Dynasties and Empires - Gameplay Thread (End of 1521)

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Author Topic: Dynasties and Empires - Gameplay Thread (End of 1521)  (Read 11476 times)
Atlas Icon
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« on: October 31, 2018, 12:03:16 PM »
« edited: December 11, 2018, 10:41:38 PM by Lumine »

The Cast:

In Western Europe:
Kingdom of France: King Francis I Valois (Windjammer)
Kingdom of England and Ireland: King Henry VIII Tudor (Dkrol)
Kingdom of Portugal: King Manuel I Aviz (HenryWallace)
Kingdom of Castile and Aragon: King Charles I Hapsburg (Spamage)
Kingdom of Scotland: Lord Protector John Stewart, Duke of Albany (Garlan Gunter)
Republic of Venice: Doge Leonardo Loredan (GoTfan)
Papal States: Pope Leo X Medici (Kalwejt)

The Rulers in the East:
Kingdom of Denmark and Norway: King Christian II Oldenburg (JacksonHitchcock)
Kingdom of Hungary and Bohemia: King Louis II Jagiellon (YPestis25)
Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania: King Sigismund I Jagiellon (Kingpoleon)
Teutonic Knights: Grand Master Albrecht von Hohenzollern (NewTennesseanPolitician)
Grand Duchy of Moscow: Grand Duke Vasily III Rurik (King Saul)

The Sultan and the Shah:
Ottoman Empire: Sultan Selim I Osman (Dereich)
Safavid Empire: Shah Ismail I Safavid (Tim Turner)
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2018, 12:51:11 PM »
« Edited: November 02, 2018, 10:53:37 PM by Lumine »


War Units:

Drawing from the BoP/SoD tradition Dynasties and Empires will be abandoning the use of precise troop numbers due to the historical context, which didn't feature professional and standing armies (other than elite units), was limited in its army sizes due to logistics, and happened to have wars being excessively costly for monarchs to maintain for long. Whilst retaining my old dice system granted bonuses and penalties depending on the context, players will wage war with the use of Field Armies of their own national troops, and Mercenary Regiments recruitable from three different manpower pools.

Three things to have in mind:

1.- It is assumed your national territories have garrisons. Overseas territories - such as colonies - are likely not to be garrisoned during this era due to the sheer cost, unless noted otherwise by the player or should the area be a war zone - such as most of 1519's Spanish America or the Asian Portuguese colonies -. That means national territories will be defended in case of war, but in order to be able to attack you need to assign extra troops.

2.- Logistics matter. A general rule of thumb for Christian rulers is that while one Field Army in a given region can reasonably be supplied and remain well equipped, combining two or three in a single place might bring serious supply issues unless careful planning is used or the territory invaded could supply those forces. In the case of the Safavids and Ottomans, it is generally believed up to four or five armies could be supplied in a single theater, but at a very large cost.

3.- In this age, armies are VERY expensive. If you're not careful a long war could easily drain your treasury and lead to desertions, economic and internal strife and other such problems. Be careful when deciding not only when, but how to go to war.

Now, regarding units:

Field Armies: It is assumed each field army is comprised of roughly 10,000 to 15,000 men, including infantry, cavalry and artillery when that last one is available. Since these armies are made up of recruits rather than professional forces, they recieve no special bonuses on training. As a final note, countries that cannot mobilize more than a single army are still able to send troops to colonize, particularly in the Portuguese case.

Mercenary Regiments: A mercenary regiment is considered to be comprised of 4,000 men, more expensive than the regular troops but equipped with training and fighting bonuses so long as you can continue to pay their salaries. You can choose to recruit from the ultra-expensive Swiss mercenaries to the mid-priced Germans, to the cheaper but less efective "Europeans" (meaning non-Swiss or German mercenaries, such as Italian, Irish, Scottish, from the Balkans, etc).

Navy Units: For simplicity's sake we will treat navies as a single "ship" unit, with the understanding that the specific navies of each country are indeed different (an Ottoman ship would not be the same as a Venetian one).

Current Armies and Navies:

Kingdom of France:
Can mobilize up to four field armies.
20 ships.

Kingdom of England and Ireland:
Can mobilize up to two field armies.
30 ships.

Kingdom of Portugal:
Can mobilize up to one field army.
60 ships.

Kingdom of Castile and Aragon:
Can mobilize up to six field armies.
25 ships.

Kingdom of Scotland:
Can mobilize up to one field army.
6 ships.

Republic of Venice:
Can mobilize up to one field army.
120 ships.

Papal States:
Can mobilize up to one field army.
No navy.

Kingdom of Denmark and Norway:
Can mobilize up to one field army.
30 ships.

Kingdom of Hungary and Bohemia:
Can mobilize up to two field armies.
No navy.

Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania:
Can mobilize up to three field armies.
5 ships.

