2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread) (user search)

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Author Topic: 2024 Election Game (Gameplay Thread)  (Read 12444 times)
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« on: July 04, 2022, 05:03:21 PM »

Vice President Harris affirms continuation of 2024 campaign in public townhall

In a public town hall on the administration's response to lead pipe poisonings in Raleigh, NC. Vice President Kamala Harris reaffirmed her 2024 campaign and it's legitimacy.

And when we think about where we are going forward from this it would be incredibly irresponsible for us to turn the tide back to what the GOP wants, a bitter divided America and so that is why I am proud to be one of the candidates running to fight back! We can not go back to the days of denying science! We can not go back to the days of leaving middle class American's behind, we cannot go back! And I refuse to let us go back!

In an interview with CNN's Dana Bash Harris once again said that she was a serious candidate for the Democratic Nomination in 2024.

Bash: So, we were all under the perception that you suspended your campaign for President to focus on your duties as Vice Pres-
Harris: Well, Dana look. I am proud to be the Vice President of the United States of America, and that duty outweighs any responsibility to a political campaign, but I am still very much a candidate for President, did I take a step back for a while to work with the President and administration officials on a situation that required my upmost attention? Yes but I am back now and ready to continue to make my case to the American people.
Bash: So, you're still a candidate to succeed Joe Biden in 2025?
Harris: Yes! Absolutely (laughs)

Harris is expected to reshuffle her campaign staff and release all upcoming rescheduled campaign events in the coming days.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2022, 11:56:47 AM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule
Kamala Harris: For The People

October 1st - 3rd | South Carolina

October 1st:
Town Hall in Charleston on Racial Equity.
Knock on doors with campaign volunteers
Visit local elementary school, sit down with teachers to discuss wages.

October 2nd:
Virtual cabinet meeting with Biden administration
Knock on doors with campaign volunteers
Fundraiser dinner

October 3rd:
Rally in Columbia on raising wages
Visit campaign headquarters to boost morale
Leave at night in Air Force Two to Iowa

October 4th - 6th | Iowa

October 4th:
Rally in front of Air Force Two in Des Moines
Door knock with volunteers, chat with local leaders
Attend campaign office opening in Cedar Rapids

October 5th:
Have breakfast with locals in Cedar Rapids diner
Host roundtable on economic stability
Town hall on Equal Right To Pay

October 6th:
Help with clean-up party with volunteers
Rally in Iowa City with the Second Gentleman
Visit wounded troops in local hospital

October 7th - 12th | Attend to Duties as Vice President

October 13th - 15th | Trip to Kentucky to support Governor Bashear

October 13th:
Meet with Governor Andy Bashear at the Kentucky Governor's mansion on behalf of the White House
Eat breakfast with Governor Bashear, the Kentucky Legislative Black Caucus, and several civil rights activists
Rally with Andy Bashear and Jacqueline Coleman in Lexington to boost Democratic turnout

October 14th:
Knock on doors for Governor Bashear with Lieutenant Governor Coleman
Meet with Democrats in Kentucky to ask for support in Presidential run (Bashear, Coleman, Young, etc.)
Surprise appearance at a Bashear for Governor rally

October 15th:
Speech with Jacqueline Coleman on the importance of women running for office
Rally with Andy Bashear in front of Air Force Two
Fly to DC

October 16th-19th | Vice Presidential Duties

October 20th - 21st | California

October 20th:
Celebrate birthday in California with family
Start a new initiative, donate 58 dollars for Kamala Harris’ 58th birthday.

October 22nd | Nevada

October 22nd:
Town hall in Reno
Campaign rally in Las Vegas in front of Air Force Two
Leave for New Hampshire

October 23rd-24th | Travel to New Hampshire

October 23rd:
Detour to Louisiana to support Democratic candidates for Louisiana statewide offices at the request of the President
Stop in Mississippi
Leave again for New Hampshire

October 24th (early morning):
Arrive in New Hampshire in the early morning
Briefly answer questions outside of Air Force Two

October 24th-26th | Campaign in New Hampshire

October 24th (afternoon):
Knock on doors with campaign volunteers in Manchester.
Help interns stuff envelopes with campaign flyers.

October 25th:
Rally in Concord
Door knocking in Concord
Review campaign staff memo’s, ask for more resources in Iowa and South Carolina.

October 26th:
Door knocking in Concord
Town hall
Meet with Senator Maggie Hassan to discuss possible endorsement
Rally in front of Air Force Two

October 27- 29th | South Carolina

October 27th:
Arrive at local SC restaurant for dinner with Al Sharpton
Town hall on economic issues in Charleston
Interview with Wolf Blitzer on the Situation Room before rally
Rally in Charleston with the Second Gentleman.
“Charleston, I am so excited to be here! This is the shining beacon of the south and I am just so blessed to have been treated with such hospitality!”

“It’s great to have Doug here with us tonight, he is just so supportive and I know that he’ll make an incredible FIRST first gentleman! (Laughs) You know when I think about what Doug means ot me I think about the burden that so many of you must face when it comes to a spouse being sick in the hospital and your insurance just can’t cover them, and I often talk about sitting outside the hospital doors, trying to figure out how you are going to pay that out of pocket cost for their treatment, and so that is why, in my first 100 days as President I will introduce legislation for a public option so that every single American will have access to quality affordable healthcare!

It’s past time and we’re gonna get it done under a Harris administration!”

October 28th:
Attend brand new campaign office opening
Roundtable on supporting rural farmers
Celebrate birthday of campaign staffer

October 29th:
Cabinet meeting with the Biden administration via Zoom
Knock on doors with campaign volunteers
Speech on recent economic downturns

October 30th | Rest Day
October 31st | New Hampshire

October 31st:
Trick or Treat with children of her campaign staffers.
Record funny halloween campaign video with the Second Gentleman
Knock on doors.

November 1st-3rd | Iowa

November 1st: Visit local shops and restaurants in Le Claire
Rally in Cedar Rapids outside of Air Force Two
Interview with local news stations

November 2nd:
Town Hall in Cedar Rapids
Door knock with volunteers in Des Moines
Attend a local activist’s funeral

November 3rd:
Rally for candidates in local elections
Rally for own campaign
Town hall with CNN

“We gotta show up and we gotta show out! These local elections are so important, and so how many of you guys plan on voting today, lemme see some hands, alright! That’s what I’m talking about let’s get it done!

November 4th-5th | California

November 4th:
Visit San Francisco in Air Force Two
Visit family
Zoom meeting with the Biden administration

November 5th:
Rally with local candidates for city positions
Speech in front of Air Force Two

November 6th | Election Voting States

November 6th:
Campaign on election eve for Andy Bashear and Jacqueline Coleman
Phone bank for candidates
Do final GOTV ads

November 7th | Washington D.C

November 7th:
Strategy meeting with President Biden and staffers
Lunch with President Biden
Film ad for 2024 campaign
Watch election results with senior staff.

November 7th-12th | Vice Presidential Duties
November 13th-16th | Nevada

November 13th:
Debate prep
Rally in Reno
Debate prep

November 14th:
Debate prep
Rally in Carson City
Debate prep

November 15th:
Rally in Las Vegas
Door Knocking

November 16th:
Debate prep all day
Rally in front of Air Force Two in Henderson
Leave in Air Force Two

November 17th-18th | Arizona

November 17th:
Debate prep
Rally in Tempe, Arizona
Attend Debate
Visit local campaign HQ to celebrate after debate performance

November 18th:
Interviews with ABC, CNN and MSNBC morning after the debate
Attend rally in Phoenix, Arizona
Fly to Iowa

November 19th | Iowa

November 19th:
Host a economic roundtable in Cedar Rapids, IA
Town hall on supporting small business owners
Meet and greet with young supporters

November 20th - 27th | Vice Presidential Duties
November 28th - 30th | South Carolina

November 28th:
Rally in Charleston
Town hall on supporting middle class americans
Meet with local Democratic leaders, pledge to support local communities as President

November 29th:
Tour local college campus, chat with new voters
Participate in college drumline, give speech on back of pickup truck
Sign up campaign volunteers on college campus

November 30th:
Interview with local SC news stations
Sit down for lunch with members of the NAACP
Visit elementary school and discuss her plans for teachers as President
Fly back to Washington.

