The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)

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Atlas Star
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« Reply #250 on: July 18, 2016, 02:14:59 PM »


Urgent Matters:
1. Romania does not intend to apologize for the actions of the Air Forces of the Tripartite. The death of a young girl is easily avoidable, and we advise the Tsar of Bulgaria to surrender if he is truly hurt. To those neutral nations observing, we remind you that this nation would have no problems bombing our government and parliament if given a chance.

2. Sebastopol is no longer a concern of the Romanian government. We intend to focus on the war at hand, and once that is finished we will then agree to any investigations suggested by a country nearby.

1. With a good number of men at war, the jobs they normally occupy will be empty. We therefore encourage their wives and daughters to take jobs at factories and such in order to help provide for their families and to assist in the making of the now much needed weaponry and other war materials. Those factories involved in making war materials and weaponry are advised to allow women to take the jobs now empty.

1. Three cavalry brigades are to be mobilized alongside three more new infantry brigades. These brigades will be trained by the newly arrived drill sergeants and extra officers provided by the Germans. The three current cavalry brigades, who cannot be used in slow advances as in right now, will also be trained by the Germans. This training is to take one to three months, depending upon when the Germans in charge declare the troops ready. Five hundred Romanian drill sergeants and scores of Romanian officers will observe to learn training methods.

Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #251 on: July 19, 2016, 12:19:25 PM »

The British Empire stands ready to ratify and guarantee the terms of the proposed Ottoman treaty with Greece.

We also hope to lead efforts for a peaceful solution in Bulgaria; the abdication of the present Tsar and pacific undertakings from his successor seem to constitute a reasonable compromise, with no territory conceded by either party, no reparations sought for damage inflicted, and a neutral peace-keeping force dispatched to the border.

Signed for His Majesty's Government, Leo Amery, Foreign Secretary
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #252 on: July 19, 2016, 09:34:11 PM »

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim.

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdülmecid II, Padishah, Sovereign of the Sublime House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans,  Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Two Noble Sanctuaries, Caesar of the Roman Empire, etc. etc.

We see the struggle our brothers in Libya undertaken against the latter day crusaders as just and noble. May Allah grant them victory and freedom from heathen opressors. May the false Roman Emperor and his chaplain burn in hell.

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

(I love our war of words, Southern Gothic)
Atlas Star
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« Reply #253 on: July 20, 2016, 12:05:02 PM »

TO: Serbia
FROM: Romania

We offer to your nation alone a white peace. Neither Romania and its allies nor Serbia will attack each other. Nothing will be gained by either side. Refusal means that your nation agrees to the unnecessary prolonging of suffering.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #254 on: July 21, 2016, 02:12:01 PM »

Ismet Pasha (since there's no Surname Law, he's not called İnönü), one of Vice Ministers of War, is appointed as the Ottoman Ambassador to the United States.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #255 on: July 22, 2016, 12:41:43 PM »
« Edited: July 22, 2016, 12:45:40 PM by Kalwejt »

1. His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdülmecid II, Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Two Noble Sanctuaries has full confidence in Grand Vizier Carasso and his ability to oversee the implementation of economic and administrative reform.

(Non-public: Clergy doesn't have a reason to worry. The principles of Islam and Muslim unity remains, and will remain, a cornerstone of the Ottoman state. The spiritual authority remains with the Caliph, while political decisions with the Pashas. Carasso was appointed to oversee implementation of economic and administrative reforms.)

2. The very intention behind creation of a local elected assemblies is that the people will have a say in the matters that most concerns their daily lives. The only requirement we see as paramount is a candidate's unquestionable loyalty to the House of Osman and the Ottoman State.

(Non-public: The goal is to relieve burden on the central administration in dealing with local affairs and make the population satisfied with having a say there. Under no circumstances the reform is indicating any chance for implementing such an experiment on the national level.

During the Restoration and July Monarchy, the French government showed a great ability in ensuring elections of candidates loyal to the state, without getting too heavy handed. Let's take this example.)

3. We are greatly pleased with continuing development of our modern railway system and native military industry, and we intend to stay on the course, not just to have a capability of arming ourselves, but also to stimulate our overall economy and reduce unemployment.

