The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32658 times)
YaBB God
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« Reply #75 on: May 26, 2016, 09:38:36 AM »

While we have received demands from Spain, we still will wait for those of the Italo-French alliance before we will begin mediation.

We furthermore implore the Republic of France to come to the table of negotiatin.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #76 on: May 26, 2016, 01:24:13 PM »

It is our fundamental belief that all reasonable powers should do their utmost to settle any differences peacefully, by honest diplomacy. Having learned a great deal from our own long and complicated history, we are convinced the war cannot be the first, not the second resort. It's the last resort.

While we respect Italy's concern for Catholics, we are respecting each power's sovereignty even more. We would like to point out that the Ottoman Empire is a Muslim country and our Sultan bears the rank of Caliph. However, you don't see us provoking hostilities with Italy due to their rule over Muslims in Libya.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
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« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2016, 02:07:24 PM »

It is our fundamental belief that all reasonable powers should do their utmost to settle any differences peacefully, by honest diplomacy. Having learned a great deal from our own long and complicated history, we are convinced the war cannot be the first, not the second resort. It's the last resort.

While we respect Italy's concern for Catholics, we are respecting each power's sovereignty even more. We would like to point out that the Ottoman Empire is a Muslim country and our Sultan bears the rank of Caliph. However, you don't see us provoking hostilities with Italy due to their rule over Muslims in Libya.

And we would like to point out how the Italian government has never dared disrespect the rights of our Muslim minority. We never have and never will seek to disenfranchise them or deny them religious property.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #78 on: May 26, 2016, 02:30:37 PM »

It is our fundamental belief that all reasonable powers should do their utmost to settle any differences peacefully, by honest diplomacy. Having learned a great deal from our own long and complicated history, we are convinced the war cannot be the first, not the second resort. It's the last resort.

While we respect Italy's concern for Catholics, we are respecting each power's sovereignty even more. We would like to point out that the Ottoman Empire is a Muslim country and our Sultan bears the rank of Caliph. However, you don't see us provoking hostilities with Italy due to their rule over Muslims in Libya.

And we would like to point out how the Italian government has never dared disrespect the rights of our Muslim minority. We never have and never will seek to disenfranchise them or deny them religious property.

(OOC: when have you enfranchised your colonial population? Tongue)
Atlas Star
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« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2016, 09:35:10 PM »

Romanian Official Statement:

We appreciate Italy and Spain both being willing to negotiate. We ask Italy pressure France to join a round of negotiations, and we suggest any oppression of Catholics cease alongside belligerency. Romania suggests that France work alongside its ally rather than constantly forcing Italy out of prior agreements.
YaBB God
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« Reply #80 on: May 26, 2016, 10:43:36 PM »

The Empire of Japan


-The Empire of Japan congratulates General MacArthur on his inauguration. We hope friendly cooperation between our nations will continue to flourish under his regime.

-This was not the first earthquake Japan has endured and it will not be the last. Emergency medical care, search and rescue, and temporary shelter for the victims has probably already begun on a regional level, but should be supported by local divisions of the IJA. Details, funding  and implementation of longer-term actions, such as relocation and employment of victims and redevelopment of the area can be left to the Diet; that's what they're there for. As for outside help, we won't refuse any offered assistance from other nations or charitable organizations, but we will not ask for it. The sign of a modern nation is self-sufficiency; we don't need help to support the Japanese people.

-The Diet, the IJA, and the Emperor would all throw a fit if we supported the Chinese Communists. Outright support for the Kuomintang is also a poor choice after the ingratitude they showed their benefactors the moment they thought they no longer needed us. Non-interference is the best policy.

-In general, it is my belief that domestic policy should be left to the Diet. With progress made on trade agreements and the recent instability in several major industrial powers, the exports should be thriving relieving any serious domestic pressure that the Diet could not handle. The success of the model in Japan has been very encouraging; perhaps it would work in the colonies? Request that a committee of parliamentarians as well as colonial administrators (which probably includes the IJA) be established to investigate the possibility for colonial assemblies to handle domestic affairs.