The Harris campaign is seeking to boost off of her capital as Vice President of the United States, highlighting her closeness to President Biden and her experience being second in command. Vice President Harris will capitalize on her experience in nearly every speech she does while also attempting to maintain a middle ground between progressive activist Democrats as well as the moderate and older Democrats - Harris Campaign Senior Advisor
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2022, 12:08:28 PM »

Credit to Flickr
Vice President Harris Attends Democratic Presidential Debate

Opening Statement
“Thank you Lester for hosting us, and what an honor it is to be here with my fellow candidates, 3 years ago, American’s went to the polls and voted for progress, for decency and for a better America overall, and they voted for Joe Biden and myself, now we need a candidate in this race prepared to continue that work, for the past 3 years me and President Biden have woken up everyday dedicated to fighting for the American people, whether that be fighting for clean water and fixing our crumbling infrastructure, or doing everything we can to protect and fight for a woman’s reproductive right to choose, if you give me the opportunity to serve as our party’s nominee I will wake up everyday to give you opportunities as everyday Americans, thank you and let’s get debating!”

"The Senate filibuster remains intact and is seen as one of the major reason why President Biden has been unable to pass the legislation he campaigned on in 2020. Would you as President advocate for Senate Democrats to remove the filibuster?"

“Well Lester look, the short answer is yes I will absolutely support an end to the filibuster when I am President, but what we need is all of us to get out and not just vote in the Presidential race but also vote downballot for pro-choice, pro-voting rights and pro-middle class Democratic Senators to enable us to do so, and when we do that I confident that we can and will get a lot done.”

"In recent years, the Biden administration has continued the national pivot towards China, but recent actions by Russia, including the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, have left many questioning the wisdom of such actions. Would you continue the with strategic pivot to China, or refocus on Europe?"

“I truly believe that this is not an either or issue, Lester, I believe that we can also be tough on China while also reaffirming our commitments to our allies in Europe while doing everything we can to fight back against any further Russian aggression, both of these countries threaten our very way of life, whether that be our cybersecurity and our election security, and so I am committed to fighting these foreign threats and protecting our citizens both at home and abroad.”

"This campaign has been noted for being an aggressive one between the candidates, not unlike the last three contested Democratic primaries. Will you, regardless of who it is, support the eventual nominee?"

“I will absolutely support the Democratic Nominee whoever they may be and I can’t wait to campaign for Kamala Harris in 2024 but-” (laughs) But I don’t want to point fingers or say names but there is a candidate on this stage that has done more dividing than uniting, now-” (pauses as audience “ooos”)
“I want to talk about the issues that matter to average Americans, like the high crime rates in states like North Carolina, or the failing education system in (pretends to check notes) (laughs) also North Carolina” (Turns towards Cooper) “Now, Governor Cooper, you not only name dropped me but you also name dropped Mayor Adams in a way that is not only disrespectful to our campaigns but to our supporters who you will need if you want to be our next President, we need a nominee that cares about winning right just as much as they care about winning big. As for the issue of popularity, Democratic voters don’t care what the media’s latest snapshot in time says, or how big your victory was in 2020, we get it, you got 51% and it was very impressive (sarcastically laughs), they want to know that their next President is going to do everything possible to put food on their table, and money in their pockets. Joe Biden and I took office during a hard time for America, Covid-19, high inflation, high gas prices, but we persevered every day to make sure that we could leave America better off than how we found it, we won that battle. And I think that the people watching this debate know who’s spewing talking points, and who is doing the second hardest job in the world, which yes, sometimes can affect poll numbers negatively. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re swell, Mayor Adams! I look forward to working with you if you’re our nominee! (Laughs)”

"Vice President Harris, miscommunication from all sides resulted in an erroneous report of your campaign being suspended. Are you indeed fully committed to this campaign?"

“Lester, I am proud to say here and once again that I am a candidate for President of the United States in 2024, and not only am I committed to this campaign I am committed to the American people who I intend to represent and fight for when I am President, this campaign is built and supported by everyday Americans who believe in my vision for America, a vision that includes ensuring every single American has access to healthcare, a vision that means that every teacher can afford to live and then have a little bit more for themselves, and a vision that means lifting up the American people and not tearing them down, and so I hope that those of you who support other candidate’s in this race join me in this fight."

Closing Statement
“Well, you’ve spent the night listening to 5 very different visions for the future of this great nation. And while I’m proud to know that I share a stage with several incredible Democrats, I’m absolutely certain that if we want want to end the filibuster, fight for a woman’s right to choose, and continue the many successes of the Biden-Harris administration into and beyond 2025, I’m the best candidate to get us there.
I also hope, that the ladies who are watching this debate tonight, the old and the young, feel empowered and unruled to see a majority of women on this stage for the first time in American History. (Pauses for applause from the crowd)
And finally, I hope that I have illustrated the difference between someone who spends her life breaking barriers, and one of the many grandstanding, loud mouth showoffs (looks at Governor Cooper briefly), that have dominated American Politics for far too long and that have kept so many brave women and minorities out of power, so that they can continue to spend their donors  money and that it  will have been well-spent.
I love this country, but we have so much more work to do, so let’s get it done. Thank you Arizona! Thank you, Democrats! Thank you to my family if they’re watching, and to the people of the United States of America for hearing my case and for allowing me to break one more barrier every single day!”

Vice President Harris would shake hands with the other candidates and quickly depart to surprise supporters at a debate watch party
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2022, 06:11:42 PM »
« Edited: July 29, 2022, 10:45:33 AM by John King wannabe »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule
Kamala Harris: For the People

December 1st | Washington D.C

December 1st:
Preside over the Senate to split a tie over judicial nomination.
Hold cabinet meeting with Biden administration
Chat with Senators at VP residence, discuss possible campaign positions

December 2nd - 3rd | Iowa

December 2nd:
Shake hands with supporters in Des Moines
Meet with local Democratic party officials
Have lunch with campaign staffers, put into action all in on Iowa and South Carolina strategy

December 3rd:
Rally in Cedar Rapids
Meet supporters in a local shopping mall, encourage them to caucus for her.
Sit down for a roundtable with single mothers, discuss plans for childcare.

December 4th - 5th | Texas

December 4th:
Rally in Houston.
Meet with abortion rights activists, dicuss plan to codify Roe v. Wade
Chat with Beto O’Rourke on nominee’s chances in Texas, court possible endorsement

December 5th:
Knock on doors in Fort Worth-Dallas area
Buy a new winter coat in local small business
Chat with local Democratic party leaders, hold town hall on affordable housing

December 6th - 8th | South Carolina

December 6th:
Visit North Charleston for a speech about income inequality
Knock on doors in Charleston

December 7th:
Rally in Columbia
Rally African American supporters with a speech about racial inequality

December 9th -12th | Foreign Trip to the U.K, meet with Prime Minister Starmer, and HM Queen Elizabeth II
December 13th | Rest Day
December 14th - 16th | New Hampshire

December 14th:
Pass out Santa cookies to young children at local bowling alley
Meet with Senator Maggie Hassan, discuss possible endorsement
Interview with WMLL Manchester

December 15th:
Rally local Democrats on campaign unity, tout experience as Vice President
Visit a local college campus, connect with students over her student debt relief plan.
Eat lunch with the Second Gentleman at local Concord Restaurant

December 16th:
Several small rallies in Nashua and Manchester while standing on crate
Go ice fishing with campaign volunteers, (would fall into freezing water much to the laughter of her young staff).
Hold monthly video chat with Secretary Blinken on foreign affairs, plan return to Washington after Christmas.

December 17th - 19th | Nevada

December 17th:
Town hall in Carson City on quality affordable healthcare
Roundtable on expanding opportunities for small businesses
Dance with campaign volunteers at campaign HQ, participate in Secret Santa

December 18th:
Bake Christmas cookies with cooks in small business diners
Discuss plan to provide grants to expand small businesses
Visit Culinary Worker Union HQ, pledge support if elected President

December 19th:
Rally in Las Vegas.
Picket with workers striking for $18 minimum wage
Dance with the Second Gentleman to Christmas music at Vegas strip.
Return to campaign HQ to drop off a Secret Santa gift.

December 20th - 22nd | Iowa

December 20th:
Rally in Dubuque, announce her plan to raise the minimum wage to $18 and continue to raise it based on inflation.
Moderate BINGO games at local nursing home, talk to seniors about increasing their social security benefits.
Interview with local Iowa news station, encourage supporters to caucus from her.

December 21st:
Give speech on reducing the tax burden on low income Americans on the flatbed of a truck
Unveil new campaign bus (The bus would include the campaign colors and have “KAMALA” on one side and “MVP” on the other)
Make quick stops in neighboring cities on the campaign bus, help pass out hot chocolate to children.

