)- 25% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 67.6%

Mr McMahon: 32.4%

O'Donnell: Interestingly, the results have largely stayed static so far. Undecideds don't seem to be breaking either way too significnatly. Bit of a difference to New Hampshire where they broke heavily for harris and McMahon. Again, the story of the night is that momentum on the Republican side is with the former CEO of WWE.

Dickerson: That is definitely the leading story of the Republican primary so far. Trump's absence from the trail as well as likely had an impact. The story on the Democratic side is that Harris is indeed the frontrunner for the noination at this stage, but she is having a harder fight of it than she imagined. Put simply, she needed a knockout punch tonight, and I don't think she'll get it to the extent she needs, especially with John Kerry's numbers in New England.

O'Donnell: We'll be back after this.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #227 on: September 01, 2022, 11:05:30 AM »

O'Donnell: The night goes on and so does the vote counting in Nevada. We should be able to make a projection shortly for both sides. On that note John, we normally would've called the Republican race a while ago. Why is that not the case now?

Dickerson: In a word, caution. McMahon has a habit of making late surges, so there's a sizable element of caution there. That said, i will be very surprised if there's not a call very soon. Same goes for the Democrats. Cooper's surrogates in-state struggle dto get their funds together when he desiced to go all in on South Carolina.

O'Donnell: Hang on . . . yes, okay, CBS has dual projections to make. Vice President Kamala Harris will take the Nevada Democratic primary. She is joined in victory by Former President Donald Trum

Democratic Nevada primary (35 delegates)- 50% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 57.5%

Gov. Cooper 42.5%

Republican Nevada primary (25 delegates)- 50% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 67.2%

Mr McMahon: 32.8%

O'Donnell: Numbers have interestingly remained pretty static for the entire night, There has been relatively little movement. John, this might be down to Nevada become increasingly like a swing state over the years, right?

Dickerson: Absolutely Norah. We saw just two years ago when Catherine Cortez-Masto won a close election to keep the Democrats competitive in the Senate, and primary electorates are usually a good indicator of which way the party is leading, especially in a state like Nevada. Nomatter what happens, South Carolina and Super Tuesday will be interesting.

O'Donnell: They certainly will. To retirerate, CBS is projecting that Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are the winners of the Nevada primary for the Democratic and Republican parties. We'll be back with more results; so don;t go anywhere.
John King wannabe
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« Reply #228 on: September 01, 2022, 06:09:08 PM »

Vice President Harris address victory part in Las Vegas, Nevada

“Wassup, Las Vegas!”
“Well! I gotta say, here in Vegas you need 3 in a row for a jackpot and I gotta say we just hit the jackpot in the primary race! *laughs*”
“First off I wanna thank all of my supporters here tonight, our amazing campaign team and volunteers none of this would have been possible without all of you! It truly means the world to me that we have gotten this far despite doubts raised by the pundits, you didn’t let the so called political experts silence your voice! And I thank you for getting out and using your right to vote!”
“Of course I have to acknowledge Governor Cooper and the campaign he was running here in Nevada, and to all of you who voted for Governor Cooper, I hope you all know that it’s gonna take all of us to win the White House this fall, whether it be me, Governor Cooper, or Secretary Kerry, it’s gonna take a coalition of energized voters ready to move forward for the better of this country, and one thing we can’t risk is handing the White House over to Donald Trump or Vince McMahon.”
“So I need your energy! This is only the beginning! So as we move forward in this race I am so glad to have been supported by a diverse and energized group of Americans ready to continue the policies of the Biden-Harris administration! It’s gonna take all of us to protect a woman's right to choose! It’s gonna take all of us to protect our national security! It’s gonna take all of us to make sure our babies are not hiding from a gunman but instead learning in a safe community! It’s gonna take all of us and I am prepared to fight!”
“So, Nevada thank you once again! And onward to South Carolina and then across the nation!”
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #229 on: September 01, 2022, 06:32:02 PM »
« Edited: September 03, 2022, 12:13:44 PM by CentristRepublican »


"We lost Nevada, of course. This time, I can't say I'm too disappointed - in fact, I'm glad that 42.7% of Nevada Democrats understood our struggle, understood our decision, understood that in the long-run, in-state campaigning aside, the candidate for Nevada was Roy Cooper. 42.7% of Nevada Democrats weren't swayed by Kamala Harris, but rather by the endorsement of Congresswomen Susie Lee and Dina Titus, by our campaign message, by my consistent and liberal record. Of course, we consciously chose to not contest Nevada, because we have bigger fish to fry. We consciously decided to focus on South Carolina. And we'll be vindicated in this decision when we crush Kamala Harris right here in South Carolina - I promise you that! Kamala, I'm telling you here and now, and your supporters too - don't get your hopes on South Carolina too high, because you'll only be disappointed.

And to South Carolina: I have faith in you. I trust you to the make the right decision on primary day. To say I'm counting on you is a massive understatement. To quote Lyndon Johnson, "The stakes are too high for you to stay home." All South Carolina Democrats interested in moving this country forward - towards expanded Medicare and healthcare for all, towards an end to the death penalty, towards criminal justice reform, towards bold action on climate change, towards better schools and better gun control laws - must vote on primary day. And vote for Roy Cooper. Because together, we can change this country. The Republicans, and for that matter Kamala Harris, have a lot on their side. Establishmentarian support. Big, multimillionaire donors. Large campaign staffs. But we, together, can defeat them by wielding the strongest weapon in our democracy: our ballots. With that weapon - and not with the warheads and nuclear weapons that war-loving Republicans are so eager to have manufactured - we can truly, finally, achieve real, meaningful change that will last for generations, and we can finally implement the numerous revolutionary reforms our country so desperately needs. All we need to do is vote, yes, vote, and that's what I'm counting on South Carolina for this 24th. We can show everybody - we can show Kamala Harris and all the anti-democracy Republicans out there: that we are standing strong and we will not back down until we have won this fight."

