The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32653 times)
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #150 on: June 18, 2016, 04:10:36 PM »

The People of China thank the OPA for their increase in willingness to trade. We will be accepting their advances with open arms. A Chinese Trade Delegation will travel to Istanbul to set up a trade route through the Middle East (around British Territory) to offer our resources like glue, tea, silk, sugar cane, tobacco, cotton, corn, and peanuts. We hope that this trade route will be the start of an illustrious friendship for many years.

We are most happy with the government of China taking up our offer. We're looking forward a long and fruitful commercial relationship.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #151 on: June 18, 2016, 04:24:06 PM »

Meanwhile, in London:

"This is BBC Radio News, reporting this evening on the ongoing Balkan crisis. Following the war declaration of the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Romania against Bulgaria, several Balkan nations have expressed their concern. Whereas Bosnia and Albania openly denounce the Bulgarian Tsar as an aggressor and a threat to peace in the Balkans, the Magyar Republic, Serbia and even Czechia have denounced the Ottomans instead as the aggressor, and warned that an invasion of Bulgaria would be unacceptable. The Kingdom of Greece has taken more drastic steps, ordering a partial mobilization of its armed forces and demanding Istanbul and Bucharest to enter the negotiation table or risk escalation of the current war."

More to follow.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #152 on: June 18, 2016, 04:28:21 PM »
« Edited: June 18, 2016, 04:36:22 PM by Stalinslav Dubienkin »

The Kingdom of Greece has taken more drastic steps, ordering a partial mobilization of its armed forces and demanding Istanbul and Bucharest to enter the negotiation table or risk escalation of the current war.

"No hostile moves toward Greece have been or are now anticipated by the government. We've made it clear years ago we have no issue with Athens. If Greece however uses military force, we are prepeared" - official in the Ottoman Foreign Ministry.

"If the French are willing to engage in a diplomatuc dialogue, we certainly would give a due consideration," was another comment.

(It is rumoured that when asked unofficially about Czech statement, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said "AYY LMAO", which is, of course, unattributable)
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #153 on: June 18, 2016, 04:40:18 PM »

I have never been opposed to diplomatic talks. I'm waiting for the PMs for anyone who would be interested to diplomatically talk with me.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #154 on: June 18, 2016, 05:24:42 PM »

A partial mobilization is ordered in response to a similar move taken by Greece.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #155 on: June 18, 2016, 05:38:32 PM »

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Constantinopole

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Abdülmecid II, Sultan of the Ottoman State and Caliph of Islam, wishes to contribute to forging closer ties with our allies and is interested in visiting several allied countries in official capacity.

(He may be a Sultan, but he should do some actual work from time to time. It's not like he'll spend his entire time on painting.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #156 on: June 19, 2016, 06:16:49 AM »

Communique from the Ottoman Petroleum Authority:

The OPA is most interested in trading with proven Ottoman friends in Europe, most notably Germany, as well as opening to new markets in China, Japan and Spain. Reconsideration or priorities should be viewed as a normal business decision, not a hostile political gesture. It is only natural that our allies have precedence.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #157 on: June 19, 2016, 11:17:27 AM »

Communique from the Ottoman Petroleum Authority:

After most satisfactory talks with our French counterparts, the OPA announces that oil sales to France will return to previous level with moderately increased prices.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #158 on: June 19, 2016, 11:28:48 AM »

(OOC: I confirm)
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #159 on: June 19, 2016, 01:06:00 PM »

Institutional Decree

On behalf of His Sacred and Imperial Majesty by the Council of Ministers.

1. Offices of Governors General are hereby abolished and replaced with position of Minister-Resident in each General Governate.
2. Minister-Residents of Azerbaijan, Greater Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Kurdistan shall take over Governors General role of representing the central government in their respective provinces, direct central government administration in the province and overseeing local authorities on the governates level.
3. Minister-Residents shall be simultaneously members of the Council of Ministers.
4. The General Governate of Anatolia is to remain under direct supervision of the central government.
5. Each General Governate, including Anatolia, shall have an Assembly, elected on a non-partisan basis (I guess there are no parties TTL) to participate in deciding on local affairs.
6. A local consultative council shall be established in the Ottoman Morocco.

