The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32664 times)
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« on: May 24, 2016, 07:48:23 AM »
« edited: May 24, 2016, 07:53:40 AM by The Mouth of the South »

The Holy Kingdom of Italy

1. Regarding the situation in Spain, an appearance by the Holy Father before the Senate of the Republic addressed the issue:

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The Senate voted to take in any and all Catholics fleeing the leftist government in Spain. The question on whether or not Italy would intervene in Spain is left unresolved.

2. The Holy Kingdom of Italy graciously accepts the offer by the Japanese Empire, and will be sending Prince Umberto and his retinue to the celebration on behalf of both the Emperor and the Papacy.

3. The Senate of the Republic moves to establish the Italian Imperial Petroleum Cartel. The IIPC will work in the Empire's Libyan holdings in order to establish a suitable infrastructural system for the extraction of petroleum. In order to quell possible encroachment by the indigenous tribes, a division of infantry will be deployed to Tunis.

4. In the joint meeting between the College of Cardinals and the Senate of the Republic, the two groups decided to have the secular government recognize the College as a legislative body. The Senate will take up the role of the lower house, while the Cardinals will take the former role of the Senate. In effect, the Chamber of Deputies has simply been replaced by the Senate, and the Senate has been replaced by the College of Cardinals.

5. The Senate has called for a positioning of the Italian fleet to Sardinia which will make regular patrols of the Balearic islands and the Spanish coast. This fleet will be made up of 2 Battleships and 8 cruisers. The ships will be instructed not cross over into Spanish territorial waters, but will be coming very close.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 08:53:18 AM »

(OOC: Do I control the eastern part of the Red Sea? I can't tell with the colors o_0)
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2016, 10:36:01 AM »

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This treaty has been signed between Frnce and Italy.

x President Laroque

France is glad to have a strong new ally.

x Emperor Emmanuel III.

(OOC: I hope Spain starts sweating like a dog)
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2016, 02:15:24 PM »

The Ottoman Empire is deeply concerned about the crisis situation emerging on the Iberian Peninsula. Having no vital interests in the region, as well as not representing either Catholic nor revolutionary politics, the Ottoman Empire would be willing to mediate between the two sides.

The Pope is a bit worried about having a Muslim nation be the arbiter between two Catholic countries. The Emperor is open to the idea, but the Pope much prefers France or Portugal.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2016, 04:21:35 PM »
« Edited: May 24, 2016, 04:56:33 PM by The Mouth of the South »

Both the Emperor and the Papacy agree to having the peace talks be held in Germany, but only on the condition that France be invited as well. France is a major player in the region and has a stake in the results of the talks and it would be a great injustice to exclude them. In addition, the Italians refuse to attend peace talks until the persecution of Catholics desists.

As far as the Pope is concerned, Spain is a Catholic country. And as far as Italian foreign policy is concerned, the Pope's word is Vox Dei.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2016, 04:52:40 PM »

France and Italy refuse to join the peace talks until the Spain government stop persecuting the catholics

The Pope and the Senate second this.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2016, 05:16:18 PM »

It is the opinion of the Senate that the government in Spain is the aggressor. The forces of Italy and France hope only to solve a great humanitarian crisis in the region, but the radicals in Spain refuse to stop oppressing their citizens for even a second. It is clear that the Spaniards are intentionally sabotaging the talks so they can lead us all one step closer to war.

The Senate will only say this one more time, the Spanish government either puts a halt to the persecution immediately, or there will be no talks.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2016, 01:16:15 PM »

The Pope and the Senate acquiesce to the call for a third party mediator in the form of Germany. We do this entirely in the interest of the Spanish people who should be damned for the foolish actions of their tyrannical"government".
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2016, 02:07:24 PM »

It is our fundamental belief that all reasonable powers should do their utmost to settle any differences peacefully, by honest diplomacy. Having learned a great deal from our own long and complicated history, we are convinced the war cannot be the first, not the second resort. It's the last resort.

While we respect Italy's concern for Catholics, we are respecting each power's sovereignty even more. We would like to point out that the Ottoman Empire is a Muslim country and our Sultan bears the rank of Caliph. However, you don't see us provoking hostilities with Italy due to their rule over Muslims in Libya.

