The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)

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Atlas Politician
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« Reply #125 on: June 07, 2016, 07:11:30 PM »

Turn 2:
- Pierre Laval is promoted Foreign Minister. Having good relations with the Pope is a top priority for France.

- Our goal is to make French lives better. That's why I'm proud to announce that the first retirement system will be created in France (OCC:basically the french law in 1910, a bismarckian system )
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #126 on: June 13, 2016, 08:59:26 PM »

The Empire of China

The Economy

  • Continue to Open Trade with Japan with lowering tariffs on her products to about 10%
  • Invest in our Rural Farmers (Rice, Tea, Silk) and set low price controls for those products. Market them internationally
  • Begin rapid encouragement of factory build-up and industrialization in major cities and attempt for a migration for rural workers to urban area.
  • Push for a mass Public Works program to rebuild old buildings for better and safer use
  • Set up Trade missions to Tokyo and other East Asian Nations
  • Attempt to set up the East Asian Trade Alliance (EATA)
  • Set up 1% tax on profits made by anyone (Corporate or Individual
  • Set up standardized fixed income for all citizens at starvation level
  • Set up the Chinese Tax Collection Service (CTCS)


  • Crack down on Anti-Japanese protests
  • Set up propaganda campaign "Japan is our Friend, not our Enemy
  • Set up the Chinese Film Industry and produce movies after the American system
  • Create mass movie theaters in the nation
  • Create an underground police force with the goal of stabilizing our nation
    • Crackdown on Opium Crisis with Propaganda and harsh sentencing

    Foreign Policy

    • Blockade Hong Kong except for needed essentials
    • Seek foreign trade with the Pashas of the Ottoman people
    • Seek Japanese support in our Civil War
    • Send our sympathies to Tsar Nicholas and their familes for the loss
    • China recongnizes American soverignty over Cuba
    • China will stay out of the internal Spainish conflict and hope for a peaceful resolution

    The Chinese Civil War

    • Attempt to negociate with Li Dazhao directly or through his advisors
    • Set up plans for bombing missions in the Hunan and Sangxi Regions
    • Surround Communist forces in the Hunan, Sangxi, W. Bejing and North Qinghai
    • Build up troops on all borders with Communist forces
    • Give order to only attack Communist troops if fired upon
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #127 on: June 15, 2016, 11:53:36 PM »
« Edited: June 15, 2016, 11:56:18 PM by Lumine »

Chinese Civil War: Update II


While it seemed for a moment that the Communist march on Nanjing and Shanghai was to be an imminent triumph, the Chiang government finally reacted in military terms. Brokering a truce with Li Dazhao for some brief and unsuccessful peace negotiations (as the Communists refuse to any understanding with Chiang), enough time was created for the Imperial Chinese Army to mobilize to some degree, lauching offensives of their own on the smaller soviets while placing key units to prevent the march. The First Encirclement campaign lasted from late October to early December 1926, pitting young military prodigies Chen Yi from the Chinese Revolutionary Army and Zhang Xueliang as the master strategists. After several bloody battles, Xueliang bested Chen Yi and prevent collapse of the frontlines, a success complemented by the break up of several smaller soviets. Alas, the concentration of ICA forces allowed the Communists to begin an unexpected "race to the sea", with Guangdong as a secondary target. By the New Year, Communist forces overran ICA forces in the front and march at full speed towards the South China sea.

What could have been a chance to solidify the Chiang regime, however, turned into disaster on account of several ill-advised moves by the government in Beijing. Whereas the ordered blockade of Hong Kong and several public works initiatives were well recieved, the government instituted not only new taxes, but lower tariffs for Japan and price controls to agricultural goods, moves either damaging to the economy or to the popularity of the government. Furthermore, attempts to lead a government propaganda campaign in favor of Japan turned public opinion even more against Chiang, and while the Secret Police has prevented riots in the streets it is rumored the Chinese Parliament plans to issue a Vote of No Confidence on Premier Chiang, possibly with the Emperor's support. Foreign powers have chosen not to meddle, although the Germans have increased the Qingdao garrison, and Hong Kong has issued an immediate alert to the United Kingdom.

War Info:

Chinese Empire:

-Chinese Army: 51 divisions (42 inf, 10 cav)
-Chinese Navy: 2 BB, 4 CR, 10 DD, 4 SUB
-Chinese Airforce: 6 Fighter Wings, 5 Bombing Wings, 4 Transport Wings.