-Every necessary preparation should be made for the arriving foreign dignitaries. Any reports or rumors of piracy or threats at sea should be investigated, the streets of Tokyo should be cleared of unsavory elements, and anyone suspected of planning to cause trouble or instability should be dealt with however best to guarantee they won't cause a problem.

Atlas Institution
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« Reply #81 on: May 27, 2016, 05:52:38 AM »

The Ottoman Empire would be happy to send an humanitarian mission to help our Japanese friends with recovery after that dreadful calamity.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
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« Reply #82 on: May 27, 2016, 09:54:03 AM »

It is our fundamental belief that all reasonable powers should do their utmost to settle any differences peacefully, by honest diplomacy. Having learned a great deal from our own long and complicated history, we are convinced the war cannot be the first, not the second resort. It's the last resort.

While we respect Italy's concern for Catholics, we are respecting each power's sovereignty even more. We would like to point out that the Ottoman Empire is a Muslim country and our Sultan bears the rank of Caliph. However, you don't see us provoking hostilities with Italy due to their rule over Muslims in Libya.

And we would like to point out how the Italian government has never dared disrespect the rights of our Muslim minority. We never have and never will seek to disenfranchise them or deny them religious property.

(OOC: when have you enfranchised your colonial population? Tongue)

(OOC: Politically they are disenfranchised and have always been. But they do have economic and religious freedoms that we don't plan on infringing upon, yet.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #83 on: May 27, 2016, 07:35:01 PM »

The Republic Of China

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We have dealt peacefully with the Communists but they attempt to force our hand. We will demand they cease their barbarian tactics immediately or face complete annihilation

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Modernization must continue, but we will not rely on the tactics of the European World. We will instead look internally not only to our country's great military minds but also to other Eastern nations like Japan.

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We will be placing a strict quarantine on all trade in and out of the Shanghai region. We will place 5 Infantry Divisions and all 4 Cruisers on the border of British-controlled territory until the British fix their problem.
YaBB God
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« Reply #84 on: May 28, 2016, 08:44:50 AM »

Having reviewed all input from both sides of the Italo-Spanish conflict, and upon most careful consideration and deliberation, we have come to the conclusion that one of the sides in this conflict must not be prepared to solve this conflict peacefully, otherwise we could not explain this set of, to say it clearly, ludicrous demands from one of the sides.

Out of respect towards all nations involved, we shall refrain from naming that side, that, deliberately or not, ended any chance of a reasonable compromise with their pre-discussion demands for now, and give said nations a period of 48 (OOC: In-game, that's obviously a period of a month or so) hours, during which they may issue new conditions. If that period of time has elapsed, and no willingness to seriously compromise and peacefully resolve that emerging conflict has been shown, we will have no choice but to publicly state which nation was not ready to compromise, and which nation was not interested in a peaceful solution.

In order to avoid this from happening, we shall send out official envoys from the German Government to both Madrid and Rome. Both of them shall be accompanied by reasonable numbers of staff and protective units, and are to lead talks with the above mentioned nation in order to ease the way to a peaceful solution. For Spain, this envoy shall be Hermann Müller, the former leader of the SPD, while for Italy this envoy shall be Prelate Ignaz Seipel, the former Minister-President of Austria, and a member of the Kanzler's own Zentrum party.
Junior Chimp
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« Reply #85 on: May 28, 2016, 04:04:14 PM »

The Republic Of China Announcement:

We, The Republic of China, want to let the nations of the world understand the awful tragedies done by some in our nation. In the past, there was a cruelty done by some and our ranks, but we want to let the world know that we have put to justice some that have sought to "purge" Japanese sympathizers from our nation. We respect Japan's sovereignty and their right to rule and do not want more bloodshed between our two nations. China stands with all Asian nations in a push for global prosperity and tranquility.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #86 on: May 29, 2016, 05:19:25 PM »

End of Early 1927:

Map Changes:
-Carlist uprising in Navarre, Alfonsist uprising in Spanish Morocco and the Canary Islands.
-Chinese Communist Party declares war on Prime Minister Chiang, takes several provinces.
-McAdoo government-in-exile establishes itself in Guantanamo Bay.

