The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32659 times)
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« on: May 23, 2016, 09:53:27 PM »

Implementing the Spanish Revolution
Turn 1 Public Orders

The New Flag of the People's Republic of Spain

Domestic Reorganization of the People's Republic:
The Spanish goverment recognizes there is work to be done in order to remove the stain of monarchism, capitalism, and inefficiency in the land. We must implement the Revolution in Spain.

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The Official De-Christianization Policy of the People's Republic:
The Spanish government accepts the following three statements as a fact in regards to the Catholic Church: it has for centuries oppressed the Spanish people through tithes and priviledges, it has spread superstition across the land and throughout Spanish homes and resisted scientific fact, and its priests have been a source of corruption and debauchery. Therefore it is clear this situation must be immeadiately be rectified. The People's Republic hereby takes the following move in regards to the Catholic Church:

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Spanish Church after being seized by the People's Republic
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« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 09:51:54 AM »

The People's Republic is proud to announce we have made the following agreement with the Ottoman Empire.

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X- Julian Besteiro, General Secretary of the People's Republic

X - Ismail Enver Pasha, on behalf of the Sultan
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« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2016, 10:08:33 AM »

     The People's Republic of Spain officially condemns Italian actions and likewise urge all other powers to do so as well. Patrolling close to the Baeleric Islands achieves little, all the while leaving the potential open for war should an accident occur. We further condemn the meddling of the corrupt theocracy in our affairs. Any priest attempting to escape to Italy will immeadiately be brought into state custody, for they may attempt to sabotage the new people's government with their information on Spain.

     We find it interesting the Pope, a man whose own predecessor was brutally murdered by Italian thugs, has the gall to criticize Spain for becoming a secular state. We reject Catholicism because it has a brutal history of violence, opression, and falsehoods that were only further confirmed by actions in Rome. By removing this noxious weed (the Curch) from Spanish society we will be better able to face the day to day challenges of the world than if we were blinded by superstition. It is with recent actions in mind that we must officially announce the strict limiting of communications with Italy until such time they pledge openly not to meddle in the affairs of our nation. We cannot have the people of Spain be corrupted by Capitalist, theocratic propaganda spewing out of other nations.

     We call on other nations to condemn agressive Italian actions. Regardless of our government system, we remain a sovereign and legitimate state and demand to be treated as such. These naval actions are clearly intended to be a threat and achieve little other than risking war.

Julian Besteiro, General Secretary of the People's Republic
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« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2016, 12:11:04 PM »
« Edited: May 24, 2016, 12:43:25 PM by Spamage »

Spanish Response to Italian Agression

"The claw of the Italian invader intends to enslave us."

The above poster is to be distributed throughout the People's Republic.

Radio address by the General Secretary to the Spanish Nation:
"My Spanish brethren,

     For the past few days my government has recieved threats from the Italians. First they proposed  naval actions against us and now they are threatening privately to hold military operations on the border. There was once a time when Spain ruled over Italy, but the incompetence of the House of Hapsburg has made that era a distant memory. It is time for the Spanish nation to improve itself, so we are no longer at the point where such enemies of the state can openly threaten us. Our former great leaders would weep if they knew Italians were threatening the great Spanish nation.

     With your commitment we can return the People's Republic to its rightful place as a European great power. We are all Spaniards, committed to spreading the Revolution and showing these wretched and agressive Italians we demand freedom from superstition and corruption. I call on every citizens to be vigilant and on the watch for Italian actions. Actions in support of the Church, which is clearly behnind the scenes run by the Italian government, are still forbidden but we now urge our citizens to report to the government when neighbors and associates have been shown to be collabarating with one of Spain's enemies by practicing Catholicism. This will allow us to eliminate any Italian influence in our great and new society.

     Another way the common people can defeat the Italian menace is by working to full productivity. It is the actions of those in the factories, in the fields, and in the offices of this nation that drive the nation. Efficiency and loyalty are great ways to show your love for the new government as well as opposeition to the Papist-Royalist-Italian conspiracy.