Communist China:

-Communist Army: 31 divisions (12 inf, 2 cav, 17 militia)
-Communist Navy: No navy.
-Communist  Airforce: 4 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #128 on: June 16, 2016, 12:30:29 AM »

Spanish Civil War: Update II


Now having a large army to fight back the rebellion despite the evident supply of arms and volunteers from foreign powers, General Secretary Besteiro did not waste his time. The first to suffer the fist of the Spanish People's Army where the Alfonsist strongholds in Seville and Zaragoza, which had been expanding without managing to raise a lot of volunteers. Faced against a force that doubled their numbers, they struggled in the final months of 1927 before facing collapse in Mid-December, leaving several isolated units fighting for their lives as the main Alfonsist bases and cities were captured in bloody urban fighting. The success of the Spanish government was complemented by the projected arrival of the Catholic Volunteer Army from Italy, which barely had a fleet to speak on to launch landing operation. November saw several naval skirmishes across the Balearic Sea that sunk many transports and caused carnage among Catholic troops, forcing them to land in Carlist Catalonia.

With the Spanish Fleet moving across the Mediterranean to prevent landings and the Alfonsist Army all but crushed, the main battle was fought across Northern Spain between the insurgent Carlist forces (complemented by the Catholic Army) and the massed forces of the SPA, placing as much as 40 divisions between both sides fighting for their lives. With the Spanish government starting to recieve large amounts of weapons and ammunition from one or several great powers their advance was certain, the Carlists suffering several tactical defeats that forced them to push back the frontlines, even as they managed to make contact with most of the pockets. The war is swinging to Besteiro's side, but the stand-off in Northern Spain remains brutal.

War Info:

People's Republic of Spain:
-Spanish Army: 56 divisions (31 inf, 7 cav, 18 mil)
-Spanish Navy: 2 BB, 7 CR, 18 DD, 11 SUB
-Spanish Airforce: 5 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings, 2 Transport Wings.

Carlist Spain:
-Carlist Army: 24 divisions (9 inf, 15 mil) - Includes remnants of the Catholic Army
-Carlist Navy: None.
-Carlist Airforce: 2 Fighter Wing, 2 Bombing Wing.

Alfonsist Spain:
-Alfonsist Army: 4 divisions (2 inf, 2 mil)
-Alfonsist Navy: None.
-Alfonsist Air Force: None.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #129 on: June 16, 2016, 01:02:57 AM »

End of Late 1927:

Map Changes:
-Spanish Civil War ongoing, Carlists consolidate terrain and Alfonsists go down.
-Chinese Civil War sees territory losses and wins on both sides.

In the News:

Crisis in Bulgaria!

A truly disturbing situation has erupted in the Balkans a few days before the New Year, as several secret operatives were found trying to sabotage facilities in the Dardanelles, Istanbul and the European side of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Military Police has identified the culprits as Bulgarian operatives, something which the Bulgarian Tsar angrily denounces as a false-flag operation. Bosnia and Albania have taken side with the Ottomans in charging Bulgaria with the crime, while Greece has warned that it will defend Bulgaria in case of foreign aggression.

War in Northern Russia:

Breaking protocol by not issuing a declaration of war, the Russian Army of General Wrangel has invaded the People's Republic of Archangelsk under orders by the Kerensky Government and the Tsar, taking Kamenev's revolutionaries by surprise. Reports are unclear due to a Russian blockade of Archangelsk, but it rumored that the People's Republic is rapidly collapsing. More to follow.

Ongoing drama in Sebastopol:

Despite speeches by the Romanian Government designed to bolster public confidence on the government, the matter of the death of Prince Carol continues to go sour. While the investigation commission tries to gather evidence in Crimea, the Romanian escort of Carol remains in strict Crimean custody, and the Crimean press launches tirade after tirade denouncing Romania and Tsar Ncholas, something which has not gone unnoticed in Bucharest. It has been established with forensic evidence that Prince Carol did not shoot himself and was killed, whereas the death of Miss Lambrino is still unclear.