Teutonic Knights:
Can mobilize up to one field army.
5 ships.

Grand Duchy of Moscow:
Can mobilize up to two field armies.
No navy.

Ottoman Empire:
Can mobilize up to eight field armies.
100 ships.

Safavid Empire:
Can mobilize up to four field armies.
No navy.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2018, 10:28:31 PM »
« Edited: October 31, 2018, 11:21:56 PM by Lumine »

Turn One: 1519

The Cast:
In Western Europe:
Kingdom of France: King Francis I Valois (Windjammer)
Kingdom of England and Ireland: King Henry VIII Tudor (Dkrol)
Kingdom of Portugal: King Manuel I Aviz (HenryWallace)
Kingdom of Castile and Aragon: King Charles I Hapsburg (Spamage)
Kingdom of Scotland: Lord Protector John Stewart, Duke of Albany (Garlan Gunter)
Republic of Venice: Doge Leonardo Loredan (GoTfan)

The Rulers in the East:
Kingdom of Denmark and Norway: King Christian II Oldenburg (JacksonHitchcock)
Kingdom of Hungary and Bohemia: King Louis II Jagiellon (YPestis25)
Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania: King Sigismund I Jagiellon (Kingpoleon)
Teutonic Knights: Grand Master Albrecht von Hohenzollern (NewTennesseanPolitician)
Grand Duchy of Moscow: Grand Duke Vasily III Rurik (King Saul)
Kingdom of Sweden: Lord Regent Sten Sture the Younger (Kalwejt)

The Sultan and the Shah:
Ottoman Empire: Sultan Selim I Osman (Dereich)
Safavid Empire: Shah Ismail I Safavid (Tim Turner)

Player Crisis:

Francis I Valois:
-Popularity: High
-Legitimacy: Very High
-Economy: Medium

Your Majesty,

-With the death of your rival Emperor Maximilian the Holy Roman Empire is now up for grabs, and for the first time in decades the election promises to be heavily competitive. Indeed, you're seen as one of the two strongest candidates, but the election itself poses quite a dilemma. On one hand, victory for Charles I and the Hapsburg would mean consolidation for a realm which already poses a threat and would be a bitter blow to your prestige, and on the other, reaching the Imperial Crown would in all probability require almost outrageous amounts of bribes and it might weaken your economic standing too much. What will you do?

-Even as the Treaty of London was signed last year it becomes clear that the goal of "eternal peace" across Europe is unlikely to last very long. Over the past few years France has benefited from a productive set of alliances with Venice, Scotland and the Pope, although the rise of Charles I and the potential for Henry VIII joining an European alliance are a cause for concern. What course should French diplomacy follow?

-A message from Metz has arrived for you, bearing the signature of the Richard de la Pole (the "White Rose"), the surviving Yorkist claimant to the crown of England and once an ally of King Louis XII. De la Pole writes in humble request of your support for his claim to the throne, arguing not only that the Tudor dynasty has no right to the English throne but that France would undoubtedly benefit from his friendship should he be victorious. Will you respond to the White Rose?

Henry VIII Tudor:
-Popularity: High
-Legitimacy: High
-Economy: Medium

Your Majesty,

-With the last pregnancy of Queen Catherine having resulted in the premature death of a daughter, you are still left with the ongoing problem of having no male heir to the throne and only Princess Mary as a legitimate offspring. On the other hand, Bessie Blount has just given birth to your bastard Henry, decisively proving that you can indeed father a healthy son. How will you address the complex matter of the succession, and what is to be done about little Henry FitzRoy?

-As Charles and Francis are set to fight each other for the Imperial Crown there are some who wonder on whether it might be possible for a different candidate to win. Indeed, there are many who have openly expressed their wish that you should enter the race for Emperor and that, while an outsider, it would be possible to win as the more experienced alternative compared to the still very young Francis and Charles. While entering the Imperial election would probably mean an enormous amount of expenditure it could also bring you an unexpected seat of power in Europe. Will you do it?

-Even as Cardinal Wolsey has pushed for the Treaty of London and constantly encouraged the role of England as an arbiter for peace in Europe, the Cardinal is also fully aware of the importance for England not to be isolated from what appears to be an upcoming conflict between France and Spain. Indeed, he is already encouraging you to explore the possibilities of an alliance and see which power could offer you the most. Will you seek alliances with one of the main powers? Or will you seek friends elsewhere?

Manuel I Aviz:
-Popularity: Medium
-Legitimacy: Very High
-Economy: High

-Distressing news come from Spain as it is confirmed that the traitor Magellan will indeed lead a Spanish expedition to try and find the "Spice Islands" and potentially lead to the entry of a colonial rival on Asia, currently a region in which Portugal strongly benefits from not having competition. There are many who advocate deploying a fleet or a naval squadron to hunt down Magellan and put an end to his expedition, even at the cost of a major diplomatic incident with the Hapsburgs. What will you do?