In the News:

Chinese Communists revolt in China:

Following a series of bizarre announcements by Prime Minister Chiang Kai-Shek to the Chinese Communist Party and his badly received apology to the Japanese Empire (which led to anti-Japanese demonstrations in Beijing and other key cities), Li Dazhao has openly denounced the Kuomintang Government as corrupt and infiltrated by the Japanese, and openly called for a revolt. Seizing on the best units of the ICA moving onto Shanghai, Dazhao has seized Hunan and Jiangxi provinces to establish a Chinese Soviet of his own in the city of Nanchang. As of this date, other provinces and isolated ICA units have joined the revolt, Emperor Guangxu reported to be furious.

Spain and Portugal thrown into Civil War:

With the international crisis caused by Spain's de-christianization policies on its highest point, two simultaneous revolts have exploded on the People's Republic of Spain. In Navarre, Generals Mola and Varela have plotted a coup with the Carlist movement led by Victor Pradera, and as a result the whole Basque Country and Navarre has risen against Besteiro to proclaim Jaime, Duke of Madrid, as the Carlist King Jaime III. In the meantime, the Spanish Army of Morocco and the Canary Islands garrison has revolted in a Junta led by Generals Orgaz and Kindelan, proclaiming Alfonso XIII true King. An unforeseen consequence of this has been the explosive uprising of revolutionary movements in Portugal, forcing King Luis Filipe to declare martial law to attempt to contain the revolt.

Pope launches "Second Reconquista"Sad

In response to the Iberian Crisis, Pope Alexander IX (the War Pope) has declared a "Second Reconquista" of Spain, calling on Catholic volunteers from the world to form an army and fight the equivalent of a Crusader against Julian Besteiro and the People's Republic of Spain. However, the pro-Catholic and monarchist forces face a complicated situation, as there are now two kings declaring for the Spanish throne. As of today, a Catholic Volunteer Army is being formed outside Rome, and is looking for an overall commander.

USA institutes a blockade of Cuba:

Following attempts by General MacArthur to obtain the surrender of the McAdoo government and the entrance of Cuba into the USA, Havana has soundly rejected his overtures and denounced him as an imperialistic tyrant. With the Cuban Government granting Guantanamo Bay for President McAdoo to install his government and thousands of Southern exiles joining his side, the USA has enforced a full blockade of the island of Cuba. With Latin America charging the USA as an aggressor, the Cuban Government and the USA Government in exile have openly asked the European Powers for aid.

Prince Carol of Romania found dead:

A summer visit to Crimea has turned into tragedy as Prince Carol of Romania and his wife have died in different, yet suspicious events. The Prince's wife, Miss Lambrino, fell suddenly ill with a fever and died after three days. His grief-stricken husband was found inside a tunnel two days later, his head blown open by a gunshot wound. Some have described it as a suicide, others suspect a murder. Romanian politicians are asking for an immediate investigation on the affair, and a group of rabid republicans have been arrested after denouncing the Tsar for supposedly being behind the situation.