And we would like to point out how the Italian government has never dared disrespect the rights of our Muslim minority. We never have and never will seek to disenfranchise them or deny them religious property.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2016, 09:54:03 AM »

It is our fundamental belief that all reasonable powers should do their utmost to settle any differences peacefully, by honest diplomacy. Having learned a great deal from our own long and complicated history, we are convinced the war cannot be the first, not the second resort. It's the last resort.

While we respect Italy's concern for Catholics, we are respecting each power's sovereignty even more. We would like to point out that the Ottoman Empire is a Muslim country and our Sultan bears the rank of Caliph. However, you don't see us provoking hostilities with Italy due to their rule over Muslims in Libya.

And we would like to point out how the Italian government has never dared disrespect the rights of our Muslim minority. We never have and never will seek to disenfranchise them or deny them religious property.

(OOC: when have you enfranchised your colonial population? Tongue)

(OOC: Politically they are disenfranchised and have always been. But they do have economic and religious freedoms that we don't plan on infringing upon, yet.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2016, 09:31:58 PM »

The Holy Kingdom of Italy joins the in the commendations of the German aggression in the Balkans. It is the opinion of the Emperor and the Holy Father that the German policy towards the Hungarian state are deplorable and must be rethought immediately.

If the German government continues to pursue military objectives in the Balkans, the Holy Kingdom of Italy will have no choice but to echo the actions of the United Kingdom and interpret these actions as inherently hostile.

The Office of Foreign and Transnational Affairs, Rome, Italy.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2016, 04:10:18 PM »

The Holy and Righteous Government of Italy and the Vatican would like to reiterate its firm belief that there can be no peace in the world unless the great evil of Communism has been removed from globe. We cannot accept any sort of talks that would involve a deviation from this divine path. We will not enter peace talks with Communists, atheists, and blasphemers.

Italian bayonets thirst for secularist blood and the white,elephantine hills of Galicia will continue to run red with the blood of radicals until the sons of Spanish soil have forsaken Communism and returned to the light of God's path.

White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2016, 04:24:02 PM »
« Edited: July 08, 2016, 04:26:10 PM by Southern Gothic »

(Translated from the original Latin)

"Brothers and sisters of Christendom, I will say now what many before me have said many times. I will say now the words that will forever seal the fate of Catholicism and faith in Christ. I will say now the words that will mark a turning point in history, now and forever. Gone are the days when the Church sat a top the hills of Rome, far and distant from the matters of the physical world. A new day is dawning in Christendom. A new day, which will see an active and proactive Church.

We have allowed ourselves to decay. To be swayed by the degeneracy and the decadence of sin and secularism. In the West, atheists and Communists spilling Christian blood in the name of blaspheme and sin! To the East, the Mongoloid Saracens eye the Balkans with a greedy eye and cackle at Christian misfortune. Christ will be our shield against our enemies, but brothers and sisters, I will be your sword. I swear to you now, that the Church will now longer sit still in the Vatican. I swear to you that I will lash out against justice and against sin. I swear it, and the Holy God, our father will bind me to this oath to you.

I would like to take a moment to lambaste the pseudo-Catholics in Germany, who claim devotion to the Lord, but act against his wishes. Any Catholic living within a secular or degenerate nation has a right and responsibility to rise up against their wicked rulers in the name of Jesus Christ. In Spain, the native Catholics must do all they can to ensure that the name of Christ and the sanctity of the Church is respected and proudly advanced.

May the heathens of the world tremble in effete fear as they witness the power of a fully armed and operational Catholic army. Once more, the name of Christ will be respected and hallowed. Once more, a great flood will wipe sin from the world. And once more, the Church will guide Christendom. And, we shall have peace. Amen.


The Italian Army has gone on the full offensive in accordance with the French military in Spain. In addition, the Italian navy will step up patrols of our territorial waters.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2016, 04:29:46 PM »


Men wearing skirts you say? Wink
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2016, 09:26:07 PM »

There are no janissaries anymore. RIP FF.