Chancellor Wilhelm Marx recieves Nobel Peace Prize:

Following heated debate at the Nobel Committee over whom to award this year's prize, it was decided that the matter that has most threatened peace in Europe, and indeed, the world, is that of the Spanish Civil War. While many different Heads of State have tried to mediate, it was decided that German Chancellor Wilhelm Marx (Zentrum) had been the most sincere and consistent (in the public view) in trying to broker a compromise. With this award the German Government can expect a large boost in confidence. Well done, Chancellor!

Luis Filipe of Portugal crushes revolution:

Despite looking increasingly weakened by internal strife, the Portguese regime of King Luis Filipe announced today the defeat of the so called "Portuguese Revolution", an uprising that begun six months ago. While it seemed Lisbon could realistically fall to the rebels, the refusal of Spain to intervene in their favor and the large amounts of military aid lent by the de la Rocque regime in France saved the Government, allowing them to destroy the bulk of the revolutionary forces. While terrorism and guerrilla war is still taking place in the Portuguese countryside, Portugal has averted falling to a left-wing revolution.

Cuba beginning to suffer humanitarian crisis:

Even as the MacArthur regime intensifies propaganda to force the surrender of Cuba, the Havana government refuses to yield. More than propping up the US Government-In-Exile, the matter has turned into one of natonal pride, with the island refusing to be part of the United States and insisting on their independence. Alas, the blockade is causing large shortages in Cuba, with famine being feared as a realistic choice. As Latin America turns against Washington and denounces MacArthur as a tyrant, the Cuban Government has written a plea to the other great powers, desperatedly asking for aid in times of crisis.

Wars, Economy and Popularity:

Ongoing Wars:

Russian Civil War:
(Various Russian states)
War between Provisional Government and People's Republic of Archangelsk

Chinese Civil War:
(Chinese Empire v. Chinese Communist Party)
Communist China suffers setbacks, is still expanding

Spanish Civil War:
(People's Republic of Spain v. Carlist and Alfonsist Rebels)
Alfonsists on the ropes, Carlists and the Government fight all-out war

Popularity Ratings:

Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky: High
President Francois de la Rocque: High
Chancellor Wilhelm Marx: High
Prince Saionji Kinmochi: Medium
Prime Minister Winston Churchill: Medium
Prince Felix Yusupov: Medium
Minister of War Enver Pasha: Medium
Tsar Nicholas I of Romania: Low
Emperor Victor Emmanuel III: Low
CiC General Douglas MacArthur: Low
General Secretary Julian Besteiro: Low
Prime Minister Chiang Kai Shek: Very Low

Economic Ratings:

German Empire: Strong
United Kingdom: Strong
Japanese Empire: Strong
Republic of France: Moderate
Kingdom of Italy: Moderate
Ottoman Empire:  Moderate
Kingdom of Romania: Moderate
Crimea: Moderate
United States of America: Moderate
People's Republic of Spain: Weak
Provisional Government of Russia: Weak
Chinese Empire: Very Weak
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #130 on: June 16, 2016, 11:43:20 AM »

The incident in the Straits is not just a cowardly attack on the Ottoman Empire, but an attack against the world's commerce. By attempting to commit this atrocious act, Bulgaria threatened the peace and welfare of all Europe.

In response to the crisis, the Ottoman Empire:

1. Closes their territorial waters to all shipment from and to Bulgaria
2. Put our armed forces in the region on alert

We are disappointed with the belligerent attitude taken by the Kingdom of Greece. We will however, at this moment, take no steps other than diplomatic protest.

(Anonymous comment by an official within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "It's extremely ironic that Greece, that once used an opportunity presented by the Ottoman-Bulgarian conflict to seize Bulgarian territory now pretends to be Sofia's friend")

(OOC: I'm sorry if I shouldn't have posted, Lumine. It's merely a reaction to new development)
Atlas Star
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« Reply #131 on: June 16, 2016, 02:05:17 PM »

Romania denounces the attack on its ally by Bulgaria. Should the Ottomans go to war, we intend to go alongside them. Let every nation know, whether friend or foe, that Romania will pay any price, bear any burden, suffer any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to ensure the liberty of the people and the security of the world. Bulgaria's aggression has made the world less safe, and we cannot support that in good conscience. We therefore declare an immediate embargo on Bulgaria and put our forces in the area on alert.