Wars, Economy and Popularity:

Ongoing Wars:

Russian Civil War:
(Various Russian states)
Ceasefire Phase (no current hostilities)

Chinese Civil War:
(Chinese Empire v. Chinese Communist Party)
Starting Phase (Communists seize several provinces)

Spanish Civil War:
(People's Republic of Spain v. Carlist and Alfonsist Rebels)
Starting Phase (uprisings in Morocco and Navarre)

Popularity Ratings:

Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky: High
President Francois de la Rocque: High
Prime Minister Winston Churchill: High
Chancellor Wilhelm Marx: High
Prince Saionji Kinmochi: Medium
Emperor Victor Emmanuel III: Medium
Prince Felix Yusupov: Medium
Minister of War Enver Pasha: Medium
Tsar Nicholas I of Romania: Low
CiC General Douglas MacArthur: Low
General Secretary Julian Besteiro: Low
Prime Minister Chiang Kai Shek: Very Low

Economic Ratings:

Republic of France: Strong
German Empire: Strong
United Kingdom: Strong
Japanese Empire: Strong
Kingdom of Italy: Moderate
Ottoman Empire:  Moderate
People's Republic of Spain: Moderate
Kingdom of Romania: Moderate
Crimea: Moderate
United States of America: Moderate
Provisional Government of Russia: Weak
Chinese Empire: Weak
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #87 on: May 29, 2016, 05:25:39 PM »
« Edited: May 29, 2016, 05:42:45 PM by Lumine »

Current Armies:

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Atlas Icon
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« Reply #88 on: May 29, 2016, 07:48:17 PM »

Turn Two: Late 1927

General Secretary Julian Besteiro, can he win the Civil War in Spain?


1.- Your inauguration speech has brought mixed results, the more concerning one being that of the economy. Initially welcomed by many conservatives and business owners, the abolition of so many taxes has put the government on the road to a major deficit as more borrowing is necessary, and the resulting concerns place doubt on the fragile economic stability of the USA. Trade deals and the growth of hemp are helping, but the government will have to choose between running debt or finding other sources for money.

2.- General Pershing has proven surprisingly effective in rooting out KKK volunteers, dozens being jailed and others being executed in gunfights or by firing squad. The respite this could have brought was lost with your reckless decision to desegregate the military, which not only has achieved large scale criticism of your person between army circles, but place the American South in a state close to a revolt against the state military governments (it has, however, given you good standing in New England, the African American community and the more reformist part of the NSC). Be extremely careful.

3.- Cuba has rejected your overtures to join as a state, proclaiming they will never yield their independence. McAdoo has even set a government in Guantanamo, being joined by enough volunteers before the blockade was put in place to form a few units of his own. Can you put an end to the stand-off with Cuba and the McAdoo government in exile?


1.- On one side, your economic and domestic policies prove popular with large sectors of the Spanish society, particularly on education coverage, nationalization and employment announcements. Alas, that good will was thrown out of the window by your aggressiveness against Catholicism and, ironically, by your policy to have children taken away to be educated in other regions, which has enraged middle-class families to no end. With the Spanish society almost irreversely split between two sides, will you heal the divide or crush it?

2.- Encouraged by foreign support and the Pope's launch of a Crusade, the Carlists have revolted in Navarre with an entire army division, and the Pro-Alfonso XIII forces have captured Morocco and the three division strong Army of Africa. The enemy is evidently armed with foreign weapons and currency, but you still have the Navy and most of the Air Force and Army. In that scenario, your generals offer two roads to take: A.- Mobilize the population and field a large army, but one of dubious loyalty due to resentment against the regime. Or B.- Field revolutionary militia units to have an army not as well trained or armed, but truly loyal to the regime.

3.- The revolution has begun in Portugal, with uprisings in several cities as King Luis Filipe and his government try to fight the rebels back with French weapons. Will you risk an event greater international incident by meddling on the Portuguese Civil War as you face a war of your own?

United Kingdom:

1.- The Foreign Minister reports his great concern at the situation developing in China, with the Chinese Imperial Army placing quarantine in trade in Shanghai to big losses to British merchants as they suspect opium smuggling comes from them. The parties seem divided on the issue, some willing to launch an investigation, others demanding China to be taught a lesson.

2.- Reports on the welfare state expansion have been prepared, including improvement of worker's living conditions and wages, healthcare measures, even nationalizations of key industries. While many of this proves very popular with the public, a welfare state is anathema to a large part of your Parliamentary Party, that threatens revolt if you go too far. What will you do?