Because the Ottoman territory, with exception of a Moroccan enclave, is contignious, air and land got natural priority over the navy. We shall, however, dispatch a mission to the United States and seek their assistance on the naval production field.

4. Palestine: remain vigilant.
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« Reply #256 on: July 22, 2016, 01:07:48 PM »

You must be logged in to read this quote.

x Abdülmecid II*
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Caliph of Islam

*As told to sign by Enver Pasha

x Franklin Delanor Roosevelt
President of the United States
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #257 on: July 22, 2016, 02:03:07 PM »

The Ottoman Empire invited the United States of America and the Tsardom of Romania to form a some kind of a forum of oil producing countries.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #258 on: July 26, 2016, 01:42:55 PM »

Statement regarding Spain
France and Italy are committed to make sure the Alfonsists and the Carlists find a compromise that will satisfy both factions. We will not let Spain fall in another civil war and we plan to help the negotiations between the two sides.
We express as well our condoleances to former King Alfonso's family.

xPresident Laroque
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« Reply #259 on: July 26, 2016, 07:43:44 PM »

Statement regarding Spain
France and Italy are committed to make sure the Alfonsists and the Carlists find a compromise that will satisfy both factions. We will not let Spain fall in another civil war and we plan to help the negotiations between the two sides.
We express as well our condoleances to former King Alfonso's family.

xPresident Laroque

x Emperor Victor Emmanuel III
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« Reply #260 on: July 26, 2016, 07:51:49 PM »

1. It is the opinion of the Senate that the current Islamic unrest in Libya and Tunisia is merely a ploy by the mongoloid Saracens to hamper the Kingdom's ability to spread the divine word of Christ. In response to this treachery, the Holy Kingdom of Italy is to deploy two divisions of infantry, all of whom will be combat veterans from successful campaigns in the Spanish countryside, to engage the rabble in North Africa.

2. The Papacy and the Holy Kingdom of Italy will hold off on recognizing either king for now. Hoping that the Spanish nobility can find an answer among themselves without having to resort to pointless infighting. No more Christian blood shall be spilled over this issue.

3. The Holy Father will answer the constitutional crisis by declaring that only native-born Italian cardinals may decide on the domestic affairs of the Holy Kingdom of Italy. Other issues related to the Papacy and to the Church as a whole will still be decided by cardinals of all nationalities. The Pope and other high ranking cardinals see this as a fair compromise.
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« Reply #261 on: July 26, 2016, 11:56:49 PM »
« Edited: July 27, 2016, 12:02:34 AM by leonardothered »

United States:Late 1928

"It is a turbulent time for our nation. The circumstances that have led to my presidency are not ideal, but I vow to restore freedom and democracy to our country; to preserve the ideals of liberty and mutual prosperity.

Immediately, we will stop treating our brothers in the South with enmity and resume healthy discourse. It is not necessary to compromise ones views and positions in order to work together, we must only need compromise with one another. We shall cease our manhunt for the KKK. This country was founded on the idea that opposing ideas and values can coexist with each other in peaceful and civil debate. We are a Christian nation of brothers and sisters, and forgetting that has been a great fault of previous administrations.

Above all, I want to assure the American people that elections qre to resume on schedule. It is my hope you will allow me to continue to serve our great nation to the best of my ability, but the importance of democracy and the will of the American people are far more important than the desires of dreams of one man. I have a ferocious love for this country, exceeded only by my care for its people. Know that I act to restore this great country to its proper place; know that I act for the American people; and know that I will not rest until we once again are a united people, a proud people, and above all a free people."

-Elections will resume, with Roosevelt traveling the country, especially the South, delivering speeches and hosting large public events

-Preparations for lifting of martial law in the South will begin. Normal elections will start according to schedule and my advisors will prepare a timeline for a return to normalcy. For now though we will be prepared to rig parts of the election by conducting polls throughout the nation and acting where necessary in regards to supporting Roosevelt. However we will attempt to do this only where absolutely necessary and hopefully will not be

-The KKK will no longer be hunted like dogs, and allowed to continue their organizations witwith a modicum of peace. However, we will establish the beginnings of a central intelligence agency and infiltrate their meetings with agents of our own and keep tabs on their goings on. There is only so much intolerance that can be allowed in the country, and violence towards specific groups of people will be dealt with in accords to the justice system without breaking the back and will of the Southern people.