December 22nd:
Visit homeless shelter, drop off fresh clothes and toys for both adults and children for Christmas
Help serve food to the homeless
Read story to young homeless children
Discuss with administrators plan to get affordable quality housing if elected President

December 23rd - 24th | South Carolina

December 23rd:
Town hall on fighting climate change and how it affects economic growth
Visit local Chuck E. Cheese, play games with kids and discuss childcare prices.
Record TikToks with young campaign staffers in Columbia

December 24th:
Celebrate Christmas Eve by knocking on doors in the cold.
Have the Second Gentleman dress up as Santa and the VP as Mrs. Claus and read to young children at local mall.
Record Christmas message at campaign HQ
Fly to California to celebrate Christmas.

December 25th - 28th | Celebrate Christmas - Rest Days

December 29th - 31st | Nevada

December 29th:
Rally in Reno, Nevada
Travel down to Las Vegas for several speeches regarding poverty
Visit the suburbs for doorknocking (Spring Valley)

December 30th:
Door Knocking in Henderson, Nevada
Fundraiser in Las Vegas

December 31st:
New Year’s Eve rally in Las Vegas
New Year’s Eve fundraiser in Las Vegas
Prepare for flight back to D.C.

January 1st - 4th | Vice Presidential duties

January 4th - 6th | Visit Italy to meet with the recently elected first female Prime Minister

January 6th - 10th | Travel to Iowa

January 6th:
Visit a local diner in the Des Moines suburbs to try breakfast pizza
Rally in Des Moines
Meet with local city council members to discuss possible endorsements
Depart for Sioux City

January 7th:
Go ice skating and meet voters
Visit the public museum (to meet voters)
Visit an elementary school to meet with teachers and students.
Zoom meeting with the Biden administration

January 8th:
Stop in Denison for Door Knocking
Visit local farmers
Fly to Cedar Falls

January 9th:
Visit the George Wyth State Park and give a speech about the importance of preserving the environment
Rally in the afternoon
Attend a high school basketball game and talk to parents about the issues
Fly to Cedar Rapids

January 10th:
Visit the downtown area of Cedar Rapids to meet with voters
Two rallies in the afternoon
Fly to DC

January 10th - 13th | Vice Presidential Duties

January 14th | Fly to Dover, New Hampshire

January 15th - 17th | New Hampshire

January 15th:
Visit construction workers in Dover
Attend a local science fair
Visit the Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, discuss the importance of protecting land with reporters
2 rallies

January 16th:
Travel to Portsmouth
3 rallies
Visit a local diner for dinner

January 17th;
Travel to Nashua
Visit Chunky’s cinema to watch a movie with Doug
Prepare to leave for D.C

January 18th:
Leave in the early morning to fly to DC and attend Vice Presidential duties
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2022, 11:03:11 AM »

Kamala Harris: For the People
Ad aired in large urban markets of Iowa, Nevada, South Carolina and Texas.
Narrator: It’s not easy to change Washington.
How it works
(Image of Kamala debating on the Senate floor from 2017-2021)
How it looks
(Images of previous Vice Presidents followed by a video of Vice President Kamala Harris’ swearing in)
And how it helps ordinary people like you.
(Images of Kamala Harris presiding over the Senate, images of some of the bills that she has voted to pass with the names highlighted and excerpts from articles about their positive effects.)
Kamala Harris: I’m Kamala Harris, I’m the daughter of an immigrant from India, I was part of the second class to integrate my public schools, and I’m the first black woman to be elected Vice President. I’m running to be a candidate that is truly of the people and for the people. I’ve made it to the mountain top, and I want to help others do it, too and that is why I approve this message, because throughout my career, I’ve only had one client, the people.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2022, 10:16:59 AM »


The doors have just recently opened for supporters at Harris HQ in Des Moines and many are just beginning to trickle in, tonight speeches will be heard from the Second Gentleman and the Vice President only due to the severe closeness of the race in Iowa.

Vice President Harris will be in a hotel about 10 minute away from her HQ with family and staff analyzing the results, due to a pre-planned agreement made between the Cooper and Harris campaign any concession call on the race will be made 15 minutes after the networks call it.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2022, 06:29:47 PM »


The mood has certainly become more jubilant as it has become clear that Vice President Harris is likely to eke out a victory over Governor Cooper, although many supporters booed Governor Cooper as he came on tv before the results were even final as he attacked Vice President Harris' record in his speech, meanwhile many of the Vice President's small Iowa supporters have begun speaking at the podium awaiting the Vice President's arrival.

Meanwhile in the Harris War Room in a local Marriot Hotel, Vice President Harris has been described as relieved at the result although bitter at the fact that Governor Cooper used his speech to take shots at her record and her candidacy and is expected to address that in her speech tonight to supporters, Vice President Harris is expected to leave her hotel for her HQ in around 15 minutes.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2022, 07:39:56 PM »
« Edited: August 03, 2022, 08:34:06 PM by John King wannabe »


Wassup, Des Moines! I gotta say, Iowa it has been a little rocky throughout this campaign but I gotta say you definitely pulled through in the end! First I wanna thank the incredible Second Gentleman for that introduction, soon to be First Gentleman Doug Emhoff! Dougie, I love you and thank you so much for partaking in this journey with me, and I am so glad to say we are one step closer to the Oval Office!

First let me applaud Governor Cooper for a race well run in the end, and I guess it’s true what they mean when they say sticks and stones may break my bones but words can't hurt me! And it certainly hasn’t hurt the spirit of the people of Iowa! I refuse to let any candidate divide this country, especially not a Democrat who is in danger of dividing this party! We need to be prepared to stand up and fight against the threat that is Donald Trump and let me tell you! I have beat him before and I will beat him again!

I wanna thank the volunteers and organizers who helped make this win possible! Without you there is no way we would’ve won here tonight in Iowa and I gotta say I know for a fact you all have a bright future in public service and I will do everything in my power to elevate you! Because that’s the responsibility of a President! To lift up not tear down, now there are some candidates in this primary who believe it benefits them very well to tear down others, but let me tell you this it is easy to tear down but it is hard to build back up! So let’s build together for a brighter future for this nation!

Iowa this victory is dedicated to you! But I know we have more work to do! We are gonna take this fight to New Hampshire! To Nevada! To South Carolina! And across the country come November we are going to keep the White House and elect our first female President of the United States of America!

Iowa, I love y’all so much and I need you to keep your energy all the way till November! Thank you all so much and I will be back very very soon!

Harris's speech was livestreamed and carried by major news networks, after the speech she would quickly board Air Force Two to leave for New Hampshire.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2022, 12:37:03 AM »

Harris Campaign Prepares for New Hampshire
Television Spot 1: Fighter for the People
Ad aired in New Hampshire, Nevada and California as well as neighboring state markets..

Narrator: Despite lies prompted by some chaos agents in the Democratic Primary, Kamala Harris is one of the most progressive Vice President’s in American history.
(Pre-recorded video of VP Harris on the phone in her ceremonial office)
Whether that be the fight to secure the right to an abortion or the fight to expand voting rights, Kamala Harris has been there to provide for the American people.
As President, Kamala Harris will fight for progressive causes such as the fight for Universal Healthcare, rebuilding our critical infrastructure and building a future built on clean renewable energy.
(Clip of VP Harris walking in a factory talking to multiple workers, pointing out certain aspects in the building)
Kamala Harris has seen what needs to be done as Vice President, and as President she will continue the work of the Biden administration and fight for a future that builds this nation up for everyone involved.
(Cut to VP Harris on a park bench with children playing a board game as she turns and smiles at the camera)
Kamala Harris: I’m Kamala Harris, and I approve this message, for your future and yes, for our children’s future.

In addition to the television advertisements, Vice President Harris' campaign website has been updated to celebrate her Iowa victory with the homepage now reading "THANK YOU IOWA!" with a photo of VP Harris on caucus night smiling at the crowd of supporters, the campaign also includes a new section called "Truth Tracker" which seeks to debunk any false claims put out by candidates on the Vice President's record.

The Vice President has also shipped her senior staff to New Hampshire to primary for what is expected to be a closer than expected primary, volunteers have been instructed to get out and meet with voters that the Vice President will not be able to reach as easily, especially young college students who are wary on the Vice President, fliers will be distributed highlighting her 20 year career such as her signature "Back on Track" program as District Attorney which helped offenders get a stable education and job, taking on Big Banks for their role in the 2008 mortgage crisis as well her record on criminal justice reform on a bipartisan basis as Senator.