- Foreign Minister Antoine Babesco

Romania disapproves of the corrupt Crimean newspapers. Furthermore, we intend to continue investigations into this matter until it is clear just who shot my dear brother. I do not intend to give up on finding his murderer. Let me remind you, whoever you are, my brother's assassin, that an enemy of any Hohenzollern is an enemy unto us all. You will not be able to be protected by any army of any nations from us. We will find you.

- Tsar Nicholas
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« Reply #132 on: June 17, 2016, 10:01:19 PM »

Current Armies:

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Atlas Icon
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« Reply #133 on: June 17, 2016, 10:30:00 PM »

Turn Three: Early 1928

Li Dazhao, head of the Communist insurgency in China


1.- Thread carefully, General. Rumours of plots are spreading across the National Security Council, many charging you with being negligent towards the ongoing fiscal hardships and due to the desegregation orders. General Pershing does what he can in the South with the military, but reports of militia units firing on federal troops are already a reality. Many fear an insurgency in the South, or something worse, imminent.

2.- Your trade missions to Laitn America have mostly resulted in failure, as the governments south of the USA are strongly against the blockade of Cuba and the beginning of famine there. The Havana government refuses to yield, forcing the Chiefs of Staff to present you with three choices: You can continue to blockade to starve Cuba, with the subsequent damage to the USA's international standing. You can invade Cuba and hope for a swfit downfall of the regimes in Havana or Guantanamo, or attempt to broker a deal.

3.- 1928 has arrived, which places the NSC in a very odd position. The election is still scheduled to be held in 1928, but the Democratic Party has been suspended and the alternative parties supporting the NSC are very divided. Still, Roosevelt, Hoover and the civilian side of the NSC insist that elections must be held to elect President, Senate and House. What will you decree?


1.- The Alfonsists have been all but crushed after the past offensives, but the escalation in Northern Spain has reached brutal levels. The Carlists fight fiercely, and with the revolution crushed in Portugal and France looking more and more threatening, there's genuine fears of full-scale invasion against the People's Republic. Can you spare your government from such a situation?

2.- The moblization of a full army has had its drawbacks as many recruits prove disloyal, although the force fielded is a very large one (meaning Spain won't be able to field a lot more divisions in the forseeable time). Some have suggested to add "political officers" to the army, in the style of the "Commissars" of the People's Republic of Achangelsk. The officer corps, on the other hand, believes that to create such officers would only undermine the tactical efficiency of the SPA.

3.- As other revoluionary movements and governments fight across the world, calls for aid have arrived to Spain. The more desperate ones, like the Portuguese Communists and the People's Republic of Archangelsk, urgently request asistance of any kind to prevent collapse. The other, represented by the Chinese Communist Party, wishes to forge closer ties to Madrid, begin a full diplomatic relationship and trade technology, officers and info.


1.- The partial nationalization of oil in Romania is taking place at a decent pace, although the move has been severely critiziced by foreign nations, particularly Greece, the Magyar Republic, Czechia and even the German vassals and the German business community.

2.- Despite moves to boslter your popularity, the Romanian public remains unconvinced both of your intentions regarding the investigation on Prince Carol and the prospect of invading Bulgaria, that last move bringing concern in the Government as well. Several roads to popularity have been suggested by your private advisers, including using the Romanian nationalists, beginning to aggresively influence the press, or even rely on a potentially successful conflict with Bulgaria as a possible plus.


1.- It's been two years since the last General Election, Prince Saionji. Electoral experts believe that with a stronger economy in Japan and the prospect of conflict in China serving to bolster the government, an early election at the end of the year could turn Parliament more to your side, with few dissenting voices. Will Japan have a new election?

2.- Investment in the Nicaragua Canal Project has begun to notable confidence and success, stocks looking positive in the world stock market for the time being. This, coupled with some clever moves on trade and the shocking decrease in Chinese tariffs (which massively benefits Japan) leads some to believe a major surge is incoming. Think wisely on what to spend in.

3.- While things have quieted down regarding the Home Rule Commission (although two more deputies were shot at, they survived), the Military Police has confirmed that there is still a decent level of dissent across the army, with a particular group led by General Jinzaburō Masaki (renowned and prestigious officer in the War Minister) as the prime subject of the attack on the deputies.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #134 on: June 17, 2016, 10:59:52 PM »


1.- Economists have expressed concern over the current economic path the government is taking, funding a large military surge along with heavy spending projects. The Economy Ministry warns that such an approach is not sustainable in the long term, and expresses his belief that it might be wise to cut down in spending in some areas.

