The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32706 times)
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« on: May 24, 2016, 03:10:22 AM »

The Ottoman Empire. Turn 1

1. Having always cherished our relations with the great Empire of Japan, Ahmed Nihad Effendi will be most happy to attend on behalf of the Sultan and pay his respects to the Emperor.

2. The Ottoman Empire shares a great deal of history with the people of Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In the interest of peace and stability in the region, we have long renounced our territorial claims in the Balkans (yes, Bulgaria, we actually mean it), but no one can expect that we should forsake our brothers in faith. Their welfare and security will always remain important to us, and it should not be seen as hostile towards any other state in the region. We are looking forward to exchange of ideas with Albania and Bosnia.

3. The Ottoman Empire applauds General MacArthur's efforts to bring peace and stability to his great homeland. We have greatly enjoyed our friendship with America in the past and never forget about this.

4. The Ottoman Petroleum Authority shall undertake active efforts to locate any futher sources of oil in the regions of Syria, Mesopotamia and Palestine. (I remember ordering this in the previous game, but if somehow nothing changed, I'll reiterate this again). Furthermore, the OPA shall investigate, whether our oil producing regions in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus can increase it's productivity.

5. The Ottoman Empire is a multinational state and it's people bound by shared history and the continuous present road to progress and welfare. Our Armenian brothers are integral part of this. (Non-public: secret police and the military counterintelligence shall take a close look at these serious allegations).

6. Having contacted our German allies, we task responsible agencies with choosing German companies to be awarded with contracts to improve our defense industry and to accommodate specialists send by the German government to help us. (See private messages)
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 05:07:26 AM »

The Ottoman Empire is applauding Grand Prince and Great Khan Felix Yusuf Yusupov's wise decision to embrace the Muslim faith. It will not only, we believe, strengthen the bond between His Majesty and his people, but also bring our two great nations closer together.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2016, 08:47:25 AM »

(OOC: Nice touch, Southern Gothic. You've got yourself a House of Lords, only made up of bishops only)

1. A delegation of Ottoman Navy and Air Force shall be dispatched to Sevastopol for a fact finding mission and consultations on possible development of Crimean own navy and air corps.

2. A delegation of the Ottoman Army shall visit Hejaz in order to asses the situation there.

3. The Ottoman ships, based in Syria, shall engage in regular patrols on Syrian and Palestinian coast.

4. Two submarines shall be sent to the Persian Gulf to watch the Saudi coast.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2016, 12:03:06 PM »

(OOC: Confirming trade pact with Spain)

The Ottoman Empire does not recognize a pathetic "government-in-exile", formed in Cuba by one failed former President. (Hang Hearst High)
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2016, 01:34:24 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is deeply concerned about the crisis situation emerging on the Iberian Peninsula. Having no vital interests in the region, as well as not representing either Catholic nor revolutionary politics, the Ottoman Empire would be willing to mediate between the two sides.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2016, 03:02:31 PM »

We believe Germany may indeed be posed best to hold such conference.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2016, 05:11:07 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is greatly disturbed by the crisis looming in Western Europe. Having suffered thorough many wars in our history, we believe that years of peace and stability greatly benefited all nations.

I most respectfully implore Italy and France to consider taking less belligerent attitude. We understand that Spain may be sensitive about their sovereignty.

The Ottoman Empire will, until last convinceable moment, support a peaceful resolution. However, any potential aggressor must realize that their action will make all countries of Europe very uneasy. We'll certainly adopt a very guarded attitude in such unfortunate event.

Last, but absolutely not least, we propose to the non-aligned powers, such as the United Kingdom and Japan, to support a mediation.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2016, 06:08:47 PM »

We applaud a common sense attitude regarding the criris displayed by Romania.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2016, 04:56:52 AM »

We echo the Japanese statement. There's no harm at all for any side to see what's on the table without preconditions. They are not make any commitments except for trying to talk issues over.

We sincerely wish to avoid this, but any relations between the Ottoman Empire and the side that initiate hostilities, would severely deteriorate. And that's not something we're looking forward.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2016, 06:22:15 AM »

3. The British Empire will stand firm against the spread of socialism. To the People's Republic of Spain we say that should any further action be taken to agitate the Portuguese monarchy and government, or indeed any other governments on this globe, harsh measures will be imposed upon the lands of Spain.

The Ottoman Empire is as uneasy about the possibility of spreading the revolution as the British Empire, and we understand London's concerns for their oldest ally, that is Portugal. We are feeling very similarly now, that our ally in Hejaz is facing threats as well from the Wahhabi barbarians.