     We shall not attack Italy, but if we are invaded by foreign powers I remain confident the people of Spain will provide adequate resistance. We survived the invasions of Napoleon, so too can we survive attacks by France and Italy today. I would warn the Pope not to underestimate the love of Spanish citizens for our glorious nation. "
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United States

« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2016, 02:36:24 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is deeply concerned about the crisis situation emerging on the Iberian Peninsula. Having no vital interests in the region, as well as not representing either Catholic nor revolutionary politics, the Ottoman Empire would be willing to mediate between the two sides.

The Pope is a bit worried about having a Muslim nation be the arbiter between two Catholic countries. The Emperor is open to the idea, but the Pope much prefers France or Portugal.

We very strongly object to being referred to by Italy as a "Catholic Country". Spain is secular now and Italy must accept this. That being said, we applaud the Ottomans for their initiative and look forward to their aid in resolving this clear crisis brewing in Europe. We are more than happy to send representatives to Istanbul.
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United States

« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2016, 04:38:42 PM »

Both the Emperor and the Papacy agree to having the peace talks be held in Germany, but only on the condition that France be invited as well. France is a major player in the region and has a stake in the results of the talks and it would be a great injustice to exclude them.

As far as the Pope is concerned, Spain is a Catholic country. And as far as Italian foreign policy is concerned, the Pope's word is Vox Dei.

I consent to the plans to hold the talks in Germany, and am even willing to include France, so long as certain assurances can be given. Seeing as France is allied with the Italians, we fear being double-teamed and forced into concessions we do not wish to make. We will only accept the French attendence if, before the Conference, both Italy and France recognize the People's Republic as the legitimate government in Spain and denounce the claims of King Alfonso, who is universally hated for entering us into a world war late and on the losing side.
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United States

« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2016, 05:04:26 PM »

France and Italy have repeatedly shown themselves unwilling to negotiate in good faith. Spain was willing to discuss concrete steps to take action and better Europe, but are outraged by this insult. We thus refuse to attend any conference due to the repeated insults hurled at our nation: be it fleets near our border, joint military exercises, or a refusal to wait until the summit in Germany to make such insulting demands. It is clear they too will be the ones to first declare war. I hope the threat of such wretched powers from the outside reminds my fellow citizens of the importance of Spanish Unity in the face of agression.

We would like it to be noted for posterity that we were willing to negotiate in good faith but cannot anymore due to French attempts to hold any potential deal hostage. The People's Republic is not the agressor, the Franco-Italian Alliance is.

Good day,
Julian Besteiro, General Secretary
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2016, 06:53:15 PM »

The claim made by Italy that we are the agressors is as false as the God they worship. It was Italian naval aggression and patrols near the Baeleric Islands that provoked it all. That being said, we are willing to ignore the belligirent and insulting demands made by the Italians/French and still come to Germany to discuss a solution, though only if our original demands for recognition and the repudiation of King Alfonso are still met.

We find it interesting that the Pope expresses concern for the secularization of Spain and claims to care for Church throughout the world and yet the Popes for centuries have come from Italy. If Catholicism truly is a world religion, then why have other nationalities not been represented on St Peter's Throne? The Church today is a corrupt institution attempting to exert control and make demands over land to which it has no claim.

We look forward to sending a delegation to Berlin if our original demands are met. We desire peace and no bloodshed regardless of what other powers may say.

Julian Besteiro, General Secretary
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2016, 10:47:36 AM »

The following dispatch is to be officially published in the Spanish People's Paper for the whole world to see:

You must understand how dire your situation is. An combined invasion by France and Italy is not something to be taken lightly. Your army will only be a token force compared to the military might of a crusade. Your experiment in Socialism will not be able to survive. I implore you, for the good of your own people, to back down on your persecution of the Church. For while God may forgive the crude heretic, an Italian sabre will not.

