2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread) (user search)

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Author Topic: 2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)  (Read 12380 times)
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« on: June 15, 2022, 11:43:06 PM »

Eric Adams for President

July 5: Announcement (Brooklyn, New York, NY)

Ladies and gentlemen, you may ask why I'm stepping into this race for President of the United States when other candidates are out there. Let me tell you: This nation is in desperate need of leadership. I'm talking about sane, practical leadership that speaks to the whole of the country and not just the extreme minority interests on both sides. Not only that, but you need to have the chops to make change happen. New York has been at the forefront of common-sense reforms to make our lives better under my administration as mayor. We have put more police on the streets while investing in broken neighborhoods to prevent crime before it ever spawns. Together, New York City has also breathed new life in our economic lifeblood as we've made a pathway to recover from COVID-19.

The media often speaks on my behalf and twists words, but now you can hear for yourself about who Eric Adams is. He's the kid who grew up poor, hustling by day and forced to move by night. He suffered police brutality but let it be a learning lesson to reform the New York Police Department from within as an officer. My record has always been standing side-by-side with the working class of America, and I am the working class candidate in this race. You may see that scrappy side of me come out over the coming months, but this will be a race about vision and about accomplishments. I'll humbly work to be the Democratic nominee, and I can't wait for you all to know Eric Adams as well as New York already does.

July 6-13: Nevada

Mayor Adams has spent the first days of his campaign canvassing the state of Nevada. The Adams campaign sees Nevada as crucial for their long-term success as a state with large, varied minority populations along with a strong labor union presence. To this effect, Adams spent time in Las Vegas, Henderson, Reno, Paradise, and Carson City over the first week. Time was spent on building campaign sites across cities, meeting with local elected officials such as Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman, and touring local union headquarters including the influential Culinary Workers Union.

I could really get used to this classic Nevada heat! Thank you all for inviting me to this meeting of the Culinary Workers Union. This union holds a special place in my heart as I know you really make a difference in the lives of countless workers on the Vegas strip and across the state. These are humble folk, often black and brown, who try to make a decent living and support their families. I'd like to thank you for doing everything you can to fight on their behalf. New York has countless citizens just like this, and I've built up the relationships to be their voice in government. All of the Democrats will say they're a union candidate, but point me to one candidate who's had anywhere close to the level of exposure and experience with unions that I have. Eric Adams is the real deal. I'm going to keep attending meetings like these, connect with the rank-and-file, and knock on the same doors as you do.

July 14-19: New Hampshire

Of the early primary states, the Adams campaign is focusing on New Hampshire as one where victory would propel the candidate to frontrunner status. Mayor Adams has focused on promoting the regional 'favorite son' status through small, intimate stump speeches where the candidate's retail politicking skills shine through. Areas of discussion in these conversations often have included crime, energy prices, transportation, and healthcare.

VOTER: Mayor Adams, how do you plan to improve the economy and our standards of living?

ADAMS: Thank you for raising this important subject, ma'am. The first thing we as a federal government need to do is spend on us, but spend wisely and directly to our infrastructure. This includes expanding access to healthcare and reducing costs on bureaucracy when we can. This means giving a stimulus for job programs in our cities and states that would meaningfully employ our young and impoverished. We should also cut taxes for working families for the first time in years, and that can include modifying payroll taxes to better work for you. We as Americans have been hurting too much and our leaders could have done more. I will as President.

July 20-28: South Carolina

South Carolina is an opportunity for the Adams campaign to differentiate from the other campaigns. Mayor Adams will be campaigning statewide as the sole black candidate who can speak from heart on issues affecting the lives of black South Carolinians. A large part of campaigning will be devoted to creating the infrastructure linking local Democratic clubs, along with church networks that are involved in Democratic politics. Adams will also spend time courting politicians such as Congressman Jim Clyburn.

Folks, I know what it's like to be black. I've been turned down from jobs, been beaten down by cops, and everything else you can name. This racism can wear down on our psyche, but churches like this one have always been part of our history. This is a common way to bond from shared struggles and to overcome. While New York is quite a bit away from here in South Carolina, I pledge to you that I'll be looking out for you every day in the White House. No matter how we ended up where we are today, our strength comes in numbers. We won't be afraid to demand safe streets, higher wages, and justice in our communities.

July 29: Debate (Goffstown, NH)

July 30-31: Louisiana

The campaign is setting up a footprint in Louisiana through early canvassing and outreach to community leaders in majority-black districts. Campaigning for this period is within the New Orleans area, including press conferences with police associations and volunteering at a food bank.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2022, 01:31:52 AM »

Eric Adams Debate Responses

Would you support reforming the Presidential Primary calendar to require the first states in the primary process to be more reflective of the party?

Absolutely I would. While I do respect tradition, the fact of the matter is that states like Nevada and South Carolina are more representative than Iowa and New Hampshire for who we are as a Democratic Party. If we make sure that our candidates are best attuned to the concerns of our voters, we will produce better nominees as a result. I would support moving Nevada and South Carolina to the top of the primary schedule, and I would also consider moving states like Illinois, Texas, and my home state of New York earlier.

Would you consider mandated affirmative action in federal employment?

I don’t believe this would be the best approach for fixing the disparity issue. What I see as the best solution for this is a twofold matter: 1) finding and recruiting the best of the best and 2) promoting a more inclusive environment for applicants. Point 2 is important in particular as you need to make sure that all types of talent, no matter their background, will feel welcome working with the federal government. This issue means a great deal to me personally as an African-American who was fortunate enough to move up the ranks within the NYPD. Once I was in a position of power, I concentrated recruiting efforts to attract more officers from underrepresented areas with their own unique life experiences. This greater pool of knowledge and skills helped to reduce crime in New York to a modern low back then, and I have taken the same approach as mayor now.

Do you support an open borders policy for immigration?

This open borders talk belongs in the same place as socialism and defunding the police: in the trash heap. We of course can maintain secure borders and uphold our rule of law while having a compassionate immigration policy that welcomes those who wish to contribute to our country. Through all of my experience I’ve represented many different immigrant groups of working people, from Chinese to Puerto Ricans to Nigerians. The vast majority of them are honest, law-abiding citizens, although the undocumented are also represented. These cases should be handled on an individual basis that looks over their intentions and contributions while staying here.

The GOP may like to paint all us Democrats as open border freaks, although let it be known that this is not who we are. Talk to my constituents and they appreciate sensible immigration policies like the ones I’ve talked about tonight. As your nominee, I will fight tooth and nail to make sure the majority voice will be heard in this debate.

How will you address the ongoing opioid crisis?

What we have witnessed from the opioid crisis is the sheer greed of Big Pharma. They make the big bucks over the disregard of human lives, over families being destroyed after losing their loved ones. In New York City, I successfully pushed for over $250 million in new spending for fighting the opioid crisis. We have been using these funds for treatment programs, for continued education, and—maybe most importantly—preventing future cases of opioid abuse from happening in the first place. I have also provided assistance when possible for the state Attorney General and district attorney’s efforts in prosecuting bad actors who perpetuate this problem.

As President, I will place the health and well-being of Americans as a top priority. If we fall ill to substance abuse or from other matters, all our other problems will build on top of each other. I’ve pushed for healthier lunches and better exercise routines starting at a young school age to encourage good lifestyle habits, and these efforts will continue as President in conjunction with our anti-opioid programs.

Cooper: "This is a serious crisis. A report estimated that about one hundred and thirty people a day die from opioid-related drug overdoses. In the past two decades, 850,000 people have died from drug overdoses. In Tomah, Wisconsin, in 2014, Jason Simcakoski , a 35-year-old Marine Corps, died from opiate overdose. It was because of over-prescription. Senator Tammy Baldwin did nothing about this, even after that. There was an investigation into the Tomah VA by the Department of Veterans Affairs. But Senator Baldwin did nothing, throwing others under the bus and hiring fixer-lawyers as the situation grew ever worse. Jason Simcakoski's widow herself lay the blame with Baldwin for refusing to address this crisis. We need a leader in the White House who will take accountability for this crisis, take this issue seriously. I will be that leader. There will be investigations and inspections and better accountability and accounting regarding prescriptions. No more will people like Jason Simcakoski and their families suffer because of government oversight, government carelessness, and government incompetence. Our elected officials absolutely need to do something about this crisis, and unlike Senator Baldwin, I promise I won't pass the buck."

Governor Cooper: Respectfully, please don't act like a typical politician. The question was about what you would do to fix the opioid crisis, not just badmouthing your rival. Voters deserve better and this debate is about our ideas and records.

Closing Statement:

First of all, thank you for having me as part of this primary debate. Democrats are at a crossroads for which direction we will take after this election. We must ask ourselves: Why are we ceding ground to Republicans with our black and brown voters day by day? When you ask voters, it’s because they see us as soft on crime, out of touch with their values, and unable or unwilling to make a difference in their lives. We must prove that Republicans aren’t right about us, or we will continue to go on the path of electoral suicide.

