The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32651 times)
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« on: May 24, 2016, 05:27:16 PM »


Urgent Issues:
1. Prince Carol, while not reinstated to the line of succession and therefore King, shall be recognized as a Prince of our great nation. The Tsar, in his wisdom, has decreed that the Prince is pardoned, with the permission of the government granted. He will receive the title of Grand Prince of Romania, which is granted him and his heirs as recognition of their royal blood and is in title above Duke but below Crown Prince and equal with the Tsar's children. However, any heir of his born not of royal wife is excluded from his titles and rights thereof.

2. Reform and leftism are not inherently bad, especially with the moderation we trust the coalition to employ. The Tsar recognizes the coalition as legitimate and rulers by vote of the people. The Tsar says he will not veto the government if legislation is passed making it to where every man 18 or older may vote.

3. It is not joining the alliance system that I wish for. Ideally, no allies would be needed. However, as a result of the open belligerence of nations, we shall consider it. This system is not inherently bad, but Romania will test it. If a nation wishes to be friends, let it.

4. Romania requests that any and all attempts to make war seize and urges many mediators to any such peace conference. The input of as many of the powers that be as possible will ensure against angering any nation which is not invited and, intentionally or not, threatened.

1. Romania will begin promoting trade by declaring that any business selling anything made in Romania by Romanians to anyone in Romania with Romania money will have any and all fees involving the selling of goods that cost below a certain amount(say, the equivalent of one hundred pounds) cut in half.

2. The Department of the Treasury is to continue minor interventions into the economy to ensure stability in prices, wages, goods, services, supplies, demands, and inflation. The printing of money is to be lowered 5% of what it was last year every year until inflation reaches about -0.5%.

1. Research armored vehicles more.
2. Continue research into the Air Force.
3. Provide rough initial+yearly cost of making an infantry, a militia, and a cavalry brigade(separately).

To: Nations involved in the Franco-Spanish Catholic Crisis
From: Tsardom of Romania

We ask that all threats and words be carefully thought through. Hasty decisions may cause many deaths and blood on the hands of the nations involved.

To: Japan
From: The Tsardom of Romania
Crown Prince Mircea will attend with his sister, Princess Ileana, and Prime Minister Gherman Pantea. The Tsar himself is most unfortunately unable to attend. He hopes you will excuse his absence.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2016, 11:17:39 AM »

General Statement by Romania:

His Majesty, Tsar Nicholas I of Romania, denounces the use of meaningless words and propaganda. We call on both sides to speak openly and not so guardedly. The cowards in the governments using words that mean less than they are worth ought to be ashamed. We, the General Assembly of Romania, the Tsar of Romania, and all government thereof, defy all of you and order you to speak plainly and to say what you mean. We do not respect propagandists.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2016, 09:35:10 PM »

Romanian Official Statement:

We appreciate Italy and Spain both being willing to negotiate. We ask Italy pressure France to join a round of negotiations, and we suggest any oppression of Catholics cease alongside belligerency. Romania suggests that France work alongside its ally rather than constantly forcing Italy out of prior agreements.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2016, 10:36:54 PM »


The Tsar will deliver a speech soon, asking for calm and peace. We denounce the suspicious death of Prince Carol, and we order Crimea immediately begin investigating his death. Using his wife's death to cover up a killing of the Tsar's elder brother. The Tsar is deeply grieved, and it appears as though the entire Royal family is in grieving. The Tsar is greatly grieved by these accusations of murdering his own brother.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2016, 02:42:40 PM »

Tsar Nicholas I:
"My fellow Romanians, today some of you have unfortunately discovered just how low the enemies of the crown will go. I fully intend to investigate my brother's death, and no one is more grieved than I am. I do not intend to be any less of a leader, but our nation's greatness is under threat by a few people who say that I would kill my own brother. While I had no love lost for his wife's death, I was hopeful to discuss funeral plans with him and perhaps enable him to come back to the country.

"I will say that we are currently planning on sending a royal investigation into this matter in Crimea. We ask that all nations condemn the conspiracies of the republicans who now show their true extremism. This government has made many overtures to the republican cause, and we regret that a few honestly believe that the Tsar would kill his own brother.

"We request that Crimea be extremely cooperative with Former Minister of the Interior Barbu Stirbey and Former Minister of Justice Iuliu Maniu, the two of whom will lead this investigation. I urge for calm and peace in Romania, as we are never so threatened as when radicals hold the nation hostage with fake conspiracies.