This thunderous speech is followed by widespread applause in his audience, and a cameraman recording the speech quickly uploads it to YouTube for people to see nationwide.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #230 on: September 01, 2022, 09:29:40 PM »

O'Donnell: Well, thw winners have been projected, but counting goes on in the 2024 Nevada primaries. DOnald Trump and Kamala Harris have emerged as the victors of tonight, but we're waiting to see how the delegates shake out. Remember, the magic number is 2,266 for the Democrats and 1,217 for the Republicans.

Dickerson: At this stage, it's hard to argue that Harris and Trump don't have the upper hand, but the problem is that they might've allowed their opponents too much freedom in the early stages of the campaign. We saw that at play in Iowa for the Democrats and New Hampshire for the Republicans; what happens on Super Tuesday is going to be a contest, that's for sure.

O'Donnell: No doubt. Currently with around 75% of the vote counted, the numbers have remained rather static . . .

Democratic Nevada primary (35 delegates)- 75% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 57.2%

Gov. Cooper 42.8%

Republican Nevada primary (25 delegates)- 75% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 67.1%

Mr McMahon: 32.9%

Dickerson: That's actually interesting; the numbers have stayed close t what they started at. It does seem that there was an element of the vote that was baked in for all candidates tonight. I dubt McMahon's comments about nuclear power helped him much in the West, and I think that Cooper's vampaign might be shaping up to be like Thomas Dewey's in 1944; so aggressive it's turning people away.

O'Donnell: It will certainly be something to keep an eye on. Cooper hasn't toned down his attacks either; he's doubling down on his aggressive strategy in South Carolina, and the narrative is that he will need to win there if he is to keep his campaign alive. We'll be back with more coverage after this.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #231 on: September 03, 2022, 07:53:26 AM »

O'Donnell: Well, the last of th votes are being c**nted in the Nevada primary, and we can cnclude that Vice President Harris and Former President Trump have won sizable victories, both of which will be sorely needed in the weeks ahead. The delegates are as follows . . .

Democratic Nevada primary (35 delegates)- 100% reporting

Vice Pres. Harris: 57.3% (20 delegates)

Gov. Cooper 42.7% (15 delegates)

Republican Nevada primary (25 delegates)- 100% reporting

Fmr Pres. Trump: 67.2% (17 delegates)

Mr McMahon: 32.8% (8 delegates)

O'Donnell: As we can see, resounding victories for both of the frontrunners. But the question is whether Mcmahon's charge has been halted. We knew the Western states would be good fr Trump after McMahon's nuclear power comments, but McMahon has, once again, outperformed the polls.

Dickerson: Exactly. And we have an interesting clash in South Carolina for the Democrats as well. Cooper is ahead at the moment, and he'll be hoping for a win to keep his campaign alive, given how close he was to an upset in Iowa. Harris is going to have a hard fight to put him away on Super Tuesday.

O'Donnell: That concludes CBS's election coverage for tonight. From John, myself and everyone else at CBS, goodnight.

Atlas Icon
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« Reply #232 on: September 03, 2022, 12:16:03 PM »


Harris: 54 (21 from IA, 13 from NH, 20 from NV)
Cooper: 44 (19 from IA, 10 from NH, 15 from NV)
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #233 on: September 08, 2022, 05:52:10 AM »

John Kerry Campaign Schedule: February 7-10

February 7-8: Colorado

Secretary Kerry made the plunge back to Colorado, where he would invest precious time in shoring up support among key constituencies. This included Hispanics, farmers, union workers, and small business leaders. A key drive with this visit is to begin cutting into the other candidates' support and begin outcompeting Harris in the Western states, with Cooper seen at a disadvantage in the region. Cities toured during the stop were Littleton, Boulder, Pueblo, Aurora, and Denver.

Vice President Harris has remained stone cold quiet about her record with Herbalife. Why? Because she doesn't want you to know that she had a big opportunity to prosecute a company that was preying on our most vulnerable, especially in Hispanic communities, and she never bothered to take it. This was at the same time that you had the federal government and many other states take action. California was ground zero for some of the worst offenses. Innocent, hard-working people had thousands scammed away from them in many cases.

How can you possibly have had this issue on your radar for years and not felt compelled to do your best for working people? This is a damning part of the Vice President's record that she will have to face up to. Lest some Democrats out there think I'm merely racking up baseless mud, you all can Google this and see a bipartisan wave of anger on this issue. If we don't resolve this in the primary now, you can bet the Republicans are going to take full advantage of this and bring it up over and over in the fall. We're already at a time when our party has been struggling with Latino voters, and we need to regain their trust back through action and not just talk. I respectfully have concerns about whether Kamala Harris can make that happen.

February 9-10: Arkansas

For the next stop in the campaign, Kerry set his sights on Arkansas. The Kerry campaign believes that they are at a unique advantage with voters in Arkansas given their long familiarity with the candidate back to 2004 and the connections made with leaders such as Wesley Clark and the Clintons. To this effect, a strong focus is made with older voters to rekindle the magic. Outreach to black communities, particularly in the Little Rock area, is also key to victory in the state. A combination of rallies and town halls encompassed these two days in the campaign, and cities toured include Bentonville, Jonesboro, Springdale, and Little Rock.

You know, Republicans have often let the cat out the bag in recent years with their true agenda. You have national leaders like Senator Rick Scott who make no bones about how they will cut your Social Security and Medicare once they get back in power. Their extreme rhetoric only has one audience in mind: the wealthy mega-donors who demand more tax cuts for them at the expense of regular folks. This is what we're up against, ladies and gentlemen. We must have a nominee who stands strong against this ghoulish laundry list of policies and exposes them for what they really are. I have a 100% voting record on protecting Social Security and Medicare. Seniors, just like all other Americans, need to know that Washington will have their backs and never sell them off for scraps.
Senator Spiral
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« Reply #234 on: September 08, 2022, 06:16:21 AM »

John Kerry TV/Radio Ad: Herbalife

Herbalife was a pyramid scheme marketing company that scammed thousands of Americans out of their life savings. They preyed upon the most vulnerable, especially in poor Latino neighborhoods without strong English skills.

The FBI opened an investigation into their practices. So did the Federal Trade Commission, as well as many states.