-The embargo and blockade of Cuba will be lifted with veiled threats about the continued support of the McAdoo administration there, and that it will not be tolerated. However, we will acknowledge their rights as a sovereign nation to do what they will, and make certain their belief, if possible, that this is a new administration with new policies and goals.

-Above all, we will focus on more subtle and covert methods compared to the heavy handedness of MacArthur. This begins with a central intelligence agency headed up by only Roosevelt's most trusted and will start small but with whatever resources necessary. Soon we will begin commissioning public works projects throughout the South to begin an economic reconstruction as well as begin work on education throughout the nation. We will take a slightly more socialist slant under the guise of a return to Christian ideals which we believe the American people will support and speeches in the South will reflect the leaning on of the religion. The South must be won in this way instead of with martial means as they are a proud people who do not easily bend the knee
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #262 on: August 07, 2016, 07:15:57 PM »

Meanwhile, in London:

"This is BBC Radio News, reporting this evening on several ongoing matters.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt has stunned the nation with his announcement that he will seek election in November, amongst heavy criticism by anti-Hearst/McAdoo hardliners and the military faction of the NSC. Existing political parties are holding emergency conventions to select presidential candidates, with rumours pointing out to Herbert Hoover being a potential Progressive nominee and Governor Upton Sinclair as the likely Socialist standard bearer. Pro-Hearst holdouts in the South lack a candidate roster, with some suggesting the extremely young Louisiana Governor Huey Long. With the Democratic Party suspended President Roosevelt is expected to run as an independent, but his "Rebel" Democratic faction and the Populist Party have given him their backing. The Prohibitionists and the Conservative Party are still in search of a nominee. Another key question arises in the US, will Roosevelt hold Congress elections?

In the Balkans, public outcry over Romania's bombing of Bulgaria results in several nations cutting diplomatic relationships unless the Kingdom of Romania takes action to address the events. In Bulgaria, public funerals for the Princess draw thousands, and the Bulgarian Parliament has declared both the Tsar's ability to rule and their support. A last minute breakthrough has been achieved in negotiations, with the Kingdom of Greece offering a tentative counter-proposal to end the war. To our correspondent in Athens:

"It is a very eventful announcement from Athens, to be honest. Greece has expressed its support for clauses 4 to 6. It has stated conditional support for clause 1 provided both sides demilitarize their borders in the area, and rejected any territorial loss by clause 3 and asserted its right to hold alliances as per clause 2. King Constantine and Parliament have called Berlin, Istanbul and Bucharest to sit at the negotiation table with the entirety of the Athens Pact, and find a suitable solution to the crisis."

As foreign diplomats and neutral nations offer their help in making a "Balkan Conference" a reality after the Greek counter-proposal, a final factor may bring some degree of uncertainity. German Chancellor Wilhelm Marx has suffered an unexpected heart attack in Berlin. While he is expected to make a recovery, his doctors have made it clear it is impossible for him to continue on his post long term. Marx is expected to resign soon, at which point Kaiser Wilhelm III will ask the parties at the Reichstag to choose a new Chancellor, a move that could potentiall change the current Government Coalition.

More to follow.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #263 on: August 07, 2016, 07:49:51 PM »

The Empire of China

The Economy

  • Attempt to join the ACO (America-China-Ottoman) trade alliance to compete with other trade alliances. Offering our plentiful raw materials plus our tremendous manpower
  • Start new public rest areas/parks inititive
  • Set a gold standard to our economy
  • Continue Public Works Programs in rural communities like schools, and wells. While expanding factories and housing in the more urban areas
  • Send trade missions to Istanbul and Washington D.C.
  • Start sending international geologists to find oil and coal resources in our nation
  • Continue standardized fixed income for all citizens at starvation level and impoverished farmers
  • Continuing public works like railroads and communication lines will be made a major priority in the Public Works programs.
  • Attempt to establish a full free market economy for China and her products.