Deus Vult.

Italian Ambassador to Spain, Ennio Alberta Benito Napoli

We have recently made our demands for attendence to the conference clear, and this was part of dispatch we have recieved from the Italian Papists in response. They threaten us, to kill our nation and restore monarchy and superstition to the land, even branding the potential conflict as a crusade. We are utterly disgusted Italy would attempt to coerce us by threatening force and it has thus been made clear to us that both they, and the French, are not negotiating in good faith. It is with a heavy heart then that we must withdraw from talks in Germany. We wanted, and still hope for, peace but cannot allow people to be swallowed by the Franco-Italian menace or be bullied by their demands!

We condemn your use of such strong and violent rhetoric by Italy. As France will no doubt remember from the days of Napoleon I, an invasion of Spain is not to be taken lightly. Countless Italians will be slaughtered in Spanish fields, towns, and waters. For what? It is not as though we are killing the Catholics, we are merely dismantling the Church, which for far too long has oppressed the people of Spain. France during the Revolution dismantled the Catholic Church, with all the property not ever being returned due to a deal between the Vatican and Napoleon. That property remains privatized today. If France can shed Church functions, so too can Spain. We are a sovereign entity and demand to be treated as such and not bossed around with such extreme demands.

Diplomatic recognition (our demand) is nothing compared to the demands you make, which are at the core of why the Spanish Revolution was necessary. If you will have your crusade, so be it. I will not be the agressor, that will be the Pope and his minions in the Italian Senate.

I was willing to discuss slowing the persecutions, or even deporting those deemed to be unconvertable, but not at the expense of my sovereignity. If you wish to make such a large demand, which is nothing compared to diplomatic recognition, you must do it at the conference and we will be willing to consider it, otherwise no deal. The Italians have no right to dictate the actions of other nations.

This war will be of your making, not mine. Spain has nothing but good intentions to back up its actions. How about the Italy and the Church?
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2016, 03:32:50 PM »

I can thus only invite both sides to send me their demands ahead of the peace talks, and we shall try to find the best workable solution and compromise for both sides.

We will be sending in our demands this evening.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2016, 04:19:07 PM »

It is the opinion as the Commander in Chief of the Great American Republic, The United States of America, that the Franco-Italian alliance and the Spanish socialist movement don't want peace nor do they want shared economic prosperity. Perhaps, those of us that do, should impose strict trade tariffs or cease all trade on the juvenile governments until they can enter talks as adults. Or perhaps not. Just a thought.

Douglas MacArthur.

In order to demonstrate out commitment to peace and this mediation we will send in our demands regardless of whether the other powers are participating or not. We desire nothng but peace, as we have argued from the begining.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2016, 12:09:40 PM »

Securing the Revolution
Turn 2 Public Orders

Domestic Policy:

-We will let it be known that the People's Republic listens to its citizens. Therefore we are scrapping the mandatory education of students away from their homes, though the remainder of our reforms will remain. Instead the program will be replaced by a three week period in which the students will travel to a different regions of Spain to learn more about Spanish culture and heritage across the nation.

-Recognizing the crisis that is upon our nation we understand the need to students to be able to defend themselves. Light military training is to now be conducted in Spanish physical education classes. Those 17-20 year olds who are deemed to be most capable and loyal will eventually become officers and leaders in the new Spanish People's Army. Military training will include weapon handling, guerilla fighting in rural areas, survival skills, and fostering a love of the People's Republic.

-We will mobilize the people of Spain to fight the Revolutionaries. The People's Army of Spain (PSA) is thus hereby established. Army pay will be generous, to encourage loyalty, and will be funded by continued sales of Church lands and property. Every Spanish male aged 18-35 is immeadiately registered for a draft. The Army will be supplied by goods from our public agricultural lands. (Choosing option A).