-One of the dreams of your life has always been the prospect of a Crusade to drive the Turks out of Europe, particularly given the stunning victories of Sultan Selim against the Safavids and the Mamluks and the rise of his military power. Alas, past attempts at a crusade have resulted in nothing as funding assigned by the Church ends up wasted or spent elsewhere. Will you try to revive these dreams on your own and perhaps bring other monarchs on board?

-While Portuguese garrisons and settlements in Africa and Asia begin to grow despite the natural limits imposed by logistics and population, the land claimed in Brazil remains unpopulated and ungarrisoned, creating the potential danger of another power aiming for the region. On the other hand, it isn't entirely clear whether the cost of settlement or garrison would be advisable against the much greater wealth to be won in the East. What should the Portuguese policy on Brazil be?

Charles I Hapsburg:
-Popularity: Low
-Legitimacy: High
-Economy: Medium

-Your grandfather Maxmilian is dead, and the Holy Roman Empire is now up fo grabs in the upcoming election. While it is felt among your circle and family that the throne belongs to you and only you, the German princes and ambitious monarchs such as Francis and Henry (even the Pope) might think differently. On the other hand, even with the still mixed state of your economy Spain can be a reliable, major sourced of income if exploited, and it could give you the edge on the election. How will you fight for the imperial crown?

-While there is still plenty of time to think about marriage, there are those in the Court who wonder if - as Ferdinand is the sole male heir at this point - it wouldn't be advisable to start searching for a proper bride to start a family early and before events take an unexpected turn. A marriage would certainly bring the benefits of a dowry and a potential alliance with another European kingdom (at a time in which Francis retains strong allies of his own), although it might tie you down for future obligations depending on the match itself. Will you search for a bride?

-As Spanish domination begins to take hold in most the Caribbean and Panama it becomes clear that the Americas are far, far larger that what was previously believed. Up to now the exploration and conquest has been based on a mostly "private" model, in which conquistadors fund their own expeditions with royal permission. While this has dramatically reduced the expenses of colonization, it has also meant a lack of control regarding where expansion takes place, and some have warned of the dangers of conquistadors eventually waging an aggressive war on their own. Will you seek to alter the current system?

Duke of Albany:
-Popularity: Low
-Legitimacy: Medium
-Economy: Low

-Over the past couple of years you've thoroughly enjoyed your time residing in France as a guest of King Francis, the Regency being protected and held by your allies and lieutenants back in Scotland. There is, however, a relevant question to be asked on whether it is wise to continue residing so far away from home, or to simply stay in France despite the current alliance between both nations. Among your entourage there are those who urge caution and a return to Scotland, and a bolder group actually advocates further travel to Rome to meet the Pope and gain potential support for your Regency, an act which would decisively bolster your legitimacy. Where will you go?

-The past six years following the disaster at Flodden have featured a most distressing and complicated situation in the Scottish-English border, with Tudor soldiers constantly pursuing raids north of their border and contributing to a sense of chaos and disarray with their constant sackings of anything of value that can be found. The situation is grave enough to pose a danger to the stability of the Kingdom, although putting a stop to the raids by force could invoke the wrath of the mercurial Henry. What will you do?

-One of the main provisions of the renewal of the alliance with France two years ago was the promise of a French bride for your young ward King James once he comes to age, a match that could cement the good relationship between France and Scotland for good. There are some who wonder if it might not be a good idea to cement this promise by actually arranging a formal betrothal of the young King with someone like Francis's daughter, although at the risk of further enraging your exiled enemy the Queen Dowager. Will you pursue this avenue?

Leonardo Loredan:
-Popularity: High
-Legitimacy: High
-Economy: Very High

-The rise of Selim I and the Ottoman Empire has caused much fear and tension within Venice, particularly as the increase naval and military power of the Ottomans places your eastern holdings in Crete, Cyprus and the Aegean at serious risk. The loss of such islands would certainly be a disaster for Venice, and something to be avoided at all cost. Just how will you deal with Selim's rising ambitions and might?

-Over the past few years Venice has been allied to France, a relationship which yielded some benefits in the last war despite substantial losses. As the political situation in Europe begins to shift once again and with a new Emperor to be elected, there are those who wonder whether Venice should stay the course in support of Francis or seek different alliances in light of the current French domination of Milan.

-The ongoing weakness shown by the Kingdom of Hungary and Bohemia has been the source of much speculation and gossip within the Republic, particularly given the youth and apparent lack of power of Louis II. While on one hand Hungary is a relevant bulwark when it comes to Ottoman expansion in the Balkans, it could also be argued that their weakness presents an opportunity on by itself for further expansion. So what should the Venetian policy on Hungary be?