I became a candidate for President of the United States because I have a record to stand on for the issues that matter today. As Mayor of New York, I represent 9 million diverse Americans with their own stories and needs. I have invested in more police on our streets to fight this crime wave, and I have pushed reforms that stimulate our economic lifeblood as we move on from COVID-19. This is common-sense, progressive leadership in practice. This is what regular, working-class Americans are looking for from their leaders. I promise that you will see more of this leadership under an Adams administration. I hope to earn your trust and your vote. Thank you.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2022, 03:15:02 AM »
« Edited: June 26, 2022, 03:45:00 AM by Spiral »

Eric Adams 2024: August 1-September 30

August 1-14: California

Eric Adams and his team made ground in the Golden State for the first time. During this tour, they visited cities such as Los Angeles, Sacramento, Oakland, and San Francisco along with much of the other coastal areas. With Kamala Harris's recent departure, Adams is jumping in to collect as much of the Vice President's former support as possible. That includes scheduling meetings with prominent donors, courting leaders such as Governor Gavin Newsom and San Francisco Mayor London Breed, and attending conferences for prominent labor unions. Topics discussed during speeches include cost of living, crime, and abortion rights.

Thank you for having me here in San Francisco. Like many of you, I was saddened to hear of Vice President Harris's departure from the race. She's done her best in the job and I wish her well for whatever path she takes. I was actually an early supporter of hers when she ran in the 2020 primaries, so Kamala and I go a long while back. I promise to all of you in this crowd that I'll continue the good fight of racial justice, of economic fairness, and stronger communities that Kamala has always believed in. I could be greedy and ask for her endorsement, but we'll cross that bridge at a later point. *laughs*

August 15-23: South Carolina

Adams returned to South Carolina, where he took advantage of now being the sole African-American candidate standing in the race. He has taken to pushing new faith-based forums, where he intimately interacted with voters on matters of personal meaning to them. Campaign infrastructure has been strengthened to better match former Harris supporters with prospective Adams volunteers. Adams has also pushed for more of the suburban vote in this latest state tour, using topics such as cost of living, crime, and education to attract these voter groups.

You know, faith has been a large part of my life especially in these recent years. It anchors you. Faith lets you know what you're really here for and why you continue. I could not be here in this moment, talking as a mayor and presidential candidate, without God and without my loving family all by my side. For those of you in the audience who might have lost your family, who might be going through a hard time right now, let me be the one to say you're never alone in your struggles. Our country needs a period of reconciling, and this starts with our churches, our public forums, and even one-on-one conversations. I will be a president who brings us together, not someone who makes a living off of dividing us all.

August 24-August 31: Texas

Adams and his campaign got a head start campaigning in the Lone Star State. As one of the largest and fastest growing states, it represents a delegate boon that early investment will pay off from. Adams toured the cities of Austin, Dallas, Houston, El Paso, and Loredo among others. Particular time was spent in the Rio Grand Valley area, one where Democrats have recently bled support from traditionally loyal Hispanic voters. Adams courted the support of leaders such as Congressman Henry Cuellar.

Being hosted by Congressman Cuellar has been an honor here. Voters here in the Rio Grande are not unlike many other Americans. They want their communities to be safe. They want to make a respectable living for their families and work with dignity. They want their leaders locally and in Washington to be accountable for them. Democrats have been complacent and they've let the extreme elements drive away voters from our party with notions like open borders and defunding the police. You all here can rest easy that a President Adams will work for you to keep our streets safe, increase our wages, and make sure our children receive the best education they can. I look forward to more conversations like these over the campaign.

September 1-8: New Hampshire

Adams returned to the trail on New Hampshire, where he focused on town halls with voters. Questions were asked ranging from electoral reform to Adams's thoughts on other Democratic candidates. Adams spent considerable time in between courting local mayors and labor unions friendly to the candidate's centrist platform.

VOTERS: Mayor Adams, I've been going back and forth recently about supporting either you or Governor Cooper. What can you say about the differences between you two and why you're a better candidate?

ADAMS: Well, thank you first for asking this. Are you ready for the truth on Governor Cooper? *laughs* Being serious, I'm a fan of what the governor has been doing in North Carolina. He's been a good moderating force against the extremist Republican legislature, and we should commend him for that. However, as a presidential candidate, he's been very disappointing.

Why do I say this? Because Governor Cooper has regrettably been playing footsie with the far-left to try and win more votes. He's gone around in recent weeks attacking people like Governor Hochul because, quote, he won't "try to deport illegal immigrants" like she has. That sounds an awful lot like he would endorse open borders with a blanket statement like that. It also differs from his debate statement where he said he's against open borders. Which is it, Governor? If you suddenly had an epiphany on immigration policy, that's one thing. If you're trying to play both sides: C'mon, man! All this is doing is feeding into what Trump and the other Republicans say about us.

Why am I a better candidate? I mean what I say, and you're not going to hear two different versions from me depending on who I'm talking to. Even my worst critics agree that I'm uniquely Eric Adams. Voters want clarity and sincerity. In this election, and especially this election, we can't afford a nominee who will constantly beg for votes and compromise their positions along the way.

September 8-11: New York

Mayor Adams has spent time back in New York City attending to mayoral duties. During this time, he also courted local donors wavering between him and Governor Hochul along with discussing future campaign strategies with senior leadership at the HQ. On September 11th, Adams attended memorial events throughout the day and took a pause from campaigning altogether.

September 17-27: Nevada

In this tour of Nevada, Eric Adams spent his attention towards activities such as Hispanic advocacy groups, meeting with local business leaders in Las Vegas, and more town halls with voters. Adams pushed the message that he is the most electable candidate and that the stakes are too high to risk with other candidates. The campaign has sought to make their organization in Nevada one of the strongest nationwide, with a complex network of volunteer-to-voter contact, analytics of majority black and Hispanic neighborhoods, and a concentrated advertising campaign on local TV and radio stations.

Voters want a candidate who is tested. They want someone who has been through our biggest challenges and who can rise above them. Let me tell you, folks, being the mayor of the biggest city in the U.S. isn't an easy job. However, it's been the honor of my life taking New York to a path stronger from COVID-19, finding innovative ways to solve our crime crisis, and to invest in our families and children. I've fought for our teachers, for our healthcare workers, and for all regular Americans who do the best day-by-day. I'm passionate about this because I've gone through my own challenges in life, growing up poor but overcoming struggles with enough hard work and support from loved ones. We're in this together in the end, and my campaign is about representing all of you and bringing real representation to Washington. Let's do it together.

September 28-30: Iowa

Mayor Adams stopped by Iowa to make a footprint and test the waters of his support in the Hawkeye State. While his numbers are currently low, his campaign is betting that a gradual investment in the state will pay off with a better-than-expected performance. To this effect, the Adams campaign has invested in a number of caucus directors across the states, although mainly concentrated in urban areas such as Des Moines and Davenport. Adams is hoping to take advantage of Kamala Harris's departure along with Kathy Hochul's absence from the campaign trail and pick up on support from their voters over time.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2022, 11:30:51 PM »

Eric Adams Response to Cooper-McMahon Incident

What happened in Iowa was nothing short of shocking and revolting. My condolences go to Governor Cooper and his supporters for the senseless assault that Vince McMahon cooked up. Thank goodness that the Secret Service stepped in before the situation got much worse. I pray that the Governor has a speedy and painless recovery and that law enforcement will take care of McMahon.

To Vince McMahon: You're nothing more than a low-life punk who has nothing better to do with your forced retirement than this nonsense. You try this at any of my rallies, and this former cop will put you in a headlock before you lay a finger. Better yet, I'll help lock you up myself.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2022, 12:49:43 AM »
« Edited: July 01, 2022, 01:06:02 AM by Spiral »

Eric Adams Press Conference

REPORTER: Mr. Mayor, there's been a bit of a back-and-forth between you and Governor Cooper about immigration. He's accused you of possibly lying over his position. What do you make of his latest response?

ADAMS: Well, I commend Governor Cooper for making his current position clear and standing with me against open borders. That's good. Here's where I'll raise an issue, though: The Governor just said he welcomes refugees as part of his immigration policy. Tell that to the Syrian refugees you were in favor of keeping out, Roy. He sided with the Republicans back in 2015 and 2016 and supported a wholesale pause on Syrians being accepted, even after all that many went through.

I know the Governor will respond with something about national security and verifying who's coming in. I completely agree, which goes back to my statements about keeping borders secure, but he went beyond that and made a political move against a whole group of people who were suffering and needed help. Progressives, don't be fooled by a man like Roy Cooper who's trying to win your vote by hiding his real record. This issue is personal to me. I've supported the Syrians, the Ukrainians, the Haitians, and all other refugees to settle to this great country and become part of us. This is what America has always been.

REPORTER: Mayor Adams, how are you feeling after Vince McMahon broke into your rally with his beer?

ADAMS: I warned the sucker. He still came. Now he's behind bars like I promised. Who wants to bet he's stupid enough to try again?

REPORTER: He criticized your record as mayor and claimed he would better govern New York City.

ADAMS: A man can sure dream in a jail cell.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2022, 11:57:54 PM »

Eric Adams Debate Responses

Opening Statement: Good evening, America. I'm Eric Adams. You may know me as the guy who played a part in putting Vince McMahon behind bars. *laughter and applause*

Let me tell you a bit more about myself, though. I was born into poverty and hustled from a young age to support my family. I suffered from police brutality, which inspired me to join the New York Police Department and be a voice for reform from within. Enemies were made for speaking out, but I was never going to back down from fighting for justice. I later entered politics with a focus on representing the common man and woman who don't get a say in this process.

As Mayor of New York, our nation's largest city, I've led the way in shaping a new Democratic Party. We have shown through example that we can crack down on crime while reforming our justice system. We have shown that we can be bold in public investment while promoting healthy economic growth. I have fought for the working class Americans who try to make the most of each day but are still getting left behind. We must do better. I will be that working class President because I know personally what their struggles are. Over the course of tonight, I hope to share more of my vision with you and earn your support. Thank you.