The Harris campaign has also begun stretching resources beyond Super Tuesday as it is now clear the race will not be locked in for their candidate by the end of Super Tuesday, and are preparing themselves for a long primary showdown to the convention.

Before boarding Air Force Two in Des Moines, Vice President Harris addressed supporters on the night.
"You know, I am just so glad that the people of Iowa were wise enough to choose the candidate who is ready on Day One to become President of the United States, and it is about results and lifting up the American people than bashing your opponent, as you saw even in your own concession speech and to insinuate that I only won this race because of money? That is a real slap in the face to my supporters who will be required if the Democratic nominee wants to win in November so let's move past the attacks and look forward to a future that we can believe in as a country. Thanks guys"

Vice President Harris' campaign itinerary for the next week in Iowa will be released to supporters in a few hours her campaign manager announced to the press before taking off.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2022, 08:23:30 PM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule
Kamala Harris: For the People

January 23rd - 26th | New Hampshire

On January 23rd Vice President Harris will arrive in New Hampshire fresh off the heels of a win in the first primary contest, After departing Air Force Two, Vice President Harris was asked to respond to the Kerry candidacy in which she responded saying

“I have a great deal of respect for John Kerry and I wish him the best of luck in this primary, I mean I gotta say this was certainly unexpected (laughs) but um, you know may the best man OR woman win in this case and I am confident that our campaign will prevail in that matter, but once again the best of luck to Secretary Kerry.

Afterwards Vice President Harris attended a roundtable with single mothers working to get quality affordable childcare for their children, in the roundtable which was open to the press, Vice President Harris stressed her plan for Universal Child Care that would be paid for by the federal government for all children 6 months to the age they start kindergarten. In the meeting, Vice President Harris cracked jokes at her childhood childcare system where her mother took her to her lab and cleaned tubes.

After the event, Vice President Harris attended a town hall which her advisors believe is the best way to connect to undecided voters in the New Hampshire primary, at this event Vice President Harris answered a question on her record with marijuana from an undecided voter, the voter later said she had decided to vote for Harris after the exchange.

VOTER: Thank you, Madam Vice President, I am a 20 year old college student and I am currently undecided between you and Governor Cooper, and one thing we hear Governor Cooper talk a lot about is your record on weed-

HARRIS: He talks about it more than he says why he wants to be President. (laughs with audience)

VOTER: (politely chuckles) But, I am concerned with your record when it comes to marijuana and I really want you to clear up any confusion anyone may have cause me and a lot of my friends are concerned about your very tough record on weed and so, well yeah can you explain it.

HARRIS: Well thank you so much for that question, so when I was District Attorney of San Francisco, yes I will admit there were convictions for marijuna related charges, and I was not the Mayor of San Francisco or the Governor of California so I couldn’t take my pen and legalize it as some of my opponents seem to think I can do, so weed was not yet legal in my jurisdiction and my job as District Attorney of San Francisco to uphold the law of the jurisdiction that I was in charge of.

But if you look at the facts, most of those who were charged with marijuana related charges were never ever locked up and walked away from court with minor fines, that was the system that I put in face I did not want to push a broken system that was started by the war on drugs and continue it under my reign as the first black woman District Attorney. Now as for when I was Attorney General many of those marijuana convictions were prosecuted by independent district attorney’s beyond my control but I have fought for the legalization of marijuana nationwide and that will be a staple of my presidency.

After the town hall, Vice President Harris visited her campaign headquarters in Manchester and helped volunteers knock on doors and passed out pamphlets to undecided voters.

For the rest of her stay in New Hampshire, Vice President Harris would hold many one-on-one events with voters in an attempt to reach out to supporters and undecided voters and even those who may be uneasy on the Cooper campaign, Harris has spent the last few days as well prepping for the upcoming Democratic primary debate with Cooper and possibly Kerry.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2022, 12:13:53 PM »

Vice President Harris addresses recent events

After arriving in New Hampshire earlier this morning, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked to respond to the news of President Carter's passing and the recent act of violence against Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her remarks are transcribed below.
REPORTER: Madam Vice President, do you have any comment on the passing of President Jimmy Carter?
HARRIS: Well, first I want to express my condolences to the family of President Carter and they are in my thoughts and prayers, and just ya know, we have lost a great public servant, a great public servant, and as we reflect on the legacy of President Carter we must not forget what he stood for, love, peace and lifting up our neighbor. In the conversations that I had with President Carter before his passing he would always tell me to stay in God's will and to keep my head up, well I know what I have to say to you all, stay in God's will and keep your head up and may God bless President James Earl Carter.
REPORTER: Before you go, how do you respond to the recent act of violence against Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez?
HARRIS: Well first off I am confident that the FBI will handle this clear act of violence against a sitting member of Congress, and what we must do is stand up against all forms of political extremism and violence wherever they come from. Obviously me and President Biden have been briefed on this and we are confident that the Congresswoman has been or will eventually work with our federal investigators to work on this issue, but obviously you know there is so much more we can do to protect our legislators from right wing extremism and unfortunately this has been fueled by Republican extremists-so-called leaders who have failed to stand up for what is right in this country.

But this also brings up another issue, how was this man allowed to gain access to a gun? We must do better with our background check system that allows people to have a gun, we must do better and we will do better I promise you that.

Thanks guys.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2022, 12:38:51 AM »
« Edited: August 12, 2022, 12:42:31 AM by John King wannabe »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule (Pt. 1) and Debate Responses

January 27th | New Hampshire

Vice President Harris will continue her tour of New Hampshire while also preparing for the upcoming Democratic Primary debate. On Saturday the 27th, Vice President Harris will visit a local retirement home and converse with seniors about her plans to fix and build on Social Security by lowering the eligibility age to 60 and by increasing benefits for those currently on social security as well as those who will be using social security benefits in the future.

After the event the Vice President visited a local college campus where she touted her progressive bonafides to the local college students, a solid majority of whom have a very progressive way of thinking. At the campus the Vice President sat down with students in a roundtable and conversed with the students about the best way to ensure students do not leave school with debt, while also officially announcing she would continue the pause on all student debt payments put in place by President Biden if elected President. Harris stopped and took pictures with those at the campus who already supported her campaign and spoke at a rally in the campus gymnasium.

“I believe we all have a responsibility here, for the students of our great country. We need a President that is going to help students graduate without finding themselves in crippling debt, we need a President that is going to fight for these people, and so when I am President I am going to make sure that no student ever has to graduate tens of thousands of dollars in debt, we must do better and under a Harris administration we will do better!

So I need you all with me in this fight! All of us together, working towards a better future for this country, so on January 30th I need you to get out and vote and fight! And so when you fight for me you ensure that I have the chance as President to fight for you every single day!”

After the event, the Vice President visited her local Concord campaign HQ where she chatted with volunteers and thanked them for their help in the race, she also jokingly held a piece of paper that read “ROY WON’T TELL YOU KAMALA LIKES WEED” for a picture which was posted on her official @Kamala4ThePeople campaign account. Afterwards the Vice President and her senior staff went into a conference room and held debate prep for the rest of the day.

After debate prep was done, the Vice President retired back to her hotel and prepped privately for about 2 more hours before going to bed.

January 28th | New Hampshire - Nevada

The Vice President started her day with an early debate prep session with advisors and afterwards revisited her Concord HQ where she dropped off doughnuts and coffee for her staff before leaving shortly after to board Air Force Two to begin her flight to Las Vegas, Nevada.

After arriving in Nevada, the Vice President will be greeted by local Nevada politicians willing to get a photo of themselves shaking the hand of the Vice President. Afterwards, the Vice President will go to the venue for a quick light, podium height and camera check on all angles for the debate. Afterwards the Vice President attended a roundtable on raising the minimum wage with members of the Culinary Workers Union, after that she attended a rally at the University of Las Vegas campus.

“I am so glad to be here in Las Vegas, and as many of you know! I have a debate tonight so I need you all watching! But ya know I am so glad to be here in Las Vegas off of a great win in Iowa! And what I am hoping will be some more great wins in New Hampshire and Nevada! We need your support and we need your fighting spirit cause it takes a group of fighters to propel us to the White House!

You know when I did my first case in court as a prosecutor the first words I spoke were as you all know my campaign mantra; Kamala Harris, for the People and that has been my only client throughout my entire career, the people and so I am confident in the fact that the people! Will take us all the way to the White House! So Nevada I really need you to show out on February 6th! And I mean it! Don’t play with me now!”