Who did not investigate Herbalife? California under then-Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Prosecutors in the Attorney General's office wrote lengthy memos about holding Herbalife accountable, but Harris never opened an investigation or even acknowledged the prosecutors. At the same time, she was accepting donations from wealthy Washington lobbyists working for Herbalife.

Activists came knocking at her door. Still nothing. Harris had the opportunity time and time again but refused to act.

The federal government won a $200 million settlement against Herbalife's fraud. Kamala Harris? Thousands for her campaign but $0 for the American people.

I'm John Kerry and I approve this message.

The ad shall play in the following states: Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #235 on: September 13, 2022, 10:09:11 AM »

February 11- February 17

First Three Primaries Done; What Now?

Harris and Trump have continued their winning ways on the campaign trail despite Trump's absence from it. Both candidates won convincing victories in Nevada over Roy Cooper and Vince McMahon respectively. All candidates will likely no be preparing for the South Carolina primary; the Republicans are schedule to hold theirs on the 24th, with the Democrats to follow on the 2nd of March before both parties go to the polls for Super Tuesday on the 5th of March.

South Carolina will be telling. Another good showing from McMahon could put an end to Trump's momentum going forward and possibly help him clear the field of opposing candidates. On the Democratci side, Cooper has managed to stubbornly cling onto his lead in the state. A win from the North Carolina Governor would no doubt bolster his campaign just 72 hours from Super Tuesday.

No matter what, the South Carolina primary promises to be an eventful affair for both sides. President Biden is still refusing to endorse any candidate, weighing in that "Democrats have three fine candidates for President this year."

What's Happening In Russia?

Russia's international isolation over the last two years has not been a secret. The swiftness with which the Russian economy was cut off from the outside world has been unique, and acheived the oone thing analysts predicted Putin feared the most: a reinvigoration of the NATO alliance. On a more practical level, Ukraine's victories over Russian reportedly triggered 'severe alarm' inside Russia's upper political echelons.

With seemingly universal support to accelerate the timeline for Ukraine's accession to NATO in the wake of the Sevastopol Treaty, it would appear Vladimir Putin has dealt himself a political blow that will take decades for his successors to recover from.

That's assuming it doesn't happen soon.

Putin has not been seen in public since the signing of the Treaty earlier his year, nor has there been video footage of him. Most of his statements are being delivered by spokespeople or simply transmitted as text across Russia's state TV networks.

With Putin not seen in public, and with the Russian Presidential election looming this March, many are asking the question of what is happening inside Russia.

McCarthy Blocks SCNA; Ocasio-Cortez Returns

The Stop Corruption Now Act, which passed the Senate on February 6th due to a tiebreaker vote cast by Kamala Harris, has hit a brick wall. Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has refused to allow the bill to come to the floor, labelling it a "Tool for the radical left to persecute its political opponents."

The result is that the bill has effectively died before reaching the flor of the House. Many Democrats have decried McCarthy as afraid of having a history of insider trading come to light for himself and Republican House leadership. Katie Porter, running for the Senate this year in California, echoed the feelings of many Democrats when she said "Perhaps the Speaker should give us something to work with instead of blocking credible investigations."

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has returned to work after what is being described as an attempted assassination some time ago. Ocasio-Cortez has been surprisingly quiet since her return, a sharp contrast to her normal fiery persona, with one anonymous source saying "Her personality's totally changed . . . it's like she's a completely different person since that day."


-As always, the time for this turn will commence upon the posting of the polls and last for five days

-The first State of the Race post will go up this turn as well. This will basically say where each candidate is at and provide some intel for them going forward so I strongly suggest that you read it carefully.

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #236 on: September 13, 2022, 07:13:42 PM »



Vice President Harris: 42%

Governor Cooper: 37.4%

Secretary Kerry: 20.1%

Undecided: 0.5%

South Carolina

Governor Cooper: 44.3%

Vice President Harris: 42.1%

Undecided: 13.6%


Former President Trump: 54.7%

Mr McMahon: 27.2%

Undecided: 18.2%

South Carolina:

Former President Trump: 53.6%

Mr McMahon: 28.9%

Undecided: 18.9%

Current Delegates:

Democratic Primary (2,266 required)

Vice Pres. Harris: 55 pledged delegates

Gov. Cooper: 44 pledged delegates

Republican Primary (1,217 required)

Fmr. Pres. Trump: 56 pledged delegates

Mr. McMahon: 29 pledged delegates

Upcoming Primaries:

South Carolina Republican Primary, February 24

South Carolina Democratic Primary, March 2

Super Tuesday race stauses:

Democratic contests

Alabama: Lean Harris

American Samoa: Harris/Kerry tossup

Arkansas: Tilt Cooper

California: Solid Harris

Colorado: Cooper/Harris tossup

Maine: Kerry/Harris tossup

Massachusetts: Likely Kerry

Minnesota: Tilt Harris

North Carolina: Solid Cooper

Oklahoma: Harris/Cooper tossup

Tennessee: Tilt Cooper

Texas: Harris/Cooper tossup

Utah: Lean Harris

Vermont: Harris/Kerry tossup

Virginia: Tilt Cooper

Republican contests

Alabama: Likely Trump

Alaska: Lean Trump

Arkansas: Lean Trump

California: Lean Trump

Colorado: Tilt Trump

Maine: Lean Trump

Massachusetts: Lean Trump

Minnesota: Lean Trump

Oklahoma: Tilt Trump

Tennessee: Lean Trump

Texas: Lean Trump

Utah: Lean Trump

Vermont: Lean Trump

Virginia: Lean Trump


-Second reminder that Super Tuesday is March 5. Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia will all be voting, which means a good chunk of delegates are up for grabs.
Devout Centrist
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« Reply #237 on: September 13, 2022, 07:38:28 PM »
« Edited: September 13, 2022, 09:14:04 PM by Devout Centrist »

February 11th:

–Barnstorming in Spartanburg, South Carolina
–Hold boat rally at Lake Murray
–Give remarks at Credit One Stadium

February 12th:

–Attend GOTV drive in Beaufort
–Meet with Fraternal Order of Police in Sumter
–Call into Fox News

I’ve always been a big fan of NATO. NATO. N - A - T - O. Big, big, fan. But we gotta get these countries to pay into it. They have to pay into the system, and do it the right way. Legally. It’s like social security for Europe, you know. It's so dysfunctional, Tucker. They’re taking 20, 30, 40 billion, and I mean billions of dollars from our country. There’s no return there. It’s all gone. Poof! We need NATO, but we need NATO to pay for NATO. I’m gonna make these countries pay into the system. The honest way. So we don’t get a bad deal and they don’t get invaded. That I can promise you.