"The Senate filibuster remains intact and is seen as one of the major reason why President Biden has been unable to pass the legislation he campaigned on in 2020. Would you as President advocate for Senate Democrats to remove the filibuster?"

On day one, I will call for scrapping the filibuster. Why do you think elected officials have their jobs in the first place? Voters want us to get some damn work done and make their lives better! Look at 2020: Americans sent a message loud and clear that they put their trust in Democrats with a trifecta. We earned a mandate but we never got to realize this full potential because obstructionists are abusing this filibuster to block anything meaningful from happening. It’s clear our current system is broken. As President, I will be unafraid to call things as they are and move to a new system where we don’t need 60 votes for passing even basic bills. If we want Congress to move past the filibuster, they will need pressure from up top. Thankfully, I’ve had a bit of experience as an officer asking politely first.

"In recent years, the Biden administration has continued the national pivot towards China, but recent actions by Russia, including the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, have left many questioning the wisdom of such actions. Would you continue the with strategic pivot to China, or refocus on Europe?"

This is not an either-or situation. It’s naïve to think that we can only concentrate on one region over another with foreign policy. We must absolutely focus long-term on confronting China for their human rights abuses, intellectual property theft, and military provocations. They have to know that they are part of this global community and they are to be held accountable like all the rest of us. At the same time, bad actors like Russia will be handled under an Adams administration as they arise and we will continue to build on our alliances with European partners.  I believe that President Biden has done the best he can to balance these competing priorities given our unprecedented challenges.

There might be many out there who would assume a mayor like myself does not have much foreign policy exposure, but being from New York, I represent thousands of different ethnic communities from across the globe. I’ve taken a number of foreign trips—everywhere from China to Turkey—to promote stronger economic ties and respect across borders. The government of China knows that I’m an honest broker from our earlier dealings. I love their people, history, and culture. If they work with us, we will work with them.

"This campaign has been noted for being an aggressive one between the candidate, not unlike the last three contested Democratic primaries. Will you, regardless of who it is, support the eventual nominee?"

100%. We are Democrats, and we are a big tent party representing all of America. There will always be certain differences on policies between the candidates, but this party will unite around whoever the nominee is. Just look at who we’re going up against. We’ve had clowns like Trump and DeSantis for years, but now we have candidates running around and committing physical assault like it’s no big deal. We cannot tolerate this. I know that this country will not stand for it, and we as Democrats will stand strong together and offer the sane choice.

"Mayor Adams, you've recently been questioned over the crime rate in New York City, which as has been highlighted, has gone up since you were sworn in as Mayor. Do you think that it might be worth revisiting some of your law enforcement policies?

Lester, I will not apologize for putting more officers on streets and subways when we see old ladies brazenly attacked in broad daylight. The crime epidemic is sadly affecting the whole nation, not just New York. I was elected by my constituents to rein in this crime wave. We have increased our public safety budget by the largest amount since 9/11, invested in more officers for high-risk areas, and have worked on combatting the flow of weapons that charge our gun violence crisis.

We cannot expect immediate results from these reforms. These take time. It involves building trust with community leaders on the ground who know exactly what’s going on in their neighborhoods, and it involves cracking down on the gang leaders as well as lone wolves, which is what we have been working on since I came into office. This is what Americans are asking for from their leaders. How do I know? We’ve seen these uber-progressive DAs go soft on crime, only to be recalled by voters in places as blue as San Francisco. Let me be clear: Every single person, no matter where they come from in life, deserves to feel safe. This is what I will work for day and night as President.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2022, 02:08:55 AM »

Eric Adams 2024: October 1-November 30

October 1-15: South Carolina

Adams made his return to South Carolina, where he worked to maintain his strong standing among the primary voters in the state. Despite the resumption of Vice President Harris's campaign, Adams has made a stake as a candidate for moderate and conservative Democrats who report being unhappy with the current direction of the country. The campaign has bolstered its grassroots operations in the state by connecting with local Democratic clubs, churches, and other civic groups which are normally overlooked by larger campaigns. Cities visited during this tour include Spartanburg, Greer, Myrtle Beach, Goose Creek, Mount Pleasant, North Charleston, Anderson, and Simpsonville.

You know what a lot of these other candidates don't happen to spend much time talking about? They don't focus on the nitty-gritty of how we will leave a better life for our children. The next generation is everything, and you parents and grandparents already have enough on your plates to worry about. We in government are obligated to offer our support, and we do it in a number of ways: maintaining a clean environment, good schools, and lifelines for families in need. This is an issue that I have been passionate about professionally since my early days as a police officer, when I would visit these kids in destitute neighborhoods who are looking for any glimmer of hope. The difference between the other candidates and myself is that I was once in this position as well. I am so fortunate to have gotten opportunities over my life because other people believed in me. As President, I will push for more funding towards early childhood education and health to give every kid the best chance in life to succeed. We owe it to them.

November 16-28: New Hampshire

In this New Hampshire trip, Adams focused on cutting into the support of the three leading contenders: Harris, Cooper, and Hochul. This was done through a strategy of rallies, town halls, and meetups with Democratic organizations where he explained his ability to attract the most independent and Republican voters in a general election. At the same time, his campaign staff has opened up several new offices in smaller cities to diversify his vote share statewide. Cities toured during this span include Manchester, Nashua, Exeter, Newport, Hampton, Suncook, Farmington, Berlin, and Newmarket.

VOTER: Mayor Adams, why are you the best candidate to be our nominee?

ADAMS: Very simple, ma'am: I can take the fight to the Republicans and win. I've dedicated my life to public safety as a police officer and no Republican can credibly accuse me of being soft on crime. My record in New York City has been one of reform and listening to the people on what they expect from their leaders. During the campaign trail, I've fended off attacks from the GOP, and especially goons like Vince McMahon who wanted to disrupt an event like ours today. I came out of that without a sweat and the authorities took care of the rest. If you want a dynamic leader who will fight for you as much as I fight for myself, I'm your guy.

October 29-November 2: New York

Mayor Adams returned to full-time mayoral duties in his city, where he focused on issues of public safety, economic development, and labor unions. Throughout this time, Adams also spent evenings fundraising with prominent donors, evaluating campaign strategies, and preparing for the upcoming primary debate.

November 3-16: Nevada

Adams returned to Nevada with one main focus: establishing himself as the strongest union candidate of the Democrats. The main event during this trip was a rally in Las Vegas, tagged with representatives from all major local unions, where Adams announced his support for repealing the Taft-Hartley Act and enacting other pro-labor measures in office. Other cities included in this tour are Henderson, Winchester, Sparks, Pahrump, Sun Valley, and Boulder City.

Ladies and gentlemen, I come before you today to let you know I stand firmly with the working men and women of this country. Why have our wages and economic security declined so much over the decades? One reason is that big business and conservative politicians have worked hand-in-hand to undermine our unions at every step of the way. I announce my support for repealing the Taft-Hartley Act, an act that tilted the scales too much toward employers and government at the expense of labor. We all have a choice on where we work, yes, but we all also deserve the opportunity to organize and express our concerns. Many of these right-to-work states have seen protections stripped away more and more over the years, and that leaves regular workers poorer and less secure in their jobs. It's time that workers get some power back to them again. As President, I will push for repeal of Taft-Hartley as well as passing the PRO Act which was proposed during the last Congress. I stand as the only candidate in favor of repealing Taft-Hartley, and I implore my fellow Democrats: Will you join me and stand with the unions by my side today, or will you merely pay lip service to their cause?

November 17: Arizona

Adams traveled to Arizona where he attended the second Democratic primary debate held in Arizona State University. Following the event, Adams connected with prominent Democratic politicians and donors who were among the audience and pitched himself as the most electable choice for 2024.

November 18-24: Colorado

Mayor Adams spent his first days in Colorado for the campaign, another significant Super Tuesday state. This trip establishes the campaign way ahead of the other candidates for early organization efforts. In particular, Adams canvassed the state to consolidate the large Hispanic population and make inroads with elected officials such as Governor Jared Polis and Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper. During his stump speeches, Adams focused on issues such as education, healthcare, and crime. Cities toured include Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Boulder, and Loveland.

Good to be in Colorado! I appreciate the time that I spent with Governor Polis today talking about how COVID has impacted our education and healthcare systems. I greatly admire the way the Governor has balanced the state's pandemic response with the needs of citizens. New York City has operated much in the same way. We have persisted throughout all the challenges this country faces, and we will continue to grow stronger together through dialogues like this one today. President Adams will not issue lockdown orders that harm how your child can learn in school. We will address health challenges as they arise, yes, but we will never compromise on how well our teachers can teach or how our students can learn.

November 25-30: Virginia

Adams spent the remaining days of November in Virginia, a major Super Tuesday state that could have implications for the eventual nominee. Adams made his pitch to voters and Democratic elders alike about how he is the most electable Democrat to go up against any Republican. During this time as well, the campaign made stops around churches, local clubs, and nonprofits that offer fertile ground for his message. Cities toured include Alexandria, Virginia Beach, Arlington, Chesapeake, and Norfolk.