Christian II Oldenburg:
-Popularity: Low
-Legitimacy: Medium
-Economy: High

-Ever since you executed the powerful Torben Oxe the nobility of the Kingdom has become very hostile to you and your centralized rule, wasting few opportunities to criticize the present policies, the promotion of the commoners instead of the nobles, and particularly, the fact that you continue to have a woman like Sigbrit Willoms as one of your chief advisers. With the sustained demands from the nobility to dismiss Willoms - unofficially slandered as a witch -, will you yield to them to seek reconciliation?

-Two attempts to recapture Sweden in the past decade have failed and yielded significant damage to the reputation of the Kingdom, and the longer the anti-unionists and the Regent maintain the Swedish autonomy the larger the danger of unilateral and permanent independence becomes. Some of your military advisers urge a new invasion even at the cost of hiring mercenaries, although a third defeat could open up dramatic problems of its own. How will you deal with Sweden?

-The newly opened Imperial Election has brought up a curious opportunity for your kingdom, if properly exploited. Through your sister Elizabeth you are the brother-in-law of the Elector of Brandenburg, and due to the harmonious marriage between Elizabeth and Joachim Nestor it is not impossible to think that the Elector could be swayed to voting for your chosen candidate if you're persuasive enough. Will you try to meddle on the election and influence Brandenburg?

Louis II Jagiellon:
-Popularity: Low
-Legitimacy: High
-Economy: Very Low

-While only thirteen years old you have finally reached an age in which you can being to assert yourself and take control of your vast domains, and at a time in which Hungary and Bohemia require strong leadership. The regents who have disastrously led the Kingdoms for the past few years remain in place and the powerful but ailing Cardinal Bakócz is still the leading voice at court, promoting friendship with Venice and the Hapsburgs. How will you assert your rule?

-Despite the enormous internal troubles faced by your realms the main threat may very well be an external one. Selim I has risen to an almost overwhelming amount of power, and with whispers in the air about a new Ottoman campaign Hungary could very well be next in line for the expansion of the Turks. With a disastrous financial state and a need for allies and support, how will you keep Hungary safe from the Ottoman Empire?

-As the Imperial Election approaches you're called to fulfill a crucial role as one of the Electors, and your vote could very well prove decisive in the election. While most believe your vote will necessarily be an automatic vote for Charles given the marriage ties, some wonder if this might be a decent opportunity for Hungary to receive something in return. One issue that has been discussed at court is how despite the marriage by proxy Mary von Hapsburg resides in Austria and is still being educated there, and that the betrothal of your sister Anne to Ferdinand von Hapsburg hasn't yet become a formal marriage. How should this opportunity be exploited?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2018, 11:21:11 PM »
« Edited: November 02, 2018, 11:34:29 PM by Lumine »

Leo X Medici:
-Popularity: Medium
-Legitimacy: Very High
-Economy: Low

-With the death of the Emperor the new election poses quite a challenge, and will require some degree of skill to navigate without harming the Papacy. While Papal support on by itself could not sway the election it could be a decisive edge to some of the contenders, or even turn unlikely candidates into credible challengers for the crown. As having a friendly Emperor would be a decisive factor in bolstering the strategic situation of the Papacy, how will you intervene in the Election?

-While the calls for a Crusade over the past two years were serious from your end, the effort appears to have dissipated once again as a substantial amount of the funds (particularly those entrusted to Hungary and Cardinal Bakócz) ended up wasted. With the Ottoman Empire seemingly stronger than ever and Sultan Selim believed to be preparing for further warfare, should the calls for a Crusade be renewed once again?

-The ongoing debates in Germany over the need for reform with the Church continue to grow in intensity while the popularity of the reformers increases, even when a handful of able men like Johann Eck try to fight and contest the arguments of the reformers. Following Cardinal Cajetan's failure to get the friar to recant (and not having dared to arrest him due to the legal protection of the Elector of Saxony), the situation is currently at a complex standstill. Men like Eck and Cajetan stress the importance of fighting the ideas of Luther and his followers at every turn, the Papal nuncio von Miltitz (disagreeing with Cajetan) believes compromise is still possible, and others believe Luther should be made to suffer the punishment for heretics, regardless of the political cost. How will you react?

Sigismund I Jagiellon:
-Popularity: Medium
-Legitimacy: High
-Economy: Low

-Following several years of ruling over Poland and Lithuania it remains a source for concern that your are still to sire a male heir, opening up a dangerous situation with the young Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia being the closest male relative. On the other hand, Queen Bona is very young and just gave birth to her first daughter, meaning that a male heir could come soon. Will you take action on the matter of the succession or wait for a male heir which the nobility would elect as King once the time comes?