"I repudiate any insinuations of any involvement of my brother's death. Yesterday, at his funeral, was no time for me to talk of anything other than Prince Carol. Few people would have been as amazing a Tsar as he would have been if not for love. I sincerely believe he loved Miss Lambrino with all his heart. May God bless his soul. Thank you."
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2016, 01:23:45 AM »

Romania, Turn 2Sad

Immediate Affairs:
1. Barbu Stirbey and Iuliu Maniu are co-chairing this investigation. We invite Constantin Stere, the noted republican, to chair the part of the investigation into the weapon and the Prince's timeline on the day of his death. He will serve as Vice Chair of the Investigation into Prince Carol's Death, as we recognize Miss Zizi Lambrino's death from a fever as completely natural as of this time. Prince Carol, however, died by a gunshot.

2. Ukraine has solid footing on its claims, as it appears to have friendly relations with Romania. We have recently been discussing a trade pact. We will probably find a common footing there. Bulgaria, however, has never been very friendly towards our country, and we are not currently in communications over a trade deal. If Bulgaria wishes to do so, we invite them to contact our Ambassador.

3. Romania will consider the advice and is currently considering who to ask.

Domestic Issues:
1. Tsar Nicholas will give one speech each in Bucharest and Iasi in an attempt to boost his popularity in the cities. The Prime Minister Gherman Pantea will also give two speeches in Bucharest and one speech in each of the next three biggest cities. Traian Popovici's party, the more liberal and reformist, is also the one lead by the man considered the Tsar's confidante in the legislature. Popovici will encourage his more monarchist wing's leaders to do a few speeches to endorse and speak in favor of the Tsar.

2. Ukraine is to feel free to continue our previous trade talks.

3. The nationalists in government have decided to semi-nationalize the oil industry. We are creating a Department of Petroleum Development with privatized oversight. This will create many jobs more efficiently than businesses, with a nationwide look on it. All profits are to go to government coffers. All other oil companies will be bought at 110% face value/last year's profits. Any company that refuses will find that all remaining oil companies are to receive an additional 40% corporate income tax and a 25% tax on all oil sales. The offer will be reduced to 105% for the next three months if they refuse, and then 90% for one month, and then 60% for two months. If any refuse 60%, we will then raise the oil sales tax to 40% and the oil corporate income tax to 65%. Any oil company left will be allowed to continue to operate or can sell to the government for 40% of its most recent year's profit at any time it wishes. All oil on land unclaimed by other oil companies is hereby claimed and the property of the DPD.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2016, 01:49:06 PM »

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x Nicholas I, Tsar of Romania, House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
x Gherman Pantea, Prime Minister of Romania
x Traian Popovici, Deputy Prime Minister of Romania
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2016, 10:05:19 PM »

Romania is also sure of the future fruitfulness of this alliance. We hope to deepen our ties to our Hohnenzollern companions. Romania is confident that the Ottomans will provide a key role in preventing the unstability of the Balkan region. Together, this alliance will provide for the future prestige of all involved. Romania is glad to be a partner of both the Ottoman Empire and Germany.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2016, 02:05:17 PM »

Romania denounces the attack on its ally by Bulgaria. Should the Ottomans go to war, we intend to go alongside them. Let every nation know, whether friend or foe, that Romania will pay any price, bear any burden, suffer any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to ensure the liberty of the people and the security of the world. Bulgaria's aggression has made the world less safe, and we cannot support that in good conscience. We therefore declare an immediate embargo on Bulgaria and put our forces in the area on alert.

- Foreign Minister Antoine Babesco

Romania disapproves of the corrupt Crimean newspapers. Furthermore, we intend to continue investigations into this matter until it is clear just who shot my dear brother. I do not intend to give up on finding his murderer. Let me remind you, whoever you are, my brother's assassin, that an enemy of any Hohenzollern is an enemy unto us all. You will not be able to be protected by any army of any nations from us. We will find you.

- Tsar Nicholas
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2016, 11:36:30 AM »

In recognition of the defiance of the peace in the region, and our alliance with the Ottoman Empire: Romania declares war on Bulgaria.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2016, 01:18:49 PM »

Tsar Nicholas before the Speech of Romania

"Greetings, countrymen! Today you have doubtless heard of the declaration of war upon ourselves by the nations of Serbia and Greece. These nations seek to destroy our great country and our great region with war. We will not allow this. We must not allow this. We cannot allow this, for the sake of ourselves and our children.

"Today, our enemies stand united against us. An alliance of evildoers and warmongerers - the capitals of Belgrade, Athens, and Sofia - stand before us. We have not fallen to the Bulgarians, nor will we. We will not fall to the Serbians. We will not fall to the Greeks. To do so, your country has asked for your fellow countrymen.