February 13th:

–Knock on doors in Summerville
–Attend town hall in Georgetown
–Hold rally in Myrtle Beach

February 14th:
–Prepare for Super Tuesday
–Host team call with donors and Party activists

February 15th:
–Travel to Greenville
–Shake hands with supporters
–Give speech at Bon Secours Wellness Arena

There are a lotta people in this race lying to you right now. So many. Kamala, of course. You know her. Second place Roy. The guy who lost to Bush. How do you lose to George W. Bush? It's insane. 20 years ago, you lost to a guy like that, and they wouldn't let you show your face in town ever again. It's true.

And then there's Vince, I tell ya. Even Vince lies. It's tragic. You know what he calls himself? You know what it is? He calls himself ‘Daddy Mac’, you know. Daddy Mac. Like Mac n Cheese. I can’t see it! He's not built for it. I just don't see it.

It’s sad. So sad, honestly. You look at a guy like Vince McMahon and you have to ask yourself, what the hell happened?! He had everything. I gave him everything. I made Vince McMahon into the man that he is today. Molded him in my image. Truly. Made him into the guy he is now. And you know he did? He turned around and stabbed me in the back! Bam! No mercy!

He copied me. In every way. Every way! He took every little detail about me, wrote it down, got out a pen and paper, and copied it! Xeroxed it! Every line! My look, my voice, my face. He tried to take it all from me when he got started in wrestling. It’s basically plagiarism when you think about it. And I let it go. I let him run his little wrassling business. I actually helped him! I helped him make money. It was a good business decision for me.

He made a lot of money back then. A lot. Not as much as I did, you know, but it was something. Millions. And, you know what, he used my face to sell his brand. My face. Did he ever ask me? No. It’s very shady stuff. Very shady stuff. Why would he take something like that, from me, and then use it to run for President? First he copies me, in every way, uses my name to sell his failing business, and then he has the courage to run for President? Against me? It’s laughable folks. I tell ya.

If you really think about it, Vince, he wants to be me! He wants to have the kind of people that I got by my side. You folks! He wants this love from people. He wants this unity we have! But he doesn’t have the energy for it. No stamina. You send him up here and he’d crumple like a paper napkin. Just fall apart. Bye bye! He can’t handle the spotlight. You put him up there, in the White House, and he’ll be scared. He won’t have me then. He’ll be all alone. Naked. Afraid. I’ve been up there folks, for four years. Would’ve been 8 without fraud, but we got four! I know how it is. You really think someone like Vince can handle that kind of situation? Take one look at what happened to the WWE. One look. And tell me he can handle it. You can’t do it! No leadership!

Only I can lead this country. Only I can fix the mess created by failures like Vince McMahon. Only I can take this nation, warts and all, and make it great again. So I’m asking you, now, let’s do this again. Let me lead this country, and you’ll see everything come back. Believe me.

February 16th:
–Visit local Charleston businesses
–Phonebank with volunteers
–Hold fundraiser at the old McLeod Plantation

February 17th:
–Hold interview with Live 5 News in Charleston
–Tour Gaffney
–Hold rally in Myrtle Beach
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #238 on: September 14, 2022, 02:13:13 AM »

John Kerry Press Conference

REPORTER: Secretary Kerry, what is your reaction to Kevin McCarthy blocking the Stop Corruption Now Act from coming to a vote in the House?

KERRY: Before the Senate vote on the SCNA, I warned Republicans that if they didn't vote to pass this crucial legislation, the American people will vote their conscience this November. Now that we have seen what Speaker McCarthy has chosen to do, they have made their bed and voters will know exactly where they stand.

Time and time again, Republican leaders have shown themselves to be not only out of touch, but malicious. They have condoned a raped preteen carrying a forced pregnancy to term. Now they have chosen to keep their pocketbooks fatter while the corrupt stench of Washington politics remains. This is not what this country or its people deserve.

When I was a prosecutor in the Massachusetts DA office, we broke ground in prosecuting the Mafia and white collar crime of all stripes. I have been committed to clean government long before the rest of the candidates, and I know that my longtime friend Senator Baldwin will not give up in this fight despite the setback. We're going to apply pressure on all fronts and make sure that we earn a resounding mandate, first in the primaries and then in November.

REPORTER: As you know, former President Trump just returned to the campaign trail and made some pointed comments at you regarding your loss in 2004. What do you have to say in response?

KERRY: Oh, boy. *laughs* Donnie, sorest of all losers, decided to pop back in again after, what, weeks? Feels more like months. The only thing I have to say to him is ask how his multiple criminal investigations are going.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #239 on: September 14, 2022, 09:10:45 AM »

State of the Race

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris started this race as the odds-on favourite to win the Democratic nomination; the first sitting Vice President to do so since Al Gore over twenty years ago. However, a series of miscommunications, rapid turnover of campaign staffers, and reports of discord within the campaign caused her numbers to fall. Particularly alarming was the period of time she spent away from the campaign trail, allowing Roy Cooper to close the sizable polling gap between them.

Harris is nothing if not a fighter though, and she has managed to string together wins in all three early primaries, overcoming a mighty scare from Cooper in Iowa before a terrific debate performance delivered her good victory margins in New Hampshire and Nevada. Indeed, she may've been able to lock up the nomination by Super Tuesday before John Kerry entered the race. Much of Harris's support seems to be coming from Hochul supporters, a smattering of Baldwin supporters, and those who supported her superior's campagn in 2020, who seem to lining up behind the Vice President after a brief scare following her absence from the campaign. Try as they might, Cooper and Kerry will likely be unable to compete with Harris on the field of insitutional support.

