The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930) (user search)

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Author Topic: The Sword of Damocles (Gameplay Thread) (Early 1930)  (Read 32641 times)
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« on: May 27, 2016, 07:35:01 PM »

The Republic Of China

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We have dealt peacefully with the Communists but they attempt to force our hand. We will demand they cease their barbarian tactics immediately or face complete annihilation

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Modernization must continue, but we will not rely on the tactics of the European World. We will instead look internally not only to our country's great military minds but also to other Eastern nations like Japan.

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We will be placing a strict quarantine on all trade in and out of the Shanghai region. We will place 5 Infantry Divisions and all 4 Cruisers on the border of British-controlled territory until the British fix their problem.
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2016, 04:04:14 PM »

The Republic Of China Announcement:

We, The Republic of China, want to let the nations of the world understand the awful tragedies done by some in our nation. In the past, there was a cruelty done by some and our ranks, but we want to let the world know that we have put to justice some that have sought to "purge" Japanese sympathizers from our nation. We respect Japan's sovereignty and their right to rule and do not want more bloodshed between our two nations. China stands with all Asian nations in a push for global prosperity and tranquility.
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2016, 08:59:26 PM »

The Empire of China

The Economy

  • Continue to Open Trade with Japan with lowering tariffs on her products to about 10%
  • Invest in our Rural Farmers (Rice, Tea, Silk) and set low price controls for those products. Market them internationally
  • Begin rapid encouragement of factory build-up and industrialization in major cities and attempt for a migration for rural workers to urban area.
  • Push for a mass Public Works program to rebuild old buildings for better and safer use
  • Set up Trade missions to Tokyo and other East Asian Nations
  • Attempt to set up the East Asian Trade Alliance (EATA)
  • Set up 1% tax on profits made by anyone (Corporate or Individual
  • Set up standardized fixed income for all citizens at starvation level
  • Set up the Chinese Tax Collection Service (CTCS)


  • Crack down on Anti-Japanese protests
  • Set up propaganda campaign "Japan is our Friend, not our Enemy
  • Set up the Chinese Film Industry and produce movies after the American system
  • Create mass movie theaters in the nation
  • Create an underground police force with the goal of stabilizing our nation
    • Crackdown on Opium Crisis with Propaganda and harsh sentencing

    Foreign Policy

    • Blockade Hong Kong except for needed essentials
    • Seek foreign trade with the Pashas of the Ottoman people
    • Seek Japanese support in our Civil War
    • Send our sympathies to Tsar Nicholas and their familes for the loss
    • China recongnizes American soverignty over Cuba
    • China will stay out of the internal Spainish conflict and hope for a peaceful resolution

    The Chinese Civil War

    • Attempt to negociate with Li Dazhao directly or through his advisors
    • Set up plans for bombing missions in the Hunan and Sangxi Regions
    • Surround Communist forces in the Hunan, Sangxi, W. Bejing and North Qinghai
    • Build up troops on all borders with Communist forces
    • Give order to only attack Communist troops if fired upon
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2016, 04:09:16 PM »

The People of China thank the OPA for their increase in willingness to trade. We will be accepting their advances with open arms. A Chinese Trade Delegation will travel to Istanbul to set up a trade route through the Middle East (around British Territory) to offer our resources like glue, tea, silk, sugar cane, tobacco, cotton, corn, and peanuts. We hope that this trade route will be the start of an illustrious friendship for many years.
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2016, 10:52:41 PM »

Amusing as it is, gentlemen, talk about skirts goes in the other thread, xD

An hour and a half and I close the turn, and get to calculating.

Almost done! Just need a couple more minutes to finish up some 'regioning'
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2016, 11:30:57 PM »

The Empire of China

The Economy

  • Continue the trade route around British territory towards the Ottoman people.
  • Focus on rapid industrialization especially in mining
  • Continue a migration of rural workers to coal mining and urban factory jobs.
  • Continue Public Works programs and assist ailing rural communities building adequate drinking wells, schools, and supporting local markets.
  • Continue trade missions to Tokyo and other East Asian Nations
  • Inquire on status of East Asian Trade Alliance
  • Continue standardized fixed income for all citizens at starvation level
  • Continuing public works like railroads and communication lines will be made a major priority in the Public Works programs.
  • Attempt to establish a market economy for China and her products.