However, we firmly believe that any unilateral military action against Spain by Italy and her allies would accomplish exactly the opposite: instead of destroying the revolution, it will only radicalize thousands of people in Europe and across the globe.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2016, 11:39:03 AM »

The Ottoman Empire wishes to make it explicitly clear: the policy of state atheism is as alien to us, as it's alien to France and Italy. What is, however, very important to us is respecting sovereignty of other nations.

We are also very disturbed that threats against Spain commended as we've just concluded a trade agreement with Madrid. Whether intentional or not, we can't regard it as a friendly act towards the Sublime Porta.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2016, 01:24:06 PM »

Any alien associated with a so-called "government-in-exile" in Cuba shall be placed under interment if identified on the Ottoman soil.

Any Ottoman citizen associated with a so-called "government-in-exile" in Cuba shall be placed under arrest for being a foreign agent.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2016, 01:49:14 PM »

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x Abdülmecid II*
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Caliph of Islam

*As told to sign by Enver Pasha
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2016, 03:48:35 PM »

Once again, we appeal to all sides to come to the table without preconditions. There is no harm in simply hearing out the opposite side. By simply agreeing to try you're conceding nothing.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2016, 04:22:25 PM »

We think it's crystal clear which side began agressive moves.

If the unfortunate happens, history will record that the Ottoman Empire wanted, without having any particular interests at stake, and attempted to secure peace.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2016, 01:24:13 PM »

It is our fundamental belief that all reasonable powers should do their utmost to settle any differences peacefully, by honest diplomacy. Having learned a great deal from our own long and complicated history, we are convinced the war cannot be the first, not the second resort. It's the last resort.

While we respect Italy's concern for Catholics, we are respecting each power's sovereignty even more. We would like to point out that the Ottoman Empire is a Muslim country and our Sultan bears the rank of Caliph. However, you don't see us provoking hostilities with Italy due to their rule over Muslims in Libya.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2016, 02:30:37 PM »

It is our fundamental belief that all reasonable powers should do their utmost to settle any differences peacefully, by honest diplomacy. Having learned a great deal from our own long and complicated history, we are convinced the war cannot be the first, not the second resort. It's the last resort.

While we respect Italy's concern for Catholics, we are respecting each power's sovereignty even more. We would like to point out that the Ottoman Empire is a Muslim country and our Sultan bears the rank of Caliph. However, you don't see us provoking hostilities with Italy due to their rule over Muslims in Libya.

And we would like to point out how the Italian government has never dared disrespect the rights of our Muslim minority. We never have and never will seek to disenfranchise them or deny them religious property.

(OOC: when have you enfranchised your colonial population? Tongue)
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2016, 05:52:38 AM »

The Ottoman Empire would be happy to send an humanitarian mission to help our Japanese friends with recovery after that dreadful calamity.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2016, 05:37:30 AM »
« Edited: May 30, 2016, 06:08:03 AM by Enver Pasha of Enverland »

Diplomatic statements:

1. The Ottoman Empire is deeply saddened with the unfortunate demise of Prince Carol of Romania. We would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the Tsar, the royal family and the Romanian people.

2. The Ottoman Empire continues to be gravely concerned with the crisis looming in the Iberian peninsula. We are alarmed with the Pope's proclamation and rumours about volunteer force being formed in Rome. As far as we are concerned, intervening via a proxy force is no diffrent than an open declaration of war.

The Ottoman Empire continues to recognize the legitimate government of the People's Republic of Spain. The rebels are not a credible political force, given their own internal divisions.

3. The Ottoman Empire is concerned with Cuba inflaming tensions by giving aid to the so-called "Government in exile". Having no particular interests in the region, the Sublime Porte is nonetheless sympathetic to General MacArthur's tireless efforts to bring peace and stability in the United States.

4. The Ottoman Empire has no designs on expelling our Armenian fellow citizens, despite sinister rumours that surfaced. Those 20,000 people were volunteers that took up offers of employment in Crimea and, as a firm ally to Crimea, we can only applaud.

5. The Ottoman Empire wishes to make it explicitly clear to the Magyar Republic, Greece and Bulgaria that our renewed closer ties with Albania and Bosnia are in no way directed against them. The Ottoman Empire has renounced all imperial designs in the Balkans, whether direct or indirect.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2016, 07:46:03 AM »

The Sublime Porte is confident that our Crimean allies had nothing to do with the tragic death of Prince Carol. We also do not believe that His Majesty the Tsar would participate in murder of his own brother, as rumoured by some nasty tongues. There are many dangerous forces lurking around and reaching any premature conclusion at this stage can only needlessly inflame tensions.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2016, 10:59:34 AM »

The Ottoman Empire. Turn 2

The Economy

1. An increased production of oil is a vindication of the government's continuous policy of economic growth. The course shall be continued. But we must remember that restricting ourselves to simply making money out of oil is not a right path. Such money must be used to finance a wide development and diversification of our economy.