  • Start a build up of new aeronautic vehicles and sea vessels, along with a new mobilization of troops to fight the Communist and Imperialist menaces
  • Allow girls to go to school for 9 years, after which they will choose between nursing or teaching. Make education available to all children from 1st to 6th year.
  • End Child Labor laws for children under 14
  • Continue the Secret Police program and use it to crack down on anti-government sentiment and create law and order.
  • Continue the Chinese Film Industry and use it to create anti-Communist and anti-Emperor/Imperialist ideals
  • Establish a intelligence network inside China from city to city to alert about Communist influences inside each city.
    • Set up the Chinese Intelligence Service (CIS) to work with the secret police and attempt to infiltrate both the faux Communist Government and the imperialist dictator of an Emperor who betrays the people.
      • Create a new Representative Democracy (under wartime control, but a new consitution will be written after the war). The Government officials loyal to the current administration will meet in the center of Government in Nanjing.
      Foreign Policy

      • Continue blockade of Hong Kong leaving it isolated from the rest of our nation and the world. Increase troops on the border and ships in the blockade
      • Continue to demand reparations from the British for the recent Opium outbreak
      • Ask to meet with Enver Pasha and President Roosevelt on the status of the Trade Alliance

      The Chinese Civil War

      • Go to the Manchurian border with 9 divisions making a mass invasion from land, and with sneak attacks on supplies with submarines at sea
      • Meet with wounded troops and make anti-Emperor and anti-Communist speeches to the local townsfolk along the way
      • Continue bombing missions in the Hunan and Sangxi Regions
      • Continue sending naval destroyers to invade and destroy any ports claimed by the Communists
      • Continue a heavy invasion campaign for the Shaanxi, Chongquing, Guizhou, and Anhui regions to once and for all limit Communist forces to the Southeast part of our country.
      • Send multiple reserve divisions to the Manchurian countrysides, and attempt to have them stabilize towns and villages contemplating Communism/Imperialist tendancies
      • Have 10 inf. divisions to defend Nanjing and the surrounding area for the new Government
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #264 on: August 08, 2016, 07:30:09 AM »
« Edited: August 08, 2016, 07:34:35 AM by The Earl of Lemongrab »

Although great, His Sacred and Imperial Majesty's patience is not limitless. What began as a small, surgical military operation in response to the enemy's attempted sabotage, escalated into a full-scale war because of the Tsar's stubborn and foolish arrogance and refusal to acknowledge the inevitable. We command Bulgarians to bow before the might of the House of Osman, or face a complete doom. (No, we don't change our policy, just telling it on benefit of the popularion at home.)

The Ottoman Empire is pleased with Greek apparent willingness to talk. However, given that it was Greece that declared war on us, not the opposite, we cannot accept peace without real guarantees, and acceptance of points 4 to 6 is not sufficient.

The Ottoman Empire and His Sacred and Imperial Majesty are deeply saddened with health problems of our most esteemed ally, Chancellor Marx. We wish him a speedy recovery. The world politics will not be the same without him.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #265 on: August 08, 2016, 11:34:56 AM »

  • Ask to meet with Enver Pasha and President Roosevelt on the status of the Trade Alliance

No problem for us. Where the troika can meet so it would be convinient to all?

Junior Chimp
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« Reply #266 on: August 08, 2016, 12:11:30 PM »

  • Ask to meet with Enver Pasha and President Roosevelt on the status of the Trade Alliance

No problem for us. Where the troika can meet so it would be convinient to all?

I would suggest a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #267 on: August 09, 2016, 08:38:44 AM »

It is absolutely clear for the Sublime Porte that our Romanian ally became a convenient scapegoat for some foreign circles. The Bulgarian government could have stopped the war long time ago, but choose to sacrifice it's own people in stubborn and, which will be ultimately, a futile efforts. They and only they are to blame for Bulgarian people's suffering.

We find that hypocritical that certain foreign circles are quick to denounce Romania, but did they denounce Bulgarian terrorist attempts? Did they denounce Greece and Serbia declaring war without a valid reason?
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #268 on: August 10, 2016, 07:59:00 AM »

OOC: Will we not have national urgent matters any more?