3.- Negotiations in Ireland appear to have stalled. Unionists in Ulster and other parts of Northern Ireland have hailed the government for taking a stand to support them (to great reception by your cabinet), but politicians in the south of Ireland remain opposed to Home Rule and the separation of the island, demanding full independence. It seems really hard to find a suitable compromise as time goes on, and the army believes some weapons might be entering Ireland somehow.


1.- The demise of Prince Carol has reflected badly on your person, your grace. The more vocal republicans charge you with having played a part, and many remain wary of the role played by the notoriously corrupt Crimean government. The Prime Minister has come to ask your permission for a full investigation on the matter.

2.- The economy appears to be surging through a combination of trade measures and your own protectionist measures to promote inner consumption. Alas, Ukraine and Bulgaria have formally complained that those protectionist measures make it hard for them to compete in good standing, and request them to be suspened to let the current trade agreements in full place.

3.- Military research seems to be productive in the modernization of the Romanian Army, but a lot of work is yet to be done. The General Staff recommends a mission from another large power to aid on the matter, as well as making the Romanian Army follow the training and weaponry style of one of those powers.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #89 on: May 29, 2016, 09:23:35 PM »


1.- Despite the harm done by the earthquake, the government's response proved efficient and dealing with the damage, leading to a minor surge in the popularity of you and your cabinet. Recently crowned Emperor Takahito (whose coronation was a resounding success despite the attempt on Tsar Alexei's life) has sent his personal congratulations after insisting on an unprecedented tour to the area.

2.- The Japanese economy is walking out of lethargy due to major trade deals just signed, making Tokyo and the largest ports of Japan rather busy indeed. Alas, benefits from closer cooperation to China seem endangered with the beginning of a civil war against the Imperial Regime (Prince PuYi protested the actions of Chiang by refusing to attend Takahito's coronation). Be watchful.

2.- The formation of a commission to consider some degree of Home Rule for the colonies has taken a turn for the worse, after two prominent deputies were found dead on a street in Yokohama. The Military Policy suspects militaristic elements inside the army to be responsible, but there's no concrete evidence. In the meantime, the commission believes it would be wiser to postpone their work.


1.- Abbe Lemire has taken up his ministry with ambitious zeal, moving to pass several urgent social reforms that have endeared him to workers. Alas, Lemine is on a collision course with General d'Esperey and the more pro-military members of the cabinet, as both defend the need for either large economic and social investment and the military surge, seeing both as unsustainable if taken at the same time. Be careful.

2.- Laval is bitterly disappointed at not being appointed Foreign Minister, but has taken up his embassy in Italy to a large effect, softening potential issues and becoming a favorite of the Pope and the exiled King Alfonso. Some elements are bitter with Italy for the Great War, but if they could see some concessions from their new ally they could be appeased.

3.- Your aid to Portugal has proved effective in aiding King Luis Filipe in his recent struggle against the Portuguese revolutionaries, but with his military being unruly he is facing serious trouble at putting down the revolt. Having sent desperate calls to aid to Paris, how will you assist the Portuguese?


1.- So far, the Senate and the College of Cardinals have worked rather well, with a complicated issue coming up at the last moment. A group of Italian Cardinals have protested that due to the still large amount of foreign cardinals said group has inordinate influence on Italian domestic policy, while others reject the notion that the College of Cardinals needs to be formed solely by Italians. With the Pope finding it very hard to compromise with both groups, what will you do?

2.- The revolt in Spain is on, as both Morocco and Navarre revolt. There is, however, a complicated matter. Pressed on by an unknown figure, King Alfonso XIII has asked to be allowed to fly to Morocco with the Catholic Volunteer Army, requesting the aid of the Italian Fleet to transport his forces to the mainland. At the same time, representatives of Jaime III and the Carlist Government ask for urgent support towards Navarre. What will you do?