For the Council of Ministers:
/-/ Ahmet Tevfik Pasha
Grand Vizier
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #160 on: June 20, 2016, 11:09:59 PM »

A Guide to the Balkans:
Or, I curse the day I broke up Austria-Hungary

Main States:

Austria, Galicia and what now is German: The once proud nation crumbled and collapsed in ethnic strife after the failure of the Ausgleich, the death of Charles I and the attempted Socialist revolution, which forced the German Government to send in the cavalry. Galicia and Austria were captured or annexed rapidly (the second with actual support from the population), the first given to Poland and the other a new German state. The armies of the Reich wanted to go deeper towards Prague and Belgrade, but a combination of the UK, France, Italy and other powers vetoed further German gains.

Czechia: Germany was not a fan of the idea, but forced to accept the existence of a Czech state (while taking for itself some parts of the Sudetenland), Czechia was born from the ashes of Austria-Hungary, led initially by Tomas Masaryk, the "Liberator". Whereas Masaryk's intention was to lead Czechia into democracy, he was shot down by a leftist agitator in the early 1920's. After the Czech Army step in a coup to restore order, Czechia is now ruled by a surprisingly popular military-aristocratic government in form of a council, currently led by General Jan Syrovy and Prince Karl von Schwarzenberg. It is at times at odds with the Magyars, but fears Germany more.

Magyar Republic:  The Hungarians were beyond tired of the Empire by the time the 1917 Ausgleich went by, and when Charles was murdered and the military government in Vienna blamed a group of Hungarian nationalists, a revolution was on the making. The Magyar Republic was formed in Budapest and soon grew to incorporate Slovakia, having to stop there due to the German intervention (which they deeply resented) and the war with Romania over Transylvania. Having broken their ties to the Habsburgs, the Magyar Republic (initially a soft-conservative semi-democracy) is a nationalistic, militaristic dictatorship led by the charismatic Gyula Gombos and his Deputy Pal Teleki, both men defending "magyar imperialism" and denouncing foreign powers for meddling in the Balkans, which brings them some support and tolerance in other countries.

Bulgaria: Utterly humiliated by the Ottomans in 1903 and forced to a Treaty that the nation hated, the Bulgarians waited for their moment carefully, even as their nation was mistrated by occupation forces. When the 1915-1916 crisis developed in the Ottoman Empire, the Bulgarian Resistance Army rose revolt, seconded by the surprise coup of the Bulgarian Tsar in Sofia. With the Bulgarians crushing the occupation forces and marching on Istanbul, the Young Turks signed a treaty giving Bulgaria its independence back. A stable yet autocratic government rules the nation with sporadic elections, led by Tsar Ferdinand the Liberator and Prime Minister Kimon Georgiev, with Prince Boris handling several government matters as well.

Serbia: Serbia rose in revolt against its King in 1905 and also in anger at the Austrians, placing Peter I as the new Serbian King. Serbia would prove a constant source of trouble for the military government of the Empire, tension that finally broke out when the Balkan Crisis erupted and Serbia gained its full independence from the Empire. With attempts to introduce parliamentary rule due to the early death of Peter (1908) and the disastrous reign of George (1908-1913) failing due to constant meddling by the Austrians, after the Balkan Crisis Serbia turned to autocracy by the grace of King Alexander I, popular and capable. While Serbia has guarded itself from being a source of conflict despite its ambitions, Alexander has spent a long time building up the Serbian military and economy, and has built strong ties to Greece and.

Greece: Living in peace as an Italian influenced vassal, the history of Greece proved uncontroversial for the most part, even if after the death of George I the ambition of King Constantine proved rather dangerous for the balance of power. Indeed, it has always been suspected (not confirmed) that the Bulgarian Liberation Army was funded by Greece, who could not enter the war directly on the instructions of Rome. When Italy itself turned to civil war Athens stopped being an Italian vassal, although the relationship with Rome remained surprisingly cordial. General Ioannis Metaxas rules the country, King George II his puppet.

Other: No need for me to give greater detail on the others. All that's needed (I think), is to know that Slovenia exists as a demand of the great powers to Germany (as a neutral buffer), that Bosnia and Albania remain very much linked towards the Ottomans, that Croatia has been perhaps the most unstable country in the area and as a result has to deal with the nationalistic government often influenced from Rome, and that Montenegro remains fairly neutral and peaceful. Romania you know from the backstory.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #161 on: June 20, 2016, 11:21:02 PM »

Spanish Civil War: January-March 1928

War Info:

People's Republic of Spain:
-Spanish Army: 56 divisions (31 inf, 7 cav, 18 mil)
-Spanish Navy: 2 BB, 7 CR, 18 DD, 11 SUB
-Spanish Airforce: 5 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings, 2 Transport Wings.