2.- The Carlists continue to fight along side thousands of French volunteers, and your moves to support Portugal have been succesful as well, the Alfonsists being the negative result as their areas of influence were far more vulnerable. And yet, King Alfonso requests permission to fly to Morocco and aid from the French fleet to break the blockade, just as King Jaime wishes for the French army to finally intervene in Spain. Can you risk war?


1.- Red alert, Prime Minister! Red alert! Despite blocking the advance of the Communists into Nanjing, the Government is in a critical situation, several issues having reached the point of no return. Unless drastic action is taken, your administration might reach a swift end. Due to ill-advised economic moves and the propaganda campaign in favor of Japan Parliament has called for an immediate Vote of No Confidence with likely support from the Emperor, which could mean your discharge from office.

2.- In attention to the last part, the move to install a loyal secret police proved the most successful one, led by the resourceful Dai Li. Dai and several ICA officers remain strongly loyal, and insist that Parliamentary government in times of a war against the Communists can only undermine the war effort. Although it hasn't been spoke out loud, they seem to be pressing for a military coup to take place on your orders.

3.- The blockade of Hong Kong brings cheers from the population of Southern China, but the move has scared the Hong Kong Governor enough to send a warning to London. The British Government is demanding an immediate end of the blockade.

Ottoman Empire:

1.- Research onto the existing Hejaz railway has expressed that the current state and service of the railways is beyond negative, currently incapable of moving troops efficiently. Some government officers believe this could be a good investment, but the local government worries about the prospect of sabotage from the Saudis, who have been more than hostile lately in some unconfirmed raids in Hejaz.

2.- Although Bulgaria denounces the recent attack on the Empire as a flase flag operation, the public in Istanbul is outraged. Crowds fill the streets demanding revenge against the Bulgarians, offering their blood if needed be. Indeed, it seems some Bulgarian nationals have even been attacked by a few mobs. Should the police or the military take action?

3.- Current initiatives in Beirut and Palestine are successful in increasing the government's popularity, although in Palestine this has led to some very violent manifestations against resident Jews, who are attempting to voice their concerns in London either to the government or to Zionist organizations. It is feared racial conflict could return to the area.


1.- Several complains have been lodged by German companies regarding moves to nationalize oil in Romania, complaining that even with the current trade deal this could damage German business. The more vocal opponents to this include Thyssen and Krupp, and with them the Conservatives in the Reichstag.

2.- Von Papen has proven ruthless in his investigation on the corruption ring in the Reichstag, results will be sent to your office privately. Von Schleicher, on the other hand, reports through unofficial channels that there has been recent concern in the local Parliaments of the German vassals, with demands for further autonomy experiencing a sudden and unexpected rise.

3.- Many congratulations on your Nobel Peace Prize, Chancellor, it is an historic day for Germany. That said, the SPD has been slightly critical of the award, as peace in Spain is far from a reality. Will you accept this award?


1.- Despite complains from several neutral countries on Russia's lack of warning before attacking Kamenev and his Archangelsk regime, the revolutionary units are being crushed by Wrangel's forces due to the surprise, but they are expected to make a stronger stance as your troops draw closer to Archangelsk. General Kutepov has proven receptive to an alliance, and provided military aid is included in the arrangement he is prepared to strike at Kamenev.

2.- Unconfirmed reports state that the Siberian armies of Admiral Kolchak are in a state of mobilization, as it is believe the Admiral plans to strike at one of his rivals. His particular target has not yet been identified.


1.- Your new Japanese destroyers cross the Dardanelles to arrive in Sebastopol at last, the core of the new Crimean Navy. It will take time for the new sailors and officers to get used to their ships, but this will at least increase the range of defence of your wild capital.

2.- The situation in Bulgaria is most concerning, and Ukraine and other countries have approached you to express their worries about a large war in the Balkans. What stance will Crimea take on this crisis?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #135 on: June 17, 2016, 11:03:08 PM »


-War declarations are hereby ALLOWED. That said, this still requires my authorization, and I reserve the right to cancel war declarations if the Casus Belli is not sufficient or if Parliament or Congress would not vote for that war. If a war erupts involving France or Italy then France is granted control over the Italian military and its foreign policy, while domestic affairs rest with me. If a war erupts involving the United Kingdom, I will handle that nation as an NPC.