I think we're in the middle of a turn, so these were just midturn updates.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #269 on: August 14, 2016, 07:01:55 PM »

Meanwhile, in London:

"This is BBC Radio News, reporting this evening on recent developments in Berlin. The Zentrum Party's MP's held their leadership contest during this week, with early favourites Ludwig Kaas, Heinrich Brüning and Adam Stegerwald being outflanked by the insurgent candidacy of Parliamentary Group Franz von Papen. Somewhat surprisingly, a large number of MP's decided on Papen as their next leader (perhaps due to an effective performance in the last 15 months in the Reichstag), giving him the momentum to win the race. Papen held immediate talks with the DDP and the DVP as the preferred alternative against continuing a coalition with the SPD, and the talks proved effective.

Franz von Papen is now the next Chancellor of the German Empire, leading a Government Coalition of Zentrum, DDP and DVP of 276 seats in the Reichstag, a 50 seat majority over the divided left (SPD + KPD) and the far right (VF).
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #270 on: August 14, 2016, 07:18:29 PM »

1928 US Presidential and Congress Election:


Despite the protests of the military wing of the NSC and the ongoing crisis across the South, the United States will hold its Presidential Election on schedule by November 1928. Incumbent President Franklin Delano Roosevelt has taken up the task of winning a full term and a Congress to support him in the task of putting the country back in order. Will his gamble pay off? In the meantime, the field of parties and candidates stands as follows:

Party/Candidate Info:

Pro-Roosevelt Forces: Not a party but a significant faction nonetheless, the group of politicians supporting Roosevelt comes from the old band of political rebels he once led against Hearst and McAdoo. They standard bearer is the President himself, and they are fieldling pro-Roosevelt candidates across the country to secure support in the entirely new Congress. Roosevelet is also supported by the Populist Party in the West.

Progressive Party: The old progressive wing of the GOP and allied with centrist elements, the progressives have selected industrialist and NSC member Herbert Hoover as their nominee, believing in a victory given the division of the field.

Conservative Party: The old conservative wing of the GOP and recovering from their crisis in the early 1910's, the party has decided to fight back and appeal to the military vote by fielding General George van Horn Moseley, a ticket supported by the Prohibitionists as well.

Socialist Movement: Still powerful on their stronghold of California, the Socialists are all out to get the White House on this new presidential bid, dropping the now old and ailing Eugene Debs in favor of California Governor Upton Sinclair.

Share our Wealth: Due to the South's admittance into the election, the former supporters of Hearst have gathered the remnants of their political forces into a movement to preserve their cause. Their leader is the fiery, demagogic and charismatic Louisiana Governor Huey Long, who is devoting his time almost exclusively in the South.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #271 on: August 16, 2016, 12:35:09 PM »

On behalf of His Sacred and Imperial Majesty the Sultan I have an honor to offer our heartfelt congratulations to Chancellor von Papen on his accession to the office. We are looking forward to many more years of friendship and cooperation between the German Reich and the Sublime Porte.

Ismail Enver Pasha
Minister of War and Foreign Affairs 
Atlas Star
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« Reply #272 on: August 16, 2016, 05:49:33 PM »

I, acting as the appointed representative of the Tsar and the national unity government, do hereby officially and heartily congratulate Chancellor Von Papen in his success in his seeking of the office of Chancelor. We look forwards to the continuation of our great alliance with both the German Empire and the Sublime Porte. Hopefully Chancellor Von Papen appreciates his allies as much as his predecessor.
X Gheorghe I. Bratianu
Minister of Foreign Relations; Former Brigadier General
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« Reply #273 on: October 02, 2016, 09:44:08 PM »
« Edited: October 02, 2016, 09:45:49 PM by Vice President Lumine »

1928 US Presidential and Congress Election:

Franklin D. Roosevelt (287)
Herbert Hoover (92 EV)
George van Horn Moseley (58 EV)
Upton Sinclair (48 EV)
Huey Long (46 EV)


From June 1926 to January 1929 America was formally ruled through an odd system of semi-authoritarian government, involving a powerful National Security Council to run the country despite its division on varying civilian and military factions. Having gone through an initial attempt at running a government without a clear executive figure, the Council had made the fateful choice of selecting a Head of State among Generals MacArthur and Pershing and key politicians Hoover and Roosevelt. In what historians describe a famous miscalculation, they went with MacArthur.