  • End propaganda campaign for Japan
  • Use Secret Police and military forces in Bejing to instate a military coup on the Emperor of China and apprehend him. They will also restore order in the streets and the legislature and end the 'No Confidence' nonsense'
  • Continue the Secret Police program and use it to crack down on anti-government sentiment and create law and order.
  • Continue the Chinese Film Industry and use it to create anti-Communist ideals.
  • Establish a intelligence network inside China from city to city to alert about Communist influences inside each city.
Foreign Policy

  • Continue blockade of Hong Kong leaving it isolated from the rest of our nation and the world.
  • Demand reparations from the British for the recent Opium outbreak
  • Seek a complete trade alliance and military from the Pashas in the Ottoman Empire
  • Send Chinese Diplomats to the Balkans to help stabilize the situation giving due credence to the position of the Ottomans

The Chinese Civil War

  • Meet with wounded troops and make anti-British and anti-Communist speeches to the local townsfolk along the way
  • Continue bombing missions in the Hunan and Sangxi Regions
  • Send naval destroyers to invade and destroy any ports claimed by the Communists
  • Start a heavy invasion campaign for the Shaanxi, Chongquing, Guizhou, and Anhui regions to once and for all limit Communist forces to the Southeast part of our country.
  • Send multiple reserve divisions to the countrysides, and attempt to have them stabilize towns and villages contemplating Communism
  • Send 9 inf. divisions to defend Nanjing and the surrounding area
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2016, 07:49:51 PM »

The Empire of China

The Economy

  • Attempt to join the ACO (America-China-Ottoman) trade alliance to compete with other trade alliances. Offering our plentiful raw materials plus our tremendous manpower
  • Start new public rest areas/parks inititive
  • Set a gold standard to our economy
  • Continue Public Works Programs in rural communities like schools, and wells. While expanding factories and housing in the more urban areas
  • Send trade missions to Istanbul and Washington D.C.
  • Start sending international geologists to find oil and coal resources in our nation
  • Continue standardized fixed income for all citizens at starvation level and impoverished farmers
  • Continuing public works like railroads and communication lines will be made a major priority in the Public Works programs.
  • Attempt to establish a full free market economy for China and her products.


  • Start a build up of new aeronautic vehicles and sea vessels, along with a new mobilization of troops to fight the Communist and Imperialist menaces
  • Allow girls to go to school for 9 years, after which they will choose between nursing or teaching. Make education available to all children from 1st to 6th year.
  • End Child Labor laws for children under 14
  • Continue the Secret Police program and use it to crack down on anti-government sentiment and create law and order.
  • Continue the Chinese Film Industry and use it to create anti-Communist and anti-Emperor/Imperialist ideals
  • Establish a intelligence network inside China from city to city to alert about Communist influences inside each city.
    • Set up the Chinese Intelligence Service (CIS) to work with the secret police and attempt to infiltrate both the faux Communist Government and the imperialist dictator of an Emperor who betrays the people.
      • Create a new Representative Democracy (under wartime control, but a new consitution will be written after the war). The Government officials loyal to the current administration will meet in the center of Government in Nanjing.
      Foreign Policy

      • Continue blockade of Hong Kong leaving it isolated from the rest of our nation and the world. Increase troops on the border and ships in the blockade
      • Continue to demand reparations from the British for the recent Opium outbreak
      • Ask to meet with Enver Pasha and President Roosevelt on the status of the Trade Alliance

      The Chinese Civil War

      • Go to the Manchurian border with 9 divisions making a mass invasion from land, and with sneak attacks on supplies with submarines at sea
      • Meet with wounded troops and make anti-Emperor and anti-Communist speeches to the local townsfolk along the way
      • Continue bombing missions in the Hunan and Sangxi Regions
      • Continue sending naval destroyers to invade and destroy any ports claimed by the Communists
      • Continue a heavy invasion campaign for the Shaanxi, Chongquing, Guizhou, and Anhui regions to once and for all limit Communist forces to the Southeast part of our country.
      • Send multiple reserve divisions to the Manchurian countrysides, and attempt to have them stabilize towns and villages contemplating Communism/Imperialist tendancies
      • Have 10 inf. divisions to defend Nanjing and the surrounding area for the new Government
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2016, 12:11:30 PM »

  • Ask to meet with Enver Pasha and President Roosevelt on the status of the Trade Alliance

No problem for us. Where the troika can meet so it would be convinient to all?