Roy Cooper

Not that long ago, Roy Cooper looked like he might be able to sweep out the nomination from under Harris. The North Carolina Governor has run a hard-hitting campaign that has pulled few punches and is aggressively targeting Harris's weaknesses, and is reportedly striking a chord with people who are dissatisfied with the Vice President's candidacy, an remember the last time that the Democrats had a coronation for a sitting VP in 2000.

However, a string of events have brought Cooper's momentum to a screeching halt. After being able to claim a near-tie in Iowa, Cooper hit a brick wall consisting of a strong debate performance from Harris and a growing perception that he was overly focused on the marijuana issue. The latter has contributed to an image of Cooper being a one-issue candidate. Nonetheless, Cooper looks likely to take South Carolina at this stage, which given its status as being just 72 hours from Super Tuesday, is likely to give some very positive headlines for him.

John Kerry

The wildcard. John Kerry was a surprise late entry into the race for the nomination, but one who interestingly, hasn't been instantly tossed aside. He is undoubtedly the candidate with the longest and most impressive resume: Military service in Vietnam, time as an Assistant District Attorney, Lieutenant-Governor of Massachussetts, a Senator fort nearly thirty years including time as Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of State for four years and most recently, the Special Envoy for Climate.

Kerry will likely take New England on Super Tuesday, and has attempted to brand himself as the champion of the party's progressive wing, a strategy that is meeting with some, if limited, success. His biggest obstacles are his 2004 defeat, his long Senate career, and his advanced age. Kerry's long time in the Senate means that he will likely be tarred with any unpopular votes he made, and there is simply no avoiding the fact that the 79-year-old Kerry is one of the oldest candidates to take the Presidential field, and will be over 80 on inauguration day. he will have to overcome both of these concerns if he is to have a chance.

Donald Trump

Trump remains the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, a race that has tightened in previous weeks due to Trump's lack of activity on the campaign trail. This rather light to nonexistent campaign schedule has played right into McMahon's hands, as he brands the former president of being unable to cope with the stresses of a second full term. Reportedly, even many of the President's former supporters are even going over to McMahon, viewing him as their new champion in light of Trump's supposed 'selling out'.

That said, a peculiar situation has developed for Trump, as the Republican establishment, fearful that McMahon would lose a winnable election, have virtually guaranteed Trump their support. This reconciling of bitter foes was unexpected by most people, yet perhaps it is one of pure pragmatism. Trump in many Republican leaders' eyes, remains their best chance at taking back the White House. If he is to put down a fighter like Vince McMahon though, it will likely take a crushing victory on Super Tuesday.

Vince McMahon

The former Chair and CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment entered the race as a no-hoper. Early stages of the campaign seemed to see the man treating the whole thing as a wrestling promo, with predictable results. Comments over nuclear power cratered any support he had in the western states, particularly Nevada and Arizona, and many reported his campaign to be flailing even before anyone had voted for him.

But then a change happened. McMahon seemed to settle down slightly and treat the campaign with appropriate seriousness. His sedate behaviour at the funeral of Jimmy Carter in particular was praised, especially in light of Trump's failure to show up. He began attacking Republican orthodoxy over energy and tax cuts, winning over the grassroots with his points about the uselessness of denying an energy transition and that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act favoured the wealthy. This has seemingly been proven in recent result, where McMahon has routinely outperformed polling by wide margins and forced many organisations to adjust on the fly. It will take one hell of an effort to overtake Trump though.


We at PBS largely predict that we are still heading for a Trump-Harris matchup, but there remains the distinct possibility of Roy Cooper or John Kerry snatching the nomination out from under Harris, while Vince McMahon's overperformance of polls is likely worrying many in the Trump campaign, Super Tuesday will likely tell more.
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« Reply #240 on: September 15, 2022, 07:53:52 PM »
« Edited: September 16, 2022, 02:00:10 AM by Devout Centrist »

The Boat Rally
Credit to Click Orlando
Wow. Look at this crowd folks. Incredible. Just incredible. Do they really think they can indict something like this? Do they think they can arrest this many people? All at once? They can’t do it. They can’t do it. They would be insane to do it! Just insane.

You know how much I love you. How much I love my beautiful boaters. It’s true. Let me tell you, if Vince McMahon could get a crowd like this, the WWE wouldn’t have gone belly up. He would’ve made money hand over fist. Hand over fist. But he doesn’t have the heart for it. He’s not ruthless enough folks! Never had a mind for the game. Never had a mind for business. If you really look at the guy, you know. You know.

Do you know why I’m running for President? Why I’m running again? Again? I’ve had people come up to me off the street and they say, “Donald, why would you want to do that all over again? Why would you throw yourself to the wolves like that? They hate you. They want you dead.” And I say to them, “I have to. I just have to. We’re not gonna have a country anymore. We’re not gonna have a country anymore if this goes on for four more years.”

No one else in the race can save our country. No one. No one but me. These people, what have they done to this country? It’s sick. I tell ya. They have no leadership skills. None. And it’s sad. So sad. If there hadn’t been fraud three, four, years ago, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Believe me. They stole the election. They stole, and they stole it not from me. They stole it from You. And you. And you. It’s so obvious folks. So obvious. Where was Vince McMahon then? He hid! He hid from you. Hid in the closet. It’s a disgrace.

They saw what we were doing. They saw how good it was. They saw how well the country was doing. You remember right? When you’d hop over to the gas station and pay a buck fifty for a gallon of gas? Imagine that today! A buck fifty.

You remember. It was a great time. When you could buy whatever you wanted and it was cheap? That was beautiful. So beautiful. And you know what? You know what they did? They took it all away from you! Look at what’s going on now! I turn on, I turn on the news, and they’re going through this laundry list. Everything is more expensive. Gas up three dollars. Beef up six bucks a pound. Used cars, used cars up 20 grand! A one bedroom house, just one bedroom: half a million. Half a million! It’s insane. And it’s all due to the election. They took away everything from you. They took it all away.