-Small farm workers as well as factory laborers are exempted from the draft, due to their vital importance to the day-to-day economic well-being of Spain.

-The Church has had the gall to declare a "Second Reconquista", and we laugh at their pretentions of control over the Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, for every Spanish citizen killed by the neo-Crusaders, one priest will be executed. If they kill no one, no priests need die. If they intend to spill Spanish blood, we shall spill theirs too. The Church has made itself too big of an enemy to the Revolution to be allowed to exist in any form in the new society. Those caught worshiping publicly shall face confiscation of property, detainment, or will be shipped to a different region where they will labor on the siezed agricultural lands, under the watchful eye of Revolutionary soldiers.

-In propaganda and eduction emphasize the inherent inqeualities and corruption of both Royalist factions as well as the Church. We must whip up public opinion against there reactionary causes!

-The financial assets of anyone associated with either monarchist claimant or the Pope are immeadiately and permanently siezed by the People's Republic. They have turned their back on our reformed society in the name of greed and fanatacism.

-With a war upon us, conduct weapons and naval research in universities and government facilities. Look at the best way to fight and keep an army supplied in deserts. Also look into improving Spanish aerial technology.

Foreign Policy:
-The United States government, led by MacArthur, is recognized by the People's Republic as the legitimate government in Cuba.

-The People's Republic openly condemns the actions of the Pope as a violation of our sovereignity. We call on all nations (Catholic, Muslim, Protestant, and secular) to stand against such a dangerous precendent in the modern times and condemn this action. Religion has no place in the Twentieth Century to be dictating wars and condemning governments. The Medieval period is over.

-For the time being we cannot aid or support the rebels in Portugal in any way. While we believe their cause to be noble, and trust completely in their motivations, our attention must be on handing the Civil War.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2016, 11:09:10 PM »

"The French and Italian dogs have declared war on our glorious republic. These reactionary swine would shackle the will of the people and attempt to force a crown on us. They seek to restore superstition and a rigid social hierarchy back onto our shoulders, we cannot let them! Just as our forefathers rallied against the Bonapartes a century ago, I call on every Spaniard to resist the French with just as strong of a ferocity as our grandparents! Only by uniting in the face of such naked opprotunism on the part of the other nations will we be able to convince their workers to rise up and declare a People's Revolutions in their own lands.

I call on the international community to respond to this clear violation of Spanish national sovereignity. Think of all the innocent Spanish citizens who will be killed by French and Italian troops trying to seize our homes and enslave our nation! This naked agression has no place in the modern, civilized world and ought to be severely punished. Was it not so long ago that France regularly attacked its neighbors in a naked bid for power? It is time they and the Italian government halt their medieval, backwards ways and if it requires force to achieve this aim, then so be it.

Allowing this unwarranted attack sets a dangerous precedent, one that would reverberate across the globe. If naked imperial bids for power are allowed again, the international situation will become even more destabilized. Today their alliance attack my nation for being secular. What's next? It it too much of a stretch to believe they would attack the Ottomans for following the faith of Islam or Great Britain for its Protestantism?

Their alliance represents the ugliest parts of our past: reactionaries, superstition, and corruption. Their governments oppress the poor and cater to the rich. I remain resolved that this will be rectified. Spain will triumph against this evil and the Revolution will march on!"

-General Secretary Besteiro in a national radio address
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2016, 02:01:37 PM »

The British-Ottoman relations went off the wrong start at the beginning of this century, with two wars fought between us. These were sad times and we are likewise resolved not to let these sad times return in our relations.
OOC: You mean when Spamage  (playing the UK) destroyed your country by mounting a coalition of basically everyone against you? And that in the end you took your revenge by convincing the USA, Germany to go war against them? Tongue

It's ancient history now Tongue

OOC: In my defense I was plotting that before he joined as the Ottomans Wink Besides, that world war ended up being a blast.

Also, I'm going to be traveling for the next week starting today. Some days I will have access to WiFi, others I will not. Shouldn't be too much of an issue though.