I would suggest a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
Junior Chimp
Posts: 5,659
United States

« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2016, 06:13:19 PM »
« Edited: October 09, 2016, 06:16:35 PM by Speaker NeverAgain »

    Kuomintang China

    The Economy

    • Create and Establish the Chinese Works Growth Administration to help manage Public Works products
    • Establish the Nourishment Assistance Program to aid impoverished families with nutrition.
    • Create the EMIC (Emergency Maternity and Infant Care, to cover the cost of medical, hospital, and nursing care for the wives and children of Chinese servicemen
    • Establish Strong Education Reform through new Universities and a new national K-12 Mandate
    • Increase alcohol taxes to attempt to end extreme alcoholism
    • Continue the trade route around British territory towards the Ottoman people.
    • Focus on rapid industrialization especially in mining
    • Continue a migration of rural workers to coal mining and urban factory jobs.
    • Continue Public Works programs under the Chinese Works Growth Department to assist ailing rural communities building adequate drinking wells, schools, and supporting local markets.
    • Continue trade missions to Tokyo and other East Asian Nations
    • Inquire on status of East Asian Trade Alliance
    • Continue standardized fixed income for all citizens at starvation level
    • Continuing public works like railroads and communication lines will be made a major priority in the Public Works programs.
    • Continue to establish a market economy for China and her products.
    • Attempt to find ways to eliminate fraud and waste in the budget/services to allow Finance Minister to liberalize the economy
    • End essential trade with European Nations (Other than the Ottoman Empire)


    • Continue the Secret Police program and use it to crack down on anti-government sentiment and create law and order.
    • Continue the Chinese Film Industry and use it to create anti-Communist ideals.
    • Continue the intelligence network inside China from city to city to alert about Communist influences inside each city.
      • Create the Chinese Department of Entertainment in Nanjing
      • Create a real Chinese Military Reserves Program and expand to for all men 18-65 years of age, if needed.
      • Establish the Chinese Junior Program which promotes volunteer service, patriotism, and eventual military service for boys 8-18.
      • Modernize the Chinese Army through creating new tank, armoured infantry, and new aircraft units
      • Stop female discrimination through ending foot-binding and making sex slavery illegal
      • Set elections for June 1930.
      • Start an investigation of any possible Imperialist/Communist ties with up to 5 years in prison for involvement.

      Foreign Policy

      • Congratulate FDR and Inukai Tsuyoshi on their respective election victories
      • Demand the return of Hong Kong from the British to it's rightful place in our nation
      • Demand reparations from the British for the recent Opium outbreak
      • Seek a complete trade alliance and military from the Pashas in the Ottoman Empire
      • Attempt to continue to set up the Chinese-Ottoman-American Trade Alliance

      The Chinese Civil War

      • Meet with wounded troops and make anti-British and anti-Communist speeches to the local townsfolk along the way
      • Send 12 inf. divisions to the Anhui and Jingsu regions to defend against possible Communist attacks on Nanjing
      • Send all Battleships and other naval units (not involved in the Hong Kong Blockade) to the Yellow Sea and bomb any Imperial Ports or Ships
      • Send 2 bombers to destroy any Communist Airfields or Open Troops and with other aerial units attack the Communists in the Air. Send the other bomber to destroy Imperialist Ships/Troops
      • Send 10 inf., 3 cav., and 2 militia to invade Imperialist Territory and attempt to take back Beijing
      • Send 5 inf., 2 cav., and 1 militia to invade Communist territory from the North
      • Send 5 inf., 3 cav., and 1 militia to attack Communist territory from the East in Anhui and Jiangxi
      • Send the Expeditionary force to invade Communist territory from the South
    Junior Chimp
    Posts: 5,659
    United States

    « Reply #9 on: October 21, 2016, 03:24:02 PM »

    The People of China wholeheartedly condemn the imperialist and sickening tone coming from the Prime Minister and stand with our brothers in Asia for peace in Greece.
    Junior Chimp
    Posts: 5,659
    United States

    « Reply #10 on: October 24, 2016, 07:47:11 PM »

    China agrees to meet at the Sublime Porte. Our demands have already been given to the Ottoman diplomats.
    Junior Chimp
    Posts: 5,659
    United States

    « Reply #11 on: November 15, 2016, 10:48:34 PM »

    The Chinese People warmly accept the Japanese offer, and order an immediate cease-fire against troops employed by the Emperor.
    Junior Chimp
    Posts: 5,659
    United States

    « Reply #12 on: November 15, 2016, 11:06:19 PM »

    Quote from: Restricted
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    X NeverAgain
    Junior Chimp
    Posts: 5,659
    United States

    « Reply #13 on: January 16, 2017, 10:47:10 AM »

    France has signed an alliance with Russia and is obviously willing to help this great country in case some countries continue to want to destroy its economy.

    Yes, our trade alliance on such raw materials will assist both nations greatly. I look forward to the investment that the good people of France are planning to share with us to help revitalize our apparent struggling economy, left by the previous administration.
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