-The war with the Grand Duchy of Moscow has dragged for years, and following a smashing defeat of the Moscow forces four years ago their latest attempt to siege Polotsk also resulted in failure. With Vasily III still standing somewhat strong, will you seek peace with Moscow or try to seize the initiative in this long, bitter and bloody war?

-Even as the Moscow Prince takes much of your attention, there is also a complex matter to solve when it comes to the troublesome Teutonic Orders. For years the Grand Master has refused to submit as a vassal of the Kingdom of Poland, and has taken his resistance to the outrageous extent of calmly allowing Teutonic raids on Polish territory. How will you deal with Albert's persistent insolence?

Albrecht von Hohenzollern:
-Popularity: Medium
-Legitimacy: Very High
-Economy: Medium

-For years you've managed to resist the outrageous demands from Sigismund and Poland to submit to their rule, but after years of war there is a growing sense of exhaustion within the lands of the Order. The current raids may also be a source for a renewed war, one which the order would need to fight with great efficiency in order to successfully fend off. Just how will you handle the ambitious Polish King?

-One of the main sources of trouble for the Teutonic Order is the current lack of appropiate allies, even accounting for your family ties in Germany and the mostly symbolic Papal support (further reduced following conflicts with Rome). Should you try and ally yourself to Moscow, even when they remain unrepentant and refuse to return to the Catholic fold? Denmark, despite their current problems handling Sweden? Sweden itself, even at the cost of angering the Danish King?

-Even if your authority is strong and unchallenged in Prussia itself, the decentralization in the Baltic has led the "Livonian Order" to become significantly autonomous in many aspects, particularly given the brilliance of Master Wolter von Plettenberg. There is certainly a debate to be had on whether it would be advisable or desirable to increase the level of control over that area, particularly as war appears to be likely. How will you handle the matter of the Livonians?

Vasily III Rurik:
-Popularity: Medium
-Legitimacy: High
-Economy: Medium

-Much like a few other European monarchs, you face a major problem within your family over the lack of an heir. Fifteen years of marriage have simply failed to produce a single pregnancy, leading to strong rumours of your wife being barren and unable to produce children. Even more worrying is the fact that should you die the throne will fall to one of your unmarried brothers - so far forbidden to marry -, a fate which you have long considered a potential disaster for Moscow. With your wife remaining strongly supported by the Clergy, just how will you solve this matter?

-The last campaign against Lithuania resulted in another disappointing failure upon defeat the siege of Polotsk, opening further questions about the constant warfare between both realms. Now that the latest battles have resulted in defeat but the Poles could face another enemy in the face of the Teutonic Knights, how should the war proceed? Should peace be sought out? A new offensive launched? Or... something else?

-Even if the Poles and Lithuanians are your biggest enemy, the Crimean Khan Mehmed I Giray is a foe not to be underestimated, and his latest moves suggest an intention to start a new campaign against a yet undetermined target. Will you try to deal with Mehmed or with his Ottoman overlords in anyway, or will you take no action in hopes that their goal is to sack a different nation?

Selim I Osman:
-Popularity: High
-Legitimacy: Very High
-Economy: High

-Congratulations, Mighty Sultan, on your latest and resounding victory over the Mamluks. After a period of rest in Istanbul there are many who believe the time is ripe for the next military campaign, and there is much discussion as to who should be the next target for invasion. Some point out to the Safavids and the continued survival of Ismail despite the heavy defeat of a few years ago, some to Hungary and the known weakness of the present government, others to Venice and the constant trouble posed by their navy and Aegean positions, and others to the Knights of St. John and the thorn that Rhodes continues to represent. Should the Ottoman armies move to war once again?

-For the past few years the Safavid Empire has been punished through a most severe embargo, which has meant constant vigilance and even the execution of any merchants coming from Persia or trying to cross into Persia. While this has significantly damaged the Safavid economy and cut many of their ties to Europe it has also heavily hurt the Silk industry and other economic areas, hurting increasing numbers of citizens and threatening to become an economic drain sooner rather than later. Will you alter present border policy with the Safavids?

-One of the most concerning developments in the South now that you hold the Mamluk territories in Egypt and Arabia is the rise of the Portuguese Empire across the Indian Ocean, expansion which if left unchecked could mean the Empire being cut off from India and other territories, a complex prospect to face. Do you have any plans to contain Portuguese influence in Asia?

Ismail I Safavid:
-Popularity: Medium
-Legitimacy: High
-Economy: Medium

-Following defeat at the hands of Selim I you have managed to regain much of what was lost and re-stabilized your Empire, but a high personal cost. Indeed, it is believed the strain of past defeats has led you into an unhealthy life increasingly away from governing affars as Vizier Mirza Shah Hossein (who continues to proclaim his strong friendship and unyielding loyalty to you) grows much stronger. While some would argue the Vizier has proved his loyalty, others believe him becoming too powerful could become a serious problem. How will you handle the Vizier?