-Currently, we need moves for Russia, China and Spain on their respective civil wars. These moves are due in by Monday Night. Not sending any moves places your military forces in a purely defensive mode.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #136 on: June 18, 2016, 06:16:13 AM »


In the name of His Sacred and Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdülmecid II,

Padishah, Sovereign of the House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Commander of the Faithful and Successor Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Holy Sanctuaries, Emperor of Rome, Emperor of The Three Cities of Constantinople, Adrianople and Bursa, and of the Cities of Damascus and Cairo,

etc. etc.

A cowardly attack on our facilities in the Straits was not only an attack on the Sublime Porte, but a threat to the peace and welfare of all the Europe, given significance of said waterway for global commerce.

We have tried to maintain a peaceful relations with Bulgaria, but in the light of recent events we can't ignore the threat anymore. It's time for an energetic military action to defuse the threat once and for all.


The Ottoman Empire declares war on Bulgaria

In order to prevent any undesirable escalation, we shall not ask our German and Crimean allies to intervene.

(please don't cancel, Lumine)
YaBB God
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« Reply #137 on: June 18, 2016, 06:54:52 AM »

The German Empire

The Reichskanzler is deeply honoured by his nomination by the Nobel Prize Committee, and will gladly accept this honour. He will personally travel to Oslo to accept the prize in persona.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #138 on: June 18, 2016, 11:00:11 AM »
« Edited: June 18, 2016, 11:32:55 AM by Stalinslav Dubienkin »

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty the Sultan, along with his Minister, wishes to extend his warmest congratulations toward Chancellor Marx for his pacemaking efforts being so loudly recognized.

The Ottoman Empire is watching developments in the former Russian Empire with a great deal of interest and concern. We hope the current conflict won't escalate.

The Ottoman Empire believes that there's a sinister third force working on damaging relations between Romania and Crimea, and by extension with us, by spreading outrageous and unfounded rumours. Those people are cowards and will not succeed in destabilizing the relations between Constantinopole, Bucharest and Sevastopol.

The Ottoman Empire congratulated the People's Republic of Spain on dealing the crippling blow to a revolt led by a disgraced former King.

The Ottoman Empire is saddened with the conditions on Cuba. However, the Cuban government is directly responsible for bringing this misery on their own people by supporting a fringe American "government in exile". No sovereign power would leave such a threat unanswered. We wish General MacArthur all the luck in crushing the traitors, both at home and abroad.

(The Ottoman Empire had no bloody idea what to think about the situation in China. Since our German allies has important interest there, while we do not, we should just support their policy.)
Atlas Star
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« Reply #139 on: June 18, 2016, 11:36:30 AM »

In recognition of the defiance of the peace in the region, and our alliance with the Ottoman Empire: Romania declares war on Bulgaria.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #140 on: June 18, 2016, 12:03:35 PM »

1. We wish to reiterate our full commitment to freedom and welfare of the Kingdom of Hejaz. We will never allow the Wahhabi heathens to conquer the holiest land of Islam. The Shariff of Mecca and King of Hejaz (OOC: I assume it’s Ali bin Hussein who holds the title now) is not just an allied ruler, but is recognized as the second highest Muslim religious leader, outranked only by the Caliph.

The research into improving the railway is to be continued, but we must consider alternative, less vulnerable ways to improve crucial transport, including roads and maritime transport. More emphasis is to be put on training and arming the Shariff’s forces (OOC: how are establishing arm industry going? Also, what’s the situation in Northern Yemen?)

Just to be safe, send two additional divisions of calvary in Hejaz.

2. The Jewish residents of Palestine, as Ottoman citizens, have every right to bring their grievances in front of the legal authorities and we would certainly give them our consideration. However, attempting to get another government to interfere is treason and will not be tolerated (OOC: beside, trying to get the British support is, given how unpopular they became in the region, a bit silly). Any riots, no matter how justified the anger is, should be prevented. Arab of Palestine can rest assured Palestine is Muslim.

Not-public: Emphasize again the difference between „loyal” Jews and those who were settled there during a brief colonial rule. We are prepeared to make important gestures to those Jews that are loyal to the Empire.