2. An oil terminal shall be constructed in Basra to expand our oil trade with the East. A trade mission shall be dispatched to Tokyo.

3. Continue with establishing the arms industry.

4. Pursuant to our recently concluded agreement, a preferential trade with Spain shall be increased. A naval task force of two cruisers and three destroyers and two submarines shall be send to escort the convoys.

5. (OOC: sorry if such thing already exists, in such case just disregard) The plans to construct a railway linking the Ottoman Empire with Hejaz in order to stimulate our economies and to increase defense capabilities.

6. Recognizing there's a void to be filled, the Ministry of Finance is directed to establish a pilot program in a form of state-owned bank in Beirut, that would operate under the principles of sharia compliant finance.

7. Trade missions are to be dispatched to Albania, Bosnia and countries of Caucasus.

Policy on Nationalities

The Ministry of the Interior is hereby directed to undertake preparations for a full and modern census of the population. We shall seek technical advice from our allies in Berlin on how to conduct such project (because we don’t really know how Sad ).


Emphasize common Turkic heritage as well as the contrast between old days and the present. Too long have our Azeri brothers suffered under the yoke of Russian Slavic imperialism and Persian Shia regime. Now they are equal citizens of our realm. Their natural wealth is no longer exploited by a distant government but used for fair development.

The Ottoman Empire is the only force protecting our Arab brothers from the dangers of European imperialism. Remember what happened when Palestine and Hejaz were under a brief rule of the colonial power.

Palestine is Muslim. It weren't the Muslims that expelled Jews from Palestine hundreds of years ago, it were Romans. During the period following the expulsion, Palestine lost any Jewish character and any artificial attempts to resettle them is both dangerous and unfair. Under no circumstances futher emigration is to be allowed. Any remaining Jews found disloyal are liable to seizure of property and expulsion.

Continue to keep peace by rewarding loyal tribes and leaders.

Armenians and Assyrians:
Keep the close eye as usual.

While Turks plays a leading role in the Empire, we must promote loyal elements within Arab and Kurdish communities.


In order to facilitate a deeper cooperation between the Muslim countries, we shall formally invite Crimea, Hejaz, Albania and Bosnia to consider forming an international forum. Proposed name: Islamic Cooperation Council.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2016, 12:32:16 PM »
« Edited: May 30, 2016, 12:43:00 PM by Enver Pasha of Enverland »

The Ottoman Empire recognizes the United States' sovereignty over Cuba.

We also applaud the People's Republic of Spain wise decision not to escalate the conflict by interfering in Portugal. We only hope the other side of the conflict will show some constructive self restraint.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2016, 02:51:36 PM »

His Majesty the Sultan and his government applauds the Tsar of Romania for remaining calm in face of this personal and political tragedy. The level of villainy displayed by some rouge forces that not only took away Prince Carol's life but also tried to paint the Tsar as the one responsible, is simply amazing.

We're confident that the investigation will fully uncover the real preparators and put to rest all harmful rumours.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2016, 05:48:05 AM »

Having been proposing a peaceful resolution via honest diplomacy since this crisis emerged, the Ottoman Empire is saddened with this development. It is indeed clear that the People's Republic of Spain showed a willingness to talk and work toward an agreement. Meanwhile, the Empire of Italy presented demands that wouldn't be accepted by any sovereign power. It is clear to us which side of this conflict is aggressive one, and which is merely defending itself. We are greatly disturbed by pure ideology now directing foreign policy of a recognized power.

We applaud efforts undertaken by our German allies to ensure a peaceful resolution and we share their hopes war can still be averted. But it will take a real good will from certain corners.

If it's not to be, the Ottoman Empire reiterates we cannot support the aggressor in any way. An aggression, whether in form of an open invasion or supporting proxy forces, will led to a freeze of diplomatic and economic relations between the Sublime Porte and the aggressive side.
Atlas Institution
Posts: 57,380

« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2016, 01:51:58 PM »

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x Nicholas I, Tsar of Romania, House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
x Gherman Pantea, Prime Minister of Romania
x Traian Popovici, Deputy Prime Minister of Romania

x Abdülmecid II, Sultan and Caliph
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