You try any of that Devshirme crap, I'll smack you so hard your turban will spin.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2016, 07:43:44 PM »

Statement regarding Spain
France and Italy are committed to make sure the Alfonsists and the Carlists find a compromise that will satisfy both factions. We will not let Spain fall in another civil war and we plan to help the negotiations between the two sides.
We express as well our condoleances to former King Alfonso's family.

xPresident Laroque

x Emperor Victor Emmanuel III
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2016, 07:51:49 PM »

1. It is the opinion of the Senate that the current Islamic unrest in Libya and Tunisia is merely a ploy by the mongoloid Saracens to hamper the Kingdom's ability to spread the divine word of Christ. In response to this treachery, the Holy Kingdom of Italy is to deploy two divisions of infantry, all of whom will be combat veterans from successful campaigns in the Spanish countryside, to engage the rabble in North Africa.

2. The Papacy and the Holy Kingdom of Italy will hold off on recognizing either king for now. Hoping that the Spanish nobility can find an answer among themselves without having to resort to pointless infighting. No more Christian blood shall be spilled over this issue.

3. The Holy Father will answer the constitutional crisis by declaring that only native-born Italian cardinals may decide on the domestic affairs of the Holy Kingdom of Italy. Other issues related to the Papacy and to the Church as a whole will still be decided by cardinals of all nationalities. The Pope and other high ranking cardinals see this as a fair compromise.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2016, 07:55:40 AM »

The Italian Volunteer Corps parades in front of the Vatican

1. Given the current situation on the African coast, the Holy Kingdom of Italy and the Vatican find it necessary to declare martial law on the inhabitants of the region in order to restore law and stability. In addition to this, the Italian Imperial Army will be activating two divisions for deployment in Tripoli and Tunis. The Italian government also encourages the Imperial Petroleum Cartel to increase production in the region tenfold, and will aid this by making aggressive moves into oil rich areas in Libya and Tunisia.

The Holy Kingdom would also like to stress that it is clear that a foreign interloper pulls the strings in the Libyan revolt. The Italian Imperial military would like to make a show of force by performing a naval war game in the Aegean sea, close to Ottoman territorial claims, with the permission of the government of Greece.

2. Despite the successes in Spain, it is clear to the Kingdom and the Holy See that the Communist menace still has not been wiped from the Peninsula. In response, the Italian Imperial Army will be activating an additional division to supplement the current forces in Spain, hoping for a united Franco-Italian-Carlist push on Madrid to finally quash all leftist opposition.


1. The number of cardinals will be allowed to be expanded and will include new members from Europe, North and South America, as well as the Philippines. However, these Cardinals will be dealing solely with theological matters and will have no say in the domestic or foreign policies of the Holy Kingdom.

2. The Emperor will not address the issue of a Head of Government for the time being. Democratic, mob rule is a dangerous threat to the wishes of the Church and of Christ. As a compromise, the Italian government will establish city and town councils which will be made up entirely elected individuals and will have a good level of control over their elected constituency.

3. The Italian government has moved to nationalize the banking system and break up the larger, private banks. The legal-enforcement of interest rate contracts, otherwise known as usury, is abolished. The government will undertake a program of debt forgiveness for the peasantry and urban poor. In addition, the Emperor has declared a number of anti-trust edicts designed to break up large monopolies currently in the sphere of Italian business.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2016, 11:41:37 AM »

Any Naval intrusion in the areas of the Aegean Sea that are being currently occupied by the Ottoman Forces in the light of Greek aggression will be treated similarly as intrusion on the Ottoman territorial waters: a hostile act.

It is not the intent of the Italian Imperial Navy to provoke the heathen government in Anatolia. We will take great measures to ensure that the Ottoman Empire's territorial claims are respected. But implore you to understand that mistakes happen, and should not be considered provocations.
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2016, 10:34:50 AM »

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On behalf of His Sacred and Imperial Majesty the Sultan
x Enver Pasha
Minister of War and Foreign Affairs

x Emperor Victor Emmanuel III
White Trash
Southern Gothic
YaBB God
Posts: 3,910

« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2016, 05:25:13 PM »

Statement from Emperor Victor Emmanuel III regarding the sinking of the Giolitti

It is the position of the Holy Kingdom of Italy and the Vatican that the unfortunate tragedy in the Aegean involving the Giolitti was an act of cruelty and terrorism unlike any seen by the honorable and divine Italian Imperial Navy. It is quite clear that a foreign actor was involved in the sinking of the Giolitti and they have conspired together to cover their tracks. Due to the murkiness of the subject, the Italian government is working tirelessly to investigate the situation and bring to justice those who were responsible.
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