Dynasties and Empires - Gameplay Thread (End of 1521) (user search)

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Author Topic: Dynasties and Empires - Gameplay Thread (End of 1521)  (Read 11473 times)
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« on: November 01, 2018, 01:32:29 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland, do hereby declare myself a candidate for the election of Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. At this time with the rising threat from the Moores in the East, the Empire requires a strong man at its helm and in command of its armies. Only I stand ready, able, and tried in the field to be equipped to protect Christendom and Western Humanity from its many threats. The election of any other would be a folly of the most foul.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2018, 02:24:01 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim that Henry FitzRoy is recognized as my son and will be styled as Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond and of Somerset.

Futher, I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim the following, to be confirmed by the Parliament at its next session.

Upon my eventual death, all my realms and holdings will pass to the Princess Mary.

Should the Princess Mary have predeceased me, all my realms and holdings will pass to Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond and of Somerset.

Should both the Princess Mary and Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond and of Somerset have predeceased me, all my realms and holdgins will pass to the descendents of my eldest sister, Margaret.

No child born of my legitimate marriage will ever come after Henry Tudor, Duke of Richmond and of Somerset in the order of succession for my realms and holdings.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2018, 02:10:59 PM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim that Thomas Cardinal Wolsey, Chief of my Ministers, shall travel to Frankfurt to represent my campaign for Holy Roman Emperor to the Imperial College and the great Prince-Electors. He is granted full power and authority to speak and act on my behalf.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2018, 11:26:00 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim, confirm, and affix my name and seal to the Treaty of Calais.

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xKing Henry VIII Tudor
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2018, 12:56:01 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim and denounce the alleged support of the Moorish king in the East. His words are viper's poison, aiming only to divide and fracture the great Christian Kings of Europe, just as the poison of the viper of Eden aimed to divide and fracture Adam and Eve from the Lord our God.

His alleged support is truly a ploy and a trap, to turn supporters away from my candidacy as Holy Roman Emperor because he fears what my Imperial authority would mean for the Moores - defeat. No one stands as tall, as able, or as proven in battle to be able to keep the Moores at bay and protect Christendom. The Holy Roman Emperor is the Guardian of Christendom, the Knight of the Lord our God, the Sword of Righteousness. There can be no peaceful coexistence between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Moores, as one represents the good and the light and one represents the evil and the dark.

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England and Lord of Ireland, do fully and irrevocably reject the alleged support of the Moorish king and urge all across Europe to not be fooled by the dark wolf's tricks.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2018, 02:00:40 PM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim, confirm, and affix my name and seal to the Treaty of Berwick-Upon-Tweed.

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xKing Henry VIII Tudor
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2018, 05:44:04 PM »

Henry VIII Tudor, King of England, France, and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim that the rumors of an Anglo-French-Ottoman alliance are just that: rumors. There is no love between myself and the Moores and any talk of an Anglo-French-Ottoman alliance is a farce.

I have renounced the alleged support of the Moores, publically and in private, as an effort to create strife and discord among the Christian Kings of Europe. Now I must further renounce these poisonous rumors as an effort to create strife and discord among the Christian Kings of Europe by one of the other candidates for Holy Roman Emperor. It is appalling that any man would peddle such vile and clearly false rumors among the Christian Brotherhood in an effort to win an election.

Protecting Central and Eastern Europe from the clutches of the Moores is a main concern of mine and will be my chief goal if elected Holy Roman Emperor, as they have shown, by their interference in this election, they do not seek a peaceable relationship with Europe.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2018, 12:41:14 AM »
« Edited: November 07, 2018, 01:09:44 AM by DKrol »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim my thanks to the Electors of the Holy Roman Empire for their support and blessing on me through my election as Holy Roman Emperor. It is my wish to unite the Christian Kings of Europe into a new era of Catholic brotherhood and create a Europe where each man may stand tall and resolute in the face of any trials and tribulations, knowing that Emperor Henry VIII Tudor stands with him.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2018, 12:48:06 AM »
« Edited: November 12, 2018, 01:09:48 AM by DKrol »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim that the Treaty of Tordesillas, being promulgated by His Holiness Pope Julius II, will be enforced as the law of the Holy Roman Empire and all of Christendom. Any king found breaking the Treaty of Tourdesillas will face repercussions for doing so.

Further, I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim that Louis V of Palatine is to henceforth serve as the Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire, serving as the primis inter pares of the German princes and acting as my representative on the Continent.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2018, 04:09:54 PM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim that a new monastic order is hereby created with the purpose of spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in the New World and ensuring that the Gospel is being properly taught within the British Isles.