The MacArthur Administration (December 1926-May 1928) proved a challenging period. Whereas MacArthur asserted his authority by cracking down on the KKK and Cuba as well, it seems the once called “American Caesar” was simply out of his depth on the Oval Office, pursuing several ill-conceived economic schemes that greatly bothered the businessmen who had survived and opposed Hearst, coupled with approaches that just didn’t seem to work to pull the United States out of a generalized crisis. It didn’t take long for opposition to materialize.

Through means still unrevealed to the public, Hoover, Roosevelt and Pershing all agreed something had to be done. Military units rushed into Washington DC as the MacArthur regime crumbled, culminating in a bloodless (relatively speaking) coup, the exile of MacArthur to Italy and the appointment of Franklin D. Roosevelt not as CiC, but as President. And despite the advice of the military to postpone elections, Roosevelt would shook American politics by insisting on calling elections for President and Congress by November 1928, ending McAdoo’s term with the legal dates.

Bolstering an unholy political alliance along with the key political operator and former Senator Alben Barkley (his VP nominee), and amidst charges of “electoral irregularities”, Roosevelt went to fight in a fractured system. The old Democratic Party banned and the Roosevelites running in independent banners, FDR fought old rival/ally Herbert Hoover, extremist general Van Horn Moseley, Socialist firebrand Upton Sinclair and the bombastic southerner Huey Long for control of the White House.

And given the levels of division by that election, Roosevelt would prevail with 38% of the vote or so, a close victory in the electoral college by taking advantage of the division of his rivals. As the Deep South embraced Long, Sinclair captured Michigan and Midwest states plus his California fortress, Hoover got the second place in the PV while showing strength in Ohio, New England and parts of the West, and General Van Horn Moseley took a few states of his own despite his radical and at times unhinged rhetoric. Congress, however, suffered chaos due to plurality victories. President Roosevelt and Vice-President Barkley would have to contend with a divided Congress.

On January 20th, 1929, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took his second oath of office and returned to the White House in order to meet with the National Security Council. America waited, wondering if normalcy could truly return.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #274 on: October 02, 2016, 10:08:02 PM »

1928 Japanese General Election:

Inukai Tsuyoshi, Japan's new Prime Minister

Seiyukai: 289 seats
Minseito: 107 seats
Japan Labour Party: 31 seats
Nationalist Groups: 18 seats
Reformist Party: 4 seats


Few men have had careers as unprecedented as that of Prince Saionji Kinmochi. Ever a key political figure due to his stance as one of the Genro and a rather accomplished parliamentarian, Kinmochi held a long struggle across the 1900's to become Prime Minister of Japan against rivals of all sorts, and in the end he soldiered on to win the battle against the nationalists and enter office in 1912. What cloud have been a 4-5 year government, however, turned into an utterly unprecedented 16 year term in office for Prince Saionji, who entered history as one of the great statesmen of Japan.

Despite the risk of collapse around the 1920 events, Saionji triumphed against the odds and led a long standing government, even surviving on a minority government after the unexpected Minseito plurality win in the 1923 elections, corrected on his 1924 decent sized majority. After four years of success, as Japan's economy faces a boom and expeditionary forces successfully battle the Chinese Communists near Guangdong, Prince Saionji felt it was the time to go out on a high note, calling a General Election for December 1928. Against the powerful patronage machine of the conservative Seiyukai went their weakened rival, the liberal Minseito, along with the centrist Reformists, the rising Japan Labour Party and the nationalists associations which continued to cause trouble.

In the end, it was no fair contest. Riding a wave of popularity and holding most of the advantages Seiyukai eviscerated the Minseito and obtained a landslide majority of over 50 seats, cementing a strong government for the years to come. Emperor Takahito asked of Prince Saionji to name his successor for appointment, and to the surprise of many observers the Prime Minister chose to emphasize the need to handle foreign affairs by appointing communications minister Inukai Tsuyoshi to the position. As January 1929 comes in, Japan faces an open future with a safe government majority, a new (and possibly more democratic) Prime Minister, and a young Emperor who appears to be asserting more and more influence as time goes by.
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