Carlist Spain:
-Carlist Army: 24 divisions (9 inf, 15 mil) - Includes remnants of the Catholic Army
-Carlist Navy: None.
-Carlist Airforce: 2 Fighter Wing, 2 Bombing Wing.

Alfonsist Spain:
-Alfonsist Army: 4 divisions (2 inf, 2 mil)
-Alfonsist Navy: None.
-Alfonsist Air Force: None.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #162 on: June 20, 2016, 11:23:00 PM »

Chinese Civil War: January-March 1928

War Info:

Chinese Empire:

-Chinese Army: 51 divisions (42 inf, 10 cav)
-Chinese Navy: 2 BB, 4 CR, 10 DD, 4 SUB
-Chinese Airforce: 6 Fighter Wings, 5 Bombing Wings, 4 Transport Wings.

Communist China:

-Communist Army: 31 divisions (12 inf, 2 cav, 17 militia)
-Communist Navy: No navy.
-Communist  Airforce: 4 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #163 on: June 20, 2016, 11:24:54 PM »

Russian Civil War: January-March 1928

War Info:

Provisional Government of Russia:

-Russian Army: 49 divisions (34 inf, 10 cav, 5 mil)
-Russian Navy: 1 BB, 3 CR, 4 DD
-Russian Airforce: 6 Fighter Wings, 2 Bombing Wings, 2 Transport Wings.

People's Republic of Archangelsk:

-Archangelsk Army: 13 divisions (9 inf, 2 cav, 2 militia)
-Archangelsk Navy: No navy.
-Archangelsk Airforce: 2 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #164 on: June 20, 2016, 11:31:03 PM »

Second Balkan War: January-March 1928

War Info:

Ottoman Empire:

-Ottoman Army: 43 divisions (35 inf, 7 cav, 1 mar)
-Ottoman Navy: 4 BB, 8 CR, 17 DD, 10 SUB
-Ottoman Airforce: 10 Fighter Wings, 4 Bombing Wings, 5 Transport Wings.

Kingdom of Romania:

-Romanian Army: 22 divisions (19 inf, 3 cav)
-Romanian Navy: 1 CR, 4 DD
-Romanian Airforce: 2 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings.

Tsardom of Bulgaria:

-Bulgarian Army: 26 divisions (21 inf, 5 cav)
-Bulgarian Navy: 2 DD
-Bulgarian Airforce: 2 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #165 on: June 21, 2016, 05:38:19 AM »

(OOC: Marvelous work, Lumine! I'm always impressed on how well you're handling such messy breakups XD)

From Radio Beirut:

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Atlas Politician
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« Reply #166 on: June 22, 2016, 05:00:37 PM »
« Edited: June 22, 2016, 05:06:24 PM by Chief Justice windjammer »

(Speech at the French Assembly if that still exists, it shall be read on all TV/radio/newspaper whatever)
My dear compatriots,

Europe is at war. In Spain, the current communist government is so terrible that their own people, currently suffering by their persecution, just decided to rebel against them. I’m glad that so many courageous frenchmen decided to join the fight against the communist regime. Communism is a disease, a disease that the illegitimate communist government in Spain is trying to diffuse in Europe. They tried to overthrow the Portuguese government, , and they failed. They’re trying as well in France, but French are too intelligent to fall for this failed ideology. But it is a given they will go after us again in the future, nothing will stop them in their quest of diffusing their failed ideology.

In the Balkans, the Ottoman Empire just shamelessly declared war against Bulgaria. The Ottoman Empire is currently the major ally of the German Empire, and it absolutely causes no problem to them to let who has absolutely no problem with letting the Ottoman Empire invade countries where many christians live. They want to completely dominate Europe but they’re scared of us. The Ottoman Empire just tried to destroy the French economy with their oil embargo. And when I threatened to declare war against them, they backed down. They probably believed that France was still led by these incompetents that made us lose the last war against Germany, by  those "all talk, no action" politicians, but I just proved them they’re wrong !