Why did a Republican like Glenn Youngkin win in a state supposedly as blue as Virginia? Democrats, I hate to say it, but we let our guard down. We let them define the issues on things that many regular voters have credible concerns on. For example, how is the quality of education in our children's schools? How responsive has our local government been on COVID? We paid the price on that election and now we see here in Virginia how they've been attempting to restrict abortion access along with all of their other extreme measures. I know how to talk to voters because I grew up with nothing to lose, and I understand what drives them in life. Eric Adams as your nominee means we'll have a strong voice for a united Democratic Party, and we will offer the sensible alternative to the extremist policies of this current GOP.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2022, 02:25:41 AM »

"Governor Cooper, you've run an very aggressive campaign for the nomination, and previous Democratic primiaries run in this fashion tend to generate feelings of animosity within the party. Are you at all afraid of causing the 2016 primary to re-manifest?"

COOPER: "In 2016, Democratic infighting played a major role in electing Trump president. This year, if it happens, we either get Trump or DeSantis, both of whom are absolutely terrible. So I certainly hope all my supporters will, and urge them to, vote for the eventual Democratic nominee, whomever that may be. As I said, the top priority is stopping the Republicans. All of us candidates are in agreement on most issues, and all of us will do much more good for the American people than Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. We cannot afford to get a Republican in the White House. I obviously hope I win the primary and I've been attacking the others because they're not as consistent or as likely to win as I am, but should I lose, I, as I said, will give a full-throated endorsement of and campaign for the winner of the primary, and I'd also urge all my supporters to then move past the primary and focus on the general, and focus on keeping the White House. We need liberal judges who'll support a woman's right to choose. We need legislation and White House action to support climate change - the many ideas we came up with when we came together, for instance. We need to tax the rich their fair share. We need to do all these things, and much more, and all of my supporters should ultimately prioritise that and those values. Those come first."

I'm sorry, I have to jump in here. Governor Cooper, there's a big difference between critiquing the candidates for their policies and what you've been doing. You just put out an ad in South Carolina saying that "New York Democrats" like Governor Hochul and I and "San Francisco Democrats" like Vice President Harris can't be trusted just because we're from a different region. This stinks of Ted Cruz and his "New York values" line from 2016 that Trump, to his credit on this one thing, pushed back on. Are you going to apologize to us tonight on this divisive rhetoric and pull down that ad?

As far as claiming to be consistent? C'mon, man. You claimed in a recent rally that you'll legalize marijuana, but you told the press you were against legalization in 2019. Did you have another change of heart or are you just trying to buy some more voters again?
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2022, 10:42:30 PM »

"Governor Cooper, you've run an very aggressive campaign for the nomination, and previous Democratic primiaries run in this fashion tend to generate feelings of animosity within the party. Are you at all afraid of causing the 2016 primary to re-manifest?"

COOPER: "In 2016, Democratic infighting played a major role in electing Trump president. This year, if it happens, we either get Trump or DeSantis, both of whom are absolutely terrible. So I certainly hope all my supporters will, and urge them to, vote for the eventual Democratic nominee, whomever that may be. As I said, the top priority is stopping the Republicans. All of us candidates are in agreement on most issues, and all of us will do much more good for the American people than Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. We cannot afford to get a Republican in the White House. I obviously hope I win the primary and I've been attacking the others because they're not as consistent or as likely to win as I am, but should I lose, I, as I said, will give a full-throated endorsement of and campaign for the winner of the primary, and I'd also urge all my supporters to then move past the primary and focus on the general, and focus on keeping the White House. We need liberal judges who'll support a woman's right to choose. We need legislation and White House action to support climate change - the many ideas we came up with when we came together, for instance. We need to tax the rich their fair share. We need to do all these things, and much more, and all of my supporters should ultimately prioritise that and those values. Those come first."

I'm sorry, I have to jump in here. Governor Cooper, there's a big difference between critiquing the candidates for their policies and what you've been doing. You just put out an ad in South Carolina saying that "New York Democrats" like Governor Hochul and I and "San Francisco Democrats" like Vice President Harris can't be trusted just because we're from a different region. This stinks of Ted Cruz and his "New York values" line from 2016 that Trump, to his credit on this one thing, pushed back on. Are you going to apologize to us tonight on this divisive rhetoric and pull down that ad?

As far as claiming to be consistent? C'mon, man. You claimed in a recent rally that you'll legalize marijuana, but you told the press you were against legalization in 2019. Did you have another change of heart or are you just trying to buy some more voters again?

COOPER: "You got me there, Eric. But you have to see the rest of the picture, too. In 2020 - long before I even made the decision to run for president, I signed into law a bill legalising prescription drugs containing both marijuana and THC should they be approved by the FDA. I have supported measures decriminalising or legalising certain drugs. Yes, I did at one point make a comment against marijuana legalisation. But you'll see that since then, not just my words but action have shown that I've moved to the left on this issue. That law is one example, and so is another law, decriminalising the possession of half an ounce of marijuana or less. And if that seems puny to you, just remember North Carolina and its legislators are much more conservative than those in New York. I believe in progress, and whatever reform I got, I took. I signed into law the legislation on this issue that came to my desk. Do I wish I could've done even more on this issue? Yes, absolutely, but you gotta work with what you have, and small steps are what I was able to achieve given that North Carolina's legislature is run by Republicans. Now, speaking of New York and San Francisco, no, I will not apologise for my remarks. I will instead seek to clarify them for you. As a fellow Carolinian, I relate to South Carolinians in a way that New Yorkers and Californians could not possibly. They have a special place in my heart, because I am one of them. I have little doubt that you would if elected support policies that'd help Carolinians along with all other Americans, but for me, I would definitely care about them in a special way and have their priorities as my priorities. Not to say I'd only focus on Carolinians, but to say that they would absolutely never be forgotten by me...how could they be, when I, my wife, my children, my colleagues in Raleigh, are all Carolinians? They would absolutely be supported and represented and remembered better in a Roy Cooper presidency than in a Harris or a Hochul or an Adams presidency. The reason South Carolina was given special attention four years back was because it was a key primary battleground for Joe Biden. He had to make promises to win Clyburn's endorsement and the primary, and to his credit, he kept 'em. South Carolina is highly important to me too, but not because I want to win it or for political purposes it all, but because I consider it a second home and its people to be fellow Carolinians. It's the same as saying that Harris is a better candidate for California as a Californian, or that you and Kathy Hochul are better candidates for New York as fellow New Yorkers. I do genuinely believe that I have a special relationship and a special bond with South as well as North Carolina, that you and Hochul as New Yorkers and and Kamala Harris as somebody from across the country simply do not. I will make it a top priority to deliver to Carolinians, make sure they aren't forgotten or left behind for any reason whatsoever. You or Hochul or Harris may say that too, but that's to win votes, and when I say it, I say it in a very genuine way - not because I want to win their votes, but because I want them to remember I'm one of them and they do and always will be special to me and at the top of my mind, both now and if I'm elected to the White House."

Well, I appreciate that explanation, Roy. We'll have to agree to disagree on your ad. Everyone can be proud of where they come from, as I am with New York, but I and the other candidates here find your message to stoke too much division. How would voters from these states feel about this? Many are watching right now. We are all ultimately Democrats here, and Americans even more importantly.

With the marijuana issue, voters deserve clarity from us at every step of the way. I've long believed as President Biden does that there are too many questions on long-term use of recreational marijuana for me to support legalization. People know this. I'm happy you can clarify your record tonight, Governor, but don't think that you can hide away the past from us or from voters when you make bold announcements like that.


Closing Statement:

I'd like to thank everyone who organized this debate tonight, and for all of you in the audience and at home watching us go back and forth with each other. Hopefully you learned something from all this. *laughs*

My life has been devoted in many ways to serving you, the public. I’ve done so in uniform and I’m doing so now as mayor of New York City. There are tough times when you’re involved in public service. You may be in the line of crossfire, or you may find yourself part of an upside-down economy and pandemic as we are today. No matter what happens, though, the important thing is to never lose hope. I believe in the goodness of humanity and how we are so powerful when we all come together. This campaign is about bringing the voices out of the voiceless and making sure no one gets left behind in a country like these great United States.

Over the course of this debate, Governor Cooper called me “fair” and Vice President Harris called me “swell.” If my opponents think of me this way even after a raucous night, I hope I’m doing something right! I would be honored to receive your vote for this nomination and to become your President. Thank you all, God bless you, and God bless this country.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2022, 11:22:42 PM »

Eric Adams Endorsements: October 1-November 30

Over the past two months, Mayor Eric Adams has picked up the endorsements of a number of prominent politicians:

Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Former Governor Jim Hodges (D-SC)
Congressman Joe Neguse (D-CO)
Congressman Ed Perlmutter (D-CO)
Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA)
Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA)
Congressman Donald McEachin (D-VA)

Senator John Hickenlooper:

When I first met Eric Adams, I knew right away that he had the spark to be an incredible leader for our country. Mayor Adams is a forward-thinking individual who's focused on the basics in a good way. He will invest in public safety, grow our economy sustainably, and ensure the next generation has the best resources to succeed. He's an independent spirit just the same way Colorado is. I am proud to endorse him for President and look forward to eventually working with him in Washington to achieve common-sense reforms.

Former Governor Jim Hodges:

As the last elected Democrat to be Governor of South Carolina, I have thought long and hard about who to support for this upcoming primary. As the candidates have made their way down to the Palmetto State, I came away more and more impressed with Mayor Adams. Here was someone who really has a compelling case for why he is running and how he is different from the rest of the lot. Adams is a good man of faith who believes everyone deserves a fair shake. He will help rebuild our party here and across the nation with a new message of down-the-middle good government. South Carolinians, y'all need to go out and vote for this man in full force!