-The continued trade embargo by the Ottoman Empire remains a source for much trouble within your dominions, having damaged industries and commerce and pushed the Safavid economy into a complex spot, some advisers believing it might not take long before the effects become truly disastrous. On the other hand, the embargo on goods like silk is also damaging for regions of Europe such as Italy and continues to drive some prices up, which could open an opportunity for alliances with European powers. Just how will you deal with this embargo?

-Over the past few years the Portuguese have expanded more and more into Asia and the Indian Ocean, and even fought you on a limited basis from time to time. The situation has created quite a rift within the court, as some consider the Portuguese a mortal thread that ought to be expelled from the seas while others either consider Selim the greater danger or point out that the lack of a navy would make it difficult to fight the Portuguese. How will you handle the relationship with Portugal from now on?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2018, 11:29:45 PM »

Special Event: 1519 Imperial Election

Preview: With the death of Emperor Maximilian I, a new election to choose the next Holy Roman Emperor has been scheduled. While the strongest contenders appear to be Francis I of France and Charles I of Castile-Aragon, there is talk and speculation concerning Henry VIII of England and perhaps even a darkhorse German candidate. What appears to be certain is that whoever wins the Imperial crown will be forced to spend large sums in bribes given the reputation of a majority of the electors. Right now, the fate of the Empire is on the hands of Louis II of Hungary (Bohemia), Louis V of the Palatine (Palatinate), Frederick III of Saxony (Saxony), Joachim I Nestor (Brandenburg), Albert of Brandenburg (Mainz), Richard von Greiffenklau zu Vollrads (Trier) and Hermann of Wied (Cologne).

Rules: The deadline for this Special Event is Tuesday afternoon. Until then players will be able to fight this election through intrigue, bribery, negotiations and other moves (creativity will be rewarded), and Louis II of Hungary (YPestis) will have to PM his vote for Emperor to me. Feel free to fight it in public or in private, and once the deadline is crossed I shall announce the election of the new Holy Roman Emperor. Have fun!
YaBB God
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« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2018, 01:32:29 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland, do hereby declare myself a candidate for the election of Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. At this time with the rising threat from the Moores in the East, the Empire requires a strong man at its helm and in command of its armies. Only I stand ready, able, and tried in the field to be equipped to protect Christendom and Western Humanity from its many threats. The election of any other would be a folly of the most foul.
YaBB God
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« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2018, 02:24:01 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim that Henry FitzRoy is recognized as my son and will be styled as Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond and of Somerset.

Futher, I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim the following, to be confirmed by the Parliament at its next session.

Upon my eventual death, all my realms and holdings will pass to the Princess Mary.

Should the Princess Mary have predeceased me, all my realms and holdings will pass to Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond and of Somerset.

Should both the Princess Mary and Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond and of Somerset have predeceased me, all my realms and holdgins will pass to the descendents of my eldest sister, Margaret.

No child born of my legitimate marriage will ever come after Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond and of Somerset in the order of succession for my realms and holdings.
Huey Long is a Republican
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« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2018, 07:49:18 AM »

Grand Master Albrecht von Hohenzollern of the Teutonic Order

I, Grand Master Albrecht von Hohenzollern of the Teutonic Order, demand that all raids on Polish Territory be halted immediately and any men leading said raids to be given a trial. It is wise that the order not anger the Polish and give them a just cause for war, as we are much weaker then them.

At the same time, we offer our neutral ground for a discussion of a possible Peace treaty between the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania and the Grand Duchy of Moscow as long as the Polish agree to at least three terms that are to be discussed at a later date.

Finally, I, Grand Master Albrecht von Hohenzollern of the Teutonic Order, request that Master Wolter von Plettenberg of the "Livonian Order" to declare his loyalty to the Grand Master of the Tuetonic Order until his death and for an increase of control of the region with several prussian officials watching over the region. Let it be known that should they commit any crimes while watching over the region, they will be tried and jailed accordingly to their crime.
Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2018, 11:16:14 AM »

The Duke of Albany, Governor of Scotland, and the Lords of the Scots Privy Council, commend the King of England's acknowledgement of his sister, nephew and niece's rights in the succession to the southern realm, but strongly condemn his unjust and impious promotion of a mere bastard over all these.