The People's Republic of Spain commends Britain's efforts to make peace in the Balkans. We hope the British government, and all other powers, will also consider working to establish peace in the Iberian Peninsula, where innocent Spaniards are being gunned down by naked French and Italian imperialism. All we desire it to live free in our reorganized and egalitarian society.

Our government would also like to highlight the hypocrisy of the French government, infected with infernal royalism, which says it wants to resolve a crisis while at the same time provoking one on the very same continent.
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United States

« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2016, 12:04:19 PM »

-We second the Ottoman call for a conference between ourselves, Italy, France, and the Ottomans and suggest the Netherlands as a site for neutral discussions to be held. Peace and stability  in Europe ought to be a priority for all European powers.
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« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2016, 07:34:48 PM »

The German government fully trusts our Ottoman allies to negotiate a fair and amicable settlement in order to preserve the peace in Europe.
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« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2016, 12:24:01 AM »

The German Empire-Deutches Reich

-We mourn the passing of Chancellor Von Bulow and shall entomb him with all the proper glory a man of his stature deserves. Arrange a state funeral in Berlin with reminders of his accomplishments and the greatness of the Reich.

-We will not openly commit troops to the German settlers on the Volga, though we will issue a formal declaration reaffirming our beliefs recognizing their sovereignity and promising to intervene should their rights be violated. Furthermore, it pleases the government to announce the open sending of food and military aid to the settlers in the region in the form of weapons.

-We shall create the position of Viceroy of Africa, who shall oversee day-to-day governance of all African possesions. His authority shall only be superceded by that of the Chancellor and the Kaiser. We shall also encourage further German emigration to the colonies through adverstisements as well as incentives. Offer settlers willing to move free land and a modest subsidy to ease their transition into their new lives.

-We shall also work on establishing firm relations with the non-ethnic Germans in Africa. A department will be established to help him govern the region with offices in Madagascar, Tanzania, Cameroon, and Namibia. Also, Establish a public education system in the colonies to teach German language, culture, and values to citizens regardless of race. Found new universities in Antananarivo (Madagascar), Yaoundé (Cameroon), and Windhoek (Namibia). These locations shall conduct research on local wildlife, tropical diseases, and provide a grounding in education for subjects of the Kaiser abroad.

-In order to bolster the economy of our colonies begin the construction of roads, railroads, military bases, as well places of residence. Look to expand the electrical grid, create airbases, improve communication, fix clean water supply, and gain a better understanding of the region. Hopefully improving the day-to-day operations will endear us further with residents.

-In order to offset Chinese trade loses, continue to focus on our colonial empire. Also reach out to other nations (the Netherlands, Korea, and Latin America) in order to create new, mutually beneficial trade agreements. It should be our priority to get finished German products abroad in the many markets this new era gives us access to.

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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2016, 01:01:00 AM »

The German Empire-Deutches Reich

Foreign Affairs:

--The government is more than happy to return our land in Morrocco to the government of that nation and will do so beginning at the next turn. In return we seek friendship with Sultan Hassan as well as increased trade between our two nations.

--Germany is horrified by the tragedy of the earthquake in Ottoman soil and shall send humanitarian aid to the nation. They have been and remain a source of stability in the region.

--Begin withdrawing all German troops from Romanian soil, now that we no longer involved in the conflict. Remind their government they have little hope of victory now that they stand alone against the Athens Pact. Urge them to seek peace.

--Germany congratulates the new prime minister of Great Britain and wishes him success in governing.

Domestic Affairs:

--Found a public-supported football league with teams from various cities of the Empire competing against one another. Establish teams in Vienna, Munich, Berlin, Essen, Braunschweig, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Hamburg, Frankfort, and Cologne. Encourage the broadcasting to be done over radio. All games shall commence with the national anthem.