The latest endorsees have joined Adams and his team in their respective home states, further building institutional support critical to primary chances. Previous endorsements are listed below:

Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)
Former Congressman Thomas Suozzi (D-NY)
Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX)
Congressman Vincente Gonzalez (D-TX)
Congressman Jared Golden (D-ME)
Congressman Ed Case (D-HI)

Mr. Samuel Jackson

Benevolent Police Association of New York
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2022, 11:16:58 AM »

Statement on Kathy Hochul

Governor Hochul has long been an invaluable partner to me in New York, and she has been a positive force on the campaign trail bringing substantive ideas and perspective to this race. Although she will be missed as a candidate, I am deeply honored to receive her endorsement. The bond between Kathy and I will only grow stronger as we work together to secure this nomination and deliver a clear mandate from voters next November.

As news of Kathy Hochul's departure and endorsement came out, the Adams campaign went into overdrive to welcome and integrate Hochul campaign staff across the primary states. For early primaries in particular, a large boost has resulted in Iowa and New Hampshire with the opening of countless new centrist and center-left voters. Direct coordination between Adams and Hochul is also underway to court support from elected officials, donors, and labor unions previously behind Hochul, beginning immediately with those concentrated in New York.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2022, 02:47:26 AM »

John Kerry 2024: January 19-26

January 19: Announcement (Boston, MA)

On this day, John Kerry announced his second presidential campaign to be headquartered in Boston, MA. Senior staff from the Kerry 2004 campaign have been brought back to rekindle relations with voters, donors, unions, and other organizations. Additionally, heavy recruiting efforts are being made for veterans of past Democratic primary campaigns, including that of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin, Kathy Hochul, and Eric Adams. Noting the urgency of a late entry into the primaries, ballot organizing for upcoming states is among the top priorities for the campaign. Surrogates and other allies are also engaging in a coordinated media campaign to raise awareness for the Kerry 2024 effort and to bolster support among key demographics, including liberals, progressives, retirees, students, African-Americans, Latino-Americans, and Asian-Americans.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for gathering here today. You may be wondering, "What the hell is John Kerry doing here with what looks like a campaign announcement?" *laughs* Make no mistake: I am running for President of the United States. This was not a decision I take lightly at all.

I have been looking at the state of this campaign season and, frankly, the caliber of the discourse does not meet these pressing times. On the one hand, we have seen insurrectionists and carnival barkers fully take helm of the Republican Party and they now pose an existential threat to our democracy. All the while, we have seen the Democratic primary devolve into one-noted, petty differences between the two contenders without providing a real vision for our country and planet. We are in the middle of a climate crisis with the clock ever ticking. Americans have been left economically insecure over decades of greed and mismanagement from the top. Our institutions in healthcare, education, and even our basic social rights in reproductive health are compromised. Who really wants to hear about marijuana one more time in this campaign? These candidates, I worry, do not have the muster nor the purpose to defeat Donald Trump.

This campaign is about presenting real leadership: not only to win the general election, but to actually govern and represent America on the world stage. I have served with honor my entire life as a Vietnam veteran, United States Senator, Secretary of State, and now the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. I have blown the whistle on government corruption, no matter Democrat or Republican. I have brokered peace and cooperation around the world, whether it be the Iran Deal for nuclear weapons or the Paris Agreement on climate change. My record and experience reflect who I am as a progressive with meat on the bone, not just for the cameras or to gain votes. For those who doubt whether I have the ability to win and unite this party, I'll remind you that I have already done so before in 2004. With your help, we shall get the job done again in 2024.

We as Americans have the resolve to make real change when we band together. As your President, we will enact a Green New Deal that will invest in sustainably reshaping our energy sector and reducing global emissions. We are going to bring power back to the working class through the repeal of Taft-Hartley, universal healthcare, and new stimulus measures to revive American manufacturing in high-tech. We will support democracy around the globe and stand up to countries like Russia and China who wish to invade and disrupt to get their way. We are going to codify and expand our rights in voting, same-sex marriage, reproductive health, and all others endangered by an out-of-control Supreme Court. These goals can and will happen under a Kerry administration because I have seen the vigor of the American people when they know something is wrong in our country. Our movement is one of courage to do the right thing, and to persist.

I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty!

January 20: Vermont

John Kerry spent the first full day of his campaign in Vermont, laying the groundwork for success in Super Tuesday and beyond. Kerry spent considerable time talking in private with Senators Bernie Sanders and Peter Welch in private, then subsequently in a press conference. Kerry spent time canvassing the state, primarily in Burlington and the surrounding towns, talking with voters and making impressions at local Democratic clubs. The campaign sees Vermont and the rest of New England as fertile ground given Kerry's regional roots and the lack of attention placed by the other candidates.

Well, delighted to see such an impressive attendance for my first official press conference of the campaign. *laughs* Meeting with Senator Sanders and Senator Welch today was a very productive session. We discussed everything from prescription drug costs to the new labor movement taking root in this country. I have to just preface, for the record, that I count myself among the millions of Americans who will be sad to see Senator Sanders depart after this term. Bernie, from the time we served in the Senate together I always respected you for your passion and commitment to bettering regular people's lives. You've done so much over the years to fight for the right to healthcare, a fair tax code, affordable college education, and a cleaner planet. While you will be sorely missed, I think we can all agree that you've more than earned your retirement. *laughs*

January 21-23: California

The Kerry campaign set its eyes on the Golden State as the next state on the itinerary. With the largest amount of delegates for the taking, campaign advisors see California as crucial to their post-Super Tuesday success and the infrastructure is important to this. Plans are being made for potential victory in a fragmented field, or a very strong showing at a minimum. The campaign is not intimidated by Vice President Harris's home-state status, noting that she notoriously had polling struggles in the state during the 2020 primaries. Secretary Kerry made stops to talk with prominent elected officials such as Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Governor Gavin Newsom, and Representatives Katie Porter and Ro Khanna. Additionally, donor outreach is being conducted with sales pitches including electability concerns with other candidates and having the most compelling campaign message. Cities that Kerry visited during this stop include Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramaneto, and Oakland. Events covered during this stop include town halls, fundraisers, and meetings with prominent local labor unions.

VOTER: Secretary Kerry, thank you for coming here to Oakland. I was an early supporter of Senator Tammy Baldwin and I volunteered for her campaign, but I have been very undecided with the field since she dropped out. Your background and experience is interesting, but what I would like to know from you today is whether you support Senator Baldwin's Stop Corruption Now bill that would create a Federal Integrity Commission?

KERRY: Thank you for this question, ma'am. The answer to your question is yes, unequivocally yes. Having a system like the Federal Integrity Commission that would really enforce ethics in politics would keep our elected officials accountable to we the people. I have long been an advocate for this sort of transparency in my career. After serving in Vietnam, I spoke out about the war crimes that I saw our government partake in as regular conduct. Later, in the Senate, I organized investigations on missing Vietnam POWs and what the Reagan administration knew about Iran-Contra.

Regarding Senator Baldwin, I consider her a friend and we go quite a way back. I invited her to have a primetime slot at the 2004 DNC, making history as one of the first openly gay officials to speak at our convention. She has always been forward-thinking and collaborative in getting things done in Washington. We could use many more folks like Tammy, and I hope that our campaign will help to make this a reality.

January 24-26: Virginia

Following California, Kerry visited Virginia, a state with deep campaign ties going back to 2004. Kerry quickly assembled a new operation with field offices spanning Fairfax County to the rural Southwest. The candidate also made visits with Senators Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, and the rest of the state congressional delegation for support and other avenues of assistance to the campaign. Activities during this stop include rallies, town halls, fundraisers, and interviews with local media affiliates. Themes emphasized during events include electability, Kerry's progressive record, and doubts over the other Democratic candidates.

I congratulate Vice President Harris on her win in Iowa earlier. It was a hard slog between the two and her team deserves credit for pulling it out. However, I must note that Governor Cooper seems to have already gotten under the Vice President's skin. To which I ask: You know it doesn't get any easier after this, right? *laughs* As a past nominee, I've seen the dirty tricks and the slander that campaigns can put out. Any of us who might become the nominee this year have to be ready for anything and everything, especially with Trump on the ballot.

Vice President Harris says that she's beaten Trump before, but we must respectfully give credit here to President Biden who went toe-to-toe with the man. The President was Trump's focus, not the Vice President. What happens when Trump and the Republican machine goes beyond marijuana and unleashes their full barrage against her? We as Democrats must not let these attacks get to us. If we do, then we will lose in November.

As far as Governor Cooper, I do appreciate his spunk. Really, though, you need a new script, man. I recall it was Eric Adams himself who pointed out that the Governor flip-flopped on the marijuana issue in the past few years. Then to have Mayor Adams, who's against legalization, out there for you while you're promoting legalization at the same time? Governor Cooper is not a credible messenger, and progressives have good reason to be wary of his campaign.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2022, 03:11:37 AM »
« Edited: August 05, 2022, 12:30:28 AM by Spiral »

John Kerry TV Ad: Service

He served our country in uniform, earning three Purple Hearts from Vietnam.

He served our country as Secretary of State, reining in nuclear weapons and pushing the largest global climate change treaty in history.

John Kerry has always served his country because he believes in the goodness of America.

As President, John Kerry will tackle our biggest problems, from climate change to our children's education. He will proudly serve you and work for a fairer, stronger America.

I'm John Kerry, and I approve this message.