3.- The Italian Imperial Petroleum Cartel has begun work, but it will take a long time before their work can prove successful. Tunis seems under control by the Italian Army, but rumours spread of a revolt being plotted in Benghazi and Tripoli, probably being funded by a foreign power. Be careful.


1.- China is in crisis, Prime Minister. Your ill-advised apology to Japan has inflamed anti-Japanese sentiment across the country (Prince PuYi becoming very popular after refusing to attend Takahito's coronation), and your threat to Li Dazhao has forced him to openly revolt against the government with several divisions taking his side. If you do not act soon and effectively, the civil war could spread and spell the doom of the Empire.

2.- Your best troops place Shanghai in quarantine now, an act that enraged foreign representatives and merchants. Some believe tension should be defused, and others pres you to escalate and order a boycott on British merchandise. What will you do?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #90 on: May 29, 2016, 09:49:32 PM »

Ottoman Empire:

1.- Your popularity rises as the economy shows encouraging signs of improvement, all thanks to trade deals, foreign investment and even an increase in petroleum sales. It will take a time to concrete itself, but experts believe the Ottoman economy could see an excellent performance if this trend continues. Congratulations!

2.- Contacts with the nations in Caucasus have yielded both good and bad results. The Cossacks have firmly expressed their unwillingness to deal with Istanbul as of now, but the minor regions are willing to enter a pact provided their receive both vital investments and the protection of their autonomy and independence against the Cossacks and the Russian Warlords. Similarly, Bosnia and Albania have entered a pact with the Empire, a move that has been denounced in a very hostile way by Bulgaria, Greece and the Magyar Republic.

3.- While your initial shipment of Armenians to Crimea (some 20,000) was a success, the mysterious leaking of your (so says the unconfirmed rumours) plans to relocate them and other minorities to Libya or Algeria has brought large scale protests across the north of the Empire and the impossibility of further relocation. Armenians and others remain peaceful in their protests in fear of the Empire, but the issue is causing a headache.


1.- Scandal on the Reichstag! While your move to employ von Papen proved very successful as he was elected PPL to Zentrum, von Papen has used his intelligence background to uncover a conspiracy. It has been discovered several coalition MP's (3 from Zentrum, 1 from DDP, 1 from SPD) had been bribed by a foreign power in an attempt to influence German domestic policy. Calls have been issued for you to take a firm stand on the issue, Papen advising the expulsion of those bribed Deputies.

2.- The Autobahn project has yielded excellent result so far, and while a long term scheme many believe it will have a positive effect on the growth of the German economy. Now that there is a surplus, many question whether it should be reinvested or sent to social spending or military projects.

3.- General Alexander von Falkenhausen, commander of the Qingdao garrison in China has expressed his concern over the start of the war against the Kuomintang government. Falkenhausen requests an infantry division and a support fleet to make sure no harm comes to the base, while proposing via Schleicher that Germany takes the change to support the current government against the communists.


1.- Wrangel and the Russian General Staff report back, all arrangements are made. Going by your instructions, the Russian Armed Forces are ready to deploy.

2.- While your visit to Japan was a remarkable success, it was also a much dangerous move. Two assassination attempts took place, one on the sea trip and one in Tokyo itself, both attackers being shot dead before they could make a move. Wrangel suspects Kolchak or the other warlords, Milyutin suspects a large power.

3.- Initial economic moves have been well received, aiding the Russian economy despite the troubled times to keep up with the large military. That said, officers at the Economic Ministry insist that unless Russia recovers its larger sources of natural resources and, particularly, oil, the Russian economy will not fully take off.


1.- Expansion on the Crimean military begins, the army and the Czech Legion pleased by the announcements. Crimea has begun to acquire a small air force, but to form a navy will require that you personally buy foreign vessels as Sebastopol cannot currently build them (the harbor remains damaged from the war).