After the rally, Vice President Harris motorcaded to the debate venue where she would prep for makeup and eventually line up with her fellow candidates and make small talk, before being introduced and proceeding to debate.

Cooper: Hello and welcome everyone to tonight's Democratic debate, coming live from Paris Las Vegas in Nevada. I'm your moderator Anderson Cooper. Tonight's debate will be feature question around a variety of policy areas such as the economy, foreign policy, and healthcare. Now, let's welcome our candidates. Governor Roy Cooper, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Secretary of State John Kerry.  Of course, tonight's debate is being held in the shadows of the retirement of Senator Sanders and of course, the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Before we get into questioning, I invite each of you to say a few words about these two men.
“Thank you, Anderson and thank you to this wonderful venue for hosting us, and of course I wanna thank my fellow candidates for being here to discuss the important issues affecting the American People”
“You know, President Carter was a man of amazing character, a diplomat, a peace maker and a man who believed that if we just look into the heart of our fellow man we could leave this country in a much better condition than we found it, on the few occasions I have talked to President Carter you could feel the love of a grandfather but the wisdom of a diplomat, and ya know Jimmy was right when he said “The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest citizens''. His courage, his love and his always hopeful idea of America will be sorely missed in the future.”
“And what can I say about Bernie that hasn’t already been said before? *laughs* I mean Senator Sanders is if many things, a fighter, he is a consistent fighter for the American people and his tune has never changed, an advocate, a fighter, and truly a founder of the modern progressive movement, and knowing New Hampshire is voting next I gotta say, I love Bernie as much as you guys do! *laughs* But in all seriousness Bernie will be missed in the United States Senate and thank you for your over 50 years of service to this great country, Senator Sanders, our great, great grandchildren won’t forget you.
Recently, the Sevastopol Treaty, which allowed Ukraine to join NATO in exchange for surrendering the Donbass region, was signed. Normally, the process of accession to NATO would take some time, but President Zelensky has asked for Ukraine's candidacy to be accelerated. Would you support an accelerated timetable for Ukrainian accession to NATO at the risk of agitating Russia?
“Look, I think it is time we stop letting Russia snare and scare us from doing the right thing at the right time, we saw Vladmir Putin’s aggression and complete disregard for human life in his destructive aggression campaign that killed tens of thousands of innocent Ukranian’s, and I’m talking babies, family members, people who did not deserve the death they got, who we still need to get justice for and this is the way, by giving the Ukrainian people the safety and comfort that they likely wish they had back in 2022 when Russia first started committing war crimes in their country, so yes I do support accelerating the timeline for this and when I am President I will do everything in my power to accelerate the timeline to ensure that Ukraine can and will join NATO”
“And if Russia doesn’t like it that’s too damn bad!”
Under President Biden, the economy has suffered notable fluctuations, most visibly felt by people through gas prices. How would you, as President, manage our energy transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy, while also lowering gas prices and keeping our energy grid running at full capacity?
“Well Anderson, I’d like to just start off by saying this, we only have one planet and we cannot waste it.”
“A lot of this could’ve been avoided if we passed the original Build Back Better Act under the Biden-Harris administration which would’ve made significant investments in clean and renewable energy jobs while also ensuring that millions of Americans don't get left behind, and I am determined that under a Harris administration we can continue that work.”
“Obviously as Vice President I have taken a leading role in terms of climate change and protecting the environment and so I do believe the future of our country is built on renewable energy and under a Harris administration we will continue to push for the creation of hundreds of thousands of clean and renewable energy jobs!”
“First what we need to do is to give these companies the proper incentives to gradually move towards clean and renewable energy, we can’t do this unless everyone is on board because let me tell you if they ain’t cooperating, then nothing will get done, so we have to give them the proper incentives if you will, to gradually begin a move to clean renewable energy, that alone will allow them to begin moving their employees away from fossil fuels and coal and towards jobs managing solar panels, wind turbines, or even jobs managing the electric vehicles of the future. If we can provide them with these incentives then they will have no excuse not to fail in line, and I am confident that can be done and I am confident that as President I will build on this administrations progress to get it done.”
In recent times, the Democratic Party has begun concerted efforts to push towards universal healthcare, primarily based on the single-payer model. Would you advocate for and sign a bill creating a single-payer system in the United States?
“Folks, and I’m going to be upfront about this, we have a really big problem. Powerful politicians have access to some of the best healthcare in the country as they sit idly by and watch innocent Americans suffer. And those Americans are suffering because the hospitals that they go to care more about making money than they do saving lives.”
“As President I will work tirelessly to reform this country’s healthcare system, and any reasonable bill that ensures that more Americans will have access to quality healthcare, I will absolutely sign if and when it is put on my desk. Obviously we must consider the financial impact such bill would have on middle and lower class Americans who would likely have to give a little especially for a bill as vast as that, but figuring out a way to pay for social programs is part of the job, and we’re going to make this happen. But let me talk about my plan for healthcare in America”
“There is a single payer aspect of my but what is unique about mine is that my plan gives the choice back to the American people, under my plan American’s will have the option to opt into a government run healthcare program which under my plan an ambulance ride will go from costing over $600 to zero, the cost of giving birth will go from down from over $15,000 to zero and so on, or if they want they can keep their private insurance, needless to say I’m sure that the public option which I have thought a lot about, will be very popular, but my plan wil; give the option of choice back to the American people and yes, I am very proud of that!”

“And while we’re talking about healthcare let’s talk about women’s healthcare, so I am proud to stand here on this stage as the only woman to say that I will make a priority in my first 100 days as President to codify Roe v. Wade and the right to privacy in terms of abortion rights! I will not stop until our bodily autonomy is fully restored, and I haven’t stopped fighting since the Supreme Court took that away 2 years ago!”
Vice President Harris, you're the only woman on stage tonight, and you happen to be the daughter of a mother who emigrated from India and a father who emigrated from Jamaica. As someone from this background, what was your reaction to the recent incident at a re-election rally for Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez?
“Anderson, let me just start off by saying, that there is no place for violence in the United States of America especially not gun violence or even attempted gun violence as we saw as Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s event but we gotta get clear about gun violence in America. These shootings don’t happen every week, every few days, or every time we see an alert on our phones that more innocent lives have been lost, no, they happen more than that. 3, 4, 5 mass shootings a day. I know that there are good guys with guns, but all it takes is one bad guy with a gun, for ten more people to drop dead like lambs in a supermarket, or a political rally, or god forbid, an elementary school. America, your President and your Vice President have a duty to, at the very least, protect you from being brutally slaughtered. Joe Biden and I are hard at work, we take this issue very seriously and even though significant, bipartisan progress has been made, the time to act is now, and so that is why a Harris administration is prepared to finally put in place a ban on assault weapons, more extensive and wide ranging red flag laws and background checks, and I promise you this will be a prime and clear focus of my administration”
“But this is about more than gun violence, this is about political violence. My friend, and she is a dear, dear friend of mine, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along with so many other politicians have had to fear for their lives just because someone crazy disagreed with them. This isn’t about politics, politicians are people just like all of you, we want to make the world a better place, and we have different ways of getting there, we look different, we come from all walks of life, sure, but that shouldn’t be a death sentence, it should be celebrated!”
Vice President Harris, you recently unveiled a plan for universal child care. This is similar to plans that have been proposed by Democrats in the past, but haven't gained much traction. Why is it this time you would be able to pass it, when it has failed under previous Presidents?
“We’re gonna get it passed because I’m not scared of the old, white men in Washington that want to disenfranchise the working parents of this country, and you know, that’s gone on for far too long! When I was little the idea of childcare was my mother taking me to her job and helping me clean tubes in her lab, but that simply doesn’t fly anymore”
“We need to get kids childcare and we need to get it done at absolutely no cost to parents, because that is simply how it should be, it is not a political issue is is a human issue and I know I sound like a broken record but under the Biden-Harris administration we had a plan for Universal Childcare but unfortunately we did not exactly have the entire Democratic caucus in the Senate on our side, so that is why this November it is not only important we keep a Democrat in the White House but retain our Senate majority and take back the House from Kevin McCarthy to complete the work we started in November 2020”
Closing Statement
“First off, I want to thank my fellow candidates for joining me here tonight to talk about the issues that affect the American people, you know it truly is astonishing how every 4 years politicians alike come together to debate the issues affecting the American people, and I know that despite out political differences we all deeply care about the American people so if the audience would join me I would like to give these 2 gentleman a round of applause”
“New Hampshire and Nevada you have a choice, the option to vote for the true progressive in this race, a candidate who believes in working with our global partners to take on the threat that is Russian and Chinese aggression, a candidate who believes in protecting the environment with clean and renewable energy which will give millions of Americans jobs, a candidate that takes the gun epidemic seriously and a candidate that will do everything in her power to expand healthcare to every American in this country”
“That candidate is Kamala Harris, and I hope to have your vote”