The ad shall play in the following states: Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2022, 01:34:36 AM »

John Kerry Statement on Roy Cooper Comments

For all the comments about the marijuana issue that Governor Cooper has made recently, I really believe Kamala Harris put it best: "He talks about it more than he says why he wants to be President." I mean it. I'm beginning to forget what else his campaign is about, and this isn't a case of my age getting to me. If fellow candidates think this way, imagine what voters feel.

Roy is being obtuse on my stance with marijuana, I'll add. Of course I support legalization and reforming our criminal justice system to better treat non-violent offenders. Of the Democrats running, I have been on the record as supporting medical marijuana since the '90s before anyone else. On many of these issues, I have long been ahead of the curve, and it delights me to see the country shifting more towards compassion and treatment.

We as Democrats should all be united on the urgency of climate change, and I appreciate last year's climate conference that the candidates organized in solidarity. All of those proposals will benefit us in the long run, and many of them overlap with my climate plan. That being said, there is talk and there is action. There are promises and there are records.

Governor Cooper has made a big deal about Vice President Harris and her criminal justice record not living up to claims. What he has never bothered to disclose to voters is how he hired a major oil and gas lobbyist to be his state's legislative director. Not only that, but Roy approved a pipeline right before where the same lobbyist was involved in pushing that development. As part of that sweet pipeline deal, Roy won a $58 million slush fund donated by the lobbyist's group where the Governor can personally use those funds however he likes without any oversight.

Roy Cooper made the choice to hire that lobbyist to oversee his legislative agenda. Roy Cooper made the choice to accept oil money with no strings attached. Now the Governor must live with his choices and explain to voters how he is the clean progressive outsider he claims to be.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2022, 02:52:57 AM »

John Kerry Statements on Recent Events

On Jimmy Carter: I am incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of President James Earl Carter. This was a man who exemplified the universal human principles of love and kindness, plain and simple. Jimmy Carter was also a president far ahead of his time. He was prescient in warning Americans about the pending energy crisis and our need for unity within our communities. I can say I have had the great fortune of knowing President Carter and collaborating with him across the world, whether it is Israel-Palestine, Sudan, or North Korea. President Carter was not only a strong man of faith--he inspired faith in millions worldwide that there can be peace in our times. My full condolences go to the Carter family, and may God bless him for all he has done on this earth.

On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: This attempt on Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's life is not just revolting. This is sadly a reflection of the incendiary rhetoric that leaders like Donald Trump have fostered on the right time and time again. The would-be assassin is a self-described Christian nationalist, and I fear we are seeing unprecedented coordination by these folks and other far-right militias. They know the weaknesses of many states' gun laws and will exploit them. They know they have willing allies in many Republican officials who will turn the other way or even shield them legally. How can we stand here today and think that this will be the only attempt this election, or that the next attempt won't be successful?

As President, I will not tolerate this. America must confront its demons and stamp out extremists who only know violence as an answer. The marvelous work of the January 6th Commission must be built upon to hold all those who divide and maim our national fabric accountable. I am very relieved that the Congresswoman is okay, and she will share her side of the story when the time is right for her. For now, we must let law enforcement get to the bottom of this and we must put Washington's feet to the fire this November.

Secretary Kerry shall attend the funeral of President Jimmy Carter on February 1st. This will be Secretary Kerry's only public event for the day as he will abstain from campaigning out of respect. The campaign requests that all other candidates follow suit in this decision.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2022, 02:17:43 PM »

I am extremely troubled over Vince McMahon's possible attendance at President Carter's funeral. This is a man who has engaged in serial assault of our fellow candidates and who shows no respect of the democratic process through his flagrant election lies. We are about to honor a statesman, and with that comes a level of basic decency that Mr. McMahon has simply obliterated. For all we know, he could be planning to bodyslam into the casket. Let us not forget that there was an assassination attempt on Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez at a rally just this past week. What message would it send to the nation and the world to accept somebody who frequently promotes and engages in violence at campaign events?

We cannot afford a security risk for such a somber and sensitive occasion. I would implore funeral organizers to reassess this invitation and its consequences.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2022, 06:56:27 AM »
« Edited: August 12, 2022, 08:00:37 AM by Spiral »

John Kerry Debate Responses

Cooper: Hello and welcome everyone to tonight's Democratic debate, coming live from Paris Las Vegas in Nevada. I'm your moderator Anderson Cooper. Tonight's debate will be feature question around a variety of policy areas such as the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare. Now, let's welcome our candidates. Governor Roy Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Secretary of State John Kerry.  Of course, tonight's debate is being held in the shadows of the retirement of Senator Sanders and of course, the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Before we get into questioning, I invite each of you to say a few words about these two men.

Good evening, America. Let me first begin by talking about the rich legacy of President Carter, a man I got to know personally over many years. Here you had a man who devoted his life to public service and the betterment of human society. Jimmy Carter made major breakthrough in peace accords over countries such as Israel and the Soviet Union which gave the world more breathing room in a time of cold war. We also had in President Carter a pioneer in pushing alternative energy and the fight to improve our environment. Even after his administration ended, he was always insistent on serving as he can to make the world a safer place. I've been fortunate through my years as a Senator and Secretary of State having traveled with President Carter across Europe, Africa, and Asia to achieve goals including the reduction of global poverty and nuclear disarmament. Jimmy Carter was a true statesman whose presence shall be missed.

As for Bernie Sanders, his contributions to our national dialogue have pushed America to always do better. Whether the issue is income inequality, workers' rights, or the right to healthcare, Senator Sanders has been an inspiration to millions of Americans who hold new faith that we can achieve all this and more. I got to know Bernie through our many shared years in Congress, including in the Senate. We worked on everything from helping seniors receive better care to regulating pollution standards. He stood up with Joe Biden and made sure that the Democratic Party would remain strong ahead of 2020 with a Unity Task Force incorporating all wings of the party, to which I was a co-chair of the climate division. I expressed my well wishes on Bernie's retirement as it was announced. I also spent my campaign's first full day in a roundtable discussion with the Senator on how this nation can move forward together. I was the first and sole candidate to meet with him this campaign season. While he may soon be leaving Congress, his ideas and supporters shall persist.

Recently, the Sevastopol Treaty, which allowed Ukraine to join NATO in exchange for surrendering the Donbass region, was signed. Normally, the process of accession to NATO would take some time, but President Zelensky has asked for Ukraine's candidacy to be accelerated. Would you support an accelerated timetable for Ukrainian accession to NATO at the risk of agitating Russia?

Ukraine over the past two years has shown incredible leadership and bravery. We must commend President Zelensky for staying true to his nation's values and defending themselves against Russian aggression valiantly. The purpose of NATO is to ensure the collective security of Europe, and the world by extension. Ukraine has proven that they are more than capable of fulfilling this and contributing to our defenses. For that reason, I absolutely support a fast-tracked timeline for NATO membership here. The US will support Ukraine and all of our allies who will not tolerate further Russian hostilities.

If Putin doesn't like this, well, wouldn't be the first time anyway. *laughs*

Under President Biden, the economy has suffered notable fluctuations, most visibly felt by people through gas prices. How would you as President, manage our energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy, while also lowering gas prices and keeping our energy grid running at full capacity?

We have been living in unstable times. The pandemic since 2020 has done a lot to upend regular order in our global markets, and it leaves America as needing to do more for securing our economy and our energy capabilities.

I have been loud and proud calling for a Green New Deal in this country. This would be an all-hands-on-deck approach to solving the energy crisis, focusing on everything from wind, solar, nuclear, hydro, and you name it. My plan will give the incentives for this alternative energy development and make it much more cost-effective for businesses and states to switch to over time. By the way, this also will modernize our energy grid first and foremost and allow our current energy sources like oil and natural gas to be used with as little waste and pollution possible.

We've got to make sure that we can hook up everyone, from the small farms to the large industrial factories, to these projects and not leave any part of this country untouched. It really is an issue affecting us all, as we can see with our collective groans at the gas pump. *laughs* I will make this a national security issue as President and see it as such to use my full executive powers for implementation. We are on the cusp of an energy breakthrough, and I'm confident that we as Americans can make major progress over the next four years together.

In recent times, the Democratic Party has begun concerted efforts to push towards universal healthcare, primarily based on the single-payer model. Would you advocate for and sign a bill creating a single-payer system in the United States?

You bet, Anderson. The time is long overdue for a working healthcare system, not a broken one that Americans have suffered through. It's a disgrace to see regular people forced to undergo bankruptcy because they can't afford basic medical procedures and treatments.

As President, I will wholeheartedly push for a Medicare for All system. Before the right starts to fearmonger away: No, this will not eliminate private insurance options. My model for universal healthcare is based on the countries that get it right most effectively. Who would those be? It includes Germany, France, and Singapore. They give the proper funding to healthcare infrastructure while also leaving room for citizens to work with their local providers and insurance.

We have seen these countries and many more achieve healthcare for all. Why can't we as Americans move forward on the same path? Not only do we deserve access to care at lower costs, but my system will also place heavy focus on preparing us for future pandemics and other major disruptions to our national infrastructure. We have got to train and supply the next generation of doctors and healthcare administrators for preparation on all cylinders. The time to do this begins today.

Secretary Kerry, you are the oldest candidate on stage, at 79 years. Given the retirements of President Biden and Senator Sanders this year, how do you answer questions regarding your age?