2.- As Casinos, resorts, red light districts and so on expand through Sebastopol and Crimea, religious leaders are horrified and the masses look uneasy, but the revenue is astounding. Crimea is slowly beginning to swim in foreign currency, and your money reserves are soon begin to refill as your furtune in Russia slowly returns.

3.- The death of Prince Carol threatens to cause diplomatic strife with prominent figures in Romania, who demand an investigation. Will you take steps to find out what exactly happened to the Prince?
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #91 on: May 29, 2016, 09:53:35 PM »


-War declarations are FORBIDDEN for players against other players. The only war declarations authorized are those between a player and an NPC country, provided you have a credible casus belli and I grant permission.


-Spain and China moves for the Spanish and Chinese Civil Wars for July-September 1927 must be in by Wednesday Night. Their moves for October-December 1927 must be in by Saturday Night.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #92 on: May 29, 2016, 09:57:13 PM »

War Rules:

1.- Turns: We will play wars with turns of three months, which means, two war turns for every main turn in the game. You send your orders for the first War Turn, I simulate on a mid turn update, you send the orders for the second War Turn, they are in when the turn ends. If we are fighting a WORLD WAR, we will probably play three War Turns per one turn.

2.- Movilization: You decide whether to fight wars with your professional standing army, or whether to arm militia, or enact a general or a partial mobilization of your population. Each of those has consecuences (military and others), so think it through.

3.- Moves: Pretty explanatory, you tell me where the fleets, divisions and air units go depending on the context I provide. I then simulate. If you do not send moves, I assume your troops take defensive positions and take no initiative.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #93 on: May 29, 2016, 10:03:02 PM »
« Edited: May 29, 2016, 10:07:35 PM by Lumine »

Chinese Civil War: July-September 1927

War Info:

Chinese Empire:

-Chinese Army: 42 divisions (34 inf, 8 cav)
-Chinese Navy: 2 BB, 4 CR, 10 DD, 4 SUB
-Chinese Airforce: 7 Fighter Wings, 5 Bombing Wings, 4 Transport Wings.

Communist China:

-Communist Army: 16 divisions (9 inf, 2 cav, 5 militia)
-Communist Navy: No navy.
-Communist  Airforce: 3 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings.

Other Info:

-Chinese Imperial Army has deployed five divisions near Shanghai, others free to deploy as needed be.
Atlas Icon
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« Reply #94 on: May 29, 2016, 10:07:03 PM »

Spanish Civil War: July-September 1927

War Info:

People's Republic of Spain:

-Spanish Army: 21 divisions (9 inf, 4 cav, 8 mil)
-Spanish Navy: 2 BB, 7 CR, 20 DD, 12 SUB
-Spanish Airforce: 5 Fighter Wings, 1 Bombing Wings, 2 Transport Wings.

Carlist Spain:
-Carlist Army: 5 divisions (1 inf, 4 mil)
-Carlist Navy: None.
-Carlist Airforce: 1 Fighter Wing, 1 Bombing Wing.

Alfonsist Spain:
-Alfonsist Army: 3 divisions (3 inf)
-Alfonsist Navy: None.
-Alfonsist Air Force: 1 Fighter Wing.

Other Info:

-A Catholic Volunteer Army is being formed in Italy. It will be deployable (and I will reveal its strength) by September 1927.
Atlas Star
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« Reply #95 on: May 29, 2016, 10:36:54 PM »


The Tsar will deliver a speech soon, asking for calm and peace. We denounce the suspicious death of Prince Carol, and we order Crimea immediately begin investigating his death. Using his wife's death to cover up a killing of the Tsar's elder brother. The Tsar is deeply grieved, and it appears as though the entire Royal family is in grieving. The Tsar is greatly grieved by these accusations of murdering his own brother.
YaBB God
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« Reply #96 on: May 30, 2016, 03:48:23 AM »

The German Empire - Turn 2

Seeing as the deputies to the Reichstag are to answer only to the German people that elected them, any form of bribery, be it from domestic or foreign powers, is to condemned most utterly. Widescale investigations on the backgrounds of these bribery attempts are ordered to commence immediately, and to report directly to the Kanzler (OOC: Lumine, I am waiting on your PM xD). Furthermore, the parliamentary leaderships of the Coalition parties are most strongly advised to lead an expulsion of the concerned deputies.