After the debate the Vice President huddled with her campaign team to debrief and discuss the night’s events, afterwards the Vice President boarded Air Force Two and arrived at a local Manchester airport and retired to bed at a local hotel.
January 29th - 30th | New Hampshire
On the 29th the Vice President kept a low key scale of appearances. She was noticed shaking hands at several local diners and she held a roundtable on reproductive rights in the home of a major women’s rights donor where she vowed to continue the work she has already put forth in terms of women’s reproductive health as well as touting her debate performance the night before.
After the event the Vice President knocked on doors in a local Manchester neighborhood where she reminded voters about the upcoming primary the next day, afterwards the Vice President huddled with her senior campaign team about the strategy for the next day win or lose for the campaign, afterwards the Vice President returned to her hotel to prepare for the next day.
On the 30th the Vice President visited her campaign office early in the morning to cheer on her local New Hampshire campaign team and urge them to go vote for her before the polls closed at 8. Afterwards the Vice President shook hands at a local restaurant urging people to get out and cast their ballots. Afterwards, she visited several shops and local diners to make small talk with voters, before traveling to Nashua to hold a rally in front of Air Force Two and knocking on doors.
“New Hampshire, after years of work, we’ve focused on the issues, we’ve met some incredible voters, and we’ve inspired countless people throughout the state! All because we have a dream, a dream called America! Not the America that we live in today, where corporations have too much power, where women don’t feel safe walking home alone at night, and where mass shootings happen endlessly, no. We dream of an America where all of mankind is truly equal, and if the founding fathers were still around today, we’d make their jaws drop, by not only electing our first female President of the United States, but by choosing a black woman, and a progressive champion who understands what it’s like to be among the 99% of overlooked citizens in this society! We dream of dismantling the patriarchy, we dream of protecting our environment, we dream of legalizing marijuana, that, that is the America that we dream of! That is the America that we are fighting for, and that is the vision for this country that will prevail tonight!
Get some rest, the results are imminent.”

Vice President Harris ended the day by settling into her hotel with her family and staff, and awaiting the final results
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2022, 05:52:30 PM »

Vice President Harris fights back at Roy Cooper at Democratic Debate

“Roy, my dear friend, the only reason I’ve let you mercilessly slander my name is because I can disassociate better than you can enunciate, I’m not phased by your accusations because I have a responsibility to use this stage, that only three Americans are left standing on, to speak about the issues that matter to working people. I will respond to your attacks once, and then I will go back to championing the issues that matter. Your attacks on my record as a prosecutor are unequivocally hypocritical. You’ve berated me for executing the laws of my city when I was San Francisco’s district attorney, that was my job, I had a duty to the people of San Francisco and a duty to the people of the state of California. In fact, when I was Attorney General of California, I supported and advocated for proposition 64, which legalized marijuana in my state and led to the recreational sale of it in California by 2018.

Roy, you were the attorney general of North Carolina for 16 years. Marijuana was not legal in North Carolina from 2001 to 2017, how many people did your lawyers prosecute for smoking weed? This isn’t an issue that needs to be presented disingenuously, I’m thrilled that when you were Governor, you smartened up and legalized marijuana in the state of North Carolina. But we still need to, as I’m sure you can agree, do the same thing on a national level, I’m currently advocating for that as Vice President. Too many people are watching this debate from a prison cell tonight, because of the racist marijuana laws that we have in this country. If any of those people are watching, as someone who has made that mistake in the past, I’m fighting really, really hard to get you out of there.

I have been a punching bag, too many times in my life, for the older, whiter, more charismatic men in the room. I refuse to let you do that to me, Governor Cooper. There’s your long awaited response, now let’s talk about the issues that matter to the American people instead of spouting nonsense just because you want to win.”
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2022, 10:21:39 AM »

Vice President Harris declares victory in New Hampshire

Doug Emhoff:
Ladies and Gentleman, my wife and the next President of the United States, Kamala Harris!
(Work That by Mary J. Blige plays as VP Harris walks out)
Kamala Harris:
“New Hampshire…thank you!!! Thank you so much!”
“It’s been a long two years, but I am honored to be the first black woman in American History to utter these words…we have just won New Hampshire’s Democratic Presidential Primary!!!”
“Without taking away any credit from my friends in Iowa, *laughs*, I just want everyone to stop for a minute and to think about the magnitude of this moment. This was not a country that was built on the idea that people who looked like me could make it here, and that’s a sad truth. But nevertheless, thousands of you went to the polls today, you voted for a progressive champion, and a black woman to lead this party into the General Election! And even though many more states need to make their voices heard, we are ready to get back out there and to win Nevada, to win the state that sent Joe Biden to the White House, South Carolina!”
“And to win many more times after that! Because if there’s one thing that Governor Cooper, or Secretary Kerry should know, it’s that this girl doesn’t give up!”
“Speaking of the Governor, I just want to thank him for a race well run, and obviously we should applaud his supporters for coming out and voting in this primary today. Whether you voted for myself or for Roy Cooper, whether you come from the rolling fields of Coos county, or the hustle and bustle of Manchester, you have the right to join your neighbors, head to the polls and pick the next servant of the people to serve as President of the United States, that is Democracy! That is America!"

"And it’s gonna take all of us, America, to keep a Democrat in the White House, whoever she may be!”
“I also wanted to thank, from the bottom of my heart, our amazing campaign team and volunteers that made these wins possible! Without you I don’t know where our campaign would be today and with your help we are going to win this primary, we’re going to take the fight to Donald Trump, and we are going all the way to the White House!

And not only that, but you know how we like to make history! We’re gonna shatter that glass ceiling once and for all and prove to every little girl across America, you can be anything you want to be, including the most powerful person in the world!”

“So! This has been an incredible night, but it’s not over! We have to keep on moving! We have every right to celebrate, but tomorrow morning we need to get out there and continue our fight! Winning the Presidency was never meant to be easy, so I need your energy these next few months, and I need you to keep that energy all the way to November where we will shut Donald Trump out of the White House for the second time in a row!”
“And when we get to the White House, we have a lot of work cut out for us, it’s time for a President in the Oval Office who is gonna build on the work of the Biden-Harris administration to continue to build up our infrastructure, someone who is going to build on the work of the Biden-Harris administration’s strong stance on Climate Change and Gun Control! Someone who isn’t worried by the old white men in DC that are running scared of the idea of a larger, more diverse Supreme Court that truly looks like America!”
“If you’re satisfied with some of the work that the Biden-Harris administration has done, then you’ll want to join us! If you wish that this administration would do more, then you’ll also want to join us! Because if it isn’t Biden, then it might as well be Harris! *Laughs*”
“New Hampshire! I love you and I will be back soon! Thank you all so much and I will see you all in Nevada, where we will win again!”
(Vice President Harris is joined on stage by her family and waves to her supporters as “Work That” plays)
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2022, 04:45:12 PM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule (Pt. 2)
Kamala Harris for the People