Anderson, I'll also have you know that I'm the wisest candidate here on stage tonight. *laughter and applause*

Look, let me be serious on this matter as I know it's on many Americans' minds. I have been active in public service on behalf of this country for over fifty years in different ways. I've fought in the trenches of Vietnam, stood up to corruption in the Senate, and brokered global cooperation as Secretary of State and as the Climate Envoy today. Through it all, my strength and vigor have been uncompromised. Vice President Harris can attest to this as we've been working closely together in recent years.

Should there come a point when I no longer feel I can handle the duties of President, I will make this clear to the American people and do my part to step down from public life right away. I have absolute faith in the voters of this country for judging who they see as up for the job of President or not. You can see this campaign is a highly active one, as our needs are urgent, but this campaign is also about giving power to the next generation of leaders who can lead this country on a healthier, more sustainable path. My administration will hire the best and brightest in science, business, and government to make our goals a reality.

To go the extra step, I challenge my fellow candidates on a bike ride one day!

Mr Secretary, emissions in the Unted States have lowered; the same cannot be said for China or India. Given that China is considered a current geopolitical adversary to the United States, and India's current diplomatic alignment with China, how do you plan to get them onboard with emissions reduction plans?

What we need to do is show them the way forward. Countries like China are continuing their model because they know it makes them money and they can continue to expand their reach around the world. However, this comes at a cost and they won't be able to keep this up forever.

The United States must be the global leader in investing for the next generation of energy and emissions standards. My plan gives us the tools to work with and actually implement them to massively reduce costs over the next decades. We must show China that they're capable of the same and that these steps are not just for solving our climate crisis, but they also amount to an economic powerhouse.

I've gotten to know these world leaders well, especially in the past twenty years. I have the extensive experience working with them and building trust over acts of mutual benefit. My administration will not be like Donald Trump's where he changes with the wind and alienates everyone he sets his sight on. For China and India in particular, I know these diplomats on a personal level and I know that their primary focus is on developing their country. They would not want to fall behind the curve. America will act as the leader it has long been on these fronts and we will get the global community united here after so long.

Closing Statement:

Thank you all for watching and listening to this debate tonight. We've seen a spirited exchange of ideas, and maybe the occasional barb. *laughs* However, we do this as I know we're all passionate here about making Americans' lives better.

There has been a lot of talk this election about progressive values. My record stands clear above the other candidates on everything from climate change to labor to Social Security. I recognize that the issues we face are often dire, and we have got to think boldly to solve them. I have been entrusted by both President Obama and now President Biden to serve in the Cabinet and represent us on the world stage for this very reason. Yes, we can achieve a Green New Deal and Medicare for All to make our lives healthier and our economy booming. Yes, we will be a beacon of hope for the world and hold China and Russia accountable for their aggressions. And, yes, we can beat back extremism here and preserve our treasured democracy through a modern Voting Rights Act.

I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty!
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2022, 09:28:51 AM »

January 27-28: Texas/Nevada

Kerry spent time connecting with local officials and voters in Texas. Time was spent in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and El Paso in particular. Politicians of note who connected with Secretary Kerry included former Congressman Beto O'Rourke. A large focus of this visit was to consolidate gains among Latino and African-American bases in the state. Common themes of discussion included faith, economic security, gun control, and electability. Following the stops, Kerry headed to Nevada for the first Democratic debate of the year.

What happened with AOC should never happen in this country again. These extremists, whether they're lone wolves or organized, have a plan to terrorize our people and break our government to get their way. This must never be allowed. I'm glad that we as Democrats are all united on this front, and one focus should be getting a handle on the uncontrolled flow of guns. Beto, you've been a tireless advocate on this issue and you deserve great recognition for how it's impacted Texas. Loopholes must be closed, background checks should be tighter, and our spending on law enforcement should better target prevention measures that catch these extremists early on before they inflict harm. I'm confident that the people are on our side and that humanity will prevail over evil.

January 29-30: New Hampshire

After much suspense, Kerry made the choice to campaign in New Hampshire in earnest. Factors in the campaign's favor include the state's small size, Kerry's name recognition and previous primary victory, along with a permissive write-in system which could attract many voters to switch at the last minute. The campaign had an all-out barnstorming effort, paired with surrogates such as former Governor John Lynch, MA Senator Ed Markey, and VA Senator Tim Kaine. The campaign sees a narrow victory as a real possibility based on internal polls and will at a minimum see a strong showing from a dissatisfied voter environment as extra momentum. The Kerry pitch is simple but compelling: Secretary Kerry is the most committed progressive who can rise above the divisions of the other primary candidates and unite the Democrats just as he had done in 2004. Rallies are the primary form of campaigning here for the greatest visibility and media attention.

It is so, so good to be back here in New Hampshire! *cheers* I love this state for many reasons. People here are independent, and they do step up to make their voices heard. I've long believed that New Hampshire embodies the heart of the Democratic Party in many ways, not the least of which is you tend to go against the buck! *laughs*

Thanks to you, we have won before in 2004. I am asking all of you, whether you're young or old, black or white, to shock the establishment and deliver another come-from-behind victory that they never saw coming! We have the power in numbers and in spirit. Make sure that all of your family and friends vote in this primary. Let them know what is at stake. We will deliver a clear mandate together this November, and it begins right here in New Hampshire!
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2022, 09:38:53 AM »

John Kerry TV Ad: Service

He served our country in uniform, earning three Purple Hearts from Vietnam.

He served our country as Secretary of State, reining in nuclear weapons and pushing the largest global climate change treaty in history.

John Kerry has always served his country because he believes in the goodness of America.

As President, John Kerry will tackle our biggest problems, from climate change to our children's education. He will proudly serve you and work for a fairer, stronger America.

I'm John Kerry, and I approve this message.

The ad shall play in the following states: Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

This ad is now also expanding to New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina markets. New Hampshire and Nevada in particular are receiving substantial ad spending.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2022, 03:46:44 PM »

Governor Cooper, now is not the time to hide away from your full record. Let it be known to voters: You hired an oil and gas lobbyist to be your legislative director in North Carolina after you approved a pipeline that the same lobbyist pushed. Not only that, but you got a $58 million blank check from that lobbying firm. This to me is a massive conflict of interest at a minimum. What does it say about your judgment when you willingly went along with that? I mean, you weren't sleeping at the wheel here, Roy. There's a saying that policy is personnel, and we cannot have lobbyists like that influence the agenda we promise. How can we know that you won't make these hiring decisions again?

Leaders in Washington and in our states have to be open with Americans. You have not been transparent with voters. For the sake of transparency, are you willing to commit here tonight that you will fully disclose where the money in that slush fund went to through an independent report?

You also made my ears perk up when you referenced Senator Baldwin. Back in July of last year on the campaign trail, you referred to Senator Baldwin as, I quote, "an extremist radical progressive who will never be able to actually implement her agenda." I know for a fact that Senator Baldwin is one of the most effective, bipartisan members of Congress. Her work on the Stop Corruption Now Act is critical to bringing Washington back to order. She's also been a pioneer on many of the issues we're discussing tonight.

You've gone around talking like a progressive these last few months, yet you attack one of our party's leading progressives like this. She was one of our frontrunners last year, and this type of rhetoric alienates millions of our voters.

We cannot afford another typical politician as our next President.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2022, 11:18:29 PM »

Kamala, you took the words right out of my mouth! Bravo, Mrs. Vice President.

Let me just add quickly to all the things that Governor Cooper brought up earlier. Uh, where to begin? *laughs*

I'm glad you'll try to be more transparent about your record going forward now. My feelings toward the GOP Legislature in your state are aligned with yours, that should be clear. They've pushed some atrocious things over the years. Even if we say there is no wrongdoing or misconduct with those funds, appearances do matter and there have been questions from both the left and the right about your call on the pipeline. I genuinely hope that this shall be a learning lesson for you, Roy, if you were to be our nominee and later our President.

That being said, I think your response on Tammy Baldwin is off the mark. She has already been a proven leader getting compromises and scoring wins for her constituents. She's done this with everything from gay marriage to farming aid, and now she's attempting the same with her corruption bill. One of my main campaign planks is fighting against corruption in all its forms, and I urge the other two candidates to take up President Biden's wishes and do more to promote the Stop Corruption Now Act's passage with me.

Lastly, I am proud of my record and stand by it wholeheartedly. Have I changed my mind on some issues? Of course I have. You see more perspective and get wiser over time, and look how many gray hairs I sport. *laughter* All of us here have changed our mind on certain issues over time. Hell, Roy, you just changed your mind on whether hiring that lobbyist was a good idea.

If you want me to run down that list, I'm happy to. I'm for free but fair trade. I pushed for strong labor and environmental protections in the TPP as Secretary of State and I've long been in favor of doing the same for NAFTA as we attempted several years ago. I'm for nuclear energy as part of our renewable energy strategy, as I've mentioned a number of times on this campaign including tonight. President Biden was right to briefly tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserves when he did, and it helped bring the price of gas down for working people. That affirmative action quote you raised is misleading; I was using the phrases of affirmative action critics in the Clinton era for how they framed the national debate on it. Congressman Jim Clyburn, who was a strong supporter of my first campaign, backed me up on this at the time. He will tell you as such now if you don't believe me.

Pulling things out of a hat from twenty or thirty years ago is not the gotcha moment you think it is, Governor Cooper, because the issues and circumstances of today are so much different than what they were back then. Voters know this. They want to see what you have been doing now, and my record serving under Presidents Obama and Biden speaks for itself. After all, it's better to have a clear record than to be a blank slate.