If I had won, and believe me, I did win before fraud. if I had won even with the fraud, none of this would be happening. You think we’d be weak like we are now? You think gas would cost five bucks a gallon. You think there’d be a million plus people on the streets? People getting mugged left and right? No! Never would’ve happened. Never would’ve happened in a million years. I’d have knocked the crap out of them before they even considered doing something this stupid.

We’re gonna take back this country in November. You better believe it’s coming folks. And let me tell ya, it’s gonna be a fight every step of the way. Vince, he’s the flyweight. They put him out as a joke to warm up the crowd for what’s coming next. We’ve got, we’ve got a whole bevy of folks who are going to try and steal this election. You’re gonna have to fight like hell to stop them. I, let me tell you, it’s gonna be brutal. We need every man, every woman, we need all hands on deck. I need all my beautiful boaters to come out and vote for me. Not just, not just vote. I need you to get your family on board. Your friends. All of them need to be on this train. All of them. If we want a shot at taking these, these sickos down. We need you. We have to turn this country around folks. That starts right here, right now.
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« Reply #241 on: September 15, 2022, 08:37:09 PM »

Harris campaign prepares for South Carolina and Super Tuesday

With the South Carolina Primary and Super Tuesday contests around the corner, the Kamala Harris For The People 2024 campaign is ramping up operations in a goal to create a larger and near insurmountable distance between herself and her 2 primary opponents. By deploying resources into must win states such as Texas, California and multiple states in the East Coast area, the campaign is ready to show they are prepared to go beyond Super Tuesday if necessary.

The campaign is expected to put up a fight in South Carolina, but are willing to softly forfeit it to the Cooper campaign in order to expand on their possible wins on Super Tuesday, although the campaign will be the first to say that a win in South Carolina would be a major boost to their campaign and a killer for the Cooper campaign, although some corners of the campaign have begun whispering over what affect a contested convention would have on a potential Harris ticket and whether it would damage them going into a general election matchup against Trump.

Nevertheless the campaign is displaying nothing but confidence as they move into the next phase of the primary.
Pink Panther
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« Reply #242 on: September 16, 2022, 10:43:47 PM »

February 11th: Rally in Charleston, SC. We will confront Trump for only returning to the campaign trail after months upon months of doing absolutely nothing. Pathetic. We will attack him for only returning the trail because he's afraid of us and our movement, as he just wants to soak up all the attention because his narcissism won't allow for anything else. He didn't even show up to Jimmy Carter's funeral! He spent all that time mooching with the establishment and screwing over the common man and his supporters. Do you trust Trump now that he'll be an effective campaigner in the general election if he didn't even bother to show up for all this time? We will also attack him hard for stealing federal documents and possibly even trying to sell them to the elites, screwing over the American people once again. After the rally, I will personally knock on doors advertising my campaign, where in the evening I will buy dinner for everyone, regardless of party or candidate support, at some local restaurant, which will also simultaneously serve as a donation dinner. We will continue to blast the airwaves about how Trump has abandoned the common American to smooch with the elites with his conduct over his four years as President and since then. We will also attack him for his lack of respect for refusing to show up to events like Carter's funeral and the NH debate. Finally, we will also air ads about my roots in the Carolinas, how I grew up in poverty and with an abusive stepfather, and how I rose up from those difficulties and became a billionaire. I am the favorite son of the region, and it's important that I emphasize that in my speeches.

February 12th: Rally in Greenville, SC. In this rally, we will specifically hit hard on my Carolina roots. We'll talk about how I am still in the inside a decent Southern man, especially compared to Trump. Along with bringing up my Southern roots, I will talk about how I am the embodiment of the American Dream, considering I grew up in dire conditions to become the billionaire busninessman I am today, while Trump grew up with a silver spoon since day one. We will also call his his boat rally an act of weakness. We will point out to how desperate Trump sounded like there, and how he tried to take me down because he worried that the TRUE people's movement is starting to gain traction, and Trump and his elitist buddies are trying everything in their power to stop us. But that won't happen. Afterwards, we will continue airing the same ads as previously, as well as hold a townhall with voters, answering their questions and concerns. But now, we will start to air ads tying Trump to extremely unpopular figures in the GOP, like Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Rick Scott, and others, pointing out their endorsements of him and strong support for his campaign.

February 13th: Rally in Rock Hill, SC. Afterwards, we will do plenty of local events, including charity work and holding raffles.

February 14-15th: Rallies in Columbia, SC. These will be of similar topics to my previous rallies. We will continue to air the ads that we have already been airing at this point, while I will continue to organize my GOTV operations in the state, as I will once again personally canvas voters and knock on doors with my volunteers in the local Columbia area, talking with potential voters about our campaign.

February 16th: Rally in Myrtle Beach, SC. It will cover the same topics as last time, and we will highlight many of Trump's failures in office, including the lack of a wall on the Mexican border, giving more tax breaks to wealthy, and barely any for the rest of Americans, and spending a hell of a lot more time golfing than Obama, as examples. We'll once again air the same ads as previously and do more voting canvassing with my campaign staff before calling into Tucker Carlson Tonight. We will blast Trump hard for selling out the American people by aligning himself with people like Mitch McConnell and many other establishment figures during this campaign, his constant tax cuts to the rich and not the common man, his lack of campaigning or doing events in general, and his constant meetings with the elites of society. He likes to say that I copied his every mannerism and how I wouldn't be where I am today without him. But I have to ask Donald: Were would you be without me? Don't you forget that after your first divorce and your constant bankruptcies that you were a complete loser. You tried to run for President in 2000 to regain your public interest and perception, but that was a complete failure. You were in the dark, cold shadows while I enjoyed tremendous success during the Attitude Era. That's when The Apprentice dropped, and where Trump did some plagarizing of his own. He stole my "You're Fired" catchphrase, which I had made famous for years by that point. If he doesn't blatantly RIP off my catchphrase and character for The Apprentice, that show never takes off. And if that show never takes off, Trump never regains enough public intrigue to run for President. Where would you be then, Donald? Also, you relied heavily on loans to keep your businesses afloat, since you were a bad busninessman, while I took the WWE from a regional sports entertainment company to an international, billion dollar enterprise before I was forced out of my own company by a phony scandal instigated by people like Nick Khan. I will then ask Tucker if he still and his audience still trust Trump before ending the interview.