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« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2018, 02:32:13 PM »

To the most noble houses of my domain and bessed Princes of the Empire,

   After great consideration, and much consultation with advisors, I, King Charles of Spain, announce that I will not accept the title of Emperor, last held by my beloved grandfather, should the Imperial College elect me. Instead I urge the choice of my younger brother and heir, Prince Ferdinand, a most brave and noble heir to the late Emperor Maximilian.
   It is only right for the Empire to be ruled by a leader which can give it his full attention, not having to simultaneously handle their own Kingdom, such as Castile or France. Being the sovereign of a seperate and most noble people in Hispania, Flanders, Naples, the Americas, and Austria, I cannot in good conscience claim to govern the Empire in addition to my existing patrimony. Prince Ferdinand however, will be able to be a German Emperor for the German people, something they ought not be denied. I can think of no one better suited to ensure the people of the Reich are kept safe in the midst of numerous external threats. Ferdinand, like me, is the descendant and heir of Emperor Maximilian and Emperor Frederick III.
   Furthermore, should the Imperial College choose to elect this most glorious scion of the House of Habsburg, I will ensure that he will have adequate territory so as not to have to rely on the numerous Imperial Princes as a source of revenue. They ought have no fear, as my beloved brother knows well the various privileges of the landholders in the Empire. In short, he would be the right sovereign for the people of the Empire.
   As my brother is still learning to rule, I would not be opposed to acting as regent on his behalf for a mere year or so until he is fully settled in the Empire. I can think of several other brave and noble figures who could likewise assist.

God's will be done,
    Charles I, by the Grace of God, King of Castile and Leon, King of Aragon and Sicily, King of Naples, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Duke of Brabant, Duke of Limburg, Duke of Luxembourg, Count of Artois, Count of Flanders, Count of Hainhault, Count of Holland, Count of Zeeland, Count of Charolais, and Count of Barcelona.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2018, 01:01:53 PM »

On the Dangerous Disagreements within the Universal Church

Acknowledging there are problems affecting the Universal Church that must be adressed one way or the other, the Vicar of Christ decided it would be the wisest for him to act like a father of grown, quarreling sons who must step up and mediate between his beloved offsprings with all kindness and understanding so they may forgo their differences.

For said reason, His Holiness is willing to grant Doctor Luther a safe passage to and from Rome, shall he agree to show his own good will by appearing before the Pope to have a frank discussion about the future of the Church.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2018, 01:21:07 PM »

Sigismund I, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania

We, the descendant of two Emperors, the Habsburgs, the Jagiellons, and great nobility throughout Europe, are prepared to announce our succession: Our naturally legitimate children shall come first, followed by Jan of the Lithuanian Dukes, our papally legitimate son. Jan shall, in the meantime, be named Count of Warsaw. Should we pass away prior to the majority of our rightful heir, Count Jan of Warsaw, Duchess Barbara of Saxony, Casimir II of Cieszyn, George Zapolya, and Charles of Podebrady shall become co-regents, with Count Jan of Warsaw taking precedence over the other four.
YaBB God
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« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2018, 02:10:59 PM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim that Thomas Cardinal Wolsey, Chief of my Ministers, shall travel to Frankfurt to represent my campaign for Holy Roman Emperor to the Imperial College and the great Prince-Electors. He is granted full power and authority to speak and act on my behalf.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2018, 02:30:49 PM »

King Christian II of Denmark & Norway

I Christian II Oldenburg King of Denmark & Norway proclaim that I will be seeking the title of Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2018, 07:38:59 AM »

Proclamation from the King of France
After careful considerations, I have decided I will not participate to this election and instead back his majesty the King of England Henry VIII
King Henry VIII is by far much more qualified than the Habsburg candidate who hasn’t reached adulthood yet. The Holy Roman Empire needs an emperor qualified given all the troubles they are facing. Electing a child, and who is landless, will instead be incapable of maintaining peace inside the Holy Roman Empire. The Archduke of Austria literally proclaimed that his goal will be to find a suitable realm for his brother should he be elected. As he’s not ready to renounce to any of his possessions, that means one thing : starting a war to get an additional territory for the Habsburgs.

Furthermore, King Henry VIII has proved himself to be a careful diplomat and has negotiated with the Kingdom of France this agreement below suitable to both of the Kingdoms, something a 15 years old wouldn’t be able to do.

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Atlas Institution
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« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2018, 09:56:36 AM »

1. We are giving a careful consideration whether to extend Our Apostolic blessing toward one of the candidates to the Holy Imperial Throne. The ideal situation would be for the Pope and the Emperor to be occupied with their own affairs without undue interference from the other side. However, having been approached by some candidates already, We have been already dragged into this election.

2. Given We are not only the Vicar of the Christ, but also temporal ruler of the State of the Church, let it be known that serious measures for bringing greater welfare to our temporal subjects are to be formulated and implemented.
YaBB God
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« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2018, 11:26:00 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim, confirm, and affix my name and seal to the Treaty of Calais.