"As we remember our dead, I ask that when you wonder who is at fault, you remember it is not me. It is not you. It is not the dead. It is our enemies. We must stand united against them, or surely we will all fall separately. The belligerence and bullying of a few nations in the Balkans will not be tolerated any longer. When we hold fast, they will send armies. Their armies will crash on ours like waves on rocks. They will shatter and break.

"Stand not against each other but with each other. We may yet see many more die, but this is not the end. If the enemy attacks, we will fight them in the farms and in the countryside. If they take the countryside, we will fight them from the streets. If they take our streets, we will fight from our homes. If they take your home and my home, we will fight from the rooftops. If they take the rooftops, we will fight from the sidewalks. We will always find a new place to fight from. Romanians will fight as long as we live. We will never surrender!"
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2016, 11:52:32 AM »

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Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2016, 10:01:18 PM »

Romania questions what exactly Germany has done towards the Magyar Republic. Germany is merely defending its allies when the Athens Pact, seeing "weakness" from our alliance, has declared an opportunistic war against us. Surely the nations of Europe recognize that Germany has not declared war on Bulgaria nor expressed any hostility to the Magyar Republic.

- An Official Statement from the Romanian Foreign Ministry
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2016, 10:51:05 PM »

We, the government of Romania, remind the international community the dangers of intervening. Two alliances are at war, and now the world appears to think our alliance is angering the Magyar Republic. We ask the international community to clarify their position here, and question what Germany has done to invite such condemnations.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2016, 02:14:59 PM »


Urgent Matters:
1. Romania does not intend to apologize for the actions of the Air Forces of the Tripartite. The death of a young girl is easily avoidable, and we advise the Tsar of Bulgaria to surrender if he is truly hurt. To those neutral nations observing, we remind you that this nation would have no problems bombing our government and parliament if given a chance.

2. Sebastopol is no longer a concern of the Romanian government. We intend to focus on the war at hand, and once that is finished we will then agree to any investigations suggested by a country nearby.

1. With a good number of men at war, the jobs they normally occupy will be empty. We therefore encourage their wives and daughters to take jobs at factories and such in order to help provide for their families and to assist in the making of the now much needed weaponry and other war materials. Those factories involved in making war materials and weaponry are advised to allow women to take the jobs now empty.

1. Three cavalry brigades are to be mobilized alongside three more new infantry brigades. These brigades will be trained by the newly arrived drill sergeants and extra officers provided by the Germans. The three current cavalry brigades, who cannot be used in slow advances as in right now, will also be trained by the Germans. This training is to take one to three months, depending upon when the Germans in charge declare the troops ready. Five hundred Romanian drill sergeants and scores of Romanian officers will observe to learn training methods.

Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2016, 12:05:02 PM »

TO: Serbia
FROM: Romania

We offer to your nation alone a white peace. Neither Romania and its allies nor Serbia will attack each other. Nothing will be gained by either side. Refusal means that your nation agrees to the unnecessary prolonging of suffering.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2016, 05:49:33 PM »

I, acting as the appointed representative of the Tsar and the national unity government, do hereby officially and heartily congratulate Chancellor Von Papen in his success in his seeking of the office of Chancelor. We look forwards to the continuation of our great alliance with both the German Empire and the Sublime Porte. Hopefully Chancellor Von Papen appreciates his allies as much as his predecessor.
X Gheorghe I. Bratianu
Minister of Foreign Relations; Former Brigadier General
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2016, 06:43:19 PM »

The United Kingdom vigorously denounces any and all Greek attacks on Italian sovereignty. However, the idea of allowing France or Germany to host a peace conference is almost laughable. We intend to support peace conferences in Gibraltar or an even more distant place, such as Porto or London. Additionally, we denounce any and all attempts by any nations involved in unnecessarily harsh military actions.

Should no member of the one of the alliances agree to a peace conference fast enough, we may support an international peacekeeping force composed of British and Russian troops with Italian observers. This force would march on key battle sites, demanding both sides declare an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. Should one side refuse and one side agree, the side that agrees will be allowed to continue the battle with the force's help until the opposing side agrees to the ceasefire.

If only violence may end this violence, let it be short and powerful violence. Neither this nation nor the British people will stand by as countless scores of thousands are slaughtered in the Balkans. We will fight for peace in the fields and in the countryside. We will fight for peace in the cities and streets. We will fight for peace in homes and on the rooftops. We will never cease to fight for peace until the last honorable British soldier fires his last shot, breathes his last breath, and dies fighting the good fight of peace!

- Prime Minister Winston Churchill, by radio address to the nation; transcript sent to major countries throughout Europe and the opposing alliances
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2016, 05:07:46 PM »

The United Kingdom again states its objections to the conference being hosted by France and Hungary. Hungary has long had designs on Romania, and France considers itself an ally of Hungary and opponent of Germany. We therefore suggest either Germany and France co host the conferences, or at least we assist France in hosting the conferences. Italy, as an ally of France but hated by Greece, would also be a far more acceptable neutral site.