February 17th: Rallies in various rural areas across the Northwestern part of the state. These will focus on my campaign points made already, as we will continue to emphasize our Southern heritage and talk about how Trump has abandoned the common man. Finally, I will go pray in local churches with my supporters before continuing our ad campaign and social media efforts for the day.
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« Reply #243 on: September 19, 2022, 02:52:05 AM »
« Edited: September 19, 2022, 03:01:40 AM by Spiral »

Kerry Releasing Comprehensive Medical Records

February 11 - Today, the Kerry campaign announced that they have released detailed medical records for Secretary John Kerry over the past 20 years. This represents a direct continuation from when then-Senator Kerry released decades worth of medical history during the 2004 campaign.

An examination of Mr. Kerry's recent health over the years show "very excellent numbers in both physical and mental acuity" and "a highly active lifestyle that counteracts [Kerry's] age, as well as risk factors which go along with age." The most serious health scare for the candidate during his time in public service occurred with a prostate cancer diagnosis in 2002, which he would be cured from by 2004. Latest records from Kerry come after this period and show no new conditions having transpired since then. The most significant health metric currently monitored for Secretary Kerry's long-term health is cholesterol, which has been slightly elevated in previous years but are more within guidelines in the past several years through proactive measures.

"I am proud to continue my longstanding record of honesty and transparency with the American people by publishing my full medical records," Secretary Kerry said in a statement for this release. "With this act, I implore my fellow candidates on both sides to immediately join me in doing the same. Voters deserve to know that their next President would be ready to serve at the top of their health." Kerry will be making an appearance on Good Morning America on the following day, February 12th, to discuss these records and their findings with a national audience.
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« Reply #244 on: September 20, 2022, 07:17:04 PM »

Kerry Releasing Comprehensive Medical Records

February 11 - Today, the Kerry campaign announced that they have released detailed medical records for Secretary John Kerry over the past 20 years. This represents a direct continuation from when then-Senator Kerry released decades worth of medical history during the 2004 campaign.

An examination of Mr. Kerry's recent health over the years show "very excellent numbers in both physical and mental acuity" and "a highly active lifestyle that counteracts [Kerry's] age, as well as risk factors which go along with age." The most serious health scare for the candidate during his time in public service occurred with a prostate cancer diagnosis in 2002, which he would be cured from by 2004. Latest records from Kerry come after this period and show no new conditions having transpired since then. The most significant health metric currently monitored for Secretary Kerry's long-term health is cholesterol, which has been slightly elevated in previous years but are more within guidelines in the past several years through proactive measures.

"I am proud to continue my longstanding record of honesty and transparency with the American people by publishing my full medical records," Secretary Kerry said in a statement for this release. "With this act, I implore my fellow candidates on both sides to immediately join me in doing the same. Voters deserve to know that their next President would be ready to serve at the top of their health." Kerry will be making an appearance on Good Morning America on the following day, February 12th, to discuss these records and their findings with a national audience.

Cooper follows Kerry in choosing to release his medical records: "I'm in perfectly good health and I'm truly not sure why anybody would think otherwise, but I'm quite happy to acquiesce Senator Kerry's request, to follow Senator Kerry's lead, and publicly release all my medical records, because I have nothing to hide and, as Senator Kerry said, all voters should have confidence that whoever they elect as their president will be ready and able to lead starting day one." Indeed, the health reports released are perfectly normal and indicate Cooper to be reasonably healthy.
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« Reply #245 on: September 20, 2022, 07:29:32 PM »
« Edited: September 20, 2022, 07:35:11 PM by CentristRepublican »

This week (February 11 to 17, 2024), Cooper intends to work towards locking down the must-win Palmetto State - while also focusing on laying the groundwork in a handful of Super Tuesday states. Firstly, which Super Tuesday states will Cooper particularly focus on? Of course, the bulk of his attention will go to Texas, the Lone Star State, a massive state with many, many delegates up for grabs, and a state apparently deemed a tossup between him and Harris. A victory here would be a big boom for the campaign. But Cooper also intends to rack up wins in some smaller states, particularly those in the South, where he has a fighting chance if not a narrow advantage - he will fight hard in Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee and Virginia, as well as in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Minnesota. This week, after departing from South Carolina, Cooper will immediately head over down south to Tennessee, Alabama and Arkansas, to introduce himself to voters as well. In the upcoming weeks, he will do the rounds in the other named states as well, intending to fight for every last vote and every last delegate. Later on, if time allows and he feels he has already campaigned enough and met with enough voters in the named states, Cooper is considering possibly contesting Harris' native California, a delegate-rich liberal bastion. Of course, the state will doubtless break for its native daughter in the end, but if Cooper can keep the margin respectably low, it will not only be a victory in winning a large number of delegates, but also a moral victory, if it can be framed as such. Similarly, Cooper is tempted - if time allows - to launch a sneak attack on Envoy Kerry up in the Bay State, where a Kerry victory would be crushing for the fledgling campaign by the 2004 presidential nominee.
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« Reply #246 on: September 20, 2022, 07:44:48 PM »

Feb. 11: Cooper addresses an antipoverty convention in Columbia, South Carolina's capitol. "While additional funding for antipoverty programs is absolutely necessary and vital - it's not enough. Just throwing money at the problem will not do very much to fix it, not unless the money is coupled with good, responsible, careful, knowledgable, experienced management. I pledge that in a Cooper Administration, the HUD department will not only receive more funding, but it will create new, effective antipoverty programs to help kids in Columbia and across this nation. Our children are the future, and the more children we have living in abject poverty, not being able to graduate high school, getting put into juvenile jail, being locked up behind bars and having their futures permanently wrecked, the worse it is, not only for them, but for this country, for each and every one of us." After the convention, Cooper visits a public elementary school in the heart of the city, where he meets second-graders and reads a book to them. While reading, doubtless to the great surprise of the students, Cooper suddenly looks up and says loudly, "I believe our children are our country's future, and we will only be as good as we allow these children to be, as much as we nurture their potential and allow them, help them, to grow. That's why I fought for public education in North Carolina, and that's why I'll do the same in Washington, DC." Of course, this is turned into an ad: an ad aired in the media markets of Memphis, Little Rock - Pine Bluff, Columbia, Houston, El Paso (Las Cruces), Minneapolis - St. Paul, San Diego, Tulsa, and Boston.
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« Reply #247 on: September 20, 2022, 07:52:38 PM »