Considering the  bellicose nature of our enemies, it is imperative to destroy our enemies before they try to destroy us. That’s why the Spanish communist government must be overthrown at all cost. France (OOC : and Italy as well) hereby declares war against the Spanish communist government. Liberating Spain from the communists will not be easy, but is a necessity to prevent them from trying to destroy our great country.

God bless you and bless France

(OOC: Is War accepted? Can I sent the war moves tomorrow? (don't have tonight)
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #167 on: June 22, 2016, 05:07:40 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is disappointed with the French Republic deciding to escalate the crisis. We have made it clear we will not support the side that commence aggressive moves in this conflict and we will keep our word. We are even more disappointed that this decision came shortly after we've extended our hands towards Paris regarding the oil trade. Part of French statement regarding this matter is downright insulting.

The Ottoman Empire suspends all diplomatic relations with the French Republic and will seriously reevaluate it's futher policy.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #168 on: June 22, 2016, 07:32:47 PM »

Permission granted on French and Italian declaration of war on Spain. Windjammer, you are hereby granted control of the Carlist, Alfonsist and Italian armies too, and you can mobilize Italy and handle its foreign police for the time being (assuming Southern Gothic does not return). Domestic Italian affairs are off the table though, you do not control the Government itself or the Pope.

The BBC will be radioing another news reports tonight.
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« Reply #169 on: June 22, 2016, 11:09:10 PM »

"The French and Italian dogs have declared war on our glorious republic. These reactionary swine would shackle the will of the people and attempt to force a crown on us. They seek to restore superstition and a rigid social hierarchy back onto our shoulders, we cannot let them! Just as our forefathers rallied against the Bonapartes a century ago, I call on every Spaniard to resist the French with just as strong of a ferocity as our grandparents! Only by uniting in the face of such naked opprotunism on the part of the other nations will we be able to convince their workers to rise up and declare a People's Revolutions in their own lands.

I call on the international community to respond to this clear violation of Spanish national sovereignity. Think of all the innocent Spanish citizens who will be killed by French and Italian troops trying to seize our homes and enslave our nation! This naked agression has no place in the modern, civilized world and ought to be severely punished. Was it not so long ago that France regularly attacked its neighbors in a naked bid for power? It is time they and the Italian government halt their medieval, backwards ways and if it requires force to achieve this aim, then so be it.

Allowing this unwarranted attack sets a dangerous precedent, one that would reverberate across the globe. If naked imperial bids for power are allowed again, the international situation will become even more destabilized. Today their alliance attack my nation for being secular. What's next? It it too much of a stretch to believe they would attack the Ottomans for following the faith of Islam or Great Britain for its Protestantism?

Their alliance represents the ugliest parts of our past: reactionaries, superstition, and corruption. Their governments oppress the poor and cater to the rich. I remain resolved that this will be rectified. Spain will triumph against this evil and the Revolution will march on!"

-General Secretary Besteiro in a national radio address
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #170 on: June 23, 2016, 04:14:49 AM »

Diplomatic relations with Italy are hereby severed.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #171 on: June 23, 2016, 02:03:54 PM »

The most troubling is that foreign policy of certain great powers is now being driven by pure ideological considerations. Communism is as alien to His Sacred and Imperial Majesty's government, as it is to our counterparts in Paris and Rome. This is, however, an internal matter of Spain and violating their sovereignty over some new crusade is a very dangerous development. It's not Spain that tried to force their ideology over France and Italy. It's the other way around. Are we, as a Muslim country, to fear being attacked by one of these countries over religious issues? We're certainly highly alerted because of these events.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #172 on: June 23, 2016, 02:46:52 PM »

Statement from the Russian Government.

'The Kerensky Government hereby severs diplomatic relations with the communist regime in Spain who've supported the now weakened rebels in the North of Russia. We cannot allow the poisonous spread of Marxism around the globe; and for this reason the Russian Government is proud to announce our support for France and Italy. Stability and Peace must return to the Iberian Peninsula.'
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #173 on: June 23, 2016, 03:22:15 PM »

Territorial waters of the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hejaz are closed for any ships from or to Italy.

/-/ Ahmed Djemal Pasha
Minister of the Navy and Commander of Constantinople.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #174 on: June 23, 2016, 03:25:07 PM »

Territorial waters of the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hejaz are closed for any ships from or to Italy.

/-/ Ahmed Djemal Pasha
Minister of the Navy and Commander of Constantinople.
OOC: What the hell is Kingdom of Hejaz???
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