--An Imperial Ministry of Health shall be established in Germany, with a Minister of Health being given a seat in the Cabinet. Spend money on researching ways to combat diseases, both in Germany proper and the colonies, as well as how to keep Germans healthy. Expand on the legacy of Bismarck.

Colonial Affairs:

--The Chancellor is happy to announce the appointment of Kurt von Schleicher as the new Viceroy for Africa. We look forward to a productive, effective relationship with our colonies abroad.

--Begin looking into potential representation for the colonies in the Reichstag. Approach the matter with the Kaiser and other members of the Administration.

--Continue investment in infrastructure and education in the colonies.
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Posts: 2,829
United States

« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2016, 01:44:51 AM »

Excerpt from Speech by the Chancellor to the Reichstag, "On Peace and Order", Jan. 1930:

"My fellow Germans, the world in which we are living is a dangerous and unsteady place. In the past few years we've seen fighting flare across the steppes of Russia, the fields of Spain, the vast expanses of China, and most recently the Balkans of Europe. In light of these conflicts, and the struggles facing the community of nations, I've come here to address the Empire and give a detailed accounting of our views on foreign policy so that there can be no uncertainty in where we stand.

Our government will remain comitted to peace, but not peace at any cost. We recognize than wars can and do occur, as they have for centuries, but we will fight tirelessly to prevent and solve those that do not need to happen. The thousands of innocents at risk of being killed deserve better. The stability of the world order ought to be paramount for all powers today as we cannot risk going back to the dark days around the turn of the century when so many lives were lost.

Thus, with these ideals in mind, the Government of Germany joins the rest of Europe in condemning the Romanian decision to continue their war and publicly urge them to seek peace. War can only bring death and destruction to the Continent, not prosperity and mutual understanding. In light of their decision to continue the conflict needlessly, we immediately announce the withdrawal of all German soldiers in that nation as we cannot condone their actions in any way.

There have been stories released about German funding in the Spanish Civil War. Any such action undoubtedly would be a mistake, though those were uncertain times as a state, with a then established government, was being torn into chaos. Regardless of the veracity of the story, we will now reiterate our stance, this time on the Iberian Peninsula. We are pro peace. We recognize the government of the Kingdom of Spain and furthermore are willing to help fund the reconstruction of the ruined nation in the spirit of European brotherhood.

Now to Italy. We also urge both sides in the brewing Italian conflict to be cautious and not rush into war. There are so many conflicts brewing around the world, it would be a tragedy to see another emerge. Naturally we have every faith in the reasonableness of the Holy Father and hope he and the Prince can find a solution to their disagreement without costing lives.

Our call for peace extends beyond Europe as well. In both China and Russia we urge the governments of the various factions to consider the consequences of the fighting. Though we are not complete idealists, and recognize many of their differences may be too much to overcome, we publicly are stating our willingness to host peace talks for either conflict in Berlin should anyone agree to it. Let it never be said we stood by and watched the chaos unfold without acting.

In the similar spirit of international camradarie Germany is willing to offer international, humanitarian aid to those who need it, all they need do is ask. We are happy to announce at this moment we are preparing to send supplies to the Ottoman region devastated by the recent earthquake.

Continuing on our commitment in saving lives, the government is proud to announce the forthcoming returning of German Morrocco to the Sultan. The land was taken years ago, in another era when the world's values were likewise much different. There is no justification for holding onto the territory today when the people there undoubtedly clamor, and will continue to do so, for a return to their traditional government. We congratulate the Sultan on the improvements his government has made to his nation and wish him the best of luck moving forward.

In conclusion my fellow citizens, it is my firm belief these times of uncertainty can be overcome. As one of the most developed and prosperous nations in the world it is our duty to help safeguard it, alongside the other powers, from the threats it may face. Only by banding together and standing as a united Germany can we show ourselves to be an example for other nations. God bless Germany, God bless the Kaiser, and God bless the citizens of this greatest Empire."
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