Feb. 12: Cooper lambasts the GOP on all the anti-democracy actions they have taken over the last three to four years. "They are actively attacking, actively threatening our democracy. They're sending poll bullies - a practice of the nineteenth century that was done away with, at least, until now - and they're engaging in voter intimidation. They want to make it harder to vote and disincentivize or prevent Americans from exercising their right to vote. Republican candidates and politicians in various states - they've got candidates for governor, people like Doug Mastriano, who was at the Jan 6 insurrection and who vowed to ban abortion with zero exceptions in Pennsylvania, somebody who planned on subverting the will of Pennsylvania voters if they dared to vote for Democratic candidates, somebody who has expressed support for the Confederacy and the Confederate flag, and candidates for secretary of state, people like Mark Finchem, also a member of the Oath Keepers, someone who was not only at January 6, but somebody who has supported the violence in Charlotte seven years ago, and somebody who said they'd only accept the election results if they lost - well, I'm glad to say Finchem did lose, and by the way, yes, he's still refused to concede. These candidates represent what the GOP has become - a party of violent extremists and conspiracy theorists who have less regard for our nation's democracy than they do for Donald Trump. The stakes, and I cannot say this clearly enough, are far too great for any of us interested in preserving democracy to stay home - you all need to vote, even if you need to fight for your right to vote, if you want to keep your right to vote, if you want to save it from being taken away by dictatorial Republicans. The stakes are too high. We need to all vote Democratic, until the GOP denounces election denialism and anti-democracy efforts it's engaging in right now. This is a question of our democracy, and that issue must be first and foremost in voters' minds when they head to the voting booths."
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« Reply #248 on: September 20, 2022, 08:03:18 PM »
« Edited: September 21, 2022, 10:43:11 AM by Devout Centrist »

I make deals. I work for a living. I know how to run a business. Vince McMahon, whatever he may say now, had none of that when I first met him. None of that. You really think the guy could build the WWE all by himself? It's laughable. Whatever Vince says about me, folks, you know why he's saying it. You know why. You know who owns him. His business is run by the investment guys. They come in from the shadows and tell him what he has to do to win. What he has to say. This, this isn't the authentic Vince McMahon. Is this the real Vince McMahon? Two weeks ago, he was challenging hookers to rap battles in downtown Detroit and rolling around in the dirt with 90 pound heroin junkies. And now he's this clean shaven guy we're all supposed to trust? Who's gonna believe this nonsense? No way. No way. How stupid does he think we are? How stupid, how stupid can he think we are?

He owes so much to me. So so much. And he's out here saying I'm the one who's out of touch? Believe me, Vince McMahon, he's not like you. Not like you at all. He took all of these pro-wrestlers, big and strong guys, you know, and he broke their bodies. He stole their health insurance. He basically enslaved them, if you think about it. All these big beautiful guys are dropping like flies in their 40s and 50s. They're dropping dead folks, and we all know why. It's horrific. And Vince goes out in front the media, and he says, "it's alright folks, it's alright, Trump took my attitude from me." Vince, let me tell you, Vince needs an attitude adjustment!

Do you remember how good things were? Go back. Go back to 2018, 2019, and just look how good things were. We had unemployment down to 1, 2%. The economy was booming. BOOMING! Gas prices were the lowest in 30 years. We had a great thing going and then this, this, COVID thing came rolling through. Came out of China, and it ruined everything. You have the Democrats wanting to break out the masks. The K.O. 95 masks. You remember those? They were basically blankets for your face. They suffocated you. And Vince was there cheering them on. Nasty stuff folks. Nasty stuff. Does he think we're all just gonna forgive and forget that? Not gonna happen! Not gonna happen.
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« Reply #249 on: September 20, 2022, 08:04:54 PM »

Feb. 13: Cooper attends a pro-choice protest at the State Capitol, where he is able to address the jeering-and-cheering crowd. "South Carolina, with its Republican governor and Republican legislature, banned abortion. They decided that largely-male lawmakers could control women's bodies, take away their right to their own reproductive choices. Well, I think we need to show those lawmakers what we think of that. They ought to realise the decisions they make controlling other people's choices, impact real people. These decisions force raped teenagers and little girls to give birth, they result in women dying in childbirth and orphaning newborn babies. These decisions have had horrific consequences for poor girls and women across this state's 46 counties, who cannot afford to go out of state to North Carolina - where I've fought the legislature tooth and nail to keep abortion legal - or some other state that allows abortion. Some lone Republican voices of courage in the state legislature, like that of State Representative Neal Collins of Easley, who saw what terrible consequences the anti-abortion laws he supported had on women in his district - have been shouted down and ignored. And this state is also home to Senator Lindsey Graham, a bachelor who has no children, no wife, but still had the audacity to propose a nationwide abortion ban - deciding that he (again, somebody with no wife or ex-wife or children) was the ultimate authority on when women could make decisions about their own bodies. What South Carolinians, what women who wish to defend their own reproductive freedom, and what men who support women's right to abortions, should do, is to protest, to have their voices heard - but to express themselves in the most powerful way imaginable, in the exact way the Republicans don't want them to: by voting against this anti-choice, this ultra-authoritarian party, by voting for the party that will reinstate Roe and protect abortion. This is a fight the religious right, so interested in controlling women's bodies, has won temporarily, but a fight that we can still win back if we fight hard enough, and if we're persistent and united in our effort." Cooper also throws a bone to the anti-January-6-people and the pro-BLMers in the crowd, saying, "This is a peaceful protest - much unlike the attempted insurrection that occurred on January 6 of 2021. This is much more akin to the overwhelmingly peaceful protests for Black Lives Matter that racist Republicans misrepresented as violent looting, when most of the protesting was peaceful." The crowd cheers, and then returns to protesting.
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