- The Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2016, 05:31:58 PM »

We, the United Kingdom, demand an immediate apology from the French government for their unilateral and unannounced placement of troops in Greece. Should the troops not be withdrawn at once, and if not everyone and anyone responsible are forced to resign, we refuse to recognize the results of any French peace conference.

We also ask for an apology from Greece to Italy for attacking the Italian military and an apology from Italy to Greece for accidentally crossing into Greek waters. The above should settle any and all matters remaining in the Balkans besides the dominant war.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2016, 12:35:52 PM »

We, the United Kingdom, demand an immediate apology from the French government for their unilateral and unannounced placement of troops in Greece. Should the troops not be withdrawn at once, and if not everyone and anyone responsible are forced to resign, we refuse to recognize the results of any French peace conference.

We also ask for an apology from Greece to Italy for attacking the Italian military and an apology from Italy to Greece for accidentally crossing into Greek waters. The above should settle any and all matters remaining in the Balkans besides the dominant war.

Prime Minister Churchill,
The French Government didn't move troops in the Balkans, it was made by french voluntaries. France would like to reassure you that the current Greek-Italian crisis will be solved soon.
President Laroque

President Laroque:
If these French volunteers are not removed at once and arrested by their government, we intend to send a police force to Greece to demand their surrender. Should they refuse, they will be defeated and treated as war criminals and sentenced by military tribunals. Is this understood?
- Prime Minister Winston Churchill
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2016, 09:21:25 PM »

It is not imperialism to defend against war crimes. I do not care for how internationally unpopular a move may be. I only care for what is right. A leader is not someone who takes a vote from the other groups he's not in charge of and then decides what to do. A leader leads with justice, doing what they know to be right. No battles were threatened. We merely promised to bring an end to war crimes. It is deplorable that all nations cannot accept that the assumed rules against war crimes must be enforced. We, if in the other nations' positions, would either withdraw your condemnations at once, or understand the natural outrage of the United Kingdom at your condemnation of opposition to war crimes.

If violence had been threatened, it would have been another matter. Forcing surrender merely implies in this case gaining the backing of the French government in arresting the French volunteers. If the United Kingdom were in charge of peace conferences, Greece would be expelled if they refused to expel the French volunteers which are criminally and internationally illegally there.

- PM Winston Churchill
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2016, 09:23:38 PM »


1. Possibly request deadline extension(may be edited)
2. See Private PMs
3. Any and all Cabinet members may send ideas for legislation to the Prime Minister. While no very major changes will be made, additional funding will be given for the military and military research to rally any foreign policy hawks converned about the welfare legislation.
4. For the sake of peace and peace alone, the Prime Minister intends to vote for and encourage others to vote for the Home Rule if asked by others how to vote. However, if Labor and Liberal seem to largely support it, this will be a conscience vote for all non-Cabinet Conservatives. All Cabinet Conservatives are to be whipped to vote for it, with Prime Minister Churchill himself being called in if there are any stubborn holdouts. Should an extremely prominent Conservative or the whip himself oppose the Home Rule, Churchill will promise to appoint an independent unionist like Tommy Henderson as Governor-General.
Atlas Star
Posts: 22,155
United States

« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2016, 02:36:00 PM »

We merely promised to defend any and all nations from the French volunteers, who are essentially mercenaries from the medieval era if Greece allows them to "help", and who are currently violating the sovereignty of a nation at war. Punish the first violators, not those who are attempting to right the wrong that France may refuse to.

Additionally, if China is willing, we have been informed of a neutral power willing to negotiate an end to the Hong Kong crisis. If they refuse to negotiate, supplies will reach Hong Kong to save the lives of possibly hundreds of thousands citizens. Once again, we expect certain nations may not like the threat of the military if diplomacy fails. However, while we wish for the questions of the age to be settled by peace and diplomacy, it is our belief that eventually a great question of our time may lead to war.

Against our wishes, the position of the British in the world may not be determined by its peace but by its power. The British Empire must concentrate its strength and hold it. Unfortunately, if the wish of our opposition is granted, not through peace and diplomacy will the great questions of the day be decided - but by the blood, the brigades, and the battles.

Do not make this day of blood, brigades, and battles come to pass now. We applaud Germany, Italy, and Russia for being the silent forces in Europs. They have not condemned the end of their war by the end of our weapons. Wisdom reigns supreme in Berlin, Rome, and Moscow as other capitals make foolish condemnations.
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