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xKing Henry VIII Tudor
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« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2018, 02:42:01 PM »

A Proclamation on the King of the Germans

I, the Sultan of Sultans, the emperor of Rome, the sovereign of sovereigns, the dispenser of crowns to the monarchs on the face of the earth, the shadow of the God on Earth, the Sultan and sovereign lord of the Mediterranean Sea and of the Black Sea, of Rumelia and of Anatolia, of Karamania, of the land of Romans, of Dhulkadria, of Diyarbakir, of Kurdistan, of Azerbaijan, of Persia, of Damascus, of Aleppo, of Cairo, of Jerusalem, of all Arabia, and of many other lands which my noble fore-fathers and glorious ancestors (may God light up their tombs!) conquered by the force of their arms and which my August Majesty has made subject to my flamboyant sword and my victorious blade, Sultan Selim Khan, believe my input into this choice of German King should be heard.

I heartily endorse my good friend, King Henry of England. King Henry is a friend to all Islam and I thoroughly enjoy doing business with him. I foresee his election meaning great things for myself and for all Dar al-Islam. The German electors should feel lucky that he has deigned to allow them to name him their ruler.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2018, 07:38:46 AM »

The Bull

Having received a proper request by the interested party to rule on a delicate matter, We, the Pope, hereby declare there are sufficient theological grounds to declare that the marriage between our faithful son and most rightful Governor of the Scottish Realm, John Stewart, Duke of Albany, and Anne, Countess of Auvergne,  is and always was invalid in the eyes of our Lord, thereby freeing the Duke to enter into a valid matrimony.

x Leo X
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« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2018, 12:09:28 PM »

Sigismund I, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, Duke of Ruthenia, Duke of Silesia

We, the descendant of six Emperors(Henry VII; Louis IV; Rudolph I; Albert II; Sigismund I; Charles IV), the Palaiologos, the Komnenos, the Angelos, Theodore I Laskaris, the Latin Emperors, the Habsburgs, Charlemagne, the Jagiellons, and great nobility throughout Europe, are prepared to announce a new declaration: We will attempt to become Holy Roman Emperor. The English and Spanish are foreigners, whereas my family include the Sforzas, the Hohenzollerns, the Přemyslids, the House of Wettin, the House of Luxembourg, and the House of Wittelsbach. May the Divine Judge choose between the others and I, so that the Holy Roman Emperor is His chosen servant.
YaBB God
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« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2018, 12:56:01 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim and denounce the alleged support of the Moorish king in the East. His words are viper's poison, aiming only to divide and fracture the great Christian Kings of Europe, just as the poison of the viper of Eden aimed to divide and fracture Adam and Eve from the Lord our God.

His alleged support is truly a ploy and a trap, to turn supporters away from my candidacy as Holy Roman Emperor because he fears what my Imperial authority would mean for the Moores - defeat. No one stands as tall, as able, or as proven in battle to be able to keep the Moores at bay and protect Christendom. The Holy Roman Emperor is the Guardian of Christendom, the Knight of the Lord our God, the Sword of Righteousness. There can be no peaceful coexistence between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Moores, as one represents the good and the light and one represents the evil and the dark.

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England and Lord of Ireland, do fully and irrevocably reject the alleged support of the Moorish king and urge all across Europe to not be fooled by the dark wolf's tricks.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2018, 01:27:23 AM »

A Proclamation from Venice

The Most Serene Republic of Venice does hereby declare that its ports and islands are no home to masterless pirates or privateers in the service of foreign powers. Should any band of rogues attempt to make a home for themselves in Venetian territory, they shall be hunted down and exterminated with extreme prejudice.

x Doge Leonardo Loredan.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2018, 06:59:58 AM »

After careful consideration, the Holy Father had found sufficient theological grounds to hereby recognize Katarzyna and Regina as fully legitimate daughters of King Sigismund.

x Leo X
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2018, 09:14:09 AM »

On Indulgences

While His Holiness is far from repudiating the practice of selling indulgences as sometimes necessary measure to collect revenue needed by the Holy Church, he realizes the great theological and moral controversy said practice generates. In the interest of expediting reconciliation within the Church, His Holiness declared the practice being suspended indefinitely.

On Queen Dowager's Marriage

Having received a valid request from an interested party, His Holiness authorizes his Nuncio in Scotland to investigate whether there's sufficient ground to declare marriage of the Queen Dowager and the Earl of Angus as invalid.

On the Imperial Election

After long consideration, the Holy Father had decided he will not make a public statement of approval or disapproval to any candidacy.

On Doctor Luther

Due to practical difficulty preventing Doctor Luther from traveling to Rome, as well as being himself unable to leave the vicinity of Rome, His Holiness has decided to task Nuncio von Miltitz with conducting talks in his name.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2018, 11:34:51 AM »

After careful consideration, the Holy Father had found sufficient theological grounds to hereby recognize Katarzyna and Regina as fully legitimate daughters of King Sigismund.

x Leo X
His Majesty, King Sigismund, does most appreciate this sign of wisdom from the Pope. Katarzyna shall become Countess of Kiev, and Regina shall become Countess of Vilnius.
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