The order, to be called the Brothers of Saint George (the Georgians), is to be supervised by Richard Foxe, Bishop of Winchester. The Georgians are gifted Woodstock Palace in Oxfordshire as the house of their first monastery.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2018, 11:43:50 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim my displeasure at the great insult inflicted upon me through the marriage of the Duke of Albany to my dear sister, Queen Margaret of the Scots. As the most senior male in the Tudor line, it is both honorable and traditional to seek my permission for the union of holy matrimoney to take place. I was never consulted nor advised that this union was occurring and am deeply upset about it.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2018, 12:13:50 PM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby order that my dear sister, Margaret, the Queen of Scotland, and my dear nephew, the King James V of Scotland, travel to London with all due haste to be received at the Palace of Whitehall by myself.

The Duke of Albany, through his erratic nature and disrespect for the standards, norms, and rules of Christendom, has lost his right to rule as regent for my dear nephew. As the closest living male relative to the King of Scotland, I will serve as regent to the King of Scotland hencefore until his coming of age.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2018, 01:37:25 AM »
« Edited: November 17, 2018, 02:01:14 AM by DKrol »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England and Lord of Ireland, do hereby proclaim the following, to be confirmed by the Parliament at its next session.

Upon my eventual death, all my realms and holdings will pass to the Princess Mary. If the Princess Mary has not yet come of age at the time of my passing, the Queen Catharine will serve as her regent.

Should the Princess Mary have predeceased me, all my realms and holdings will pass to my sister, the Queen Dowager Margaret, her son the King James V of Scotland, and Princess Margaret of Scotland.

Should both the Princess Mary and the family of my dear sister the Queen Dowager Margaret, all my realms and holdsing will pass to my sister, Mary, Duchess of Suffolk and the children of her marriage to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk.

Further, any nobleman who raises a sword or pen in support of Richard de la Pole or the Duke of Buckinham in their rebellions, or any other rebellion, will face trial at the Tower and, if found guilty, be executed.

Further, the Treaty of Berwick-Upon-Tweed is hereby declared null and void on the ground of the treachery of John Stewart, the Scottish pretender. Berwick-Upon-Tweed is henceforth reclaimed as English territory.

Sir Robert Wingfield is hereby declared Lord Protector of the Marches and given command of Berwick Castle.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2018, 01:51:43 AM »
« Edited: November 20, 2018, 02:01:31 AM by DKrol »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland, do hereby proclaim that the following message is to be read from the pulpit of each church in the Kingdom on the Sunday hence and spread by the good Brothers of Saint George in town squares and public spaces.

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YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2018, 12:09:27 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland do hereby proclaim the following, to be confirmed by the Parliament at its next session.

A sales tax will be introduced in the realm. 5% of each monetary exchange is to be collected by the Justice of Peace for the county and given to the Crown.

A poll tax will be introduced in the realm. Each lay male over the age of 16 must pay one groat to the Justice of the Peace for the country to be given to the Crown.

These are temporary taxes aimed to protect our Kingdom from foreign invasion and will cease upon the securing of the realm.

Further, I, Henry VIII Tudor, do hereby proclaim that Martin Luther's teachings are contrary to those of the one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. His words bring people towards sin and mischief and away from the one true light of the Lord our God. This was the will of the late Pope Leo, as he had expressed to me in private communication.

Further, I, Henry VIII Tudor, do hereby order that all men lay down their arms against me, as Holy Roman Emperor. As the late Pope Leo showed with the excommunication of Edward Stafford, it is a sin to take up arms and rebel against your Lord. Men who lay their arms down at this time will be greeted with the Mercy of the Lord and treated kindly, and with forgiveness.

Further, I, Henry VIII Tudor, do hereby proclaim my support for my nephew, King Charles of Castile and Aragon, in the removal of the Duke of Guelders, for the Duke had taken up arms against his rightful Lord, as Edward Stafford had against me, and for which Edward Stafford has been excommunicated. It is only right that the standard that His Holiness set for Edward Stafford be applied across all of Christendom.
YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2018, 03:35:00 PM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland do hereby proclaim the following as my free and true thoughts on the actions of Martin Luther. They are to be read by all men of the cloth and spread across my realms and all of Christendom.

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YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2018, 01:52:18 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland do hereby proclaim the following message, delivered by me to my assembled followers in the town of Maidenhead in the county of Berkshire, be spread by the Justices of the Peace in town squares and public spaces.

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YaBB God
Posts: 4,558

« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2018, 11:48:57 AM »

Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland

I, Henry VIII Tudor, Elected Holy Roman Emperor, Forever August, King of the Germans, King of Italy, King of the Romans, and Coronated King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Regent of Scotland do hereby proclaim my unending support and fealty to His Holiness Pope Martin VI, the true representative on Earth of the Lord Our God.
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