January 31st - February 1st (morning) | Washington D.C
Vice President Harris will arrive in Washington very early in the morning off of Air Force Two after leaving Manchester on the heels of her win in New Hampshire, she will then answer press questions and make jovial remarks about her wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, she will then be motorcaded to One Naval Observatory where she will spend the rest of her evening until early in the morning.
Early in the morning the Vice President will be transported to the White House to look over the Presidential Daily Brief in the Oval Office with President Biden and their national security advisors, afterwards she will work in her office catching up on any work that may have stacked up in her absence on the campaign trail, and she partake in an extra long meeting with her staff to catch up on recent events.
Early in the afternoon the Vice President, Second Gentleman, President, and First Lady will be transported to the Capitol to pay their respects in the Rotunda of the Capitol to President Carter and will attend a small Congressional service in the Rotunda as well.
After the service the President and Vice President will visit the office of Majority Leader Schumer to discuss the upcoming fiscal budget, as well as to have a nice lunch of sandwiches provided by Leader Schumer, afterwards the Vice President will return to the White House and prepare for her upcoming remarks at the Wounded Warrior Project in Washington, DC in President Biden’s stead.
The Vice President would then be driven to the venue and would give the following remarks;
“When I look around this room I see a group of people who have chosen a life of service and a life of selflessness. And to have the opportunity to come here on behalf of President Biden, it’s truly an honor. I stand here today, proud to be your Vice President. And as your Vice President I can assure you that the President and I have spent the last 3 years working tirelessly on your behalf, and as this administration prepares to wrap up in the next year, I am hopeful that whoever succeeds us next January will build on the work we have done to make life easier for, and to honor you incredible people.”
After the event the Vice President returned to Number One Observatory Circle to prepare for the funeral of President Jimmy Carter the next day, and to have dinner with her family. Out of respect for the Carter family, the Vice President called her staff and ordered all operations to be on pause until the day after the funeral and her return to D.C.
The Vice President would leave for Georgia early in the morning before President Biden in order to greet him on the tarmac. The Vice President would also be accompanied by the Second Gentleman, Former Vice President’s Mike Pence, Dick Cheney, and Dan Quayle, as well as Former Second Ladies, Karen, Lynn, and Marilyn
February 1st | Georgia
The Vice President and the former Vice Presidents landed at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport where they greeted members of the Carter family and awaited the arrival of Air Force One, with President Biden and his wife, as well as Former Presidents and several dignitaries aboard.
After the entourage landed, the group sat for coffee and tea with the Carter family before being driven to the Carter Center for the Service, where she made small talk and took several photos with other attendees, including Governor Cooper and Secretary Kerry before finding her seat in one of the first few rows.
After the service the Vice President gave brief remarks to the press about the legacy of President Jimmy Carter;
“What else can I say about President Carter that President Biden didn’t so eloquently say today in his eulogy? A man of great character, known for his wonderful statesmanship, and truly a man of God, President Carter’s legacy shines bright everyday and I truly pray that future generations will understand and appreciate how indebted we are to him.”
Afterwards she made several social media posts to commemorate the 39th President, as well as her attendance on that sad day. The Vice President then caught up with President Biden and discussed recent family events before joining the Carter Family for lunch after their private burial.
After lunch, the President and Vice President met with voting rights activist Stacey Abrams and thanked her for her work in expanding access to voting rights in Georgia as well as complimenting a well run race for Governor in Georgia and urging her to consider a third run in 2026 where there will be no incumbent. Then the group left in their two separate planes, with the Vice President’s leaving in Air Force Two and arriving in Washington in the evening. She once again had dinner with her family at the Vice Presidential residence and made preparations to leave for Nevada early the next day.
February 2nd - 3rd | Nevada
The Vice President arrived in Nevada early in the morning and immediately went to her Vegas campaign field office to celebrate with her staff on her recent New Hampshire win, there she chatted with her young volunteers and thanked them for their work before leaving attending a town hall where Harris touted her record as Attorney General of California, particularly in regards to fighting big banks
After the townhall the Vice President made a quick stop at a small business in a less developed part of town where she bought a bright purple jacket and promised to wear it when she won the Nevada Primary. Afterwards the Vice President was asked about the Cooper campaign’s withdrawal from Nevada to focus all of their efforts on South Carolina.
“Well, I am focused on winning every delegate and every state that I possibly can because all voters matter to me, and despite what anyone thinks I am going to campaign for every vote in this incredible state, because I believe that the people of Nevada are important enough to be listened to. This is a state that we need to win in November, a state that is ranked 49th in Education, 47th in opportunity, 39th in Health Care, these are issues that I’m working to fix as Vice President, but that the next Administration will also have to tackle, so it’s important that Nevadans know that candidates are taking these issues seriously. Now, let’s be clear about South Carolina, I fully intend to compete there. It’s a state where a large majority of voters agree with my platform. Issues such as criminal justice reform, protecting the environment, ‘cause as you know with great South Carolinian cities like Charleston and Myrtle Beach being right on the coast they have witnessed the horrors of climate change personally, poverty is through-the-roof in some of the larger cities, there, and so I’d like to help those that are struggling. I intend to compete in both of these states and to talk about the issues, and whatever Governor Cooper does is his prerogative, but I think that every vote matters, and that shouldn’t be debatable.”
Later, Vice President Harris met with members of the Culinary Workers Union and pledged to raise the minimum wage in her first term as President, she also would talk with other union leaders and would invite them to the Vice President’s Official Residence in Washington at a later date.
On the 3rd, the Vice President started her day by attending a rally in neighboring Reno where she touted her plan to codify Roe v. Wade into law when elected President
“And let’s speak some truth, a woman today has less rights than a woman in America 50 years ago, think about that and we have to be willing to take this seriously, now is not the time for us to put our guard down, and so like I said in the debate here not to long ago, under a Harris administration I will make it a priority to codify the right to abortion into law because we need to make it clear that women’s rights are human rights and human rights are non-negotiable!”
Afterwards the Vice President attended a town hall with voters where she answered questions and promised to do everything in her power to expand access to healthcare when elected President, afterwards the Vice President boarded Air Force Two en route to Charleston where she will spend the 4th and 5th before returning to Nevada.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2022, 11:17:24 PM »

Vice President Harris reaffirms support for the SCNA

During a campaign stop in Las Vegas, Vice President Harris had this news to share about the recent news on the "Stop Corruption Now ACT"

"The matter is this, if the vote is brought to the floor I fully expect a lot of our members in the Democratic caucus to vote for it and hopefully some Republican's but if it's being here in Nevada giving a speech on primary night, or being in Washington breaking a tie on this momentous legislation that will hold everyone regardless of their background accountable, I will be doing my job as Vice President first, and not as a presidential candidate.

Afterwards the Vice President Harris called Senator Tammy Baldwin on 3 way with President Biden to once again pledge their support for the bill.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2022, 11:54:27 PM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule (Pt. 1)
Kamala Harris for the People

February 4th | South Carolina
The Vice President will arrive in Charleston, SC by Air Force Two and greet local elected officials on the tarmac and make a joke about Governor Cooper’s already large campaign presence in South Carolina, afterwards the Vice President will give brief remarks to the press already situated on the tarmac before being driven to a rally at Summerville High School.
“Thank you! It’s so good to once again be back in Charleston after 2 great wins in Iowa and New Hampshire! And with your help South Carolina you are going to take us all the way to the White House! Because unlike some candidates in this race I believe every state is important in this race! And I intend to compete in all 50 states and the territories!
Now I know that this primary has seemed divisive, and bitter and downright nasty but I promise you that as President I will be a uniter for all Americans! Whether you voted for me or not because that is the job of a President! To unite and bring people together! And I sincerely hope I can gain your support!”

After the event the Vice President attended a town hall with supporters and undecided voters, there she stressed her plan to expand child care to low income families, especially those who struggle to pay for childcare, and it would become a large plank of her platform and would be mentioned in her stump speech from now on.
Afterwards the Vice President had a zoom meeting with President Biden on the SCNA and was informed she would likely to be in Washington on Primary Day (much to her disappointment) Afterwards the Vice President visited her local campaign HQ and thank volunteers before boarding Air Force Two and departing to Nevada.
February 5th | Nevada
The Vice President arrived in Nevada before the sun rose and would retire to her hotel to catch a few extra hours of sleep before moving forward with her last full day of campaigning in the state of Nevada.
The Vice President would go to local small business stores and shops shaking hands with voters and urging them to vote for her in tomorrow’s primary, while also being kept up to date by her advisors on the affairs of Washington and finally being confirmed that she will have to potentially split a tie. Afterwards the Vice President attended a rally at the University of Nevada, Reno.
“Nevada, tomorrow you have a clear choice to make, you can vote for a divisive, bitter and vindictive America like you have seen some candidates in this race prop up, or you can votr for a stronger, more united, more open and more inclusive America, now is not the time for us to get complacent! We have a fight on our hands let’s be clear about that! But I wouldn’t have become District Attorney if I wasn’t prepared to fight! I wouldn’t have become Attorney General; if I wasn’t prepared to fight! I wouldn’t have become a Senator! If I wasn’t prepared to fight!
I wouldn’t have become Vice President if I wasn’t prepared to fight and I wouldn’t have had the audacity to run as a black woman for President of the United States and be the frontrunner if I wasn’t prepared to fight! Thank you all so much!”