In order to further improve the methods of inter-German commerce, projects to build a network of Autobahnen in Germany are to be continued and extended. Over a period of the next ten years, additional funds shall be directed to construct or enhance further connections between major German cities, such as between Hamburg and Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin, Frankfurt and Cologne or Munich and Vienna.

While Germany will not comment on Chinese internal issues, we are strongly committed to ensure the protection of and the stability and peace in our colony at Qingdao. In order to guarantee this for the nearer future, one additional infantry division along with one additional Destroyer shall be deployed to Qingdao.
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #97 on: May 30, 2016, 05:37:30 AM »
« Edited: May 30, 2016, 06:08:03 AM by Enver Pasha of Enverland »

Diplomatic statements:

1. The Ottoman Empire is deeply saddened with the unfortunate demise of Prince Carol of Romania. We would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the Tsar, the royal family and the Romanian people.

2. The Ottoman Empire continues to be gravely concerned with the crisis looming in the Iberian peninsula. We are alarmed with the Pope's proclamation and rumours about volunteer force being formed in Rome. As far as we are concerned, intervening via a proxy force is no diffrent than an open declaration of war.

The Ottoman Empire continues to recognize the legitimate government of the People's Republic of Spain. The rebels are not a credible political force, given their own internal divisions.

3. The Ottoman Empire is concerned with Cuba inflaming tensions by giving aid to the so-called "Government in exile". Having no particular interests in the region, the Sublime Porte is nonetheless sympathetic to General MacArthur's tireless efforts to bring peace and stability in the United States.

4. The Ottoman Empire has no designs on expelling our Armenian fellow citizens, despite sinister rumours that surfaced. Those 20,000 people were volunteers that took up offers of employment in Crimea and, as a firm ally to Crimea, we can only applaud.

5. The Ottoman Empire wishes to make it explicitly clear to the Magyar Republic, Greece and Bulgaria that our renewed closer ties with Albania and Bosnia are in no way directed against them. The Ottoman Empire has renounced all imperial designs in the Balkans, whether direct or indirect.
Garlan Gunter
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« Reply #98 on: May 30, 2016, 07:26:06 AM »

On the Tragic Late Demises of Prince Carol of Romania and his wife, commonly called Zizi Lambrino

We have been acquainted with the Romanian Royal House since Our childhood; we lament the misfortunes that have befallen the family to the uttermost. We do not rule out a sad but innocent explanation; Miss Lambrini's death may have been due to natural causes, and the Prince had previously shown himself fond enough of her to forsake a crown - perhaps he felt the same way about life itself. But We must admit the chances of foul play are not negligible.

We therefore announce a full and fair enquiry, sanctioned by Our Suzerain in Stamboul and not neglecting any possible outcome. We have not heard King Nicolas's speech, but We sincerely hope that the Romanian press has mischaracterised its tone. The Grand Prince of Crimea does not take orders from the King of Romania. We must regretfully regard any such orders, should they prove truthful, as a hostile act, designed to distract the world's attention from what appears an atrocity that must be considered - that of royal fratricide.

Signed and pronounced, 6th July 1927

Felix Yusuf Yusupov, Prince Yusupov, Grand Khan of the Crimea and Grand Prince of Sebastopol
Atlas Institution
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« Reply #99 on: May 30, 2016, 07:46:03 AM »

The Sublime Porte is confident that our Crimean allies had nothing to do with the tragic death of Prince Carol. We also do not believe that His Majesty the Tsar would participate in murder of his own brother, as rumoured by some nasty tongues. There are many dangerous forces lurking around and reaching any premature conclusion at this stage can only needlessly inflame tensions.
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