. . . Okay, Anderson, that's all I got. Back to the questions!
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2022, 03:07:30 AM »

John Kerry Campaign Schedule: January 31-February 3

January 31: Alabama

Following the night in New Hampshire, John Kerry made way to Alabama where he would lay groundwork for his campaign's GOTV operation on Super Tuesday. During the day, Kerry paid visits to Congressman Terri Sewell and former Senator Doug Jones. Kerry also attended a civil rights roundtable sponsored by local leaders in Mobile, as well as conducted multiple interviews with local media stations.

I called Vice President Harris last night to congratulate her on the big win in New Hampshire. It was well deserved for Kamala at a time when there were many in the media already writing her off. Make no mistake, though, that this primary is looking to be a long slog between the three of us. I'm going to be out here on these streets, campaigning for every vote, and spreading our campaign's message on the most important issues of our time. Americans need to know that they will have leaders who not only pledge to represent them, but have a record of accountability to back this up. Over the coming weeks, I hope to show the good people of Alabama and nationwide why our record stands tall above the field and why we're going to beat back authoritarianism together this November.

February 1: Georgia

Secretary Kerry flew into Georgia for the funeral reception of former President Jimmy Carter. Kerry declined extensive public comments when prompted by reporters after the event, but reiterated in a solemn manner his past comments about the dedication to peace and human well-being that Carter embodied. By the evening, Kerry would arrive back in Washington to catch up on duties as Climate Envoy.

February 2-3: Minnesota

The next stop for Secretary Kerry would be in Minnesota, where the candidate rekindled with old staff and welcomed new members to the ranks. Kerry engaged in a mix of rallies, town halls, and local interviews to expose himself to voters. Cities that were canvassed for this trip include Minneapolis, Rochester, Duluth, Minnetonka, and Mankato. Among other notable events, Kerry had a roundtable discussion with Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith; Kerry also visited the site of a Trader Joe's in Minneapolis voting on unionization to speak with employees and the broader public.

All of you who are organizing this effort, leading the way, and making your voices heard: don't ever give up. You may feel the pressure from corporate or even receive threats about your job, but know that you are not alone in this fight. Far from it. What we've seen here in Minnesota and in many other states is a huge spike in union membership, and many more stores and restaurants are fighting for this now too as we speak. Workers are gaining the leverage with this economy they've desperately needed for decades, but more must be done in Washington to bolster labor. I have been firm in calling for the repeal of Taft-Hartley and the passage of the PRO Act. This will be among my top priorities as President. Workers like you all here should have the freedom to choose how your workplace represents you. These acts would open the floodgates to rebuilding the working and middle classes after years of neglect and abuse from those in power. Building on that economic security for regular Americans would be among my proudest achievements. We can make this happen, and it starts with the work we do here today!
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2022, 12:24:48 AM »
« Edited: August 26, 2022, 12:32:07 AM by Spiral »

John Kerry on Stop Corruption Now

Secretary Kerry made the following comments at a press conference in Washington, D.C. outside Capitol Hill prior to embarking on his next campaign stop:

Well, I'm very happy to see my Democratic friends in the race join in to voice their support on the Stop Corruption Now Act. They joined the bandwagon rather late, though. I have been beating this drum since my campaign began because I know we're at a pivotal moment with a bill like this. Both President Biden and I have voiced our support early on to help Senator Baldwin with the momentum she needs here, and the grassroots pressure that has been building up is wonderful to witness.

We have to be practical and understand that this bill will not pass the Senate right now without the support of some Republicans. To those on the other side of the aisle, many of whom I've served with in the Senate, I ask you: Will you truly put party over country on a reform as common-sense as this one? Will you heed to the wishes of Mitch McConnell or listen to your own constituents who have been blowing up your phone lines and showing up at your town halls? This already has bipartisan support and the signs are that it's continuing to grow. To Mitch McConnell, I ask the same of you. This isn't a bill that targets conservatives, and you know that.

Let this vote happen. Vote your conscience. Make history and progress in a bipartisan way to make a better government for all of us. If not, you can bet that the American people will vote their conscience this November.
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2022, 01:39:08 AM »
« Edited: August 26, 2022, 07:58:48 AM by Spiral »

John Kerry Campaign Schedule: February 4-6

February 4-5: California

Secretary Kerry made a return to the Golden State following a brief return to regular duties in Washington. Kerry's focus on this trip is to continue cracking into the establishment entities that sway scores of voters. This has included labor unions, environmental advocacy groups, Hispanic-American associations, and many of the top elected officials spread statewide. A dual focus has been to tap into the deep progressive network of activists long restless in the primary. Kerry has scheduled conferences with a number of prominent grassroots groups local to California, with follow-ups from key campaign staff, to solidify support in these margins. Cities toured during this visit include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Riverside, Glendale, and Chula Vista.

Times change, don't they? Just a few days ago, all you heard about was marijuana. The next day, it's like the word was blacklisted. I think we can all agree that Governor Cooper has had a rough week, so I think I'll go a bit easy on him for now. *laughs*

Vice President Harris is riding high at the moment, and credit to her campaign for turning the tables in New Hampshire. However, I do think there's a road we need to cross when it comes to her record as Attorney General of the biggest state here in California. More specifically, what did she not do when she had an opportunity? I point to the story of Herbalife, which was a multi-level marketing scam company that preyed upon mostly Spanish-speaking Americans. Everyone from the FTC to the FBI to other state Attorneys General were opening investigations on their business practices. You had five local Latino groups write to Kamala Harris's office asking for the same level of investigation. The San Diego division wrote a memo and asked Attorney General Harris to proceed, but an investigation was never started and she never explained why.

These investigations weren't for nothing, I'll add. The FTC alone got a $200 million settlement out of Herbalife after they went through the process. Latino communities were taken advantage of and thousands of low-income Americans had their life savings vanish. Why did Kamala Harris not follow the same path as the the federal government and other states? This issue was on her radar for years. Is it because she happened to receive donations from major supporters of Herbalife around the same time? The Vice President will need to explain her full record and why she let down those struggling among us when so many chances were in front of her.

February 6: American Samoa

Kerry made his next stop in American Samoa, marking a milestone as the first presidential candidate to visit for this campaign cycle. Kerry spent considerable time in the capital Pago Pago along with nearby villages, fostering close ties with local leaders through the candidate's international chops. The campaign would leave the island with a clear GOTV operation in place for Super Tuesday that would put Kerry on top, ideally with the vast majority of delegates.

As Secretary of State and now as Climate Envoy, I've traveled all around the world big and small. I know that communities like here in American Samoa are often overlooked or dismissed, but I'm here in person to tell you your voices are just as important. Not only do you decide how you live your lives here, but you are just as American as us on the continental side. You can send a message to the establishment loud and clear that you want clear air, clean water, safe communities, and better government! We can do this together, and I'm so fortunate for all of you here today making history in this political process!
Senator Spiral
Atlas Politician
YaBB God
Posts: 4,606
Bosnia and Herzegovina

« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2022, 05:52:10 AM »

John Kerry Campaign Schedule: February 7-10

February 7-8: Colorado

Secretary Kerry made the plunge back to Colorado, where he would invest precious time in shoring up support among key constituencies. This included Hispanics, farmers, union workers, and small business leaders. A key drive with this visit is to begin cutting into the other candidates' support and begin outcompeting Harris in the Western states, with Cooper seen at a disadvantage in the region. Cities toured during the stop were Littleton, Boulder, Pueblo, Aurora, and Denver.

Vice President Harris has remained stone cold quiet about her record with Herbalife. Why? Because she doesn't want you to know that she had a big opportunity to prosecute a company that was preying on our most vulnerable, especially in Hispanic communities, and she never bothered to take it. This was at the same time that you had the federal government and many other states take action. California was ground zero for some of the worst offenses. Innocent, hard-working people had thousands scammed away from them in many cases.

How can you possibly have had this issue on your radar for years and not felt compelled to do your best for working people? This is a damning part of the Vice President's record that she will have to face up to. Lest some Democrats out there think I'm merely racking up baseless mud, you all can Google this and see a bipartisan wave of anger on this issue. If we don't resolve this in the primary now, you can bet the Republicans are going to take full advantage of this and bring it up over and over in the fall. We're already at a time when our party has been struggling with Latino voters, and we need to regain their trust back through action and not just talk. I respectfully have concerns about whether Kamala Harris can make that happen.

February 9-10: Arkansas

For the next stop in the campaign, Kerry set his sights on Arkansas. The Kerry campaign believes that they are at a unique advantage with voters in Arkansas given their long familiarity with the candidate back to 2004 and the connections made with leaders such as Wesley Clark and the Clintons. To this effect, a strong focus is made with older voters to rekindle the magic. Outreach to black communities, particularly in the Little Rock area, is also key to victory in the state. A combination of rallies and town halls encompassed these two days in the campaign, and cities toured include Bentonville, Jonesboro, Springdale, and Little Rock.

You know, Republicans have often let the cat out the bag in recent years with their true agenda. You have national leaders like Senator Rick Scott who make no bones about how they will cut your Social Security and Medicare once they get back in power. Their extreme rhetoric only has one audience in mind: the wealthy mega-donors who demand more tax cuts for them at the expense of regular folks. This is what we're up against, ladies and gentlemen. We must have a nominee who stands strong against this ghoulish laundry list of policies and exposes them for what they really are. I have a 100% voting record on protecting Social Security and Medicare. Seniors, just like all other Americans, need to know that Washington will have their backs and never sell them off for scraps.
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