After the rally, wearing the purple jacket she promised a small business owner she would wear if she won the primary, the Vice President would record a message for her supporters if she was unable to make it back in time to address them in person. Afterwards the Vice President would spend the rest of the evening in Nevada meeting supporters and undecideds late into the night before retiring for bed and preparing to leave for Washington in the morning.
February 6th | Washington D.C
The Vice President arrived in Washington D.C early in the morning and was driven immediately to the White House for the PDB and for a meeting with President Biden and Democratic Leaders on the SCNA. Afterwards the Vice President caught up on work in her office before moving to the Capitol to stay on high alert if she is needed to break a tie.
The Vice President also laid out a contingency plan for her staff in Nevada over a group video chat where she laid out 2 plans for the night.
If the Vice President can make it before the race is called, she will hopefully already be in Nevada and the vote would have already taken place, making her presence in person to address her supporters.

If the Vice President is unable to make it back in time, The Second Gentleman and the Vice President’s sister, Democratic strategist, Maya Harris will address supporters in Nevada and thank them for their hard work and wish for them to understand the important role the Vice President has in the passing of the SCNA.
With those plans put in place the Vice President would spend primary day being the Vice President, hundreds of miles away from the primary.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2022, 08:54:53 AM »

Vice President Harris breaks tie on SCNA

"Alright *chuckle* on this vote the Yea's are 50, the Nay's are 50, the Senate being equally divided the Vice President votes in the affirmative and the bill as amended is passed" *slams gavel*

After breaking the tie the Vice President would chat with a few Senators before quickly leaving the Capitol to depart for Nevada.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2022, 06:09:08 PM »

Vice President Harris address victory part in Las Vegas, Nevada

“Wassup, Las Vegas!”
“Well! I gotta say, here in Vegas you need 3 in a row for a jackpot and I gotta say we just hit the jackpot in the primary race! *laughs*”
“First off I wanna thank all of my supporters here tonight, our amazing campaign team and volunteers none of this would have been possible without all of you! It truly means the world to me that we have gotten this far despite doubts raised by the pundits, you didn’t let the so called political experts silence your voice! And I thank you for getting out and using your right to vote!”
“Of course I have to acknowledge Governor Cooper and the campaign he was running here in Nevada, and to all of you who voted for Governor Cooper, I hope you all know that it’s gonna take all of us to win the White House this fall, whether it be me, Governor Cooper, or Secretary Kerry, it’s gonna take a coalition of energized voters ready to move forward for the better of this country, and one thing we can’t risk is handing the White House over to Donald Trump or Vince McMahon.”
“So I need your energy! This is only the beginning! So as we move forward in this race I am so glad to have been supported by a diverse and energized group of Americans ready to continue the policies of the Biden-Harris administration! It’s gonna take all of us to protect a woman's right to choose! It’s gonna take all of us to protect our national security! It’s gonna take all of us to make sure our babies are not hiding from a gunman but instead learning in a safe community! It’s gonna take all of us and I am prepared to fight!”
“So, Nevada thank you once again! And onward to South Carolina and then across the nation!”
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2022, 08:37:09 PM »

Harris campaign prepares for South Carolina and Super Tuesday

With the South Carolina Primary and Super Tuesday contests around the corner, the Kamala Harris For The People 2024 campaign is ramping up operations in a goal to create a larger and near insurmountable distance between herself and her 2 primary opponents. By deploying resources into must win states such as Texas, California and multiple states in the East Coast area, the campaign is ready to show they are prepared to go beyond Super Tuesday if necessary.

The campaign is expected to put up a fight in South Carolina, but are willing to softly forfeit it to the Cooper campaign in order to expand on their possible wins on Super Tuesday, although the campaign will be the first to say that a win in South Carolina would be a major boost to their campaign and a killer for the Cooper campaign, although some corners of the campaign have begun whispering over what affect a contested convention would have on a potential Harris ticket and whether it would damage them going into a general election matchup against Trump.

Nevertheless the campaign is displaying nothing but confidence as they move into the next phase of the primary.
John King wannabe
Jr. Member
Posts: 385

« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2022, 06:53:52 PM »

Vice President Harris Campaign Schedule
Kamala Harris for the People

February 11th - 12th | South Carolina

February 11th:
Vice President Harris will land in Charleston. South Carolina in the early morning after her decisive win in Nevada, there she will greet reporters and talk about her plan to compete in South Carolina, Super Tuesday and beyond if necessary before bidding farewell and being driven to a local Charleston High School for a senior town hall.
“Look, we can not risk Republicans gaining power and taking away our fundamental rights, like the rights many of you seniors have in here that pertains to Social Security and Medicare programs that you spent your entire life paying for, and I promise you as President I will do everything in my power to fight back against anybody who aims to strip away the rights that millions of Americans have earned!”
After the event the Vice President visited her local campaign HQ in Charleston and met with her ground team in South Carolina and was told that the campaign would be better suited at narrowing the margin of a Cooper victory than outright winning in order to put more resources into Super Tuesday. Therefore the decision was made to begin scaling back South Carolina resources and distribute them across the country.
The Vice President would spend the rest of the day meeting supporters in local Charleston neighborhoods and knocking on doors personally to encourage undecided voters to vote in the upcoming primary and specifically to vote for her campaign.
February 12th:
On the 12th the Vice President would continue her tour of the state of South Carolina where she would make a clear and direct appeal to undecided voters at a rally near City Hall where she stressed her experience to become President.
“This year marks 20 years since I started my journey in public service, serving as District Attorney of San Francisco. And despite what some of my opponents believe *chuckle* my record of public service has always been for the people, whether that be as DA of San Francisco, Attorney General, a United States Senator and yes even Vice President of the United States
My experience speaks for itself, so I hope that on March 2nd when you see the names on the ballot, you look at mine and vote for the candidate with the experience necessary to serve!”

After the rally the Vice President attended a roundtable with climate activists where the Vice President voiced her concern and once again reaffirmed the Biden administration’s focus to cut greenhouse gasses in half before 2050 and an ambitious goal to make solar and wind energy the top 2 power sources in the country by 2030.
February 13th | Texas
The Vice President will arrive in Texas on the 13th and immediately head to a voter registration effort put out by her campaign to register voters in Fort Worth, Texas in preparation for the Texas primary, the campaign would use internal date specifically to target voters leaning towards Harris or even unregistered Harris supporters and get them registered to vote for Super Tuesday.
After the drive the Vice President would visit a small business restaurant and talk to the owners about the upkeep of the shop and the struggles that they encounter when it comes to their business. The Vice President would then temporarily become a waitress for the store for around 30 minutes and would hold small talk with patrons.
After the Vice President attended another policy roundtable focused once again on global warming.
“I mean, here in Texas you all have seen first hand the devastating effects of climate change, and that is why I am so committed as President to getting the job done to reverse the most damaging effects of climate change, And I just want you all to know that I once again pledge President Biden’s plan to reduce and cut greenhouse gasses in half by 2050 and as I said in South Carolina I think it was yesterday, I wanna make solar and wind energy the top 2 sources of energy by 2035, and that’s a huge goal of mine”
The Vice President would leave the state late at night to return to California.
February 14th | California
The Vice President will arrive in Los Angeles to spend Valentine's Day with the Second Gentleman.
The Second Couple will spend their day at home before leaving for dinner at night at a local steakhouse before spending the rest of the night at their Los Angeles residence.
February 15th | Virginia
The Vice President will arrive in Richmond, Virginia where she will first meet with student advocates working for an elimination of student debt to hear their concerns, there the Vice President will make a major campaign pledge to do everything in her power to eliminate student debt in her first year in office.
After the event the Vice President would visit her local campaign HQ where she would chart a path to victory in Virginia, and is reminded that Virginia is a great help to putting the primary behind them and moving on to the general election. There the Vice President would also finish her remarks for an official speech as Vice President before she is driven by motorcade to Washington.

February 16th | Washington D.C
The Vice President will catch up with her duties as Vice President at the White House there she will receive the President’s Daily Brief in a meeting in the Oval Office with President Biden and attend an event for small business owners where she will tout the Biden-Harris’ administrations commitments to small business owners.
“So, President Biden and I have worked tirelessly everyday to support our small businesses’ to lift up our small business owners and you know in the last 11 months of this administration we are looking forward to continuing the work
And would I be wrong to get a little excited about the work I plan to do? *laughs* I’m kidding you guys! I’m kidding!”

The Vice President would then return to the Naval Observatory to host a party for a departing communication staffer in the Vice President’s official office who would be leaving to join the campaign in an official capacity.
Then she would spend the rest of the day at the Naval Observatory.

February 17th | Rest Day.
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