3. Following a successful establishment of the Islamic bank in Beirut, steps should be undertaken to establish it’s branches in every General Governate (one for now).

A careful look should be taken on the economic needs in Mesopotamia, other than oil research.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #141 on: June 18, 2016, 01:14:52 PM »

Romanian/Ottoman war declaration on Bulgaria accepted. There will be foreign reactions (and I need to reply to Germany about an NPC country).
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #142 on: June 18, 2016, 02:13:07 PM »

France and Hungary are pleased to declare to the rest of Europe that we are now allied!
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #143 on: June 18, 2016, 02:43:43 PM »

Communique from the Ottoman Petroleum Authority:

Due to reorientation of our markets by increasing trade with Asia, the OPA will no longer sell oil to the Kingdom of Hungary, judging our commercial relationship unsatisfactory. The OPA will also reduce our oil sells to France by 40% due to more pressing demand elsewhere.

This decision has nothing to do whatsoever with recent political developments

To: Empire of China
From: The Ottoman Empire

We have noted your interest of establishing closer trade relations.
Atlas Politician
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« Reply #144 on: June 18, 2016, 03:20:15 PM »

Communique from the Ottoman Petroleum Authority:

Due to reorientation of our markets by increasing trade with Asia, the OPA will no longer sell oil to the Kingdom of Hungary, judging our commercial relationship unsatisfactory. The OPA will also reduce our oil sells to France by 40% due to more pressing demand elsewhere.

This decision has nothing to do whatsoever with recent political developments

To: Empire of China
From: The Ottoman Empire

We have noted your interest of establishing closer trade relations.
Let me be clear about something:
- You stop the aggression of Bulgary
-You stop putting me an embargo.

If you don't do that,
YaBB God
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« Reply #145 on: June 18, 2016, 03:28:23 PM »

We implore on France to reconsider their ultimatum. While we can potentially understand their dissatisfaction with the OPA's recent policy changes, we still see that this would be an issue best resolved on the table of negotiations. Finally, we see no reason why France would feel the need to interfere in a trilateral issue regarding Romania, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire alone.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #146 on: June 18, 2016, 03:38:14 PM »

Communique from the Ottoman Petroleum Authority:

Due to reorientation of our markets by increasing trade with Asia, the OPA will no longer sell oil to the Kingdom of Hungary, judging our commercial relationship unsatisfactory. The OPA will also reduce our oil sells to France by 40% due to more pressing demand elsewhere.

This decision has nothing to do whatsoever with recent political developments

To: Empire of China
From: The Ottoman Empire

We have noted your interest of establishing closer trade relations.
Let me be clear about something:
- You stop the aggression of Bulgary
-You stop putting me an embargo.

If you don't do that,

We have way too much respect toward the French Republic to believe this is a genuine ultimatum. It is clear it must have been badly distorted by some incompetent officials.

There will be no change of policy. The Ottoman Empire, a sovereign power, can trade or cease to trade with anybody we desire. We could have withdrawn our oil from French markets altogether, given there is more profitable demand elsewhere. We decided against this as a sign of good will. However, if such a hostile statement should ever come from any nation, we would put an absolute embargo.

Thirdly, we would like to humbly remind any potentially aggressive power that declaring war on the Ottoman Empire or Bulgaria means declaring a was on all members of the Treaty of Izmir, as well as individual allies.
YaBB God
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« Reply #147 on: June 18, 2016, 03:49:09 PM »

We would like to highlight that last point of our Ottoman allies as well.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #148 on: June 18, 2016, 04:02:59 PM »

The Ottoman Empire will not back down to any ultimatum. However, we've been always believing in settling all problems via honest diplomatic dialogue (Yep, diplomatic channels are always open).

The French Republic should understand that we made serious economic commitments to China and Japan.

There is no embargo and we protest against this incorrect description. Any sovereign nation decides the degree of it's trade.
Junior Chimp
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United States

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« Reply #149 on: June 18, 2016, 04:09:16 PM »

The People of China thank the OPA for their increase in willingness to trade. We will be accepting their advances with open arms. A Chinese Trade Delegation will travel to Istanbul to set up a trade route through the Middle East (around British Territory) to offer our resources like glue, tea, silk, sugar cane, tobacco, cotton, corn, and peanuts. We hope that this trade route will be the start of an illustrious friendship for many years.
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